I started this thread because I have witnessed with my own two eyes that this site is not administered in a consistent manner. I mean, it comes as no surprise, the administrator didn't even know the rules, or if the even existed. I have also witnessed inconsistent treatment and favoritism from Ralph towards members, and it has bothered me. This is why I raised the topic. Ralph stated that he didn't want to feel like a disciplinarian, I would beg to differ, I think he enjoys it and is a ego trip for him. I don't think it is that difficult to moderatete a site. Rules should be established, and should someone deter from following the rules, they should be warned, if they continue, they should be banned. To my mind, this would alleviate Ralph being called upon to make these decisions arbitrarily, to what appears to me, on a whim, and often times, IMO, unfairly. For example, there was one member, I believe her name was Hula Girl, a huge Michael Jackson fan, who obviously had mental health issues. Ralph came down on her very hard, using bullying tactics, and eventually deleted her account. I felt terrible about this for days. Yes, Hula Girl was out there; however, she was harmless. I couldn't help but wonder how sheetmust have felt being ostracized due to a condition that was beyond her control. Should we also ostracize cancer victims
Yes, Ralph, I am calling you out; I have also been a benefactor of your bullying tactics, and it did not feel good. In fact, it stopped me from participating until now. I wonder how many others do not participate, because they don't know how the will be treated from day to day.