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  1. #1
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    Taraborrelli's motivation for writing on Ross

    It seems as if the infamous J. Randy had three different agendas and motivations for his three exhaustive volumes on Diana -

    The First book - partly pure love and admiration plus he was eager to put then never before legendary tales in print - he forgot who he was dealing with - Diana hired Swifty Lazar and got many of what she considered unflattering accounts removed from the published manuscript -no easy feat in publishing circles but Diana had the celebrity clout to edit an unauthorised book on her,When Randy found out he was wild,a man possessed that his writing could be manipulated by the subject so...

    Call Her Miss Ross - all previously deleted stories are printed,plus a whole lot more -the flak Diana cops as a result of this book has a negative effect on her career and the medias perception of her..

    The Third Book - He deletes many of his previous gossip,Re shapes his view of her with more sympathy..He has seen the criitical direction the media has taken of her since his last book..and feels parlty responible for the negativity and laughs at the fact Diana got one over him admitting admiration for her editing his original book,But also revealing how mad that made him at the time of writing Call Her Miss Ross..

    I welcome your views on this writer..

  2. #2
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    It is what it is.......I love Randy and I love Diana. I am sure to this day Randy still adores her.

  3. #3
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    Thats obvious from his writing..the funny thing is Diana and Berry let him witness converations between them that they didnt allow other journalists..it was a silent pact- he was there to catch their conversations in resturants,after shows and events..and yet its as if he wasnt allowed to particpate..just allowed to ask a couple of questions and just witness their dynamics..they let him do this for years maybe they thought it would stay off the record..but it didnt..By Randys own admission Diana is now wary of him yet she still lets him watch exchanges between him and Gordy like the one that closes the end of his book...

  4. #4
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    I agree with you that Randy adores her; not loves, but adores. He is not totally lost in the celebrity like some fans get.

    But I wonder what he really knew.

    The only recollection I have of Diana referring to Randy was......."this guy Randy, he wrote a book about me; he doesn't know me".

    What do you think of that?

  5. #5
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    I believe she also said something along the lines of "You think the guy had been on my shoulder the whole time or somethin"...and yet the opening quote of Call Her Miss where she tells him .."youve watched me grow up..etc" I think his probing questions annoyed her - the way he knew her buisness - she was annoyed with him at the press launch of The Wiz and yet granted him that big interview when she left Motown..she referred to him by first name on her first Oprah interview..But its not just Diana - Berry is the same with him,allowing his presence at events yet not really talking to him..the Gordy family expects to see him at events but conversation is little..he is very lucky as a writer,journalist and fan to be so close to his subjects..yet so far away at the same time..weird

  6. #6
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    and also the motivation isnt pure love I remember around '98 when he sold a story to Australian and New Zealand New Idea magazine that Diana and Michael had an affair the time of Off The Wall..is that just to make a quick buck ? or did he sell that story internationally-because it isnt in any of his seven books covering Motown..his writing has affected his subjects- Michael called him once in misery over a nasty remark he had made about him on tv and yet confided in him minutes later..this after Randy had written a hardly flattering account of Michael in his first book on him..I think Randy would be the best partner you could have dinner with- I would be writing down notes on the napkins...

  7. #7
    topdiva1 Guest
    I think he wrote in this order - out of adoration, then pissed off, then doing damage control. I feel all of the writers of books on Motown or any other subject are seeking money - fame - and more money.

    Book writing is or was back int the day big business - I think Mary Wilson really brough to light how much money, popularity, and fame you can gain or regain from writing a book. After everyone saw her success - they jumped on the bandwagon with their life story and tales of glee and woe - ie - Martha Reeves, Diana Roos, Smokey Robinson. Otis Wiliams, Berry Gordy, Mary Wilson and Tony Turner.

    All motivated to sell sell sell - and offer their view. Randy was a glorified fan who saw a way to cash in and was no fool - Mary Wilson also reportedly said he stole most of his information from her dairies - as he was close to her at the time and ran her fan club, and was not around during The Supremes or Diana Ross and The Supremes era - but surfaced after that- she said he made an offer she could not refuse - although it is said that Jean Terrel was against having him run a fan club period - it was Mary Wilson who financed Randy's move from some place in Jersey to LA to work as her fan club president - Mary later claimed that he had no initial contact with Ross - be gained that through his job at Soul Magazine which she also got for him - so in reading his CUT AND PASTE books - I keep that in mind - and he has way way way to many "Sources" in the back of his boos - like 52 pages to show where he got all that info from - so how much did he know on his own. His books are laced heavy with
    "as Diana told" so and so -those kinds of statements just goes on and on.

    The first hand celebrity books have almost NO reference notes and sources as they are from the actual sources for the most part and thus more personal - although they are surely written from the writers personal protective view.

    Just the fact that in Secrets Of A Sparrow - Ross laments over the problems of having such long hair, is in itself self serving, crazy, and hilarious - IT IS A WIG - by GOD Diana just take it off. LOL!!!

    In the end Randy's books -are researched - some what witnessed - a tribute and curse's from a fan seeking favor, fame. and like all the others - the almighty green dollar.

    Now work my nerves poster's!!!!!

  8. #8
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    Well, her saying "you've watched me grow up; you watched me spend too much money" could be said to all her fans
    in general and that is how I took the quote. I don't think it was said directly to him personally.

  9. #9
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    His motivation for writing all three books is......MONEY.

  10. #10
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by randy_russi View Post
    Well, her saying "you've watched me grow up; you watched me spend too much money" could be said to all her fans
    in general and that is how I took the quote. I don't think it was said directly to him personally.
    I agree - you are most likely right.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    His motivation for writing all three books is......MONEY.
    EXACTLY. lol.

  12. #12
    RossHolloway Guest
    I'd probably say that 90% of Diana Ross' life takes place behind closed doors and not in front of the public or in front of a reporter or journalist. Think of all the personal and private conversations she has had over the course of her life that no reporter or journalist even knows about. Or all the one on one conversations she has had with Berry Gordy down thru the years. Wouldn't we all be annoyed and pissed if someone that you hardly knew decide to write a book on YOUR life?

  13. #13
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    Good posts Ross and Carlo and Skool.

    Nomis..........you have some really good ideas for threads. Hope you are doing OK.

  14. #14
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    His motivation for writing all three books is......MONEY.

    Money and his own need to be a "FAMOUS JOURNALIST"

  15. #15
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    Topdiva, I get the vibe that you think Randy Taraborrelli's book is filled with mostly fiction or "heard-it-through-the-grapevine" tales and that Tony Turner's book is mostly truth because he "happened to be there." I think there is more truth in Randy's first paragraph than the entire "All That Glitters" book.

  16. #16
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    can we keep Tony Turner out of this thread please? Lord knows he get enough threads on here- Im interested in Randys motivation and relationship with the Motown subjects he writes about..

  17. #17
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    Nomis...........there are about 300 active members on SD. Tony Turner is reduced to turning this into his life now so when his theads go down the list, he just posts on them again and again, to no response. It's amusing but it looks as if it's driving people away.

    So I was wondering if I should start a thread about "Dreamhunk: My Life as a Lawyer" and then write myself posts when no one else cares? I have good lawyer stories!

    Brad.........I love it when you give us one of your youthful over the top comments; you really made the point with that one. It might be a little overstated, but just a little and it accurately reflects the feelings of knowledgeable Motown fans in general.

    I don't believe Diana Ross or Berry Gordy confided much in Randy Tarraborelli; I don't believe he has even said such a thing; I think he did something like what a lot of us fans have done but Randy turned it into a life and a career; he followed much more closely; he clung as best he could from a very young age; he learned; he listened; he interviewed. He gathered; he collected; he kept notes.

    The guy has got to have some brains and use them; he has the street smarts Diana did; he did not go the route that Mary went for many years - the parties, the fun, the laid back attitude, the take life as it comes. In due course, Mary learned if she did that, she would end up like Flo.

    Randy was smart and committed from day one and parlayed it from Diana Ross into a career; and I think he's been reasonably successful; he's not well known but a few magazines and TV shows go to him for comments and he must have made some money out of all these books. Someone said he drives a Lexus. Does he?

    And Tony.............no credible news organization is going to someone who acts like that and who wrote such trash. And a lexus? Tony will be lucky if he can still ride a bike.

  18. #18
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    Ive said it before about Randy and I'll say it again - he passed money onto Flo when she was in abstract poverty and most of Motown had turned their backs on her..Mary not included she always remembered the kids birthdays..but Randy saw her plight and responded from the heart I will always have respect for him for that..

  19. #19
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by nomis View Post
    can we keep Tony Turner out of this thread please? Lord knows he get enough threads on here- Im interested in Randys motivation and relationship with the Motown subjects he writes about..
    I agree with you - even I did not mention his name here.


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    ....they jumped on the bandwagon with their life story and tales of glee and woe - ie - Martha Reeves, Diana Roos, Smokey Robinson. Otis Wiliams, Berry Gordy, Mary Wilson and Tony Turner.
    Actually, you did.

  21. #21
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    Brad, you've got a quick wit, sharp eye and a good sense of humour. Give us another little over the top comment fairly soon because they brighten a day!

  22. #22
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    Actually, you did.

    Oh I beg to differ - and not yet at least.

    And this is about Miss J randy T - anyway.
    Last edited by topdiva1; 09-28-2010 at 02:13 PM.

  23. #23
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    I for one, bought your books, because, A) I like your writing. B) You DO provide facts. C) You get all us fans gagglin about MISS ROSS. And, we ARE fans. And We DO love her. And you have top notch pics!!! When will Hot Wax City Cool be out again. My Copy SERIOUSLY USED..Paulo XXXX

  24. #24
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    Topdiva... you do make a good point. When Diana LEFT the Supremes, Randy was 13 years old. So let's keep that in mind.

  25. #25
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    I remember one reviewer opened his paragraph on Call Her Miss by writing- "Hell have no fury like a scorned ex fan club president.." I thought that was very on the ball....

  26. #26
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    Yes, but Randy also was editor of Soul Magazine for a period of time and did interviews with many subjects; not just those
    involved with Motown.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by nomis View Post
    I remember one reviewer opened his paragraph on Call Her Miss by writing- "Hell have no fury like a scorned ex fan club president.." I thought that was very on the ball....
    That is so TRUE....and one doesn't have to be a fan club president either! Many here on the SDF and some who post comments on Supremes/Diana YouTube videos are proof of that.

    However, anyone who writes three books about the same person has to have some deep feeling for that person...Whether their books are glowing tributes or glaring critques....Randy T has gone through the stages of fascination, adoration, anger and finally arrived at a state of sensible admiration for Diana Ross.

  28. #28
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by nomis View Post
    I remember one reviewer opened his paragraph on Call Her Miss by writing- "Hell have no fury like a scorned ex fan club president.." I thought that was very on the ball....
    So true - and today he is back to his old brown nose ways, but still an ex fan club president, who worked at Soul Magazine just before it went uner - from what I am told. A complete mess.

  29. #29
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    I'll put it like this: if someone I trusted to not leak my conversations with people I know for years, I would ask them directly "are you gonna write about this, if so, then you can leave."

    He goes back and forth on both Diana and Michael though he seems to "feel sorry" for Michael and feel "sympathy" for Diana but he nearly straight dissed them in the first editions of those books he put out on them. I wouldn't trust him 100%.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    His motivation for writing all three books is......MONEY.
    Exactly, exactly.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulo View Post
    I for one, bought your books, because, A) I like your writing. B) You DO provide facts. C) You get all us fans gagglin about MISS ROSS. And, we ARE fans. And We DO love her. And you have top notch pics!!! When will Hot Wax City Cool be out again. My Copy SERIOUSLY USED..Paulo XXXX
    The first couple were good and as you say he provided facts. He was able to unearth some figures from Motown regarding sales which I believe to be true.

  32. #32
    topdiva1 Guest
    He has used his cut and paste books to turn himself into nothing more than a for sale grungy looking "Media Whore", on all things Jackson, Ross, and Motown. He runs to the media for pay anytime their is something hot about the Jackson's and they pays him, to follow the slant they want. He even looks wary and worried, and kinda rough looking on all his TV appearances the last few years.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    He has used his cut and paste books to turn himself into nothing more than a for sale grungy looking "Media Whore", on all things Jackson, Ross, and Motown. He runs to the media for pay anytime their is something hot about the Jackson's and they pays him, to follow the slant they want. He even looks wary and worried, and kinda rough looking on all his TV appearances the last few years.
    He does kind of have that "hobo" look lately, doens't he? Unshaven jowles and such. And he's the one who wrote about how haggeed flo looked at Magic mountain in 1974. I seen the pictures, she looked just FINE, she didn't look haggered in the least.

  34. #34
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    He does kind of have that "hobo" look lately, doens't he? Unshaven jowles and such. And he's the one who wrote about how haggeed flo looked at Magic mountain in 1974. I seen the pictures, she looked just FINE, she didn't look haggered in the least.
    I have seen those pictures of Flo Ballard at Magic Mountain - I never thought she looked bad - I thought she looked relaxed, happy, and relieved.

  35. #35
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    silly question. But if a writer wants to get a publisher to take his book on, and sell it to the public and fans. It sure aint gonna be a boring take is it? I liked Randys books for the FACTS I could glean i.e. sales figures, never seen Photos etc. I could take the gossip as it is, gossip, or whatever. BUT, wether you like it or not, this stuff does sell. If you really want to read a pile of shit, get the Charlene Autobigrophy Ive never been to me, as she still hasnt....Paulo XXXX

  36. #36
    jonc Guest
    Randy Tarraborrelli's books are a combination of fact, gossip, hearsay and exhaustive interviews with former Motown stars, executives and personal assistants. Randy's latest Diana Ross biography had a brilliantly accurate discography.

  37. #37
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Nomis...........there are about 300 active members on SD. Tony Turner is reduced to turning this into his life now so when his theads go down the list, he just posts on them again and again, to no response. It's amusing but it looks as if it's driving people away.

    So I was wondering if I should start a thread about "Dreamhunk: My Life as a Lawyer" and then write myself posts when no one else cares? I have good lawyer stories!

    Brad.........I love it when you give us one of your youthful over the top comments; you really made the point with that one. It might be a little overstated, but just a little and it accurately reflects the feelings of knowledgeable Motown fans in general.

    I don't believe Diana Ross or Berry Gordy confided much in Randy Tarraborelli; I don't believe he has even said such a thing; I think he did something like what a lot of us fans have done but Randy turned it into a life and a career; he followed much more closely; he clung as best he could from a very young age; he learned; he listened; he interviewed. He gathered; he collected; he kept notes.

    The guy has got to have some brains and use them; he has the street smarts Diana did; he did not go the route that Mary went for many years - the parties, the fun, the laid back attitude, the take life as it comes. In due course, Mary learned if she did that, she would end up like Flo.

    Randy was smart and committed from day one and parlayed it from Diana Ross into a career; and I think he's been reasonably successful; he's not well known but a few magazines and TV shows go to him for comments and he must have made some money out of all these books. Someone said he drives a Lexus. Does he?

    And Tony.............no credible news organization is going to someone who acts like that and who wrote such trash. And a lexus? Tony will be lucky if he can still ride a bike.

    Tony Turner owns and drives two Rolls Royces, a Benz and a Lexus for starters and does enjoy bike riding

    As a so called lawyer - you should be less judgemental - oh what am I saying/

  38. #38
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    Well, we all have opinions and no one is more valuable than the other.

    I'll take Randy over Tony.

    I think Randy's first book was parasitic......living off Diana. But he obviously loved her. He went on to write many books and he wrote them in the fashion required to make them sell a few copies. He wrote kindly of Diana in two other books.

    Tony's second book in particular was "Star quality trash", in much the same vein as the interview I posted. Tony's treatment of Mary Wilson, Marvin Gaye and David Ruffin was terrible whereas Randy offered some opinions but backed a lot of his book up with references.

    Diva, I'll give you a tip offered up by an accountant on the list. Before you send out your posts, read them over for spelling and English mistakes. We all screw things up but it reflects poorly to send out "to" where it should be "too" and mispell words, leave off "s's", skip words and the like ~ all because you are excited to T off with Jonc or Kamasu Jr. or something. Kamasu Jr. is a teacher with a good grip on English and direct connections to some of those Motown people Tony wished he could get close to.

  39. #39
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    Tony Turner owns and drives two Rolls Royces, a Benz and a Lexus for starters and does enjoy bike riding
    ROTFLMFAO. Fascinating that you know all of this from a silent breakfast encounter where you stalked yourself, I mean you stalked Tony Turner from another table, and one brief meeting after the Viscountess Turner's "alleged" SRO lecture on a university campus in Florida.

    We're still awaiting photos or youtube clips from the "alleged" Tony Turner lecture that enthralled so many Floridian students. LMFAO

  40. #40
    topdiva1 Guest

    nobody does "a" hole better than you -

  41. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Well, we all have opinions and no one is more valuable than the other.

    I'll take Randy over Tony.

    I think Randy's first book was parasitic......living off Diana. But he obviously loved her. He went on to write many books and he wrote them in the fashion required to make them sell a few copies. He wrote kindly of Diana in two other books.

    Tony's second book in particular was "Star quality trash", in much the same vein as the interview I posted. Tony's treatment of Mary Wilson, Marvin Gaye and David Ruffin was terrible whereas Randy offered some opinions but backed a lot of his book up with references.

    Diva, I'll give you a tip offered up by an accountant on the list. Before you send out your posts, read them over for spelling and English mistakes. We all screw things up but it reflects poorly to send out "to" where it should be "too" and mispell words, leave off "s's", skip words and the like ~ all because you are excited to T off with Jonc or Kamasu Jr. or something. Kamasu Jr. is a teacher with a good grip on English and direct connections to some of those Motown people Tony wished he could get close to.
    One thing I will say about Randy Taraborrelli is that after writing his first book on Diana Ross, which was from a fan's perspective, he realized he wanted the kind of acclaim [[and money) other writers like Kitty Kelly and Albert Goldman were earning for their biographies. He changed up and began doing more research, he interviewed more sources and relied a lot less on gossip by providing sources and notes on interviews and events. He knew people like Motown_Fan and Steve Holsey, longtime Motown historians and experts, were working as journalists at newspapers and he talked to them and learned about interviewing sources and being careful not to do careless stuff like reconstructing conversations that he was not privy to.

    Randy turned a fascination with Motown into a career.
    Unlike others, he never speaks ill of the subjects he writes about. He maintains a level of respect and objectivity for his subjects. I recall conversations he had with Motown_Fan after the Michael Jackson child molestation cases. Randy still believed in Michael's innocence, but also realized he had serious problems that would eventually bring him down.
    Last edited by Kamasu_Jr; 10-04-2010 at 10:53 AM.

  42. #42
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post

    nobody does "a" hole better than you -
    Thank you my darling Viscountess.

  43. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonc View Post
    Randy Tarraborrelli's books are a combination of fact, gossip, hearsay and exhaustive interviews with former Motown stars, executives and personal assistants. Randy's latest Diana Ross biography had a brilliantly accurate discography.
    Basically. lol
    I do realize that Randy's a big fan of Diana and Michael.

  44. #44
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Well, we all have opinions and no one is more valuable than the other.

    I'll take Randy over Tony.

    I think Randy's first book was parasitic......living off Diana. But he obviously loved her. He went on to write many books and he wrote them in the fashion required to make them sell a few copies. He wrote kindly of Diana in two other books.

    Tony's second book in particular was "Star quality trash", in much the same vein as the interview I posted. Tony's treatment of Mary Wilson, Marvin Gaye and David Ruffin was terrible whereas Randy offered some opinions but backed a lot of his book up with references.

    Diva, I'll give you a tip offered up by an accountant on the list. Before you send out your posts, read them over for spelling and English mistakes. We all screw things up but it reflects poorly to send out "to" where it should be "too" and mispell words, leave off "s's", skip words and the like ~ all because you are excited to T off with Jonc or Kamasu Jr. or something. Kamasu Jr. is a teacher with a good grip on English and direct connections to some of those Motown people Tony wished he could get close to.

    Tank U so ver much

  45. #45
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    Tank U so ver much
    Your wit is on par with your dubious style of fable writing.
    Last edited by jonc; 10-05-2010 at 02:16 PM.

  46. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    Tank U so ver much
    Diva, you are a mess......hehehehehehehehe!

  47. #47
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Diva, you are a mess......hehehehehehehehe!

    ...and not to be messed with!!!!

    Thanks Marv2 great hearing from you.

  48. #48
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    ...and not to be messed with!!!!

    Thanks Marv2 great hearing from you.
    It's very touching how Tony Turner has brought a queen and a proven Homophobe together. Here's to the union of Marvie and the Viscountess.

  49. #49
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    That's the thing about Diana Ross and I know that Randy saw it. She appeals to everyone - all races, all genders, all ages. I've noticed at her concerts that she drew a younger crowd than the Temptations did. And she draws a lot of plain old Mom and Pop style people and that was the core of the crowds. But then I did not see her in LA, NYC, or Vegas.

    I'm not sure many homophobes show up at Ross concerts though; I thought they hung out at Guns N Roses. That hardly seems like a concert Marv would like.

  50. #50
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jonc View Post
    It's very touching how Tony Turner has brought a queen and a proven Homophobe together. Here's to the union of Marvie and the Viscountess.

    You have proven over and over that you have a nasty tongue Mr. Clucky - very sick, and profoundly sad indeed - what a lonely life you must lead - with your head stuck up your butt I am somehow certain you have very many friends here - who see you as a sick joke - time and time again you spit your witless venom on SDF and just enforce the fact that your a nasty ass bigot, however the sick part is you think you are being witty - I suggest you watch it before you get your fat ass sued

    In addition may I remind you that this thread is about RANDY not TONY TURNER!

    Just crawl in a hole somewhere and live life with your jealousy and that hateful pig heart.
    Last edited by topdiva1; 10-05-2010 at 08:39 PM. Reason: to be clear to a nasty weird ass person


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