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  1. #2651
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  3. #2653
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  4. #2654
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    And, finally, one of the most amusing things I've seen, and one that says a lot, is that our ex moral degenerate president's popularity on his Truth Social Network is falling. This rating is measured by the number of likes that his comments get, and that number is dropping. This is important because it's indicates that the size of his cult is beginning to shrink. They are no longer glorifying every ALL CAPS word he spits out. It's also important because he's obsessed with being number one, an any indicator that proves this not to be the case is bad. His ego requires a cult of millions. This might be a better indicator of his popularity than any poll getting published these days.

  5. #2655
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    Republicans are outraged when you say happy holidays, but they’re just fine with Trump’s rot in hell Christmas greeting.

  6. #2656
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  7. #2657
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    The Francis Howell School Board, a conservative-led Missouri school board, has voted to drop elective courses on Black history and literature, five months after the same board rescinded an anti-discrimination policy adopted in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd.
    Black Lives Matter. Black History Matters.
    In Ohio, a grand jury is set to decide whether Brittany Watts, who miscarried a nonviable fetus should face criminal charges.
    Yes, criminal charges for a miscarriage. Watts was reportedly turned into the police after her miscarriage and has been charged with the fifth-degree felony of “abuse of a corpse.”
    Wake up, people, this is the GOP at work, jailing women for miscarriages.

  8. #2658
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    Fox and Friends host Griff Jenkins ripped President Biden a new one for going to St. Croix for vacation though he clearly had zero issue with Inmate # P01135809 golfing every weekend while millions of Americans died of COVID.
    PS Griff Jenkins was substituting for regular Fox & Friends hosts … who were on vacation.

  9. #2659
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    So Close!

  10. #2660
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  11. #2661
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    Fran Lebowitz, author and speaker, on the rise in racism and bigotry since Thing 45 ran for office in 2015:

    “[Thing 45] allows people to express their racism and bigotry in a way that they haven’t been able to in quite a while and they really love him for that. It’s a shocking thing to realize people love their hatred more than they care about their own actual lives.”
    Spot on. If you ask the MAGAts what thing 45 did for them, they will not be able to come up with an actual fact because all he did, and all he is doing now, and all he will ever do, is give voice to their fears and ignorance.
    Bob Good, GOP Representative from Virgina, arguing that the GOP loses on abortion because they’re not extreme enough on the issue:

    “We just came off of an election in Virginia. And the narrative now is, ‘Oh, abortion is a loser. We got to surrender on abortion. We got to give in on abortion. We’ve got to be like the Democrats on abortion. Then maybe we can win elections.’ I would argue what’s the point of winning elections if you’re not going to fight for life? But beyond that, what was Virginia’s position? What was the state of Virginia’s political leadership position on abortion? We’re okay with 94% of abortions because we want a 15-week ban. And the Democrats, the other side wants 100% of abortions. So we’re going to rally in the red areas and the conservatives and the red base to fight for 6% of abortions? And I submit that’s the reason why we had low red turnout in Virginia.”
    Not extreme enough? The GOP wants to ban abortion in all instances including rape and incest. Yup, a man rapes his ten-year-old daughter and she is forced to give birth. That’s not extreme enough? The GOP wants to jail a woman who had a miscarriage in Ohio. That’s not extreme enough?
    Debbie Dingell, Democratic Representative from Michigan, on Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl’s Christmas message:

    “I think it was one of the most pathetic Christmas greetings I’ve heard when a former president of the United States who wants to return [to office] tells people on Christmas Day that they can rot in hell. After he went after me, quite frankly, there were men outside of my house with assault weapons and I have had threats. Hate and division are creeping into our communities far too easily. Violence is becoming normalized. Every last one of us has to stand up. We can disagree civilly [but] we need to respect every human being with dignity.”
    Clearly Dingell doesn’t realize she, and this entire country, are dealing with a sociopathic narcissist. He has no soul, no dignity, no honor.
    He’s a pig.
    Nikki Haley, stepping into a shitstorm with her town hall answer about what caused the Civil War:

    “I think it always comes down to the role of government and what the rights of the people are. And we will always stand by the fact that I think the government was intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people. It was never meant to be all things to all people. Government doesn’t need to tell you how to live your life. They don’t need to tell you what you can and can’t do. They don’t need to be a part of your life. They need to make sure that you have freedom.”
    Haley refused to mention slavery as a cause of the war, saying:

    “What do you want me to say about slavery? Next question.”
    She later said the question was from a Democrat plant in her audience, and then later said of course slavery was the cause of the Civil War.
    This is America under the GOP; slavery was good; it was like a training school for slaves; it was on-the-job training. If we elect people like Nimrata Haley to office slavery will not be discussed in school as anything more than a blip in our history.
    Nimrata can fuck all the way off; believe what she says, and not how she spins it later, and then spins it again, even later than that..
    Arnold Schwarzenegger, former GOP governor of California, on voting in 2024:

    “For the first time since I became a citizen in 1983, I will not vote for a Republican candidate for president. But as proud as I am to label myself a Republican, there is one label that I hold above all else—American. So I want to take a moment today to remind my fellow Americans that it is not only acceptable to choose your country over your party—it’s your duty.”
    Hopefully, moderate Republicans and those who aren’t fully invested in the cult will hear these words and know that you sometimes have to take a stand for your country, even if your party loses power.
    Otherwise, we’re going to lose it all.

  12. #2662
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    And, I'm sure most of you have already seen that Maine has decided to remove the Orange Anus from the primary ballot. Yep, as it stands right now, MAGAs in Maine will need to write his name in if they want to vote for him to get the Republican nominations for President. Of course, his cult erupted in anger; that was to be expected. The GOP has a terrible problem, and they're refusing to even look at it, let alone attempt to deal with it. The Republicans have believed, ever since Reagan, that there is a Silent Majority of Conservatives waiting to vote the right presidential nominee. In a way, they're right, there is this majority quietly sitting in their living rooms, or looking at their phones, or scrolling through articles on their computers, however they're not Conservatives, their Anti-Trumpers, and Centrists, and Liberals. The Republican party doesn't understand that when this silent majority votes, it is the Republican party that is going to be paying the piper. They will not take it well. Most cults don't.

  13. #2663
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  14. #2664
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  15. #2665
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    MAGA Prophet: Jesus Told Me A Revolution Is Coming

    January 1, 2024 Christianists, Trump cultists

    “My children, the time has come. A time that you have been waiting for. A reinstatement. A shift of power. A new government in control. An overthrow, and a takeover in this nation from the hands of the wicked to the hands of the righteous.
    “The fall has come, the time is drawing near. A coup is about to disrupted and annihilated and everyone a part of it, exposed and removed. So my children, hold on, 2024 will start with a mighty bang.
    “So brace for a mighty impact coming to shake you loose from the chains that bind you. It will look worse, but this means your enemy’s days are running out.” – Self-proclaimed “MAGA prophet” Julie Green, quoting a message given to her by Jeebus.

    Green previously appeared here for such prophecies as Nancy Pelosi dying before the 2022 midterms and all charges against Trump being dropped by yesterday.
    Green has given speeches at QAnon conventions alongside Eric Trump, Alex Jones, Mike Lindell, Michael Flynn, Kash Patel, Devin Nunes, and other notorious freak shows. Lara Trump has appeared on her podcast.

    MAGA ‘Prophet’ Julie Green has received a New Years message from God. God says the evil people controlling the govt are about to stage a coup to retain power, but there will be “an overthrow & takeover of this nation from the hands of the wicked to the hands of the righteous.” pic.twitter.com/J3bkHYYltB
    — Ron Filipkowski [[@RonFilipkowski) January 1, 2024
    Mastriano’s Hand-Picked “Prophet” Declares Biden Is Secretly Dead And Pelosi Drinks The Blood Of Children – https://t.co/1zuuCWD0Xy pic.twitter.com/zGnx6hSQJ0
    — JoeMyGod [[@JoeMyGod) August 18, 2022
    Trump Resort To Host Hitler Fans For QAnon Event – https://t.co/KnKOILQ7D2 pic.twitter.com/efWqFtq29D
    — JoeMyGod [[@JoeMyGod) May 8, 2023
    Self-proclaimed “prophet” Julie Green tells Eric Trump that nothing will happen to his father because God has repeatedly told her that Trump is His “anointed and appointed one.” https://t.co/k68kbozxMv https://t.co/oebEZE6fdt pic.twitter.com/OwR1KNKTmp
    — Right Wing Watch [[@RightWingWatch) September 7, 2023
    MAGA ‘Prophet’ and ‘Patriot’ Julie Green says she just received another message from God. God says Putin is about to expose all the “evil plans & strategies” of Obama & Biden and present “shocking information” that the 2020 election was stolen. pic.twitter.com/DZ3wZpWj7F
    — Ron Filipkowski [[@RonFilipkowski) December 21, 2023
    Trump-loving “prophet” Julie Green weeps as she calls upon God to “let our rightful president take his place back where it rightfully belongs to him.” pic.twitter.com/sXXkjxt8n3

  16. #2666
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    Nikki and the S word.

    It's easy to come up with the answers to certain historical questions in life. Who was the first president of the United States? What is the name of the country that attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor? What was the date of the terrorist attack on the United States orchestrated by Osama bin Laden? If you guessed George Washington, Japan, and September 11, 2001, move to the head of the class. [[If you guessed John Hanson for the first question you're just a history snob, and you probably have better things to do than read this post.) And of course, there is this gimmie: What was the cause of the Civil War between the states? These would all be easy questions for any typical school aged child in the United States. If you are running for president of the United States, and you are the former governor of a Southern state and high ranking government official, you shouldn't have to even think about it. But that's what Nikki Haley did, when she attempted to answer this question asked by a gentleman she considered a "democrat" plant. Nikki went all pretzel with her attempt to answer the question because she did not want to offend republican voters. Particularly those MAGA loyalist who she is still trying to court. In the world of half of republican voters, and most MAGA loyalists, the Civil War was more about good Americans just wanting to hold on to their property without the government telling them what to do, than it was about enslaving and cruelly treating fellow human beings. This part of American history has been completely whitewashed by the American right, and Nikki Haley knows this. So rather than show some courage and speak the truth about the real reason for the Civil War [[or as they call it in the South: 'The War of Northern Aggression') Nikki chose to dodge and obfuscate. It was painful to watch this Indian American daughter of immigrants, as she tried not to offend republican voters, explaining away the Civil War as some government overreach gone bad.
    Nikki Haley might or might not win the republican nomination to be president. Right now it's not looking good for her, but things could change. The thing is, she was gaining momentum. She did it by being a typical double-speaking politician who tried to be all things to all people. Shifting positions and giving nuanced takes to not get locked into a box that she couldn't talk her way out of later on.
    It's been working for her so far, and even her slavery misstep might not hurt her in the long run. I just wonder how she lives with herself.
    "The first thing I should have said was slavery," Haley said on "Cavuto Live" Saturday. "I completely agree with that. When you grow up in the South, slavery is a given. Like when you think of the Civil War, you know it was about slavery. That's never been in question."
    Sure Nikki. Until the next time you're in front of a right-wing crowd. If only you had the moral clarity to speak the truth. That would have been so refreshing.

  17. #2667
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  19. #2669
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    Anti-LGBTQ activist Kim Davis ordered to pay another judgement. Now owes over $300,000.

    Kim Davis

    Remember some years ago when Kim Davis was the talk of the conservative world because of her fight against marriage equality. Remember when she was heralded as an American hero and folks like Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz swooped in to get their pictures taken with her?
    Well, the bill for all her nonsense is due and one has to wonder where are all of her friends?
    From Lexington WKYT:
    Kim Davis now owes roughly $360,000 to two Rowan County men she denied a marriage license and their attorneys. In on order filed Thursday, U.S. District Judge David L. Bunning awarded $246,026.40 in attorneys’ fees and $14,058.30 in expenses to attorneys for David Ermold and David Moore. Those costs are in addition to the $100,000 total the former Rowan County clerk owes Ermold and Moore after a jury in September awarded damages to the men. Davis was previously found to have violated Ermold and Moore’s constitutional rights when she denied them a marriage license in 2015.
    The plaintiffs’ attorneys are legally entitled to request reimbursement of their fees and expenses as the “prevailing party” in the suit. The judge granted the entire sum of fees and expenses they had requested. Davis’s legal team had objected to the total, saying it should be less than half of what the plaintiffs’ attorneys originally requested.
    This was the final issue to be resolved in a more-than-eight-year-long legal battle that included “extensive discovery, multiple motions, dispositive and otherwise, four appeals to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, one petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Supreme Court and a three-day jury trial,” Judge Bunning noted.
    I'm sure Davis will appeal, but the point remains. Are her friends such as Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz going to help her pay the bill should she ultimately lose this case?
    Last edited by lakeside; 01-02-2024 at 09:59 PM.

  20. #2670
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    When I was younger, I used to play around with Tarot cards. I would have a friend shuffle the cards and then I'd lay out one of several patterns. It didn't take long for me to realize there was a lot of ambiguity in the futures the cards portend. That being said, there are good cards and bad cards. The Five of Cups is not one of the good cards.

    Why talk about Tarot cards? Well, it seems that last night on Fox, Jesse Watters had an English Tarot card reader as a guest, and he asked her to just pull one card from the deck to forecast Trump's 2024, and she pulled out the Five of Cups. Ominous, much? Looks like it's in the cards that the Orange Anus is going to have a very bad year, and, by extension, I'd say the same thing applies to the Republican party. First Colorado, and then Maine have banned the Moral Degenerate from the primary ballot. While that hasn't happened in Pennsylvania, a motion was filed in court to keep Trump's fellow insurrectionist Scott Perry off of the ballot. Now, I don't know if Scotty's had his cards read yet or not, but I'd be pretty sure that if he has, he, too has found himself holding the Five of Cups. To be honest, the first thought that went through my head when I saw this was: "finally, something the Cultist might believe in."

  21. #2671
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  24. #2674
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  25. #2675
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    And in case you didn't hear, the Orange Anus, Donald Trump, has appealed to the US Supreme Court to get his name reinstated on the Colorado primary ballot. This should prove very interesting, since so many of the Justices are Federalists, meaning they are supposed to be purely about the Constitution. If that is truly the case, they will choose not to get involved, since Federalists believe they shouldn't interfere with state's rights. Also on their plate is the issue of his immunity. If they agree that he is immune, then Biden can do anything he wants, since he, too, will be immune.

    Jeffy Epstein's guest list has been released, so to say, and I understand Bill Clinton's name is on it one time. Republicans, never a group to give up the chance of kicking a dead horse, have started shrieking about that. The Orange Anus, however, is a different story. Trump's name is listed 7 times, but the cultists are shouting out that he and Epstein were just friends, and that Trump never flew to Epstein's island in order to have sex with underage girls. Right. This is the man who bragged about grabbing women's pussies, in case you've forgotten.

  26. #2676
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  27. #2677
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    Nikki Haley, continuing to step in it even as she’s trying to step out of it:
    “I should have said slavery right off the bat, but if you grow up in South Carolina, literally in second and third grade you learn about slavery. You grow up and you have—you know, I had Black friends growing up. It is a very talked about thing. We have a big history in South Carolina when it comes to, you know, slavery, when it comes to all the things that happened with the Civil War, all that. I was over—I was thinking past slavery and talking about the lesson that we would learn going forward. I shouldn’t have done that. I should have said slavery. But in my mind, that’s a given, that everybody associates the Civil War with slavery. We were the only Indian family in a small, rural southern town. We weren’t White enough to be White, we weren’t Black enough to be Black. They didn’t know who we were, what we were, or why we were there. It was not just slavery that was talked about, it was more about racism that was talked about. It was more about, you know, we had friends, we had Black friends, we had White friends, but it was always a topic of conversation, even among our friends, and in the south, we’re very comfortable talking about it because we know that’s what it is.”
    Dear God, this woman just digs deeper into the feces every time she speaks …
    “You grow up and you have—you know, I had Black friends growing up.”
    Yes, I am not racist, and I don’t say ignorant things because I had Black friends growing up.
    “I was over—I was thinking past slavery and talking about the lesson that we would learn going forward.”
    Oh, Nikki, so good that you can get past thinking about slavery while millions of people of color are reminded of that every single fucking day with the way they are treated in this country still.
    “We had Black friends, we had White friends, but it was always a topic of conversation, even among our friends, and in the south, we’re very comfortable talking about it because we know that’s what it is.”
    If you’re so comfortable, why are you still trying to fix your mistake? And if you know what ‘it’ is—and by the way it’s racism and bigotry and ignorance—you could say it.
    Fucking moron. You are so transparent.
    Mike Johnson, self-professed God’s favorite Christian Nationalist Speaker of the House, on President Biden’s proposed $14 billion package to fund border security:
    “That won’t help. That won’t do a darn thing. It’s about changing the policy. The White House seems not to understand that.”
    Huh. No money to try and solve the problem, but Mike will bitch and moan and kvetch about the border and then take a group of Republicans to the border on the taxpayer dime for a publicity stunt.
    It almost sounds like faux-Christian Mike Johnson doesn’t care about border security unless he can use it as a weapon to attack the president.
    Michael Knowles, Daily Wire host, saying … oh who knows WTF he is saying:
    “Mickey Mouse has to become a Nazi … because Disney is a very, very evil corporation that wants to trans your kids and fill their heads with all sorts of crazy ideas, and Disney’s gotta go … You heard all the Disney executives talking about their not-so-secret LGBTLMNOP agenda. You’ve seen what Disney has done in recent years, so much so that the governor of Florida had to take political action against them to stop Disney from trying to interfere in the democratic process in Florida to stop the libs from transing your kids. OK? Remember what they did to that cartoon frog? There was this cartoon frog that a regular cartoonist had made … and then these guys on 4chan turned the frog into a Nazi … And we can do the same with Mickey Mouse. It’s not just enough to make Mickey Mouse a serial killer as you’re seeing in these movies. Mickey Mouse has to become the most odious kind of symbol in the entire world.”
    Sorry, asshat, the most odious symbol in the entire world is the loons of the GOP and the MAGAt cult and people who think you can “trans” children..
    Adam Kinzinger, former GOP Representative, on the Cult and their Leader:
    “The whining, weak, brittle, fragile, delicate. Feeble, puny victim mentality of the MAGA movement is one of the most transparently sad, snowflakey and pitiful movements really in American history. The incessant whining followed by the usual deflection of some harsh attack that reasonable adults would eschew has really reached a boiling point in my tolerance of typical and normal political dialogue. The MAGA movement has become an infectious disease of helplessness and victimhood unlike any I can remember. [Thing 45] himself is a master victim, suing everyone, yelling loudly about how he is a poor victim of the ‘deep state.’ Rinos, DOJ, FBI. China, Germany, Mars, the Sun and any other possible force of nature. But his victim mentality has spread to the GOP at large, and it’s the most annoying and destructive force in the nation. Seriously, ihis infection has destroyed the GOP.”
    Good, I say, good. When you align with traitors and criminals and thieves you get what you deserve.
    I wait for the day when Thing 45 is just a blemish on America's ass and those sycophants in the GOP try to redeem themselves.
    Not happening, asshats.
    Last edited by lakeside; 01-05-2024 at 12:12 PM.

  28. #2678
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    Jerry Carl, Alabama’s GOP Representative, on the move in several states to take Thing 45 off the ballot for inciting an insurrection:

    “I’ve just come to the conclusion this is the new COVID for 2024. In 2020, they had us locked down. We couldn’t get out and vote. We could do all this absentee voting. Everything was built around fear. So now the new fear and what the Democrat Party is trying to do here is to tear Trump down and say he’s unqualified to run for this office. That is not their job to determine that—that’s we, the voters. No one has the right to be taken off a ballot because a secretary of state or someone in a position thinks they can do it. It just doesn’t work that way. So we’ve got to push back. We’ve got to be united, Republicans and Democrats, on this issue. If not, you’re going to start seeing Biden taken off tickets in Republican states. And where I’m from, two wrongs don’t make a right. So, I’m not proposing that we do that at all. If anything, let’s deal with what we’ve got right now.”
    Um, Jerry? Asshat? Biden didn’t incite an insurrection or try to overturn a free and fair election so removing him from a ballot is just sour grapes from the GOP whiny bitches.
    Of note, last week Carl claimed to have paid $5.72 for two apples at a Washington DC grocery store but never mentioned the store or showed a receipt. Also, Carl was first elected in November 2020 and his first official act was to vote against certifying Biden’s win; in 2021 he signed a demand for Biden to take a cognitive test.

    Jen Psaki, MSNBC host, on Mike Johnson’s involvement with The Big Lie:

    “I would love to know what passage in the Bible told Speaker Mike Johnson to become one of the most important architects behind [Thing 45’s] effort to overturn the 2020 election. Was it God whispering in his ear to ignore the Constitution?”
    Well, clearly it was god—again, little g—because Mike believes god put him in power because Mike is, um, insane?

  29. #2679
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    Fuck You

    Get used to the image.

    I'm posting it anytime there's a school shooting.

    Of course, if someone comes up with a 'Fuck Your Kids' - Congress, I'm willing the change it up.

    Congress is equally culpable and negligent regarding this matter.

    Guess what? They don't care. They don't even really mean 'thoughts and prayers'.

    Fuck your kids. Indeed.

  30. #2680
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    And it appears that both Nikki Haley and Ronnie DeSantis have decided to... well, kind of take off their gloves when it comes to dealing with the Spawn of Satan, Donald Trump. Their appearances on back to back Townhalls on CNN were... I understand, a little less kind then they've been in the past. Unfortunately, neither of them realize having the MAGA Cult behind you is not going to help you win an election. , though I do think Nikki muttered something to the effect of "a vote for Trump is a vote for Biden," though that may just be a bad paraphrase. One thing you can count on, if Trump feels either of them has become a threat, he will go after them like a rabid skunk, foaming at the mouth and spewing as much stench as possible.

    Oh, and did everyone hear that while in office, the Moral Degenerate made over $7 million, thanks to gifts and presents from foreign governments? That is the very thing those dolts in the House of Representatives are trying to prove that Biden did. Their IQs seem to be falling.

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  36. #2686
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  37. #2687
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    Here we are again, with a wee taste of the lunacy, racism, criminality, and bigotry and hate inside the GOP …

    Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl has suggested building a giant dome over the country to protect us from a hostile source:

    “You know, when I watch our guys operate those things, it’s unbelievable. Missile coming in, missile coming in. These geniuses sit down. Most of them are, you know, they’re from MIT. But they sit down, bing bing bing bing, boom, ph-sheee. It’s gone. It’s amazing.”
    That’s all.

    And then Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl attacked the late Senator John McCain whose “no” vote derailed GOP efforts to repeal Obamacare:

    “John McCain, for some reason, couldn’t get his arm up that day.”
    Yes, gutless, draft dodging coward who avoided war because his “feet hurt” attacked a man who had both arms broken in an ejector seat and was then being beaten and bayoneted by a crowd when he landed in Hanoi, then tortured in prison with iron bars.
    This is the Commander-In-Chief the cult wants.

    And lastly, Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl didn’t submit a state loyalty oath that candidates in Illinois have been signing for more than fifty years that asserts they won’t “advocate the overthrow of the government.”
    He’s telling us all that he will overthrow the government. Listen when a madman speaks.
    Of note, he signed and submitted the document to Illinois election authorities for both the 2016 and 2020 election cycles.

    New York GOP Congresswoman Elise Stefanik has already decided not to certify the results of the 2024 presidential election.
    She has already decided that Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl will be cheated out of a win even though she has no proof and no knowledge.
    She’s an ass-kissing moron who may be saying this stuff so Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl picks her as his VP.
    All about party with her ick, er, ilk.

    House Speaker and God’s favorite lying racist Christian Nationalist Mike Johnson walked a fine line between criticizing and defending language by Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl attacking immigrants for “poisoning the blood” of the nation.
    While saying it’s not language he would use he says he believes the “vast majority” of Americans “agree with his position” that it’s “not hateful.”
    Immigrants—but not his wife Melanie—poison the blood of America and anyone who is against him is vermin? He quotes Hitler here and ALLEGED Christian Mike Johnson sees nothing wrong there.
    Explains everything about how Johnson will goose-step through history.

  38. #2688
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    Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft is threatening to remove President Biden from the state ballot as retaliation for the two other states that removed Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl because he “engaged in insurrection”:

    “What has happened in Colorado & Maine is disgraceful & undermines our republic. While I expect the Supreme Court to overturn this, if not, Secretaries of State will step in & ensure the new legal standard for [Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl] applies equally to [President Biden.]
    While Colorado and Maine have both stated why they wish to remove the former guy from the ballot Ashcroft offers no reason at all, leading me to believe it’s because he’s a pandering MAGAt bitch who wants to kiss the ass of Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl.

    Wisconsin GOP Senator Ron Johnson is leading efforts to block a deal on border security because he wants voters to decide on the issue.
    The fact is, Johnson and the GOP want to do nothing and then blame Biden for it though they never raised a voice when Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl did nothing about border security.
    It’s all party over country for the GOP.

    Florida Governor and failed presidential candidate Ron “Lifts” DeSantis offered the clearest indication yet that he would pardon Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl if he were to be convicted on the multiple criminal charges he faces:

    “I think we got to move on as a country and, you know, like Ford did to Nixon, because the divisions are just not in the country’s interest.”
    Or in the interests of a moron like DeSantis who is trying to score votes from MAGAts.

    And then from out of left field, DeSantis says the Left doesn’t want people to eat meat:

    “A lot of this ESG [[environmental, social, and corporate governance) movement has agriculture in the crosshairs. They don’t want people eating meat. I can tell you when I’m President, I’m not going to let anyone take away your meat, that’s for sure. I mean, I couldn’t subsist if I didn’t have the good meat. So don’t worry about that.”
    Yes, you heard it here first, DeSantis likes to eat good meat.

    Donald Wildmon, the founder of the American Family Association, a conservative Christian advocacy group, has died from complications related to Lewy body dementia, and to paraphrase Bette Davis:

    “You should never say bad things about the dead, only good … Donald Wildmon is dead? Good.”
    Wildmon launched campaigns and boycotts to pressure corporations to avoid supporting causes the group opposed, such as LGBTQ+ anti-discrimination measures.

    Meanwhile, back at “Lifts” DeSantis … he has come out and said he is opposed to taking down Confederate statues because they erase history.
    Odd though, because a few years back Ronnie supported removing Florida's confederate general statue in the US Capitol but now he’s against it. DeSantis is also the one who wants to stop teaching that slavery was a terrible thing because, in his words, there were “personal benefits” of entrapping, imprisoning, enslaving, raping, torturing and killing people of color.

    Not to be outdone by DeSantis, Nikki "Some of my best friends are Black" Haley, GOP presidential candidate, has also announced that she’d pardon Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl :

    “A leader needs to think about what’s in the best interest of the country. What’s in the best interest of the country is not to have an 80-year-old man sitting in jail, that continues to divide our country.”
    At that same event Haley refused to reject the idea of becoming Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl’s running mate in 2024 even though as she announced he campaign she said she’d never take that job.
    Lying, hypocritical, moron.

    The Republican Party of Texas has rejected a petition to place the question of Texas secession on the 2024 primary ballot and the group behind the effort, The Texas Nationalist Movement, has promised a lawsuit.
    I hope they do. This whole country would be better off without the asshattery of Texas and Texas politics.

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    Well, yes, of course he wants that. [[And the narcissistic criminal is used to getting what he wants.)
    And, NO! Of course he does not. HE IS A DEMOCRACY-DESTROYING CRIMINAL
    May the wonderful State of Georgia continue to hold the criminal accountable.
    Come on, America. Let’s come to our senses. And dump Trump!

  43. #2693
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    I saw that the National Review is telling Republicans that they should not, and cannot nominate Trump. This is truly amusing. They can see Republican self-destruction looming in front of them and they are powerless to stop it, of course, you have to remember, once he was elected in 2016 they had no problem with him, as long as he gave conservatives what their dirty hearts were praying for. They were as pleased as punch to say, "shut up, we're in charge," so much so, that they ignored all of the ugliness shitting away just below his orange skin. Instead of trying to tamp down his hate rhetoric, they chose to allow him to do what he wanted, and say what wanted, without a single though to the damage he was doing. Now they're suffering through the court cases, and the indictments, and the far right looking crazier, and crazier by the day. Conservatives have always had a problem with thinking things through. Now they've screwed themselves. The National Review is recommending the GOP nominate either Haley or DeSantis, neither of which, they're telling themselves, will be nearly as bad for Conservatives as Trump is, and will be if he happens to get the nomination.

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    I Love Jamie Raskin

    JANUARY 10, 2024

    Raskin: I don’t even know why you stick with him. He was a Democrat longer than he was a Republican. You guys have been taken over by an absolute conman and now you’re acting like members of a religious cult who don’t even remember how you got in in the first place pic.twitter.com/FJqCFbjmvx
    — Acyn [[@Acyn) January 10, 2024

  45. #2695
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    Except except several interesting things are happening. Firstly, you have to keep in mind that America is going through the Great de-churching. Every year hundreds of thousands of Americans decide that Church is not the answer, and stop going, and it's not only the mainline denominations, it's everywhere. Secondly, those who stop going cite a number of reasons for their change of mind, the politicization of Christianity is a big one. The NYT had an interesting article on whether the Evangelicals from Iowa are on the Trump train or not. Some are for Trump, others for DeSantis. Trump puts out an ad saying he was sent by God, and that he ends every week by going to church [[can you hear me laughing), while Ronnie D says that if he had been living in the time of Jesus, he could have been a disciple. I find it amusing that these people don't care that they're driving people away from the church, as long as they get that hardcore Christian base to vote for them. Could the United States end up seeing a war in which Christians fight Christians? You bet! And all because Conservatives believed that Culture Wars were the best way for them to win elections.

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  48. #2698
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    And since it's the weekend, nothing really important is happening in domestic politics other than the usual sniping from Republicans. I don't know if you've noticed, but it always seems to be the Republicans who are complaining and pointing fingers and imaginary evils. Their base lives for the mis-information. Their truth is never as good as they claim, in fact, over the past decade of so they've proven themselves time and time again to be nothing more than expert shysters. Their political staginess, however, is growing stale. They are becoming more and more extreme because they need to in order to hold on to their base, and while they do this many Americans are shaking their heads and saying, "what the hell is wrong with you people?"

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