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  1. #1

    Flo's take on You Can't Hurry Love

    in the book the supremes motown dreams betrayal and success probably lifted from Tony Turner's quotes Flo said of Ychl which I believe : "she inisisted that her backing vocals on You Can't Hurry Love" had been toned down or even erased and that she had laid down the track for "These Boots are MADE FOR Walking" and erased so Diana could have the lead. It seems behind the scenes these were not the dreams the Supremes were made of...no wonder Flo refused to get in line....

  2. #2
    Would be great to hear a version of Flo on "these boots are made for walking".

    A gogo would have been more of a group effort if they had let her sing the song. Mary doing come and get these memories.

    It's probable just me but I don't like hearing the same voice on an LP continuesly. :P

  3. #3
    Both books hold very little ground. There's a lot of things Tony Turner claims that are absolutely false. The background vocals for "You Can't Hurry Love" were recorded on one track. There's no way they could erase one voice without erasing the other. The same applies for toning down. You either toned down the entire track or completely erased it.

    It may have been possible that Florence might have recorded a lead for "These Boots Are Made For Walking," but was erased. It would make sense since Mary recorded a lead for "Come And Get These Memories." As for "You Can't Hurry Love," it's already been made known that Florence isn't on the track. Mary and Marlene Barrown are on the song.

  4. #4
    smark21 Guest
    What is this book "supremes motown dreams betrayal and success"?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    What is this book "supremes motown dreams betrayal and success"?
    It was written by Mark Ribowsky, and came out a few years back. He has since written books about the Tempts and Stevie Wonder.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by reese View Post
    It was written by Mark Ribowsky, and came out a few years back. He has since written books about the Tempts and Stevie Wonder.
    And if he's using quotes from Tony Turner I question his accuracy and credabilaty as a writer.

    Last edited by Roberta75; 01-29-2012 at 05:29 PM.

  7. #7
    dzMusica Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    Both books hold very little ground. There's a lot of things Tony Turner claims that are absolutely false. The background vocals for "You Can't Hurry Love" were recorded on one track. There's no way they could erase one voice without erasing the other. The same applies for toning down. You either toned down the entire track or completely erased it.

    It may have been possible that Florence might have recorded a lead for "These Boots Are Made For Walking," but was erased. It would make sense since Mary recorded a lead for "Come And Get These Memories." As for "You Can't Hurry Love," it's already been made known that Florence isn't on the track. Mary and Marlene Barrown are on the song.
    What does Tony Turner say? Who is he?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by dzMusica View Post
    What does Tony Turner say? Who is he?
    Oh dear Lord.............

  9. #9
    LOL..................you ask some loaded questions my friend.

    The answer to your question might be any of the following:

    1. A clinger, a hanger on, a person who tried to make a life out of others lives.

    2. A nut.

    3. A road manager for the 70's Supremes after hanging around them as close as he could for a while.

    4. He wrote a book way back called All That Glittered which wasn't all that bad. He wrote a followup about the Temptations which was trashy and terrible.

    5. He'll say nearly anything and has trashed virtually every Motown star. Following is an interview with him.

    6. He probably showed up on here for a while, created as much havoc as he could and then was banned I believe.

  10. #10
    Tony Turner has worked with some of Motown Records greatest recording artists. They include both The Supremes and The Temptations. As road manager for those acts, Tony had the best job in town - or did he? In his latest book Deliver Us From Temptation [[Thunders Mouth Press), Tony takes us on a journey though time with The Temptations and lead singers Eddie Kendrick and David Ruffin.

    We spoke with Tony about his book.

    Q - Tony, how did you put up with the kinds of treatment these people dished out to you? It's very painful to read the verbal abuse that was hurled at you.

    A - Well, I had been around Motown people for so long, since I was 12 years old, which got chronicled in the other book, All that Glittered, My Life with The Supremes, you get used to a certain amount of abuse. I would say it was more like a parent with a child. Your father or mother scolds you and you really love them, and you know that in their heart, they really don't mean it. It's just that they're so confused at that time. The personality, especially of David Ruffin and Eddie Kendrick, were so intricate, so many facets to their personality that the only way to make it in that situation, and many employees did not make it in that situation because of the attitudes of the bosses, was not really to take them seriously, just to really ignore them, take your check, and keep on going. If you were thin-skinned you could never have lasted at Motown, even in the early days. There was always that attitude that they were the stars. They were bred on that old Hollywood system that you are a star. So, that's how I stood it. I ignored it, and did not take it seriously, because I knew they really didn't mean it.

    Q - Were you a fan that was hanging out and Mary Wilson [[The Supremes) offered you a job?

    A - No. Actually, I was born and lived in New York. It was fate, to make a long story very short. I happened to be wandering around 34th Street and 5th Ave. when I was 12 years old, at that corner where the B. Altman Department. store once stood. They're now closed. I decided to take a peak inside of this huge magnificent store. I was a kid from Harlem. I had never been inside a store of that caliber. When I went into the vestibule of that store, that is where I ran into, as fate would have it, Florence Ballard. She was standing in the vestibule with 25 shopping bags, full of things she had just bought. She, Florence Ballard, from the original Supremes, simply asked me to help her get her packages from that point out to the curb, to get a taxi. And that, was my first encounter with The Supremes. She started to weave this long, intricate story of how she was gonna be on Ed Sullivan. Of course I did not believe that. She went on that she was a singer, and had I ever heard of a group called The Supremes, and she lived in Detroit, and she not gone into that store, or had I gone in using one of the other doors, I dare say I would never, ever have met Florence Ballard and none of this would ever have happened. It was just being in the right place, at the right time. I didn't know anything about The Temptations, The Four Tops. I had never heard of any of these people. I did not start out as being a fan of The Supremes. That is quite untrue.

    Q - Tony, about ten years ago there was a school for road managing in New York. Can you really teach someone to be a road manager? It's really an art, isn't it?

    A - Oh believe me, it is an art. Road managing in my opinion is nothing more than being a babysitter for adults. That's all it is. You have to have though good organizational and people skills. You have to be a people person. You have to be thick-skinned. You have to be able to change things on a moments notice. It's like being a school teacher, taking a class out on a field trip. Some groups are much easier to manage than others. I didn't go to any school for formal training other than Motown. I learned simply by being there, from 12 years old, and watching others do it. I learned the ins and outs, and it was something I always wanted to do, so I paid especially close attention to the road managers. But, in developing your skills as a road manager you have to know a lot about the travel agency business, ways to get seats on planes that are fully booked, travel discounts, ways to get hotels, limos, restaurants, key restaurants in certain cities. You have to keep a good contact as you travel around the world and build up a good file of contacts, because chances are you will be going back to that city, and if you receive good service at one place, you want to go back there. Promoters can be terrible crooks, just very, very deceitful people, and you are in charge of a great deal of money that you have to collect. You're also in charge of a payroll. I've found that sometimes musicians can be worse to work for than the stars themselves. However, you have to be almost like a union delegate. You have to keep your band appeased, because once you get a band that is completely crazy and wild, they can cause major, major problems. The Temptations cannot go on unless that band goes on first. The audience wants the music, along with the lyrics. So, being a road manager is not for everybody. You get very, very little sleep. You get all kinds of abuse. Everything that could possibly happen is your fault. You have to be up hours before the star, and hours after the star. You really, really have to love it. You wear many hats as a road manager. You have to know about sound, lights, costumes. You handle everybody's passports, tickets, and somebody may ask you to sew a button on a suit. You can teach the fundamentals, but it would be so varied in what you would have to know, that a person really needs hands-on experience. Then you get involved in merchandising of t-shirts, souvenir books, all that stuff that goes on, on the road. You have to be able to delegate responsibility to other people also.

    Q - You write: "We wanted to work for the stars, because that made us stars too." How did working for a star make you a star? You've already said the work was far from glamorous.

    A - It's not glamorous work when you're doing it, but it is glamorous work to people outside of the profession. It makes you a star in your everyday life. No matter what you do, if you become known, this is Tony Turner, he's the road Manager for Diana Ross, it sort of becomes your name. People want to know you because of who you work for. The bigger the star, it buys the employee a certain amount of snob appeal. At airports you use it. You say, "I'm with The Supremes. I'm with The Temptations," and things automatically change. Doors open up that were previously closed to you. In everyday life, in shopping if you go to a mall and shop at particular stores, and these people know that you work with a recording group, they'll treat you differently. They'll hold clothes for you. They'll give you clothes on consignment. You go into the car dealership, you're treated differently. It's because you're perceived as somebody special, That is why I find that sometime working with musicians on the road, you get a little more attitude than working for the stars. You can go into a hotel restaurant and pay for absolutely nothing, simply because you're with the band. So, it makes for a very convenient life at times.

    Q - Of all the Motown artists, it seems that Diana Ross was the smartest when it came to business matters. Would you think that's part of the reason why she is not liked by other Motown artists?

    A - No, I don't think Diana Ross was the smartest, nor do I think that she had a great sense of business. I think the resentment stems from the fact that among the original stable of Motown stars, by the stars themselves, Miss Ross was considered one of the least talented. I think the resentment from people like Martha, from Martha and The Vandellas and from maybe David Ruffin [[The Temptations), was the fact that she was sleeping with Berry Gordy [[Motown founder), therefore, she was afforded certain allowances and certain perks so to speak, that no one else at Motown was afforded. She got the better gowns, the better hotels, the better show, more was spent on the music, more was spent on the look, more was spent on publicity. She got the top shows. Anything that came into Motown was first looked at as a potential vehicle for Diana Ross. The jealousy towards Diana Ross at Motown was simply because she was considered by her peers as not that talented, and she only got as far as she did because she was sleeping with Berry Gordy. It had nothing to do with business sense, nothing what-so-ever.

    Q - You write in your book that Marvin Gaye liked to dress up in women's clothes, that he was a cross-dresser. I always thought of Marvin Gaye as being a ladies man, or a womanizer, in today's terms.

    A - He was a womanizer and a cross dresser. Those people wore many hats at Motown. Motown was a very sexual sort of place.

    Q - What kind of reaction has that been getting?

    A - People were stunned by that revelation. Of course, people at Motown who knew about it, wished I had not repeated it. But it is true and like everything else in the book, it was verified by two completely different parties other than myself. It hasn't caused any legal suits for the Marvin Gaye Estate, or from his children, or from his ex-wife, Ann Gordy Gaye, simply because it's too easy to prove. There are photographs and everything else.

    Q - You say in your book that the New Kids On The Block seemed to be "tightly controlled puppets and without their babysitters telling them exactly what to do, they would have been lost." Has anyone in their organization gotten back to you on that?

  11. #11
    A - Not a word. Not a single, solitary word. I think that's because you really can't fight the truth. They don't even interview well, without the lists going out and the questions that you can ask, that they're rehearsed for. But, it was the same in the early days with the Motown groups. Everything was very, very well rehearsed, down to how to act and how to proceed in an interview, and you were rehearsed on the questions you would most likely be asked, especially back in the 6O's and 7O's. Nobody wouid ask questions like they ask today, because The Supremes or The Temptations didn't put themselves in a light like Madonna or Ice T. There was nothing ever controversial released, if you look back at the history of Motown, not an ounce of scandal really ever came out of that. It was very tightly controlled. The Supremes and The Temptations were ladies and gentlemen. This is not to say that they weren't doing something that perhaps Madonna is doing or striking some of the same poses. That would have been suicide to their careers.

    Q - David Ruffin [[of The Temptations) once said, "Mary Wilson [[The Supremes) was trash".

    A - David Ruffin was right.

    Q - Why was she trash?

    A - Well, it goes back to privately how she carried herself. She was a woman that everyone at Motown had slept with, so to speak. She was a party girl. By her own admission, in her own book she said she told Gordy when Gordy said she would make herself too available, the quote went something like, "I like to be out." She's a party girl. That's not to say she trashes per se. She likes men. David Ruffin liked women. So, there was a double standard there. A gentlemen back in the 60's, 70's, you were a Hugh Hefner playboy. A woman was a tramp, a slut, a whore, and that's how David Ruffin looked at her. David Ruffin was of course on the inside. Outside, Mary Wilson, Florence Ballard, Diana Ross, were the epitome of black womanhood. They were like Black Barbie dolls. And this was the Motown machine hard at work. People didn't know for years that Mary Wilson had went with Tom Jones, until years after the fact, and that she went with a string of prominent men, Flip Wilson, Steve McQueen, David Frost, men inside and outside of Motown. She was very beautiful, and still is, and quite, quite popular. Men liked her, and she liked men. But David was right, she was trashy.

    Q - A real eye-opener in your book is the story about Mary Wilson and her appearance on Robin Leach's Lifestyles of The Rich And Famous. She moved her belongings to a freind's mansion for the show, because in reality she lived in a two bedroom bungalow with her family. What's Mary's financial condition these days?

    A - That was really my doing. Mary called me one day at my home in Long Island and she said very excited, "Oh, I'm going to be interviewed for The Rich and Famous, which actually turned out to be one of his other shows that didn't last that long, called Romance of The Rich and Famous. I said "that's fabulous." They sometimes interviewed people on location or in a hotel suite. I said "Mary, where are they going to interview you?" She said, "At home." I went like, completely crazy, I said "you cannot have the Rich and Famous interview you in that little bungalow." She was like, "Oh, you don't think so?" I said, "I don't think so. You're going to have to get a suite at The Beverly Hill Hotel or something and tell them your house is being renovated. You can't have them come to that little thousand square feet place, out in the valley." Oh, my God, that place is horrible. She said, "Oh, I didn't think of that" I said, "Well that's what you have me for, dear." I said "what about asking Mrs. Avery?" [[Dr. Avery was Mary's gynecologist) "You're good friends with her." She has this huge house up in Las Felices that originally had been built for George Raft. "Why don't you just ask her if you can use that house." So that is where the idea came from. We moved all her memorabilia such as oil paintings of herself, all of the Gold Records and we hung them up in the living room of that house. We took Mary's old Rolls Royce and put that in the driveway of this really big English Tudor that's on like over an acre of land. A quite imposing house it is. Once again it was my own training from Motown that at all costs you keep up the stars image, no matter what.

    Q - Financially speaking, she was....

    A - Broke. The nice beautiful Rolls Royce couldn't go over 30 miles per hour. The inside was a wreck. She finally spent about 30 grand to have the car re-conditioned which I thought was a bad move. About a year later, she sold it like for 20 grand, so she lost money on it. But, she had been badly ripped off. Long gone was the huge mansion in Hancock Park and the home up in Hollywood Hills. She was living in Studio City, on Eureka Drive in a small, little bungalow, right off of a main thoroughfare with one bathroom, 2 little bedrooms. There was about eight people living there. She had seen hard times. She was still working, but not making what she used to.

    Q - But what about today?

    A - I don't know what her financial shape is today. After she wrote. Dream Girl, My Life with The Supremes, she made quite a bit of money, and immediately took most of it and bought a house not too far from Dr. Avery's house. She bought an English Tudor in Las Felicies for about $600,000. She continued to work, and fell on some hard times and sold that. She moved to Washington. I understand she rented a place. Now, she's left that, and she's been living for the last year in Las Vegas. I don't know, if she bought or rents. She is a person, like the rest of America who has to work. Mary Wilson is not in a position to retire.

    Q - There's a Motown saying, "Good manners can take you places money cannot."

    A - Indeed.

    Q - Like where?

    A - Good manners can take you anywhere you want to go in the world. People like people who are nice and have good manners and are cordial. They remember people thatway. If you are a multi-millionaire, but just a despicable person, there will eventually be doors that close on you. Diana Ross has tons and tons of money. She's a millionaire, of course. There are people that will not deal with her, because of her attitude and her manners. So although she has the money, there are certain stores and restaurants that do not want her business in New York. They do not want to put up with the theatrics, the special requests, and the rudeness. So, that is one lesson she did not learn.

    Q - David Ruffin had everything anyone would want, but he wasn't happy. What was he looking for, did he know?

    A - Yes, he knew. David Ruffin was looking for that intangible thing that I think a lot of people are looking for...inner peace. He was looking and he and Eddie Kendricks were not happy people. They were some of the nicest people I've ever met. David would curse you out in one breath and five minutes later would be taking you out in a shopping spree. It was just his personality was that schizo. I guess you had to be kind of schizo to even like the man. He had a good and kind heart. He was just very unhappy. He also felt that he'd never gotten the true recognition as a singer that he should have gotten. He and Eddie both thought that they should have been where Diana was, with the publicity, the movies, and the whole bit. They felt their talents were used to build Motown, and once Motown was solid, Berry felt he didn't have to bother with them anymore. They were very bitter about that situation. That bitterness from the early days at Motown and their resentment of Berry Gordy completely and utterly clouded their lives, from that moment on. They were never happy.

    Q - You tell in the book how David Ruffin signed away his Lincoln Continental to a 14-year-old kid, for $20 worth of cocaine. You had to lose a lot of respect for someone who would pull a stunt like that.

    A - It wasn't even his. It belonged to his girlfriend. When I got the call from his girl friend, Diane, and she was telling me what happened, we just burst out laughing. You know, what are we, as sick as these people? At this point, it was not funny, it was "Oh my God, David has done it again." One time, he rented a limo. I didn't write this in the book, a stretch limo, got the chauffeur all drunk and the tried to sell the limo. It comes to a point where you say "What is he going to do next?" I said to Diane, "Are you crazy? Why in the world would let David Ruffin take your brand new Lincoln Continental? You have to be crazy." I said "I would never loan that man my car!" "

    Q - Let us say there was no Motown. Would a C.B.S. or M.C.A. have signed an act like The Supremes or The Temptations?

    © Gary James. All rights reserved.

  12. #12
    A - Well, you had The Shirelles. You had The Chantels. Earlier you had The Coasters and The Cadillacs, so you did have some black groups that made some prominence before Motown. I would very confidently say, without Berry Gordy, without good luck, without the Grace of God, without Motown, none of this could have ever happened. There's been no place like Motown since. I doubt that there ever will be a company in one location that would churn out that many people, basically all from the same neighborhood. It was just sheer luck. Without Motown, I do believe that some of the Motown stars would have become stars on their own, at other companies. I do not think we would've had a Supremes per se. I do not think we would've had a Temptations. I think David Ruffin and Eddie Kendricks would have become stars as solo artists. I think Diana Ross would have had a solo career. I think people with lesser talent like Otis Williams [[Temptations) and Mary Wilson would not have ever become stars had they not been in a group situation. Without Diana Ross, had it just been Mary, Flo and some other money, whereas the stars paid attention to being a star. I didn't have someone to make my decisions for me, I made my own decisions. I learned from their horrible decisions. If you're making money, it's always best to count your own money. You don't need someone to count your money. If I'm gonna go broke, I'd rather go broke because I had the money and I spent it all, not because I had it and only gotten a percent of it, because somebody else spent it all. There's no reason why Mary Wilson should have ended up broke or Florence Ballard, and Eddie Kendricks, David Ruffin, and Berry Gordy end up living in Bel-Air. There has to be some balance there. So I watched the mistakes they made and paid close attention. Then once again, I don't have their drug habits either, which ate up a lot of money.

    Q - But, I would imagine, you made your money in real estate and not road managing.

    A - Road managing didn't pay a lot, but I did make good money when I was working with The Supremes and also, more recently with Eddie and David, before they died. The bulk of my money comes from wise investments.

    Q - When you write a book like Deliver Us From Temptation, what is the central message you're trying to get across?

    A - The central message that I tried to portray was, look at what happened to these talented people that were known throughout the world, living legends, the whole bit, look what happened to them. Do not let this happen to you. Count your own money, honey.

  13. #13
    I love Tony Turner. I think his books were hilarious. I don't really care if he exaggerated occasionally. His books made me LOL more times than anybody but John Waters.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by BobC View Post
    I love Tony Turner. I think his books were hilarious. I don't really care if he exaggerated occasionally. His books made me LOL more times than anybody but John Waters.
    I think Tony Turner told the truth on few occasions but exaggerated and lied 99% of the time. That said his novellas were hilarious but badly written.


  15. #15
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by reese View Post
    It was written by Mark Ribowsky, and came out a few years back. He has since written books about the Tempts and Stevie Wonder.
    I've read that book...but I just knew it as The Supremes, not its subtitle "motown dreams betrayal and success". It was a very poorly proofed book, which is a shame as it had potential value to be a decent summary of various viewpoints and perspectives of the Supremes story.

  16. #16
    dzMusica Guest
    [QUOTE=bradsupremes;89479]Both books hold very little ground. There's a lot of things Tony Turner claims that are absolutely false. The background vocals for "You Can't Hurry Love" were recorded on one track. There's no way they could erase one voice without erasing the other. The same applies for toning down. You either toned down the entire track or completely erased[QUOTE]

    He was just saying what Flo told him in conversation obviously. He didn't know if it was true or not. Thats what i get from what ya'll are saying.

  17. #17
    dzMusica Guest
    Oh ok, so then why can't what he said in the books be trusted? Is their someone else out there like him who has written a book on Motown.

  18. #18
    Tony Turner was a man that seemed to infect every topic on this forum for awhile last year thanks to a certain banned member and I can't say I miss the drama in the least. If it really was Tony he probably would've been embraced but we got too many stories of his alledged current lifestyle where he now lives in a castle with a younger Viscount and has more money than almost everyone at Motown save Berry or Diana. Then the uber fan posted things that were proven to have not taken place, like a talk held to college students in Florida that no one at the college knew about when School Adminstration got called. Go dig through the archives if you want to revisit the hot mess of those days but frankly this board is much nicer when it's free of Tony Turner chat......

  19. #19
    I believe there are some Motown authorities that have stated Flo did not record "Boots". I can not see Berry Gordy deleting anything if he knew there could be money in it now or later. Truth be known I am not sure there is that much in the vaults or ever has been with Flo on lead. I would be inclinded to believe there is probably more on Mary.

    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    Both books hold very little ground. There's a lot of things Tony Turner claims that are absolutely false. The background vocals for "You Can't Hurry Love" were recorded on one track. There's no way they could erase one voice without erasing the other. The same applies for toning down. You either toned down the entire track or completely erased it.

    It may have been possible that Florence might have recorded a lead for "These Boots Are Made For Walking," but was erased. It would make sense since Mary recorded a lead for "Come And Get These Memories." As for "You Can't Hurry Love," it's already been made known that Florence isn't on the track. Mary and Marlene Barrown are on the song.

  20. #20
    dzMusica Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenpwood View Post
    Tony Turner was a man that seemed to infect every topic on this forum for awhile last year thanks to a certain banned member and I can't say I miss the drama in the least. If it really was Tony he probably would've been embraced but we got too many stories of his alledged current lifestyle where he now lives in a castle with a younger Viscount and has more money than almost everyone at Motown save Berry or Diana. Then the uber fan posted things that were proven to have not taken place, like a talk held to college students in Florida that no one at the college knew about when School Adminstration got called. Go dig through the archives if you want to revisit the hot mess of those days but frankly this board is much nicer when it's free of Tony Turner chat......
    What was Tonys name in the forums?

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    I believe there are some Motown authorities that have stated Flo did not record "Boots". I can not see Berry Gordy deleting anything if he knew there could be money in it now or later. Truth be known I am not sure there is that much in the vaults or ever has been with Flo on lead. I would be inclinded to believe there is probably more on Mary.
    You can believe whatever you want. Berry was also the guy that thought Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On?" would never sale!

  22. #22

    Flo's vocals

    While it is true that Flo was not on the recded released version of YCHL, it is possible that her vocals were stripped from the track for whatever reason, yes you cannot strip one vocal without stripping the other that being Mary's, however it is possible that the version of Mary and Flo's backing was stripped for whatever reason and then Mary and Marlene rerecorded the track. Flo has been deprived of singing lead on the Supremes LP's from More Hits onward and yes berry wanted to make diana a star but like Mary said in an interview in 2000 on AbC, at least give us a track or two on an lp which only happened once on the go go LP,
    Berry was blindsighted by Ms. Ross early on March 1965 to be exact and from then on
    the Supremes had to see the writing on the wall, but that didn't happen until the Copa engagement went all of Flo's feelings came out. Thankfully Flo's vocals are heard from the background upfront at mid point on You Keep Me Hanging ON....

  23. #23
    Furhter it is no secret that Flo contrary to what others say was a lead singer, and the fact that Berry didn't want an r&b sound on the Supremes recods speaks for itself. If you really want to hear Flo in a sense belting out Andrew Sisters sweetness on stage listen to the Supremes & Andrew Sisters medley where Flo is placed in the middle carrying all the essential high parts, while Diana & Mary are on the side of her, the same show also included the MY World is Empty performance which sounds much better than the studio version Flo and Mary are heard clearly.

  24. #24
    I can't help it--I love good trash like "All That Glittered." I spoke to Tony a couple of times and he was shocked that people got so angry about his books because they were supposed to be humorous. Her told me Eddie Kendrick's brothers tried to have him ejected from Eddie's funeral. Tony was [[to me) extremely complimentary about Mary Wilson, which kind of surprised me! He said she didn't sound good on the older Supreme's hits because they didn't fit her voice--but on other songs he said Mary could "Bring the house down."

  25. #25
    Now 50 years later, I just cannot understand why some people are stuck in the "What could have /should have beens" , instead of appreciating the group for what they were. We cannot change anything now. I truly believe this is why there are some "recognitions" the Supremes will never get. It is sad when you think about it. Diana Ross was the lead and main singer of this group. Bottom line. Get over, get past it, and get behind the legacy. If we don't, no one else will. If the foundation is not strong, things crumble. There is no united front when it comes to Supreme Fans. Keep fighting amongst yourselves, and getting yourselves upset over the "what could have beens". Unless you drop all that baggage, recongize the fact that they had an amazing lead singer in Diana Ross, and instead keep dividing the fan base, the Supremes will continue to be overlooked.

  26. #26
    as long as all three Supremes are recognized dIANA, mARY AND fLO, WE WILL ALWAYS APPRECIATE dIANA'S EFFORTS AS THE SUPREMES FRONTLADY IN THE 1960'S, DO NOT OVERLOOK THE EFFORTS OF MARY AND FLO WHO WERE THE SUPREMES AS WELL. If Diana was so great she should lhave went solo at the end of 1966, but she wanted to stay with the group and play off its popularity created in a great part by her but not only her..

    They were the first group to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and received a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and only Mary showed up. Inspite of what we say the Supremes will always be great, I am still realing over what happened to Flo and that is the bottom line.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by dzMusica View Post
    What was Tonys name in the forums?
    It never was proven that he actually was Tony Turner, but it was TOP DIVA that was the instigator and injected Tony Turner into EVERY topic, whether it was revelant to the topic or not.

    If Top Diva was not Tony Turner, he was a Tony Turner Fanatic, and much worse than some of the Diana and Mary Fanatics that we sometimes have to deal with here.

    And although I am not a doctor, and don't even play one on TV, my diagnosis of Top Diva is that he is a crazy nut.

  28. #28
    I thought Top Diva was Tony. I never asked, though.

  29. #29
    That's funny.
    I would have loved to hear Flo tell her story of how she met or was introduced to Tony. I am sure it was not like he said.

    Quote Originally Posted by milven View Post
    It never was proven that he actually was Tony Turner, but it was TOP DIVA that was the instigator and injected Tony Turner into EVERY topic, whether it was revelant to the topic or not.

    If Top Diva was not Tony Turner, he was a Tony Turner Fanatic, and much worse than some of the Diana and Mary Fanatics that we sometimes have to deal with here.

    And although I am not a doctor, and don't even play one on TV, my diagnosis of Top Diva is that he is a crazy nut.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by franjoy56 View Post
    as long as all three Supremes are recognized dIANA, mARY AND fLO, WE WILL ALWAYS APPRECIATE dIANA'S EFFORTS AS THE SUPREMES FRONTLADY IN THE 1960'S, DO NOT OVERLOOK THE EFFORTS OF MARY AND FLO WHO WERE THE SUPREMES AS WELL. If Diana was so great she should lhave went solo at the end of 1966, but she wanted to stay with the group and play off its popularity created in a great part by her but not only her..

    They were the first group to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and received a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and only Mary showed up. Inspite of what we say the Supremes will always be great, I am still realing over what happened to Flo and that is the bottom line.
    "I am still realing over what happened to Flo and that is the bottom line."

    A therapist could help you get over this franjoy56. No offense, but unless Flo was close kin it seems odd to me that you are still very upset over whatever you think happened to Florence Ballard all those years ago.


  31. #31
    Top Diva denied he was Tony Turner.....though reported every move Tony made, what he wore, who he was seen with and how very, very rich he was and especially how fabulous he always looked. Oh....and there was that little item of a Viscount he was married to. He plugged "All That Glittered" in nearly every thread. He commented on almost every thread and when crossed, became vile and abusive. Top Diva claimed to be a student at a University in Florida....and Tony Turner JUST HAPPENED to have a lecture there and it was "standing room only". Amazing kids now would even know who this person was who wrote a book over 20 years ago! I believe someone from this forum contacted that University re: a lecture Tony Turner gave and they had no idea what they were talking about! So, put all this together and decide yourself. All I can say is.....Somebody's sick up in here! Mercifully, Ralph stepped in and banned him. We got back to the great forum this is.

  32. #32
    Maybe that's why in "The Lost Supreme" Flo says "I loved every one of those songs we put out except for one" maybe the one song was "You Can't Hurry Love" because she wasn't on it.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by blueskies View Post
    Top Diva denied he was Tony Turner.....though reported every move Tony made, what he wore, who he was seen with and how very, very rich he was and especially how fabulous he always looked. Oh....and there was that little item of a Viscount he was married to. He plugged "All That Glittered" in nearly every thread. He commented on almost every thread and when crossed, became vile and abusive. Top Diva claimed to be a student at a University in Florida....and Tony Turner JUST HAPPENED to have a lecture there and it was "standing room only". Amazing kids now would even know who this person was who wrote a book over 20 years ago! I believe someone from this forum contacted that University re: a lecture Tony Turner gave and they had no idea what they were talking about! So, put all this together and decide yourself. All I can say is.....Somebody's sick up in here! Mercifully, Ralph stepped in and banned him. We got back to the great forum this is.
    I am literally LOL at the Spanish Viscount yarn.

    Yes, this forum is much better since Toxic Turner was banned.


  34. #34
    dianesfan_1965 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    LOL..................you ask some loaded questions my friend.

    The answer to your question might be any of the following:

    1. A clinger, a hanger on, a person who tried to make a life out of others lives.

    2. A nut.

    3. A road manager for the 70's Supremes after hanging around them as close as he could for a while.

    4. He wrote a book way back called All That Glittered which wasn't all that bad. He wrote a followup about the Temptations which was trashy and terrible.

    5. He'll say nearly anything and has trashed virtually every Motown star. Following is an interview with him.

    6. He probably showed up on here for a while, created as much havoc as he could and then was banned I believe.

    You left out leech and a full shit. His rants when he posted here under a fake name proves that he needs to be put away in a padded room.

  35. #35
    If Diana was so great she should lhave went solo at the end of 1966, but she wanted to stay with the group and play off its popularity created in a great part by her but not only her..
    Don't you think she would have if Berry had decided she should? It's pretty clear that they were a team in that regard; if he'd wanted her to go solo then, I have no doubt she would have. It's one of the things Diana is really consistent about, this idea that "if Berry believed I could do it, than I could do it!" And I've heard her say more than once that he believed in her more than she believed in herself. I think he saw a lot of himself in her and knew she'd do whatever it took and whatever he said to be the kind of star he [[and she) wanted her to be...

  36. #36
    Never mind researching the Tony Turner threads, Ralph deleted them all and gave everyone a harsh warning to stop the drama. The greatest hits of those discussions has all been covered in this topic already anyway.

    P.S. It was me who checked out the story on the standing room only college lecture in Daytona Beach. To be certain, I made them put me through to whoever coordinated guest lecturers. Was very easy to verify that it didn't happen.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenpwood View Post
    Never mind researching the Tony Turner threads, Ralph deleted them all and gave everyone a harsh warning to stop the drama. The greatest hits of those discussions has all been covered in this topic already anyway.

    P.S. It was me who checked out the story on the standing room only college lecture in Daytona Beach. To be certain, I made them put me through to whoever coordinated guest lecturers. Was very easy to verify that it didn't happen.
    Glen, I must personally thank you for validating what a liar Top Diva was. Thank you. I remember I was impressed with whoever did this at the time. Now, we can all move on and discuss more important things.

  38. #38

    Flo's vocal on ychl

    Roberta75 I do not know you, you do not know me, I resent the implication of you
    saying I need to see a therapist to work through what happened to
    Flo,. It will not help us now since she is dead, It is my right to express my feelings of what went on with Motown and their handling of the Supremes. This post was about
    Flo's vocals on You Can't Hurry Love, and what I read as an indication of why or why was she omitted from the song. Now I will ask Mary the next time I see her what really happened. Unless I am banned from speaking about the Supremes hear please do not assume you feel I am speaking out of Turn. Yes I met Tony Turner in 1988 when Mary's book came out and there was a book signing and I was invited as a member of Marys fan club, yes tony turner is rude, but hey he had to make a living.
    Another fan who is hosting a Supremes exhibit in Washington DC later this years say he heard Flo's version of "These Boots" i will reaffirm this with him.

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by franjoy56 View Post
    Roberta75 I do not know you, you do not know me, I resent the implication of you
    saying I need to see a therapist to work through what happened to
    Flo,. It will not help us now since she is dead, It is my right to express my feelings of what went on with Motown and their handling of the Supremes. This post was about
    Flo's vocals on You Can't Hurry Love, and what I read as an indication of why or why was she omitted from the song. Now I will ask Mary the next time I see her what really happened. Unless I am banned from speaking about the Supremes hear please do not assume you feel I am speaking out of Turn. Yes I met Tony Turner in 1988 when Mary's book came out and there was a book signing and I was invited as a member of Marys fan club, yes tony turner is rude, but hey he had to make a living.
    Another fan who is hosting a Supremes exhibit in Washington DC later this years say he heard Flo's version of "These Boots" i will reaffirm this with him.
    That's all Roberta has ever been good for. Insulting people and picking fights she/it cannot win.......

  40. #40
    I don't know how true or false some of the things Tony Turner said in his books are, but I do know that two events he wrote about were right on the money.........because I was there!

    1. David Ruffin showing up at Mary Wilson's big New Year's Eve concert at the Premier Center and joining Eddie Kendricks onstage....

    2. David Ruffin's funeral in Detroit.

    He did a good job of describing those events.

  41. #41
    thanks Marv2 for filling me i am fairly new here. Its a shame people have to judge others for what is said with no care for hurting others feelings.

  42. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by franjoy56 View Post
    thanks Marv2 for filling me i am fairly new here. Its a shame people have to judge others for what is said with no care for hurting others feelings.
    Fran, as a fellow New Yorker, some people come on this board just to keep shit going, trust me!

  43. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by franjoy56 View Post
    Roberta75 I do not know you, you do not know me, I resent the implication of you
    saying I need to see a therapist to work through what happened to
    Flo,. It will not help us now since she is dead, It is my right to express my feelings of what went on with Motown and their handling of the Supremes. This post was about
    Flo's vocals on You Can't Hurry Love, and what I read as an indication of why or why was she omitted from the song. Now I will ask Mary the next time I see her what really happened. Unless I am banned from speaking about the Supremes hear please do not assume you feel I am speaking out of Turn. Yes I met Tony Turner in 1988 when Mary's book came out and there was a book signing and I was invited as a member of Marys fan club, yes tony turner is rude, but hey he had to make a living.
    Another fan who is hosting a Supremes exhibit in Washington DC later this years say he heard Flo's version of "These Boots" i will reaffirm this with him.
    I sincerely apologize franjoy I was simply suggesting that a therapist may help you deal with the pain or anger you seem to be feeling with regards to Florence Ballard.

    Please accept my humble apology.

    Best to you,


  44. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by franjoy56 View Post
    thanks Marv2 for filling me i am fairly new here. Its a shame people have to judge others for what is said with no care for hurting others feelings.
    Again i apologize for hurting your feelings franjoy. it was not my intent. I have no idea what marv2 told you as I have her on ignore.

  45. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Again i apologize for hurting your feelings franjoy. it was not my intent. I have no idea what marv2 told you as I have her on ignore.
    Look man, you said what you said to intentionally embarass and hurt Fran's feelings. How do I know? You've done it many times before with other folks. You like to be bitchy and insult people You think you are being subtle about it about it, but it is as clear as the day is long that you just like to start and keep trouble going.

  46. #46
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenpwood View Post
    Never mind researching the Tony Turner threads, Ralph deleted them all and gave everyone a harsh warning to stop the drama. The greatest hits of those discussions has all been covered in this topic already anyway.

    P.S. It was me who checked out the story on the standing room only college lecture in Daytona Beach. To be certain, I made them put me through to whoever coordinated guest lecturers. Was very easy to verify that it didn't happen.
    Too bad there's no Facebook style "like" button here.

  47. #47
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by franjoy56 View Post
    Roberta75 I do not know you, you do not know me, I resent the implication of you
    saying I need to see a therapist to work through what happened to
    Flo,. It will not help us now since she is dead, It is my right to express my feelings of what went on with Motown and their handling of the Supremes. This post was about
    Flo's vocals on You Can't Hurry Love, and what I read as an indication of why or why was she omitted from the song. Now I will ask Mary the next time I see her what really happened. Unless I am banned from speaking about the Supremes hear please do not assume you feel I am speaking out of Turn. Yes I met Tony Turner in 1988 when Mary's book came out and there was a book signing and I was invited as a member of Marys fan club, yes tony turner is rude, but hey he had to make a living.
    Another fan who is hosting a Supremes exhibit in Washington DC later this years say he heard Flo's version of "These Boots" i will reaffirm this with him.
    What's this about a Supremes exhibit in DC? Are Mary's Supremes gowns show going to be on display at the Smithsonian?

  48. #48
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by franjoy56 View Post
    Furhter it is no secret that Flo contrary to what others say was a lead singer, and the fact that Berry didn't want an r&b sound on the Supremes recods speaks for itself. If you really want to hear Flo in a sense belting out Andrew Sisters sweetness on stage listen to the Supremes & Andrew Sisters medley where Flo is placed in the middle carrying all the essential high parts, while Diana & Mary are on the side of her, the same show also included the MY World is Empty performance which sounds much better than the studio version Flo and Mary are heard clearly.
    IMO, I think of the 3 original Supremes, Flo was the weakest lead singer. Sure, she had vocal power, but when it comes to phrasing, tone and telling a story, I consider Diana and Mary better than Flo.

  49. #49
    How come every now and then marv2 reminds me of a certain Tony T.?

  50. #50
    Well that is your opinion, apparently you have not heard the bulk of Flo's stuff. Enough said
    Long Gone Lover.......


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