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  1. #1
    smark21 Guest

    Newt Gingrich playing to racism in South Carolina

  2. #2
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    I cant believe this came out of his mouth! Fire the janitor and have 11 year old kids do the work? What about schooltime? That may have worked 30 years ago but not now! He is insane and the way he speaks to Juan Williams is disrespectful. All people in America want are their jobs back and MOST people DO want to EARN their money and make a living this man has no clue of what is going on with some families and the WHITE people in Wisconsin. I would never vote for this man to be the POTUS.

  3. #3
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    Man, i've been waiting for someone here to start a political thread! This anal c******* Gingrich is playing the race card in the worst way. He's racist to the core, too. And, he's exposing once again, how racist White America still is in 2012. We saw it in Iowa and we see it again in South Carolina. In fact, just about all of those guys are racist: Ron Paul and Rick Perry too.

    I do not think Willard Mitt Romney is a racist, but he sure knows how to play it. And what was that with him handing a Black woman $50??? He was going to bet another contestant $10,000 on some trivial thing. He rambles on to some kid about how he has trouble figuring out who he's going to leave his fortune to, and says the thousands he makes on speeches "isn't much money". He's disgusting wealthy and doesn't realize just how far removed he is from all the morons who will still vote for him because they hate a Black...oops...mixed-race man being the President of United States.

    Ron Paul? he still hasn't come up with a good explanation how racist articles on his newsletter, bearing his name, wasn't approved by him. His being punk'ed by Sasha Cohen in the movie "Bruno" shows how intolerant he is of gays. yeah, I know there's a couple of Ron Paul supporters here, but you guys need to wake up and face what the guy is really all about. Good thing he won't become president. His extreme libertarian ideas would certainly plunge this country and world into chaos.

    Rick Perry isn't even worth discussing anymore. He's as stupid as Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, and Herman Cain Wreck. he shows how racist and ignorant the religious right is.

    Rick Santorum calls himself a christian but says the most un-christian-like things. And, he's a nut.

    And, what galls me is how these guys think they can get away with saying the most vile things insulting half the country, and still think those people are going to vote for them.

    Oh, Juan Williams? How long is he going to be the house n***** for the republiKKKans? The people in his party do not like him or his people, yet he's still identifies with them. J.C. Watts, too!

    And none of this tops the effort to suppress the vote, and to discourage the youth to vote at all. Vote suppression is their last line of defense...or is it? What about all those guns that were bought last christmas?

    Rant over!
    Last edited by soulster; 01-19-2012 at 09:22 AM.

  4. #4
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    What bothers me more than Newt is how the crowd at the debacle, and at news conferences, supported what he said. But I should not be surprised. Let us not forget this is the same mentality, or lack of, that booed a gay soldier and suggested that a 30 year old male with no health insurance be allowed to die.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    What bothers me more than Newt is how the crowd at the debacle, and at news conferences, supported what he said. But I should not be surprised. Let us not forget this is the same mentality, or lack of, that booed a gay soldier and suggested that a 30 year old male with no health insurance be allowed to die.
    Exactly MotownSteve.

  6. #6
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    You can see Ron Paul and his free use of gay epithets:

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    What bothers me more than Newt is how the crowd at the debacle, and at news conferences, supported what he said. But I should not be surprised. Let us not forget this is the same mentality, or lack of, that booed a gay soldier and suggested that a 30 year old male with no health insurance be allowed to die.
    Did you see what happened on Faux news? Some woman supported Gingrich and said he was right to put Juan Williams "in his place".

    Racism is alive and well in the U.S.A..

  8. #8
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    Rick Santorum calls himself a christian but says the most un-christian-like things. And, he's a nut.

    Soulster.....you hit the nail on the head. This dud[[e) is a pathetic joke. His craziness scares me. Newt.....what a pig. I've never seen so many circus attractions under one tent!

  9. #9
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    However, I am happy that the republican party is in such chaos. They are fighting amongst each other in the nastiest of ways, lying, exposing themselves as grand hypocrites, insulting half the country, and sounding as ignorant as ever, and that's all good for Obama. Not only that, the economy is steadily improving. This keeps up, Obama will be a shoo-in in November...if the republiKKKans do not succeed with their plans to rig the vote.
    Last edited by soulster; 01-19-2012 at 10:50 PM.

  10. #10
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    However, I am happy that the republican party is in such chaos

    An AMEN to that!

  11. #11
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    And, they like to keep the gop stocked with media idiots. Rick Perry may have took himself out, but Palin's baaaaaack! Bwahaaaaaaaaa!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Did you see what happened on Faux news? Some woman supported Gingrich and said he was right to put Juan Williams "in his place".

    Racism is alive and well in the U.S.A..
    That is one of the things I was thinking about.

  13. #13
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    None of this surprises me, I have to say. Anyone who thinks we are going to see a post racial society in any of our lifetimes, and I don't care if you're a 15 year old lurker here, is kidding themselves...

  14. #14
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    That is a racist, divided society down there. I can't understand how so many people would vote for such a person as Newt Gingrich. The only good of it is that if he is the candidate, it helps Barack Obama a lot; because Romney is much more electable. And they likely will go with Romney in the end.

    There is way too much religion involved in running the USA. You need a secular government where the state and church are separate, totally. And they are not.

    And it is a racist society ~ too many African Americans go to jail, too many of them get the crap jobs; it's no wonder some of them remain very angry.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    That is a racist, divided society down there. I can't understand how so many people would vote for such a person as Newt Gingrich. The only good of it is that if he is the candidate, it helps Barack Obama a lot; because Romney is much more electable. And they likely will go with Romney in the end.

    There is way too much religion involved in running the USA. You need a secular government where the state and church are separate, totally. And they are not.

    And it is a racist society ~ too many African Americans go to jail, too many of them get the crap jobs; it's no wonder some of them remain very angry.

    "Down there", as in the U.S.? Yeah, it's all over, and not exclusive to the southeastern region, either.

    Romney isn't so electable. He's showing himself to not be such a good debater, he lies, puts his foot in his mouth, and has also played the "southern strategy", but not to a very good effect. And, he has major problems with his being very wealthy, not identifying or sympathizing with anyone but the 1%, and he refuses to release his tax returns. he's also been caught with having an off-shore account. The republiKKKans are not happy with Romney, as they say he's aclaully a moderate. I personally do not think he's a bad guy, but the things that he has said in the name of trying to gain his party's nomination is appalling.

    Religion? We do have something that is written in our Constitution that says there shall be separation of church and state. That is constantly and blatantly violated by religious types who insist on forcing everyone to live by what they call God's laws. And, those people are not always, but usually republiKKKans. The U.S. has a secular government and is not, nor has it ever been a christian nation. It was not founded by christians, either, despite what the far right wants us to believe.

    The U.S. is very racist, but I would say no more than many other countries. The problem is that the U.S. constantly tells others in the world how to behave. Blacks/African-Americans are not the only discrimination group in the U.S.. The American Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Jews, Latinos...almost everyone has gotten a rotten deal by the majority race or, rather, ruling class. However, Blacks still have it the worst. Racism is so institutionalized, part of the culture, that racists don't even realize that they are racist, and many people do not realize they hold racist attitudes.

    I was talking with a mentally-challenged, very high-functioning guy at work yesterday. He told me he didn't like Obama. I pressed him for a reason, and he was hesitant to tell me. he said it was because he was Black. I asked him who told him this, and he didn't want to tell me who, but he said that they told him that they didn't like Obama because he's Black. After a little more prodding, he told me it's because he didn't think Blacks should be president of the U.S., and that we have always had White people for president. I then reminded him that Obama is of mixed race, and that his mother is White, natural-born U.S. citizen from Kansas. He actually didn't know this and was stunned. I asked him if he thought Mexicans could be president, as he is Mexican, and he said yes...in Mexico. And, this is what the youth hear and believe because many of them just don't have the history, reasoning, and wisdom to understand the ridiculousness of it all. They are no different than the disturbed adults who still think Obama's not an American citizen, or that he's the antichrist. These people have no evidence, and have no logic on which to base their outrageous claims. As a matter of fact, a Federal Georgia judge has ruled that Obama appear in court, and Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Maricopa County, Arizona, was subpoenaed to testify that he is not an American Citizen, due to a lawsuit that was filed, one among dozens that have been filed since 2008. Apparently, Sheriff Joe has been wasting tax money investigating this. I guess he's working with the Donald and Orly Taiz on this one. Sheesh! And, right-wing gun nuts have been buying tons of guns over the last three years. Hmmm...I wonder why...

    Anyway, this is how it's been down here.

    Splanky, none of this surprises me either, and I know that we will never see a post racial society. But, it still infuriates me. Can I at least have that?

  16. #16
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    I found this http://blog.nj.com/njv_editorial_pag...isy_on_ma.html in a local paper. Makes interesting reading at the poster boy for hypocrisy.

  17. #17
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    A few minutes ago I got an email from the New York Times saying the AP is predicting Newt will win the South Carolina Primary.

  18. #18
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    Good! Anything to keep the party fighting each other and anyone that makes them look worse.

  19. #19
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    What gets me is a few years ago he went out in disgrace and now they welcome him back.

  20. #20
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    If it's true about South Carolinian's being very christian, Gingrich's winning there is just another reason I have no respect for christians, conservatives, or republiKKKans. I see nothing but very un-christian-like whores. Yes, whores, because they will do anything, anything to try to get rid of Obama, even if they go against everything they say they were taught, and everything they preach to others. No, don't tell me all these people aren't true christians, or how they just lost their way, because I don't see any of the so-called "good" ones out there trying rebuking the bad ones.

    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    What gets me is a few years ago he went out in disgrace and now they welcome him back.
    These god and family types say they stand for the sanctity of marriage, yet they just voted for a guy who asked his second wife for an open marriage while he was already cheating on her, and then very publically chastising Bill Clinton for letting an intern give him head.
    Last edited by soulster; 01-22-2012 at 12:50 AM.

  21. #21
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    Dictionary of the future: Hypocrite = New Gingrich

  22. #22
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    My vote is still with Ron Paul.

    Gingrich is a disgusting person. Hatred and bigotry runs thru his veins. This country would be in a massive ruin worse than what we are experiencing now with Obama if Gingrich heads the office.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fresh View Post
    My vote is still with Ron Paul.

    Gingrich is a disgusting person. Hatred and bigotry runs thru his veins. This country would be in a massive ruin worse than what we are experiencing now with Obama if Gingrich heads the office.
    Ron Paul is a racist too, and homophobic. Do you want one for a president? Paul and his extreme libertarianism would destroy this country.

  24. #24
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    I don't live in a paranoid world looking for excuses and someone or something to blame Soulster. Racism isn't the first thing on my mind when I wake up in the morning or when I go to bed at night.

    I care only about Ron Pauls platform and his ideas to right America's ship. Label it what you will or call it what you will, his platform is what in my opinion is the best for America.

    What is ruining this county is ignorance and lack of personal accountability which unfortunately runs rampant in the black community.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fresh View Post
    I don't live in a paranoid world looking for excuses and someone or something to blame Soulster. Racism isn't the first thing on my mind when I wake up in the morning or when I go to bed at night.
    I don't either, but it is something you should think about instead of denying it or burying your head in the sand.

    I care only about Ron Pauls platform and his ideas to right America's ship. Label it what you will or call it what you will, his platform is what in my opinion is the best for America.
    Well, we disagree. Hey, I actually like some of his ideas, and some of them really would be beneficial. But, I believe the libertarians would take the concept way too far to the point of denying some groups their constitutional rights..

    What is ruining this county is ignorance and lack of personal accountability which unfortunately runs rampant in the black community.
    Oh, and and it doesn't run rampant through the White community? No wonder you can overlook Ron Paul's racism: you might be racist too!

  26. #26
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    Newt Gingrich is a mess and that is about all I am going to say about him for now. You will see much more of how big of a mess he is in the coming weeks and months I promise!

  27. #27
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    Soulster, I agrreee with what your'e sayin... there's a alot of shit still giong down in this country, and just look at this... it was 2010!

  28. #28
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    And, now Romney is bashing the 99%'ers.

    Do these morons forget that they are running for president of the whole U.S. and not just the republiKKKans?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    And, now Romney is bashing the 99%'ers.

    Do these morons forget that they are running for president of the whole U.S. and not just the republiKKKans?
    In very few words, I don't think they do.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    And, now Romney is bashing the 99%'ers.

    Do these morons forget that they are running for president of the whole U.S. and not just the republiKKKans?
    Nope and the Tea Party won't let whoever gets the nomination come back to the center. That's a heap of crazy running for the Republican nomination and as a devout Christian woman who respects all faiths and non believers, I find it offensive that they invoke God and Jesus into every debate while bashing Gays, the poor and people without health insurance. Not the kind of Christianity I follow.

    To the best of my knowledge we have a separation of church and state in this country. It seems Romney, Gingrich and Santorum have forgotten that.


  31. #31
    dianesfan_1965 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fresh View Post
    What is ruining this county is ignorance and lack of personal accountability which unfortunately runs rampant in the black community.
    Your hood and robe are ready to pick up from the cleaners.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I don't either, but it is something you should think about instead of denying it or burying your head in the sand.
    I thought about it for a minute or two, I just refuse to let other peoples ignorance decide my fate. There will always be bigots in every race. Nothing you can do about it. Complaining will get you nowhere and making sweeping accusations of everyone makes you sound just like them.

    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Well, we disagree. Hey, I actually like some of his ideas, and some of them really would be beneficial. But, I believe the libertarians would take the concept way too far to the point of denying some groups their constitutional rights..
    I can agree to disagree. I don't plan on ever joining any political party but I will say that the libertarian platform probably respects the Constitution more than either the Democrats or Republicans ever would. Just take a look at the Patriot act...A GW Bush initiative SUPPORTED by the Obama administration. Did you care about your Constitutional rights when Obama moved to continue the Patriot Act?

    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Oh, and and it doesn't run rampant through the White community? No wonder you can overlook Ron Paul's racism: you might be racist too!
    I'm talking about the community that I live in which happens to be the Black community. Its rampant everywhere but when I see my own people being as closed minded and sounding just like the people they claim to abhor I get especially sad.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by dianesfan_1965 View Post
    Your hood and robe are ready to pick up from the cleaners.
    Dave Chapelle already did that skit.

    Seriously though, If acknowledging ignorance in your own community makes you a member of the clan, then I guess Dr. West is a founding member!

    Blacks in the Clan? Do you know something that I don't?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fresh View Post
    I'm talking about the community that I live in which happens to be the Black community. Its rampant everywhere but when I see my own people being as closed minded and sounding just like the people they claim to abhor I get especially sad.
    Well, I live in the White community, and I see that Black people do not have a lock on anything.

  35. #35

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    @p-shark post

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  37. #37
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    Really really like!

  38. #38
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    Excellent, P-Shark!

  39. #39
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    Same ole' Same ole'

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  40. #40
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    Where's that "roll eyes" emoticon?


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