Gary, We are pretty much on the same page regarding least favorite songs. Meatloaf had wanted to do Jimmy Bell as a solo. Stoney had complained to me that I was pushing her too hard in the studio, getting power out of her big voice and could she please pick a song she could sing without grinding it. She chose Game Of Love.
I liked Lady Be Mine but should have taken the production a little further.

My big disappointment: Sunshine Where's Heaven. I over produced the sucker. The song was originally meant to be kind of a laid back Soft Rock kind of song. At least that is how I wrote it. I didn't have any verses written, only the chorus. Mike Valvano and I sat in my family room one afternoon to write the verses. We were having trouble getting anywhere. We noticed my young daughter playing in her sandbox in the yard. Before I knew it we were writing about a couple that had lost a child. Not quite where I wanted to go and the production was getting away from me. Tom Baird can be heard wailing away on the piano going into the fade. So there are times I wish I could do a song over again.