Results 1 to 33 of 33
  1. #1
    olamaebarto Guest

    Prop h8 overturned!!

    I am so happy!

  2. #2
    Well, it's unconstitutional to say two consenting adults cannot marry because of whom they marry. However, if you extend that, it's also unconstitutional to say you cannot marry your first relative.

    Rachel Maddox just blasted Obama because he is against gay marriage, but agrees with the ruling. Seems like everyone wants you to pick sides.

  3. #3
    Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve....So what else is next

  4. #4
    jonc Guest
    "Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" That is so tired and lame.

    Oh please!!! If you don't approve of Gay marriage then don't marry a gay. It's that simple.

    This is a civil and human rights issue. I love how the Mormon church donated 40 million dollars to stop Gay marriage. The Mormon church believes the sanctity of marriage should be between ONE man and ONE woman yet the Mormons are the very people that have a small percentage of members with multiple wives. Talk about hypocrisy!!!!

    Equal rights for all. I applaud the judge who overturned this bigoted proposition.

  5. #5
    It's also old and tired for every agenda of the month to be forced and pushed down people's throats......It's a CHOICE you made now live with it

  6. #6
    olamaebarto Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by abfan View Post
    It's also old and tired for every agenda of the month to be forced and pushed down people's throats......It's a CHOICE you made now live with it
    No one is pushing anything down your throat. Unless that's what you're into dear.

  7. #7
    ok enough of this old topic..This is the start of our new beautiful form... selfish people

  8. #8
    jonc Guest
    "selfish people"

    Oh so because we differ with your homophobic viewpoint we're selfish? WTF????

  9. #9
    olamaebarto Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by abfan View Post
    ok enough of this old topic..This is the start of our new beautiful form... selfish people
    Oh I'm sorry Mrs Barbara Bush, didn't want to spoil your beautiful mind.

  10. #10
    Rachael Maddox should either be thinking clearer, or take a civics lesson. You can be both against gay marriage and for the ruling. Most of the arguments against many issues have a basis in religeon. That's fine, but even the various faiths in the United States can't agree on many moral issues. My morality will not let me do certain things, but I try very hard not to force my beliefs on others, and the minute you codify something based on religeous grounds, the country comes a little closer to becoming Iran.

  11. #11
    olamaebarto Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by abfan View Post
    It's also old and tired for every agenda of the month to be forced and pushed down people's throats......It's a CHOICE you made now live with it
    And may I ADD my dear, my son did not make CHOICE to be gay. He did not CHOOSE to have bigots like you trash him.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug-Morgan View Post
    Rachael Maddox should either be thinking clearer, or take a civics lesson. You can be both against gay marriage and for the ruling. Most of the arguments against many issues have a basis in religeon. That's fine, but even the various faiths in the United States can't agree on many moral issues. My morality will not let me do certain things, but I try very hard not to force my beliefs on others, and the minute you codify something based on religeous grounds, the country comes a little closer to becoming Iran.
    Excellent post!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    A CHOICE???...sad that in 2010 people are still ignorant with that type of thinking. So people choose to be discriminated against; turned against by their familes; ousted by society; bullied and more. SMH...I can honestly say that I'm not 100% on gay marraige [[just being honest), but at the same time I do believe in human rights. I do believe that gays should be able to include each other on their insurance policies. I do believe that anyone should be able to love whoever they please. I do believe that laws should be made to protect discrimination against gays.
    Interesting that the black community is one of the most homophobic communities of all, when we've been discriminated against for so long we have the audacity to discriminate against others.

  14. #14
    I'm not gay, but it seems to me that few people would choose to subject themselves to such ignorance, hatred, and physical danger. People do not choose who they are attracted to.

    The bottom line is: gays are human beings too. I have mixed opinions on this issue of gay marriage too, but as long as gays are law abiding citizens, there is no reason they should not be able to marry, and that goes for anyone, straight or gay. Allowing gays to marry does not destroy marriage between a man and a woman in any way, and I would like someone to tell me how it would.

    Your religion may be a part of your opinion on gay marriage, but this is not a religious matter. It is a Constitutional issue, and it is legally wrong to tell two consenting adults of sound mind who and who they cannot marry.

    A lot of opponents of gay marriage somehow think that God will condemn our country if we allow it, but I think God is more angry at us for our killing, discrimination, lying, excessive drug use, child abuse, cheating on our spouses, and greed.
    Last edited by soulster; 08-06-2010 at 10:22 PM. Reason: clarity, typos

  15. #15
    olamaebarto Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I'm not gay, but it seems to me that few people would choose to subject themselves to such ignorance, hatred, and physical danger.

    People do not choose who they are attracted to. But bottom line, gays are human beings too. I have mixed opinions on this issue too, but as long as gays obey the law, and are citizens, there is no reason they should not be able to marry. Allowing gays to marry does not somehow destroy marriage between a man and a woman in any way.

    Your religion may be a part of your opinion on gay marriage, but this is not a religious matter. It is a legal issue, and it is wrong to tell consenting adults of sound mind who and who they cannot marry.

    A lot of opponants of gay marriage somehow think that God will condemn our country if we allow it, but I think God is more angry at us for our killing, discrimination, lying, excessive drug use, child abuse, cheating on our spouses, and greed.

    Thank you darling!

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by abfan View Post
    Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve....So what else is next
    Well, if you want to use your religious views to legislate rights to the rest of us, you better pray that the Jews don't reproduce too fast, or else they can pass a few laws, and you can kiss your ham hocks and your sausage, and bacon GOODBYE. And make sure those damn Jehova's witnesses don't get control, cause they'd let your ass die in the emergency room before they'd let you have a blood transfusion. We don't live in a theocracy, sweet cheeks. You got your rights 45 years ago, it's our turn now, get the hell over it.

  17. #17
    What's wrong with treating everyone like human beings? That's Jesus's way.

    I don't know if homosexuality is wrong. It's not my place to judge it. I just know it's unsettling to see two guys that way. So, let the big guy upstairs deal with it. I've got other things to worry about in this world other than what people do with each other.
    Last edited by soulster; 08-07-2010 at 12:42 AM.

  18. #18
    I had to read this thread to see what it was all about. Us Brits had something like this a few years back and it was called Section 28 ....something from Maggie Thatcher's day. Interestingly, Maggie surrounded herself with gays yet put them down for being that way. I witnessed a stand up argument between one of my mates and his mate who suddenly appeared one day as one of Maggie's close aides. "Oh, she's fab. Maggie's camp. Don't take it sooooo seriously, Maggie loves us". Like hell she did. My mate tore into him.

    Once you guys get the uproar of this decision out of the way, it will all settle and people will just get on with the next topic...that is, until you get someone like Lillian Ladele who refused to do her job of carrying out a civil marriage because she considers it sinful. Where do these people get the idea that they have the authority to force their personal views on others? When she signed up for the job, she agreed to a code of conduct. If she couldn't do the job, for whatever reason, then don't take the job. Simple.

    But like all these fusspots, they then milk the system. Months off for undue stress and worry which us taxpayers have to pay for. Then suspended on full pay until it's decided to give her the elbow for failing to carry out her duties. However, SHE thinks it right and reasonable that her views are more important than the legislators and puts in a multi-pound damage claim. Thank goodness common sense prevailed and the lady [[EVENTUALLY) got a firm......get lost.

    It didn't stop there either.......I can talk of yet another incident from my own town and London is supposedly very forward on such matters. I hold my head in shame having to admit it.


    What I find sad is that it is mostly mature women who cause the fuss and yet, it's generally accepted that women are more compassionate because of their in-built natural maternal instincts.

    In the olden days, we all had to stick together and help each other. A kind of Gaydar developed. There wasn't all this stuff going on like there was then. We had some horror stories too and I shall be blighted by some until I pass on. Some people just do not seem to realise or are prepared to accept that their views cause untold destruction to lives, damage and hurt to others. Yet, at the same time, they have the audacity to preach about being righteous to all people.

    I'm that much older and I can rely on karma. As the Velvelettes sang in "Let Love Live" What goes up is shurely gonna come right back again......." and when it does I hope it bites them on the butt.

  19. #19
    In Amsterdam was Gay parade today. 400.000 people gathered together in peace to watch the quite noisy and pink boat parade, that went trough the grachten channels in the center of the city. I'm sure most will party the night until next morning. Gayism has been around since we can remember, and yet, so many folks have a problem with it, it must be the fears in their minds, that make them do and say strange things towards other thinking or acting people. Sadly that in rour so modern world, we are still so far away from true peace. Some, probably many are still slaves of the history i guess. Hate was never a good teacher.

  20. #20

    It was the way of life in Amsterdam that gave us Brits the hope to move forward. At University, we would debate for ages about how we might change London to be like Amsterdam. It's hard to put into words how lucky we thought you Dutch were, to be so openly accepting. More than you might expect. 2 hours from London and you're in a place where you can walk down the street holding the hand of your boyfriend and no-one bats an eyelid. Us Brits found it hard to believe until we saw it with our own eyes.

    Fortunately, the main struggle is over. It still goes on in much smaller ways as can be seen in this thread. But I'm pretty thankful that nowadays people don't spit at me in the street, swear at me or damage my belongings for no other reason than I may or may not have had a "relationship" with a member of the same sex, in private.

    Happy Parade Day

  21. #21
    Amsterdam people strive for freedom and evolution, they are a good role model for a modern urban society. It's not Sodom und Gomorrha here as many might think. And yes you can be who you want to be. I'm not gay, that's why i never felt disordered by gay either.

  22. #22

    I will submit that the U.S. will resist much, much more, simply because of the religious right. You see what is happening with these republikkkan-tea baggers here. There is a small, but extremely vocal and obnoxious group of people that will not allow any kind of law giving homosexuals the right to do as they wish. If their sympathizers get back into the majority rule, all these things will be either overturned or scaled back....all in the name of God. For these people, the final word is their interpretation of the christian bible. They just keep forgetting about our Separation of Church and State, as ordered in our U.S. Constitution. To argue that, they will assert that the founding forefathers were christian. In fact, they would love to remove that separation. That's how it works here. Even if the Supreme Court says the bans are unconstitutional, but they will rebel and ignore it. You see now that some congressmen are trying to get our 14th Amendment overturned to stop "anchor babies" from Mexican nationals illegally entering this country to give birth to their children to make them U.S. citizens.
    Last edited by soulster; 08-07-2010 at 08:42 PM.

  23. #23
    Thanks for that further insight Soulster

    It seems we all have our problems. I am just hoping that people eventually accept each of us for what we are, a person with feelings who gets hurt when excluded.

    I thought the US had very strict controls on immigration into the country...the UK has a problem of space because of easier immigration European laws. Our island is just not big enough for the number of people who want to live here.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by theboyfromxtown View Post
    It seems we all have our problems. I am just hoping that people eventually accept each of us for what we are, a person with feelings who gets hurt when excluded.

    I thought the US had very strict controls on immigration into the country...the UK has a problem of space because of easier immigration European laws. Our island is just not big enough for the number of people who want to live here.
    We do have somewhat strict laws, but even the government has looked the other way for decades because the illegal immigrants provided cheap labor, and frankly, they do jobs that most U.S. citizens won't, and can't afford to do. But, times are hard these days, and when times get tough, the bigots always look for the most convenient scapegoat, and this time it's the illegals.

    Funny how no one talks about all the illegal Canadians who do the same thing, but get away with it because they are white.

    The reason so many come up from the southern border is because, well, we all know how crappy the situation is in Mexico and central American countries, in part due to NAFTA, and the drug trade. But other reasons are that it costs more money than most Mexicans can afford, and they have to deal with a corrupt government. The backlog for visa applications is huge. The U.S., like most other countries, require that applicants have marketable skills, and can read and write the language, and desire to become citizens. The vast majority are poor, have little or no education, and cannot read or write English. Simply put, they do not qualify. So, what choice do they have, really. If you were in their shoes, you might risk coming up here illegally too.

    But, what rankles we U.S, citizens is that for so long, these illegals were able to live quite well. they bought homes, and cars got good-paying jobs, went to schools and got degrees. Some of them got food stamps and welfare! And, several years ago, Bank of America literally gave away credit cards to illegals, while we citizens had to jump through hoops to even be considered! Why? They were cheap labor. They were getting good jobs that were once held by [[white) Americans. That's the real reason Lou Dobbs, and other conservatives have come down on them. Hell, Ronald Raygun [[Gill Scott-Heron's pronunciation) gave them amnesty! but, times were good back then, and no one cared. But, that's why so many Hispanics started voting republican. They were so grateful to Ronald Raygun!

    But, I digress!
    Last edited by soulster; 08-07-2010 at 09:01 PM.

  25. #25
    jonc Guest
    I love it when the anti Gay marriage far right Christians YELL the bible says marriage is between one man and one woman.
    And homosexuality is a sin. Really!!! Well look at these quotes from the bible and ask yourself if we as a society should follow these rules?

    "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire." [[Leviticus 21:9)

    Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works." [[Revelation 2:22-23)

    "If a man be found lying with a woman married to another husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her
    then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife: so thou shalt put away evil from among you." [[Deuteronomy 22:24)

    The Bible also says that eating shrimp and lobster is an abomination.

  26. #26
    Somewhere in the new testament, it says all food is kosher if you pray over it, or something like that. Can anyone help me here? I'm not too versed in the bible.

  27. #27
    pshark Guest
    What next, the right to divorce?

  28. #28
    Oh dear Soulster...those comments are duplicated for the UK too. In the 50's and 60's, there was a lot of bad feeling because immigrants were taking the jobs of nationals. Now it's the turn of those 60's immigrants who are not happy that jobs for their children are being taken away from them by a new era of immigrants.

    P-shark....too late.....that's already being done.....plus pension rights....tax....property transfers. Income based welfare benefits based on two people's earnings will be next. There will be substantial changes over the coming years.

    One of my new [[white) neighbours secured a low cost ground floor flat with a garden simply because they lied on the diversity form that they were muslim Yet an existing [[but truthful) neighbour of some 50 odd years who now can't manage the floors because of medical problems and desperately needed that property was rejected out of hand and not even considered. Immigrants may not be able to speak or write the national language but they are not backwards at coming forward when it comes to handouts and freebies. Some time back the UK politicians put forward a proposal that immigrants should sign an allegiance to Queen Elizabeth but that was thrown out because it was decided that immigrants should be able to live here and be looked after at the taxpayer's cost whether or not they actually want to live with the British people.

    Let me tell you this too. I used to help this South African lesbian who was trying to stay here with her partner. She was put through all manner of hoops to stay. She had to get a job and be working for at least 3 continuous years before she was even considerd for residency. It went on for about 7 years. She had to learn about our culture and take these exams to prove it, before she got a TEMPORARY residency. On the other hand, I have neighbours from Nigeria and Somalia, who could tell you that they wanted to move here to get free medication and be supported by the state. After telling a few blatant lies, about how their life was in danger, they got into low cost housing, all paid for by us the taxpayer. Both neighbours go back to their countries for annual vacations for about 6 weeks whilst their benefits are still paid to them. On the same estate, we have tenants who consider it unthinkable to claim money from the state....I'm too proud for that, they say.

    Last edited by theboyfromxtown; 08-08-2010 at 08:22 AM.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by abfan View Post
    ok enough of this old topic..This is the start of our new beautiful form... selfish people

    And it begins with that statement.....

  30. #30
    jonc Guest
    Another step forward for equality. Yeah!!!


  31. #31
    Shows you how much I know...I thought Arnie was against us all!

    I very much doubt those couples are upset about having to wait another 6 days..I suspect they're more worried that the hairdressers are not gonna be able to fit them in this weekend for a shampoo and set. Not sure what the girls are upset about though! LOL

    Seriously though, well done. Take each day at a time....like it's always had to be.

  32. #32
    Living in California [[Los Angeles area), I often remind myself [[inspite of the traffic and the threat of earthquakes) that there are reasons why I live here and don't live in places like Texas, Alaska, Arkansas, etc... Places where ingnorance and bigotry are far more common and is sometimes the rule and not the exception.

  33. #33
    I don't know, marx, I live in an ultra-conservative enclave in Arizona, and there are lots of gays living here. I don't know if they are harassed, though. I never asked them.


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