Anyone else find it weird they start the song midway through? Diana doesn't sing the first two verses. When Mary and Cindy join her, she starts singing the third verse which is odd to me.

There are a few cuts/edits that stand out to me.

1.) When Diana moves forward and Mary and Cindy follow, it then cuts to her introducing them "This is Mary Wilson and that's Cindy Birdsong" and if you notice Cindy, she appears to be singing "cry cry cry" but we don't hear her and Mary is visibly singing "oooo" but you hear "bye bye bye" from her. The conductor in the back is also clearly conducting something different than the music we hear. So there was clearly some magic editing there with the image and sound. The physical altercation between Diana and Mary must have happened between "Oh, oh, baby, ever, ever, ever / Ever, ever and ever since that day / All I wanna do, all I wanna do was cry, cry, oh" but that's not heard nor sung except for seeing Cindy mouth "cry cry cry."

2.) Later when Smokey comes out and hugs Diana, she looks like she's about to sing the word "ever" as part of the line "I want to hold you ever so tight" while still embracing him but then it cuts to her on the edge of the stage by herself and Smokey standing back with Mary and Cindy. Something was cut there. Also Mary is heard finishing the line "I want to hold you ever so tight and ooo let me say" but we don't see her mouthing those words after the cut when Diana's toward the edge of the stage.

3.) The finale is also a huge pile of edits. One minute High Inergy are on stage and the next shows them walking out. Also we see Diana singing "Reach Out And Touch" but I never hear her. Mary is quite prominent vocally during the credits and even Cindy can be heard but no Diana. Very odd.