Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
the audio we've heard is not in sync with the video we've seen. because of the altercation and problems on stage, they made edits and so there's a second or two where Diana is actually behind M and C and re-introduces them. the audio has Mary singing "bye, bye, bye, bye" part of the bg vocals but the Mary we see on the video isn't actually singing that. then they've cut to Smokey coming on stage

If the lead singer stumbles over the lyrics, it isn't the role of the bg vocals to simply take over the lead. the smoothest action would be to allow the lead to continue, ad lib and find a way to work themselves back into the song. in mary's book she says that she began singing lead because she thought Diana forgot the words and would come back in. Mary then specifically states she kept singing.

without seeing the entire unedited performance, we're not able to determine exactly what happened. we have Mary's book and Randy's two. IMO Mary approached the evening in a combative manner. She repeatedly didn't follow instructions on where to be and what to sing/say. from a production standpoint, that's wildly unprofessional. Also Diana made it blatantly obvious that she had no desire to be there and for her to approach this massive segment of her career with such indifference is also unacceptable. Her reaction to the happenings on stage were also extremely unprofessional.

so i still say both women share the blame
The audio is in sync when it's get to the part I point out above. Like I said, if you look at Mary, she gestures to Diana as if to say okay you got it. That doesn't strike me as someone who purposed it in her mind "I'm gonna steal the lead from Diana tonight".

As to whose to blame for the reunion fiasco, we'll just have to agree to disagree about that.