Quote Originally Posted by woodward View Post
One additional comment. In the very first initial posting of this thread, here is what was asked for relative to a response.

Looking back, were there any newly-discovered, behind-the-scenes Motown tidbits which particularly inspired you? In other words, it could be an event that happened or a discovery that made you feel good and gave your heart the Motown fuzzies! Or it could be something you found to be especially surprising or even concerning. To keep it fun, however, let's concentrate on the positive and not the negative.

I might be off base, but this thread has not answered the initial question as I just copied and pasted above. Am I wrong?
No, you're right, Woodward. The only example given regarding memorable things learned from behind-the-scenes Motown was my example of Marvin & Tammi's "You're All I Need To Get By" and how Berry skipped the usual voting process, and, instead, ordered "Ship It!" Somehow, the topic got turned around to sharing the Motown books in everyone's collection.

How about you, Woodward? Can you reveal an interesting behind-the-scenes tidbit that you especially enjoyed learning about Motown?