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  1. #1

    Cop literally throws teenage female around in classroom

    http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/26/us/sou...deo/index.html And, the cops are whining that thry are under survallience.

  2. #2
    Yeah i saw it,things are getting out of hand more each day,hell this is a girl not a dude the throwing was uncalled for she didn't try to fight him from what i saw,he might be in for not only a lawsuit but a butt kickin.

  3. #3
    Of course, they are 'investigating' this. Wonder how that's going to turn out? The mayor called for an independent investigation, but I've seen that there are no such things in these matters. I wish that he'd call for an open and transparent investigation so the public could see what the hell they look at when they find reasons to absolve these assholes in these matters.

    In too many of these situations, the union gets to supply the cop with the narrative that supports his being cleared. Already, they're suggesting that the girl was trying to punch him as she flailed her arms after getting an arm bar across the neck. Cops are way too quick to use force in general and against in particular, against Black people. We've had in the last couple of months a guy get shot for holding a spoon, another for pointing his finger at the cop like he was holding a gun, a couple for turning around when the cops told them to stop walking away, one for 'aggressively walking toward' a cop, one in a wheelchair, and another one for raising his hands while two cops stood 20 feet away. These murders go across the board for race.

    I read one where a brother was raking leaves with his son when he saw a guy crash a stolen truck and bail from the scene. He was a cop who was off-duty at the time, so he gave chase and apprehended the suspect. His brothers in blue arrived at the scene, and even though he told them he was a cop, they reported only noticing a 'large Black man' in a conflict and beat him so bad he wound up taking a disability pension. He's suing the department, by the way.

    Now, the unions are already pushing back against body cameras. There will be little consequence for 'forgetting' to turn them on. And those police departments who currently use them permit the cops to see the video in advance of hearings, so they can get their stories straight. Cops are illegally arresting people filming them with cell phones and nothing is being done about it. One guy got shot for standing in his open garage with a camcorder filming a neighbor's arrest. And nothing is being done.

    Man, I should have gone into law enforcement.

  4. #4
    This stuff is getting like[nazi germany]very scary.

  5. #5
    I saw that. It was horrible. How can a man, forget about being a cop, do that to a child? That bastard treated her worst than an animal. If a cop did that to a dog, there would be major protests and calls for his firing.
    Last edited by marv2; 10-27-2015 at 01:35 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/26/us/sou...deo/index.html And, the cops are whining that thry are under survallience.
    disgusting real disturbing and disgusting to abuse a child like that in her classroom. I guess the only good thing is shes got a room full of witnessess . Smh just smh.


  7. #7
    One of the worst parts in the video from a different angle I saw this evening is when she bangs her foot on the desk behind her as he is forcing her down to the floor. I wonder if there was any blood.

    The "police experts" are being interviewed by CNN. They are already saying that the video does not give enough information about what actually happened. The one I saw them talk to tonight said that the girl was swinging at the officer as he was choking her which can be seen in the video. .Uh, I believe that would be a normal human reaction. I will also guess that the officer outweighed that kid by at least 100 plus pounds and trained to arrest hardened criminals.

    If they do not prosecute him when we have all the information we really need right in that video, then expect havoc! I am tired and I know there are others that are far beyond tired of seeing People of Color treated this way by officers. I do not see white kids abused like that by cops. I do not see it and there are more of them. The girl in the classroom video posed no threat to that officer, yet he picked her up, slammed her down and threw her across that room like she was a piece of trash. If her father feels like killing that officer, I would not be surprised.

  8. #8
    Here's a video of the incident from a different angle and with comments from eyewitnesses:

  9. #9
    I agree with this commentator:

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Yup. The guy has a history of violent abuse against students. The police chief is going to announce what will happen to this cop. He is a member of the police department who works as a school "resource" officer.

    Even a cop that was interviewed on MSNBC tonight said that they would prefer the school not call them for cases like this, and handle them internally.

    If I had been the cop, I would have called in a female police officer, waited for her to show up, then handle the situation. But, the way Rambo reacted could have injured the student, and if she had been injured, there would have been some lawsuits.

  12. #12
    They fired the cop. Good. Hopefully, the union won't get his job back. It seems like they're never found guilty in situations like this one.

    For example, the 'independent' review of the Tamir Rice case concluded that the cop who killed him acted appropriately. It said that perhaps had he been a toddler with a gun, the action would have been excessive. But since he clearly was not, the cop was right to kill him without telling him to drop his BB gun.

  13. #13
    In the following story the girl's lawyer speaks about injuries to her: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/richland...ssroom-arrest/

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    They fired the cop. Good. Hopefully, the union won't get his job back. It seems like they're never found guilty in situations like this one.

    For example, the 'independent' review of the Tamir Rice case concluded that the cop who killed him acted appropriately. It said that perhaps had he been a toddler with a gun, the action would have been excessive. But since he clearly was not, the cop was right to kill him without telling him to drop his BB gun.

    Now they need to charge him and prosecute him.

  16. #16
    They won't do that. The sheriff is already pissed off that he had to fire him. Before, he suggested that the violence was justified because the girl tried to hit the pig after he grabbed her. A local news station [[here in Columbus) ran a Facebook poll and 54% of the respondents thought that he should receive no disciplinary action. I also saw a news report where there are more than a few people from the area of the school who believe the girl got what she deserved.

    I wish I could have been the interviewer. I'd have asked the woman they talked to [[she had smoke coming out of her ears and nostrils because the girl was treated unfairly, in her opinion) if sitting in a class room and texting is a crime. I'm pretty sure it isn't. And if it isn't, why the hell did that pig handle it the way that he did? BTW: the kids at Spring Valley High School had a nickname for the cop. It was 'Officer Slam'.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    They won't do that. The sheriff is already pissed off that he had to fire him. Before, he suggested that the violence was justified because the girl tried to hit the pig after he grabbed her. A local news station [[here in Columbus) ran a Facebook poll and 54% of the respondents thought that he should receive no disciplinary action. I also saw a news report where there are more than a few people from the area of the school who believe the girl got what she deserved.

    I wish I could have been the interviewer. I'd have asked the woman they talked to [[she had smoke coming out of her ears and nostrils because the girl was treated unfairly, in her opinion) if sitting in a class room and texting is a crime. I'm pretty sure it isn't. And if it isn't, why the hell did that pig handle it the way that he did? BTW: the kids at Spring Valley High School had a nickname for the cop. It was 'Officer Slam'.
    To make matters worse, the reactions seem to be right down racial lines, just like with everything else.

    Whatever the sheriff's opinion, he did the right thing, did it swiftly, and offered the textbook procedures for proper take-down. In his defense, he may not have known how the incident went down until the video surfaced. Of course, being a cop, he's always going to back his people unless it is is clear that he can't. Thank god for cell phone cameras! What is disgusting is how the fired cop's lawyer is still asserting that the cop followed proper procedure, even after he was fired, and all the evidence is here for the world to see. It make a joke out of the lawyer.

    I saw footage of the fired cop loading up his personal belongings into an SUV yesterday on MSNBC. He looked like a hothead, and that he didn't give a shit. Bad cop.

    And, to all those people who say this isn't racial: of course it is! It is the cultural conditioning of these cops that cause them to treat Black people more harshly, as if they are less human...like they are animals. This goes for Black cops, too. The majority of cops they usually have to work with are White police departments, so that racist messages are subconsciously learned. And, if they aren't, the Black cops are conditioned and intimidated not to speak up about what they do see and hear.

    And, why is no one talking about the teacher who called the cops?
    Last edited by soulster; 10-29-2015 at 02:05 PM.

  18. #18
    I'm not blaming the teacher,because some of these kids are rough today,but the issue is a trained policeman man handling a girl he should've been able to restrain her without tossing her across the room.

  19. #19
    Makes me sick. The girl was in foster care so I'm sure she was troubled. The teacher needs training as well as the cops. Professional are supposed to DEESCALATE. Who wouldn't try to protect themselves when attacked? That cop could've easily broken her neck!

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    To make matters worse, the reactions seem to be right down racial lines, just like with everything else.

    Whatever the sheriff's opinion, he did the right thing, did it swiftly, and offered the textbook procedures for proper take-down. In his defense, he may not have known how the incident went down until the video surfaced. Of course, being a cop, he's always going to back his people unless it is is clear that he can't. Thank god for cell phone cameras! What is disgusting is how the fired cop's lawyer is still asserting that the cop followed proper procedure, even after he was fired, and all the evidence is here for the world to see. It make a joke out of the lawyer.

    I saw footage of the fired cop loading up his personal belongings into an SUV yesterday on MSNBC. He looked like a hothead, and that he didn't give a shit. Bad cop.

    And, to all those people who say this isn't racial: of course it is! It is the cultural conditioning of these cops that cause them to treat Black people more harshly, as if they are less human...like they are animals. This goes for Black cops, too. The majority of cops they usually have to work with are White police departments, so that racist messages are subconsciously learned. And, if they aren't, the Black cops are conditioned and intimidated not to speak up about what they do see and hear.

    And, why is no one talking about the teacher who called the cops?
    One of the kids in the classroom said that the teacher was cool with what the cop did, telling the rest of them that "she should have cooperated". I saw a study that showed that nearly 80% of school suspensions in southern states in the past year involve Black kids including many where only Black children have been suspended .

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    They won't do that. The sheriff is already pissed off that he had to fire him. Before, he suggested that the violence was justified because the girl tried to hit the pig after he grabbed her. A local news station [[here in Columbus) ran a Facebook poll and 54% of the respondents thought that he should receive no disciplinary action. I also saw a news report where there are more than a few people from the area of the school who believe the girl got what she deserved.

    I wish I could have been the interviewer. I'd have asked the woman they talked to [[she had smoke coming out of her ears and nostrils because the girl was treated unfairly, in her opinion) if sitting in a class room and texting is a crime. I'm pretty sure it isn't. And if it isn't, why the hell did that pig handle it the way that he did? BTW: the kids at Spring Valley High School had a nickname for the cop. It was 'Officer Slam'.
    Did you notice all of those kids had cell phones and used them to videotape the situation.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Makes me sick. The girl was in foster care so I'm sure she was troubled. The teacher needs training as well as the cops. Professional are supposed to DEESCALATE. Who wouldn't try to protect themselves when attacked? That cop could've easily broken her neck!
    You are very right Luke. The normal human reaction when being physically threaten is to strike back. That big goon had that girl by the neck before he flipped her and the desk over. She was not posing any type of physical threat to the cop.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Yup. The guy has a history of violent abuse against students. The police chief is going to announce what will happen to this cop. He is a member of the police department who works as a school "resource" officer.

    Even a cop that was interviewed on MSNBC tonight said that they would prefer the school not call them for cases like this, and handle them internally.

    If I had been the cop, I would have called in a female police officer, waited for her to show up, then handle the situation. But, the way Rambo reacted could have injured the student, and if she had been injured, there would have been some lawsuits.

    Imo-its not the fact that the "officer" who btw have previous charges against him had to remove the girl but the brutal and cruel and excessive force he used is what make this unacceptable. Shes a child and he clearly was real angered by her defiance, I can say Id probably be just as angry, but hes supposed to be trained for these type of situations and it shouldve been a female cop that was called in. This cop lost his job but he should also get sued civilly by her family.


  24. #24
    I still question whether a crime was committed. So, a teenager texting in a classroom needs to be arrested? Insolent as she was, that's not what I'd think a resource officer is for. It would have been easier to tell her to put it down and ignore her if she didn't cooperate. Locally, there is a special school for kids with disciplinary issues. It keeps them out of suspension while allowing the other kids to learn in peace. But I question why anybody thinks she should be arrested, let alone assaulted in the process.

  25. #25
    This is about a cellphone???,heck i went to with dudes who carried-switchblades,billyclubs,pipes,brass nuckles..how times have changed.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    This is about a cellphone???,heck i went to with dudes who carried-switchblades,billyclubs,pipes,brass nuckles..how times have changed.
    Yeah JAI that is all it was about. She was texting when the math teacher saw her and demanded her phone. She would not give it out so he told her to get out. She would leave, so they called an Asst Principal ....she still would not leave. Then they called this 6'1. 300 lb muscle goon called Ben Fields and he treated her worse than he would have a dog. It's not like the girl was packing and preparing to shoot up the school. This is South Carolina the same State where mass murderer Dylan Roof was arrested peacefully and taken to Burger King!

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Yeah JAI that is all it was about. She was texting when the math teacher saw her and demanded her phone. She would not give it out so he told her to get out. She would leave, so they called an Asst Principal ....she still would not leave. Then they called this 6'1. 300 lb muscle goon called Ben Fields and he treated her worse than he would have a dog. It's not like the girl was packing and preparing to shoot up the school. This is South Carolina the same State where mass murderer Dylan Roof was arrested peacefully and taken to Burger King!
    Exactly! They'll almost always treat a White person better than a Black person, no matter what they've done.

  28. #28
    The cop's firing was fitting because at the end of the day the question that needs asking is
    which party is the adult and which the child. And, I'll add I'm sure this particular person would
    not have tossed her around like that had she been a white girl. Still, there are no complete
    innocents here. The girl herself shoulders some responsibility for continuing to defy first her
    teacher and then the officer's request in this case alone. No, she didn't deserve the way he
    handled it but what the hell did she think her actions would lead to? I see a lot of this
    behavior in young people all of the time and if it goes unchecked you get reactions like this.
    I understand her mother, foster mother, I'm told, is complaining in the media but I know
    personally more than two or three moms who would have grounded, even whipped the ass
    of that child as soon as they got her home. Both her and the cop set out looking for trouble
    that day and they found it. The teacher is limp mollyfock who if he can't figure out how to
    deal with unruly teenage kids needs to find another line of work because there's another
    one born everyday!...


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