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  3. #1653
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    Chasten Buttigieg, husband of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, condemned Lauren Boebert for her tone-deaf statement about the Club Q shooting:

    “You encourage this type of hatred. Get off Twitter and start looking inward. Republicans continue to run on and spread anti-LGBTQ ideology and hatred while refusing to lift a finger on gun violence. This is preventable, but only if they start seeing LGBTQ people as equals, and themselves as leaders.”
    The GOP has the blood of Daniel Aston, Raymond Green Vance, Kelly Loving, Ashley Paugh and Derrick Rump on their hands. As I said on FB:

    Just a note to the GOP, though I know they aren't listening because they never seem to listen:
    When you denigrate the LGBTQ+ community as "groomers" of children and when you shriek that Drag Queens reading books at a library to children is somehow predatory, you feed the hate that cost the world five beautiful souls this weekend.
    So, please, shut your fucking mouths, stop with the "thoughts and prayers" bull shit because you don't care as long as the gunman is killing all the "right" people.
    Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State, rips FIFA over their ban on Rainbow armbands:

    “It’s always concerning … when we see any restrictions on freedom of expression. It’s especially so when the expression is for diversity and for inclusion, and in my judgment, at least no one on a football pitch should be forced to choose between supporting these values and playing for their team.”
    FIFA should have never let the games be played in a country rooted in anti-LGBTQ+ hatred. It's the "little" things like telling athletes they can't wear an LGBTQ+ ally patch that spurs on bigots with guns to shoot us dead; the hatred starts somewhere and this ruling by FIFA is partially to blame.
    Ben Collins, NBC News’ senior reporter, calling for media outlets to have a “come to Jesus moment” in the wake of the mass shooting at Club Q:

    “Here are some headlines that I wrote the last six months … ‘Fueled by parents far right machine anti-LGBTQ threats shut down trans rights and drag events' ... Remember, there was a drag event happening [at Club Q that night] … ‘Anti-trans stalkers at Kiwi Farms are chasing one victim around the world. Their list of targets is growing' ... that was a couple months ago … ‘Doctors under threat from far-right activists for providing trans care' ... ‘Boston Children’s Hospital faces bomb threat after right-wing harassment campaign’ ... there were three of those bomb threats … ‘FBI charges Massachusetts woman with Boston Children’s Hospital bomb threats’ ... so they found one of the people … ‘At least 20 Republican politicians have claimed that schools are making accommodations for students who identify as cats' ... That was before the midterms. Here are three more from my colleagues in the last three weeks … ‘As election nears some conservative groups have ramped up anti-trans campaign ads’‘Far right figures appear to be testing Twitter’s boundaries for anti-LGBTQ speech’‘GOP senator targets Tiktok influencer with anti-transgender taunt.' And I’m just wondering, what could I have done different? Seriously, as reporters what can we do different? Because there are five dead people in a strip mall—because that was the only place they felt safe, as gay or trans people in … Colorado Springs. And I am trying to thread this needle here. I’m trying to say that this is happening. This targeted stuff has real life impacts.”
    The media needs to cover this for what it is: mass murder. And they need to call out those who perpetuate hate which leads to mass murder. And they need to call out every single Republican who, after any other mass shooting, offers “thoughts and prayers” to the victims, but after the murder of LGBTQ+ Americans, they stay silent.

  4. #1654
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  5. #1655
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    The former leader of the free world lashed out on Thursday at one of the prosecutors investigating alleged misconduct.
    "The Manhattan D.A. Case should never have been brought," Trump posted to his Truth Social website.
    He also attacked the Mazars Group, which used to handle the accounting for the Trump Organization.
    "This case should be dismissed immediately, and the large, highly paid and 'prestigious' accounting firm that we relied on to do their job, but didn't, should pay us a fortune in damages," Trump said.
    As he often does, he labeled the investigation "a total witch hunt!"
    Two minutes later, he returned to Truth Social to post the quote,
    The quote is similar to the famous "give me liberty or give me death" quote founding father Patrick Henry said when speaking at the Second Virginia Convention in 1775.
    Less than one hour later, Trump complained about judges and justices, claiming "it is almost impossible to get a fair decision on a case if you are a Republican. Sorry, but that's just the way it is!"

  6. #1656
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  7. #1657
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    Evidently The Former Guy ruffled some feather by hosting a dinner with Kanye the Anti-Semite, who, supposedly, just happened to bring Nick, the pro-Nazi white supremacist as a guest. Now tell me, why would anyone be surprised? Does anyone think trouble might be brewing? Is Trump foreshadowing in plain sight? Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Trump is not stupid. He wants to be a huge player in world politics. The Republicans thought he was their savior, Reagan reincarnated as a grifting conman, uniting America. He isn't, and was never going to be another Reagan.

    I noted previously Billy Barr saying Trump would destroy the Republican party if he didn't get the nomination. Well, this should come as no surprise, but he's going to be destroying it a lot sooner. Like... oh, say, after he gets his first indictment. On Thanksgiving he posted "give me freedom, or give me death" on Truth Social. That was his first salvo. He is prepping all of those MAGA and Qanon loyalists. His comment was in a similar vein to what he was Tweeting before January 6. The instant he makes his first perp walk, he wants them to rise up. In his eyes, Kanye and Fuentes are allies. Remember Portland, OR during the BLM protests? Well, that's what the Orange Anus envisions, lots of Portlands springing up across America defending him. When that happens, the Republican party will be dead. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. He believes Civil Unrest will save his ass and carry him forward. It won't. We had a Civil War in which leniency reigned, the leaders went free. That will not happen this time. America will have had enough of this shit.

  8. #1658
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  10. #1660
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    Early voting has started in the Georgia run-off. Republicans hate this. Their idea of a fair elections restrict the times and places Americans can vote. They believe such limitations decrease Democratic turn out. This has been proven wrong time and time again. In their tiny minds long lines lead to Democrats choosing not to wait, deciding not to vote, and simply shrugging off the election. Every election has proven that these beliefs are fallacies. Democrats have no problem waiting in line to voice their opinion. Republicans will never understand this, to do so would me that they are wrong, and how in hell could that be true.

    And, of course, there's another vote that's being tracked besides the one in Georgia. Who is going to be the Speaker of the House? Kev McCarthy is so desperate to be in charge, he kissed Donald Trump's... well, let's just say his ring, keeping in mind there are many kinds of rings on the human body. I'm betting that Kev is shitting in his pants right now. But then he does represent the Republican party, so I'd say quite a number of them are privately saying "oh, shit." And what happens if Kev doesn't become Speaker of the House? Will Trump start swinging his sledge hammer? Or, will he quietly vent on Truth Social? I'm doubting that will never happen.

  11. #1661
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    My Two Cents: Lauren Boebert Can Fuck All The Way Off

    In the wake of the shooting at the Club Q in Colorado Springs, Representative, and moron, Lauren Boebert is defending her past anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-transgender tweets, but let’s first read her statement, where bigot, homophobe, criminal, liar Lauren Boebert says she is a victim of the Club Q shooting:

    “I have been accused of just about every mass shooting there has been since the Left has learned of my name. Whether it’s Uvalde, or the King Soopers shooting in Boulder, Colorado, or the Buffalo, New York shooting, or even Paul Pelosi getting hammered. I have been blamed for all of that. I think the Left is pissed I won my election. And so they’re trying to find something to go after me about. I expressed my concern for the family, for the victims. And the way that they came after me is absolutely disgusting.”
    I personally don’t care that she won her election by about 500 votes; that’s a cross for the voters in her district to bear. I care that Lauren Boebert, who was nowhere near Club Q that night when the lunatic was shooting strangers, thinks she’s a victim because her pro-gun stance and her anti-LGBTQ+ stance are seen by many as reasons for the shooting.
    Your words are one of the man y reasons for the shooting, You spew hate and intolerance and then fight for the rights of anyone to own and carry a weapon, and what happens as a result of those two things is your fault,
    The only thing Lauren Boebert might be a victim of is being woefully out of her depth, incapable of thoughtfulness, and following the line of rightwingnuts who put guns over people lives, especially LGBTQ+ people. She carries some of the blame for this latest mass shooting because she has failed to support any effort that might have kept guns out of this shooter’s possession, and might have allowed Daniel Aston, Raymond Green Vance, Kelly Loving, Ashley Paugh and Derrick Rump to go home safe and sound that night.
    Lauren Boebert claims to be a victim of the Q shooting because of what she has said in the past about drag queens and LGBTQ+ people:

    “I have never had bad rhetoric towards anyone and their personal preference as an adult. What I've criticized is the sexualization of our children. And I've criticized men dressing up as caricatures of women.”
    She didn’t have “bad rhetoric”? Let’s just skip the fact that Boebert has no high school diploma, nor has she attended college and perhaps forgive her ignorance this one time, but … she also needs reminding that sexual orientation is not a preference, unless she can explain when and how she came to “prefer” men over women? But let’s also note that she thinks drag queens reading children’s story to children “sexualizes” those children and “grooms” the children.
    Grooming? Not a new word, though a new word the right uses to describe the LGBTQ+ community and drag queens; but “grooming” is the word once used to describe how child molesters entrap and abuse their victims and has nothing to do with our community or drag queens, except as a tool of spreading lies, hate and misinformation.
    Lauren Boebert has Tweeted that parents should take their kids to church and not drag bars, but she makes no mention at all of the pedophile priest scandal in the Catholic church, or the score of arrests, even in the last few months, of so-called “men of God” and “leaders of their church” who have raped little boys and girls. In the real world, a child is safe at a drag show than alone in the room with a priest or minister or pastor who may be grooming them. In fact, Boebert, who clearly has never been to a Drag Queen Story Hour, seems to equate those events to strip club:

    “We don’t need 6-year-old children putting dollar bills in the thongs of grown men shaking and twerking in front of children … that is child abuse.”
    That does not happen at a story hour, but Lauren Boebert is too busy lying and spreading fear and hate to know that, even though she continues to spew that garbage. She has even gone so far as to suggest that minor children “can be chemically castrated.” Again, this is a lie; minors can only undergo gender reassignment surgery after years of therapies and with the consent of their parents or legal guardians.
    But Lauren Boebert is a victim because she protects gun rights over children in Texas, over shoppers in Buffalo, over people in nightclubs. Those lives, to Lauren Boebert, are meaningless because it’s the guns that matter, and the money the NRA funnels into her offices and campaigns.
    Lauren Boebert claims she is as much a victim as Daniel Aston, Raymond Green Vance, Kelly Loving, Ashley Paugh and Derrick Rump, or the kids at Uvalde, the concert-goers in Vegas, the worshippers at the synagogue, the shoppers at Walmart … and … and … and … Except Lauren Boebert is still alive and spreading hate and misinformation and lies written in the blood of true victims.

  12. #1662
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  15. #1665
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  16. #1666
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    Yet another brilliant remark from the one and only......

  17. #1667
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    The Senate passed the Defense of Marriage Act yesterday. This is a good win, but not a great one. States that do not recognize same sex or interracial couples will have to recognize those marriages if they are performed in a state which allows same sex or interracial marriages. Eleven Republicans helped pass this groundbreaking bill. This is a finger in the eye of those Cracker Jack Crazies who desperately want to use their mythology to define America.

    Elmer Stuart Rhoades lost yesterday. As one commenter put it, this was more embarrassing then shooting himself in his own eye. Guilty of sedition. A loss for Elmer is a win for America.

    And Markie Meadows was another loser yesterday. The South Carolina Supreme Court has ordered him to testify in front of the Atlanta grand jury investigating Trump's interference in their 2020 General Election.

    Everyone of these losses makes Trump a bigger loser. I don't know about you, but I'm just loving this shit.

  18. #1668
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  20. #1670
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    I spent my childhood watching "The Sound of Music" and "Cabaret", so I really thought the rise of fascism would have more show tunes.
    Kanye West said he’s planning a 2024 presidential run and has tapped far-right provocateur anti-LGBTQ+ homosexual Milo Yiannopoulos to work on his campaign. He has also asked white supremacist Nick Fuentes, with whom he dined at Mar-Illegal with Thing 45, to help him run for office.
    Let that sink in … the anti-Semite has asked a an anti-LQBTQ+ queer man and a Nazi to help him run for public office.
    Supervisors in Arizona’s Maricopa County voted unanimously to certify their election canvass ahead of a state deadline on Monday, defying Republican objections. The Republican-controlled board … read that again, the Republican-controlled board … ruled that no voter was disenfranchised.
    Oh Kari Lake, AKA Thing 45 in a Dress, you’re a loser.
    Candace Cameron Bure is the chief creative officer for the Great American Family Channel and is responding to media coverage regarding LGBTQ representation in the network’s programming. See, in a WSJ profile, journalist Ellen Gamerman asked Bure if Great American Family will feature same-sex couples as leads in its holiday content, and she “said no”:
    “I think that Great American Family will keep traditional marriage at the core.”
    Now, Bure is accusing the media of fanning “flames of conflict and hate” by reporting on her quote.
    “I would like to address my comments on Great American Family’s programming … All of you who know me, know beyond question that I have great love and affection for all people. It absolutely breaks my heart that anyone would ever think I intentionally would want to offend and hurt anyone.”
    Great love and affection but your marriages don’t matter and deserve no recognition.
    Fuck off, Candy.

  21. #1671
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    Oh this is such a shame. I mean, how he’ll ever make back the $25 million of his own money that he put into his campaign?
    This week the Senate voted 61-35 to advance the amendment to the Respect for Marriage Act that includes language related to religious liberty and conscience protections under the Constitution and federal law. It would also continue to prohibit polygamous marriage.
    This vote puts us one step closer to sending the bill to President Biden.
    PS Mitt Romney voted ‘Yes,’ while lifelong “confirmed self-loathing bachelor” and former Junior Miss, Lindsey Graham, voted ‘No.’
    Last edited by lakeside; 12-01-2022 at 12:15 PM.

  22. #1672
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    Yes, He Will Burn It All Down

    DECEMBER 1, 2022
    If Donald Trump can’t dominate the party, then he will seek to destroy it.
    From The Bulwark, by A.B. Stoddard:
    At his tired Vegas lounge act of a campaign announcement on November 15, Trump read from the prompter and it was so boring people tried to leave early. He was being disciplined and didn’t even mention the Big Lie—but he still included his essential ingredient, the persecution complex. “I’m a victim. I will tell you, I’m a victim,” he said. And this is what binds his most fervent supporters and remains his most potent weapon. Because his base knows that Trump is not just a victim of the Department of Justice, or a district attorney in Georgia, or the attorney general of New York—he is a victim of the RINOs complaining about his role in the midterms and coordinating to puff up DeSantis just because they can’t bring themselves to admit that overturning Roe had electoral consequences.
    Trump has, at worst, about an even-money chance to win the Republican nomination. Before the midterms, Vanity Fair reported DeSantis was willing to wait for 2028 so he wouldn’t have to take on Trump. That was before he ran up the score in his re-election contest. But beating Charlie Crist in an increasingly red state while successfully ignoring Trump isn’t the same thing as beating Trump for the nomination. Just as releasing a campaign video claiming “God made a fighter” isn’t the same as actually fighting Trump, either.
    And look at the rest of the Republican field: What’s their argument? None of them are running against Trump’s lawlessness or tyrannical instincts and they aren’t likely to distinguish themselves from each other on policy. What they think they can do is position themselves as polished Trumpists—savvier, more sophisticated culture warriors willing to dabble in illiberalism or authoritarian socialism, like using the state to attack the private sector. If the candidates nominated in 2020 and 2022 were more Trumpy, not less, the 2024 Republican contenders will likely run as Trump-lite, not as alternatives. If they do, then Trump has the best shot to win.

    And Republicans have another handicap in their attempt to unseat Trump: They have to worry that if Trump falls behind in the primary polls and another clear leader emerges, he will leave and trash everyone. He won’t wait to lose the nomination, since he cannot permit an actual defeat. He will eject himself in advance and campaign against the party.
    Chaos always wins. Trump can just grab Kari Lake or Marjorie Taylor Greene or whoever the MAGA Girl Wonder is that month and go nuts. He can pretend to start some candidacy somewhere, raise money, and sabotage the GOP nominee. And some portion of his voters will believe he has been cheated again, sold out by RINOs, and that voting Republican would be no different than voting for a woke socialist.
    Trump has prepared perfectly for this final conflagration, because his supporters know fraud follows him everywhere. When Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucuses it was rigged. When Hillary Clinton won the popular vote it was rigged. 2020—obviously rigged. And so the 2024 contest is his to be had—or it’s rigged, too.
    Most importantly, this campaign is a shield for Trump. He trusts his supporters will believe that any criminal charges he faces will be fake witch-hunts. He expects to raise a lot of money off of the outrage, and he also expects these developments to flummox his Republican opponents and adversaries.
    Because if there is a reckoning and Trump faces justice, are his Republican opponents going to defend the Biden Justice Department or Fani Willis, and tell Republican primary voters that the charges are credible and Trump’s conduct was criminal? Will they tell the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys to chill out and stop threatening the lives of law enforcement and prosecutors and judges and their families?
    How could they? These same people spent the last five years defending Trump from “witch hunts” and “fake news” and all the rest. They helped prime Republican voters to believe this stuff.
    Trump understands that anyone who dares to get into the race with him will have to agree that yes, it’s all a political persecution and Trump is innocent and that the best way to own the libs is to vote for him again. He’s the best middle finger available. They will have to say this because if they don’t, then they will either lose the primary or lose some sizable percentage of Republican voters.
    Trump rode to power by fighting the Republican establishment because he understood that it was weak. He realized that whatever Republican elites might say, they’ll always come to heel. Grab ’em by the insurrection. You can do whatever you want.

  23. #1673
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    Yesterday, the Democrats quietly transition power to a younger generation. This pleases me greatly. Young and diverse, this is the future of America. Say "hello" to Hakeem Jeffries, Kathrine Clark, and Pete Aguilar; not an old, white guy among them.

    The taxes for the old Orange Anus arrived in Congress yesterday. Will they be leaked. I'd say there's a possibility, though not until after he's indicted.

    And, speaking of indictments, I've been hearing a lot of hush hush regarding those members of the House who had requested pardons from Trump, the idea being that no one requests a pardon unless they did something wrong. The word is that certain names, Perry, Gohmert, Biggs, Brooks and Green, are very big blips on the insurrectionist's radar. Gaetz requested one, too, but his seems to have been more geared towards his sexual proclivities than anything else. This is important because the Republican majority in the House of Representatives is, shall we say, rather tenuous.

  24. #1674
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    A little message for dearest Candace Cameron Bure...and her whacked out, bible banging brother!

  25. #1675
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    Video - There is no difference between Fox News and Nick Fuentes

    Many have pointed that the Fox News Network mimics the language and narratives of white supremacists but without the label of "white supremacy." I think this video makes a very good case. It is from The Daily Show and compares things said by Fox News personalities to things said by infamous white supremacist Nick Fuentes. Fuentes has been in the news lately because of a recent dinner he had with Donald Trump.

  26. #1676
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    Thomas James, U.S. Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class and one of the Club Q guests who charged at the shooter, on why he did it and what the LGBTQ+ community needs to do:

    “I simply wanted to save the family I found. If I had my way, I would shield everyone I could from the nonsensical acts of hate in the world, but I am only one person. To the youth, I say be brave. Your family is out there. You are loved and valued. So when you come out of the closet, come out swinging.”
    Come out and fight to be treated equally in this country. Fight for your rights, fight for your lives, fight for a government that represents all the people.
    Keep in mind that it doesn’t take a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun, it takes a gay man with no gun who is tired of not feeling safe in his own country.
    Michael Elizabeth Pence, former Vice President, says Thing 45 “demonstrated profoundly poor judgment” for dining with Nick Fuentes and Kanye West:

    “[Thing 45] was wrong to give a white nationalist, an antisemite and Holocaust denier, a seat at the table and I think he should apologize for it. And he should denounce those individuals and their hateful rhetoric without qualification.”
    Michael Elizabeth Pence clearly still has Mother’s balls and is clearly trying to run in 2024, because now he’s getting tough on his old boss., but while they were in office Pence followed the racist traitorous leader like a dog.

  27. #1677
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  28. #1678
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    Judge Aileen Cannon, the Trump appointee, got her comeuppance yesterday by the 11th Circuit when they said her ruling for a special master was shit. Well, they didn't quite say it was shit, but their wording implied their total dismay with her for even making such a decision. Could her impeachment be in the works? There's a possibility.

    Kanye, the dotard, has been kicked off of Twitter. I haven't checked this morning to see how the Cracker Jack Crazies are taking it, but I suspect not too well. You see, when their definition of freedom of speech means they can go hardline hate and incite violence without any repercussions. I'm certain they're quite disappointed Elon has limits.

    And Newt Gingrich has, as certain people say, the sadz. He's lamenting... wait, that word's a bit weak, Newtie is whining that Joe Bide is far more successful than Republicans thought he'd be. In an out turn of phrase, he compares Biden to both Eisenhower and Reagan. HOLY SHIT! Newtie is upset because the tactics he developed to attack both Clinton and Obama are not working. Biden is getting things accomplished, and he's doing so because Republicans are crossing the line. Uncle Joe's agenda is popular with Americans, and when Republicans vote against it they look terrible. Take yesterday, with the vote to avoid a rail strike Republicans did something good, but then they shit in their pants by voting to not give railroad workers sick pay. They gave all of those MAGA railroad workers what they Republicans think they deserve: nothing. And so Newt's lamenting. He says they need to change their tactics, of course, that would mean they'd need to come up with an agenda to help the average American, not big business. That ain't gonna happen any time soon.

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  30. #1680
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    I know a lot of people are anxious for the indictments to fall. Everybody knows it's just a matter of time. The Georgia runoff election is tomorrow, results should be released probably tomorrow evening at the earliest. By Wednesday morning, America should know who won. The DOJ doesn't like to make political indictments preceding elections, since losing parties [[especially Republican) will look to place blame on any and everybody but themselves. The real question is if they will start to arrive prior to the Holiday and ruin Christmas for all those MAGAs?

    Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, from Georgia, has said that Herschel Walker "will probably go down as one of the worst candidates in our party's history." No shit Sherlock.

    Trump called for throwing out the Constitution. Did any Republican congressmen speak out against him? Mostly I heard and read them frittering around with words and catch phrases, like "he says all sorts of things." They made excuses. The ugly truth is that all they have are Trump and lies. Without those 2 things they are nothing, which means, for all intents and purposes, that right now the GOP is nothing. Republicans are dying on the cross that Trump built.

  31. #1681
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    Trump Stands in the Middle of Fifth Avenue and Shoots the Constitution

    DECEMBER 5, 2022
    From The Bulwark, by Dennis Aftergut:
    On Saturday, Donald Trump did not merely bet the farm on being elected president in 2024. He bet Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster, the golf links at Aberdeen, and the private jet, too. In a single social media post, he put his ability to defend against an indictment in even greater jeopardy than it already was.
    On Truth Social, he called for the overthrow of the American government—specifically, “for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution” in order to “declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER” from 2020 or “have a NEW ELECTION”:

    Trump writing that we should cancel the Constitution ranks right up alongside John Tyler’s support of the Confederacy as among the most shameful acts of a former president in our nation’s history.
    Trump was not just saying the quiet part of his entire political career out loud. He was screaming it straight into our eardrums.
    His disordered mind can only be thinking one thing: By racing far past the edge of the known political universe, he wins the gold medal in the extremism that the MAGA base craves. No rival can compete. He figures that’s how to guarantee his nomination and eventually the presidency, with its immunity from indictment.

    Out of his gourd with fear of federal prosecution, Trump does something that helps ensure its success.
    Think about four key crimes with which prosecutors could charge Trump for his role in trying to overturn the 2020 election and in fomenting the violent January 6th siege of the Capitol.
    First, seditious conspiracy, the subject of the Justice Department’s landmark conviction of two Oath Keepers last week. A prosecutor can prove the crime by showing an agreement between two people “to overthrow . . . by force the Government of the United States.”
    Suppose you’re Special Counsel Jack Smith. If your target openly calls for the termination of the instrument that establishes the federal government, you’re a good way closer to proving his readiness to overthrow it than you were the day before he made his statement.
    As part of the charge, suppose prosecutors are trying to show that a core component of Trump’s sedition was to stop one of the defining political traditions of our republic—the peaceful transition of presidential power. Then one day, Trump says, We need the Constitution terminated so we can undo the transition that happened. That would bring prosecutors so close to home they could smell bread baking in the oven.
    Second, take the crime of insurrection. Under federal law, it is punishable by a fine, up to ten years in prison, and permanent disqualification from “any office under the United States.” While the law does not clearly define insurrection, a historically informed and common-sense interpretation of the term would suggest that prosecutors would have to prove that the target intended an “act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.” For that, there’s not much better evidence than him calling for abolishing the document on which the established government’s authority rests.
    Third, should Smith aim to charge Trump with obstructing an official proceeding—the joint session of Congress on January 6th to certify President Biden’s election—prosecutors would need to show that Trump did not want that certification to occur. His post stating that it never should have happened and should still, two years later, be overturned seems like it would be of some use.

    Fourth, there’s the potential charge of conspiracy to defraud the United States. It is proven by an agreement aimed at interfering with the government’s lawful functions; in this case, the function of certifying the election. Again, it sure helps to prove that aim if your target is outspoken about his continuing desire to have the certification nullified.
    Safe to say that Trump’s criminal lawyers will be doubling down on the Xanax after Saturday’s social media post. He just did enough damage to his defense that one might even infer that he doesn’t believe it’s likely to work—that, to the extent he’s thinking this through at all, he thinks something like Why not take extreme measures to regain the protection of the presidency? Even if I hand my jailers another padlock, I can cut it when I’m back in the Oval Office.

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    Of course, it's election day down in Georgia. Is everybody sitting on pins and needles? Some media outlets are saying the contest is too close to call. I suspect this is more a ploy on their part to drive up ratings. They want people across the country to watch, it's good for ad buys. This is a problem, not, as the MAGAs say, they create fake news, rather they tend to create fake drama. Every pundit needs to put in his 2 cents to feed his or her ego. The words spilling from their lips are not necessarily what they actually believe, and they do use their platform to, if at all possible, drive up ratings. Ratings = ad buys. The more money advertisers are will to spend, the bigger the smiles in the corporate offices.

    Me? I'm thinking Warnock has this in the bag. He's been through this before, remember, and last time his competition was not as stupid as Walker.

    The NYT has an interesting take on Evangelicals and Trump. Leaders of the far right Christian group are seeming to have second thoughts about The Former Guy. Some are implying Trump may have used them the same way he used Stormy Daniels [[my allusion). Well, no surprise there. However, these leaders have a problem. They've spent years festering the belief that God sent Trump to give them what they've been praying for: a socially conservative country. They have groomed their followers to say things like Trump doesn't lie, he's just being brash. Now, these leaders are concerned. "We don't want a Republican civil war," they whine. Someone should have told these dumbshits that every thing has a price, and Trump is going to extract every single penny he believes they owe him.

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  39. #1689
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    Last edited by lakeside; 12-08-2022 at 10:08 AM.

  40. #1690
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    It Gets Better

    Ted Cruz's daughter is his worst nightmare. Well one of them, I suppose. You gotta believe that man is haunted by dozen of demons.

    So, his 14 year old daughter, who allegedly came out as bisexual last year [[I missed that one, should it be true) and tried to self-harm yesterday, or the day before. Some are speculating it was beyond self-harm and was attempted suicide.

    Of course, I feel bad for the child. We - as an LGBTQ group - have advocated for "It Gets Better" and places like the Trevor Project for those who are at risk for suicide because you identify as LGBTQ. She is one of these who can be helped.

    I don't feel bad for her father. At all. Not an iota. Even if she was successful in her attempt, I wouldn't have an ounce of sympathy or empathy for the man.

    Does this make me a bad person?

    The question is rhetorical, because I really don't care. Much like Ted doesn't care - for the people who identify in similar fashions as his daughter does.

    He lives in, and represents, a state where is a reportable and investigational offense for anyone performing gender-affirming care to trans youths. Just last month, Ted was one of the 39 people in the senate to vote against the Respect of Marriage Act.

    And now he wants us to respect his family's privacy.


    You are a man who gets, and deserves, zero respect. You're vile. You're a hater. You're a hypocrite. You're a liar. You look like you smell something bad 100% of the time. I mean, you can't be blamed for how you look, but I thought I'd throw it in there.

    At least Rob Portman had the gumption to vote for same sex marriage when his son came out as queer. Oh sure, he was a hypocrite about it because he talked about the hate of gay marriage till he found out his son was a nancy-boy. While we benefited from that vote, let's make it clear - Rob didn't do it for you or me, he did it for his son. Period.

    Honestly, with parents like Cruz and Portman, I'd consider a way out too - though it would be more with a duffle bag, my ATM card and my thumb.

    Teddy can't privately support his daughter while publicly vilifying the likes of her. I mean, how fucked up is that for a teenager to process? Of course, that is assuming that he supports her privately and not just berates her and tells her what a horrible person she is. If so, I'd self harm. No doubt about it.

    Here's the real problem: Ted won't learn from this.

    Even if he did - or allegedly did - I wouldn't believe a syllable he said. Not one. Now, that would be my problem, but he hasn't made himself human on any level and only spews negativity and hate. Honestly, can you show me one time where he hasn't, or hasn't attempted to pin blame on someone else [[read: a democrat)? I'll wait here, while you try to dig that up.

    So yes, Ted's daughter, it does get better. Unfortunately for you, that will be when you become an Emancipated Minor and get the fuck out of your father's house and state in which you live. Godspeed.

  41. #1691
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    After praising Adolf Hitler last week, Kanye West and new buddy, Nazi Nick Fuentes, sat down with Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes to demand that Jewish people “forgive Hitler”:

    “Jews should work for Christians,. I’ll hire a Jewish person in a second if I knew they weren’t a spy and I could look through their phone and follow through their house and have a camera all in their living room.”
    Someone needs to lay hands on Kanye … and put him in a hospital where he can get back on his meds.
    Metzger Bar and Butchery, a restaurant in the Union Hill neighborhood of Richmond canceled a reservation for a private event being held by a conservative Christian organization, citing the group’s opposition to same-sex marriage and abortion rights:
    “We have always refused service to anyone for making our staff uncomfortable or unsafe and this was the driving force behind our decision.”
    Hate should always have its reservations canceled.
    The Red Oak Community School in Ohio canceled its “Holi-Drag Storytime” event last week at the last minute due to a security threat from the Ohio Chapter of the Proud Boys.
    Proud Boys? Seriously? With ball caps pulled down low on their heads and masks covering their faces? Chickenshit little unemployed basement living gamers whose mothers want them gone is more like it.
    On the other side of the coin, a group of protestors gathered at the Staten Island Children’s Museum to oppose a “Drag Story Hour” but their jeers had little effect.
    In fact, the event’s organizer, Yun-Hee Proffit, said the protest, led by local artist Scott LoBaido, up there with his idol, achieved the opposite of its intended effect by reinforcing their drive to host more events that promote acceptance and inclusivity.
    Meanwhile … Myrtle Beach Police are working to determine who emailed a bomb threat to the Mr. Fish Seafood Restaurant that led to the evacuation of a drag show brunch. The email read:

    “We have placed several bombs in the Mr Fish Restaurant … We are not terrorists hurt children which is why you have this warning to evacuate. You b—— are all child abusers and will all burn in hell. This event is grooming children. For all of human history its been known that the innonence of children should be preserved, you are scarring the future generations with your perverted fantasizes. You deserve to die and we will kill all you f—— for preying on children.”
    I suggest a course in spelling first because this note, perhaps written in crayon, was penned by a moron.
    Actor-writer-producer—Christian loon Kirk Cameron wrote a children’s book that celebrates family, faith and biblical wisdom and wanted to hold Christian Story Hours, but over 50 public libraries have either outright rejected him or not responded to requests on his behalf. And better still, many of those libraries are actively offering “drag queen” story hours or similar programs for kids and young people.
    The Rochambeau Public Library in Providence, Rhode Island, for instance, told Cameron and his book publisher:

    “No, we will pass on having you run a program in our space. We are a very queer-friendly library. Our messaging does not align.”
    Buh bye.
    Shannon Epstein, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s niece, was likely drunk and high when she was kicked off a Spirit Airlines flight after causing a ruckus on a flight from New Orleans to New Jersey by acting aggressively and asking a Latino family sitting nearby if they were “smuggling cocaine.” She later screamed at police:

    “Do you know who I am? I’m Chris Christie’s daughter and you’re so f—ed. You will lose your job over this s—. I know [Thing 45]. By this time tomorrow you will both be in jail. What the f— did I do? I’m a lesbian. Is that it? Do you want to put your dick in me? That’s it, isn’t it. That’s what this is all about? You want to put your dick in my mouth, don’t you? You’re so f—ed, you asshole.”
    During her arrest, Epstein kicked, bit, scratched, and spat on police officers, and accused them of thinking she had, ahem, “cocaine in my pussy.” She’s been charged with multiple felony counts and is free after posting $10,750 in bail. Christie has not responded to press inquiries.

  42. #1692
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    Isn’t it funny just how quickly Miss Lindsey and Rafael Cruz forgot all about Herschel Walker. Why it’s almost as if they were just pandering that poor delusional man for votes.

  43. #1693
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    Thursday, December 08, 2022

    Long-time opponent of LGBTQ community Vicky Hartzler wept in muted fury against passage of Respect for Marriage Act

    Long-time opponent of LGBTQ community, Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler can only weep at the end of her speech while unsuccessfully attempting to keep Respect for Marriage Act from passing the House.

    The House passed Respect for Marriage Act today and President Biden will sign it soon. But the moment folks are talking about is below:

    According to The Advocate:

    Anti-LGBTQ+ U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler of Missouri started crying on the House floor Thursday as she begged her fellow representatives to vote against the Reflect for Marriage Act, which will write marriage equality into federal law. “I’ll tell you my priorities,” said Hartzler, a Republican. “Protect religious liberty. Protect people of faith. And protect Americans who believe in a true meaning of marriage. I hope and pray that my colleagues find the courage to join me in opposing this misguided and this dangerous bill.” She teared up toward the end of her remarks.

    What the hell is she crying about? How can she even have the gall to cry as if someone is doing wrong to her? As evil as that woman has been to LGBTQ people throughout the years, she has got one hell of a nerve.

    Let me put it this way. There are people who don't like LGBTQ folks and then there are people simply can't stand us. And based on Hartzler' s legislative career, she simply could not stand us. I would venture to say that if given the chance, Anita Bryant would have pulled her aside to tell her to lighten up on LGBTQ people.

    To put it in ghetto terms, it seemed at times that Hartzler simply lived to fuck with us.

    According to a 2019 post I wrote:

    In 2010, Mother Jones magazine put forth the question "Is Vicky Hartlzer the most anti-gay Republican candidate in America?" and pointed out her record of targeting the LGBTQ community:

    Hartzler, who’s running in Missouri’s 4th Congressional District, opposes gay marriage, hate-crimes laws, and the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Those positions are common among congressional Republicans. But Hartzler has done more than merely take the standard GOP positions opposing gay rights—she has made a name for herself as an anti-gay crusader. Now she’s locked in a surprisingly close campaign with longtime Dem Rep. Ike Skelton, who was an architect of DADT. That’s right: Even in the district with perhaps the most anti-gay Democrat in the House, the Republicans still managed to nominate a candidate with a more anti-gay record.
    While in Congress, Hartzler was a driving force for Trump's ban of transgender soldiers in the military. In pushing for the ban, Hartzler:

    reportedly pressured Trump for weeks to make his decision to ban transgender troops.
    pushed for a controversial amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which would have banned the Pentagon from funding gender reassignment surgeries for service members. The amendment failed when 24 Republicans joined the Democrats to vote against it.
    and pushed inaccurate statistics to falsely claim that it was too costly for transgender men and women to serve in the military.

    And that's not even the half of it.
    GLAAD has an entire page devoted to Hartzler's myriad attempts to undermine and disrupt the lives of LGBTQ Americans via legislative action including:

    Voted against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act in 2019 because it required prisons house transgender people in facilities for people of their gender.

    Opposed the Equality Act, legislation to codify federal nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people in health care, housing, education, and other areas, falsely claiming, “This bill should be renamed the ‘Inequality Act,’ as its policies on the state level have already been used to eliminate safe spaces for women, irreparably harm children, trample parental rights, and undermine the free exercise of religion, and dismantle female athletics.”

    Coauthored a document which encouraged members of the Republican Study Committee to pressure Amazon to sell books promoting the debunked and dangerous practice of “conversion therapy” after Amazon said would no longer carry titles by Joseph Nicolosi, an “ex-gay” activist from the discredited fringe organization, NARTH, the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. Amazon removed books by Nicolosi, who is credited with originating the ineffective and harmful practice.

    It's obvious that Rep. Hartzler modeled her legislative career after the Disney classic cartoon Cinderella with herself portraying the wicked stepmother and the LGBTQ community as the long-suffering and much-abused-by-her-efforts Cinderella.

    But any hopes she had of redoing the ending of that movie went up in smoke when Hartzler, like the wicked stepmother, could only stand aside in muted fury while her plans of wrecking LGBTQ happiness were foiled.

    I love a happy ending. Unfortunately though, I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Hartzler. To paraphrase actress Agnes Moorehead in the 1950 classic movie Caged:

    "Keep [[her file) active. She'll be back."

  44. #1694
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    Vicki Hartzler, Missouri GOP Representative, literally weeping over the final vote for the Respect for Marriage Act:
    “This hollow amendment provides no tangible protections for religious schools. No protections for faith-based adoption or foster care agencies. No protections for Christian businesses who contract with the government. And no protections for civil servants that justly believe marriage is between a man and a woman. The bill’s implications: submit to our ideology or be silenced. This is yet another step toward the Democrats’ goal of dismantling the traditional family, silencing voices of faith and permanently undoing our country’s God-woven foundation. This is the Democrats’ priority.”
    Oh Vicki, kindly shut your fucking yap. This holier-than-thou-woe-is-me bullshit about your faith and your marriage being attacked because LGBTQ+ want a little equality goes against every single fucking thing Jesus ever stood for.
    Love and equality, Vicki, you dumb, dumb bitch. Not the story from the Bible you read which is about white hate-filled Jesus loving only white Bible thumping prigs.
    Fuck off Vicki. Fuck all the way off and save your pathetic tears for when you go home and snuggle up to your husband and he says, for the thousandth time “Not tonight dear, I have a headache from all your Bible thumping hate.”
    Why does she enrage me, you might ask? Well, for starters … Vicky Hartzler is one of the most vicious opponents of LGBTQ+ rights in Congress.
    She has hosted ex-gay torture advocates in her office right after Congressman Ted Lieu introduced a bill to ban the practice.
    She publicly pressured Amazon to resume selling books by the now-dead Joseph Nicolosi, the father of ex-gay torture.
    Before being elected to Congress, Hartzler headed the Missouri Coalition to Protect Marriage, which in 2004 backed the successful campaign to install a statewide constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.
    Hartzler has compared same-sex marriage to incest and pedophilia.
    Vicki Hartzler can kiss my white ass.
    Nikki Haley, former South Carolina governor and former US Ambassador to the United Nations, on a possible 2024 presidential run:
    “A lot of people have asked if I’m gonna run for president. Now that the midterms are over, I’ll look at it in a serious way and I’ll have more to say soon. For now, I’ll say this. I’ve won tough primaries and tough general elections. I’ve been the underdog every single time. When people underestimate me, it’s always fun. But I’ve never lost an election. And I’m not gonna start now.”
    Oh Nikki, you ass. You may not have ever lost an election but that was before you said in 2015 that Thing 45 had no business being president, and then became one of his lapdogs the minute he asked; and in 2021 you blamed him for stoking the insurrection and that he had no place in the GOP, but then said you’d support him if he ran.
    You can’t make up your mind or even keep to a cogent opinion.
    Sit down.
    Chris Christie, former New Jersey GOP governor, wants the party to move on from Thing 45:
    “It is time to stop whispering. It is time to stop being afraid of any one person. It is time to stand up for the principles and the beliefs that we have founded this party on and this country on. We keep losing and losing and losing, and the fact of the matter is the reason we’re losing is because [Thing 45] has put himself before everyone else.”
    Keep in mind that Christie has long been a Thing 45 supporter and is only speaking out now because he’s seeing cracks in Thing 45’s hold on the party.
    Charlie Kirk, self-proclaimed Christian nationalist—or as I call them, Nationalist Christians because you shorten it to Nat-C’s—on the trouble with families:
    “I think the American family’s breaking because of this subsidized, prolonged adolescence of infant boy—of like infant men of 26, 27-year-olds. I’m telling you, young men need to be treated a lot harsher than they are right now. And I know this, that sounds bad. They need to be challenged, put out into the wild, figure it out. You know, go, reach deep down and understand if you have testosterone or not, and then build something of value. At Turning Point USA, we now have a men’s summit where we—and our men’s summit is very different than our women’s summit—our women’s summit is really fun. And my wife speaks at the women’s summit, and you know, women come from across the country and they’re wearing dresses, lots of pink. Our men’s summit is out in the woods, no phones. We deprive you of calories, of sleep, we break you and we teach you something, and then you learn how to become a man.”
    So, men spend time with men in the woods and women wear pink dresses? Charlie sounds like a closeted homo looking for alone time with a burly young man in flannel who likes to be treated harshly, while his wife stays home and cooks and cleans.
    Rick Scott, GOP Florida Senator and healthcare fraudster, thinks only Christians should be allowed to immigrate to America:
    “Why don’t we have a legal immigration system for the people that want to come and live our dream, that want to live, that believe in our Judeo-Christian values? All right? Why don’t we want more? If we’re going to have more immigration, all right, let’s do that. These people that we have no idea what their background is, like in Afghanistan. We brought 79,000 people here from Afghanistan. Did we vet them? No! 79,000 were brought here, only because they were at the airport. 79,000 people. We didn’t vet them. We gave them American IDs. We have no idea where they are.”
    Of course, because Christians don’t murder people, sell drugs, rape women, cheat and lie. I mean all one need do is look at all the Christians in Congress to know that … oh, wait, never mind.
    Last edited by lakeside; 12-09-2022 at 11:08 AM.

  45. #1695
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    And now, about this self-serving Bitch.

    She changed her party designation to Independent. Honestly, when I saw that this morning I wasn't surprised in the least bit, however, I did blurt out two words: that Bitch. Comments I've seen in the Washington Post, and the NYT have almost all focused on the fact that she's always been self-serving, prioritizing her own need for attention over everything else. She doesn't give press conferences, doesn't openly seek the limelight, but everyone is always talking about her. The minute Warnock won, she became irrelevant. She could be ignored. No one was ever going to be wondering what Sinema was going to do, or if she was going to vote with her party, never again. She would be just another Democrat. So, what does this self-serving Bitch do? She changes party. Sorry, but congressman who change parties halfway through their terms are always asswipes. By getting elected, Sinema made a commitment to the people of Arizona who gave her their votes that she was going to represent them. Now, she's done something worse than simply ignoring those voters, she has dismissed their importance with a simple 'fuck you.' And it puts her in the spotlight. Paraphrasing Steven Beschloss, she has put herself on a whole new level of attention whore. Some are saying she changed to Independent in an attempt to save her political career. What career?

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  47. #1697
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    Like the snow, the fallout from Sinema's party switch is still falling. While some Republicans cheered at the Democrat's loss, they were few and far between, had she chosen to caucus with them, that might be different. Neither party wants to rely on a loose cannon to get their agenda either passed or blocked, especially since a small number of Republicans and Democrats have demonstrated a willingness to cross the aisle. Compromise seems to be returning making Sinema's vote even more obsolete.

    And now, a word about Aunt Vicky. A Republican congresswoman who was primaried out in these past midterms, Vicky Hartler has made national headlines over her tearful plea to shut down the Marriage Equality Act. Her gay nephew has publicly called her out; her office has no comment. Her tears represent more than her homophobia, there's anger and terror in those tears. Aunt Vicky, as are many intolerant Christians, is bitter because her strict religious beliefs are no longer being seen as an authority. Christianity is, in fact slowly evolving. This doesn't mean that Christianity is becoming kinder and gentler, just that the voice of one the most stringent apostles is being muted.

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  49. #1699
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    I don't know if anybody else saw it, but Michael Steele, who used to be the head of the RNC, said publicly that he hopes Trump is in jail by the time the 2024 election rolls around. That made me laugh. There is a small segment of Republicans who understand the amount of damage the Orange Anus is doing to the party. Honestly, if I were one of those Republicans, I'd want him in jail by next week so the public furor has a chance to die down. Well, that ain't gonna happen. He's going to be indicted maybe 2, 3 or 4 times, and then we're going to have to wait for the trial [[s), and all that time he's going to be taking a baseball bat to the Republican base. He will stretch this out until there are no Republicans left standing.

    Marjorie Taylor dumbass has said that had she and Steven Bannon been running the January 6 riot, they would have succeeded. Every time this stupid woman opens her mouth she dumbs down the GOP even more.

    Finally, Elon the Stupid tweeted some shit about how his intervention in Twitter is going to save civilization. He evidently doesn't realize that the number of people on Twitter is small, being dwarfed by the number of people on Facebook. He doesn't understand that quite a few of those people on Twitter aren't really people, just bots who will never be paying for a subscription. There's a good possibility he will not even be able to save his own ass, let alone civilization. He does put the shit in dumb shit.

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