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  1. #1
    topdiva1 Guest

    Exclamation Blues and soul magazine's sharon davis on tony turner.

    THIS JUST IN !!!!

    Not for nothing guys but, Sharon Davis well known British Motown Music Critic, Writer, and Interviewer, has just reviewed Tony Turner's often debated - ALL THAT GLITTERED MY LIFE WITH THE SUPREMES in the August/September issue if BLUES AND SOUL Magazine. This is a very interesting review especially coming from Sharon Davis who knows, just about all the ins and outs of The Supremes and Motown extremely well herself - and could be called a "MOTOWN EXPERT".

    Davis acknowledges that "....Author Tony Turner was in the prime position to record those engaging highs and lows...," of The Supremes - while she concludes with,

    "...it's really up to the reader to decide if it's believable or not. Neverthe less it has encouraged me to read his second book 'DELIVER US FROM TEMPTATION'.

  2. #2
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    THIS JUST IN !!!!

    Not for nothing guys but, Sharon Davis well known British Motown Music Critic, Writer, and Interviewer, has just reviewed Tony Turner's often debated - ALL THAT GLITTERED MY LIFE WITH THE SUPREMES in the August/September issue if BLUES AND SOUL Magazine. This is a very interesting review especially coming from Sharon Davis who knows, just about all the ins and outs of The Supremes and Motown extremely well herself - and could be called a "MOTOWN EXPERT".

    Davis acknowledges that "....Author Tony Turner was in the prime position to record those engaging highs and lows...," of The Supremes - while she concludes with,

    "...it's really up to the reader to decide if it's believable or not. Neverthe less it has encouraged me to read his second book 'DELIVER US FROM TEMPTATION'.
    Congratulations Viscountess Turner. Strange how TopDiva just happened to be the first to know this "breaking news" LMFAO.

    I'm sure you'll provide Sharon Davis with great copy TopDiva.

  3. #3
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    Sharon must really be backlogged in her reviews to devote her column to a book that's now 20 years old and been off of store shelves [[unless your counting the unsold stock at Book Warehouse or on the remainder table at Barnes and Noble) for years. Is Tony pulling a Mary and reissuing it?

  4. #4
    topdiva1 Guest
    Top Diva1 is on top of all things Tony Turner - love him, and hope to be like him when I grow up - just as others like the very well informed MissLish are on top of the topics and people that interest them. Nevertheless, as expected - the haters responded first - loud, but never clear - how dreadful.

  5. #5
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    Top Diva1 is on top of all things Tony Turner - love him, and hope to be like him when I grow up - just as others like the very well informed MissLish are on top of the topics and people that interest them. Nevertheless, as expected - the haters responded first - loud, but never clear - how dreadful.
    Nobody is hating on you Viscountess Turner. As I have stated before your hiding under the guise of TopDiva is a source of high camp and great amusement to many of us here.

    Tony, l genuinely give you major props for coming into this forum and livening things up.

  6. #6
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    My post isn't about hating on Tony Turner. He is a part of Motown history. My post ended with a valid question about the books availabilty and if its being reissued. I would ask the same thing if the article was devoted to Scherrie & Susaye's "Partners" or Mary's "Walk The Line" album since those arent in general circulation anymore either. It's not a question of quality, it is basically what is the context of Sharon doing a review piece unless she wants her readers to go scrounge around amazon or ebay for used copies? [[Copies Tony doesn't make a dime off of which wouldn't benefit him) Is she writing about this and other insider books Motown in the same piece which would make more sense? I'm sure when the article comes out it will all become very clear....
    Last edited by Glenpwood; 09-13-2010 at 09:38 PM.

  7. #7
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    I'm not sure I would say that Deliver Us From Temptation, Partners or Walk the Line were ever readily available.

    But I have the book, saw it in a bookstore whereas I never saw either Partners or Walk the Line available in a store.

  8. #8
    topdiva1 Guest
    Deliver Us From Temptation sold out quickly and according to the publisher had a run of only 250 thousand copies - Turner did not release a paperback - my belief is both books could be reissued in Europe as they were never marketed overseas.

    I am a Tony Turner fan and NOT TONY TURNER - that statement is getting old and tired - although you are free of course to believe what soothes your soul.

    At any rate I will continue to go after an interview with Tony Turner for my own interest and for the interest of the one or two other people that may want to know more.

  9. #9
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    Tony didnt write All That Glittered...Barbra Aria did..Turner just told her the stories and she wrote the book from his memories....

  10. #10
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by nomis View Post
    Tony didnt write All That Glittered...Barbra Aria did..Turner just told her the stories and she wrote the book from his memories....
    So All That Glitters was ghostwritten? And if Deliver Us from Temptation didn't get a paperback release it means only one thing--it flopped.

  11. #11
    topdiva1 Guest
    First of all - Barbara Aria was a co - writer, I believe Mary Wilson had two co writers - in addition Diana Ross had three co-writers but her contract called for the names not to be on the book - ya'll know how Diane is. Turner wisely retained the rights to both his books and did NOT SELL PAPERBACK RIGHTS - the book was a massive hit -

    You uninformed - badly educated on Motown History - know nothing haters are dreadful.

    You all know less about publishing than Santa Claus.

  12. #12
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    "But, it’s really up to the reader to decide if it’s believable or not." - Sharon Davis

  13. #13
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  14. #14
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    so all that glitters was ghostwritten? And if deliver us from temptation didn't get a paperback release it means only one thing--it flopped.

  15. #15
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenpwood View Post
    I wish Sharon had asked the Viscountess Turner why there was not one single photo of Tony and his "good friend" Flo anywhere in his novella.

  16. #16
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    What is overlooked in the rhetoric is that you need to put a name like [[especially) Diana Ross on a book for it to sell; even that name isn't the draw it was.

    You can put the name Mary Wilson, Russ Terrana, Ralph Terrana etc. on a book and attract a Motown audience as well.

    When you put the name Tony Turner on a book, you see the response the fans on Soulful Detroit have made - it's a joke, it's high drama and camp, and it's negative. There is a similar response to books by Gerald Posner and Mark Ribowsky; the fans are not fooled or fools.

    To me, All That Glittered perhaps was better than books by Posner and Ribowsky. But a book like Deliver Us From Temptation was just National Enquirer style smut without the facts to back it up.

    That is not a legacy any Motown fan would want to have.

  17. #17
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    Hurray, rob!

  18. #18
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    Bravo, Rob!

  19. #19
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    What is overlooked in the rhetoric is that you need to put a name like [[especially) Diana Ross on a book for it to sell; even that name isn't the draw it was.

    You can put the name Mary Wilson, Russ Terrana, Ralph Terrana etc. on a book and attract a Motown audience as well.

    When you put the name Tony Turner on a book, you see the response the fans on Soulful Detroit have made - it's a joke, it's high drama and camp, and it's negative. There is a similar response to books by Gerald Posner and Mark Ribowsky; the fans are not fooled or fools.

    To me, All That Glittered perhaps was better than books by Posner and Ribowsky. But a book like Deliver Us From Temptation was just National Enquirer style smut without the facts to back it up.

    That is not a legacy any Motown fan would want to have.
    All that Glittered was Jackie Collins camp and probably more fiction than fact but highly camp and very amusing.

    Deliver Us From Temptation was one of the worst books ever written and before Viscountess Turner/TopDiva accuses me of hating on her, I purchased both books and have the right to give my review and opinion.

  20. #20
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    No way did Deliver Us From Temptation sell 250,000 copies! Amazon lists this:

    Product Description
    An inside look at the lives and careers of the Temptations and other Motown artists traces the band members lives, from their roots in the deep South to their first big success to worldwide fame. 25,000 first printing. National ad/promo.

    So in order to have sold 250,000, the book must have been reprinted several times which seems extremely unlikely. Though if anyone has a copy of the book in which it is said that it isn't the first printing, feel free to prove me wrong.

  21. #21
    topdiva1 Guest
    Everyone has a right to their own view. Now - here's the fact - Turner was in a prime position to know these stories and witness much - and we where not. So you are only saying what you think, and feel, or thought - and yes some of you are fools if you believe some boy diva can just write and trash people without legal problems. For Deliver Us and Glitter - there was not one legal suit logged at Tony Turner. Dennis Edwards did part of Turner's Deliver Us book tour in suport of the book. Mary Wilson came out hard against Glittered as she was on the road promoting her Supreme Faith. Ross made no comment on Turner or Wilson's book during the time of the release of either. Nevertheless it appears that Turner still is in good graces with this Motown crew years later after all the dust has settled - and some of you cannot stand that or understand the relationship he has or has not with these people. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors. Turner as campy and wicked as most of you have painted him - seems to be very happy, living well - which is the best revenge - and has done well, extremely well for himself - as have Diana, and Mary. Remeber all three hail from the low income projects of Detroit and New York. Apparently he learned his wicked, catty, nasty DIVA ways from THE BEST - DIANA ROSS AND MARY WILSON. No two better cat fighting Diva's have been born since these two. And as a young child Turner took on the ways and affectations of these two interesting and much talked about women - not to mentioned the unsinkable and powerful personality of the late FLO BALLARD. And yet you question why, how, and what? You just do not know - for real - what went on or what did not. These stars have an illusion to protect - Turner does not - and he rifled through the closets of these Motown legends - like a thief in the night - good or bad - he sold books, made money, and told HIS STORY- not yours - now is that not the same thing other writers have done. Grow up people - you are too old to live in a dream world. Motown has proven to be not what we thought it was. It was a pretty apple with cancer inside - but idolize it to death if you must.

    Fans just want what fans have always wanted - SWEETNESS MIXED WITH A LITTLE TRAGIC SADDNESS - so stupid - so silly - so Gay!!!

    Sharon Davis was quick to point out, that the backstage is not as great as what you see on stage. Turner was in a PRIME POSITION - backstage to witness it all - and remember - you were not - so what you think counts for how much? NOTHING!!!!!

    So what you think is just that - what YOU THINK and who cares - if it is trash to you - well OK - and if it is likely to you - then OK too - but we all are to grown to say it is not true - for in truth you really do not know. Your just old and jealous!!!

  22. #22
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    Top Diva - I do know about publishing - I own a bookshop...Deliver Us..didnt make it into paperback which,in publishing terms is a disaster...you need to learn to see Turner for what he is,not the lofty heights of hype you constantly exclaim..while many music books are ghost written Turner is no exception he is not a top selling author he shut up quickly when he tried to print Gordy molested him..no one in publishing would touch anymore of his dirty,mud slinging manuscripts..

  23. #23
    topdiva1 Guest
    Nomis - here's what you don't know - For your information and you can see and check the court records in LA COUNTY SUPREME COURT regarding Gordy vs Turner - in short in the end Gordy DROPPED TURNER FROM THE SUIT and any future suits - Turner then joined forces with Mr. Gordy and sued the New York and WASHINGTON DC newspapers for printing stories thought to be in a book that Turner NEVER WROTE. They both won out of court settlements - that other papers printed - exceeded five million each.

    And if you think no one in publishing would touch anymore of his ".. dirty mudslinging manuscrpits", what about the tabloids - and all these trashy books coming out now - and you say you know publishing - publishing is a business - and if Turner decides to sling any heavy sex mud - it will get publish - trust and believe that.

    However - I do realize that you may chose not to carry it in your book store.


  24. #24
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    we have to disagree on this..My understanding is Tony did make that terrible accusation about Gordy..then was caught like a deer in headlights when BG sued and ran for the hills denying he ever made it...But thats not what i want to say to you..what concerns me is how you,Top Diva seem to enjoy this type of writing - Which isnt nice,The dead cant defend themselves..it says more about you than it says about Turner..there are many wonderful authors out there and if you were say a teenage fan discovering the Supremes then All That Glittered would be a hoot..but cant you see there is an agenda there..it isnt "Tell the truth and Be damned" as Turner would claim but "Im making money by showing other peoples dirty laundry.."
    Cant you see that?
    Motown is a family..and if he is correct and let him be part of that..what did he do?..he turned around and stabbed in the back everyone..
    Which brings me back to you -why should reading about other peoples failings be something to be applauded as entertainment? like I said fine if your 16 which was how old I was when i read him..but you mature you learn about the sacrifices these people went through..you have to see the goodness in people or we as.humanity,is truly lost..
    Im not saying not to enjoy his books but get a perspective on what you can truly learn about Motown by say Mary getting her tits out for Sammy..Motown as an institution deserves better than Tonys books I get angry that all the wonderful music will be lost by the reader and they will walk away thinking THAT was the story of Motown....everybodys got secrets,everybodys done things they are not proud of but we,as a society do we need to know them? is that the level of interesting publishing houses should have in the Motown legacy..?
    Thats how I feel..Peace back to you...
    Last edited by nomis; 09-14-2010 at 05:58 PM.

  25. #25
    MissLish Guest
    Brilliant post nomis! Well done!!

  26. #26
    topdiva1 Guest
    Nomis - thank you and your point is well taken - and wonderfully and frankly written. When looking at Motown I have read all available books and from them gleaned my over opinion. The music is historical - the inside diRt is interesting - I just honor the right of expression in all forms.

    Turner did not run for the hills like a deer caught in headlights - he fought back with Mr. Gordy and won millions from the newspapers - THERE WAS NEVER A THIRD BOOK - from Turner.

    After all many have said he had two bombs - so - who in publishing would be fooled by Turner again.


  27. #27
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    Turner did not run for the hills like a deer caught in headlights - he fought back with Mr. Gordy and won millions from the newspapers - THERE WAS NEVER A THIRD BOOK - from Turner.
    That is pure unadulterated bullshit. Name the newspaper and show us documents proving the Viscountess won millions from newspapers.

  28. #28
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    Ive seen the court documents there was no settlement..Turner gave a scoop to a journalist saying he was planning a third book that would reveal things about Gordy..a threesome with a french singer in France..and other untold laundry..the journalist printed news of this upcomming memoir..and Gordy sued Tony said "No..I never said that.." when he had..for Gordy,a bull dog in legal cases,having Turner join him in a suit added to HIS legitmacy,not Turners..there was a retraction of the story but no cash settlement..
    Top Diva - All That glittered didnt bomb it was put out by a small publishing company with a limited marketing arm-One of the reasons it didnt make an impact because after Dreamgirl and Call Her Miss Ross the publishing industry was like- what more on Diana can be said? fatigue soon sets in for retail after the inital success of a topic -But Deliver was even smaller on the publishing radar..

  29. #29
    smark21 Guest
    But generally if a book sells well in hardback the publishers will be bidding hard for the rights to issue the paperback and/or trade version. Were the publishers not offering Tony Turner a suitable enough offer TopDiva?

  30. #30
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    TopDiva has the right to love Tony Turner.

    Whether Turner's books are factual with moments he witnessed or just gossip based on listening to insiders dish or the drunken vulnerable ramblings of a Supreme who increasingly wasn't quite coping with her demotion to a background singer in the group she helped form will never be confirmed. Florence is passed and the other members pretty much refuse to comment on his importance or irrelevance to the group or whats true or false in "Glittered." People who like dishy insiders stories appreciate Tony's book and take what they want from them. What I personally keep in perspective is his role in those years was basically uber-fan and gofer. The important things that made the girls legends he didnt contribute to. He didn't help write the songs or sing them, pick the singles, develop the image, design the dresses, style the wigs, choreograph the routines, book TV appearances and concerts, or keep Diana from eventually going solo. If he had, he would've claimed that contribution loud and clear. What he did do according to his book is go get makeup & eyelashes, move luggage, return cookware, and generally be ready to fulfill whatever whims the girls had but they certainly weren't things that got the Supremes 12 number one hits or into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. He assigned himself the role of biographer/oral historian, for better or worse as to how now casual fans percieve the group. So enjoy or dismiss what you want of Tony Turner and as for the rest, in the words of Flo in his book "Leave it, let it go, forget all of that bitterness..."
    Last edited by Glenpwood; 09-14-2010 at 08:34 PM.

  31. #31
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    Great post Glenn..very articulate- I wish I could write that good..

  32. #32
    topdiva1 Guest
    Jonc - the Newspapers were I believe the new york daily news and the washington post. The lawsuit was filed by gordy - against Turner and both newspapers in la county - so those facts are easy to check. Later Gordy dropped Turner from the suit - an unbelievable story - but Turner then joined the Gordy suit - against the false claims of the paper - and Gordy and Turner won a out of court settlement.

    The entire case - is public record and can be found easily in the LA county SUPREME COURT HOUSE.

    Nomis - more correct and incorrect information from you Turner gave an interview reportedly to an interviewer who "LOST" the taped conversation - there was never a third book about Gordy - EP DUTTON who published ALL THAT GLITTERED was the largest publisher at the time - they later became DUTTON after buying PENGUIN, ONYX and several other major houses. They are major and publisher both both the Hardcover and paperback of Glittered, when the rights reverted back to Turner he then wisely sold them again to another smaller publisher who did the "UPDATED"version of ALL THAT GLITTERED, at the time of Diana's Return to Love Tour/Mess. Turner did 48 cities on his first book tour - and was paid well into the six figures for his advance - which was a two book deal - GET IT RIGHT! Turner then went into conflict with Dutton, who had now become Peguin and moved his second book to THUNDERS MOUTH PRESS which was a smaller company - however he employed three of the EX - DUTTON public relations department bigwigs who had open a company of thier own to do the the book tour for Deliver Us From Temptation which included live apearances by Dennis Edwards. And since you have seen the court documents can you please confirm the newspapers involved for jonc.

    GLENPWOOD - well said THANKS

  33. #33
    smark21 Guest
    Topdiva, for a fan you sure are in Tony Turner's business. Maybe it would be best if Tony Turner not sit down with his biggest fan for an interview. Your intense interest in Tony Turner is making you come across like Kathy Bates in Misery. I hope you don't lock Tony Turner up in an isolated cabin, demand he write a sequel to All That Glittered and if he fails to cooperate you start amputating some of his assorted limbs and body parts.

  34. #34
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    Topdiva, for a fan you sure are in Tony Turner's business. Maybe it would be best if Tony Turner not sit down with his biggest fan for an interview. Your intense interest in Tony Turner is making you come across like Kathy Bates in Misery. I hope you don't lock Tony Turner up in an isolated cabin, demand he write a sequel to All That Glittered and if he fails to cooperate you start amputating some of his assorted limbs and body parts.
    ROTFLMFAO. Great posting smark21.

    If TopDiva isn't the Viscountess Turner then he knows every detail concerning La Turner's bank balances, interviews, book advances, funeral plots, lawsuits, court settlements, European lovers, book sales, tour dates, in fact I'd venture to say every blemish on Tonita Turner's ass. It's all too delicious and fabulously camp.

  35. #35
    topdiva1 Guest
    I am just like you Diana Ross fan addicts - I guess. LOL

  36. #36
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    I am just like you Diana Ross fan addicts - I guess. LOL
    You are fabulous Viscountess and have livened up this forum.

  37. #37
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    Because I refuse to spend $20 dollars on a used book, can someone elaborate for me how Tony Turner is David Ruffin's godson as I see mentioned in reviews for "Deliver Us From Temptation?" David was only 11 and still in Whynot, Mississippi when Tony was born in 1952.....

  38. #38
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenpwood View Post
    Because I refuse to spend $20 dollars on a used book, can someone elaborate for me how Tony Turner is David Ruffin's godson as I see mentioned in reviews for "Deliver Us From Temptation?" David was only 11 and still in Whynot, Mississippi when Tony was born in 1952.....
    I'm sure TopDiva can answer the riddle for you.

  39. #39
    topdiva1 Guest
    The answer to that is in ALL THAT GLITTERED MY LIFE WITH THE SUPREMES - the GODFATHER story - I think it was mostly a symbolic gesture made by Flo and David to Tony - I do not believe they all went to a church or anything - in black culture it is normal to have many so called godfathers, godmothers, sistas, bros, and GOD knows countless cousins, who are in fact not related to you.

    Think of it as a term of endearment - and wish it was you !

  40. #40
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    I just reread "Glittered" recently and unless its in the acknowledgements and I missed it theres no moment where Tony is named a godson of either Flo or David. It must be part of the hard to find second book. I will be certain to double check though after work. Since one can be named that later I am now symbolically certifing myself the godson of every Supreme and now expect them to come to every wedding, funeral, or barbecue I throw in full costume prepared to sing anything from "He's Seventeen" to "Come Into My Life" if I request it, because you always go the extra mile for your family.....

    Oh, the BBQ's will also be alcohol and gluten free and everyones microphone will be set to the same level as requested by my godmothers ....

  41. #41
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    So funny Glenpwood! :-D

  42. #42
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    Oh, and so everyone gets a lead my Godmothers will have to do the 3 hour version of "Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In" while I prowl the audience going "Where is she? Oh my god where is she? Is she here? Well if Tina Turner were here I wouldn't give her the microphone because she's tough, shes terrible, whooo....."
    Last edited by Glenpwood; 09-15-2010 at 01:45 PM.

  43. #43
    topdiva1 Guest
    Too funny!!!

  44. #44
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenpwood View Post
    I just reread "Glittered" recently and unless its in the acknowledgements and I missed it theres no moment where Tony is named a godson of either Flo or David. It must be part of the hard to find second book. I will be certain to double check though after work. Since one can be named that later I am now symbolically certifing myself the godson of every Supreme and now expect them to come to every wedding, funeral, or barbecue I throw in full costume prepared to sing anything from "He's Seventeen" to "Come Into My Life" if I request it, because you always go the extra mile for your family.....

    Oh, the BBQ's will also be alcohol and gluten free and everyones microphone will be set to the same level as requested by my godmothers ....

    Thanks for clearing that up - as so many fans just go on and on about quotes and stories that are not even in ALL THAT GLITTERED. And for the life of me I cannot understand why so many are upset by Glittered - and then you have the whole pack also upset or in love with Wilson's two books - not to mention the Ross Lovers vs The Ross Haters - good goodness - can people just like what they like and stop trying to make it all something it is not and quote what is NOT WRITTEN - as if any of us know any of the REAL FACTS at all - we are just reading what they ALL CHOSE TO WRITE AND SELL, SELL, SELL.

  45. #45
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    i keep seeing the viscountess being refered to.who the hell is it?where is she now?i must have missed something somewhere.

  46. #46
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by tamla617 View Post
    i keep seeing the viscountess being refered to.who the hell is it?where is she now?i must have missed something somewhere.
    Just some crude and tasteless remark made by I believe the poster called junk or jonc - all based on the fact that Tony Turner writer of All That Glittered My Life With The Supremes - has had a partner for 13 years who is a young [[32 or so ) Spanish Viscount.

    Gauche remarks for someone that this poster has only read about and does not now, for SD really quite the norm. As a young person myself just discover Motown I am amazed at the strong views taken and rude comments made by those who have never met or talked for a second with any of the people they trash.

  47. #47
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    Just some crude and tasteless remark made by I believe the poster called junk or jonc - all based on the fact that Tony Turner writer of All That Glittered My Life With The Supremes - has had a partner for 13 years who is a young [[32 or so ) Spanish Viscount.
    ROTFLMFAO. Bless you Viscountess.

  48. #48
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jonc View Post
    ROTFLMFAO. Bless you Viscountess.

    Clukster - I cannot even image you rollin all of you and I mean all of that on the floor LYMFAO - you better work.

  49. #49
    jonc Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    Clukster - I cannot even image you rollin all of you and I mean all of that on the floor LYMFAO - you better work.
    Bless you Viscountess. Just keep on amusing us by posting every little titbit you can about Tony Turner.

  50. #50
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jonc View Post
    Bless you Viscountess. Just keep on amusing us by posting every little titbit you can about Tony Turner.

    Sad and not remotely touching - wow - you have some limited views and nerve.


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