It’s easy for you to say that seeing you’re commenting on it years after the fact. Why would she push for it when she knew she wasn’t ready. Letting Jean come in was a good choice. By fall 73 I’m assuming that mary felt like ready or not I have to do this. Motown not offering her the full lead does make you wonder, but letting her do part of the lead and scherrie do the other at shows they might work with her.
Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
sure in the late 60s mary's confidence and abilities were probably stifled. but she was getting a little more representation - she had the duet with Eddie on Together, Can't Take was also added to their shows as was Falling in Love. She even had a small duet with Diana on Can't Shake Loose [[sort of like duet on Really Got A Hold On Me). it's not a lot but some at least.

during the Jean years, she had much more exposure. but when J and L left, motown STILL had no interest in her as a full lead singer. that's rather telling. she'd been a signed artist for 13 years, recorded a zillion songs with them, quite a few as lead [[especially post Diana), a gazillion concert appearance that often included multiple leads, and yet still 0.

when they first signed, they were kids. so they can be forgiven to some extent for foolish decisions, immaturity or just following the company dictate. By the time Diana left, they were 25. at this point, Mary should have been taking a much more assertive approach with her career. but she wasn't. she continued to rehash Can't Take My Eyes, she wasn't pushing a new image for the group. Why would motown bother investing in someone that wasn't pushing 110%?