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  1. #2601
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    Moms for Liberty Bigotry and Hate co-founder Bridget Ziegler has left her position at the conservative Leadership Institute, which has already removed her name from its website in wake of a three-way sex scandal and criminal probe involving her husband.
    Ziegler and her husband liked adding another woman to their sexual escapades, which is not a bad thing among consenting adults, but when you paint yourself as the model of Christianity and Liberty and all that other balderdash, you just look like a lying, hypocritical fool. Bye.

  2. #2602
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  3. #2603
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  4. #2604
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    Florida Paper: State GOP Chairman And His Moms For Threeways Wife “Show Contempt” By Not Resigning

    December 7, 2023 Republicans, Scandal

    The editorial board of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel writes:

    He is chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, close to both Gov. Ron DeSantis and former president Donald Trump. She is a nationally known conservative culture warrior, a Sarasota County School Board member and a co-founder of the book-banning Moms for Liberty, which denounces all things LGBTQ. She is also a DeSantis appointee to the Disney World oversight board.
    Christian Ziegler is legally innocent unless he’s convicted. There is nothing on the public record that Bridget Ziegler could be charged with, since hypocrisy is not a crime. Neither is a ménage à trois among consenting adults. Her virulent hatred for all things LGBTQ in public while conducting a bisexual tryst in private is damning only in the court of public opinion.
    But the Zieglers show contempt for public opinion and for the Republican political machine that enriched them and made them prominent public figures. They should retire discreetly to private life while the criminal investigation proceeds.
    Read the full article.
    Virtually every Florida Republican including DeSantis, Rick Scott, and the leaders of both legislative chambers have called on Christian Ziegler to resign. Yesterday Bridget Ziegler did resign from the right wing Leadership Institute, which trains “young conservative activists.”

  5. #2605
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  6. #2606
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    Nate White, an articulate and witty writer wrote the following response for the London Daily to the question ‘Why do some British people not like [Thing 45]?’:

    “A few things spring to mind. [Thing 45] lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed. So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw [Thing 45] ’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief.
    Plus, we like a laugh. And while [Thing 45] may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever. I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility – for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman. But with [Thing 45] , it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty.

    [Thing 45] is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers. And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness.

    There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface. Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront. Well, we don’t. We see it as having no inner world, no soul. And in Britain we traditionally side with David, not Goliath. All our heroes are plucky underdogs: Robin Hood, Dick Whittington, Oliver Twist. Trump is neither plucky, nor an underdog. He is the exact opposite of that. He’s not even a spoiled rich-boy, or a greedy fat-cat. He’s more a fat white slug. A Jabba the Hutt of privilege.

    And worse, he is that most unforgivable of all things to the British: a bully. That is, except when he is among bullies; then he suddenly transforms into a sniveling sidekick instead. There are unspoken rules to this stuff – the Queensberry rules of basic decency – and he breaks them all. He punches downwards – which a gentleman should, would, could never do – and every blow he aims is below the belt. He particularly likes to kick the vulnerable or voiceless – and he kicks them when they are down.

    So the fact that a significant minority – perhaps a third – of Americans look at what he does, listen to what he says, and then think ‘Yeah, he seems like my kind of guy’ is a matter of some confusion and no little distress to British people, given that:

    • Americans are supposed to be nicer than us, and mostly are.

    • You don’t need a particularly keen eye for detail to spot a few flaws in the man.

    This last point is what especially confuses and dismays British people, and many other people too; his faults seem pretty bloody hard to miss. After all, it’s impossible to read a single tweet, or hear him speak a sentence or two, without staring deep into the abyss. He turns being artless into an art form; he is a Picasso of pettiness; a Shakespeare of shit. His faults are fractal: even his flaws have flaws, and so on ad infinitum. God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid. He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart. In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws – he would make a [Thing 45] .

    And a remorseful Doctor Frankenstein would clutch out big clumpfuls of hair and scream in anguish: ‘My God… what… have… I… created?' If being a twat was a TV show, [Thing 45] would be the boxed set.”
    There is talk that this was written while the Inmate was running the country, but it matters not because it’s as relevant today as it was yesterday and as much as it will be for the rest of this traitorous asshat’s miserable lying hate-filled life.

  7. #2607
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    Mike Johnson, Christian Nationalist Speaker of the House, saying God chose him as Speaker:

    “I’ll tell you a secret, since media is not here. Thank you for not allowing the media in. Look, I’m a Southern Baptist, I don’t wanna get too spooky on you, But, you know, the Lord speaks to your heart. The Lord began to wake me up, through this three-week process, in the middle of night to speak to me. The Lord impressed upon my heart a few weeks before this happened that something was going to occur. And the Lord very specifically told me in my prayers to prepare, but to wait. At the time, I assumed the Lord was going to choose a new Moses and thank you, Lord, you’re going to allow me to be Aaron to Moses. I had this sense that we were going to come to a Red Sea moment in our Republican conference and in the county at large. God had been speaking to me about this, and the Lord told me very clearly to prepare and be ready. Ultimately 13 people ran for the post. And the Lord kept telling me to, ‘Wait, wait, wait.’ So I waited, I waited. And then at the end the Lord said, ‘Now step forward.’ Me? I’m supposed to be Aaron. ‘No,’ the Lord said, ‘Step forward.’”
    Funny how Mike only likes to speak his truth when media isn’t around, so I will say this one thing …
    What a fucking loon.
    … and leave it there.

  8. #2608
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  10. #2610
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  11. #2611
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    Will this be a foray in to fun filled politics? The Orange Anus will be taking the stand again in NYC trying to save his business. There will be an appeal when he loses most of his fictitious financial empire. This is how he works. His pricy legal team will attempt to litigate every one of the 91 charges against him to death. Been there, seen it before, and it will happen again. The more this happens, the angrier he's going to get, as every one of his lies gets torn away, like so many layers of his thin skin, until the only thing left will be the hulking skeleton of the Spawn of Satan.

  12. #2612
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  13. #2613
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  14. #2614
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    Republican logic.

  15. #2615
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    And today was supposed to be the day Donny Trump [[the elder) was supposed to set the record straight while sitting in the witness stand in New York City. He bragged about it. He was going to prove to the world that this was nothing more than a terrible witch hunt, until... well, Donny has had a change of mine. Of course, unable to admit he's a spinless sack of shit, he posted an ALL CAPS screech on money losing Truth Social blaming the judge for Donny's sudden display of cowardice. The truth is that the witnesses Donny's defense team has called in their attempt to save his corrupt financial empire have all ended up compounding their complicitness in his guilt. There's a saying out there that everything Trump touches dies. Well, the world's getting to see it happen in ALL CAPS.

  16. #2616
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  20. #2620
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  21. #2621
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    Okay, so Jack Smith went straight to the Supreme Court about the Moral Degenerate's immunity claims, and they're going to rush it, meaning a decision probably by December 20. Trump's legal team is pissed, they wanted this to work its way up toe the Court slowly, taking a lot of time and creating those delays the Orange Anus loves so much. Now that's not going to happen. The true irony here is that if the Supreme Court decides in Trump's favor, it means that Joe Biden, our current president is immune as well, so he can do anything he wants. This is why many believe the Court is going to side with Jack Smith.

    Down in Texas the state's Supreme Court sided with Ken Paxton, the Attorney General, in refusing to allow Kate Cox an abortion. The fetus has been diagnosed with a fatal syndrome, so it will either be born dead, or will die shortly after birth. Carrying the child to term also creates many health risks for the mother. And the state Court told this woman she can't get an abortion, she needs to carry a baby for nine months that will be born dead or die shortly after birth. Do these Conservatives even stop to consider the terrible message they are sending to American women? Or is it that they hold women so low on the ladder they just don't care?

  22. #2622
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  23. #2623
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    Josh Hawley, of the famous J6 Chicken Run through Congress, on January 6 has endorsed Inmate # P01135809 for the GOP nomination after the former Criminal In Chief warned both Hawley and Ted Cruz [[R-Texas) about being “very careful” in their own 2024 reelection bids.
    I guess Hawley and Cruz are both doing the Chicken Dance.
    Texan Kate Cox was facing pregnancy complications that would have caused her unborn child to die before birth or shortly after and might have also affected her life and her ability to conceive again, so she and her husband and her doctor thought it best that she have an abortion.
    But Texas said ‘No,’ forcing Cox to sue the state to make her own health care decisions. She won that lawsuit but then the Texas Supreme Court overturned that ruling and denied her access to abortion and forced her to travel out of state for the procedure.
    That’s what the GOP is doing to women in this country.
    PS That one-star on the Texas flag is actually a review.

  24. #2624
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    So, Trump's blow bro Vlad gave a speech in which he said his plans have not changed in regard to the Ukraine. No surprise there. The only way they will change is if he gets his ass handed to him on a platter, or if the Russian people decide that enough of their young men have died.

    The GOP led House of Representatives has opening up and inquiry to see if they should impeach Biden even though many of it's members, including that derelict Chuck Grassley, they don't have grounds for such an inquiry. This is all political, nothing else. Troy Niels said it best in a dropped mic moment, "this is all for Trump in 2024."

    And the Stock Market popped yesterday to the highest level in its history. Republicans did not bring that subject up in their conversations.

  25. #2625
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  28. #2628
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  29. #2629
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    Breaking News! Evidence for Biden's impeachment arrives!

  30. #2630
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    The Super PAC Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ presidential bid canceled a donor event last week due to a lack of interest from invitees. Yes, people who were asked to come stayed home.
    Sorry, Ronnie, the heels aren’t working.

  31. #2631
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    Adam Kinzinger, former GOP Congressman, on Jim Gym Jordan’s antics:

    “Jim Jordan is an absolute hypocrite. Jim Jordan was in front of the Rules Committee when we were talking about holding Steve Bannon … in contempt. He said in front of the Rules Committee that the Department of Justice and the FBI should be the ones investigating [Thing 45]. And that would be their role. Now, of course, he’s against the Department of Justice and the FBI investigating [Thing 45]. He’s for the sanctity of the subpoena by the US Congress until he’s the one that gets subpoenaed by the US Congress. And he also voted against enforcing subpoenas against people like Steve Bannon and against people like Mark Meadows. I mean, this is—the hypocrisy is mind numbing. I am less concerned with what people’s view is on positions and what their idea is on policy, as much as I am when there is just open and blatant and unashamed hypocrisy where it’s all about winning. It’s all about power and truth, and justice really has no role in what they’re doing. If you have evidence that Joe Biden, not Hunter Biden, but that Joe Biden broke the law, bring it forward. And if it’s impeachable, impeach him. But you don’t have that evidence. So you go on a fishing expedition and all of a sudden you raise the flame of justice in Congress like you’re so concerned with the congressional subpoena when you were the one that ignored it the whole time.”
    It’s a Clown Car that has no morals, no backbone, no spine, just feeding into Thing 45’s ego so he doesn’t come after them.
    It’s fear and hypocrisy and ego and party over country for the Gop which is why they need to go.
    George Santos, speaking to NYC-based far-right talk radio station WABC:

    “I’m not done with public service. I want to go back to Congress. I’m not saying today. I’m not saying tomorrow. I have a lot of things I need to take care of first. I think we all know, but I do have hopes of trying to regain the trust of the American people and going there, because I will continue to expose and root out the rot in our federal government.”
    Oh, Kitara, Congress and the people of your district are done with you.
    Santos, you will recall, screamed “to hell with this place” as he fled the final minutes of his House expulsion vote.
    Mitt Romney, retiring GOP senator from Utah, saying that nearly any candidate in the 2024 field, of either party, would be an “upgrade” over another term for Thing 45:

    “I’d be happy to support virtually any one of the Republicans—maybe not Vivek [Ramaswamy]—but the others that are running would be acceptable to me, and I’d be happy to vote for them. I’d be happy to vote for a number of the Democrats too. It would be an upgrade, in my opinion, from [Thing 45] and perhaps also from Joe Biden.”
    Mittsy has it right, except that it’s anyone but the GOP candidates because none are fit to be president and only one person running knows the job, has done the job, accomplished a lot, and still vows to fight and finish the job.
    Vote Blue.
    Liz Cheney, on a second Thing 45 term:

    “He’s told us what he will do. It’s very easy to see the steps that he will take. People who say, ‘Well, if he’s elected, it’s not that dangerous because we have all of these checks and balances,’ don’t fully understand the extent to which the Republicans in Congress today have been co-opted. One of the things that we see happening today is a sort of a sleepwalking into dictatorship in the United States. If you look at what Donald Trump is trying to do, he can’t do it by himself. He has to have collaborators. And the story of Mike Johnson is a story of, of a collaborator and of someone who knew then – and knows now – that what he’s doing and saying is wrong, but he’s willing to do it in an effort to please [Inmate # P01135809]. And that’s what makes it dangerous.”
    Take the lunatic at his word: he’ll be a dictator and every freedom we’ve all enjoyed will be gone if he doesn’t like it.
    Chuck Grassley, GOP Senator from Iowa, on the House moving forward with an impeachment inquiry against Biden:

    “I’m going to take the same position I’ve taken since I came. That all I can say is there’s some indication of maybe some compromise with China particularly, but I have no evidence of it. I’m going to just follow the facts where they are. And the facts haven’t taken me to that point where I can say that the president is guilty of anything.”
    'No evidence.'
    And yet the Gop keeps going on and on as if there is something.
    Dear God, a doddering old fool like Grassley sees this for what it is, a whole lotta Who Shot John.

  32. #2632
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  33. #2633
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    And what about Rudy's million dollar settlement? Wowza! I found it interesting that one of his attorneys said Giuliani's drinking was major part of his problem. I remember when the January 6 hearings were taking place and witnesses were saying that there times when you could smell the alcohol on his breath. So, basically, Rudy Giuliani is not just a liar, he's drunkard as well. Why does this not surprise me.

    And The Hill came put out an article this morning purporting that current polls show Trump easily winning the GOP nomination in swing states, and... possibly, those states if the election were to happen today. First things first: polls lie. I only know one person who answers random phone calls and he does it to harass the callers, and if it were a pollster? He'd lie because he'd think it was fun. Second up is that members of Gen Z might look at a text, but they don't answer phone calls unless it's one of their friends. Oh, wait, that's actually part of "first things first." In order for any poll to have even the slightest bit of veracity, they need to begin listing the total number of calls they made in order to reach the1400 voters their poll required. Honestly, I don't know a single pollster that does this. So, ignore all polls.

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  36. #2636
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  37. #2637
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    And for those who haven't heard, Moms for Liberty has run into a host of problems these fascist women never thought would happen; that often happens when you embrace your hatred of things you can't control. And it's not only Bridgit Ziegler's three ways causing the problems. This past election cycle they got their butts whipped by American voters. Their candidates lost something like 78% of their races. Rejection is a terrible thing to have to deal with, I'm enjoying the rejection handed to the Moms for Liberty.

    And I saw a headline that Trump quoted Putin in a speech. No surprise there. And no Republicans called him on it. Again, no surprise. These people do not care about what happens to America as long as they can be in power.
    Last edited by lakeside; 12-17-2023 at 02:47 PM.

  38. #2638
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    Melania’s speech at a naturalization ceremony was inspiring, as she told the crowd, “I’m assuming that everyone here, after years of struggle, was able to meet a rich man twice their age so they might stop modeling acrylic sweaters and become an American through a bogus loophole.”

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  41. #2641
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  42. #2642
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  43. #2643
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    Rush delivery to Mar-a-Lago following Colorado decision.

  44. #2644
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    Dan Patrick, GOP Lieutenant Governor of Texas, is pissed that Colorado wants to remove Inmate # P01135809 from the ballot in the upcoming presidential primary for engaging in, and inciting, the January 6 insurrection and so Patrick wants President Biden off the Texas ballot because of the border crisis—that Biden inherited from every president who came before him and didn’t pass Immigration Reform. And Patrick laughingly said it’s because:

    “Seeing what happened in Colorado makes me think—except we believe in democracy in Texas—maybe we should take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing eight million people to cross the border since he’s been president disrupting our state.”
    Texas and Democracy haven’t gone together since Texas decided to make women property of the state and control their bodies so Texas and Danny Patrick can fuck all the way off.
    In his closing remarks at the trial last week Rudy Giuliani’s own attorney compared him to a fanatical “flat-earther” who will never stop believing the 2020 election lie and asked the jury to “have sympathy” when determining how much he owes the plaintiffs in his defamation suit.
    And the jury came back with a $148,000,000 settlement for Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, two Georgia election workers whose lives were upended because Rudy is a liar and a cheat.
    It was a good day.

  45. #2645
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    Barbie, Beyonce, Taylor? Yeah, but my vote goes to Ruby and Shaye for 2023 women of the year

    I’ve gone through a tough time this last year with political current events under the Republican control of the House of Representatives where they were more obsessed with finding and keeping a Speaker than confronting America’s dilemmas at home and abroad in 2023. The refugees at our borders desperately seeking safety and security while citizens in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California struggle under the weight of thousands of immigrants crossing their southern borders every day; blocking international aid packages for the people of Ukraine and Israel who are waging desperate wars to protect democracies against terrorism; embracing the Big Lie of the 2020 presidential election – the People’s House no longer represents the majority of the people in this country. They do, however, manage to scare me to death.
    I’ve had several moments of hope in the past year but no personal giddiness until a jury in New York awarded $148 million to Shaye Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman on December 15, 2023 in a decision against former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani for his targeted destruction of their lives through defamation of their characters following their service as election workers in Georgia for the 2020 election. Joy to the world, I thought in keeping with the season, accountability reigns. These courageous Black women have persistently sought justice for the loss of their identities for the past three years, and a jury of their peers rewarded these sacrifices in a tangible manner.
    CNN December 20, 2023
            Shaye Moss speaks while her mother Ruby Freeman listens
    But Giuliani refuses to keep his mouth shut about the two women who defeated him. All is still not calm nor particularly bright in the former mayor’s mind.
    “On the heels of winning a $148 million defamation judgment Friday against Rudy Giuliani, former Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss have again sued the former New York City mayor seeking to “permanent bar” him from making additional defamatory comments about them…
    In a 134-page complaint filed Monday, attorneys for the two women wrote that Giuliani “continues to spread the very same lies for which he has already been held liable,” citing comments made last week to ABC News’ Terry Moran outside of court, in which Giuliani insisted that Freeman and Moss were “changing votes.”
    The two women asked the court to prevent Giuliani from “making or publishing … further statements repeating any and all false claims that plaintiffs engaged in election fraud, illegal activity, or misconduct of any kind during or related to the 2020 presidential election.”  [[ABC News, Lucien Bruggeman, December 18, 2023)
    I congratulate the Barbie financial empire creators, Beyonce and Taylor Swift for their amazing accomplishments and recognitions in 2023 – feminist has returned to favor in a world that needs a woman’s touch. But remember Shaye Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman, too, for their historic win against a man who picked the wrong battle and lost.

    Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la la, fa la la la. ‘Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la. I’m in the mood to deck a few halls.

  46. #2646
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    Ted Cruz, Texas senator and expert on masculinity … hold for laughter … on liberal men being unable to sexually satisfy a woman:

    “How many radical leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb? That’s not funny! The left is so mad! They’re so unhappy! They’re so pissed off! And by way, if you were a liberal woman and you had to sleep with those weenies, you’d be pissed too. So respond with joy, have fun. Too many Republicans run around like they’ve got a stick somewhere it doesn’t belong.”
    This from a man who allowed Thing 45 to call his wife ugly and his response was to throw his support behind the bully.
    I bet Mrs. Cruz snipped off a little Teddy weenie.
    Stephen Colbert, The Late Show Host, on Faux Christians in this country:

    “If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn’t help the poor, either we’ve got to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we’ve got to acknowledge that he commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don’t want to do it.”
    You cannot call yourself a Christian and then not act like one because everyone, including your 'god,' sees it.
    Brit Hume, proving his ignorance on Climate Change:

    “Given the world situation we face now, with threats coming from multiple directions, climate change is a distraction. Climate change—worrying about climate change is almost a luxury. These are old fashioned threats that come from, you know, world powers that wish us ill. And, you know, China may say “We’ll be competitors and we won’t be adversaries,” or the rest of it. I think China is an adversary. I think Russia is, too. And I certainly think Iran is. And those threats are more immediate and more urgent than any threat that I think that climate change poses. So, let’s just hope that the administration, you know, doesn’t get too carried away with this. I was a little disturbed to see John Kerry at the table there today, our climate czar, because, you know, he thinks that’s job one and I guess for him it is. But I don’t think in terms of our national defense posture it’s anywhere near job one.”
    Hey Brit, the climate fails and the earth fails and everything dies, so nothing else matters. China won’t be an issue when the planet dies; or Russia or Iran and Iraq and North Korea. And so what is there to ‘defend’ if everything has been destroyed?
    Jodie Foster, actor, on who she is, what people think of her and what life is like today:

    “My philosophy is what people say about me is none of my business. I am who I am and what I do. Expect nothing and accept everything. And it makes life easier. We live in a world where funerals are more important than dead, marriage is more important than love and looks are more important than the soul. We live in a packaging culture that despises content. "
    That last line is everything.
    I LOVE her.
    Andrew Scott, actor, on how acting helped “emancipate” him from shame around being gay:

    “I’m happy to be able to say that to be emancipated from shame has been genuinely the biggest achievement of my life. For a long time, I have felt very comfortable with myself [as a gay man], but it doesn’t take much to go back there—something a taxi driver can say can still wound you. If he might say, ‘You’ve got a wife?’ You could go, ‘No, I don’t,’ or is that sort of a lie by omission? When I was 18 or 19, I was playing gay parts but I wasn’t out. A lot of people within the industry were queer, so I was surrounded by them and then, bit by bit, started to feel confident.”
    I know this feeling, though I, too, have been emancipated from the so-called ‘shame.’ Every so often a client will be chatting with me and notice my wedding ring and ask what my wife’s ring looks like, and I always say:

    “I don’t know what my wife’s ring looks like, but my husband’s looks just like this.”
    And there you have it, I just came out ... again!
    It’s baby steps, coming out, because the assumption is that you’re straight because most people are straight. I mean, we’ve come out at the grocery store, and the bank, and the local restaurants simply by behaving as a couple but will still get the “Do you have a wife” question.

  47. #2647
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    Flat Broke Love

    What ???? America's Mayor is flat broke ??

    .....and he might be the last to know.

    Since he owes the IRS $1M. They say he owes his lawyers hundreds of thousands, but you gotta believe it's more than that, since a number of them fired him as a client for non-payment. One of his ex-wives's alimony checks have bounced.

    And then there is that pesky $148MM judgement he has to pay two Georgia election folks. Guliani's lawyers claim he is in debt somewhere between $100-500MM. First off, they can narrow that to $149MM - 500MM.....at the very least.

    g-d love Celebrity Net Worth, though they might be understating it.

    I mean, I hope his ex-wives and the two Georgia folk and his lawyers all saw this coming too. At some point you have to expect not to be paid a dime from this guy.

    It's just his lawyer's rhetoric that is so fucking insulting: calling the Georgia judgement “the civil equivalent of the death penalty.” Fuck You.

    And this chestnut: “No person could have reasonably believed that Mayor Rudy Giuliani would be able to pay such a high punitive amount."

    ....except for the fact that Guliani and his lawyers refused to turn over evidence and court filings that would have determined his net worth. Hmmmm........who else does that sound like ??

    The old adage, "how do you sleep at night" seems to pop up here. There is zero accountability with Rudy or his team, or anyone with whom he associates.

    There was a time Rudy was going to be remembered for 9/11. It might make the second paragraph of his obit, but the 2020 election and January 6th will be the opener. Bin Laden only tried to take down the country with NYC as the focus. Guiliani has helped carry on that mission ever since.

  48. #2648
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    Being that it's this close to Christmas, there's not a lot happening politically. We're all going to have to wait on the Supreme Court decision on whether the Spawn of Satan, Donald Trump, is immune from prosecution for January 6 because he was president. I'm betting they'll say "nope." They've made a number of bad decisions, those that favor Conservatives, and as a result have put themselves into a serious bind. America has become very dissatisfied with the Court, and dissatisfaction often leads to rule changes the Justices may not appreciate. You can bet they're not going to jeopardize their own positions to benefit Donald Trump; they know all too well the probability of him losing in 2024 is great.

    And there is that little flap over John Schneider saying Biden should be hung. When I saw his comment on Threads, I asked, "is he really this stupid?" Evidently yes... kind of, though someone must have given him a wack upside his head, since his comment has been deleted. Too late, of course. I'm betting he's already been contacted by the Feds regarding his possible threat against a sitting president. Yes, he is this stupid.

  49. #2649
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    Bannon: GOP Sen. Steve Daines Is “McConnell’s Bitch”

    December 22, 2023 Extremists, Infighting Is Funny

    “McConnell wants control, that evil, decrepit old man. Who right now is trying to get back into the big news out of Politico is how he’s trying to get back into it with Biden said cut another deal.
    “Just like the debt deal, just like all the spending. Remember, this is all because of the compromise and the collaborationist in the United States Senate.
    “Yep, That’s what Daines is fighting for. We’re not dumb, dude. We were born at night, but we won’t be born last night. So we’re up there.
    “You can go down and Mar-A-Lago all you want. You can kiss Trump’s ass all you want. And we’re going to out you all the time. You’re Mitch McConnell’s bitch.
    “All you are is down there is is is a running dog for Mitch McConnell in the problem in the United States Senate today.” – Steve Bannon, on today’s podcast.

  50. #2650
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    And, of course, the Supreme Court gave the Spawn of Satan a minor win yesterday by not speeding up the Department of Justice's request for a speedy trial. This should not have come as too much of a surprise. To give Jack Smith a win would have meant having to deal with the wrath of Trump. Do not think for an instant that this had nothing to do with their decision; a decision with out a single dissent and without a single comment. Believe me, he would rage at them. He would beat his petty little drum of lies and remind every one of his cult that he was responsible for sitting three of the Justices. They would have to deal with death threats, and more protests outside their homes, this time by a group of individuals who weren't just objecting to their decision. Nope. These protestors would want to injure them, as well as members of their families. And you can bet both Alito and Thomas are as spineless as they come, cowardly to their selfish core.


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