I agree, Ollie. in my experience, there was a huge difference between disco and dance music in the late 70's. To me, disco got obnoxious when every other song was about dancing, going to discos, quitting your "9 to 5" to go to the disco, etc. I could not relate to the empty-headedness. Is that a word? LOL! But anyway, I found Mary's album to be filled with that kind of song so I had no interest. I had my snout in really innovative work like Stevie Wonder's Songs In The Key of Life and Labelle's Chameleon. Those songs spoke to me. And not to be a nit-picker, I have to say any song that rhymed the words "dance" and "romance" just turned me off, and Mary did it on her record. I mean come on. Anybody, even a person as talentless as myself, could write that stuff.