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  1. #51
    Hi Shaun. Iḿ looking forward to reading the piece. Joe Marchesi is going to send me a copy soon.
    Last edited by ralpht; 11-29-2022 at 02:52 PM.

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Gary, do you hear that oooooooo sound at the very beginning of Sunshine? That is Bongo Eddy using his middle finger rubbing the drum skin making that sound. He showed that to me before the session started and had me try it. I couldnīt make it happen. So I told Eddy to put it somewhere in the track. And he did just that. Thought this might lnterest you.
    Hi Ralph, I'm sorry to take so long to reply. I didn't see this post until just now. To tell you the truth, I hadn't noticed Bongo Eddie's special effect until just now. It fits perfectly as the first note of the intro. Anywhere else in the track, it would have surely been lost and never heard. [[Thanks for sharing that interesting morsel from the recording sessions. I love hearing about the behind-the-scenes goings-on -- especially at Motown!)

  3. #53
    Eddie was cool, Gary. He didnīt simply bang away on some hand drums. He knew what he was doing. And you are right, the effect would not have worked anywhere else in the song. Eddie was a bad-ass.

  4. #54
    Oops! I goofed up something here. Sorry about that! See next post below.
    Last edited by Philles/Motown Gary; 12-17-2022 at 04:34 AM.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Eddie was cool, Gary. He didnīt simply bang away on some hand drums. He knew what he was doing. And you are right, the effect would not have worked anywhere else in the song. Eddie was a bad-ass.
    Ralph, Eddie Bongo Brown's bongo playing on Norman Whitfield productions and Frank Wilson productions is outstanding. The guy could play! Glad to here that he was cool, to boot!

  6. #56
    Hey Stoney, Havenīt got mine yet, but I know I could probably get it on his website soon. Or maybe my copy will arrive. Thank you for what you sent me but it was difficult to read.
    Merry Christmas baby girl. Still trying to bring this mother home.

  7. #57
    Gary, Earl VanDyke may have been the professor of the Funk Brothers, but Eddy was the guy that kept things loose with his humor. Eddy didnīt read music so what he offered on a session was straight from the heart talent. He once offered an evening at his house with me and my wife. I would gave loved to have done that but I guess life got in the way and this never happened. Something I have always regretted.
    Last edited by ralpht; 12-18-2022 at 07:46 AM.

  8. #58
    Oh, what a shame it didn't work out, Ralph! You and your wife would have had a great time sitting around with Eddy, laughing it up and talking Motown memories.

  9. #59
    You hit the nail on the head, Gary. Eddy was as funny as they come. Richard Pryor had a line that I thought would fit Eddy to a tee. ĻThe boy could make you laugh at a funeral, Sunday morning, Christmas day.Ļ If that doesnīt describe funny, nothing does. Yeah, I missed a good one.
    Last edited by ralpht; 12-19-2022 at 09:23 AM.

  10. Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Hey Stoney, Haven't got mine yet, but I know I could probably get it on his website soon. Or maybe my copy will arrive. Thank you for what you sent me but it was difficult to read.
    Merry Christmas baby girl. Still trying to bring this mother home.
    Sorry it's taking so long for you to get the magazine!!
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a very prosperous New Year! I send that out to everyone as well......it's been a rough few years, and trying to get back on track has been so difficult for so many.......Love to you all, especially you Ralph, you've been in my corner for all these years! XO, Shaun [[Stoney)

  11. #61
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    PDF of article from Record Collector UK magazine -- Record Collector is a British monthly music magazine. It was founded in 1980 and distributes worldwide.

    Last edited by 9A; 12-26-2022 at 07:34 AM.

  12. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by 9A View Post
    PDF of article from Record Collector UK magazine -- Record Collector is a British monthly music magazine. It was founded in 1980 and distributes worldwide.


    I would like to thank Charles Donovan and Record Collector magazine for this excellent article.

  13. #63
    It pleases me to see the thread on Patti Jerome. As previously mentioned she was a major contributor in writing for the Stoney and Meatloaf release.

    After Harry left Motown, he received a very generous offer to run a Canadian record company. However, Patti wanted to get into movies so Harry passed on the offer and he and Patti moved to L.A,where she needed to be to chase her dream. She never made the big time but was rather successful getting small TV parts. She would catch me by surprise more than once in my evening TV viewing.
    Last edited by ralpht; 01-08-2023 at 03:10 PM.

  14. #64
    I suppose enough time has passed to make me realize the Stoney and Meat Loaf re-issue is not up to expectations. Real Gone Records produced a very professional product which I appreciated. The flurry of preparation for the release took a bit of effort on all involved and, because of the nature of the album, I was sure we had a winner. I guess what I most appreciated was the constant communication between all involved with the release. I have always been a stickler for communication. At Motown I could get on the phone to the Sales Department and get an update on sales, no problem. Now any response I get to my emails seeking information, is crickets. Maybe the powers that be are reluctant to give me less than good news. If that is the case, I appreciate the thoughtfulness, but this wasn't my first rodeo. I can handle disappointment. Between interviews and various correspondence, I feel I have done the lions share of promotion. I reached out to some DJs I know but have not heard anything as of now.
    I really wanted this to flourish for Stoney's sake. She is a major talent that has paid her dues and then some. I hope I haven't let her down.
    So that is the latest update on Everything Under The Sun. I will always believe in the album and was proud to once again represent Meat Loaf. Just thought you guys that have been so supportive should get the update. Your support and good thoughts were very much appreciated by myself and Stoney.
    Last edited by ralpht; 02-19-2023 at 07:08 PM.

  15. #65
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    How disappointing this music industry can be. I'm really sad for you and Stoney.
    I know how much heart you put into this project. The album should have dropped
    decades ago, with the right people calling the shots.


  16. #66
    I'm probably looking at this with rose-colored glasses and all but just the fact that this project was done, and done in such a beautiful package, is something to be celebrated. Even if the awareness by the industry or marketplace isn't all you had hoped for, the fact is that I think there are people who normally may not have purchased this music who are now singing "I'm a believer!" I'm one of them.

    Sometimes I find it shocking the artists who STILL haven't been inducted into the so-called Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Well, let's face it, the industry movers and shakers seem to be made up of people who have an odd passion for dropping the ball on these decisions over and over. Radio is even worse. The fact that you made such headway against tides as monumental as this indifference for everyone not named Beyonce or Taylor Swift is remarkable.

    The CD is out there to be discovered. People WILL find it - maybe a bit slower than hoped for, but when they do, they won't find a shoddy, tacky, ugly bargain basement hack job with graphics uglier than Hell; it will be YOUR Uber Cool & Classy display of respect for this music. Newer fans will be made for Stoney and Meat Loaf. Think of it as a Quiet Movement that you spearheaded.
    Last edited by WaitingWatchingLookingForAChance; 02-20-2023 at 10:20 AM.

  17. #67
    Waiting....Thank you for your positive spin on this. One never knows what happens once an album is released where it will go. You make some valid points. I remember Rare Earth's Get Ready kicked around for the better part of a year before it found an audience. I do still believe in the reissue and its possibilities. I just would appreciate a little more support from the Real Gone family.

  18. #68
    Well said, Ralph!
    I haven't been able to get together again with Meat's wife, Deborah, but will keep trying.....
    You have absolutely bent over backward for this project, and I so appreciate all your efforts...... Thank you, thank you, thank you.....
    After all the years in the making, it's still so puzzling that the outcome was just a one-shot deal!! I can't imagine that the CD's that followed, on the heels of our release, the company took as much care, and also, the lengthy 'foraging' for history and information on the other releases.....maybe they thought that since Meat's passing, the CD just didn't have the 'legs' they were hoping for.....
    Forever grateful to you, my friend,

  19. #69
    I ran across a Hunter Thompson quote regarding the music business. It hit me rather funny but also a clear ring of truth in those words.

    “The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.”

  20. #70
    I find it interesting that this thread is getting about a thousand hits a month. That is rather remarkable For the SD Forum. I often wonder what percentage of those hits result in a CD sale?
    Last edited by ralpht; 02-21-2023 at 09:51 AM.

  21. #71
    Well I bought it and it's a beautiful package. I really hope sales have exceeded Real Gone's expectations. Grateful to all involved.

  22. #72
    Thank you Mystery Singer. It is the sales figures that I can't seem to get information on.

  23. #73
    Hi Ralph, sorry to hear your disappointment about the set. I put Everything on the Sun on my Christmas list last year, although I only received it a couple of weeks ago and have yet to play it! However, it looks to be an excellent set and having listened to some of the tracks from the original LP online, can't wait to hear the whole thing.

  24. #74
    Wow Tom. Wonder what took so long to get to you. Please let me know what you think of it.

  25. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Wow Tom. Wonder what took so long to get to you. Please let me know what you think of it.
    It was from my Secret Santa, who couldn't get it in time for Christmas!

    I certainly will do though Ralph.

  26. #76
    Cool, Tom. Better late than never.

  27. #77
    Okay, I have egg on my face. I’m late to the game. I just noticed in my draft folder that I still had my comments about the Stoney & Meatloaf CD release that I thought I had posted months ago. Ooops!

    I was thrilled when I heard that this album was finally going to have a CD release. I had been waiting for so long. Fortunately I had a CD-R which I burned from the original Rare Earth and Prodigal vinyl albums. Having placed my order right away with Real Gone I was also a beneficiary of a signed copy by Shaun Murphy - thank you Real Gone and Shaun Murphy for that something extra special.

    I can't recall when I bought the vinyl album. I know it was in a discount bin in the early or mid-seventies. It became an immediate favorite, especially Sunshine [Where's Heaven] with Stoney’s haunting vocals. I found other copies for close Motown friends, who also became transfixed by Sunshine, along with other favorites, as well as with Stoney’s voice.

    I loved every song on the original album, particularly Sunshine and Lady Be Mine. The uptempo songs I could easily see any Motown act recording and was surprised that some of these songs weren’t appearing on other Motown albums. It has long been a favorite of mine and I usually played it once or twice a year. This new collection I’m now playing about once a month.

    I'm enjoying the new tracks on CD-2. However, Sunshine is a bit disappointing in its new arrangement. As Gary mentioned above, it lacks the punch that the original has. I feel this new arrangement is more Pop which ruins the mood. My current favorite is Touch and Go. Just fantastic. I remember this from Al Wilson, Shaun really shines here.

    I recently played my CD-R of the Meatloaf album on Prodigal. I was always repulsed by the cover, and now relistening to the tracks that deleted Stoney’s voice I was wondering why Motown even bothered with this release. With all the great pics in the CD booklet, Motown could have easily issued a quality release with a new cover and a few new tracks. Real Gone should consider reissuing the original album on vinyl - or maybe a double album - but using the new cover from the CD collection, maybe in time for the next Record Store Day.

    I was disappointed to see the posts that mentioned sales seemed slow. I’m not surprised since so many people are now streaming. I was going to let my brother borrow this collection but he said he no longer has a CD player. My Motown friends have sharply reduced buying new CDs.

    The booklet with this collection is well-written and appears to be well-researched. Reading that Meat Loaf and Stoney have had a strong professional and personal respect for one another, and an enduring friendship, is heartwarming. The text is also a great view into the back-story of the album. Interesting that one of the tracks in its early form was being considered for The Supremes. Again, curious that none of the songs from this album were ever recorded by other Motown artists. I was also able to find a copy of Record Collector Magazine last November featuring the great article about this release. Has any US magazine written about this album?

    Another vote of approval came unsolicited from my partner. I usually play Motown female vocalists from the 60s, much to my partner's ongoing frustration. When he heard this new Stoney & Meatloaf CD playing he yelled to me that I was finally playing good music!

    Thanks, Reel Music, Ralph and Shaun for this great collection.

  28. #78
    Thank you johnjeb for posting. I appreciate your thoughts and take of the reissue. Like you I was completely baffled by the Prodigal release. A total embarrassment. I was never able to find how and why that happened. To date I have yet to get any kind of information from the principals involved in the project. Most disappointing.

  29. #79
    This info was produced at the time of the Big Pink issue of "Stoney & Meatloaf" - interesting snippets and worth reading until the end.

    I doubt this release had much of a bearing on the "Everything Under The Sun" collection - certainly I bought both releases.

  30. #80
    Wow, quite a bit of information there Mystery. The musicians listed on Jimmy Bell and Game Of Love are names I had forgotten. They were S&M's road band and I never got to know them, except for those sessions. I thought they were very good.

    Stoney had come to me with a request. I had been pushing her pretty hard because she could deliver, but she wanted a song she could just sing. I told her to pick the song, which she did. I then went to Meat and told him what I did for Stoney and to keep things fair, I told him to pick a song he wanted to solo on.
    And that is how I got Jimmy Bell and Game Of Love.
    Last edited by ralpht; 04-25-2023 at 05:02 PM.

  31. Thanks for the heads up, Ralph, on JohnJeb's post! I have, sadly, neglected your page......the world keeps happening....lol. Thanks to everyone wo has blessedly kept this thread going. I know Meat would have been overjoyed with all the responses..... Thanks, also to mysterysinger for the link, https://mljs.evilnickname.org/stoney...dmeatloaf.html Someone sure did their homework!!!
    I have come across a few CD's on eBay if people are still looking.....:
    Gotta run, Hugs to you, Ralph and everyone....
    Shaun AKA, Stoney

  32. #82
    Good to see you Shaun. Hope you're keeping busy.

  33. Hey everyone, Just wanted to take a second to say hello to y'all!!! I can't believe it's already been almost a year since Meat passed.....He will be forever missed.....he was a great guy, and I'll surely miss our talks......thank you all for keeping the candle burning for him!!!! XO, Shaun [[Stoney) https://shaunmurphyband.com

  34. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by Shaun Murphy [[Stoney) View Post
    Hey everyone, Just wanted to take a second to say hello to y'all!!! I can't believe it's already been almost a year since Meat passed.....He will be forever missed.....he was a great guy, and I'll surely miss our talks......thank you all for keeping the candle burning for him!!!! XO, Shaun [[Stoney) https://shaunmurphyband.com
    Hi Shaun!

    Wow! I can't believe that we've almost gone around the bend again year-wise. The candle is burning brightly here at my house because I'm still enjoying the CD, probably more than when I first bought it. I'll keep talking about the CD anytime and anywhere I can. Have a fantastic week!


  35. #85
    I was just in touch with Shaun yesterday. I'll forward your post to her. I'm sure she would be more than happy to see this.

  36. Hey Tomo!! Good to hear from you..... So glad you're liking the CD as much as i still am. Things are pretty quiet here in Nashville, at the moment, lol, but it is New Years Eve......
    Hope you have a fantastic 2024, and keep rockin', that's what I intend to do!!!! https://shaunmurphyband.com

  37. #87
    Hi Ralph, I just sent you an email regarding this.

  38. I wanted to thank you for the birthday wishes!!!! Still goin' strong here...... XO

  39. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by Shaun Murphy [[Stoney) View Post
    I wanted to thank you for the birthday wishes!!!! Still goin' strong here...... XO
    Good to see you back on here Shaun - wishing you a belated Happy Birthday for 6th May.

  40. #90
    Love your version of Touch and Go!

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