Quote Originally Posted by jobucats View Post
My initial choice would have been "Who Could Ever Doubt My Love"; although that's the only background vocal line we hear throughout the whole song.

Until Lucky 2012 mentioned, I had not even thought about "Lazy Bones." Great choice. I like the way these background vocals were recorded/mixed/processed in that they don't sound "too good" or "polished."

I am really enjoying all of the responses which address who is singing what on the various Supreme songs. My only hesitation in taking some of the information as 'gospel' is: Are the claims that so & so is singing background on this or that song based on documentation OR is it just based on the commenter's ears and what he/she is hearing? True, many folk will provide documentation that some expanded booklet stated this or that; however others word their responses with no indication if it's their opinion or documented. Just my observation. I love learning new facts.
it depends. some has been confirmed by Andy or George. some has been detective work. i'm a geek lol and have built out an excel sheet with all of the touring dates, recording dates, etc. I've taken the booklets from all of the EE and made up this mini database. in the A Go Go book, in the timeline they list that the girls were scheduled to record on July 4 66 but Flo was a no show. the write up says that M and D alone recorded What Becomes of the Brokenhearted, with Diana joining Mary on backing vocals. so no Flo on that one. on 7/5/66 the girls returned to the studio and marlene joined them. the timeline lists a couple songs they recorded [[i think Misery Makes Its Home and Litte Misunderstanding) and then also say "among others recorded". so the timeilne doesn't actual state each song recorded

if you then go to the track listing in A Go Go booklet, they list recorded date info [[where known) for each track. this includes all of the known recording dates for things like initial demos, when strings were added, additional vocal recording dates, etc. Sometimes the timeline will talk about a track being cut on such and such a date but often they don't focus on dates that are specific to what the girls themselves are doing.

For You Can't Hurry Love, they list the recording dates and they do have the dates for when lead and backing vocals were recorded. it states that backing vocals were recorded on 7/5/66. so it is one of the "among others recorded" and so that shows that Marlene and Mary did the vocals. no flo on You Can't Hurry Love

i believe andy and george try to avoid stirring angst within the fan base. they know how passionate fans are - those that are die-hard fans for Diana or for mary or flo or whatever. so maybe they wanted to avoid a firestorm of people having a heartattack about flo not being on YCHL.