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  1. #1
    smark21 Guest

    Robin Thicke: Drunk and high on Vicodin when promoting Blurred Lines

    Has any artist crashed and burn so fast as Robin Thicke?


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    Has any artist crashed and burn so fast as Robin Thicke?


    Lord, you are our deliverer. We can do anything through Christ who strengthens us…but, we must take the first step. We must realize we have a problem and a need… and we must ask for help. I ask Lord, that you will give each person the courage to face up to their problems and to have a strong desire to change.
    I ask that you will remove all outside influences that hinder them from coming clean and who perpetuate their addictions. We ask in Jesus’ name, that you will bind the enemy and that you will put your angels about each person to protect them tonight from themselves and from the things that keep dragging them down. Lord, I know many self medicate so they won’t have to deal with the pain in their life. I pray that you will give them the courage and strength to face down their demons and hurts… and to clean out the wounds once and for all, so they can be free to be the person that you’ve called them to be…to be free from the sickness and pain that keeps them in bondage.
    We ask for healing in families torn apart by addiction. We ask for protection for those family members that are in harm’s way because of their loved one’s addictions. Lord, everyone suffers in a family where there is addiction. Please pour out your grace, mercy and healing power on each person who has been affected by someone with an addiction.
    May the chains be broken tonight, Lord. Set the captives free and please begin that healing that only you can bring. Please bring hope…give a vision of what life can be like for a person freed from pain and addiction. Lord, for every need spoken or unspoken… and you know them all, we ask for your provision.
    Please bring people into their lives that will stand beside them and help them to be accountable and will help them to stay clean and free. May you restore their sense of self-worth, may they find redemption and restoration in you Lord. We praise you and thank you Lord for the work you are going to do. In Jesus’ name we pray,

  3. #3
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    Robin's failing. This is something. The idea that Thicke thinks being "high" in the studio is any excuse is laughable.

  4. #4
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    He is so slimy and gross. Like the Grinch, I wouldn't touch him with a ten-and-a-half foot pole.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by zebop View Post
    Robin's failing. This is something. The idea that Thicke thinks being "high" in the studio is any excuse is laughable.
    Not only does he throw his buddies under the bus, he's embarrassed himself with his last album, and humiliated his soon to be ex-wife, and he's lost favor with his main audience. He needs to just stop talking.

    Quote Originally Posted by antceleb12 View Post
    He is so slimy and gross. Like the Grinch, I wouldn't touch him with a ten-and-a-half foot pole.

    Aw, he's just a flawed human, just like Marvin Gaye when he got with an underage girl while he was estranged from his wife, and beat her, probably all while he was high on "toot" and weed. So, I guess Marvin Gaye was "slimy and gross too.

    My point is that no one is perfect, and there are probably people out there who think you and I are slimy and gross too.
    Last edited by soulster; 09-18-2014 at 10:47 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Lord, you are our deliverer. We can do anything through Christ who strengthens us…but, we must take the first step. We must realize we have a problem and a need… and we must ask for help. I ask Lord, that you will give each person the courage to face up to their problems and to have a strong desire to change.
    I ask that you will remove all outside influences that hinder them from coming clean and who perpetuate their addictions. We ask in Jesus’ name, that you will bind the enemy and that you will put your angels about each person to protect them tonight from themselves and from the things that keep dragging them down. Lord, I know many self medicate so they won’t have to deal with the pain in their life. I pray that you will give them the courage and strength to face down their demons and hurts… and to clean out the wounds once and for all, so they can be free to be the person that you’ve called them to be…to be free from the sickness and pain that keeps them in bondage.
    We ask for healing in families torn apart by addiction. We ask for protection for those family members that are in harm’s way because of their loved one’s addictions. Lord, everyone suffers in a family where there is addiction. Please pour out your grace, mercy and healing power on each person who has been affected by someone with an addiction.
    May the chains be broken tonight, Lord. Set the captives free and please begin that healing that only you can bring. Please bring hope…give a vision of what life can be like for a person freed from pain and addiction. Lord, for every need spoken or unspoken… and you know them all, we ask for your provision.
    Please bring people into their lives that will stand beside them and help them to be accountable and will help them to stay clean and free. May you restore their sense of self-worth, may they find redemption and restoration in you Lord. We praise you and thank you Lord for the work you are going to do. In Jesus’ name we pray,
    Some people on this forum do not follow the christian religion.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Not only does he throw his buddies under the bus, he's embarrassed himself with his last album, and humiliated his soon to be ex-wife, and he's lost favor with his main audience. He needs to just stop talking.

    Yep. There was maybe one really good song on that album, the rest? I won't even get into "Tippy Toes." Yeah not cool to do that do Pharrell, very foolish. To be honest though, I never did get why people don't like him, he was always ok with me, I remember when he used to work with Jordan Knight...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Some people on this forum do not follow the christian religion.
    Then they can easily ignore my prayers and posts. My prayer was for those who want robin thicke to get the help he need. Its real easy to place people on ignore dear.



  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by zebop View Post
    Yep. There was maybe one really good song on that album, the rest? I won't even get into "Tippy Toes." Yeah not cool to do that do Pharrell, very foolish. To be honest though, I never did get why people don't like him, he was always ok with me, I remember when he used to work with Jordan Knight...
    The "Blurred Lines" album wasn't bad, IMO. I checked it out at the library and listen to it. the followup "Paula" is a better album, but no one's listening to it.

    I can't imagine anyone would want to work with him now, knowing what kind of person he is.

  10. #10
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    Aw, he's just a flawed human, just like Marvin Gaye when he got with an underage girl while he was estranged from his wife, and beat her, probably all while he was high on "toot" and weed. So, I guess Marvin Gaye was "slimy and gross too.

    My point is that no one is perfect, and there are probably people out there who think you and I are slimy and gross too.
    It's not the drugs that make him slimy gross. Billie Holiday and Amy Winehouse are two of my favorite artists and they ruined their lives with drugs. It's his arrogant, misogynistic antics and personality that gross me out. He doesn't take responsibility for his actions. He wrote an album to "get Paula back" - which was really a disgusting PR move that put her in a terrible position. He comes off as selfish and self-indulgent.

    That being said, I hope he straightens his life out and realizes why so many people are so turned off by him. If he does and can focus on his musical talent, then I'll change my tune. He may very well have the potential to be a decent human being, and I really hope he an turn it around, but, in the last couple of years, he has been nothing but self-serving and egotistical.
    Last edited by antceleb12; 09-19-2014 at 06:38 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Not only does he throw his buddies under the bus, he's embarrassed himself with his last album, and humiliated his soon to be ex-wife, and he's lost favor with his main audience. He needs to just stop talking.

    Aw, he's just a flawed human, just like Marvin Gaye when he got with an underage girl while he was estranged from his wife, and beat her, probably all while he was high on "toot" and weed. So, I guess Marvin Gaye was "slimy and gross too.
    I love Marvin Gaye's music, but his personality really took a downward turn later in his life. Some of his actions were pretty reprehensible.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by antceleb12 View Post
    It's not the drugs that make him slimy gross. Billie Holiday and Amy Winehouse are two of my favorite artists and they ruined their lives with drugs. It's his arrogant, misogynistic antics and personality that gross me out. He doesn't take responsibility for his actions. He wrote an album to "get Paula back" - which was really a disgusting PR move that put her in a terrible position. He wreaks of a slimy, selfish, self-indulgent jerk.
    If i'm not mistaken, Ralph doesn't want that kind of rhetoric on this forum anymore. He's already banned one person for it, so try to keep a lid on the value judgements. I don't want to see you banned, too.

    But, to what you also wrote about his narcissism, that's probably why his wife left him. Who knows? If it hadn't been for that aspect of his personality, she may have stayed with him.

    I would not say "Paula" was a disgusting PR move. It was his desperate attempt to win her back. It was a bad idea. Too bad there weren't enough people around him to talk him out of it. But, as far as the pure artistic part of it is concerned, it's a very good album, and, under any other circumstances, it could have been a hit for him. It also shows that he is a real artist.

    That being said, I hope he straightens his life out and realizes why so many people are so turned off by him.
    Only he can do that, with the help of some good therapy.
    Last edited by soulster; 09-19-2014 at 11:38 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    If i'm not mistaken, Ralph doesn't want that kind of rhetoric on this forum anymore. He's already banned one person for it, so try to keep a lid on the value judgements. I don't want to see you banned, too.

    But, to what you also wrote about his narcissism, that's probably why his wife left him. Who knows? If it hadn't been for that aspect of his personality, she may have stayed with him.

    I would not say "Paula" was a disgusting PR move. It was his desperate attempt to win her back. It was a bad idea. Too bad there weren't enough people around him to talk him out of it. But, as far as the pure artistic part of it is concerned, it's a very good album, and, under any other circumstances, it could have been a hit for him. It also shows that he is a real artist.

    Only he can do that, with the help of some good therapy.
    I'm hoping that a lot of this erratic behavior of his is drug-fueled, and not his actual personality. I remember a time when he was making music that wasn't as, for a lack of a better word, strange as Blurred Lines and Paula.

    Actually, upon further reflection, I think a lot of my frustration stems from the public's willingness to buy into his antics. I am totally against the message that BL sends, I am very cynical about his intentions with "Paula," and his public behavior is self-aggrandizing. Who knows? I just don't understand his blatant misogynistic attitudes toward women. I don't remember him being like this before BL, so I think therein lies another source of frustration for me. I don't think its that his music necessarily changed so much, rather it was his attitudes and ego that shot up when his fame shot up.

  14. #14
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    Hey to lighten up things here a bit. Check out "little Robin Thicke" sitting with his mommy singer Gloria Loring and cheering on a young Whitney Houston in this great clip from 1986. You catch a glimpse of them in the front row at 3:38 in the clip:

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by antceleb12 View Post
    I'm hoping that a lot of this erratic behavior of his is drug-fueled, and not his actual personality. I remember a time when he was making music that wasn't as, for a lack of a better word, strange as Blurred Lines and Paula.
    Well, Vicodin doesn't cause one to cheat. It's a narcotic pain-killer. Alcohol doesn't cause one to cheat, either. It's a depressant. Neither one will help you in the sack. Ya think maybe he;s full of it and looking for excuses for his behavior? You know, there have been fairly recent studies that show that a predisposition to infidelity may be genetical, as is substance abuse. And, a person who cheats has likely done it before. But, there's always the first time. Was this is first time?

    Actually, upon further reflection, I think a lot of my frustration stems from the public's willingness to buy into his antics.
    I'm of two minds about this. One side says that it's good that we give people like this media exposure because it can help to identify the behavior, and it could be a kind of therapy for people like him. On the other hand, these people often crave attention, and if they can't get it one way, they will go for the negative, and it sets a bad example for the more impressionable types.

    I am totally against the message that BL sends,
    What is that message of that song? This has been hotly debated. Most women I know love the song, and interpret it as simply a guy picking up a woman for sex in a public setting, probably a nightclub. You know, the mating game. Look at the lyrics. There's no rape! There's no demeaning of women in it. And, there are plenty of women who would go for it, too.

    I just don't understand his blatant misogynistic attitudes toward women.
    Well, let's look at the definition of misogyny:
    Definition of MISOGYNY

    : a hatred of women
    miso·gy·nic adjective
    mi·sog·y·nist noun or adjective
    mi·sog·y·nis·tic adjective

    Origin of MISOGYNY


    I see no evidence of any hatred towards women at all. I know misogynists, and he ain't even close!

    I say, if you have any anger, take it out on Cee Lo Green, you know, the "Fuck You" guy who allegedly gave his girlfriend quaaludes so he could have his way with her, even though there is evidence that it was a mating ritual of the two. But, the part that that is disgusting is that he went on Twitter months later and tweeted that it isn't really rape if she is unconscious, and doesn't remember anything. He also tweeted that it only matters if she remembers. Now, that is the kind of thing that's disgusting. How many times has he done it in the past if he has that attitude? Is he telling young men and women that it's cool as long as she's passed out? That IS rape, and something that makes one want to throw out or delete all of his music. But, then, people are still buying Chris Brown music, so...back to Robin Thicke...

    I don't remember him being like this before BL, so I think therein lies another source of frustration for me. I don't think its that his music necessarily changed so much, rather it was his attitudes and ego that shot up when his fame shot up.
    That can certainly happen! It all went to his head. And, he did hint that his wife had some emotional issues, so how do we know all was cool in their marriage in the first place?

    Anyway, I just hope he gets it together because he has children who need their father.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Well, Vicodin doesn't cause one to cheat. It's a narcotic pain-killer. Alcohol doesn't cause one to cheat, either. It's a depressant. Neither one will help you in the sack. Ya think maybe he;s full of it and looking for excuses for his behavior? You know, there have been fairly recent studies that show that a predisposition to infidelity may be genetical, as is substance abuse. And, a person who cheats has likely done it before. But, there's always the first time. Was this is first time?

    I'm of two minds about this. One side says that it's good that we give people like this media exposure because it can help to identify the behavior, and it could be a kind of therapy for people like him. On the other hand, these people often crave attention, and if they can't get it one way, they will go for the negative, and it sets a bad example for the more impressionable types.

    What is that message of that song? This has been hotly debated. Most women I know love the song, and interpret it as simply a guy picking up a woman for sex in a public setting, probably a nightclub. You know, the mating game. Look at the lyrics. There's no rape! There's no demeaning of women in it. And, there are plenty of women who would go for it, too.

    Well, let's look at the definition of misogyny:
    Definition of MISOGYNY

    : a hatred of women
    miso·gy·nic adjective
    mi·sog·y·nist noun or adjective
    mi·sog·y·nis·tic adjective

    Origin of MISOGYNY


    I see no evidence of any hatred towards women at all. I know misogynists, and he ain't even close!

    I say, if you have any anger, take it out on Cee Lo Green, you know, the "Fuck You" guy who allegedly gave his girlfriend quaaludes so he could have his way with her, even though there is evidence that it was a mating ritual of the two. But, the part that that is disgusting is that he went on Twitter months later and tweeted that it isn't really rape if she is unconscious, and doesn't remember anything. He also tweeted that it only matters if she remembers. Now, that is the kind of thing that's disgusting. How many times has he done it in the past if he has that attitude? Is he telling young men and women that it's cool as long as she's passed out? That IS rape, and something that makes one want to throw out or delete all of his music. But, then, people are still buying Chris Brown music, so...back to Robin Thicke...

    That can certainly happen! It all went to his head. And, he did hint that his wife had some emotional issues, so how do we know all was cool in their marriage in the first place?

    Anyway, I just hope he gets it together because he has children who need their father.
    There are several issues with some of the lyrics, as well as the video, that I find problematic, but I'll save that for another discussion. I love the tune, but not the words [[which is why I love Weird Al's parody!).

    With the concept of 'misogyny,' it really goes deeper than 'hating' women. Treatment of women in a way that sexually objectifies them [[such as in Thicke's video, as well as thousands of others) falls under the category of misogyny. It's a really tricky subject, because, as you said, some women don't mind. But where does one draw the line between a woman using her sexuality as a freedom of expression, and a woman using her sexuality because she thinks she has to? I think that's my biggest concern with BL - the whole "I know you want it" thing, presuming that she wants "it." For me, I don't consider that flattering or respectable. But hey, that's just my two cents.

    But yes, don't even get me started on Cee Lo...it's funny because Rush Limbaugh recently made very similar comments. In both cases, I've seen people defend these comments and it makes me just as sick as when Cee Lo and Rush said it themselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Hey to lighten up things here a bit. Check out "little Robin Thicke" sitting with his mommy singer Gloria Loring and cheering on a young Whitney Houston in this great clip from 1986. You catch a glimpse of them in the front row at 3:38 in the clip:

    Wow! Great clip! How on earth did you know that was Robin Thicke?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by antceleb12 View Post
    There are several issues with some of the lyrics, as well as the video, that I find problematic, but I'll save that for another discussion. I love the tune, but not the words [[which is why I love Weird Al's parody!).
    Start a thread about it and we'll all discuss it.

    With the concept of 'misogyny,' it really goes deeper than 'hating' women. Treatment of women in a way that sexually objectifies them [[such as in Thicke's video, as well as thousands of others) falls under the category of misogyny.
    No it doesn't. Look, I showed you the definition of the word. Like I said, I know plenty of misogynists, and they do the exact opposite of exploiting women in the sexual sense. They usually condemn women for showing off their bodies and being sexually available. My father was one! And, women cannot be objectified if they elect to be in a video naked. The idea that naked women are being used is more a product of our country's puritanical culture.

    It's a really tricky subject, because, as you said, some women don't mind. But where does one draw the line between a woman using her sexuality as a freedom of expression, and a woman using her sexuality because she thinks she has to?
    Everyone has choices in life. No one has to take their clothes off if they don't want to. I can see where some women may feel guilt about it, then blame men for exploiting them. I can see a charge of exploitation if someone does something with trust, then that trusted person turns around and posts them all over the internet. But, none of this falls under the definition of misogyny. These men may be sociopaths. How about Elliot Rodger, the virgin guy in California who hated women and men, and shot people at random several months ago because he thought he had a right to have sex and couldn't get any? Now, he was a misogynist!


    I think that's my biggest concern with BL - the whole "I know you want it" thing, presuming that she wants "it." For me, I don't consider that flattering or respectable. But hey, that's just my two cents.
    Maybe she does want it. The line "The way you grab me..." clears that up. See, I think people are imagining this as a creep picking up some innocent virginal girl. I have witnessed too many times that type of scenario that fits the song's lyrics with the two heavily flirting. The women is ready! I think people make the big mistake of painting all women as these dignified, innocent people, and all men who are creeps looking to get into their pants.

    But yes, don't even get me started on Cee Lo...it's funny because Rush Limbaugh recently made very similar comments. In both cases, I've seen people defend these comments and it makes me just as sick as when Cee Lo and Rush said it themselves.
    You listen to Rush Limbaugh? Geez! You must be a conservative. Discussion over! Haha! No, seriously, that comes from the mindset that men think they are entitled to women's bodies. That's the kind of thinking we have to change in this country. I don't know what it's going to take.

  19. #19
    smark21 Guest
    Soulster and Ralph remind me of Eve and Margo--watch out Ralph, I think Soulster wants to run this forum:

  20. #20
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    Oh brother!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Oh brother!
    thats exacly what Birdie Coonnan said in All About Eve. LOL


  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by antceleb12 View Post
    Wow! Great clip! How on earth did you know that was Robin Thicke?
    He mentioned in an interview a while back that this Whitney Houston performance had a profound effect on him wanting a career in music. That's his mom [[the lady in the green gloves) Gloria Loring sitting next to him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    thats exacly what Birdie Coonnan said in All About Eve. LOL

    Your reference is lost on me. I never saw "All About Eve" or even know what it's about.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Your reference is lost on me. I never saw "All About Eve" or even know what it's about.
    You should rent it its a real good movie with terrific acting.


  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    You should rent it its a real good movie with terrific acting.

    The storyline looks boring as hell. I have no interest in it.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Start a thread about it and we'll all discuss it.

    No it doesn't. Look, I showed you the definition of the word. Like I said, I know plenty of misogynists, and they do the exact opposite of exploiting women in the sexual sense. They usually condemn women for showing off their bodies and being sexually available. My father was one! And, women cannot be objectified if they elect to be in a video naked. The idea that naked women are being used is more a product of our country's puritanical culture.

    Everyone has choices in life. No one has to take their clothes off if they don't want to. I can see where some women may feel guilt about it, then blame men for exploiting them. I can see a charge of exploitation if someone does something with trust, then that trusted person turns around and posts them all over the internet. But, none of this falls under the definition of misogyny. These men may be sociopaths. How about Elliot Rodger, the virgin guy in California who hated women and men, and shot people at random several months ago because he thought he had a right to have sex and couldn't get any? Now, he was a misogynist!


    Maybe she does want it. The line "The way you grab me..." clears that up. See, I think people are imagining this as a creep picking up some innocent virginal girl. I have witnessed too many times that type of scenario that fits the song's lyrics with the two heavily flirting. The women is ready! I think people make the big mistake of painting all women as these dignified, innocent people, and all men who are creeps looking to get into their pants.

    You listen to Rush Limbaugh? Geez! You must be a conservative. Discussion over! Haha! No, seriously, that comes from the mindset that men think they are entitled to women's bodies. That's the kind of thinking we have to change in this country. I don't know what it's going to take.
    Misogyny is so much more than the dictionary definition. The term has changed and molded over the years. The simple definition of misogyny as "hatred of women" is outdated. I am not sure how sociopathy fits into this. He may not outright hate women, but the lyrics "I know you want it...," "good girl" [[HE says "good girl" - there is no assumption that the girl is virginal or what have you) are assuming and presumptuous. The problem with this is that while there are women who are not, as you say, "dignified, innocent" women, there are plenty of women who appreciate a man telling them he knows she wants it. Considering we're in the age where date rape, especially in college where guys who rape girls who are passed out or too out of it to say 'no,' are sliding by and the girls are told its not rape because she didn't say 'no.' THAT is misogyny.

    Nowhere did I say I listened to Rush Limbaugh. It was posted all over Facebook.

    The 'idea' that women are being used by men is not based off of puritanical thoughts. It's based off of matriarchal attitudes that have boxed women into particular roles for years and years. It happens all the time and is still happening everywhere you look.

    "The way you grab me" clears nothing up. She may be grabbing him, but she may not want to be told "you're an animal, baby, it's in your nature." In essence, he's calling her a slut. Is it in a women's nature to 'want it?' Again, matriarchal and misogynistic. "Not many women can refuse this pimpin'," "I'll give you something big enough to tear your a** in two" are just two disgusting examples of the type of 'liberation' he claims to offer this woman. I don't care if its a man singing this to a woman, or a women singing this to man, or whatever. Anyone who talks to another person like this is sexually objectifying the other person, reducing them to nothing but a sexual animal. It's not that there aren't people who don't enjoy dirty talk with one another, but the song's lyrics suggest that the man and woman involved do not know each other very well and that the man is trying to 'woo' this woman with degrading come-ons and sexually aggressive behavior. I have no reason to believe that the woman in this song is reciprocating those sentiments. "The way you grab me" only says so much. This is part of the problem. She 'grabs on' to him, so we assume she wants to be talked to like that. Here's the link between the song and college date rape: he's assuming that because she's grabbing on to him, she must 'want it' and enjoys being talked about like some kind of animal. In college, so many party date rapes go by unpenalized because she 'must have done something to lead him on.' The assumption is that if she flirts with him, or doesn't say no, then it's not rape. That's the danger of this song. It's perpetuating a problem lots of women are facing. It's not that women don't enjoy sexual freedom. It's not that not all women are "dignified and innocent." It's that women are being raped and the perpetrator is being let off the hook because she 'wanted it' or didn't say no, and that's exactly the kind of attitude and thought process perpetuated by the song.

    I don't mean offense, but I don't think we're ever going to agree on the BL issue, so I am fine with agreeing to disagree.
    Last edited by antceleb12; 09-21-2014 at 01:07 AM.

  27. #27
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    I don't think Robin Thicke is more misogynist than anyone else. I think the complainers in the media are too cowardly to go after real targets in different genres so they go after Robin Thicke.

    Of all of the horrible, base lyrics I've heard in songs--for years--why in the heck are people hitting the crying couch over Robin Thicke and "Blurred Lines." Robin Thicke? No indeed....

    And I think some people are chit-chatting about Robin Thicke being high in the studio. That's not a rare occurrence in the music business and really it's not going to work as an excuse either. Thicke's got plenty of company in that regard.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by antceleb12 View Post
    Misogyny is so much more than the dictionary definition.
    I think most people would disagree that definitions can be anything you want them to be regardless of what the established meaning is. There are other words for Robin Thicke, but misogynist isn't one of them.

    The term has changed and molded over the years. The simple definition of misogyny as "hatred of women" is outdated.
    I think the people who research the language and it's cultural usage and underatsndings will differ with you.

    I am not sure how sociopathy fits into this.
    A sociopath has a lack of empathy towards others, and is not sensitive to the pain they inflict on others.

    He may not outright hate women, but the lyrics "I know you want it...," "good girl" [[HE says "good girl" - there is no assumption that the girl is virginal or what have you) are assuming and presumptuous.
    "Good girl" refers to the madonna/whore complex in our society, the idea that good girls don't think about or desire things like having casual sex. They are faithful.

    The problem with this is that while there are women who are not, as you say, "dignified, innocent" women, there are plenty of women who appreciate a man telling them he knows she wants it.
    perhaps they do want it. What's wrong with that? Are women not sexual creatures with sexual desire too?

    Considering we're in the age where date rape, especially in college where guys who rape girls who are passed out or too out of it to say 'no,' are sliding by and the girls are told its not rape because she didn't say 'no.' THAT is misogyny.
    No. That doesn't mean the man hates women. I gave you an example of how misogynists actually think. They put down women for being...human. They make fun of them.

    Nowhere did I say I listened to Rush Limbaugh. It was posted all over Facebook.
    Did you not get that I was kidding? It was so obvious in the way I wrote it.

    The 'idea' that women are being used by men is not based off of puritanical thoughts.
    And, where did I say that?

    "The way you grab me" clears nothing up. She may be grabbing him, but she may not want to be told "you're an animal, baby, it's in your nature."
    That's not what he's saying! Where in the world did you get that from those lyrics?

    In essence, he's calling her a slut.
    He is not! Are you trying to tell me that if a woman desires sex, she's a slut? Nonsense!

    Is it in a women's nature to 'want it?'
    Sure it is, just like it is a man's nature to want it. It's called the sexual drive. It's what makes the human race reproduce. It keeps the human race going.

    Again, matriarchal and misogynistic. "Not many women can refuse this pimpin'," "I'll give you something big enough to tear your a** in two" are just two disgusting examples of the type of 'liberation' he claims to offer this woman.
    And, how do you know she doesn't like that? It is the judeo-christian puritanical ethic that teaches us that women aren't supposed to thing about sex in any realistic way.

    I don't care if its a man singing this to a woman, or a women singing this to man, or whatever. Anyone who talks to another person like this is sexually objectifying the other person, reducing them to nothing but a sexual animal.
    News flash: we are all sexual animals! Women can be nastier than men in that sense!

    It's not that there aren't people who don't enjoy dirty talk with one another, but the song's lyrics suggest that the man and woman involved do not know each other very well and that the man is trying to 'woo' this woman with degrading come-ons and sexually aggressive behavior. I have no reason to believe that the woman in this song is reciprocating those sentiments.
    That's is your interpretation, not a fact. It's my interpretation and not a fact. It's art. Imagination and interpretation is what art is all about. Man, it's just a song. But, what is generally true is that people who come on strongly are usually jerks. yes, women can be jerks too. I've met enough of them. But, you know, that's what the mating world is all about. It ain't no chick flick! And, how come no one gets upset over Marvin gaye's "let's Get It On"? It's basically the same thing! What makes it creepy is to know that he was singing it to an underage teenage girl in the studio. But, no one gets upset about that. Foreigner had a song back in the 70s called "Hot Blooded". No one got upset about that. Listen to the lyrics. He's trying to get an underage girl away from her parents so he can have sex with her. How about "My Sharona" by The Knack? But, everyone's upset about Robin Thicke's song.

    "The way you grab me" only says so much. This is part of the problem. She 'grabs on' to him, so we assume she wants to be talked to like that.
    I'm not assuming anything. How do we know she's not grabbing his crotch? I think that's a definite sign that "she wants it"!

    Here's the link between the song and college date rape: he's assuming that because she's grabbing on to him, she must 'want it' and enjoys being talked about like some kind of animal. In college, so many party date rapes go by unpenalized because she 'must have done something to lead him on.' The assumption is that if she flirts with him, or doesn't say no, then it's not rape. That's the danger of this song. It's perpetuating a problem lots of women are facing. It's not that women don't enjoy sexual freedom. It's not that not all women are "dignified and innocent." It's that women are being raped and the perpetrator is being let off the hook because she 'wanted it' or didn't say no, and that's exactly the kind of attitude and thought process perpetuated by the song.
    Exhibit A of how people read way too much into a fun dance song!

    I don't mean offense, but I don't think we're ever going to agree on the BL issue, so I am fine with agreeing to disagree.
    Yeah, but it's a change from what is usually talked about on this forum...you know...

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by zebop View Post
    I don't think Robin Thicke is more misogynist than anyone else. I think the complainers in the media are too cowardly to go after real targets in different genres so they go after Robin Thicke.

    Of all of the horrible, base lyrics I've heard in songs--for years--why in the heck are people hitting the crying couch over Robin Thicke and "Blurred Lines." Robin Thicke? No indeed....

    And I think some people are chit-chatting about Robin Thicke being high in the studio. That's not a rare occurrence in the music business and really it's not going to work as an excuse either. Thicke's got plenty of company in that regard.
    Let's see...how many people recorded albums while high or drunk in the studio...

    Marvin Gaye
    Van Halen
    Fleetwood Mac
    Rick James
    John Lennon
    Jim Morrison
    Smokey Robinson
    Ray Charles
    Eric Clapton
    Etta James
    Natalie Cole
    Michael Jackson
    Richard Carpenter
    David Ruffin
    Cindy Ballard
    Tanya Tucker
    Johnny Cash
    Jerry Lee Lewis
    Elvis Presley
    Donna Summer
    Keith Richard
    Sly Stone
    Three Dog Night [[except the drummer)
    Ike & Tina Turner
    Keith Moon
    Ringo Starr
    Paul McCartney

    Those are just to name a scant few...

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Let's see...how many people recorded albums while high or drunk in the studio...

    Marvin Gaye
    Van Halen
    Fleetwood Mac
    Rick James
    John Lennon
    Jim Morrison
    Smokey Robinson
    Ray Charles
    Eric Clapton
    Etta James
    Natalie Cole
    Michael Jackson
    Richard Carpenter
    David Ruffin
    Cindy Ballard
    Tanya Tucker
    Johnny Cash
    Jerry Lee Lewis
    Elvis Presley
    Donna Summer
    Keith Richard
    Sly Stone
    Three Dog Night [[except the drummer)
    Ike & Tina Turner
    Keith Moon
    Ringo Starr
    Paul McCartney

    Those are just to name a scant few...

    That's true, that's the culture in the music business. To be honest, it sickens me when people act like it doesn't happen or it's a "rarity" yeah right. And it's supposedly a big deal to people that Robin Thicke recorded high. Really? What is going on with people?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by zebop View Post
    That's true, that's the culture in the music business. To be honest, it sickens me when people act like it doesn't happen or it's a "rarity" yeah right. And it's supposedly a big deal to people that Robin Thicke recorded high. Really? What is going on with people?
    Thank you zebops. Theres a lot of judging this troubled man Mr Thicke and to those i say "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone"

    Im praying that the good Lord guides Robin Thicke and all those with drug and drinking and sex addictons to a place of recovery.

    Yours, with every god wish.



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