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  1. #51
    The relationship dynamics between Cindy and her roommate must have been intense and complex.

  2. #52
    Very interesting outcome at this point - a lot of fans including myself questioned the secrecy and hush hush surrounding Cindy a couple of years ago. We were basically told to mind our own business and that she as in good hands. Now I will ask the question regarding her memoirs and who has access to them ? Is it her family or her caretaker ? Or does it really exist ?

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    Very interesting outcome at this point - a lot of fans including myself questioned the secrecy and hush hush surrounding Cindy a couple of years ago. We were basically told to mind our own business and that she as in good hands. Now I will ask the question regarding her memoirs and who has access to them ? Is it her family or her caretaker ? Or does it really exist ?
    Anything she owns at her passing becomes an estate asset and passes as set out in her will if she has one. If there is no will, each state has some intestate succession rules but if she is divorced, her son would be the likely heir.

    If all these reports of assistance are correct, there won’t be much to pass.

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Anything she owns at her passing becomes an estate asset and passes as set out in her will if she has one. If there is no will, each state has some intestate succession rules but if she is divorced, her son would be the likely heir.

    If all these reports of assistance are correct, there won’t be much to pass.
    Agreed Rob, but again I was just wondering that since there were and are financial assistance needed that when there was news of a book that someone would of had enough sense to say lets publish her book and help her with the royalties from that. Go figure I guess. I am not nor wish to speak ill will of Charles, David or Cindy's siblings but had this been my flesh and blood it would have taken an army to make me back off all these years so I am going to stick with the belief that we don't know the whole story here.

  5. #55
    I certainly would not say anything against Cindy's relatives. Obviously, with her ministry she chose what she was doing in her life. Cindy never did make the best financial decisions. She, like Flo, signed away her royalties after she left the group. She stated she had to sell things she had acquired to live on. Cindy was very sweet but her follow through on things was not very good. She was writing a book, she was going to be in the FLOS but left for a short lived solo career, she was going to put out gospel music but never did and nothing really came to fruition.
    Cindy made her decision with her ministry and religion. I am sure her family had opinions and didn't want to alienate her. Once you give power to someone else, it becomes a nightmare and legal problem for others to deal with.
    I assume her family was respecting her wishes not to talk about her health issues. Even Mary Wilson, known for being quite talkative, respected that and would only say Cindy was not well. I don't know why the information of what her health issues were were not made public if it was the religion and her roommate, her family or Cindy's request but the lack of information made fans interest grow.
    Hearing that Diana, Scherrie, Mary and Berry were all financially assisting as they could was good to hear but you know you can only do what you can when there is a legal precedent in place. I just hope and pray she is comfortable and knows she is loved.

  6. #56
    Just a reminder.
    Back in my younger years I listened to Casey Casem American top 40.
    I was saddened to hear his wife hid him away from his children, and he passed away alone.
    She ,his wife seemed like a crazy woman.not sure of any legal issues but I know she moved him away and hid him until his passing

  7. #57
    I've said this to another fan privately; can we clear our minds for one second and be open to the possibility: what if this roommate was more than JUST a roommate?

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    I've said this to another fan privately; can we clear our minds for one second and be open to the possibility: what if this roommate was more than JUST a roommate?
    You mean…. …. ….

    a HOUSEMATE?!?!?!?!?

  9. #59
    I doubt that. I think it was more rooted in Cindy's religion and her ministry but anything is possible. The fact that Cindy never remarried was odd since she was quite beautiful and would be considered quite a catch.

  10. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    Very interesting outcome at this point - a lot of fans including myself questioned the secrecy and hush hush surrounding Cindy a couple of years ago. We were basically told to mind our own business and that she as in good hands. Now I will ask the question regarding her memoirs and who has access to them ? Is it her family or her caretaker ? Or does it really exist ?
    I'm not sure there is any real evidence that her memoirs exist, in part or completed. I seem to recall a very brief mention- mention- that Cindy was working on her autobiography many years ago. There was the mention and then...crickets. I think that was back in the 90s, long before her health issues. I'd be surprised that it ever got out of the planning stage.

    At this point a book about Cindy would very much welcomed. Truth is, I don't know much about her beyond her contributions to the two groups that made her famous. I'm always interested in the origin stories of legends, so learning about Cindy's pre-Bluebelles days alone would be worth the price of a book for me.

  11. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    Agreed Rob, but again I was just wondering that since there were and are financial assistance needed that when there was news of a book that someone would of had enough sense to say lets publish her book and help her with the royalties from that. Go figure I guess. I am not nor wish to speak ill will of Charles, David or Cindy's siblings but had this been my flesh and blood it would have taken an army to make me back off all these years so I am going to stick with the belief that we don't know the whole story here.
    I said the same thing, this story would not be playing out quite like this if Cindy were part of my family. That being said, when someone has control- legal control- it can be a difficult thing to overcome. The police have been involved, social services has been involved, so in fairness to the family, it isn't like they were just sitting around twiddling their thumbs and deciding to take the story public. They've been trying. They have just been using official means.

    I hate to be that guy [[no I don't) but sometimes unofficial means get results.

  12. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    I've said this to another fan privately; can we clear our minds for one second and be open to the possibility: what if this roommate was more than JUST a roommate?
    I'm not gonna speculate on that because there's nothing to go on that isn't circumstantial at its most basic definition. Two women can share a living space without scissoring. Adults entrust important matters to trusted friends all the time. And trusted friends can turn out to be snakes.

  13. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by jim aka jtigre99 View Post
    The fact that Cindy never remarried was odd since she was quite beautiful and would be considered quite a catch.
    Not odd at all. Lots of people- even ones considered to be a "catch"- refuse to marry or remarry, especially if the marriage left a bad taste in the mouth. Mary Wilson never remarried either. Remember, Cindy was a single mother and after her second stint with the Supremes was over, she went into "regular folks" work. Who knows how much time she would have even had for dating. Many single mothers just don't have the time, despite what the internet would lead one to believe, that single mothers are on a manhunt at the expense of their children. Cindy may have had her priorities on straight.

  14. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    I'm not gonna speculate on that because there's nothing to go on that isn't circumstantial at its most basic definition. Two women can share a living space without scissoring. Adults entrust important matters to trusted friends all the time. And trusted friends can turn out to be snakes.
    Without a doubt. And I'm not implying or suggesting with my post. That said, ANYTHING is possible.

  15. #65
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    I'm not gonna speculate on that because there's nothing to go on that isn't circumstantial at its most basic definition. Two women can share a living space without scissoring. Adults entrust important matters to trusted friends all the time. And trusted friends can turn out to be snakes.
    What in heaven’s name is scissoring?

  16. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Circa 1824 View Post
    What in heaven’s name is scissoring?
    I didn't know that either. But typing the word in a search engine can be quite revealing.

  17. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Circa 1824 View Post
    What in heaven’s name is scissoring?
    Lol, just use your imagination.

  18. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    That said, ANYTHING is possible.
    Can't disagree with that.

    Having said that, has anyone contemplated the possibility that Cindy isn't ill at all? That the night she was kidnapped wasn't what it seemed? That it wasn't the mastermind of some maniac, but instead an alien who took over this guy's body in order to abduct Cindy and take her back to its kind, to force her to be their entertainment? In the mean time, an alien took over Cindy's earthly body, returned to the Supremes and lived many years as "Cindy Birdsong". Then when a human affliction attacked "Cindy's" body, the alien took over Rochelle's body and now "Rochelle" is trying to protect the secret.

    I mean, anything is possible.

    [[Just a little levity for such a tough subject.)

  19. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by pj1 View Post
    I didn't know that either. But typing the word in a search engine can be quite revealing.
    It's a sewing term. Cindy definitely strikes me as the Supreme most likely to be a member of a sewing circle.

  20. #70
    she's kept a very low profile...I can't imagine Cindy Birdsong not being frequently persued simply by her attractive, easy going personality....that happy softness is magnetic to many men...I would like to think there were many nights of fine dinners, candlelight and wine, great conversations and perhaps a few nice friendships if not romances enjoyed....I found it easy to fall in love with Cindy as a fan....but I've also had to give up a few friendships because peoples work "for the Lord" came up entirely too often...and they took my "comfortable spiritual inventory"...made too many suggestions, and me very uncomfortable.... and I felt it was a tad too intrusive...

  21. #71
    ever since learning a young barefoot man with a knife was able to tie up her two male friends and scoot her off in an old car from which she jumped from doing freeway speed ... ..... life thereafter for Cindy Birdsong seemed too lean toward the bizarre ....

  22. #72
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    Lol, just use your imagination.
    If I did that, I would have to follow it with three Hail Marys.

  23. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    ever since learning a young barefoot man with a knife was able to tie up her two male friends and scoot her off in an old car from which she jumped from doing freeway speed ... ..... life thereafter for Cindy Birdsong seemed too lean toward the bizarre ....
    No truer statement has ever been made.

  24. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    Lol, just use your imagination.

  25. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    I've said this to another fan privately; can we clear our minds for one second and be open to the possibility: what if this roommate was more than JUST a roommate?
    It's funny you bring this up, because it certainly did cross my mind, especially when it seems that Rochelle Lander had been in her life for quite a long time. In a legal sense, some jurisdictions would classify this as an Adult Interdependent Relationship.

    While I think their shared faith was the main bond here, it did bring to my mind, as a queer person, how important one's “chosen family” is. Not that I and others don’t necessarily have loving and supportive biological family, but there are so many people who didn’t and don’t and who end up leaning on chosen family for support. Brings to my mind the height of the AIDS crisis when many men were dying, having been largely rejected by their biological families, were being cared for by partners and networks of friends. There are stories of men who passed, with estranged families sweeping in assuming legal control over their estates, disregarding the dying wishes of their children and those of the partners and friends whom, at that point, basically were their actual family.

    Not that this is at all the case with Cindy, but I don’t want to judge the family too harshly here. I’m sure they were balancing their concern for her well-being with the life choices she made and the community of people, however insular they may be, that she was surrounded by. You add in the factor of having perhaps given Ms. Lander power of attorney at an earlier stage of life, and it can get complicated. That being said, when the family, including her only child are actively concerned, wanting to be involved and are being deliberately shut out, then something has to be done.

    Interesting that things are hush-hush about who may have referred Brad Herman to the family, if it was a former Supreme or perhaps someone else from her Motown days... Either way, it’s unfortunate that it had to come to this for someone as beloved as Cindy. I wish the family well in their efforts.

  26. #76
    on Facebook someone recently posted some of the recent news articles about Aretha's family and the mess they're all in over her estate. clearly Aretha was VERY poor in planning things and she had far more assets than cindy.

    the news is stating a handwritten will was found under the couch cushions!?!?!? i'm like WTF?!?!? someone lift up the seat and found $0.38 of loose change, a random tv or vcr remote, an old chicken wing and a Last Will and Testament lolol

    so lesson is definitely to get your shit in order

  27. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by telekin View Post
    It's funny you bring this up, because it certainly did cross my mind, especially when it seems that Rochelle Lander had been in her life for quite a long time. In a legal sense, some jurisdictions would classify this as an Adult Interdependent Relationship.

    While I think their shared faith was the main bond here, it did bring to my mind, as a queer person, how important one's “chosen family” is. Not that I and others don’t necessarily have loving and supportive biological family, but there are so many people who didn’t and don’t and who end up leaning on chosen family for support. Brings to my mind the height of the AIDS crisis when many men were dying, having been largely rejected by their biological families, were being cared for by partners and networks of friends. There are stories of men who passed, with estranged families sweeping in assuming legal control over their estates, disregarding the dying wishes of their children and those of the partners and friends whom, at that point, basically were their actual family.

    Not that this is at all the case with Cindy, but I don’t want to judge the family too harshly here. I’m sure they were balancing their concern for her well-being with the life choices she made and the community of people, however insular they may be, that she was surrounded by. You add in the factor of having perhaps given Ms. Lander power of attorney at an earlier stage of life, and it can get complicated. That being said, when the family, including her only child are actively concerned, wanting to be involved and are being deliberately shut out, then something has to be done.

    Interesting that things are hush-hush about who may have referred Brad Herman to the family, if it was a former Supreme or perhaps someone else from her Motown days... Either way, it’s unfortunate that it had to come to this for someone as beloved as Cindy. I wish the family well in their efforts.
    Those of a certain age may remember "The Guardianship of Kowalski"; a legal battle here in Minnesota. In short, two women were in a committed relationship, having exchanged rings, and naming each other on their life insurance policies. One of the women was in a terrible car accident, and was mentally and physically incapacitated. The other woman wanted guardianship of her partner, but the parents stepped in and brought her to court. It was a legal extravaganza.

    I'm not suggesting this is Cindy's case, however, it does warrant getting all of your affairs in order, especially as a single person.

  28. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    on Facebook someone recently posted some of the recent news articles about Aretha's family and the mess they're all in over her estate. clearly Aretha was VERY poor in planning things and she had far more assets than cindy.

    the news is stating a handwritten will was found under the couch cushions!?!?!? i'm like WTF?!?!? someone lift up the seat and found $0.38 of loose change, a random tv or vcr remote, an old chicken wing and a Last Will and Testament lolol

    so lesson is definitely to get your shit in order
    In most jurisdictions, there are unique circumstances that can allow documents that aren’t proper wills to be accepted.

    Something was very messed up in Aretha’s world - she clearly beat to her own drum and thought she could pay taxes when she wanted, scribble will stuff and cause no grief, and clearly these weren’t right and just cost her more money in the end plus lots of interest and legal costs.

    And Aretha apparently had a few bucks so a decent lawyer drawn will would have cost a pittance compared to what the estate will pay in legal fees.

    With respect to Cindy, finances are probably not an issue but there may be concerns about access to and care of a relative who is very I’ll.

  29. #79
    I think the pandemic really helped Mary Wilson get things in order with Turkessa. Since Mary was no longer traveling so much she said she was going through boxes of things and getting them in order. She said Turkess was running some things in her career now, too. They probably had a long talk after Mary had another stent put in and organized it so it was definitely not a mess. It is a shame that Cindy has endured so much. She doesn't have much but I am sure it has all been a trial for her.
    People don't want to think about the inevitable and messes are the result. Entertainers don't have some cushions that regular people do. Such a shame that Cindy is enduring things that someone who has given so much joy to the World should not.

  30. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    In most jurisdictions, there are unique circumstances that can allow documents that aren’t proper wills to be accepted.

    Something was very messed up in Aretha’s world - she clearly beat to her own drum and thought she could pay taxes when she wanted, scribble will stuff and cause no grief, and clearly these weren’t right and just cost her more money in the end plus lots of interest and legal costs.

    And Aretha apparently had a few bucks so a decent lawyer drawn will would have cost a pittance compared to what the estate will pay in legal fees.

    With respect to Cindy, finances are probably not an issue but there may be concerns about access to and care of a relative who is very I’ll.
    Prince is another that left a mess after his passing.

  31. #81
    Well, with all respect I pray Cindy recovers from all this if it is God's will and if not I God wraps his arms around the family with the best outcome. Cindy is an angel. Only met her once but I pray everything is in order for her care and her family are included.

  32. #82
    Has there been any updates on Cindy
    Has she been moved to a better place

  33. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by daviddh View Post
    Has there been any updates on Cindy
    Has she been moved to a better place
    Yes, there finally was an update today. A new thread was started with the new update

    Last edited by milven; 10-04-2023 at 11:31 PM.


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