Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
This was an extremely revealing quote, exposing a personal mind set that would explain her actions as regards anything Supreme related.
well that quote was given during an interview with Barbara Walters around the whole RTL fiasco. after all of the angst that BOTH women [[Diana and Mary) were responsible for, Mary took out a scorched earth PR campaign and gave a scathing interview the day or two before to Barbara. it was a really angry interview. Diana then reached out to Barbara after the Mary interview in order to give her POV. her interview was, for diana, quite aggressive too, in the usually she glosses over things. she made some odd and even ridiculous comments herself but her point IMO about "mary singing her songs" was that Mary was singing the lead that Diana had sung. and frankly it was Diana's voice, among many other things including M and F's strong backing vocals, that made those songs a hit.

all in all it was just a horrible situation that both ladies shared the blame in.