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  1. #1
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    Has Osama Bin Laden Been Captured

    The President will make a major announcement in moments on TV.
    They are not announcing what it is about, but speculation is that Osama has been captured.

    Hope the speculators are right

  2. #2
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    Hmm! The news seems to be even better. When the President comes on TV, he will announce that Bin Laden is dead. I won't believe it till he comes on TV and announces it.

  3. #3
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    I speak for alot of people when I say "HOT DAMN"!

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    I heard from various sources he is dead!

  6. #6
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    He was killed by U.S. forces at a mansion in Islamabad[[sp?).

  7. #7
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    He is dead. When I started the thread there was only speculation about what the President would talk about. Since then there has been confirmation, but the President still did not come on TV to announce it. What's taking him so long?

  8. #8
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    The media is saying that he is dead and his body is in possession of the US........I hope so.....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by milven View Post
    He is dead. When I started the thread there was only speculation about what the President would talk about. Since then there has been confirmation, but the President still did not come on TV to announce it. What's taking him so long?

    He's given the briefing on it. At this time of night he probably was not dressed appropriately to give a news briefing. What took George Bush and his Administration so long? Oh I forgot, they couldn't catch him! I hope one day people will give Barack Obama a break, geez!

  10. #10
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    Osama Bin Laden was killed by the U.S. by direct orders of resident Obama. Obama is now a two-term president, and the folks at Faux news must be having a fit right now, trying to spin it away from Obama..

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    He's given the briefing on it. At this time of night he probably was not dressed appropriately to give a news briefing. What took George Bush and his Administration so long? Oh I forgot, they couldn't catch him! I hope one day people will give Barack Obama a break, geez!
    No, they won't. Obama haters are already trying to say Obama had nothing to do with it.

  12. #12
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    And Trump won't believe it till Obama furnishes Bin Laden's death certificate - the long version

  13. #13
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    ^ Faux News FAILS again!

    **EDIT: sorry, I've corrected link [[above) to Geraldo Rivera gaffe. Actually, I don't have television, only see these clips on youtube. I was shocked to see Rivera is now a Fox news reader. LMAO! I had no idea!... And for a news story of this magnitude!! ROFLMAO!!! Didn't he have a Jerry Springer-style show some years back?!
    Last edited by sunshineonacloudyday; 05-03-2011 at 01:57 AM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by milven View Post
    And Trump won't believe it till Obama furnishes Bin Laden's death certificate - the long version
    Excellent! LMAO!

  15. #15
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    WOW!! Who would've thought?

  16. #16
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    And he didn't even finish his first term. All hail the Commander and Chief, President Barack Obama.
    All salute the brave men and women of our military for the immense sacrifices that they have made.

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    Quote Originally Posted by milven View Post
    And Trump won't believe it till Obama furnishes Bin Laden's death certificate - the long version
    Quote Originally Posted by timmyfunk View Post
    Excellent! LMAO!
    The posters and such are already out showing that Obama made a chump of Trump

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  18. #18
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    I think it's HILARIOUS how in 7 days, Obama has totally cut the Donald off at the knees. First, he makes him look like a nutball conspiracy theorist by releasing the birth certificate, then he OWNS him at the Correspondents' dinner, and now... THIS... announcing that public enemy number one has been killed on HIS directive [[Killed, not any pussy "capture alive and put him on trial" thing) and timing it so that the Netowrks pre-empt the last 15 minutes of Trump's show. Trump's balls must be ACHING by now

  19. #19
    pshark Guest
    Manning is a nutjob but his 2008 prediction that Osama would be caught in 2011 did come true. Around the 4:30 mark
    Last edited by pshark; 05-02-2011 at 02:50 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by pshark View Post
    Manning is a nutjob but his 2008 prediction that Osama would be caught in 2011 did come true. Around the 4:30 mark
    That guy is NUTS with all his "long legged, Mack-Daddy talk!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    I think it's HILARIOUS how in 7 days, Obama has totally cut the Donald off at the knees. First, he makes him look like a nutball conspiracy theorist by releasing the birth certificate, then he OWNS him at the Correspondents' dinner, and now... THIS... announcing that public enemy number one has been killed on HIS directive [[Killed, not any pussy "capture alive and put him on trial" thing) and timing it so that the Netowrks pre-empt the last 15 minutes of Trump's show. Trump's balls must be ACHING by now
    I hear you Jill, it would really be hilarious all the way around BUT, I cannot help but think how much further our country would be with this economic crisis, healthcare and other major issues we are facing if there were not so many working hard against the Obama Administration! Can you just imagine if we had the same solidarity we had right after 9-11?

  22. #22
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    had a bin laden cocktail yet?takes a while to make it,but worth the wait.
    2 shots and a splash of water

  23. #23
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    Better not go dancing on his grave.

  24. #24
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    i cant swim

  25. #25
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    I had trouble when my older sister was teaching me, but I was OK once I got out of the sack.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
    I had trouble when my older sister was teaching me, but I was OK once I got out of the sack.
    That's sick. Was that an attempt to kill this thread?

  27. #27
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    i think you've mixed american english with the real thing.
    sack being a sack a bit like a hooooooodini sack

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by tamla617 View Post
    i think you've mixed american english with the real thing.
    sack being a sack a bit like a hooooooodini sack
    Well, then, it must be one of the differences between the U.S. and the U.K.. I still don't understand. "Sack" here, beans "bed". Sounds like Prince's song "Sister".

  29. #29
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    No Soulster, the thread was killed when you announced that Obama is now a two term president...

    Yippee he's dead.

    Now what? The Imperialistic attitude of our nations leaders continue to beat their proverbial drums with zero change in US foreign policy and an economic philosophy that does nothing more than further the devastation of our economy with no real "change" in sight. The only "difference" from the last administration is that they have a -D at the end of their names in stead of an -R. Is this a difference or do we have a leader that yet again is asking us to "trust me" on what is supposed to be a monumental event - much like we were asked by "W" to trust him on Iraq. I felt that the President calling this "justice" was disingenuous at best and at worst was an outright slap in the face to the due process that our nation was founded on. If this did indeed happen it was revenge - nothing more and nothing less. Call it what it is and don't sugar coat it.

    Noam Chomsky wrote a great piece on this "event"


  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fresh View Post
    No Soulster, the thread was killed when you announced that Obama is now a two term president...
    Dude, you gotta stop watching the morons on Fox "news" and listening to your tea-baggin' idiots.

    From all I am hearing and seeing around me and on TV, Obama just got re-elected with being behind getting Bin Laden. The economy is slowly improving, the stock market's up. Too bad you republicans can't seem to deal with that. Not only that, according to the most recent polls, the jokers who think Obama's not a U.S. born citizen is all the way down to...3%, and that's among your republican buddies! The rest probably align themselves with Orly Taitz [[whatta name!) and Rush Limburger.

    The only thing that is going wrong is gas prices, and that is clearly not Obama's fault. In fact, while this Bin Laden thing was happening last week, your republican buddies quietly maneuvered to keep those tax subsidies for the oil companies. Yeah, you probably didn't even know about that! Rachel maddow reported it on MSNBC the other day while you were too busy oogling Bill O'Reilly. And, the house repubs aren't giving up on trying to privatize medicare and social security.
    Last edited by soulster; 05-09-2011 at 03:17 AM.

  31. #31
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Dude, you gotta stop watching the morons on Fox "news" and listening to your tea-baggin' idiots.

    From all I am hearing and seeing around me and on TV, Obama just got re-elected with being behind getting Bin Laden. The economy is slowly improving, the stock market's up. Too bad you republicans can't seem to deal with that. Not only that, according to the most recent polls, the jokers who think Obama's not a U.S. born citizen is all the way down to...3%, and that's among your republican buddies! The rest probably align themselves with Orly Taitz [[whatta name!) and Rush Limburger.

    The only thing that is going wrong is gas prices, and that is clearly not Obama's fault. In fact, while this Bin Laden thing was happening last week, your republican buddies quietly maneuvered to keep those tax subsidies for the oil companies. Yeah, you probably didn't even know about that! Rachel maddow reported it on MSNBC the other day while you were too busy oogling Bill O'Reilly. And, the house repubs aren't giving up on trying to privatize medicare and social security.
    I'm no fan of funky fresh, but anyone who cites Noam Chomsky is not a tea bagger and Fox News fan. Chomsky is quite left wing and very anti-imperailist and against US foreign policy hegemony. And who knows if Obama will be re-elected? All depends on the economy. Bush 41 had 90 percent approval after the first Gulf War. 20 months later he lost his re-election bid because the economy was in bad shape.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    I'm no fan of funky fresh, but anyone who cites Noam Chomsky is not a tea bagger and Fox News fan. Chomsky is quite left wing and very anti-imperailist and against US foreign policy hegemony. And who knows if Obama will be re-elected? All depends on the economy. Bush 41 had 90 percent approval after the first Gulf War. 20 months later he lost his re-election bid because the economy was in bad shape.
    The republicans do not have a viable candidate to run against Obama next year. They don't have a message or a plan. All they have done is oppose Obama and insult. they have been the obstructionist party, and this has not been lost on the public. They are paying attention to everything the republicans say and do, and they are not happy. This is good for the incumbent and his party. The tea-baggers who were elected last November are not helping their situation at all.

    When I see a serious, viable republican run who can do more than take jabs at Obama, offer a better solution instead of wanting to dismantle long-standing, successful institutions, and has not ever engaged in the tea-bag/birther crap, than I will rethink my prediction.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Dude, you gotta stop watching the morons on Fox "news" and listening to your tea-baggin' idiots.

    From all I am hearing and seeing around me and on TV, Obama just got re-elected with being behind getting Bin Laden. The economy is slowly improving, the stock market's up. Too bad you republicans can't seem to deal with that. Not only that, according to the most recent polls, the jokers who think Obama's not a U.S. born citizen is all the way down to...3%, and that's among your republican buddies! The rest probably align themselves with Orly Taitz [[whatta name!) and Rush Limburger.

    The only thing that is going wrong is gas prices, and that is clearly not Obama's fault. In fact, while this Bin Laden thing was happening last week, your republican buddies quietly maneuvered to keep those tax subsidies for the oil companies. Yeah, you probably didn't even know about that! Rachel maddow reported it on MSNBC the other day while you were too busy oogling Bill O'Reilly. And, the house repubs aren't giving up on trying to privatize medicare and social security.
    Soulster, I don't know how with any shred of proof or evidence you can 1) know that I watch Fox news or 2) can claim that I am a member of the Republican party. I challenge you to find one quote from me where I site Fox news or where I have labeled myself as a Republican. You are making nothing but Assumptions and that is sad. Fact is, I don't waste one minute of my time watching FOX or MSNBC as they are both shills for big corporate and AIPAC. Whatever big corporate or AIPAC deems ok to print is what the talking heads from both of those mindless "news sources" report on. I think for myself and I don't need a political party to think for me. There are plenty of independent news sources out there that are devoted to the truth and unbiased opinions not influenced by party line. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info is a great starting point as is http://antiwar.com

    What I find most interesting is that outside of your witch hunt like comments, you really don't have much to say. All I hear is Fox, Limbaugh, O'Reily, and Maddow. I've never mentioned any of these people, just as I have never wasted an ounce of thought on the "birther" non sense or tea bag rallies.

    I would love to hear your opinions [[if you have any) on unemployment being at 9%. Or how the housing market is continuing to plummet. Or how Obama acquiesced on tax breaks for the rich. Or how Obama voted to re-instate the neo-con driven patriot act. Or Obamas refusal to audit the federal reserve and his good buddy Burnake. Or how Obama flipped on Guantanamo, on a standard trial for KSM, on pressure against Israels colonization of Palestinian land....really the list goes on and on.

    Do you have an opinion? Anything other than, "its all Bush's fault" and "we need more time". The actions to reverse 8 years of a neo-con dictatorship needed to be swift and direct. Instead, Obama has kowtowed to the extreme branches of the left and right with zero interest in the plight of struggling Americans who largley hold a centrist view or are becoming strict constitutionalists.

    I'll leave you with some insightful words from Cornel West and Noam Chomsky. Two true scholars that I would love to see you align with "tea bagger idiots".

    Last edited by funky_fresh; 05-10-2011 at 01:01 AM.

  34. #34
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    Your agenda is becoming increasingly clear to me.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Your agenda is becoming increasingly clear to me.
    Ok, no comment. I get it.

    But please, enlighten me on your grand revelation.

  36. #36
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    Okay guys. Politics is always a lightning rod when being discussed. We are all entitled to our opinions. Let's keep things civil.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Okay guys. Politics is always a lightning rod when being discussed. We are all entitled to our opinions. Let's keep things civil.
    Ralph, as always I respect your forum. Just note that I have not resorted to any name calling in expressing my opinion.

  38. #38
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    I noticed that, Funky. My comments weren't directed at you exclusively.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Well, then, it must be one of the differences between the U.S. and the U.K.. I still don't understand. "Sack" here, beans "bed". Sounds like Prince's song "Sister".
    Yes, no sexual innuendo intended. I meant sack as in "a large bag made of cloth". No one in England would ever use sack to mean "bed" except specifically in the phrase "to hit the sack".

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fresh View Post
    Ok, no comment. I get it.

    But please, enlighten me on your grand revelation.
    In due time, man. meanwhile, keep providing us with your sources of information.

  41. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I noticed that, Funky. My comments weren't directed at you exclusively.
    No one's doing any real name-calling.

  42. #42
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    OK Funky: i'll tell you what bugs me about your posts:

    The U.S. has been disgustingly bad about not understanding or caring about the Arab world. This is true. Some may feel Obama hasn't done much better in this area, but I disagree. But, your constant criticism of Obama everything, with seemingly no bad words towards republicans/conservatives/tea-partiers suggests to me that you are actually a republican, as pretty much all independents lean republican. Add to this my now total, hatred of republicans. I despise republicans, especially tea-baggers! After seeing a lifetime of disgusting racism and total disregard of the poor and needy, and the working class, has caused me to come to my feelings about them. Democrats have their issues too, as they are no angels, but nothing tops the constant racism and ignorance those right of left have demonstrated especially over the last two years.

  43. #43
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    Soulster I feel the same way you do but I wouldnt discount the Republicans. I heard last night Newt Gingrich was going to run again and there will be someone they will put all of their money behind. I dont agree with some things Obama has done I have mixed feelings about the stimulus package but it did save some jobs so I cant say it didnt help some people. We are trillions in debt but we have been in this situation before and of course birthers and teabags [[not Funky Fresh) are going to blame everything on O especially the Michelle Bachmanns of the world and discredit birth certificates. The whole Donald Trump thing shocked me I never thought he would stoop so low to announce he would run for president and then come fter O about that birth certificate doesnt he have a reality show to run. I am happy that we have gotten Bin Laden under this administration but much attention needs to go to our military and the planning behind all of it. Money talks and I want to see President Obama finish what he started but the Republicans [[and I am a conservative liberal) will find someone I thought Scott Brown might be their boy but they will need someone who can debate. This will be interesting.

  44. #44
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    Steph, I'm not discounting the repubs. But, I admit that I am fed up with them, and I hear it every day! I live in a big tea-bagger state and deal with this mess all-the-time. I have to hear the same stupid, ignorant, and racist crap all the time. But, from all that I am seeing, the gop is digging their own grave with their power drunkedness. Still we have to deal with it now.

    I just hope the Democrats and liberals have learned their lesson and will fight with all they have against Crossroads money.

  45. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    OK Funky: i'll tell you what bugs me about your posts:
    The U.S. has been disgustingly bad about not understanding or caring about the Arab world. This is true. Some may feel Obama hasn't done much better in this area, but I disagree.
    Really? How? We are still bombing Iraq. We are still bombing Afghanistan. We are still sending drones to kill people in Pakistan [[as well as invaded their sovereignty by conducting the assassination of Bin Laden). We have now added Libya to our list of bomb targets and we have done NOTHING to pressure Israel into ending its APARTHEID and persecution of the Palestinian people. How are we any different from the last presidency?

    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    But, your constant criticism of Obama everything, with seemingly no bad words towards republicans/conservatives/tea-partiers suggests to me that you are actually a republican,
    I guess you've missed pretty much every one of my posts over the last few years and including this very thread where I've had nothing but disdain over the neo-con led Bush administration. Thats a reading comprehension problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    as pretty much all independents lean republican.
    And you come to this conclusion how? So what do you make of someone who is socially liberal while they are fiscally conservative? Are they Republicans too? Or how about a woman who is Democrat and as a Christian does not believe in abortion, is she a Republicans as well? You really need to get this xenophobic, McCarthy like thinking out of your head. Rather than focusing on issues, you are worried about labels.

    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Add to this my now total, hatred of republicans. I despise republicans, especially tea-baggers!

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Said it best:

    Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.

    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    After seeing a lifetime of disgusting racism and total disregard of the poor and needy, and the working class, has caused me to come to my feelings about them. Democrats have their issues too, as they are no angels, but nothing tops the constant racism and ignorance those right of left have demonstrated especially over the last two years.
    So an administration that has continued to further the Bush doctrine on foreign policy by nation building over seas and fighting wars without end while cutting funding to domestic programs that would help Americans who are poor, needy and working class - is that an administration that has poor peoples interests??? How so?

  46. #46
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    And, you have a very pro-Arab stance that seems very anti-Israel. The Israelis are not innocent, and I do think the U.S.'s unwavering support of them is based in Judeo-Christian teachings, but you seem over the top.

  47. #47
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    Can someone enlighten me [[Soulster or Funky Fresh) why do all of the religious people on TV keep telling is that it is the Lords will for us to support Israel?

  48. #48
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by stephanie View Post
    Can someone enlighten me [[Soulster or Funky Fresh) why do all of the religious people on TV keep telling is that it is the Lords will for us to support Israel?
    Stephanie, read the book of Revelations. The US Religious Right are strong backers of Israel because they believe that with the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, a prophesy came true and it's important for Israel to remain a state because eventually Armageddon will come around along with the Rapture, the punishment of all those who don't believe in Jesus and second coming of Christ.


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