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  8. #1858
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    I don't know about you, but I find myself feeling rather gleeful every time I hear the bad news coming from Dominion's lawsuit against Fox. This doesn't mean I'm not pissed off by the evil that Fox represents, rather I am pleased that this shit, which so many of us have known in our hearts for so long, is finally being made public. The fact that Fox sent copies of Biden's campaign commercials to Jared Kushner for analysis before airing them is treasonous, but then that's true for the entire conservative movement. Why do conservatives feel the need to cheat? No doubt it's because they're a minority group who can't win an election without deceit.

    As for old man Murdoch? I'll bet that asswipe is shittin' bricks. He pulled this same crap in the UK, funding conservatives who chose to listen to him in an attempt to control parliament. There, too, it was one of his newspapers that brought him down. Crushed him. He got hit in the face with a cream pie and suffered public humiliation. I don't doubt he has a little itch in his brain sayin' "been there, done that, doin' it again." I, for one, find this simply satisfying as hell.

  9. #1859
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  10. #1860
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    Dwyane Wade, celebrating his 15-year-old trans daughter who just legally became Zaya:

    "As your father, all I’ve wanted to do was get it right. I’ve sat back and watched how gracefully you’ve taken on the public scrutiny, and even though it’s not easy, I watched you walk out of that house every morning as yourself. I admire how you’ve handled the ignorance in our world. I admire what you face every day. As your father, my job isn’t to create a version of myself or direct your future, my role is to be a facilitator to your hopes, your wishes, and your dreams. Zaya, you’ve made me a better human just simply by being who you were born to be—a baby girl, Zaya Wade.”
    That’s how it’s done; it’s not being woke, it’s being a parent and loving your child and standing with your child and letting your child become themselves in whatever way that means.
    Eric Swalwell, Democrat Congressman, taking asshat Matt Gaetz to task for having an accused murderer lead the Pledge of Allegiance:

    “Mr. Gaetz wanted to offer an amendment to say the Pledge of Allegiance. That’s great. Every single person on our side supported that. Now, I don’t think he really genuinely cares about saying the Pledge of Allegiance, but he wanted to do it again to own the libs and to see if we would vote against it. We didn’t. But who did he bring in here to say the Pledge of Allegiance? Who did he parade in here? Someone he met at a gun club. Mr. Cicilline, you had the crazy idea that maybe we should vet the people who come in here, make sure they’re not insurrectionists. Mr. McClintock—I am not kidding you—Mr. McClintock said, ‘Well, it’s not like we’re gonna invite somebody who committed murder.’ No, he literally said that. ‘It’s not like we’re going to invite somebody who committed murder.’ Who did Mr. Gaetz bring? He brought Corey Beekman. Corey Beekman—in 2019—was in a standoff with the Michigan police. After, he was arrested and charged with murder, assault with intent to commit murder, and two counts of felony firearm possession. The family of the victims said Mr. Gaetz doing that, it was like getting a dagger stuck in our heart again. That’s why there’s a trust deficit here. You pull off a public stunt to try and own the libs, and what you did was you brought in the guy who allegedly shot two people and killed one of them. That’s where the trust deficit is. So you can play your games, conduct your stunts. We’re here to get shit done.”
    Matt Gaetz is woefully inept at anything other than showboating and grandstanding and playing at being an elected official.
    He’s a disgrace to Congress.
    Lance Gooden, Texas GOP Representative, attacking Democrat Representative Judy Chu because of her Chinese heritage:

    “I question her either loyalty or competence. It’s not ‘xenophobic’ to question where her loyalty lies.”
    Gooden also said that Chu should be barred from access to classified information.
    Judy Chu was born in Los Angeles and as such is an American, but fuckwits like Lance Gooden don’t care about facts when there is bigotry to spread.
    Kellyanne Conway, talking to Sean Hannity … oh the irony … on Fox News, about liars:

    “I want to challenge people watching tonight who don’t wear red hats, don’t consider themselves MAGA, don’t consider themselves very strong political people. I want to ask yourself how many times you’ve been lied to, not just by this government, but how many times have you been lied to by the people whose job it is to tell you the truth in the media all in the service of getting the president?”
    Howsabout how many times you’ve been lied to by Thing 45 and Kellyanne ‘Alternative Facts’ Conway and Sean Hannity and Fox News and Tucker and Rupert and Laura and Jeanine and all the other basket of deplorables.
    Oh, and Kellyanne? Kindly fuck all the way off.
    President Joe Biden, responding to Large Marge’s claim that he was responsible for deadly fentanyl overdoses that occurred during 2020 … when he was not the president:

    “The interesting thing is, that fentanyl they took was during the last administration, and you know, a little bit more Marjorie Taylor Greene and a few more [lies], you’re gonna have a lot of Republicans running our way. Isn’t she amazing? Oof.”
    Large Marge is the lying, treasonous, fool gift that keeps on giving.
    Harris Faulkner, Fox News daytime host, so we know she’s a liar, lying on TV to the family of a young man who died from a fentanyl overdose:

    “You know what is remarkable about all of this, and I don’t mean in a good way, is how the president of the United States responded to your testimony that millions of people across the country with our hearts, with our spirits, who were right there with you, watched. President Biden for a moment discussed your family’s tragedy. He laughed at that. We have had people coming across that border drug cartels for quite some time. It has become a historic problem now. What do you say to the president of the United States?”
    As Lying Harris Faulkner knows, President Biden was mocking Empty G’s blatant lie that those deaths occurred when he was in office … in 2020.
    You’d think once the entre news organization and its owner admits to being liars, they should check and double-check, and then triple-check, and then, to cover their bases, say nothing at all.

  11. #1861
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    And Republicans keep racing to the far right. In Tennessee they passed a bill making it illegal to have Drag shows. Of course, it will be challenged and quite probably make it to the Supreme Court. I think it will die there since Drag, whether the Cracker Jack Crazies like it or not, is Freedom of Speech.

    In Florida, one dingle headed loon introduced a bill to eliminate the Democratic Party. Evidently this moron doesn't realized that Independents are already the largest voting bloc in the country. So, why not just make that bloc larger.

    Down in Texas, another dip-shit introduced a bill which would eliminate property taxes for those parents who had 10 children. Now tell me, isn't that a great incentive to turn your wife into a breeder? I doubt very much if that savings is going to be enough to cover the cost of raising 10 kids.

    And then there's Marjorie Taylor Greene. Joe Biden has thanked her for simply being herself knowing how many Centrist Republicans she's driving away from the party. It's not that she doesn't have a brain, she just doesn't use it.

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  16. #1866
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    A diminished CPAC is over. LibsofTikTok spoke. Her audience was non-existent.

    I can only wonder what went through her fascist mind when she looked out and saw all of those empty seats. Was she disheartened? Or did her hatred compensate, lie to her and tell her she's not a losing sack of shit.

    Kim Guilfoyle showed up and did her 'I wannabe a stripper dance,' to a slightly larger crowd. Someone wondered how God's lightening bolts could have missed so badly.

    And, of course, The Donald was there. Sorry, no picture. His crowd was larger, but it was anything but standing room only. He spent some time attacking Ronnie D, who wasn't there. I saw one photo of him and... well, I think he needs to hire a new makeup artist.

    When I brought CPAC up to a friend, he just laughed. This event, with it's lackluster attendance, is a visual demonstration on how the Republican party is splintering. And stupid Ronnie DeSantis? He's going to splinter it even more. He's one of those desperate dumbshits who will never understand that America will never have an authoritarian government. That thought never enters his fascist mind.

  17. #1867
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    Vote. And Vote Blue. Here's Why ...

    I’m still hearing in my head those GOP voices from last Fall who wanted your votes because of the border crisis and the fentanyl crisis and inflation and eggs and … and … then they won a slim majority in the house and suddenly all their care about legislating is drag queens, women, and guns.

    A new bill has been introduced that suggests any woman who has an abortion get the death penalty. House Bill 3549 defines ‘person’ as an unborn child at any stage of development so any woman who chooses an abortion, making her own healthcare decisions, could be put to death in South Carolina.

    Republican Representative Tony Gonzales is facing a censure vote from the state GOP for voting in favor of a bipartisan gun-control bill after the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School, in his district.
    Gonzales wanted to stop these mass shootings—which occur every single day, often more than once each day, in the United Sates of Guns—that take the lives of children, and his own party condemns him.

    Lawmakers passed legislation, which Governor Bill Lee signed into law, that limits where and when drag shows can take place. Drag shows will not be allowed to take place in public or in front of children.
    Cuz drag queens read to children.

    A Greenville woman was arrested and charged with performing or soliciting an abortion after telling medical personnel at St. Francis Hospital that she had taken abortion pills to end a pregnancy; South Carolina state law prohibits self-medication to abort a pregnancy.
    Yes, again, making her own healthcare decisions resulted in a woman being arrested.

    State Representative, and Republican, because, of course, Paul Sherrell is apologizing after suggesting the state’s death row inmates be executed by “hanging by a tree” … lynching.
    Never mind Tennessee’s long history of lynching …

    GOP state Representative Nate Schatzline, author of a bill to restrict drag performances, dressed in drag himself while a student in a video that shows him skipping, running and dancing in a black sequined dress and red eye mask.
    The hypocrisy does not go unnoticed.

    Republicans spent the last few weeks bashing the Biden administration for what they call a slow response to the Ohio rail disaster, and yet last week some GOP lawmakers urged their colleagues not to rush out laws putting new strictures on freight rail.
    Like mass shootings, these toxic spills are not the time to talk about restrictions.

    A proposed bill restricts usage of single-sex facilities to genders assigned at birth. Proposed by Republican, because, of course, Erin Grall, the bill would ban people from “willfully entering” such a facility designated for “the opposite sex.” Violators could face second-degree misdemeanor charges and fines of up to $10,000.
    For wanting to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender.

    The state’s GOP-led House has voted against banning minors … children … from openly carrying firearms on public land without adult supervision by a 104-39 vote.
    Children allowed to openly carry weapons! What could possibly go wrong …
    On the Other Hand …

    A watered-down version of a “Don’t Say Gay” bill has failed in a crucial Senate committee. While the first version restricted schools, camp counselors and other authority figures from answering children’s questions about gender identity or sexual orientation, the newest version required all private schools or camps that planned to instruct children on issues of gender identity to get parental signatures first.
    A small step in the right direction.

    The state’s newly passed anti-discrimination law will continue to protect LGBTQ+ people; efforts to amend the legislation to add religious orientation, religious identity and religious expression as additional protected classes failed.
    Another step forward … yet the march goes on.
    If you don’t vote, this will be America, where women will be jailed or put to death for having an abortion; where drag shows are more dangerous to children than guns; where children will carry weapons; where our trans brothers and sisters will be charged and fined for using a bathroom that aligns with their gender; where toxic spills and chemical dumps that ravage whole towns will be the norm; where people will once again hang from trees.
    If this is not the America you want, then do something.
    Speak up when someone suggests trans is a crime.
    Speak up when people say killing women is a solution to abortion.
    Speaks up when poisoning our environment is business as usual.
    Speak up when a state says children can, and should, be allowed to carry weapons.
    Speak up and …

  18. #1868
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    Here's a funny thing: Newt Gingrich is concerned about some of the legislature the Republican of Florida are proposing under Ronnie D. In particular, he's upset with the bill which would have bloggers register if they were going to talk about the state government, and Ronnie D. Why is this funny? Because Gingerich was the instigator that started the Republican move towards authoritarianism. The Tea Party, remember? He was the one who initiated the "shut up, we're in charge" doctrine, as well as the constant, unswerving attacks on Democracy. Now, he's having an "oh, shit," moment. I suspect Newtie is now realizing that the extremism he was pushing has now grown cancerous. Keep in mind, it was Newtie who had no problem with Trump and his leprotic government. However, now that the chips are falling, his concern is growing apparent. Keep in mind, it was Newtie who joined Trump and his group of insurrectionists on a rainy golf outing last summer so they could freely speak far from microphones. Believe me, Newtie is going to get everything he deserves.

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  21. #1871
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    I find it amusing that Dominion is releasing all of these emails and texts sent by the on-air personalities of Fox; people whose on-air personas are extremely right wing complaining about Trump. These says a lot about their lack of moral fiber. They had no problem pushing Trump's outlandish claims of election fraud basically to insure they were getting a paycheck. It makes you wonder if Tucker, and Laura are still being phony; do they take their programs seriously? Is Rupert still pulling their strings?

    Word is that a certain someone is going to be indicted this afternoon. I give a name, but, if it's true, I wouldn't want to jinx the chances. If it is true, there will be joy in Mudville this evening.

  22. #1872
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    The GOP Field Is United: January 6th Is Not a Thing

    MARCH 7, 2023
    From The Bulwark, by A.B. Stoddard:
    There is a funny tension between the Republican candidates and the Big Lie. No Republican positioning himself or herself for 2024 has challenged the Big Lie directly. They are, at worst, agnostic on the question of who won the 2020 election. Yet the implication of their very candidacies is that Trump lost and that’s why the party needs a new standard bearer.
    But again: They can’t actually say that.
    Many of them use some version of “let’s not look back, elections are about the future,” which means they likely all believe Joe Biden won and Trump lost. Or they accept that the Big Lie isn’t popular and that promoting it is what helped Democrats beat the odds last November. Perhaps it would be fine if Republicans had picked up ten more House Seats and flipped the Senate seats in Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia. But because election deniers lost in the midterms, the 2024 contenders will gingerly suggest it’s time to . . . uh . . . stop talking about the past. [[Unless “the past” is the glorious history of the Confederacy. In which case it must never be forgotten.)
    But the point here is that the we’re-tired-of-losing lament is safe ground for those vying to beat Trump. But January 6th is Voldemort. That which must not be named.

    Ron DeSantis realized pretty fast that January 6th would have to be disappeared. On January 7, 2021, he said: “It was totally unacceptable and those folks need to be held accountable. It doesn’t matter what banner you’re flying under—the violence is wrong, the rioting and disorder is wrong.”
    But a year later DeSantis had power-washed the attack, belittling the commemoration of it and saying it was like “Christmas” for the media, something used to “smear anyone who ever supported Donald Trump.” Before the anniversary he predicted the coverage would be “nauseating.”
    Two years ago New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu called the rioters “domestic terrorists” and said “it is clear that President Trump’s rhetoric and actions contributed to the insurrection at the United States Capitol Building.” But he has not said Trump’s role in the insurrection disqualifies him from the presidency. Sununu has said he’s trying to run as a “normal” Republican, and he’s moving past Trump. “I don’t like losers,” he told the New York Times. “I’m not anti-Trump, I’m not pro-Trump. We’re just moving on.”

    He also said he would support Trump if he is the GOP nominee.
    We don’t have to wonder if Sen. Tim Scott will raise any concerns about the insurrection should he enter the race. On that fateful day Scott voted to certify Joe Biden’s election, resisting the pressure to fall in line with Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, and the rioters. But when Sean Hannity asked Scott last week what policy differences he has with Trump Scott said “probably not very many at all. I am so thankful that we had President Trump in office.”
    Scott’s message to the hardcore MAGA voters is that he loves Trump, but also:
    “I see 330 million Americans getting back to celebrating our shared blessings again, tolerating our differences again and having each other’s backs again,” he said last week in Iowa. As Scott envisions what he called a “new American sunrise,” he will not disavow insurrection.
    Mike Pence, like Scott, also believes Republicans will move on from Trump because they want someone more genteel. He told NBC this week “the times call for different leadership. And I’m confident we’ll have better choices than my old running mate come 2024.” He said of voters, “They want to see us and our politics return to the kind of civility and respect that Americans show one another every day.”
    These voters also don’t care about a historic assault on democracy, by Pence’s measure. Because the former vice president has only accused Trump of using “reckless” words on January 6th. He has also said Trump was “deeply remorseful” about people losing their lives after he sent armed protesters to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election. And Pence doesn’t want the Department of Justice to indict Trump for his actions before and on January 6th: “I don’t know that it’s criminal to take bad advice from lawyers,” Pence told Fox News in December.
    Indeed, January 6th is such a nothingburger that Pence will do anything not to talk about it under oath. Last year he said, “Congress has no right to my testimony,” and now he’s fighting a subpoena from the DOJ.
    Mike Pompeo, who has been prepping a run for president as long as Pence and Haley have, not only dismisses January 6th as a media obsession and just another riot but has said, “We had a peaceful transfer of power,” that night. “There was a bad day at the Capitol. The security team there failed to prevent these guys from rioting there,” Pompeo said, blaming the blue. In his new book, Pompeo denies seeking Trump’s removal after January 6th and discussing the Twenty-fifth Amendment with then-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin—as was reported at the time. In more than 400 pages of Pompeo’s book, January 6th is referenced once.

    Nikki Haley is the only Republican who has officially entered the primary contest to run against Trump, and is on the record as the biggest fraud when it comes to January 6th. She condemned Trump for January 6th, telling Tim Alberta for an interview in Politico that Trump would not run for federal office again. “I don’t think he can. He’s fallen so far,” she said, and predicted Trump would “find himself further and further isolated.”
    Haley warned Republicans to be sober about this great, sad chapter in American history—to acknowledge it was time to turn away from Trump. “We need to acknowledge he let us down,” she said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.”
    Yet Haley backed down almost immediately. Alberta noted that after January 6th, she took “three distinct stances on Trump in the span of six weeks.” Before the end of the year, she told the Wall Street Journal, “I don’t want us to go back to the days before Trump.”
    Republicans wanting to knock off Trump and win a general election have decided his efforts to stage a coup and the insurrection that resulted are acceptable—because they refuse to say they are unacceptable. Or perhaps they hope an indictment of Trump will suddenly sour primary voters on him. Or that they can become Very Concerned about January 6th after the primary is over. Or that swing voters will be swayed by Tucker’s coming montage of peaceful patriots doing nothing at the Capitol on January 6th.
    It’s all magical thinking. And no matter who wins the nomination, the 45th president will ensure none of them is going back to the days before Trump.

  23. #1873
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    I saw that old Mitch McConnell fell. At 81, he's considered elderly. His bitter, brittle bones bounce badly at that age. And he is bitter. His legacy has been terribly tainted by Trump. Of course, he's always been a staunch defender of greed, so I don't think his legacy was too good to begin with.

    Kev McCarthy left Marjorie Tayler Greene in charge of the House yesterday. This must have been part of the agreement he made with her to get her to vote for him. If my memory servers me correctly, this was the 2nd time since he's been Speaker of the House. While this may endear him to her base, every time he does so her stupidity embarrasses him. Under her guidance, the House passed a resolution to visit the jailed January 6 insurrectionists... in jail. She wants to be divisive. It's part of the Republican plan to divide and conquer America. [[Can you hear me laughing?) In order for that to work, they need to convince a large portion of the Majority to believe Republican talking points. They have no idea that at this point, all they're doing is talking to the base. Everybody else is growing more and more angry that these dumb bricks managed to have themselves voted into a slim majority. I believe it was Biden who said that Greene's stupidity is the best thing to happen to Democracy.

  24. #1874
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    Touch-A-Touch-A-Touch-A-Touch Me

    Some GOP operative from North Carolina, whom I have never heard a thing about.......mostly because he's a hick from NC, has publicly accused the head of CPAC of sexual battery.

    Not shocking. Not surprising.

    Christians in politics are the biggest of hypocrites, of course. So, it would almost be shocking if it wasn't coming down the pike.

    Funny turn of events: the judge wouldn't allow a $9,400.000 law suit go forward in the accuser remained anonymous, and I'm guessing that is what the accused was counting on. .....until he gave up the ghost and stated his name.

    I guess grouping a guys ding dong - even clothed - and an invite up to a hotel room is considered sexual battery. Me? I just call it "Thursday". Tomato. Tahmato.

    Allegedly, this guy has photos, video and texts from the CPAC guy. I mean, I sure hope so.

    I don't know how it will play out and I don't care. Even if the CPAC guy steps down, it won't hurt the organization who has never been worried about facts.............or Christianity. They'll just get another d-bag to take his place.

    BUT............and this killed me........the legal team of the accused [[I'm not even going to bother to remember, let alone convey, any of these names) let surface racist writings and rantings of the accuser.

    This is the GOP. This is CPAC. This is the South.

    You can't even be in any one of those three, let alone all of them, WITHOUT having racist thoughts, convictions and mindset. It would be wildly more surprising if any of member of any of those groups didn't have a racist tirade trailing them around somewhere.

    Oh no!!!!.......and he liked the Confederate flag.

    You know, the same one is that every GOP rally, every NASCAR race and no doubt every CPAC meeting. Again, you get it with your GOP/CPAC Starter Kit. That an your Racist MadLibs book.

    This is all well and good, but hardly a barn burner. $9.4 MM does seem like an overreaction to a cupping. I'm just guessing someone is in debt.............or worse, saw it happen and pegged the accuser as a homo. .... but I'm just guessing.

    Oh yeah - the blog image. HILARIOUS. And still more there than at his inauguration.

  25. #1875
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    Haymarket Books is coming for Ron DeSantis:

    “The racist governor of Florida continues to escalate his attacks on the freedom to learn and teach history. We at Haymarket stand in solidarity with all those in Florida and across the country who are organizing to resist. We know that books can be dangerous to those in power, especially when they are in the hands of folks who are organizing to fight for liberation. That’s why we publish them. That’s why they’re trying to ban them. In light of this recent round of attacks on the freedom to read, we’ve made these ebooks free for all to download. We are also connecting with folks in Florida directly to distribute radical books for free to young people.”
    Read, learn, educate yourself, and vote the racist and the fascists and the bigots and the wingnuts from office.
    California Governor, and Democrat, Gavin Newsom slammed Walgreens this week, saying California would no longer do business with the chain after they chose not to distribute abortion pills to 20 states. Newsom’s office released this statement:

    “California is reviewing all relationships between Walgreens and the state. We will not pursue business with companies that cave to right wing bullies pushing their extremist agenda or companies that put politics above the health of women and girls.”

  26. #1876
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    Tucker Carlson, the man who was caught on tape saying he doesn’t like Thing 45, trying to rewrite Insurrectionist History this week, proving yet again what most of us know: Fox Lies:

    “Taken as a whole, the video record does not support the claim that January 6 was an insurrection. In fact, it demolishes that claim. And that’s exactly why the Democratic Party and its allies in the media prevented you from seeing it. By controlling the images you are allowed to view from January 6, they controlled how the public understood that day. They could lie about what happened and you would never know the difference. Those lies had a purpose. They created a pretext for a federal crackdown on opponents of the uniparty in Washington. The crowd was enormous. A small percentage of them were hooligans. They committed vandalism. You’ve seen their pictures again and again. But the overwhelming majority weren’t. They were peaceful. They were orderly and meek. These were not insurrectionists. They were sightseers.”
    Sightseers don’t break into buildings, vandalize it, kill people, shit on the walls and ransack offices, Fucker. But let’s try this: let’s have “sightseers” head to Carlson’s house and break in and wipe their feces on his walls and steal his stuff and see how that little lying bitch complains and moans.
    In addition, Fucker Carlson and his ilk at Fox “News” should be held responsible for 1/6/2022 because they knowingly lied about the election and spurred those ignorant MAGAt’s on.

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  31. #1881
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    I understand Michael Cohen is going to be talking to the NYC Grand Jury tomorrow. According to what I've been reading, Trump is having constant meltdowns. That turd deserves every piece of shit that floats his way, in fact, at this point in his life I'd have to say he's the closest thing the world has seen to a shit magnet. And I don't know about you, but I think we really do need the Pointer Sisters right now!
    The Pointer Sisters Im So Excited - video Dailymotion
    Last edited by lakeside; 03-12-2023 at 12:44 PM.

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  34. #1884
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    I understand that the Republicans have more of a problem with Trump than they were aware of, mostly in his appeal to Republican voters who have a high school degree or less. What they're finding out is that over 70% of those individuals are seriously, almost rabidly, pro Trump. This is terrible news for people like DeSantis and Youngkin. This is what happens when you dumb down your base. They are learning that when you spend all of your time damning the woke culture, you're actually creating a base of Trump loving dropouts. In other words, by letting a very few people dictate what kind of books are being read in schools, Ronnie D is growing the base that wants to vote for Trump. Now, how's that for having life bite him in the ass

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  37. #1887
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    At a recent publicity stop in Iowa Julie Ross, who calls herself a “craftivist”, gifted Florida’s Anti-Woke Governor Ron de Fascist with a handmade snowflake. But the joke was on Ronnie because, look closely, the snowflake is made of the word ‘fascist.’
    Love it!

  38. #1888
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    March Madness has started. That has something to do with basketball, not the antics by the zany Republicans acting crazy in the House of Representatives.

    There was an article in Newsweek this morning proclaiming that 1 in 4 Republicans believe the 2020 election was stolen. That's actually down. At one point it was closer to 1 out of every 2. Time is dealing a harsh truth to the Republicans, something they will never understand.

    Evidently there's a Trump appointed judge who will decide if one of the two medications used to provide non-surgical abortions should be taken off the market. This is just one more example of how that minority group, the Conservatives, are jamming their middle finger into the faces of a majority of Americans. They were hurt badly in the last election cycle because of their anti-abortion agenda. They will never learn. All they want to do is dance around singing, "Ha, Ha, we're going to force our beliefs down your throat." Things are only going to get worse for them and I'm going to enjoy it.

  39. #1889
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post
    At a recent publicity stop in Iowa Julie Ross, who calls herself a “craftivist”, gifted Florida’s Anti-Woke Governor Ron de Fascist with a handmade snowflake. But the joke was on Ronnie because, look closely, the snowflake is made of the word ‘fascist.’
    Love it!
    The best laugh I've had in weeks!

  40. #1890
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    Thursday, March 16, 2023

    'Not A Drag Queen' exposes how the far-right ignores actual child predators

    The far-right has gotten the country all up in arms with their attacks on drag queens. Just as they claimed about gays in the past, they are accusing drag queens and drag shows of 'sexualizing' kids. They also claim that drag queens are convincing kids that they are transgender.
    It's ridiculous, being ridiculous has nothing to do with it. Nor does lack of truth. It's all about exploiting people's prejudices and religious beliefs in order to create a narrative justifying anti-LGBTQ laws, ordinances, and actions. And as we see, it has been fairly successful across the country with states like Tennessee and Kentucky attempting to pass laws falsely designating drag performances as adult-oriented and restricting them from being performed in public places and in front of kids.
    But like with all fights against intolerant and powerful apparatuses, those being picked on develop ways of fighting which are cutting and to the point. On Twitter, folks have spread the hashtag Not A Drag Queen. The purpose is to point out that while the far right accuse drag queens of 'sexualizing' kids, they are ignoring the actual predators [[yes I am talking to you Libs of TikTok and Gays Against Groomers). Even those who may be in their ranks. And they have a lot to work from.
    Several tweets are as follows:

  41. #1891
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    Chasten Buttigieg, on Michael Elizabeth Pence’s homophobic and misogynistic “joke” about Pete Buttigieg taking “maternity” leave after the birth of his children:

    “The thing about what he said is, it flies in the face of what he says he is. He says he’s a family values Republican, so I don’t think he’s practicing what he preaches. But it’s part of a much bigger trend: attacking families. And it wasn’t just about attacking the LGBTQ community, because someone wrote this [joke] and he checked it and purposely said, ‘maternity leave’ rather than ‘paternity leave,’ but also, it’s a bigger conversation about the work that women do in families, right? … I think is a pretty misogynistic view, especially from a man who just last year said that we should be supporting more people who adopt. And you know, I spoke up for two reasons. One, I’m always going to stick up for my family, especially my kid. I know we all struggle to find a balance between work and family life and I’ve never seen someone work harder than my husband to find that balance. But I think Republican or Democrat, we can all agree that when your child, our prematurely born child, barely five pounds, when your kid is connected to a ventilator, you don’t want to be anywhere but at their bedside. So watching Gus in the hospital, for anyone who has ever experienced having a child in the ICU, when their tiny little hand is gripping around your finger. You know, I would watch Pete have to peel Gus’ fingers back and duck into the little bathroom in his room so he could do a Zoom with a virtual background so nobody would see that he’s in the hospital. The other reason I spoke up is because, like I mentioned, we all have an obligation to hold people accountable for when they say something wrong, especially when it’s misogynistic, especially when it’s homophobic. And I just don’t take that when it when it’s directed at my family.”
    Let’s be clear, Michael Elizabeth Pence cares about children of straight white people, and that’s all. And, as Pete said, when asked about the “joke,” he was shocked because just the week before he’d met Pence and Pence specifically asked how his children were doing.
    So, clearly this “joke” was meant for his base of haters and homophobes and misogynists, and Michael Elizabeth Pence won’t ever apologize because he’s a spineless asshat.
    Michael Elizabeth Pence, former Vice President, trying to prove he has some balls and will stand against Thing 45:

    “[Thing 45] was wrong. I had no right to overturn the election and his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day, and I know that history will hold [him] accountable. ‘Tourists’ don’t injure 140 police officers by sightseeing; ‘tourists’ don’t break down doors to get to the Speaker of the House or voice threats against public officials. Make no mistake about it, what happened that day was a disgrace, and it mocks decency to portray it in any other way.”
    And yet this little bitch won’t testify about what Thing 45 did on January 6.
    Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader rebuking Fox News Lies for airing selectively edited footage of the January 6 assault on the Capitol:

    “With regard to the presentation on Fox News last night, I want to associate myself entirely with the opinion of the chief of Capitol Police about what happened on January 6. My concern is how it was depicted, which is a different issue. It was a mistake, in my view, for Fox News to depict this in a way that’s completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks.”
    But, again, Fox Lies; I mean, we’ve all heard their boss and the minions admit as much.
    Ben Shapiro, MAGAt host of a podcast, on Thing 45 at CPAC:

    “This is not the [Thing 45] that’s going to win him any primaries or the presidency. The [Thing 45] who is on the revenge trail for his 2020 loss is not the guy that people actually love. It doesn’t make people love him to see this sort of stuff. Again, if you’re a [Thing 45] fan, you should be encouraging him to do more of the East Palestine stuff and less of this.”
    More of the East Palestine stuff? Like going to McDonalds? Like basically campaigning on the site of a natural disaster created by his administration.
    Michael Steele, former RNC chair, on Large Marge’s call for national divorce.

    “She has no clue what the hell she’s talking about. Why do we listen to this crazy fool? Marjorie Taylor Greene, please just shut the hell up. Do us all a favor. You are an embarrassment to the Republican Party and to the country as a congresswoman. We fought that war. A Republican president lost his life over trying to save the union, and this fool wants to split it? So, here we go. This is the kind of crazy that requires a lot of heavy thinking because she isn’t. Red states are paid for largely by blue states. If you want this divorce, figure out how you’re gonna pay for it.”
    Nice sentiment, except Large Marge says these things for the clicks and the social media hits; sure, she’s an ignorant, racist, Adulterous, dumb bitch, but most of the crap that falls from her mouth f for attention.
    Junior, crying and high, about being banned from Fox News by … Paul Ryan?

    “[Paul Ryan] is the guy on the board of Fox News, which also explains a lot about the direction and some of the content I’m seeing out there folks. This explains, to me, almost everything, frankly. I know I haven’t been invited on in six months, so I’m sure that’s him pushing his RINO, America Last, war-forever garbage to the Democrats’ agenda.”
    Er, Junior? Maybe Fox News wants to wait until you come down from your cocaine induced frenzy before allowing your jittery stuttering ass to spew more lies on the network.

  42. #1892
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    Of course, everyone is waiting with bait breath for Trump to be indicted. That's not going to play well on Fox. Smartmatic has followed Dominion's lead, and also filed a lawsuit against the network. Joy of Joys! This is not what they want. The other cable news networks are gleefully reporting every snippet of information regarding the lawsuits. If you think it's juicy now, wait until Trump tells his base to attack them, and he will. This is a nightmare of their own creation.

    And the indictment for the Stormy Daniels payoff? I would not expect it to fall on a Friday, that would give Fox the entire weekend to slough it off. Monday would be a better day. And they will make every attempt possible to not carry the story. This is how Fox News dies.

  43. #1893
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    Trump Continues to Show He Can Always Get Darker

    MARCH 17, 2023
    Greatest threat to “Western Civilization”? Nuclear war? Loss of constitutional freedoms? Nope—he thinks it’s your representative.
    From Esquire, by Charles P. Pierce:
    Here is approximately the 9,000th piece of evidence that the former president* never should have been in a position to be a former president. Normally, we don’t jump at every shiny bit of stupid he dangles in front of the nation, but this one feels sui generis. In it, he dismisses the Russian threat to Europe, tosses NATO into the Volga, and informs us that the greatest threat to “western civilization” is perhaps…your member of congress:

    Not that he ever cared about the damage he’s done to the country, but now he’s going to run for president again, and he’s going to do so with a brigade of grand juries in pursuit. This puts him squarely into survival mode, into the land of What The Hell Do I Have To Lose? He is capable of running a presidential campaign based on pure nihilism and seems to be preparing to do just that.
    Yes, it will be worse if he gets indicted, as a number of people have warned us. His cult will fly all the way to the Hale-Bopp comet on gusts of outrage. Other Republicans, who have thus far shown all the gumption of a dock full of dead fish, will scramble to get their piece of the fury. However, that simply can’t be a concern. If he has committed crimes in New York and Washington and Atlanta—and I believe he has—then he must be prosecuted, no matter how it roils up 2024. If we accept as political gospel the notion that an ex-president* cannot be prosecuted because his fans will raise hell as a mob, then we are truly lost.

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  49. #1899
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    And I don't know about you, but I'm enjoying all the MAGA blustering that's streaming across the airwaves. These people are blowhards from Hell. I can't even imagine what kind of insane thoughts are going through their heads. Their threats of him winning in 2024 by a landslide are absurd. They don't understand that the MAGA mind is out of kilter with the rest of America. One loopy loser said that the sex tapes on Hunter Biden's laptop are worse than anything Trump did. That's right, he said sex tapes. The lying will only increase as their desperation grows. Sit back and grab your popcorn.

  50. #1900
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    I love how this bible-thumping empty vessel thinks that by continuing to go on TV, he can redeem himself. The more he talks publicly, the more odious he becomes.

    Last edited by lakeside; 03-19-2023 at 11:40 AM.


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