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  1. #51
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    can someone send me the link where you ae ordering this book from. I have tried all of these and none of these sell it; Amazon.com No price No rating
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  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    It is a bit strange to me; not that Diana is portrayed in a good light, but HOW much of a good light she's portrayed in. Of course, none of us know the story behind the scenes, but one would think that Mary was much more active with the girls over the years than Diana, yet Mary doesn't get nearly the amount of gushing.
    Nicole didn't give either lady much space in her book. I think Diana might have been mentioned once early on and then there's a good chunk of book before she's brought up again. I didn't get an impression- one way or the other- regarding the amount of "gush" ratio between Mary and Diana, however I would hypothesize that if Diana does receive more it's because Diana is often criticized more, and Nicole's mother [[and sometimes by extension, Nicole and her sisters) are used to do it. Barely no one has ever charged Mary with not being there for Florence or Flo's daughters. In my memory, other than Diana establishing trust funds for them, Maxine Ballard was the first one who really came out and said Diana was there for Flo's children. It was Maxine who first broke the story, either in her book or an interview I read, about Diana sending loads of Christmas gifts for the girls. Nicole may have felt Diana needed more "good" attention than Mary did.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    Not enough drama, and at times, not enough Flo. It's more of a Nicole autobiography. And if not for her Mother, an autobiography that never would have gotten published.
    And that was the point of the book and of the reviews in this thread. This book is not a Flo Ballard biography. Nicole had seven years with her mother. There was only so much Flo she could speak on and do so with first hand knowledge. She wisely chose not to purse a Flo Ballard biography based on second hand knowledge and decided to focus on her own life as a motherless child. There are some insights into Flo as a mother, but again she died when her oldest children were seven. Nicole "promoted" this book as the Nicole Chapman story. She [[and the actual author) insisted this book was about Nicole and Nicole's life. I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around the criticism of someone writing about her own life as she recalls it.

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlo View Post
    I just finished the book. I do agree that it needed some more proof reading and editing. There were parts that I felt were added in order to pad out the text, like describing what took place on 9/11. Some facts needed to be corrected, such in the timeline at the back of the book, which states that Diana went solo in 1972. However, I do like that it was written with plenty of personality. There were some phrases and lines that made me laugh, in a good way. As an example, the author made a reference to a young Nicole being in a peaceful and restful state in her bed on a particular evening. To describe this, she said that Nicole was having a "Calgon-take-me-away kind of moment". I laughed at that line and loved it. Those sorts of nuggets kept me engaged. I agree that this book is Nicole's story and I enjoyed learning about her and her family. I really respect her for sticking to the facts concerning her own life and experiences and for having stayed away from the drama that transpired before her time. The book does paint Diana and Berry in a good light and she makes it known that Diana, Berry and Mary have each always acknowledged and remembered her and her sisters. I was most surprised to read that Diana had offered to adopt Nicole and her sisters, after Flo had passed away, and Lurlee [[Flo's Mom) had kindly declined the offer. She had explained that Diana was willing to raise her and her sisters and simply wanted to ensure that they would be taken care of. I don't remember reading or hearing this previously. It was nice to read that.

    As a Flo fan, I've always taken an interest in her life after The Supremes, as well as the life of her family. I never knew a whole lot about Nicole or her father Tommy, for instance. I appreciated being able to learn about their lives and appreciated some of the insights and memories that Nicole shared of her mother. There were revelations on the various things that Nicole has lived through in her life and it gave me so much more understanding. For a hardcore fan like myself, I wasn't disappointed by the book. It just left me wishing there was more. I do appreciate it though, especially considering this was a self-published effort. It's a lovely addition to my collection.
    Great review Carlo! I too was touched by Nicole's revelation regarding Diana inquiring about custody. It just proves that there was far more affection between Diana and Flo than some of the public prefer to recognize.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    Interesting that in almost 50 years, this "Diana adopting Flo's kids" story has NEVER been told. That's pretty big news; you'd think somewhere along the line it would have been mentioned.
    Who would have mentioned it? Nicole says the story happened. She didn't say it happened at a press conference or at Flo's funeral with tons of witnesses. Nicole claims that Diana asked Ms. Lurlee about custody. When's the last time you heard Diana speak in depth about Florence or Flo's children? When's the last time the Chapman girls spoke publicly about anything? Seems like a very private thing for Diana to do, so why would it be common knowledge?

    At this point it's like Nicole is damned if she do and damned if she don't. If she says nothing that isn't already common knowledge, she get's an eyeroll. If she reveals something that we don't know, she get's a side eye. Good grief.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    can someone send me the link where you ae ordering this book from. I have tried all of these and none of these sell it; Amazon.com No price No rating
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    Captain, I think it's only available through the author's website. Uno220

    Once on the site, go to shop now.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    Captain, I think it's only available through the author's website. Uno220

    Once on the site, go to shop now.
    Thank you, I appreciate that. I just ordered it.

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    Great review Carlo! I too was touched by Nicole's revelation regarding Diana inquiring about custody. It just proves that there was far more affection between Diana and Flo than some of the public prefer to recognize.
    Thanks RanRan! I totally agree.

  9. #59
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    You guys are doing a good sales job on this

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    Interesting that in almost 50 years, this "Diana adopting Flo's kids" story has NEVER been told. That's pretty big news; you'd think somewhere along the line it would have been mentioned.
    I've heard this before but Diana is a very private private private individual. I can remember a story that sticks in my brain when Flo called Diana and Diana answered the phone with "Blondie is that really you ?".

  11. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    I've heard this before but Diana is a very private private private individual. I can remember a story that sticks in my brain when Flo called Diana and Diana answered the phone with "Blondie is that really you ?".
    There are many things we do not know about Diana Ross. You are quite correct when you say she is "a very private private private individual". She once told me there were many things we did not know about her, and i had no problem believing her.

  12. #62
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    I recall reading in some Supremes or Diana related book [[ive read so darned many) that Diana paid for a major surgery for one of Florences girls and called her and prayed with the child the night before surgery and after the surgery. Correct me if im wrong dear people.

  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebrock View Post
    There are many things we do not know about Diana Ross. You are quite correct when you say she is "a very private private private individual". She once told me there were many things we did not know about her, and i had no problem believing her.
    Nor I, and the lady's desire for privacy does not impede my love of her professional output one bit.

  14. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I recall reading in some Supremes or Diana related book [[ive read so darned many) that Diana paid for a major surgery for one of Florences girls and called her and prayed with the child the night before surgery and after the surgery. Correct me if im wrong dear people.
    It was written as a footnote in J. Randy's last book on Diana.

  15. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by reese View Post
    It was written as a footnote in J. Randy's last book on Diana.
    Thank you Reese. I knew id read it somewhere.

    Yours with every good wish.


  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I recall reading in some Supremes or Diana related book [[ive read so darned many) that Diana paid for a major surgery for one of Florences girls and called her and prayed with the child the night before surgery and after the surgery. Correct me if im wrong dear people.
    Isn't it 'interesting' that facts such as these are ... mistakenly overlooked ... by some of the fans? Best to you, Ms. Roberta!

  17. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceNHarmony View Post
    Isn't it 'interesting' that facts such as these are ... mistakenly overlooked ... by some of the fans? Best to you, Ms. Roberta!
    They sure as hell don't like it when the truth gets in the way of a good story.

  18. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    And that was the point of the book and of the reviews in this thread. This book is not a Flo Ballard biography. Nicole had seven years with her mother. There was only so much Flo she could speak on and do so with first hand knowledge. She wisely chose not to purse a Flo Ballard biography based on second hand knowledge and decided to focus on her own life as a motherless child. There are some insights into Flo as a mother, but again she died when her oldest children were seven. Nicole "promoted" this book as the Nicole Chapman story. She [[and the actual author) insisted this book was about Nicole and Nicole's life. I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around the criticism of someone writing about her own life as she recalls it.
    This book isn't a Flo Ballard biography? Well you could have fooled me, with Flo Ballard's name and face on the cover. If this truly was a "Nicole Chapman Story", why isn't her name in lights? The only criticism is that Nicole is trying to tell a story that no one would care much about if her Mother wasn't a Supreme.

  19. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    can someone send me the link where you ae ordering this book from. I have tried all of these and none of these sell it; Amazon.com No price No rating
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  20. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    This book isn't a Flo Ballard biography? Well you could have fooled me, with Flo Ballard's name and face on the cover. If this truly was a "Nicole Chapman Story", why isn't her name in lights? The only criticism is that Nicole is trying to tell a story that no one would care much about if her Mother wasn't a Supreme.
    Are you a reader? And by that I mean an avid reader. Book collector? Admittedly I was one once. In recent years I've allowed access to the internet to deprive me of the love I once had for books, which I am slowly picking up again, as I slowly wean myself from the cesspool that is the net. Lol But when I did read tons of books, I was very well aware of [[and occasionally purchased) books written by people whom I've never heard of who were writing about their lives. Sometimes it was books about people who found out some shocking secret about themselves or their families. A lot of them were about adults who had difficult childhoods and found a way to overcome them. Most of the people no one had ever heard of before, they just had a powerful story to tell. And now I read your criticism of Nicole doing just that, critical of her story because if it weren't for her mother, no one would care. I love you Mary, I do, [[our drama last fall notwithstanding) but I'm rolling my eyes so hard at your dissing of this book that my head is starting to hurt. It seems like you really have it out for this lady and her right to tell her story and I just don't get it.

    She's the daughter of a famous woman. Why wouldn't she use her mom to garner attention? Especially since it's her famous mother's death that is at the heart of the trajectory of Nicole's life. Should we only care about the stories of the famous? Is reading about motherless [[and fatherless) children and the affect that the death of a parent has on children not something that should be written about, specifically if it's by a child of Florence? Your critiques still make absolutely no sense to me and I guess at this point, barring more insight from any response you make, it's likely to stay that way, so I guess this is one for the agree to disagree column.

    Poorly written book, IMO, but a powerful story nonetheless.

  21. #71
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    I agree with Ran. Actually I finished reading it and I had fun reading it and it made me smile several times. it gave me a different way at looking things and I am sure she had Flo's siblings for a lot of the information.

  22. #72
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    I’m a fraction behind as i just ordered the Peter Benjaminson book ‘Lost Supreme’ from Amazon yesterday. Would be interested to know which book fans consider the better as regards to who Flo was as a person.

  23. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    I’m a fraction behind as i just ordered the Peter Benjaminson book ‘Lost Supreme’ from Amazon yesterday. Would be interested to know which book fans consider the better as regards to who Flo was as a person.
    I would say THE LOST SUPREME is better in regards to Flo as a person because it is based on interviews with her. By comparison, SUPREME EXIT is really Nicole's story.

  24. #74
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    I have read both books or I should say all three and the only thing that truly is amazing is that that even with the recordings it took @ 34 years to write the RB book. I always wanted to know why. When it takes that long a lot of information can be distorted or twisted even with recordings.

  25. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by reese View Post
    I would say THE LOST SUPREME is better in regards to Flo as a person because it is based on interviews with her. By comparison, SUPREME EXIT is really Nicole's story.
    Cheers reese. The book arrived today prime delivery. I am just finishing up reading a novel so won’t start reading it for another week. I’m hoping it provides a little more insight into what Flo was actually experiencing during that time.

  26. #76
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    I still think the definitive book on Florence Ballard is the book by Randall Wilson. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think it was written as a final thesis for his degree. I appreciate it more than others [[and I am surprised that there aren't more "others") because it looks at the story subjectively. Yes, Wilson is a Ballard fan, but he doesn't let his admiration for Flo get in the way of telling a truthful story, filled with actual facts; the good, the bad, and everything else in between. I was always fascinated with all of the figures of what he was able to produce; how much Flo got for her exit at Motown, what she received for her various lawsuits, etc.

    I got my copy decades ago; had to special order through Waldenbooks or B Dalton, and it took MONTHS to arrive. This was pre-internet of course. At the time, it was a new angle, not told by "Dreamgirl".

  27. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    I still think the definitive book on Florence Ballard is the book by Randall Wilson. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think it was written as a final thesis for his degree. I appreciate it more than others [[and I am surprised that there aren't more "others") because it looks at the story subjectively. Yes, Wilson is a Ballard fan, but he doesn't let his admiration for Flo get in the way of telling a truthful story, filled with actual facts; the good, the bad, and everything else in between. I was always fascinated with all of the figures of what he was able to produce; how much Flo got for her exit at Motown, what she received for her various lawsuits, etc.

    I got my copy decades ago; had to special order through Waldenbooks or B Dalton, and it took MONTHS to arrive. This was pre-internet of course. At the time, it was a new angle, not told by "Dreamgirl".
    I ordered FOREVER FAITHFUL back in the 1990 after seeing an ad in GOLDMINE. I actually still have the thank-you card that Randall included in my copy. Later I ordered a 1999 updated edition.

    Yes, it did begin as Randall's master thesis at the University of Maryland. I haven't read it in years. Might be time to pull it out again.

  28. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by reese View Post
    I ordered FOREVER FAITHFUL back in the 1990 after seeing an ad in GOLDMINE. I actually still have the thank-you card that Randall included in my copy. Later I ordered a 1999 updated edition.

    Yes, it did begin as Randall's master thesis at the University of Maryland. I haven't read it in years. Might be time to pull it out again.
    I didn't realize there was an updated version? Was there a lot more added from the original?

  29. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    I didn't realize there was an updated version? Was there a lot more added from the original?
    Thumbing through it, I don't think any of the book itself was revised.

    The original book was retained but added was a new intro from the author as well as a new foreword from Tom Ingrassia. At the end was a new section of mostly familiar photos but also a 1998 one of the author with Mary.

    There was also a 1998 Supremes discography detailing songs Flo either led or stood out on. Also listed were her ABC recordings, which at the time had not yet been released [[except for the two singles).

  30. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    I’m a fraction behind as i just ordered the Peter Benjaminson book ‘Lost Supreme’ from Amazon yesterday. Would be interested to know which book fans consider the better as regards to who Flo was as a person.
    Definitely Lost Supreme. Nicole's book is about Nicole. Peter's book is an invaluable source on Flo's life. It's not as thorough as I would have wanted it to be, but it's as close to an autobio as we're gonna get.

  31. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    I have read both books or I should say all three and the only thing that truly is amazing is that that even with the recordings it took @ 34 years to write the RB book. I always wanted to know why. When it takes that long a lot of information can be distorted or twisted even with recordings.
    I think it mostly came down to interest. Right after Flo died was probably when Peter's book would've been at it's most valuable until Mary wrote her book and put Flo's story back in the spotlight. After her death it may have looked like he was cashing in on it and felt uncomfortable. After Dreamgirl, Peter's book would've had to compete with Mary's. There was a long spell where Flo's story wasn't much hot talk. Flo was back in the spotlight when the Dreamgirls movie came out and of course when JHud won her award and shouted Flo out. At this point Peter would've been an idiot to continue to sit on this story. So I'm not surprised that it took so long.

    I am a little surprised that the tease of releasing the tapes never amounted to anything. I'm sure Peter realizes that there's really no general market for them, but he could've made a nice taste of change from us fans who would've surely purchased copies. I know I would've.

  32. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by reese View Post
    Thumbing through it, I don't think any of the book itself was revised.

    The original book was retained but added was a new intro from the author as well as a new foreword from Tom Ingrassia. At the end was a new section of mostly familiar photos but also a 1998 one of the author with Mary.

    There was also a 1998 Supremes discography detailing songs Flo either led or stood out on. Also listed were her ABC recordings, which at the time had not yet been released [[except for the two singles).
    I must have the updated version because I recall the discography.

  33. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post

    But how many times do you think during the girls formative years Berry was around long enough for them to form a bond strong enough to call him "Poppa"?

    Well I purchased the book and well.....you know.....

    As far as Berry being around those girls I dont believe it because I remember reading Supreme Faith and some awards show where Lisa was there with Mary and it was hid first time meeting Lisa.

    Also Nicole said her dad drove for Motown and she was calling him there when her mom was ill but I thought Motown was all but gone from Detroit by 1976


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