Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
He's right that the Chic sound was dead. She didn't need to revisit that. Besides, Nile Rodgers had moved on had some huge successes.

So in all my criticisms of Diana during this time, I have failed to remember what she was dealing with. She apparently recorded the SA album when her mother was battling cancer. Then her mom dies like a month or two after the album dropped. There's no way Diana was thinking clearly during this time, nor that of when the EA album was being recorded. While I like the SA album, I've been brutal with my thoughts about the EA album and the dumb decisions I feel Diana made with the entire thing. I'm officially forgiving her EA. It's unfair to ask someone to be focused during such a tough time.

That being said, Nile would have been perfect for the follow up to SA. Like A Virgin had blown up, among some of his other projects, and while I wouldn't think Diana needed to be doing Madonna songs, Nile had certainly proven that he could produce quality albums around unique talent. I think he would have found a way to give Diana age appropriate songs that would appeal to the youth market and the more adult market. He most certainly would have given her a better all around album than EA.
Without sounding hard hearted, it’s hard to comprehend that she spent two years not thinking clearly owing to her mother’s illness. It must have been difficult having to perform at Radio City every night, but i can’t believe the task of finding a strong producer would have added additional strain to the process of recording an album.
Many of us have to deal with the grief of losing a parent while still having to make important business decisions. Having a single producer take control would i have thought been an asset in freeing up time for her to concentrate on more personal matters during that difficult time.
I definitely think she should have teamed up with Nile and Bernard anytime between 81 -87. None of the albums she recorded during that time frame will ever be considered classics.