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  1. #1751
    I saw where Maggie Green has suddenly disavowed her Qanon roots in favor of a new hairstyle that no longer has that trailer-trash look. Worry not, her new appearance belies the fact that she's still the hateful Margaret so many people detest.

    And, in case you missed it, the fascists down in Brazil attempted their on January 6 event. The major differences between Trump's fete du jour and theirs? they chose coordinating colors, yellow and green, and whereas Trump sent his coup participants home with a blessing, over 400 were arrested down in Brazil. And where was wannabe dictator Jair Bolsonaro while this was happening? Why in Florida. In fact, I do believe he's visiting that other wannabe dictator Donald, the Orange Anus, Trump. How cozy.

    The dysfunctional House of Representatives is set to vote on their rules and regulations today. They need 218 votes to get them passed. This is going to be interesting. They can only lose 7 votes, I believe. This is how you spell Deja Vu.

    Finally, the State of Union is schedule for March 1. I'm of the opinion the first [[notice I say first, here) indictment will fall well before that date. And the Moral Degenerate, Donald Trump, is not the only one who's going to be charged. This is why Jimmy Jordan, and the rest of that group who wanted pardons, is desperate to set up a subcommittee to find out where all of the investigations stand, especially those regarding their own traitorous asses.

  2. #1752
    Democrats celebrating new Speaker of the House.....

  3. #1753

  4. #1754

  5. #1755

  6. #1756
    It was wrong of me to believe that when it came to voting for the House rules and regulations package that at least 6 or possibly 7 Republicans would vote it down. How naïve of me to think that large number of Republicans would have at lest a smidgen of values. Wrong. Only one Republican voted with the Democrats. One of the dirty, silver lining for this is that McCarthy has shit himself into a corner. The entire Republican party is now completely aligned with Trump, attached at the hip so to speak.

    Another dirty silver lining is that any legislation they pass needs to be passed by the Senate, which is in the hands of the Democrats. Because of this, so many things are untouchable for them. Like the 87,000 IRS agents they despise; that change requires passage in both the House and the Senate.

    The fact that they ignored subpoena for the past 2 years is another dirty, silver lining. Those dumb asses set a precedent. And, when their legislations and their subpoenas fail, they will turn on McCarthy, vote him out, and their shit show will repeat itself.

    Finally, I watched portions of McCarthy's acceptance speech and was seriously unimpressed. Am I the only one who thought he sounded like a demented Mr. Rogers talking to a crowd of severely autistic children?

  7. #1757

  8. #1758
    It Just Keeps Getting Better for Santos [[By That, I Mean Worse)

    JANUARY 11, 2023
    From The New York Times:
    When Representative George Santos of New York first expressed interest in running for a suburban New York City House seat in 2020, the Nassau County Republican Committee sent him a standard vetting questionnaire and asked to see his qualifications.
    The résumé Mr. Santos handed over was impressive, particularly for a political neophyte.
    He claimed to have graduated in the top 1 percent of his class at Baruch College, earned an M.B.A. at New York University and more than doubled revenue as a project manager at Goldman Sachs, according to a copy of the two-page document obtained by The New York Times.
    Mr. Santos claimed to have graduated summa cum laude with a 3.89 G.P.A. at Baruch College in 2010. He said he went on to earn the M.B.A. in 2013, after scoring an impressive 710 on the GMAT. Neither degree was real.
    The document also shows how Mr. Santos fabricated and inflated his work pedigree. He said he worked as an associate asset manager at Citigroup from February 2011 to January 2014, with responsibilities as varied as “consumer education of new opportunities” and “investment orientation on LP base.” He claimed to have “2X revenue growth [[300M to 600M)” in the just over seven months he worked as a project manager at Goldman Sachs in 2017 and to have developed a new sales strategy “for the department.”
    Both companies have told The Times they have no record of his ever having worked there, and at the time Mr. Santos claims he was working at Citi, he was actually working for Dish Network as a customer service agent.
    Evidently not satisfied that the written record was enough, Mr. Santos told Nassau County Republican officials that he was also part of a championship-winning volleyball team at Baruch, according to Mr. Cairo.
    “He said he was a star and that they won the championship and he was a striker,” Mr. Cairo said on Wednesday.

  9. #1759
    After the debacle last week, and his pandering and lying and hypocrisy, Sexual Predator Representative Matt Gaetz is emerging as the member of Congress everyone in Washington loves to hate.
    Step aside, Rafael Cruz, there’s a new dick in the party.
    Latest bit if hypocrisy in Congress are the new House rules that would enable the GOP to defund a criminal investigation into Thing 45, and defund the Office of Congressional Ethics, and allow any Republican being investigated by FBI to investigate the investigators investigating him.
    Not a word about helping Americans.
    It looks like former Vice President Michael Elizabeth Pence bought his way onto the best seller list. His book, “So Help Me God” was released last November and on November 9 Pence spent $91,000 at Books On Call and suddenly his book was on the New York Times’ Bestseller’s List.
    God saw you, Michael Elizabeth, and she’s not happy.
    In news that will make Michael Elizabeth Pence squirm, Good Morning America co-anchor Robin Roberts will marry her decades-long girlfriend, Amber Laign, this year.
    Roberts, who publicly came out in 2013, made the announcement while interviewing author and motivational speaker Gabby Bernstein, who asked Roberts what she planned to say “yes” to in 2023.

    “I’m saying yes to marriage.”
    Congratulations, Robin and Amber.
    The GOP has suggested ending both Medicare and Social Security but don’t seem to realize that 16 of the first 25 states most dependent on these two programs are Red States. And many, many of these Red State rural counties would collapse with Social Security or Medicare but a group of entitled politicians, with lifetime pensions and healthcare are trying to end these programs.
    Imagine your hospital bills with no Medicare. It makes me wonder why anyone votes Red.
    My Grandmother was a wise old woman and I remember most of the advice she gave me over the years, the best being:

    “Sometimes you have to hug people you don’t like so you’ll know how big to dig the hole in the back yard.”
    Sound advice, Nana.

  10. #1760
    Pete Buttigieg, Transportation Secretary, explaining his use of government planes to Fox’s Bret Baier:
    “I led a presidential delegation to support American wounded warriors and injured service members—the Invictus Games as has been tradition for many years. I led the American delegation as one of the great honors of my time in this job. And the diplomatic protocol on a presidential delegation is that the principal is often accompanied by their spouse. It was a great trip. Incredible. Here’s what I want you to understand. Before me, it was the secretary of the Army under […] who took that trip with his wife. Before that, it was Mrs. […] as First Lady who went to the Invictus Games. Before that, Mrs. Obama did the same thing. And I guess the question on my mind is, if no one’s raising questions about why Secretary Esper and his wife led that delegation, as well they should have, then why is it any different when it’s me and my husband?”
    It isn’t any different, except to those people who still cannot, and will not, grasp the fact that two married men are a couple, just as a married man and woman are a couple.
    We’ve a long way to go before people, especially those on the right, understand that gay couples can be married and should be afforded the same rights and privileges as our heterosexual counterparts.
    Sidenote: I love when Pete schools the Fox hacks.
    Matt Gaetz, GOP asshatted Representative, on Eva Braun, er, Laura Ingraham’s show.
    “No, listen. I’m on the floor, Laura. These 212 Democrats are going to vote for Hakeem Jeffries every single time. He is a historic candidate for them. They are not going to cleave off under any circumstance. I assure you if Democrats join up to elect a moderate Republican, I will resign from the House of Representatives. That is how certain I am. I can assure your viewers that won’t happen.”
    It didn’t happen because Matty did the one thing he said he would never do: vote for Kevin McCarthy. Proves that Gaetz is another hypocritical lying pandering Republican.
    Nancy Mace, South Carolina’s GOP Representative, speaking of Matt Gaetz on Face The Nation:
    “Matt Gaetz is a fraud. Every time he voted against Kevin McCarthy last week, he sent out a fundraising email. What you saw last week was a constitutional process diminished by those kinds of political actions. I don’t support that kind of behavior. I am very concerned as someone who represents a lot of centrists, a lot of independents, I have as many centrists and independents in my district as Republicans. I have to represent everyone. I’m concerned common-sense legislation will not get through to get a vote on the floor.”
    Then, Nancy, take a stand against those so-called Republicans who are lying and cheating and fundraising off their own hypocrisy.
    Or just goose-step along …
    Hakeem Jeffries, House Democratic Minority Leader, before officially handing McCarthy the Speaker’s gavel, giving the speech of the week:
    “We will never compromise our principles, House Democrats will always put American values over autocracy, benevolence over bigotry, the Constitution over the cult, democracy over demagogues, economic opportunity over extremism, freedom over fascism, governing over gaslighting, hopefulness over hatred, inclusion over isolation, justice over judicial overreach, knowledge over kangaroo courts, liberty over limitation, maturity over Mar-a-Lago, normalcy over negativity, opportunity over obstruction, people over politics, quality of life issues over QAnon, reason over racism, substance over slander, triumph over tyranny, understanding over ugliness, voting rights over voter suppression, working families over the well-connected, xenial over xenophobia, ‘Yes we can’ over ‘You can do it,’ and zealous representation over zero-sum confrontation. “We are a gorgeous mosaic of people from throughout the world,” he continued. “As John Lewis would sometimes remind us on this floor, ‘We may have come over on different ships, but we’re all in the same boat now.' We are white, we are black, we are Latino, we are Asian, we are Native American, we are Christian, we are Jewish, we are Muslim, we are Hindu, we are religious, we are secular. We are gay, we are straight, we are young, we are older, we are women, we are men, we are citizens, we are dreamers. Out of many, we are one. That’s what makes America a great country. And no matter what kind of haters are trying to divide us, we’re not going to let anyone take that away from us. Not now. Not ever.”
    What a way to start his tenure as Minority Leader, with that kind of speech. Wouldn’t a Buttigieg/Jeffries, or a Jeffries/Buttigieg team be a great combo? Common sense, take no prisoners, truth to power?
    Last edited by lakeside; 01-13-2023 at 12:00 PM.

  11. #1761
    And what about those documents they found in Biden's garage? Conspiracy theories are already shooting like lightening across social media. One of the funniest claims these classified papers were planted in order to keep him running for re-election in 2024. Others are shrieking about the speed in which Garland named a special counsel. Kids, I hate to tell you, but this was probably done to placate the Republican whiners. The special counsel takes away a very large chunk of red meat they desperately want to feed to their base.

    And now for something funny. One of the rules Kev McCarthy accepted, stipulates that any single member of the House can file to have him removed. This includes both parties. There are vicious little rumors spreading that the Democrats are going to do this... probably more than once. Honestly, I don't think the small minded Republican majority even considered this. I do believe they saw this as a tool they alone could use to manipulate Kevin. If it wasn't before, I do suspect that very shortly Kev's life is going to turn into a living hell.

  12. #1762

  13. #1763
    Meanwhile...in Santos land. He landed a role in a movie!
    Geroge Santos, the newly appointed GOP congressman from Queens was recently busted when he claimed he was Jewish. He was apprehended when he paid full price for a Honey Baked Ham at d'Agostino's.Say what you will, but I do believe he did graduate with high
    honors. I have personally seen his diploma. With a dual major yet!!!!

    On another front, this explains a lot.

  14. #1764

  15. #1765
    So, did Fanni Willis recommend the Orange Anus be indicted for... well, racketeering? I understand there are 18 names on the list, 18 individuals who quite possibly charged with violations of the law. People are lot smarter than me seem to think she's going to hit a homerun with this one. Lets be honest here, it's not so much who hits the homerun, whether it be Fanni or the DOJ, we just want to see Trump's ass get hit out of the park. One of the big questions we have to ask is what would hurt the GOP more, Trump's document issue, or Trump's election fraud.

    Personally, I'd rather see Fanni stepping into the batter's box. I want to hear the crack of her bat as she nails his fat ass out of the park. I want to hear all those Republicans in the House of Representatives, the ones who did not vote to certify the election, scream in agony. That would be a win for the American people. That would be a win for Democracy. And, while Fanni's rounding 3rd, I'd like to see an indictment for the January 6 insurrection striding boldly into the batter's box. That might be as close to a Grand Slam as we're going to get.

  16. #1766

  17. #1767

  18. #1768

  19. #1769

  20. #1770
    Kevin McCarthy, on George Harrison Gershwin Washington Santos:

    “I always had a few questions about it.”
    But he let Santos be seated without asking any questions because he needs the votes which shows you just what a traitorous piece of excrement that is Kevin McCarthy.
    Adam Kinzinger, on Kevin McCarthy’s do-nothingness about George Clooney Michael R. R. Martin Santos:

    “Kevin’s a piece of shit. And let’s just be honest about this, because he will say whatever he needs to say to stay in power. I’m not even saying that gratuitously to be mean to him. It’s just a fact. Kevin needs his vote. If this was a 20 vote majority, he’d throw Santos under the bus, but it’s a five-vote so he needs him.”
    Hakeem Jeffries, on the new House GOP saying they will expunge Thing 45s two impeachments from the record.

    “The former President was impeached twice. For corrupt abuse of power and inciting a violent insurrection. There is nothing extremist Republicans can do to remove that malignant stain from history.”
    The stank of Thing 45 will be on the GOP for years to come, and no amount of Silkwood Scrubdowns™ will remove it.
    George Bush Lucas Eliot Santos, in yet another unearthed interview:

    “I actually went to school on a volleyball scholarship. When I was in Baruch, we were the number one in volleyball. We went to play against Harvard and Yale and we slayed them. We were champions across the Northeast corridor. Every school that came up against us, they were shaking at the time. And it’s funny, I was the smallest guy and I’m 6’2. We had on our block alone – they were 6’7″ and 6’8” – these guys weren’t jumping, they were just stretching their arms up. All of us should have been playing basketball but we chose volleyball because it was easier. It was a great time. Look, I sacrificed both my knees and got very nice knee replacements from HSS [from] playing volleyball. That’s how serious I took the game.”
    Earlier this week it reported that Santos stole his volleyball stories from a former boss who was a legitimate champion in the sport. Santos has also claimed to have had a brain tumor and to have been among the first ten New Yorkers to get COVID.

  21. #1771
    And, of course, yesterday the Supreme Court said their investigation had failed to find out who leaked the fact that they were going to overturn Roe v Wade. But then they only asked the court clerks and their spouses, least that's what they're saying. The judges and their spouses were supposedly not questioned. This is just one more way for them to lose credibility. Kevin McCarthy wants to set up a special committee to investigate since the leaker had to have been a liberal. Republicans will never have enough dead horses to kick.

    Finally, the Republicans are also floating the idea of a 30% sales tax that would eliminate Income Tax. Of course, the middle and lower classes would be hurt the worst. No doubt stupid Republicans are thinking this would be great, without understanding this would mean no more refunds, no more child tax credits, in fact quite a number of tax programs in place to help the poor would disappear. Ouch.

  22. #1772
    g an interview, Lou Dobbs claimed that there is a 'rank cover-up' in the Supreme Court over the Roe v Wade leak. He's right, however his statement implies he believes the leaker to have been a Liberal. I don't believe he understands how wrong he is. Had that been true, this ultra Right-Wing court would have leaked that information. Conservatives only protect their own. I'm betting no one can even remember the last time a conservative stood up for a Centrist. I know I can't.

    And, of course, Jimmy Jordan got some bad news from the DOJ. Sorry, no information regarding ongoing investigations. As one of the insurrectionists involved in that fake elector scheme, I'm sure Little Jimmy is scared shitless. You see, Jack Smith has subpoenaed quite a lot of information from those states planning on sending counterfeit electors to vote for Trump, not Biden. Little Jimmy was deeply involved. At first he tried to blame an aide for submitting the phony names, but as more people squealed to save their own asses, the truth came out: it was Little Jimmy, himself, who had submitted those fake names. And Little Jimmy is scared his ass might fry. Sizzle, Jimmy, sizzle.

  23. #1773

  24. #1774

    And, speaking of Republicans, have you noticed that across the country Republican state legislatures are going from wack-job to extreme? A party that desperately needs to be in total control is slowly falling out of popularity is doing what should have been expected. Missouri passing a law that women cannot show their arms in their senate is just one example. They are trying to masculate women, make they less female and more manly because bare arms, like long hair, are a temptation and must be hidden. Every day these Republicans become more extreme. For them, this is necessary, you see, the deity they created is not giving them what they want: total control. They believe their deity must be angry. The only way they can appease his anger, to get on his good side, is to prove their loyalty by becoming more extreme. They don't understand that the more extreme they become, the more people see them as pariahs.

    Fasten your seatbelts because these crazies are going to get even crazier. By not succeeding, they believe they must be doing something terribly wrong. The truth they will never understand is that they've steered their party into a cul-del-sac of decline where they will drive in endless circles for the rest of time.

  25. #1775
    For those who don't follow Joe Manchin, that includes me, he was on Meet the Press yesterday morning. He claims to be a centrist Democrat, but tends to vote like a mini-Republican. I think of his as more of an obstructionist. Like when he voted against ending the filibuster. He tends to appease the opposition, more than he does his own party. Oh, and there are rumors swirling that he's considering a run for president in 2024. Someone needs to tell Joe that one of the last things America needs right now is a 72 year-old, white, faux centrist running for president. While he might satisfy those leaders in the fossil fuel industry, he is really nothing more than an anachronism needing to be forgotten.

    I think it's a shame Biden dropped the ball with this document issue. For some reason, I do suspect the White House thought they might use this as a comparison, showing how Biden abided by the law, while Trump did the exact opposite. What they've unfortunately done is give the Republicans another dead horse for them to kick and stomp on.

  26. #1776

  27. #1777
    You know, it doesn't seem a day doesn't go by without Ronnie DeSantis doesn't do something that heralds his turn to the far right. Black people are furious about his attempt to whitewash their history. Ronnie doesn't understand. He desperately wants Florida to become the white Mecca.

    The voters in George Santos' district are furious with him. I would be, too, if he represented my district. While Democrat and Independent voters want him gone, some Republicans, though still claiming to be angry, would rather he stay. They don't want to lose his vote and they're worried that they'll do that if there's a special election. They are totally clueless as to how badly this hurts them with the voters.

    Republicans are also suffering from multiple identity crises. A outstanding example of this is in Butler county, in western PA, where not two, but three different groups are claiming to be the true Republican party. These problems are only going to multiply for the party of Trump. I find this hysterical because this is happening to the Republican party across the entire country. They are using their "shut up, I'm in charge" tactics upon themselves.

  28. #1778
    Saw this yesterday and I had to laugh. Just think, 74 million people voted for this.

    As expected, Kev McCarthy is keeping Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell off any and every committee he can. For those who don't know, this is Republican Retribution. You see Kev wanted to put disruptors on the January 6 committee and when Pelosi rejected the likes of Jimmy [[shower at your own risk) Jordan and Marjorie [[I celebrated my divorce by getting a nose job, Taylor Greene) he threw a hissy fit and pulled all the disruptor names. Schiff and Swalwell's rejection is nothing more than Kev's revenge.

    And for those complaining about a lack of indictments against Trump, et al, well Fani says they are imminent. People need to prepare themselves. The MAGA cult is not going to take this lightly. There will be protests, possibly violent. Conservatives gambled on extremism. They are bad losers and their radicalism will be on full display for the world to see. The ramifications will hurt them for years to come. This is how a political party splinters. Parts of it will die. They made their bed, now they have to sleep in it.

  29. #1779

  30. #1780
    Of course, a lot of people are on pins and needles as they wait for the first indictment to drop. I'm not, but then I can be very patient. Justice is Karma. It doesn't happen at the snap of your fingers. The longer it takes, the more brutal it can be. Let's be honest. We don't only want to see Trump pay the price. There are others we want to see incarcerated. Like Roger Stone. I would definitely like to see that shitty smile of his legally wiped off his face... for the rest of his life. And Jimmy Jordan. Knowing that he's spending the rest of his days having to use a group shower with men who see him as just another piece of meat? With his history of ignoring student predators, would that just be simply delightful. These people do not understand that they are not special. They have not been chosen. Justice is going to teach them this lesson.

    I don't know about you, but I'm beginning to chortle, chortle, chortle at Kev McCarthy's frustrations. Did everybody hear he flipped out when an NPR correspondent asked about George Santos? Kev made so little sense that for a few moments, I thought he was speaking in tongues..

    And finally, there will be protests when the first Trump indictment is revealed. Now, I know some of you will want to let your own frustrations out, well, don't. America is watching. I would not be surprised if we see a reenactment of January 6, but worse, in several cities as stupid MAGAs take to the streets. The Republican party is dying. These protests will be their death knell.

  31. #1781
    Tuxedo is so annoyed by Santos that he has threatened to Uber his way to Washington, sneak into Congress, find Santos, and piss all over his leg. I said that was a bad Idea; skip the Uber and I’ll drive …
    This week ALLEGED LGBTQ+ Ally Beyoncé Knowles faced some backlash for performing in Dubai, where homosexuality is illegal.
    Beyoncé, a BILLIONAIRE, pocketed a $24 million check for an eighty-five minute performance—which is about $282,353 a minute—and her father and minions are still saying she has, ahem, “always stood for inclusiveness” and would never do anything to “deliberately hurt someone ' ... unless there’s nearly $300,000 a minute to be made.
    Come for me Bey Hive, but Beyoncé can fuck all the way off.
    After finally admitting to doing drag, out gay pathological liar Congress man George Santos is publicly feuding with drag queen Trixie Mattel on Twitter. See, Santos, er, Kitara Ravache has become the target of late-night shows and Georgie was butt-hurt at the mocking, Tweeting out:

    “I have now been enshrined in late night TV history with all these impersonations, but they are all TERRIBLE so far. Jon Lovitz is supposed to be one of the greatest comedians of all time and that was embarrassing—for him not me! These comedians need to step their game up.”
    Note: Jon Lovitz hasn’t been funny since the 1980s.
    In reply, RuPaul’s Drag Race star Trixie Mattel Tweeted:

    “Maybe the source material was weak.”
    And Santos, unaware that he was woefully out of his depth, replied:

    “Clearly you know all about weak acting skills.”
    Trixie clapped back with a riff on Santos’ excuse for dressing in drag:

    “I am not an actor! I was young and I had fun at a festival!”
    Santos did dress in drag but is utterly inept when it comes to shading an actual talented drag queen.
    In How Dumb Is Thing 45 News: he’s being sued by E. Jean Carroll for defamation and sexual assault and has repeatedly used the “she’s not my type” excuse to suggest an assault could not have occurred because he would not have pursued her romantically. But, in a deposition at Mar-Illegal last year Thing 45 was shown a picture of a woman and he said:

    “That’s Marla, yeah. That’s my wife.”
    Except it wasn’t his wife, or even his ex-wife, it was E. Jean Carroll, the woman he said he couldn’t rape because she wasn’t his type …

  32. #1782

  33. #1783
    Kevin McCarthy, House Speaker-For-Now, saying he stands behind George Santos because he’s just a liar, but might change his mind if Santos is proven a criminal:

    “No. You know why I’m standing by him? Because his constituents voted for him. I do not have the power simply because if I disagree with somebody or what they have said that I remove them from elected office. If for some way when we go through Ethics that he has broken the law, then we will remove him, but it’s not my role. I believe in the rule of law. A person’s innocent until proven guilty.”
    I was stunned that McCarthy wasn’t struck by lightning when he said he believes in the rule of law and innocent until proven guilty since he’s the same guy who never wanted to investigate Thing 45’s role on January 6.
    His role in history has been written and it’s lying and complicit and traitorous and his own party is slowly turning against him; read on …
    Victoria Spartz, Indiana GOP Representative, says she’ll oppose Speaker Kevin McCarthy's efforts to keep a handful of Democrats off key House committees:

    “As I spoke against it on the House floor two years ago, I will not support this charade again. Speaker McCarthy needs to stop 'bread and circuses' in Congress and start governing for a change. Two wrongs do not make a right. Speaker Pelosi took unprecedented actions last Congress to remove Representatives Greene and Gosar from their committees without proper due process. Speaker McCarthy is taking unprecedented actions this Congress to deny some committee assignments to the Minority without proper due process again.”
    Spartz's statement is in response to McCarthy's intention to remove Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee and keep Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell off the House Intelligence Committee.
    Given the GOP’s slim majority, every vote is important and now Nancy Mace, South Carolina’s GOP Representative, has said she would also vote against booting Democrats like Omar from committees.
    Trouble is, Kevin is a butthurt bitch and seeks revenge.
    Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary, blasting GOP Governor Ron DeSantis for banning public schools from teaching AP African American history:

    “It is incomprehensible to see that this is what this ban–or this block, to be more specific–that DeSantis has put forward. If you think about the study of Black Americans, that is what he wants to block and, again, these types of actions aren’t new, especially from what we’re seeing from Florida, sadly. Florida currently bans teachers from talking about who they are and who they love. As we’ve talked about many times here in this briefing room, they have banned more books in schools and libraries than almost every other state in the country. And let’s not forget, they didn’t block AP European History. They didn’t block our music history. They didn’t block our art history. But the state chooses to block a course that is meant for high-achieving high school students to learn about the history of arts and culture. And it is, you know, it is incomprehensible again, and I will just leave it there. Leave it there to make your own to make your own determination. of why this occurred and why this happened. Again, it is not our place to direct or to be involved in any local school curriculum. But this is concerning.”
    I recently watched a documentary on the suspicious death of high school student Kendrick Johnson in 2013. One of the side stories was of Mary Tuner, who was lynched in Georgia in 1918 for the crime of speaking out about her husband being lynched the day before. After the white mob strung Mary Turner up by her feet, doused her with gasoline and oil then set on fire, her unborn child was cut from her abdomen and stomped to death. Her body was then repeatedly shot. No one was ever convicted of her lynching.
    That’s American history; I hate it, but I need to know it so I can try to make sure it doesn’t happens again. That story doesn’t make me hate myself, or white people, it makes me hate the white people that did that to Mary Turner.
    If Ron DeSantis doesn’t want that story told in American History classes he best be prepared for it to happen again.
    Sir Ian McKellen, Tony and Golden Globe-winning out gay actor, on why the word “love” has special significance to him:

    “If you ever arrive in Manchester and if you’re lucky enough to be able to afford a taxi, you get in the back of one and the taxi driver—usually a man, but not always—says ‘Where you going love?’ Oh, and I feel I’m home; where grown men call strangers ‘love.’ I think if we all did that, it would be a rather better place, wouldn’t it? [And if] people have got problems with gender, and pronouns, and so on, Love covers everything really. Just call everyone love. I mean ‘comrade’ would do, or ‘brother,’ or ‘son,’ or whatever; ‘Man,’ yeah, ‘mate.’ Yeah, these are all good words. But… But ‘love’… If that’s the start of our relationship, I don’t think we can go far wrong, can we?”
    Love. Love, it’s really just that simple.

  34. #1784

  35. #1785
    For those of you who didn't see, nobody's favorite little Margie [[taylor green) sponsored a piece of legislation. That's right. This horse's ass actually proposed a piece of legislation limiting Biden's ability to sell national oil reserves to China. She evidently doesn't know that China has a rather lucrative arrangement with the Russians when it comes to importing oil. Obviously reality has very little influence in her comprehension of the facts. It never has, it never will. And Margie's stunning attempt at writing a bill got all of 14 votes. That means over 200 members of her own party voted against it. That bit of a loss is beyond humiliation. In fact, nobody's favorite little Margie has only co-sponsored 4 pieces of legislation that have actually passed. Not surprising, this bottled bimbolina wants to be Donald Trump's running mate in 2024. I'm serious. You can not make this shit up.

  36. #1786
    A Month In and How's The GOP Doin' So Far?

    Just like Missouri did last week, this week members of Florida House staff leadership, who are appointed by Republicans, have posted flyers throughout the Capitol showing what to wear; women are being asked to never show their shoulders when House members are present in the building.
    Now, to be fair, the Florida Legislature—majority GOP—has had its fair share of sex scandals. In the past but are they suggesting women are to blame because of bare shoulders?
    This may seem minor, but it’s another case on GOP men not taking responsibility for their actions and requiring other people to adjust to fix the problem.
    Hey, GOP men of the Florida Legislature, stop bein’ so rape-y.

    I find it funny the GOP calls themselves the Party of the Working Class when one of the first things the new Congress does is offer up tax breaks to the rich, but this explains everything.
    Last week Republicans gathered in Florida to elect the chair of the RNC and the bitching and complaining began at once.
    Oh, not about the chair, or the election, but at the cost of everything. Rooms at the Waldorf Astoria Monarch Beach resort where the RNC met start $1,283 for Wednesday night—with a AAA discount—and $881 for Thursday; also included is a mandatory $55 a night resort fee. Parking your car is another $75, per day,
    The GOP ran on high gas prices, inflation, and are now railing about the cost of eggs, but choose a luxury resort that most of their constituents could never afford to hold their little meeting.
    Out of touch, much?

    North Dakota has a new proposed bill which reads:
    “A board of a school district, a public or private school, or a teacher in a public or private school may not adopt a policy establishing or providing a place, facility, school program, or accommodation that caters to a student’s perception of being any animal species other than human.”
    Yes,. The furries are back and are in North Dakota, according to rightwingnuts in the state GOP.
    One of the bill’s sponsors, loon and GOP Representative Lori VanWinkle said her state does indeed have students who don’t identify as human, but as “cats and dogs.”
    In addition to going after bathroom litter boxes, the bill also bans accommodations for transgender students.
    Like all the other GOP morons who ranted about furries and litter boxes, VanWinkle has offered no proof, not a photograph, not a witness statement, nothing, to prove her newest cause even exists.

    Karma is a fun bitch, you know? I mean, it was just a couple of weeks back that former Vice President Michael Elizabeth Pence demanded, with a foot stomp and a head snap, that a special counsel be appointed to look into President Biden‘s handling of classified documents, after a small number had been found in his former office and then at his home.
    On the other hand Michael Elizabeth Pence has said nary a word about appointing a special counsel to investigate the classified documents found at his private residence.
    Pence, who is expected to launch a 2024 presidential run, had taken to the right-wing media talk circuit, demanding “equal treatment” by the DOJ for President Biden, after AG Merrick Garland had appointed a special counsel in November to investigate Thing 45’s possibly criminal handling of classified documents.
    What goes around, Mike? Amirite?

    Fewer than one-third of Americans believe that House GOP leaders are prioritizing the country’s most critical issues.
    Just 27% of Americans believe that GOP leaders in the House have had the right priorities, 73% say they haven’t paid enough attention to the country’s most important problems.
    Border? Fentanyl? Inflation? Guns?
    Nope, Hunter Biden’s laptop.
    But it’s not just Democrats and liberals who are annoyed; 42% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents disapprove of the GOP leadership.
    Not a good look for the Party of Traitors.

  37. #1787

    Trump: I Trust Putin Over US Intelligence “Lowlifes”

    January 30, 2023 Donald Trump, Russia

    Posted this morning to Trump’s Truth Social account:
    Remember in Helsinki when a 3rd rate reporter asked me, essentially, who I trusted more, President Putin of Russia, or our “Intelligence” lowlifes. My instinct at the time was that we had really bad people in the form of James Comey, McCabe [[whose wife was being helped out by Crooked Hillary while Crooked was under investigation!), Brennan, Peter Strzok [[whose wife is at the SEC) & his lover, Lisa Page. Now add McGonigal & other slime to the list. Who would you choose, Putin or these Misfits?

  38. #1788
    I saw yesterday how Megyn Kelly decided to raise a bit of stink on social media about Dr. Jill Biden. She riled up a lot of people, which was her intention. I always find it amusing how easily some people can b e provoked, especial those who really ought to know better. I'm sure Meg got a few chuckles out of the reactions her comment received. Her sole purpose was to manipulate, and she succeeded. If you really want to irritate Meg, simply mute her. Believe me, getting only 50 comments rather than 800 is going to far more painful to her than you think. Not commenting is an attack on her ego. The only power she has is when people react. If you want rile up Meg, say nothing. If you follow her, unfollow. Believe me, it will drive her batty.

    One aspect of the horrendous beating and death of Tyre Nichols that I find fascinating was that while there were protests, none of the turned violent. No cars were set on fire, no windows broken, no stores looted. This is not what white conservatists were expecting. They were hoping to point fingers. That never happened. This is important because when Trump gets indicted, you quite probably will see something totally opposite from his MAGA base. Guess who will look bad? Guess which political party will be hurt?

  39. #1789

  40. #1790

  41. #1791
    Kev McCarthy was on CBS and got drilled by the correspondent. That seems to be happening more and more, doesn't it. His little forays into Sunday morning television are intended to fluff his ego and demonstrate his power... and they always seem to fail. He's one of those morons who never realized that respect is earned. Giving into the the far right, making concessions, and signing secret rules and regulations earns you nothing. Someone should tell that buffoon he wields zero power, not that he'd listen. Honestly, I don't even think he understands how weak he truly is.

    Trump's payment of hush money to Stormy Daniels is again back in the headlines. [[yawn)

    People are beginning to wonder how imminent the impending indictments of Orange Anus truly are. For many of us, imminent is in a few hours, possibly tomorrow... maybe. Yet since Fanni dropped that word all we've heard is silence. People are getting edgy. We've all been waiting a very long time. I'd always heard it was best to strike when the iron was hot.

  42. #1792
    I learned yesterday that imminent, in political jargon, means between 2 and 3 weeks. I know I, like a lot of people, thought that when Fani Willis said indictments were imminent was thinking 2 - 3 days. Perhaps this is why the Orange Anus is shrieking so wildly on Truth Social. His ALL CAP posts shriek of the sweet torture he's going through.

    People were pleased when George Santos chose to step down from his committee assignments. Let me remind you, his ex has stated that George told him the only reason he was running was to get both the lifetime medical insurance and the pension. Being on committees would mean he'd actually have to work. He is, truly, the epitome of every Republican out there.

  43. #1793
    The GOP is so out of touch with what the People want; they ran on the border crisis, the fentanyl crisis, inflation, eggs,. Gas stoves and now all you hear is Hunter Biden. Vote Blue forever.
    Prosecutors entered a Proud Boys handbook into evidence during one of the trials this week, and it outlines everything from the group’s ideology, communal initiation procedures, group songs and chants, to bizarre rules banning individual behavior including the wearing of fedoras … and masturbation.

    “This is our religion. A Proud Boy may not ejaculate alone more often than once every thirty days […] if he needs to ejaculate it must be within one yard of a woman with her consent. The woman may not be a prostitute.”
    The rule also denies an exception for cyber-sex with one’s wife and … Wait, forget about the rules on chicken joking, they have songs?? Are these just a bunch of radicalized showtune queens?
    Embattled GOP Congressional Liar George Washington Carver Gershwin Santos told House Republicans that he will step down from his committee assignments because he’s a distraction.
    Good first step, asshat, now step out of Congress.

  44. #1794

  45. #1795

  46. #1796

  47. #1797

  48. #1798
    This is AmeriKKKa.

  49. #1799
    Ted Cruz, GOP asshat from Texas, along with South Carolina GOP wingnut Ralph Norman, today introduced an amendment to the Constitution that would limit Senators to two six-year terms and Representatives to three two-year terms:

    “Term limits are critical to fixing what’s wrong with Washington, D.C. The Founding Fathers envisioned a government of citizen legislators who would serve for a few years and return home, not a government run by a small group of special interests and lifelong, permanently entrenched politicians who prey upon the brokenness of Washington to govern in a manner that is totally unaccountable to the American people. Terms limits brings about accountability that is long overdue and I urge my colleagues to advance this amendment along to the states so that it may be quickly ratified and become a constitutional amendment.”
    Ted Cruz is currently running for his third six-year term so the hypocrisy is real.
    Oh, because he says the new rule should only come into play after the date of the new amendment’s enactment.
    Again, though, pandering, lying, POS hypocrite.
    Tucker Carlson, Fox News snowflake and racist, blames Tyre Nichols’ killing on Affirmative Action:

    “The race riots of 2020 were never about George Floyd, obviously. That’s why there are no statues of him in American cities. They were about changing the country forever. The first step, of course, was defunding police departments across the country and forcing them to lower their standards to attract unqualified applicants: hiring officers based on skin color, rather than integrity or skill or self-control, all in the name of equity. Does that result in better policing? Well what happened in Memphis a few weeks ago is one indicator. At least two of the five officers that apparently beat Tyre Nichols to death were hired under lax diversity-driven standards. They were affirmative action hires. Yet instead of admitting that, and it’s true, the media are diverting attention from this fact by accusing these five officers, who are all Black, of somehow being white supremacists.”
    Once again, Tucker is showing his dumbfuckery.
    The riots after the murder of George Floyd weren’t “race” riots, there were protest by people of all colors and all ages and all genders who were, and still are sickened, by police officers around this country literally and figuratively, kneeling on the necks of People of Color.
    PS Fucker? There are statues and busts of George Floyd in several cities around this country, so if you’re gonna speak on something learn the facts.
    I kid. Fox News and Facts? Ain’t happening.
    Thing 45, on how he’d oversee Ukraine differently than Biden:

    “Well, what I would do, is I would, we would, we have tremendous military capability and what we can do without planes, to be honest with you, without 44-year-old jets, what we can do is enormous and we should be doing it and we should be helping them to survive and they’re doing ana amazing job.”
    Um could I get an extra side of ranch with the Illiterate Word Salad?

  50. #1800
    Jim Jordan, the man accused of covering up a sexual abuse scandal, taking on the Tyre Nichol’s beating:

    “Well, I don’t know that there’s any law that can stop that evil. What strikes me is just the lack of respect for human life. So, I don’t know that any law or any training or any reform is going to change. You know, this man is handcuffed; they continued to beat him. The fact that we saw that these five individuals did not have any respect for life. And again, I don’t think these five guys represent the vast, vast majority of law enforcement. But I don’t know that there’s anything you can stop the kind of evil we saw in that video. The federal government screws it up so many times. No amount of training is gonna change what we saw in that video.”
    Yes, he said it: the federal government screws it up so many times.
    We need police reform; we need instant firing of police officers abusing their power; we need arrests and trials and prison terms for those who literally beat Americans to death, because if we don’t t looks like we condone this behavior.
    Michael Elizabeth Pence, former Vice President, says he takes “full responsibility” for the classified documents found at his Indiana home.
    “While I was not aware that those classified documents were in our personal residence, let me be clear: Those classified documents should not have been at my personal residence. Mistakes were made, and I take full responsibility.”
    Pence also said Biden should take full responsibility—which he has—but Michael Elizabeth said nary a word about Thing 45;s theft of documents, lying about documents, hiding of documents.
    Michael Elizabeth Pence is an asshat.
    Nikki Haley, saying Mike Pompeo is lying that she tried to oust Michael Elizabeth Pence from being Vice President so she could step in:

    “I never had a conversation with Jared, Ivanka, or the president about the vice presidentship. What I will tell you is it’s really sad when you are having to go out there and put lies and gossip to sell a book. I don’t know why he said it, but that’s exactly why I stayed out of D.C. As much as possible to get away from the drama and get away from the gossip. I focused on my job, and that’s what I always did.”
    Funny then, that Nikki has been a prominent guest at Jared and Ivanka’s dinner parties and at the home of Jared’s parents, as she tries to launch herself as a viable presidential candidate.
    Nikki Haley is one of the worst, doing anything, saying anything, stepping over anyone, to get where she wants.


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