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  1. #1

    I Want Mary Wilson Out of the Group

    Mo'nique goin off in the car--advisory -raw language; she pretends shes Diana Ross and has a few choice words for "Mary Wilson"!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nqnI...eature=feedlik

  2. #2
    That is the most obnoxious, loud-mouthed woman ever on television. I can't believe anyone would watch anything with her in it

  3. #3
    What a stupid humorless clip.

  4. #4
    I think it's hysterical, and gives you an idea of the perception that is out THERE...so sk tsk..get OVER it!

  5. #5
    i, too, thought it was quite hysterical! i think the whole diana/wilson dynamic has entered into history even for people who know nothing of its origins. not to say mo'nique isn't aware of motown history ...
    Last edited by thisoldheart; 12-19-2011 at 05:15 AM. Reason: grammatical errors!

  6. #6
    At least Mo'nique knows who Mary Wilson is.

    More truthfully, it was more like......"I been trying to get outta this group for years, here Mary, take this group, plllllleeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzz"

    Maybe it was more like.........."take this job and shove it".......that was popular around that time too.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    I think it's hysterical, and gives you an idea of the perception that is out THERE...so sk tsk..get OVER it!
    Then you must be easily amused.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Then you must be easily amused.
    THAT'S why I read all your posts!!!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    THAT'S why I read all your posts!!!
    Flattery will get you everywhere big boy.xxxx


  10. #10
    I'd cut her.


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Penny View Post
    I'd cut her.

    Nails, hair or LaLumia?

  12. #12
    All of the above!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Penny View Post
    All of the above!
    Oh Miss Penny. You are naughty. I think you need to treat yourself to a nice long Lavender Bath by Avon and a good mint cream foot massage.


  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    At least Mo'nique knows who Mary Wilson is.
    Instead of posting a response in words, I shall use a photo to describe my thoughts towards you...

  15. #15
    lolol perfect Carlo.

  16. #16
    To me if it was somebody else saying it maybe it'd be funny but I just dislike Monique so much with a passion, I'd rather spend a day with Roseanne Barr than with her.

  17. #17
    Monique is a HOOT and a HALF...luv her, now more than ever..

  18. #18
    Carlo, you just don't like what you don't want to hear.

    But go ask guys on the basketball or football team who Mary Wilson is and they will gawk at you and not have a clue. It's not about liking or disliking her or you; it's just the way it is.

    I'll give you $5 if you can find one guy on your local basketball or football team that has heard of her. Or Jean Terrell. Or Lynda Laurence. If they can identify one, it will be Cindy Birdsong..........because of her name.

  19. #19
    I think it was all in fun,really funny.[[to me)
    Please stay positive

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by REDHOT View Post
    I think it was all in fun,really funny.[[to me)
    Please stay positive
    Of course it was all in fun REDHOT. You are right to stay positive.

    Bless you.


  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by BobC View Post
    That is the most obnoxious, loud-mouthed woman ever on television. I can't believe anyone would watch anything with her in it
    You forgot Academey Award Winning Actress!

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by carlo View Post
    Instead of posting a response in words, I shall use a photo to describe my thoughts towards you...

    That was funny Carlo! LOL!

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Carlo, you just don't like what you don't want to hear.

    But go ask guys on the basketball or football team who Mary Wilson is and they will gawk at you and not have a clue. It's not about liking or disliking her or you; it's just the way it is.

    I'll give you $5 if you can find one guy on your local basketball or football team that has heard of her. Or Jean Terrell. Or Lynda Laurence. If they can identify one, it will be Cindy Birdsong..........because of her name.

    And your'e full of crap. when I was in high school, the vast majority of the boys on the football team knew who Mary Wilson was. They didn't know a whole bunch about her, but they knew who she was, and knew she was HOT [[ALL the kids in my school watched entertainment tonight). During that time, she was all over the place with Dreamgirl, and was in the middle of publicity for the biggest selling music autobiography in history. So most people who are over 35 at least know who she is. Teenagers today may not, but who gives a fuck about them? The last time I saw Mary live, in 2001... I told one of my clients I was going to see Mary Wilson in concert, and she knew EXACTLY who she was, and told me to have a good time. This was a 34 year old soccer mom with 3 children, who is not all that into music like I am. And once again, the unwashed masses knowing someone's name is no guage of anything considering that around 40 percent of the population can't even tell you who the VICE PRESIDENT is.

  24. #24
    But Jill.........c'mon man..........you were in high school 40 years ago.

    Today, Carlo and a very few others know Mary, Lynda and Jean.

    This is why Marv feeds Carlo pictures of Cher and tells him they are Mary for his website..........cuz they care about this. But Mary and the guys on the basketball, football and certainly the HOCKEY team dont. And I don't think you really do either.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    But Jill.........c'mon man..........you were in high school 40 years ago.

    Today, Carlo and a very few others know Mary, Lynda and Jean.

    This is why Marv feeds Carlo pictures of Cher and tells him they are Mary for his website..........cuz they care about this. But Mary and the guys on the basketball, football and certainly the HOCKEY team dont. And I don't think you really do either.
    Excuse me.... I was in High school 25 years ago... not 40. I said dreamgirl was out when I was in high school..... that was not 40 years ago. I hope you don't do your own billing, otherwise your clients are getting royally fucked.

  26. #26
    I think Mary would be much better known if she didn't have such a plain name. Some people confuse her with Mary Wells. Diane Ross was a plain name and she was smart to change it to a more imperial sounding name. I recall that the promoters of the RTL tour discovered that more people knew the name Cindy Birdsong than Mary Wilson, and I think that is wholly because Birdsong is such an unusual name.

  27. #27
    Yes, the name Birdsong does stick in the mind.

  28. #28
    Maria Wilson?

  29. #29
    What I would like to say is: Remember that scene in “Mahogony”, those fantastic photos of me looking glamorous in Rome! Jail is not like that, Tina. Although, really, there is someone that’s a dead-ringer for Billy Dee Williams – except her name is Roberta! I mean, she got a moustache and everything!

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    And once again, the unwashed masses knowing someone's name is no guage of anything considering that around 40 percent of the population can't even tell you who the VICE PRESIDENT is.
    It's true. A lot of people who don't live in Canada think that we live in igloo's and everyone wears parka's 24/7.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    This is why Marv feeds Carlo pictures of Cher and tells him they are Mary for his website..........cuz they care about this. But Mary and the guys on the basketball, football and certainly the HOCKEY team dont. And I don't think you really do either.
    Marv doesn't work with me and again, I am not responsible for that blog where you saw the photo of Cher, so that wasn't me who posted that. But being the drama-craving, pot-stirring person that you are, if it makes you feel better to believe that as true...then go right ahead.

    Plus, it's none of your business. How would you like it Rob if I made up lies about you and posted them on this forum? You wouldn't like it.
    Last edited by carlo; 12-20-2011 at 05:39 PM.

  32. #32
    I never saw Mahogany. Who would make a movie about modeling? Sounds like a real snoozer. I only like movies with lots of head-bashing, profanity and explosions.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by BobC View Post
    I only like movies with lots of head-bashing, profanity and explosions.
    That's pretty much what goes on here in these Supremes discussions on a daily basis, so you'll love SDF!

  34. #34
    hee hee! I knew something was keeping me here!

  35. #35
    Hey--speaking of psychos, have you all noticed somebody named ReturnofBigBear [[something like that) on every single Mary Wilson clip on Youtube? I mean he posts obsessively, and every post is truly nasty. Who is this creep and why is he so fixated on Mary Wilson? It's really creepy. Some mean posts by other people are actually funny, but this clown seems mentally ill.

  36. #36
    Some people are mentally ill and that's when the internet can be a dangerous place. It gives a platform to people who shouldn't have one. I was harassed on the internet by a mentally ill Supremes fan for a few years. It started when I was still in elementary school. It can be a very scary thing. A person needs to be so careful.

    This ReturnOfBigBear person has been posting nasty comments about Mary for quite some time now. Just like anyone else who does that sort of thing, they are craving attention. One time I ran a search on their IP address and they are Canadian. I was able to found out where they live and where they use the internet. They better be careful because they could end up in a whole lot of legal trouble if it get's to the point where the person is posting threats. The same goes for anyone else who is conducting themselves in a similar manner. It really is a shame because when I see these Youtube comments, it only seems to be the same select few who are constantly going back and forth with each other on all of the videos.
    Last edited by carlo; 12-20-2011 at 06:39 PM.

  37. #37
    ^^ I notice that guy too BobC [[he is not really the only one either). And many more diana vs Mary battles.

    Those fools are on every supremes video,

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    What I would like to say is: Remember that scene in “Mahogony”, those fantastic photos of me looking glamorous in Rome! Jail is not like that, Tina. Although, really, there is someone that’s a dead-ringer for Billy Dee Williams – except her name is Roberta! I mean, she got a moustache and everything!
    I beg your pardon marybrewster. I have never had a moustache in my life. I regularly use Nair on my arms, legs, private area and upper lip. That wasn't a very kind thing to say.


  39. #39
    It didn't chap your coochie, Roberta? I used nair on my ass once, and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I couldn't sit down for almost two weeks!

  40. #40
    Candy--I know there are more than one Mary and Diana bashers, but that one guy is on virtually every single Mary thread [[At first I thought it was lots of people until I took notice that most of the truly vile comments were from the same guy). Then I noticed he called himself "thereturnof" and I realized he'd probably been obnoxious before and been banned--only to "return." His posts aren't funny or comical, they are just nasty. This is the scary side to fame. I've read many arrest reports of crazy fans breaking into celebs' homes, in fact Michael Jackson's song Billie Jean was written about fans like this. Could you imagine being Mary Wilson and having to worry that one day this Bear jackass was going to step it up a notch?

  41. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    It didn't chap your coochie, Roberta? I used nair on my ass once, and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I couldn't sit down for almost two weeks!
    Oh jillfoster you do make me blush. LOL

    I don't think Nair should be placed "on" your private areas, only around your private area for wearing bikini's and short dresses.


  42. #42
    Ladies, private me about sculpting or taking care of your private areas. I have just the product for you.

    Yours in AVON;

  43. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by penny View Post
    ladies, private me about sculpting or taking care of your private areas. I have just the product for you.

    Yours in avon;

  44. #44
    So not funny, it wasn't THEN and its doubly not funny now.

  45. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Penny View Post
    Ladies, private me about sculpting or taking care of your private areas. I have just the product for you.

    Yours in AVON;
    Priceless......................................... ....

  46. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by BobC View Post
    Candy--I know there are more than one Mary and Diana bashers, but that one guy is on virtually every single Mary thread [[At first I thought it was lots of people until I took notice that most of the truly vile comments were from the same guy). Then I noticed he called himself "thereturnof" and I realized he'd probably been obnoxious before and been banned--only to "return." His posts aren't funny or comical, they are just nasty. This is the scary side to fame. I've read many arrest reports of crazy fans breaking into celebs' homes, in fact Michael Jackson's song Billie Jean was written about fans like this. Could you imagine being Mary Wilson and having to worry that one day this Bear jackass was going to step it up a notch?
    I have never understood those types of people. If I don't like a star I just move on from them. -_- It just seems like they are obsessed.

  47. #47
    Sorry I thought ot was FUNNY

  48. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Penny View Post
    Ladies, private me about sculpting or taking care of your private areas. I have just the product for you.

    Yours in AVON;
    Oh Miss Penny, always the sales lady. LOL


  49. #49
    Now this I agree with; it's just that they are amongst us and some of you don't seem to understand. But maybe we should all buy some Avon from Penny for Christmas and be happy. Did anyone knock it off when Mary Wilson asked her fans to? There is a few other guys like that Big Bear........Oceanbound, Detroit60 etc.

    This is Carlo's post that I agree with; he's dropped the whiny crap here:

    Some people are mentally ill and that's when the internet can be a dangerous place. It gives a platform to people who shouldn't have one. I was harassed on the internet by a mentally ill Supremes fan for a few years. It started when I was still in elementary school. It can be a very scary thing. A person needs to be so careful.

    This ReturnOfBigBear person has been posting nasty comments about Mary for quite some time now. Just like anyone else who does that sort of thing, they are craving attention. One time I ran a search on their IP address and they are Canadian. I was able to found out where they live and where they use the internet. They better be careful because they could end up in a whole lot of legal trouble if it get's to the point where the person is posting threats. The same goes for anyone else who is conducting themselves in a similar manner. It really is a shame because when I see these Youtube comments, it only seems to be the same select few who are constantly going back and forth with each other on all of the videos.

  50. #50
    Fine singer though she is, I would say that MARY WILSON has somewhat of an identity problem due to her name ..

    Does anyone remember this 1977 novelty hit [[#18 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #6 in the UK).

    MERI WILSON - "Telephone Man".


    In the early '80s in Britain we also had a popular singer called MARI WILSON, who was basically a DUSTY SPRINGFIELD wannabe who billed herself as "The Queen Of Neasden Soul" [[Neasden back then was a fairly featureless North west London suburb) and who sported an enormous bee-hive hairdo.

    I'm not sure why she thought she was singing "soul" as I was never too impressed by her vocal abilities .. to me she was just singing "retro mid-60s pop" material .. here is her biggest hit [[#8 in the UK in late 1982) ..

    MARI WILSON - "Just What I Always Wanted" ..




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