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  1. #1

    The Pono Music Store opens up on Monday!

    The Pono Music Store opens up on Monday to the general public. For those in the U.S. who don't mind downloads, this is it! Now we can finally buy CD equivalent, or better, files instead of having to settle for iTunes AAC or mp3. The U.S. will have an equivalent to Quboz in Europe. In fact, Quboz is also opening up a U.S. store.

    In many cases, the music downloaded from Pono will sound better than the CD you already own because the company makes an effort to not sell overly loud, compressed versions.

    BTW, don't shoot the messenger!

  2. #2
    The store had been open to the general public since about noon. I just downloaded my first song from it: "Uptown Funk" by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars, and it's 24-bit.

    In order to buy and download albums or songs, you must download and install the desktop app, which is, of course, free, but it offers a lot of the same functions as J.River, who provides the engine.

    To save your downloads to your hard drive to play in any device, or to burn a CD-R, you can simply copy+paste the songs.

    Now, I know most of you don't care about sound quality, and it's obvious because no one has responded to this thread, but it's here. If you download, there's no need to settle for less files anymore.

    Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just sending you the message. Better quality downloads are now here, if you want them. No more iTunes or 7-digital for me!

  3. #3
    supremester Guest
    i appreciate all input on sound quality. I'm not an audiophile, perhaps but I bought the new Japanese Reflections thats spozsed to be so good - and it is. Both of my fave tracks sound better than ever - even with shitty speakers. I'm sniffing around your suggestions.

  4. #4
    With all the new home stereo and hi-rez players coming back, as shown at CES this year, and you guyz have no interest. It's no wonder soul music fans are always years behind the curve.

    Just these things alone should be enough to reignite your interest:

    Technics and Sony getting back into the home audio market in a big way
    Pono player and music store
    Wireless home and car systems that play hi-rez music
    new turntables

    Make NO mistake! The paradigm IS once again changing.

    I post these things to help bring back the desire for quality audio like we used to have back the days before even the CD was introduced. I post these things not out of some audiophile snobbishness, but to help bring everybody back up to desiring and expecting the standards we used to have. It's ALL about the love of the MUSIC. Quality sound is what makes me appreciate the music even more, to hear it like the artists and producers intended, not through some data-compressed file played on a smartphone.

    Oh well, keep wallowing in the declining CD and mp3 world...

  5. #5
    I agree with you Soulster about it being all about the music and sound quality is an important part of listening to the music. I have a home audio system and I enjoy listening to music on it. I only listen to music on my personal device [[iPod Classic) when I run or commute to work and I even brought $600 earbuds for better output [[each bud has a sub-woofer). I am planning to download "Baby It's Me" from Pono.

  6. #6
    I heard they will be starting a music service EVEN better than Phono, where you can purchase the artist of your choice and they will sing in your living room with accompaniment. Hopefully the sound quality will be comparable.

  7. #7
    Soulster - I'm not sure why this discussion requires such a condescending tone, but regarding Pono, isn't the whole idea to use the Pono player [[$399 US) to get the most out of these tracks?

    Overall, industry reaction to Pono has been somewhat lackluster, and its viability has been questioned in a world where [[for better or worse) the emphasis is more and more on streaming.

    I'm all about the best sound quality I can get, but with a service like Pono, which requires a desktop app or their specialized player, I'm not much in the mood to start repurchasing my music collection yet again.

  8. #8
    smark21 Guest
    I hope the Pono Music Store never hired Soulster to be its brand ambassador because if they did they would have to fire him as he does a horrible job promoting their cause with his hectoring, arrogance and "condescending tone" [[good description hobocamp).

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    I hope the Pono Music Store never hired Soulster to be its brand ambassador because if they did they would have to fire him as he does a horrible job promoting their cause with his hectoring, arrogance and "condescending tone" [[good description hobocamp).
    Yo buddy! Your post has been copied and pasted and REPORTED! So, no trying to delete it now! This is the kind of mess Ralph said he will ban people for.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by hobocamp View Post
    Soulster - I'm not sure why this discussion requires such a condescending tone, but regarding Pono, isn't the whole idea to use the Pono player [[$399 US) to get the most out of these tracks?
    It wasn't meant to be condescending at all. Too bad you all are taking it that way. Most other music forums, people would show some actual interest instead of the votorol.

    I try to expand the topic of discussion here beyond the same old crap. I don't see anyone else trying to do it.

    Overall, industry reaction to Pono has been somewhat lackluster, and its viability has been questioned in a world where [[for better or worse) the emphasis is more and more on streaming.
    I notice that 7-Digital has started selling FLAC and lossless too. Tell me, have any of you heard or own a really good stereo? Have you heard hi-rez? Don't knock it until you at least try it. If you don't, you are doing nothing but speculating and talking out of ignorance.

    I'm all about the best sound quality I can get, but with a service like Pono, which requires a desktop app or their specialized player, I'm not much in the mood to start repurchasing my music collection yet again.
    Have you ever used J.River? That's the engine that Pono uses, and it will let you save and convert your files. It is NOT a desktop.

  11. #11
    Thanks for all your education on downloading. I have downloaded some real crappy quality stuff on I-tunes.

  12. #12

  13. #13
    Yep the Forbes article goes along with what I was reading too. I'm sure it sounds great, but this is sadly going to be DOA.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Why are you guys fighting progress so hard?

    To address Mr. Owsinski's commentary: he's speaking in gross ignorance. He didn't look at the site very hard. There is over two million songs in that store, and I downloaded Taylor Swift's "1998" album in hi-rez [[24-bit) just yesterday. The Pono player does not come with headphones for a reason. You are to pick your own. That's a good thing about quality products, you can choose your gear. Also, Pono is coming out with a full line of audio products, including headphones.

    There is a wealth of mis-information out there about Pono, the player, and the music site. There is a lot of ignorance about file types, and a strange refusal of nay-sayers to even judge for themselves. What I see are people who sit back, listening to music on their smartphones and cee-dees, and making snap judgements about something they have never even heard, based on someone else's ignorant writings. Such a shame!

    Second, there is a huge market of people who do not want lossy files, and prefer to OWN their music, not just stream it. Remember, streamed music can be removed just as easily as it is provided. I'd rather be able to play my music however and whenever I want.

    One more thing I should make clear is that Neil Young is not aiming for the audiophile. he is going for all music lovers. If he were just going for audiophiles, he would not be selling CD quality music on his music store.

    Here is the player, which will be available at Fry's Electronics starting Monday. This is only the beginning.

    Last edited by soulster; 01-09-2015 at 01:57 AM.

  15. #15
    How much does this site cost? I read it's relatively expensive. I guess it's worth it if someone doesn't want to buy CD's anymore?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by helga View Post
    How much does this site cost? I read it's relatively expensive. I guess it's worth it if someone doesn't want to buy CD's anymore?
    It's just like iTunes. The site and software are free. All you do is buy the music.

    The music is going to be a bit more expensive because the labels are greedy. I mean, you get CD quality, but in some cases, the price is the same as if, or more than, if, you bought the CD. In some cases, you are getting the high resolution version, which is about the same as the master tape. But, in this case, and it is very important to know, that the CD quality files on Pono sound better than the CD! Why? In many cases, the record label went back to the absolute masters before the compression was applied to them, so you don't get the limitations of the CD, even.

    The whole point of Pono is to get music lovers away from bad-sounding lossy files like AAC and mp3, and to get us back to where we were before the original Napster, and other illegal file-sharing ever happened.

    This isn't about audiophilia, me, or snobbishness, or whatever you call it. It's about getting back to the love of the music, and the way you do that is to get back to it sounding good! The audio manufacturers are getting back to producing good quality audio gear.

    The Pono player is a step up from your iPod, Sansa, or smartphone. It will still play your mp3s, but it will also play high-rez files too. You can play it while jogging, in the car, snuggled up in a corner while reading a book, at work, or on your main stereo system at home. You can plug in any kind of headphone or ear-bud you like. Pono is also coming out with a full line of audio gear, too.

    Again, this is not about snobbishness or anything of the sort. It's about getting music lovers loving the music again.
    Last edited by soulster; 01-12-2015 at 04:06 PM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    But, in this case, and it is very important to know, that the CD quality files on Pono sound better than the CD! Why? In many cases, the record label went back to the absolute masters before the compression was applied to them, so you don't get the limitations of the CD, even.
    Thank you for the thorough explanation, Soulster. Much appreciated.

    I am somewhat doubtful on whether there are REALLY that many albums available on Pono in master tape audio quality? It sounds like it's a mixed bag, with some albums being CD quality and others being master tape quality. I think the HD master tape digital transfer is fairly new to the online music world? I know there were quite a handful available through HDTracks, but I am skeptical that complete catalogues are available in this format? Perhaps that's the long-term goal, considering this is all fairly new?

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by helga View Post
    Thank you for the thorough explanation, Soulster. Much appreciated.
    Obviously, there isn't much interest about it on this forum. It is much nicer to talk about this stuff without having to deal with people trying to insult me for whatever reason they have. I am not forcing any of this on you guys. I'm just telling you there is a better way, and that they can partake. A lot of people, even in the industry, hope Pono, HD Tracks, and others soon to follow, will mark the end of a horrible era in the music industry where we allowed ourselves to be seduced by bad-sounding audio. I also hope it signals to the labels, large and small, that compressing and EQ'ing the mess out of the music is no longer acceptable. It's just a dirty shame that so much classic soul music from the 70s and 80s has been ruined by the awful mastering practices used. [[I'm looking at YOU, bbr Records!) If I were being a snob, I wouldn't be trying to get the people on this forum to join in and demand better sound. I'm not trying to turn you into audiophiles [[not that it would be a bad thing), but just trying to help get everyone away from lossy files. If Apple would just stop requesting that the labels waste time and money with their "Mastered for iTunes" nonsense, and get on board with lossless, that would change everything for good.

    I am somewhat doubtful on whether there are REALLY that many albums available on Pono in master tape audio quality? It sounds like it's a mixed bag, with some albums being CD quality and others being master tape quality.
    Most are in CD quality because the record labels are literally dumping almost everything they have into Pono. To do hi-rez, they still have to go back to the masters and create new digital masters. Pono is trying to get the librarians to stop what they have been used to doing over the last decade, or so, and give them the best uncompressed versions, both data-compressed and masters that are compressed in mastering. This is a situation that is gradually changing. I am constantly surprised at what is turning up in 24-bit on Pono.

    I think the HD master tape digital transfer is fairly new to the online music world? I know there were quite a handful available through HDTracks, but I am skeptical that complete catalogues are available in this format? Perhaps that's the long-term goal, considering this is all fairly new?
    Hi-rez for consumers [[higher bit-depth and sampling rates) have been around since the late 90s, and the industry has been recording and mastering in hi-rez since the mid-90s. It is indeed the goal to get things in higher resolution. But, as with the transition from vinyl/tape to CD, a lot of things will never make it for whatever reason. The good news is that the labels have been at work converting their tape libraries to digital hi-rez for many years now.

    Fourteen years ago, Sony developed SACD. But, they didn't really promote it, wouldn't license the chip for free, and we had just been attacked on 9/11. So, most people didn't have SACD-ready players. On top of that, there were many royalty issues with the artists. The artists wanted to be paid double for the hybrid CDs, and, again, few people had SACD players. And, the selection was small. So, it failed, even though today there are SACD/CD hybrid discs being produced. One just came out on George Benson's "Breezin" album.

    DVD-A was the competitor. Problem is that you needed a dedicated player, or a monitor with the DVD player.

    The public was confused by these formats, and didn't have the needed hardware. Meanwhile, you could find whatever you wanted for free...if you were willing to settle for lousy-sounding mp3s. People with very good turntables, carts, and preamps, could sidestep the whole issue. But, this is a different day, and we have seen the worst.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    The Pono Music Store opens up on Monday to the general public. For those in the U.S. who don't mind downloads, this is it! Now we can finally buy CD equivalent, or better, files instead of having to settle for iTunes AAC or mp3. The U.S. will have an equivalent to Quboz in Europe. In fact, Quboz is also opening up a U.S. store.

    In many cases, the music downloaded from Pono will sound better than the CD you already own because the company makes an effort to not sell overly loud, compressed versions.

    BTW, don't shoot the messenger!
    Well heres 2 real interesting aarticles that are real skeptical of Neil Youngs audiophile friendly Porno Store and device. One thinks its basically a scam aNd the other says that it's gear toward audiopphiles who are more into numbers than music.lol.





  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Well heres 2 real interesting aarticles that are real skeptical of Neil Youngs audiophile friendly Porno Store and device. One thinks its basically a scam aNd the other says that it's gear toward audiopphiles who are more into numbers than music.lol.




    Is that all you guys can do is google up people who have nothing good to say?

  21. #21
    Soulster I have to hand it to you I was very skeptical about Pono but when I heard some of the tracks in their store, both Motown and non-Motown, the clarity of the music gave me chills. Since I'm an "apple head" my main concern is 1) iTunes compatability [[which doesn't seem at all likely) and 2) music on the go. The music in my phone is most important to me and I like having one device for everything. I'm very interested in the HD experience now but am wondering if this is just a passing "fad" if you will, or if this is the future and the cost should/could be justified. Now that I think about it, I wonder if we would be able to transfer existing CD's to this format. Forgive me if this is already in print somewhere; I'm writing on the go.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Is that all you guys can do is google up people who have nothing good to say?
    A thank you would have been more gracious but thats okay.

    Yours, with every good wish.


  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by justanothermotownfan View Post
    Soulster I have to hand it to you I was very skeptical about Pono but when I heard some of the tracks in their store, both Motown and non-Motown, the clarity of the music gave me chills.
    Thank you! Instead of people Googling up negative stuff, or trying to attack me personally, like the person who was very recently banned for it, all they have to do is listen for themselves. I'm only sending the message. Instead of talking about The Supremes or what 60s Motown group did a concert last weekend, or who died, I prefer to talk about sound quality. None of it is forbidden on this forum.

    Since I'm an "apple head" my main concern is 1) iTunes compatibility [[which doesn't seem at all likely)
    here's the good part about that. If a format is lossless, like, say, ALAC, you can convert it to FLAC, or vice versa. So, if you download in FLAC, you can easily convert it to ALAC with no loss in quality whatsoever. You can convert it to any lossless file type like .aiff or .wav, or even your favorite lossy format, like mp3. It's a win-win situation.

    At this time, Apple will not use FLAC. I think their insistence on using ALAC for lossless or hi-rez is tied to their keeping an image of exclusivity, keeping its users tied to Apple products. That's not a slam on Apple, just the way it has been since Steve Jobs retook the reins over a decade ago.

    and 2) music on the go. The music in my phone is most important to me and I like having one device for everything.
    Again, you can make lossy copies of your files for your phone, but the Pono player will play any format you may have. I'm in my car a lot, so that's where a considerable amount of music gets heard. I can't play the hi-rez without a Pono player, but I can still make lossless or lossy files and play them on my car's equipment.

    I'm very interested in the HD experience now but am wondering if this is just a passing "fad" if you will, or if this is the future and the cost should/could be justified.
    I have been dealing with high resolution formats since 1990, when I gained the capability to do so. It's not a fad when the record labels are working to convert everything to high-rez. For ten years, i've had a receiver and a computer soundcard that will natively play and record at 192 kHz. The whole point of any of this is to get better sound, as close to the master recordings [[final two-channel mixes) as possible. Hi-rez lets us do that.

    Now that I think about it, I wonder if we would be able to transfer existing CD's to this format.
    Of course you can, but, there is no point in it. But, you won't get any benefit from it. Just rip your CDs at their native format 16-bit/44.1 kHz.

    I have my entire CD collection ripped to hard drives so I can easily play them at the click of a mouse, or on a transport system via a server, like a jukebox. My CDs are boxed up. I never need to touch them.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    A thank you would have been more gracious but thats okay.

    Yours, with every good wish.

    Why am I going to thank you for bringing up negative crap from people who don't know what they are talking about or understand what neil Young is trying to do?

    Some of the dissension seems to be surrounded by the idea that no one, or few people can hear the difference between hi-rez and CD, or, for that matter, mp3. One must take into account that a lot of people have hearing loss. But, audio professionals, and I mean those who actually work in the industry, can hear the difference, as can many average people.
    Last edited by soulster; 01-12-2015 at 11:41 PM.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Why am I going to thank you for bringing up negative crap from people who don't know what they are talking about or understand what neil Young is trying to do?

    Some of the dissension seems to be surrounded by the idea that no one, or few people can hear the difference between hi-rez and CD, or, for that matter, mp3. bOne must taki into account that a lot of people have hearing loss. But, audio professionals, and I mean those who actually work in the industry, can hear the difference, as can many average people.
    Well i thought youd like to hear another points of view. Now Ralph ask us to keep it real civil around this here forum and your verging on ruddness. Not nice soulster.


  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Well i thought youd like to hear another points of view. Now Ralph ask us to keep it real civil around this here forum and your verging on ruddness. Not nice soulster.

    I do read other points of view. The problem with the ones you, an that other poster keep bringing up were made by people who are not very informed, have no experience, or are, otherwise, not qualified to speak to sound quality. It is better to experience something yourself than to just rely on the opinions of those with whom you are more inclined to agree with based on, perhaps, some animosity toward me.

    Now, as for being civil, I have not in any way been disrespectful or made any personal attacks.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I do read other points of view. The problem with the ones you, an that other poster keep bringing up were made by people who are not very informed, have no experience, or are, otherwise, not qualified to speak to sound quality. It is better to experience something yourself than to just rely on the opinions of those with whom you are more inclined to agree with based on, perhaps, some animosity toward me.

    Now, as for being civil, I have not in any way been disrespectful or made any personal attacks.
    ive no animoisity towards you dear. im not an audophile and never will be becuase of my hearing loss i suffered a few years ago when i was came down with Meniers disease.



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