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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    All three women were in a rif over it from the beginning - Nona came around and is no longer throwing wigs down the hallway and is even friends with Mary Wilson now.
    Interesting because I knew the Supremes and Bluebelles had a little rivalry:

  2. #102
    Nona has/had been the holdout per Cindy.

  3. #103

  4. #104
    rivalry ?
    yes they did but its gone
    Patti and Diana are friends
    Nona and Mary are friends

  5. #105

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    rivalry ?
    yes they did but its gone
    Patti and Diana are friends
    Nona and Mary are friends
    I know that. I was just saying.

  7. #107
    Patti and Mary are friends.

  8. #108
    For years and years. Patti sang for Mary's son's funeral.

  9. #109
    Patti's friends with a lot of the Motowners it seems. Maybe that's why she was invited to Motown Returns to the Apollo.

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    Patti's friends with a lot of the Motowners it seems. Maybe that's why she was invited to Motown Returns to the Apollo.
    She's Otis Williams former girlfriend.

  11. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    She's Otis Williams former girlfriend.
    Well I knew that for years lol

    I've followed Patti's career in a way.

  12. #112

    LaBelle's 4-decade feud with Ross ends at lunch
    August 03, 2005|By Geoff Brown, Tribune staff reporter

    Patti LaBelle stayed mad at fellow rhythm and blues diva Diana Ross for a very long time--38 years, to be exact. But sitting with Ross at a "luncheon table for, like, three hours" zapped the hard feelings.

    In raucously funny detail, LaBelle discussed the grudge during a meet-and-greet event last week, heralding her latest album, "Classic Moments," at the DuSable Museum of African American History. The affair was hosted by Dedry Jones as part of his occasional series of artist appearances under the aegis of the South Side music store The Music Experience.

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    You would think Ross had stolen her man, the way LaBelle carried on about her for almost four decades. But LaBelle said it really started because of Cindy Birdsong's 1967 defection from Patti LaBelle & the Bluebelles to Ross' Supremes. The bad blood evaporated recently when Oprah Winfrey invited LaBelle and Ross to a weekend Legends event on the West Coast.

    The 61-year-old Grammy Award winner said one thing led to another and, well, here's LaBelle's 100 m.p.h. version of events:

    "I was mad at Diana Ross for many, many years. ... One night we went to perform--[and] Cindy Birdsong's [behind] was all up in Detroit! Diana Ross called her to take Florence Ballard's place [[Ballard had been fired) without telling me first. ... So of course I was [angry] with Miss Ross.

    "After a year I did forgive Cindy ... [but] I never came to grips with saying anything to Diana, because I think I would've beat the hell out of her. So instead of me beating her physically, I beat her verbally. Whenever I got a chance, I would say, `I hate her.'"

    The wall between them grew brick by badmouth brick through third parties--and was cemented by a shot at LaBelle's weight by Ross on the "Arsenio Hall Show," LaBelle said.

    Then "Oprah Winfrey gave that beautiful Legends, a weekend about two months ago."

    And, as seating arrangements would have it, Ross was there, at the same luncheon table as Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, Chaka Khan--and LaBelle.

    "So Diana would leap up every now and then and say something to me, and I said, OK, I can't be rude ... I have to respond.

    "And so I had seen [Ross'] kids that day, and her kids were loving the fool out of Patti LaBelle. Honest to God. ... Like [Ross' daughter] Tracee [Ellis Ross] wanted me to be her mother on [her TV sitcom] `Girlfriends.' ... So I was saying that's such a pleasure, such an honor for her to want Patti LaBelle in her life. Maybe she doesn't know about her mother and Patti! Maybe there is no feud, maybe there's all stuff in my mind and maybe in Diana's mind ...

    "So Diana asked me a real personal question ... a girlfriend question. So I said, well, give me your number and I'll call you back with the information. I called her back, we started talking. I swear to God, we've been talking for the last--since Oprah's weekend. We've been girlfriends."

    "I wanna tell you guys that, if you have any doubts about her, let 'em go. Because I think she's a good person."

    In Patti's own words she started talking to Cindy a year after she left ~~
    Last edited by captainjames; 05-29-2013 at 09:03 AM.

  13. #113
    Yeah I did say that Patti stopped talking to her for about a year so yeah that's about right.

  14. #114
    revvy Guest
    Funny how everybody wants to beat Diana up! LOL Patti wanted to, Mary could certainly take her and Florence actually did! I personally would have derived much pleasure in strangling her myself based on her behavior during the Return to Love negotiations. Aside from the fact she knows how to piss people off, I agree that underneath her prima donna exterior she is indeed a good person with a kind heart...more now than ever. We all know she is an exceptional mother. Her kids turned out amazingly well. That says a lot right there.
    Last edited by revvy; 05-29-2013 at 06:55 PM.

  15. #115
    For someone that "hated" Diana so much, here's Patti hootin' and hollerin' at Diana Ross tribute a DECADE before this article:


  16. #116
    After all these years, most of these people get on reasonably well..............but, firstly they all know what they have to do and what they have to say in order to get some publicity and stay current and in the news.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    For someone that "hated" Diana so much, here's Patti hootin' and hollerin' at Diana Ross tribute a DECADE before this article:

    That's why I don't believe she ever "hated" Diana. In fact, three years before Patti "squashed" the one-sided feud [[Diana has always admired Patti from what I heard), they were sitting together in a photo around 2002, the same year Patti claimed she wanted to "cut that heifer up" for "stealing" her and the Bluebelles' dresses 40 years before lol

  18. #118
    The rumors from Martha and Patti about Diana stealing the same outfits that the other groups wore always made me laugh. Diana use to make the outfits for the group so when she saw the outfits the other groups made I guess she called MOTOWN and said I need MONEY !!! for gowns .........LOL

    s soon ad WDOL hit they had new designers and everyone was copying them.

    money for new dresses

  19. #119
    The No Hit Supremes use to say they barely had money for cab fare so that's why Diana made the outfits. I guess Diana said CHARGE IT, I am going to be a Supreme !!!! LOL

  20. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    The rumors from Martha and Patti about Diana stealing the same outfits that the other groups wore always made me laugh. Diana use to make the outfits for the group so when she saw the outfits the other groups made I guess she called MOTOWN and said I need MONEY !!! for gowns .........LOL

    As soon as WDOL hit they had new designers and everyone was copying them.

    money for new dresses
    It's ironic. In Martha's version, she also said the Supremes perform before them. Did Patti and Martha try to create drama where there wasn't none? That also begs the question, what year was all of this? 1963? lol

    If anything Patti and 'em should've sued Motown themselves if they were that upset instead of taking it out on Diana, Mary and Flo lol of course the Vandellas didn't have that option since they were in the same label. LOL

    That also reminds me, if Patti hated Diana so much, then why was she and Diana on the same stage at Motown Returns to the Apollo singing "I Wanna Know What Love Is" and Patti's voice basically shouted over everyone's else.


    Patti claims Diana personally called her out but all Diana said was "Help me somebody!" and Patti went forward before everyone else did and she gave her the mic. :P

  21. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    The No Hit Supremes use to say they barely had money for cab fare so that's why Diana made the outfits. I guess Diana said CHARGE IT, I am going to be a Supreme !!!! LOL
    I remember Florence saying that in the book LOL I wonder did Martha and Patti have more money than the Supremes did at that specific time? They were the paupers then before they became the "Princesses" lol

  22. #122
    alexgarret Guest
    I think Miss Birdsong would be embarrassed by this thread. Shame on us.

  23. #123
    No offense to Cindy I am sure she is aware of all the drama that surrounds this post which is suppose to be about her but, I have yet been able to get anyone to confirm what is going on with her and her lack of finances regarding her health. Since t here are other resources that could be probably available to her.

    On the subject of Patti and others in regard to their outfits I asked Mary Wilson once regarding this during her Supreme collection display. I was hoping she would say they had been stolen or too worn out to show but her response was more like she didn't have any idea what I was referring to. With that being said I thought I had bad information, drama or had read the wrong book. Also, I am sure Cindy would have insight to this as well but I have never heard her deny or confirm it being true.

  24. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by alexgarret View Post
    I think Miss Birdsong would be embarrassed by this thread. Shame on us.
    I think every living Supreme would be embarassed by ALL threads.

  25. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    I think every living Supreme would be embarassed by ALL threads.
    I couldn't agree more, MaryBrewster. People have a way of digging up non-existent issues, creating hypothetical ones, or ones otherwise completely imagined and turning them into the cat-fight of the century. I love the Supremes, Vandellas, Tops and Temps and all of Motown, but I can't imagine how shallow the lives of those who obsess on the slightest details, real and imagined, must be. And then to turn it into on-going and long standing fights. I guess it is merely a symptom of hyper-obsessed fandom. My guess is that the stars who are the subject of these types of threads are by now long used to this type of behavior from their fans and they simply ignore it.

  26. #126
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    This new, live version by Sarah is makin' me crazy--it's just too good! Absolutely sensational. Thanks so much for posting it, Luke.

  27. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    I think every living Supreme would be embarassed by ALL threads.
    I doubt they come to this site anymore lol

    Didn't someone say Mary visited this site and was disgusted by what she saw?

  28. #128
    I thought the Apollo finale was a wonderful example of how a stage full of egos can make some musical magic ~ Patti was specifically called over by Diana and Diana seemed to have no issue with any showboating by Patti; all Patti did was sing like Patti sings. And the 2nd microphone that got sent over went all over the stage on it's way to Diana, in a very professional way. And the performances were great.

    I think this thread is kind of an embarrassment to Cindy Birdsong; I have never understood the need to go public when someone needs assistance. If you need to go public, it immediately comes across as "about your ego". You can help quietly without a press release.

    If the person in need of assistance consents to the publicity, that is one thing. If they don't or if they are deceased, sober second thoughts should be taken before going public.

  29. #129
    smark21 Guest
    On the subject of the rivalry, no doubt there were rivalries and hard feelings between the various groups when they were young, ambitious, up and coming performers fighting for a piece of the pie, but one would hope as they get older and find their place in the business they’re able to set aside some of the hard feelings and at least appreciate the talent and hard work their one time rivals had and put in to make it in the music business.

    I’m reading a book about the song “Hallejujah” and how it made the journey from obscurity to standard in the last 30 years. The author interviewed the singer Rufus Wainwright who covered the song for the Shreck soundtrack. At first he resisted the song because it was most associated with a singer he considered a rival back in their up and coming on the local NYC scene days, Jeff Buckley, who many considered to have recorded the definitive version of the song. Buckley died in the late 90s. Wainwright finally listened to Buckley’s version of the song and was blown away and now regrets being jealous and resentful of Buckley and he realized that by avoiding Buckley’s shows, he was deprived himself of watching and hearing someone he realized was a very special talent. With maturity hopefully comes wisdom and a realization of how silly rivalries can be.

  30. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    I thought the Apollo finale was a wonderful example of how a stage full of egos can make some musical magic ~ Patti was specifically called over by Diana and Diana seemed to have no issue with any showboating by Patti; all Patti did was sing like Patti sings. And the 2nd microphone that got sent over went all over the stage on it's way to Diana, in a very professional way. And the performances were great.

    I think this thread is kind of an embarrassment to Cindy Birdsong; I have never understood the need to go public when someone needs assistance. If you need to go public, it immediately comes across as "about your ego". You can help quietly without a press release.

    If the person in need of assistance consents to the publicity, that is one thing. If they don't or if they are deceased, sober second thoughts should be taken before going public.
    That's why I believed Cindy Birdsong wouldn't have approved of this. Last I heard she was actually doing alright so who knows what's going on?

  31. #131
    Quote Originally Posted by Methuselah2 View Post
    This new, live version by Sarah is makin' me crazy--it's just too good! Absolutely sensational. Thanks so much for posting it, Luke.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThBCpO-HHqQY you might like this.

  32. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by blueskies View Post
    I sure do! Ooo-wee! Many thanks Blueskies. Hadn't heard or seen this one before, so it was a real treat and great surprise.

  33. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    That's why I believed Cindy Birdsong wouldn't have approved of this. Last I heard she was actually doing alright so who knows what's going on?
    I can see how some might think that Cindy wouldn't like her business out here like this, but the way I look at it, if CIndy needs help as much as she has given to the fans with her talent and spirit of love I don't see it as a slight but as a way the fans can send their love, prayers, and financial assistance if she needs it. I don't have a lot but I would like to donate something to help out to Cindy who is such a jewel in my eyes.

  34. #134
    A bit more of Sarah Dash in great voice from earlier this month:


  35. #135
    God Bless you, Sister Cindy.

    I certainly hope many of those in her inner-circle, like that one MotownGuy [[?) that's always posting pictures of him and the Supremes [[Cindy, Scherrie) is able to step up and repay someone who has obviously given him so much joy over the years.

    More importantly, I hope Miss Cindy is able to heal from whatever ails her.

  36. #136
    supremester Guest
    This is sad and very, very strange. I'm sorry Cindy is ill, however what kind of crap is this? If Cindy is needing funds, why on earth is she being made to wait 5 months to get them? I applaud Mary for talking to Janie Bradford, but remember: Mary is not what you'd call camera-shy [[anyone recall Mary Well's attached-at-the-hip-in-front-of-cameras bff Mary Wilson?) Now Mary has agreed to present Cindy with this check publicly?????? Geeeeesh! I'll match how much Mary gives and, if like with Mary Wells, Mary's "donation" is publicity, I'll be proud to stand with her at The HAL Awards and give it to Cindy. I'm sorry, I don't mean to make this an anti Mary thing, but doesn't this stink like a month old Apollo Theatre radiator hot dog? I will personally write to Janie to see if there isn't a more immediate and direct way to contribute. I'm certain B of A would be happy to set up a fund.
    Also, why is this Berry Gordy's problem? Mary & Pedro fired Cindy 37 years ago - Cindy was in her mid 30's - she had more than enough years to become solvent. I think Cindy may be sweet but not too bright - how ignorant to sign away your royalties? Why did she quit at all? Who was stopping Cindy from writing her book or being a Flo or a dentist even? It's easy to blame Motown and Berry or Mary, but Cindy, like everyone, is responsible for herself. Anyone who has a job and is not being paid correctly has the option to find other work. Cindy chose to come back. Cindy chose not to take 7 figures from RTL. She later regretted it, but my point is her situation is nobody's fault. I'm sure Miss Ross has continued to assist Cindy as needed. They never stopped being friends since they met and Miss ross does not publicize her generousnosities [[new word!) as a rule. I know of several low key, on going charitable programs she has going that are not publicized.

    Anyone in need is in need, I'm happy to contribute to Cindy, but I agree with the masses that there must be a better way.

    Quote Originally Posted by stalebagel View Post
    I never thought I would ever agree with Roberta, however both she and thisoldheart are spot on.

    Monetary donations to anyone in a tragedy or in a life threatening situation should be made available immediately. The funds should not have to go through a secondary organization to reach the individual/group that requires immediate assistance. And such tragedy should never require a formal presentation by a celebrity at a fundraising event that is occurring months later.

    The established and accepted way to donate to personalized causes such as Cindy Birdsong’s or any others is through a bank trust account set up in the name of the individual or group to be helped. The funds go directly to that specific trust account and may be drawn upon without delay. There is no intermediary or gala.

    A Motown alum’s tragedy is not a featured one-time presentation. It should not be orchestrated as a PR placement to benefit an organization or a presenter. And there are so many more Motown tragedies that have unfolded and are unfolding.

    If Mary Wilson did indeed initiate this fund by calling Janie Bradford to collect funds for Cindy through her Janie Bradford’s Heroes and Legends Scholarship Fund organization then they have both done a disservice to Cindy. And one should always be diligent that the organization is a legitimate 501[[c) [[3) organization that files annually with the IRS or it places the donation at risk.

    Again a bank trust set up in Cindy’s name with the donations flowing through it will provide Cindy with immediate funds and the financial help that she needs today.

  37. #137
    supremester I understand what you are saying~~~~~~~~~~

  38. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    supremester I understand what you are saying~~~~~~~~~~
    Has anyone received any additional information on CIndy?

  39. #139
    She should have in place AFTRA-SAG Health & Pension Plan, getting a couple checks from them a month plus many yearly checks. Along with the usual music checks from BMI, EMI, UMG, Sound Exchange, etc...etc.... Royalties from her records and Residuals from any Acting roles she's had. The Supremes have big royalties from their records such as their albums with [[Jean, Mary, & Cindy) she recorded on.

    There are legitimate organizations in place that may help if she or her rep contacts them, such as:
    * The R&B Foundation [[which biggest share of aid goes especially for Motown Artists).
    * Music Cares [[Elton John & a lot of big earning stars donate too).
    * Society of Singers
    * The Jazz Foundation of American [[for Jazz Artists & Jazz Musicians, is a great one for those Artists).

    Perhaps her fellow Motown Artists [[besides Dinana & Mary) & Berry Gordy would all chip in a little to go a long way.

    There are "hundreds" of Artist & Musicians in need "everyday" for medical reasons and lack of work, that contact these organizations daily.
    Being a former Bluebell and especially a Supreme [[singer and has done a little acting), Cindy should be able to get some help.

    I wish her a full recovery.

    Last edited by Soul Sister; 06-07-2013 at 11:45 AM.

  40. #140
    An optimistic post Soul Sister, but Cindy, like so many other Motown artists, signed away all rights to future royalties in the 70s. To my knowledge only Diana and Mary receive royalties

  41. #141
    If, in fact, she did sign away her royaties to Motown....that has nothing to do with AFTRA-SAG or Sound Exchange [[there's good money from Sound Exchange).


  42. #142
    Now what I don't get is that Bradsupremes started this thread and he hasn't posted since.

  43. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by midnight johnny View Post
    Now what I don't get is that Bradsupremes started this thread and he hasn't posted since.
    Midnight Johnny, I started this thread in hopes we could help Cindy out, but since the thread kind of went off topic about who's friends with who and people were not all receptive of this then I felt it was best to just let it go. I didn't do my research like I should have because I knew Janie Bradford and Mary's hearts were in the right place. I was just putting the information out there.

  44. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post

    Midnight Johnny, I started this thread in hopes we could help Cindy out, but since the thread kind of went off topic about who's friends with who and people were not all receptive of this then I felt it was best to just let it go. I didn't do my research like I should have because I knew Janie Bradford and Mary's hearts were in the right place. I was just putting the information out there.
    There you are!

  45. #145
    You did a good deed Brad, with good intentions. In today's over media'd world, you never know for sure what is real anymore. But we all know your intentions were the best.

  46. #146
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post

    Midnight Johnny, I started this thread in hopes we could help Cindy out, but since the thread kind of went off topic about who's friends with who and people were not all receptive of this then I felt it was best to just let it go. I didn't do my research like I should have because I knew Janie Bradford and Mary's hearts were in the right place. I was just putting the information out there.
    Hey Brad
    I thank you for bringing Cindy plight to our attention. I just lost a dear friend and believe that the death could have been prevented if there was more assitance given to the situation and if others knew the real condition their circumstances. I believe most of what happen was from stress. If you give the ok on this thread I will make a contribution to the HAL award for Cindy Birdsong.

  47. #147
    Quote Originally Posted by rod_rick View Post
    Hey Brad
    I thank you for bringing Cindy plight to our attention. I just lost a dear friend and believe that the death could have been prevented if there was more assitance given to the situation and if others knew the real condition their circumstances. I believe most of what happen was from stress. If you give the ok on this thread I will make a contribution to the HAL award for Cindy Birdsong.
    I just wish those that are still singing and entertaining would do a benefit show for Cindy and the others hurting, too. We would then know where the money was really going.

    AVON for ALL

  48. #148
    Even if that was done Penny, there is still no guarantee of what would reach Ms. Birdsong or anyone in need. A lot or all of it could go to costs, fees, rentals, hotels, travel, managers, accountants and even lawyers!

    There was a lot of criticism of Dionne Warwick for many of her apparent philanthropic ventures and for all the costs that went off the top of them.

    The real way to get money to those in need is to see them face to face and give them cold hard cash.

  49. #149
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Even if that was done Penny, there is still no guarantee of what would reach Ms. Birdsong or anyone in need. A lot or all of it could go to costs, fees, rentals, hotels, travel, managers, accountants and even lawyers!

    There was a lot of criticism of Dionne Warwick for many of her apparent philanthropic ventures and for all the costs that went off the top of them.

    The real way to get money to those in need is to see them face to face and give them cold hard cash.
    Well said! I'm in total agreement.

  50. #150
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post

    Midnight Johnny, I started this thread in hopes we could help Cindy out, but since the thread kind of went off topic about who's friends with who and people were not all receptive of this then I felt it was best to just let it go. I didn't do my research like I should have because I knew Janie Bradford and Mary's hearts were in the right place. I was just putting the information out there.
    I was a little surprised that this thread you started with a certain sensitivity to Cindy's plight had become such a circus.


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