Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
yeah i think the album cover isn't the greatest. the front pic just doesn't do justice to the group. not saying the girls had to wear the cliche sequins or some old DRATS gowns. but i just don't think they look "modern." Just like how some of the gowns being designed for the group at the time looked old fashioned too. they just didn't look fresh. the cover pic is too fuzzy and out of focus, the girls are looking off into space. you can hardly discern who was scherrie and who was cindy. if you look at the "real estate" of the front cover and estimate what % of that real estate is occupied by the girls themselves versus border, decoration, the sofa mary's on, etc, it's all wrong.

and the back imagine is hardly any better.
I still don't think I I know who is Scherrie and who is Cindy on the front cover, lol.

The cover does nothing to compliment what's on the LP.