Results 1 to 50 of 50
  1. #1

  2. #2
    That is NOT going to happen in this country!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    That is NOT going to happen in this country!
    Dont be such a Debbie downer youve no idea about this and neither do i but im real hopeful that it start a diallog between customers.


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Dont be such a Debbie downer youve no idea about this and neither do i but im real hopeful that it start a diallog between customers.

    I know plenty about it and I know plenty about race and racism in the United States! Did you even look at the survey numbers?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    I know plenty about it and I know plenty about race and racism in the United States! Did you even look at the survey numbers?
    Yes Ms Debbie Downer i did but even one conversations is a step forward imo.


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Yes Ms Debbie Downer i did but even one conversations is a step forward imo.

    go have it then. you'll be by yourself!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    go have it then. you'll be by yourself!
    ThAnks now you have yourself a real fine night now.


  8. #8
    Marv, I think it's a great idea, and I admire Howard Schultz' efforts.

    I talked with a young, White female barista today, and, while she agreed with the program, she doubted it would work. Too many hostile old white people get offended by it.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Marv, I think it's a great idea, and I admire Howard Schultz' efforts.

    I talked with a young, White female barista today, and, while she agreed with the program, she doubted it would work. Too many hostile old white people get offended by it.
    Oh it's a nice idea, but racism is so entrenched in America, it is a way of life. It is so bad , that people either deny that it exists or refuse to even talk about it as a serious issue that affects this country. I just heard that Starbucks will not be launching this campaign in Canada.

  10. #10
    No offense intended, and race does have a place in the national discussion...however, when I go into a Starbucks I want a friendly person taking my order, spelling my name right [[which usually doesn't happen), and serving me a quality product. I don't need a $10 an hour barista lecturing me about ANYTHING...especially first thing In the morning when I don't care about saying anything to anyone [[that includes politics, religion, or societies ills) other than grabbing my coffee or cappuccino.. If Shultz wants to do anything..give a brother a free cup of coffee [[putting his money where his mouth is) and leave me alone...
    Last edited by StuBass1; 03-19-2015 at 12:37 AM.

  11. #11
    I saw a guy pushing a grocery cart full of his belongings this morning; he'd take the coffee too.

  12. #12
    Well, Stu, the idea is not to lecture, but to just chat about it. But, it sure as hell can't work when you have a line of caffeine-starved people waiting for their coffee or whatever it is caffeine addicts drink. Maybe during slow times it could work.

    I don't drink coffee, and am not a caffeine addict, so, if i'm not in any hurry, i'll chat about it.

  13. #13
    And that's just another problem...Many times I have 10 minutes before I have to be somewhere and figure I'll jam through Starbucks for a quick whatever...and often I park my car, walk into the store, see the line, and figure I won't have time to wait so I just leave...Baristas engaged in conversations of any kind will make maters wore...Some people go to Starbucks to sit around and converse and if people want to talk about race issues, work issues, sports, their kids, or anything else...that goes on everywhere...but to have some barista kid with purple hair and body piercings leading discussions on a potentially volatile topic like race, religion, or politics often won't end well, especially with certain customers of varying personalities. I've managed customer service oriented employees for many years, and those topic are way off base...'

  14. #14
    OK people: put aside your petty squabbles for the rest of the thread. Thanks!

    Now: Everyone always says that we shouldn't talk about race because people get angry, nervous, or feel like they are being blamed for slavery, you're afraid you're going to say something politically correct, you may lose your job, don't want to feel that white guilt, or your dog may hate you. You say you don't want to talk about it with a barista, before or after your caffeine fix, you can't talk about it at work, you get in trouble for talking about it at school, you don't want arguments with the family, or you don't want to make enemies with your friends. And, talking about it on most internet places only results in trolling. So, when or where is it ever a time to talk about race? It is clearly a big problem, but, half of America is in denial about it. And, if you talk about it, you get accused of being a racist, or "playing the race card". Do you feel like Blacks will just use the excuse to bash white people? Do you resign yourself to the idea [[fact?) that there will always be racism, so there's no point in talking about it? So you just talk about it when it's safe, with only people who will agree with you, and when you'll have the numbers to shout-down those with different opinions?

    So, again, when is this going to get done? It has to eventually or else it'as going to come to a head. Are you waiting for a race war? It may be too late. Are you hoping and praying that it will magically go away?

    Last edited by soulster; 03-19-2015 at 01:51 PM.

  15. #15
    One part of Shultz's statement which has been overlooked and I fully support is Starbucks committing to hire more minorities...I support Affirmative Action programs, and hope this goes for promoting qualified candidates throughout the organization up to and including the boardroom. This would be an effective and significant way to contribute to racial understanding and improve economic inequalities...

  16. #16
    Ok,let me see if i got this...some guy named[barister]is having a race to starbucks for cups of coffee with caffein or without,so stu just runs in and out,sounds like he's the winner...is this a marathon or a sprint?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Ok,let me see if i got this...some guy named[barister]is having a race to starbucks for cups of coffee with caffein or without,so stu just runs in and out,sounds like he's the winner...is this a marathon or a sprint?
    Pretty close Jai LOL...These Baritas yap enough as it is...I need coffee...not Dr Phil...

  18. #18
    Yeah,let dr.phil pay for his own coffee.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Yeah,let dr.phil pay for his own coffee.
    You damned right! He's got cash!

  20. #20
    And to prove that this is NOT a cynical marketing campaign...Starbucks Sr. Vice President of Barista strategies has these suggestions for conversation starters...

    "Welcome to Starbucks..Can we talk about race"...

    "Would you like cream with that, or equality for all"...

    "I notice you're Asian...Lets talk about it"...

    "Are you watching Empire???..You're fine then"...

    "Would you like your coffee African American, or with milk"...

    "I respect you heritage, AND your order"...

    "You know white is a color too...People forget that"..

    I suppose those conversation starters are to the point, and my coffee won't get cold...

  21. #21
    Oh and to prove there's no racism here at starbucks,we accept only green dollar bills.

  22. #22
    arr&bee, I appreciate your levity, but my intentions are for this to be a serious discussion. Thanks!

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    arr&bee, I appreciate your levity, but my intentions are for this to be a serious discussion. Thanks!
    Good luck with that, soulster...Personally I think it's a ridiculous idea for Starbucks to do this.
    I tend to agree with Stu's position though I've only even been in a Starbucks twice in my life.
    Besides I don't think SDF can handle the dialogue too well these days...

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by splanky View Post
    Besides I don't think SDF can handle the dialogue too well these days...
    [[Sigh!) You're probably correct on that point, considering...

  25. #25
    Soulster,I dig where you're going here,but you know as well as me that tempers are gonna flare at some point and ralph is gonna break out the riot gear,believe me brother I'm well aware of the racist situations that still exist in this country,but I don't come here to delve into it because I too have a temper and for me sdf is a place to unwind,but it's your post brother I hope folks will be honest but cool.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Soulster,I dig where you're going here,but you know as well as me that tempers are gonna flare at some point and ralph is gonna break out the riot gear,believe me brother I'm well aware of the racist situations that still exist in this country,but I don't come here to delve into it because I too have a temper and for me sdf is a place to unwind,but it's your post brother I hope folks will be honest but cool.
    Sure people will get steamed. But, that's what needs to happen if we are ever going to have a meaningful discussion about race. I see no problem as long as people do not get personal about it.

  27. #27
    I hear you brother,I'll pop in from time to time and make a comment,if I can,but you know that brutal honesty is a dangerous thing and that's what you're going for here because it's the only way this discussion can go if it is to go at all.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    I hear you brother,I'll pop in from time to time and make a comment,if I can,but you know that brutal honesty is a dangerous thing and that's what you're going for here because it's the only way this discussion can go if it is to go at all.
    That's not only what needs to happen in this country, but it's also what Howard Schultz believes.

  29. #29
    Please read this. It is going on outside of Starbucks:


  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Please read this. It is going on outside of Starbucks:

    The man is on the money with his commentary, but, this does not make a conversation. Sure, you are going to hear the tired rhetoric of Black-on Black crime and all that crap, but it must be challenged, not politely ignored.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    The man is on the money with his commentary, but, this does not make a conversation. Sure, you are going to hear the tired rhetoric of Black-on Black crime and all that crap, but it must be challenged, not politely ignored.
    Read some of the 460 plus comments to his article. Those are my neighbors on Long Island!

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Read some of the 460 plus comments to his article. Those are my neighbors on Long Island!
    And, they also sound just like my White neighbors out here, too. What is your point?

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    And, they also sound just like my White neighbors out here, too. What is your point?
    My point is that most of the commenters in that article would never say the things they said there in a discussion on race with a black person.

  34. #34
    Here's more on racism today in the good ole USA:

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by StuBass1 View Post
    And to prove that this is NOT a cynical marketing campaign...Starbucks Sr. Vice President of Barista strategies has these suggestions for conversation starters...

    "Welcome to Starbucks..Can we talk about race"...

    "Would you like cream with that, or equality for all"...

    "I notice you're Asian...Lets talk about it"...

    "Are you watching Empire???..You're fine then"...

    "Would you like your coffee African American, or with milk"...

    "I respect you heritage, AND your order"...

    "You know white is a color too...People forget that"..

    I suppose those conversation starters are to the point, and my coffee won't get cold...
    Are these for real? These are absolutely absurd! I am all about race discussions, but this is an absolutely disastrous way of going about it. Whether we like it or not, these volatile discussions are not ones in which strangers are willing to engage in voluntarily or peacefully. What person is going to respond well to "I notice you're Asian?" Let's face it. Race is not one of those passive subjects people just shoot the breeze over in their small talk with their servers. Some of these greetings are bound to be answered with hostility rather than an intellectual discussion, especially in the morning when people just want to get in and get out. That's the reality of it.

    Soulster, I totally agree that the conversation needs to happen. However, realistically, I do not see this working. I see this backfiring and having baristas trying to do their job being verbally assaulted by customers.

    Grant it, I would like to see how this works out. Depending on the area and the demographics, the level of success with this experiment could vary drastically. For example, in areas with a more racially- and culturally-diverse, socially-conscious population, this could spark a conversation. However, try this in an upper-crust section of Connecticut and you're likely to run into a dead end.
    Last edited by antceleb12; 03-22-2015 at 10:59 AM.

  36. #36
    Last edited by marv2; 03-22-2015 at 12:22 PM.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    My point is that most of the commenters in that article would never say the things they said there in a discussion on race with a black person.
    Most White people I talk to act like Blacks are stirring up all the problems by bringing it up. They have that attitude of White privilege and superiority, and don't even realize it. In other words, they sound like the idiots on Fox news.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by antceleb12 View Post
    Are these for real? These are absolutely absurd! I am all about race discussions, but this is an absolutely disastrous way of going about it. Whether we like it or not, these volatile discussions are not ones in which strangers are willing to engage in voluntarily or peacefully. What person is going to respond well to "I notice you're Asian?" Let's face it. Race is not one of those passive subjects people just shoot the breeze over in their small talk with their servers. Some of these greetings are bound to be answered with hostility rather than an intellectual discussion, especially in the morning when people just want to get in and get out. That's the reality of it.

    Soulster, I totally agree that the conversation needs to happen. However, realistically, I do not see this working. I see this backfiring and having baristas trying to do their job being verbally assaulted by customers.

    Grant it, I would like to see how this works out. Depending on the area and the demographics, the level of success with this experiment could vary drastically. For example, in areas with a more racially- and culturally-diverse, socially-conscious population, this could spark a conversation. However, try this in an upper-crust section of Connecticut and you're likely to run into a dead end.
    This morning on Patricia Harris-Perry's show on MSNBC, they did a 45 minute discussion about this very thing. They were talking about how the Starbucks president had good intentions, but didn't understand how to pull this off. In other words [[if I remember correctly, as I was listening to it on XM radio as I was driving home from another city), he didn't possess the perspective that is required to know how to frame the issue, and that it's more than just talking about how many friends of another race you have. He wants his people to talk about race, when the real issue is racism, which makes Stubass's post so funny, and on-target in his own way. Talking about race is more than writing "race together" on a cup, unless that barista is a cute chick, and adds her phone number to it , or wants to use her break time to talk. And, you don't just start plucking something out of the air to talk about, it's situational, or it's not natural.

    And, it is true that the baristas are constantly busy doing something, whether it be filling orders otr cleaning. They don't have time to chit-chat. You would think that the president would understand that.

    If Mr. Schultz still wants Starbucks to be a part of the discussion, perhaps he should host little groups or town hall meetings in his stores, and offer a free drink or something.

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    If Mr. Schultz still wants Starbucks to be a part of the discussion, perhaps he should host little groups or town hall meetings in his stores, and offer a free drink or something.
    That, to me, sounds much more productive and fruitful. I would absolutely be in favor of something like that.

    Still, how does one engage those more resistant to these discussions?

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Most White people I talk to act like Blacks are stirring up all the problems by bringing it up. They have that attitude of White privilege and superiority, and don't even realize it. In other words, they sound like the idiots on Fox news.
    That is exactly what happens which is why I said very early on in this thread that a serious conversation about race and racism will not happen in this country at least not on a broad level .

  41. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by antceleb12 View Post
    Still, how does one engage those more resistant to these discussions?
    Blame it all on Obama! Hahahahah!

  42. #42
    Crystaledwards Guest
    A national conversation about race relations should have started after Hurricane Katrina, Trayvon Martin and Ferguson, Missouri. We need to acknowledge and address the reality that most white people know very little about black people. While some are suspect in their intentions when something vaguely racist is uttered, most are too ignorant about black people to have a full grasp on what is and isn't offensive and are too afraid to ask for fear of being branded a racist.

    While talking about race may increase the chances of offending someone [[regardless of your views), it is the only good way make the topic approachable. By talking about race openly and honestly, people are able to point out when certain things are unfair or offensive. This may make people uncomfortable and defensive but the conversation must begin. The first place racism should be addressed, discussed and challenged is within our family and extended family.

    Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz should book auditoriums and concert halls all across the country offering free moderated lectures and discussions on the current state of race relations in America. A five-minute harried chat about race while impatiently waiting for a Frappuccino won't even scratch the surface.


  43. #43
    Crystaledwards Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Soulster,I dig where you're going here,but you know as well as me that tempers are gonna flare at some point and ralph is gonna break out the riot gear,believe me brother I'm well aware of the racist situations that still exist in this country,but I don't come here to delve into it because I too have a temper and for me sdf is a place to unwind,but it's your post brother I hope folks will be honest but cool.
    I believe we can and should discuss the appalling state of race relations in the US in this Forum and if tempers flare, then so be it. Better a fiery dialog than total silence on this deeply divisive and troubling issue.

    Last edited by Crystaledwards; 03-23-2015 at 09:18 AM. Reason: grammar

  44. #44
    Instead of meddling in race relations, Starbucks would have done more good if it had not put so much effort into organising its corporate structure in such a way as to avoid paying its fair share of taxation in the UK, thus reducing the total income available to pay for public services.

  45. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
    Instead of meddling in race relations, Starbucks would have done more good if it had not put so much effort into organising its corporate structure in such a way as to avoid paying its fair share of taxation in the UK, thus reducing the total income available to pay for public services.
    Meddling? Somebody needs to interfere in race relations! Maybe it isn't so severe in the U.K., but it's very bad here in the U.S..

  46. #46
    Will the Starbucks employees receive extra training to be able to do this? Will they be paid extra? Will Starbucks pay for their medical treatment if they are hospitalised through discussing race with the wrong customer?

  47. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Crystaledwards View Post
    I believe we can and should discuss the appalling state of race relations in the US in this Forum and if tempers flare, then so be it. Better a fiery dialog than total silence on this deeply divisive and troubling issue.

    But is this forum the place to delve into this explosive matter?heck the[Motown F orum damn near got shut down because of how folks felt about a certain female singing group and that was about-MUSIC,you better be ready because things may get said that won't be easy to get past that's all I'm saying...BE READY.

  48. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
    Will the Starbucks employees receive extra training to be able to do this? Will they be paid extra? Will Starbucks pay for their medical treatment if they are hospitalised through discussing race with the wrong customer?
    They have already discontinued the "Race Together" program, as it was originally conceived. Schultz isn't giving up, though. He is going to host forums as I mentioned earlier.

  49. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    But is this forum the place to delve into this explosive matter?heck the[Motown F orum damn near got shut down because of how folks felt about a certain female singing group and that was about-MUSIC,you better be ready because things may get said that won't be easy to get past that's all I'm saying...BE READY.
    You know this forum has delved into this topic, and many others throughout the years. It should be no big deal for SDF. And, the Universal Motown forum DID get shut down because of the constant disruption in the discussion of a certain female singing group.

  50. #50
    Soulster,i don't think it's gonna get that deep.


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