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  1. #1
    smark21 Guest

    Martha Reeves: Whitney was drunk or high when she recorded.

  2. #2
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    Martha Reeves, what are you talking about? Whitney's recordings were flawless;
    there's no slurring on her records like a drunk would sound, you of all people would know that, dear Martha;
    I love your 60's output, Madame Reeves; but you really need to chillax, take a chill pill yourself, you sound like a bitter old grandma; not a good look for you..
    I like your newest recording very much; were you drinking in the studio too?..you should behave like a Beverly Hillbilly..
    Granny, Clamp It!

  3. #3
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    what an odd statement for Ms. Reeves to make .........very very odd.

  4. #4
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    It's no secret that Houston was using when she did her first album, which further proves that Mr. Brown was not responsible for her drug addiction. Yeah! I'm going to keep harping on that until some fools finally get it through their head because i'm sick of hearing that lie.

    But, I have to question Mrs. Reeves' words. If she had never met Whitney, how does she know she couldn't have reached certain notes without pharmaceutical help? I can assume her mother told her, but she did not say where she got that information.

    We will find out in the upcoming weeks and months what really happened to Whitney.

  5. #5
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    Martha is always very honest. In this case I think her timing is wrong, people are still hurting over Houston's death. But I have always felt the simulations . If you listen to some of Whitney's recordings, you can hear the studio enhancement especially on songs like I'm Your Baby Tonight" and "I'm Every Woman". She always had trouble singing a lot of her songs live. She would slow them down tremendously and milk them until the very end. I loved Whitney, but always knew there was a large amount of "Hype" behind her . It wasn't fair to her to have to live up to all that.In the end I think that's what really killed her.

    And yes, Houston was getting high long before Bobby Brown.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by loveblind View Post
    Martha is always very honest. In this case I think her timing is wrong, people are still hurting over Houston's death. But I have always felt the simulations . If you listen to some of Whitney's recordings, you can hear the studio enhancement especially on songs like I'm Your Baby Tonight" and "I'm Every Woman".
    Can you give me an example of exactly what may have been done to her voice in the studio?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    It's no secret that Houston was using when she did her first album

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlo View Post
    Touche! I was wondering how long it would take for someone to say that!

    But, it has been something I've always hears as industry common knowledge, but something that no one really talked about.

  9. #9
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    I think most recordings from that time period sounded studio "enhanced" music & vocals.The only time I could bear to listen to that stuff was at a club.

  10. #10
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    I certainly didn't see anything wrong with what Martha said at all.

  11. #11
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    Pot. Kettle. Black.

    "Reeves said she never met pop star Whitney Houston"

    Reeves needs to quit speculating, quit trying to get on the Houston bandwagon, and STFU.

  12. #12
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    Amen to that.

  13. #13
    Soulster: lol!

    MaryBrewster: Totally agree with you! I'm surprised Martha is talking like this. I'm disappointed.

  14. #14
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    What a hyena to say that :“I knew when I first heard her that there was something pushed or forced about her recordings. It’s been brought to light now that she was extremely high and sang songs she couldn’t sing once sobered up. So that’s tragic and something I’d like to talk to youngsters and prevent them from thinking that you need something other than the God-given talent to perform,” Reeves said.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Constantin View Post
    What a hyena to say that :“I knew when I first heard her that there was something pushed or forced about her recordings. It’s been brought to light now that she was extremely high and sang songs she couldn’t sing once sobered up. So that’s tragic and something I’d like to talk to youngsters and prevent them from thinking that you need something other than the God-given talent to perform,” Reeves said.
    Such a bizarre statement! Does Martha need press this badly?

    No one ever complained about Whitney's live performances until the past several years, from what I recall. And as if one can sing better or in a higher key if they're blitzed out of their mind!

    Wasn't Martha also the one who sat on some panel hyping some herbal "flush it out" remedy on local Detroit TV? It seems to me it was a thread about it.

    And I think if Martha wants to give advice to young people about how to stay in good voice, she should first listen to some of the recent clips of hers which were posted here. On the "Nowhere to Run" live clip, she sounds awful!
    Last edited by kenneth; 02-16-2012 at 12:32 PM.

  16. #16
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    I think sometimes Martha just derails. There are issues people there are issues!

  17. #17
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    If drugs can make folks sing like Whitney did,I can think of a dozen acts if the current pop top 40 who need to find a dealer asap lol

    Its silly to comment on someones vocal ability and how they got there if they never met or were in the studio with them. Lord knows Martha's had her issues over the years and should be sympathetic to someone whos walked down the same block she has. If your good friends with someones mama you dont disrespect their child in death but thats just me. Hopefully, This is just an act of a reporter looking to juice up a dull piece of journalism and I will give Martha the benefit of the doubt that her words got twisted on a topic that she thought was off the record and not going to be part of the article.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenpwood View Post

    Hopefully, This is just an act of a reporter looking to juice up a dull piece of journalism and I will give Martha the benefit of the doubt that her words got twisted on a topic that she thought was off the record and not going to be part of the article.
    Methinks that's very generous of you, but let's hope so!

  19. #19
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    Be nice ya'll. Martha was most defiantly caught off guard. Martha talks to people as if they are long time friends or family. She didn't think they would print what she probably thought was off the record. And just for the record....Martha has met Whitney Houston, I was there. When Cissy Houston received the R&B Foundation award, Whitney and her camp were there, Martha Reeves and Jerry Butler were the hosts and MC's for the event~

  20. #20
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    Martha needs to be cut some slack. They were just loose words.

    Wasn't she really just meaning..........."we all know there were problems"?

    It is sad how the media blares out all these headlines about Whitney Houston.......that she was broke, drunk for the two days before dieing, how her estate will soar in value, etc.etc., ~ some true, some not.

    But there is no consideration of or concentration on the devastating blow this would be to Cissy Houston; she is almost ignored. And they will write about Bobbie Kristina who while also devastated by this, is still a young woman, and resilient with age in a way that Cissy can not be.

  21. #21
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    Whitney got the same deal as Michael Jackson. A lot of yes men and hangers on . Was anyone really trying to save her....? Here's some news from WDAS Radio in Philly:

    Patty Jackson-WDASFM.

    Did Whitney Houston have to die? As we continue to deal with the aftermath of the pop diva’s death at the age of 48, there are a lot of unanswered questions about her final days. Houston died at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel Grammy weekend, and prescription drugs were reportedly found in her hotel room. Did Houston die from a lethal combination of prescription drugs and alcohol? Houston had a history of alcohol and drug abuse. While she may have stopped using hard illegal drugs, sources fear she never stopped drinking and turned to prescription pills to deal with anxiety and stress. What went so wrong for one of the greatest singers in the world? Houston had the voice of an angel, but over the past 20 years battled a lot of demons. There was a lot of excitement over her new movie Sparkle. She looked great and appeared to be getting her life together. But, friends say once filming wrapped, she went back to her old ways. Who were the people in her life in her final days? Why did they let her continue to destroy herself? A lot of people in her circle are talking, but who would step in and stop the madness. Her mentor, Music Mogul Clive Davis, saw first hand how out of control she was in the days leading up to his famous Grammy Awards Party. Cameras captured her strange behavior on the day she died. Davis held his party anyway, even though she was upstairs dead inside the Beverly Hills Hilton. Houston leaves behind a family torn apart with a lot of bickering and finger pointing. Who could have saved Whitney Houston? Her last days were crazy, and the end result: she’s dead at the age of 48. A lot of criticism and blame has been aimed at her ex-husband Bobby Brown. Brown, who has battled his own demons, cannot be blamed for her demise. They had a tumultuous relationship and marriage from 1992-2007. They had a daughter Bobbi Kris. The split wasn’t pleasant, and they both moved on with their lives. Their relationship was well chronicled in the reality show Being Bobby Brown. Brown is devastated. Over the past year, he has lost both his parents and now his ex-wife. He is going to have to be strong for his daughter, who needs him right now. Brown is currently on tour with New Edition. Look for the leeches to come out of the woodwork to sell their stories about Houston. Those around her have a lot to say, but who could have stepped in to really help her? A lot of people who were close to her are feeling guilty, and wondering what they could have done to really help Whitney Houston. One of the greatest voices ever: she may be gone, but she’ll never be forgotten.

    Filmmaker Tyler Perry took care of the arrangements to have Whitney Houston’s body flown back to New Jersey. The funeral service is set for this Saturday at Newark's New Hope Baptist Church, which holds about 1,500 people. As of press time the family has decided not to have a public memorial, but hold an invitation-only, private service. As a child, Houston sang in New Hope’s choir as did both her mother Cissy Houston and her cousin Dionne Warwick. The family is asking for any donations made in her memory go to The Whitney Houston Academy Of Creative And Performing Arts in East Orange, NJ. There was earlier talk in the media that ex-husband Bobby Brown was banned from the funeral but sources close to Brown deny those rumors. ABC News will air a special edition of 20/20: One Moment In Time: The Life Of Whitney Houston this Friday. Talk is already circulating about Houston’s estate. With her record sales and memorabilia expected to soar, Houston’s daughter Bobbi Kristina is expected to be receive some part of that financial benefit possibly near $10 million.

    Read more: http://www.wdasfm.com/pages/pattys41...#ixzz1mZjYZDPC

  22. #22
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    I can't cut Martha any slack on this one. What she said was more than the slip of a tongue, or something that was said off record. She knows better. Her words are hurtful. Did she meet her or not? I have to now question just what mental state Martha is in now days [[ sorry Martha fans).

  23. #23
    smark21 Guest
    The odd part of the article is that while the headline is about Martha's comments on Whitney's singing, the first 2/3rds of the article is devoted to Martha giving a tutorial to the students and remarking on music education in the schools. Given that the editor was the one who wrote the headline, not the reporter, I'm surprised the editor didn't move the Whitney comments to the lead.

  24. #24
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    You know, I stopped and thought about the claim that Whitney was on meds or drunk when she sang in the studio. I remembered that there is a vocal track of her on her 25th anniversary CD of her first album. I seriously doubt she could sing this well under the influence. not only that, Narada Michael Walden probably wouldn't have allowed it. Give this a listen: http://db.tt/8ATuhur1

    She sings so well. No way was she high!

  25. #25
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    Now that I have had time to think about it, I will give Martha a pass. We all say and do things in life that we feel we shouldn't have.

  26. #26
    LadySingsBlues Guest
    Such a tacky statement.

  27. #27
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    Before we all jump on martha,let me hip ya'll to something,marvin made some of his best music while high as did dinah washington while tipsy,so maybe there's something there!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    I can't cut Martha any slack on this one. What she said was more than the slip of a tongue, or something that was said off record. She knows better. Her words are hurtful. Did she meet her or not? I have to now question just what mental state Martha is in now days [[ sorry Martha fans).
    Very hurtful. How could somebody say that when the person has just died?*

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Constantin View Post
    Very hurtful. How could somebody say that when the person has just died?*

    To try and keep others from going down that same road. That's why.

  30. #30
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    Unless she had first hand knowledge then she had no right to speak on what she thinks may have been the case. Extremely irresponsible. Tacky is more like it. Don't speak on shit when you don't have the facts. Bottom line. I know it's hard for these Martha fanatics to admit she made a mistake but she did.

  31. #31
    Martha and Whitney did sing on the same label - Arista - although separated by several years. Although not the best quote from Martha - she still may know what's she's talking about.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    Unless she had first hand knowledge then she had no right to speak on what she thinks may have been the case. Extremely irresponsible. Tacky is more like it. Don't speak on shit when you don't have the facts. Bottom line. I know it's hard for these Martha fanatics to admit she made a mistake but she did.
    You have no idea what Martha knows and what she doesn't.

  33. #33
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    I know she wasn't doing drugs with Whitney. Wasn't in the studio with Whitney, and most likely doesn't know anyone that worked with Whitney.

  34. #34
    selinasian Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    You have no idea what Martha knows and what she doesn't.
    Well I sure as hell know that Martha Rose doesn't know that she can't sing! Don't ya know!

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Motown1050 View Post
    Martha and Whitney did sing on the same label - Arista - although separated by several years. Although not the best quote from Martha - she still may know what's she's talking about.
    Separated by several years, yes!! Almost ten :-))

  36. #36
    smark21 Guest
    Well if booze and blow was what made Whitney sound so good, then given the state of Martha's voice these days she better get to drinking and snorting before a show.

  37. #37
    I have no idea how drugs affect a performer's voice and range .
    However, Martha was a heavy drug user during her career so she is more than qualified to comment in this area.


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