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  1. #1551

  2. #1552
    Sometimes things make you wonder what in the actual hell are some people thinking, and doing, and saying …

    Out there in Washington, despite having disavowed White nationalism last spring when one of its adherents endorsed him, Republican Joe Kent, a US House candidate decided it would be smart to give an interview to a Nazi sympathizer and White nationalist in which he touted his support for far-right figures like Anti-Semite Marjorie Taylor Green and White Supremacist supporter Paul Gosar and praised MAGAt policies.
    Okay, people in Washington's 3rd Congressional District, take him at his word: he supports Nazis, White Supremacists and Anti-Semites; is that who you want in your state Congress?

    QAnon nutbag DeAnna Lorraine also spoke with a Christian nationalist—I call them Nationalist Christians because then you can call them what they really are: Nat C’s—Laura Witzke and said this:

    “We understand that the deep state, they have weather manipulation technology. They have DARPA [Defense Advanced research Projects Agency]. They know how to manipulate and create big storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, climate change, etc. And these huge hurricanes always seem to target red states, red districts. And always at a convenient time, right before elections or in this case possibly because Ron DeSantis has been stepping out a line a lot and challenging, fighting the deep state.”
    Yes, the Democrats and the deep state are so powerful that they can send hurricanes to Florida because they don’t like Ron DeSantis; except we all know DeSantis is fucking Florida all on his own.

    In Congress twelve GOP senators, most of whom are on the Senate Judiciary Committee, asked Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray to justify the show of force that accompanied the arrest of Mark Houck.
    Houck, president of The King’s Men, a Catholic ministry created to “unite and build up" men, has twice assaulted a man because he was a volunteer reproductive health care clinic escort.
    Houck is said to be pro-life except when he is shoving women’s rights advocates to the ground, and the GOP doesn’t think he deserved to be arrested because it happened in front of his children.
    Maybe he shouldn’t have assaulted anyone, eh?

    In Colorado, the GOP candidate for governor, Heidi Ganahl, is trotting out the Furries Conspiracy again, saying students in Colorado schools are self-identifying as animals:

    “Not many people know that we have furries in Colorado schools…kids identifying as cats. It sounds absolutely ridiculous, but it’s happening all over Colorado and schools are tolerating it. It’s insane.”
    Except for the fact that one school district she called out, Jeffco Public Schools, released a statement:

    “There is absolutely no truth to this claim. There are no litter boxes in our buildings and students are not allowed to come to school in costume. There are no furries or students identifying as such during the school day.”
    But hey, if it gets you elected the GOP will try anything.

    Down in Florida, GOP Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott sent a joint letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee chairs to secure funding “provide much needed assistance to Florida” in the wake of Hurricane Ian. Good, except that when the bill was voted on, Rick Scott voted 'No,' and Little Marco didn't even show up to vote.
    Meanwhile, in the House the vote to offer assistance was approved by a vote of 230 to 201, with Republicans overwhelmingly opposing the measure; and every single Florida Republican House member voted against it.
    The GOP in Congress doesn’t even care about their own constituents in the aftermath of a devastating hurricane.

    And, then again in Florida, a second-grader was expelled from Victory Christian Academy, a Christian day school, because her parents refused to take a picture of her in a bathtub.
    School officials at Victory Christian Academy told the girl’s parents that the picture was part of a homework assignment that included instructions to “send picture of you doing reading homework in bathtub,” and since they didn’t comply. the child would be subject to “an administration withdraw.”
    Let that sink in, a Christian wants parents to take a photo of their child in a bathtub and send it to the school … for what? I mean, I keep reading about these pastors and ministers and reverends and priests molesting children and now this school wants bath time photos.
    Who’s doing the grooming?
    After news reports exposed the bathtub homework and fallout, Victory Christian removed the assignment from the school’s second grade curriculum.
    Go figure.

  3. #1553

  4. #1554

  5. #1555

  6. #1556
    Asshat tech billionaire Elon Musk kinda pissed off Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany, Andrij Melnyk, after he Tweeted what he said Ukraine 'neutral' in the war so that maybe fewer people die, and Melnyk Tweeted to Musk:

    “Fuck off is my very diplomatic reply to you. The only outcome is that now no Ukrainian will EVER buy your fucking tesla crap. So good luck to you.”
    Musk telling Ukraine to remain neutral when they were the ones attacked is the height of ignorance. Elon Musk may have a lot of coins, but he’s an idiot.
    I saw this picture of Governor Ron DeSantis “aiding” in the cleanup effort on Florida and all I could think, or Tweet, was:

    “♫♪ These boots are made for stunting♪♫”
    Cuz they are.
    PS Rumor has it that his wife wears the pants in the family, so it's no surprise he gets the Go-Go boots.
    This is gonna get juicy … Marjorie Taylor Greene’s husband, Perry, has moved to withdraw a motion seeking to seal documents in their ongoing divorce case, meaning the matter could remain public.
    Sounds like Perry Greene wants the world to know all about Large Marge and her wandering vagina and maybe some of her not-quite-legal uses of campaign funds.
    And just before the midterms.
    Florida GOP Senator Rick Scott actually tried to justify Thing 45’s racist Truth Social post from last week in which the Thing said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had a “DEATH WISH” and called his former transportation secretary Elaine Chao “Coco Chow.” He flailed about after being asked to explain that and then spat out:

    “As you know, the president likes to give people nicknames. You can ask him how he came up with the nickname. I’m sure he has a nickname for me.”
    My money’s on Medicare Defrauding Pandering Lying Fuck.
    It appears Russia’s beleaguered enlistment officers are growing exceedingly desperate to get men to stop fleeing the country and join the military, so this week they are offering an enticement:
    Offering their families fresh fish.
    The local chief of Putin’s ruling party, Mikhail Shuvalov, promised comrades in the far-eastern Sakhalin island 5kg of flounder, pollock and salmon in exchange for sending their men to a war believed to have already killed 50,000 Russian soldiers.
    Russia takes your husband, possibly off to die, and you get fresh fish.

  7. #1557

  8. #1558
    That illustrious govern from Flori-dah.
    Who Wore It Better?

    Last edited by lakeside; 10-06-2022 at 05:43 PM.

  9. #1559

    Pastor Takes Authority Over Midterms In Jesus’ Name

    October 6, 2022 Christianists, Crackpots

    “Let’s pray in the holy spirit right now! Over these cities! Hollda mashanda legeesy maronda! Areeah mashonday laveeya mashaka khan! Heena mokorea deylageesha gay! Allah basharaka taykey alashonda!
    “Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Jesus! Say father, we take our authority! Over this election! Jesus is lord!
    “Over the midterm elections! In Jesus name!” – Pastor George Pearson, at the end of the clip below after spewing batshit claims that biblical scriptures are found throughout the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

  10. #1560

  11. #1561

  12. #1562

  13. #1563

  14. #1564

  15. #1565

  16. #1566

  17. #1567
    Trump Took J.D. Vance’s Dignity, Then Tim Ryan Erased it from the Historical Record

    OCTOBER 11, 2022 |
    Meanwhile, Tulsi Gabbard leaves the Democratic Party, in an unmasking that wouldn’t even surprise Scooby-Doo.
    From Esquire, by Charles P. Pierce:
    Tulsi Gabbard announced on Tuesday, with a profound and utterly artificial sadness, that she is leaving the Democratic Party because of a long train of abuses and usurpations that consist largely of rhetorical offal shoveled out of the offices of the Fox News Channel.
    I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.
    No way! She was a conservative all along!?
    “Stoke anti-white racism,” Gracie? Blow that dogwhistle harder and you’re going to pop a lung. Gabbard just has a higher profile than most of the Hardhat Whisperer caucus among the Democrats, who insist that the road to glory runs through “working class” neighborhoods and appeal to “working class voters.” Needless to say, the phrase “working class” does a lot of heavy lifting in these formulations. For example, Sen. Raphael Warnock works in an underpaid profession. Is he “working class”? Mandela Barnes was a fireman, for god’s sake. Isn’t that a “working class” occupation? [[Peggy Noonan always said it was.) How about Val Demings, a career cop? Working class? Just say “white men,” folks. It’s simpler.
    Which brings us to Rep. Tim Ryan, the Democrat running for a U.S. Senate seat from Ohio who is currently doing god’s work trying to keep Thiel-bot J.D. Vance out of the national legislature. Ryan is the beau ideal of the Hardhat Whisperer, which means he’s aggravating as hell, but he’s not completely mutinous in the manner of la Gabbard. For example, on Monday, he unburdened himself to NBC News:
    In an interview with NBC News after a campaign appearance Saturday in Cleveland, Ryan sounded resigned to going it alone. “The national Democrats … trying to talk them into a working-class candidate, it’s like pulling teeth sometimes,” Ryan said as he tossed a football with his 8-year-old son in a parking lot behind an Irish pub. “We’re in Ohio and we got a candidate running around with a tinfoil hat on. We’re out here fighting on our own. I mean, it’s David against Goliath.”

    Ryan has been a one-note piano on this subject for so long that there’s a Pol-Who-Cried-Wolf aspect to his current complaint, but it does sound as though the national Democratic Party was caught flat-footed by the impact in Ohio by the now-predictable Republican dark money asteroid. But later on Monday, in a debate against Vance, Ryan showed the rest of the party that there is a way to hang El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago around the necks of Republican candidates like a dead, rotting raccoon.
    Not long ago, the former president* came to Ohio and made a big deal about how Vance had kissed his ass [[his words, not mine) seeking his endorsement. Ryan took off from there. Gaze in awe.
    On the stage, Donald Trump said to J.D. Vance, “All you do is kiss my ass to get my support.” That’s bad because that means J.D. Vance is going to do whatever he wants[…]And here’s the thing that’s most troubling about this lack of courage, is that after Trump took J.D. Vance’s dignity from him on the stage in Youngstown, J.D. Vance got back up on stage and started shaking his hand, taking pictures with him, saying, “Hey, aren’t we having a good time here tonight?” I don’t know anybody I grew up with, I don’t know anybody I went to high school with, that would allow somebody to take their dignity like that and then get back up on stage.
    Is there more of this? Oh my, yes.
    On January 6, we had 140 cops, the United States Capitol Police, get injured, during the insurrection when they tried to overthrow the government, beat them upside the head with lead pipes, spray them with pepper spray[…]J.D. Vance raised money for the legal defense fund of the insurrectionists. This is the kind of extremism, J.D., that we wholly reject[…]Can you imagine one guy saying out of one side of his mouth he’s pro-cop, and out of the other side of his mouth, he’s raising money for the insurrectionists who were beating up the Capitol Police? One guy he tried to raise money for got four years in prison.
    It got so bad that Vance skedaddled without meeting the press after the debate. Win or lose, the Democratic Party should follow Tim Ryan’s example here as long as the poison is circulating within the body politic. It’s time to bleed it with leeches.

  18. #1568

  19. #1569

  20. #1570

  21. #1571
    Lindsey Graham, South Carolina GOP lapdog and former Junior Miss, blaming the media for circulating the stories that Herschel Walker paid an ex-girlfriend to get an abortion:
    “If you’re waiting on the media to tell you about what’s going on in Georgia, you’re going wait a hell of a long time. Remember Kavanaugh? Remember how they played the game right at the end? They come up with some letter, take the guy, blindside, another allegation, another allegation trying to drive him out.”
    Um, ma’am, I know how you like to stand up for men, or lay down for them, but seriously? Defending a man accused of rape and another man who paid for his girlfriend’s abortion, and then tried to pay for a second one?
    John McCain, right now, is rolling over in his grave seeing what a pathetic pandering party over country, thing 45 goose-stepping lapdog you’ve become.
    Get a spine, bitch.

  22. #1572
    Herschel Walker, speak of the Devil, tossing yet another word salad:

    “I been telling this little story about this bull out in the field with six cows, and three of them are pregnant. So, you know he got something goin’ on. But all he cared about is keep his nose against the fence looking at three other cows that didn’t belong to him. Now all he had to do is eat grass. But no, no, no. He thought something was better somewhere else. So, he decided, ‘I want to get over there.’ So one day he measured that fence up, and he said, ‘I think I can jump this.’ So that day came where he got back. And as he got back and as he took off runnin’, he dove over that fence and his belly got cut up onto the bottom. But as he made it onto the other side, he shook it off and got so excited about it. And he ran to the top of that hill, but when he got up there he realized they were bulls too. So what I’m telling you, don’t think something is better somewhere else. This is the greatest country in the world today.”
    Hey Herschel? That’s ‘the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence,’ but leave it to you to turn it into a story of a bull who got three cows pregnant and then broke through another fence hoping to knock up more cows.
    Projection much?
    Tulsi Gabbard, announcing that she’s leaving the Democratic Party:

    “I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.”
    Tulsi, dear, you were never a Democrat, but always, as Hillary warned us, a Russian asset, so don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split, comrade.
    Tommy Tuberville, Alabama GOP Senator, compared descendants of enslaved people to criminals to an over-whelming white crowd:
    "[The Democrats] want crime because they want to take over what you got. They want to control what you have. They want reparations because they think the people that do the crime are owed that,. Bullsh*t! They are not owed that."
    First off, reparation to criminals has never been a thing; reparations are compensation for those who have suffered wrongdoing, as Black Americans have whose ancestors were enslaved.
    But leave it to the GOP to basically say all Black are criminals.
    Derrick Johnson, NAACP president, on Tuberville’s remarks:

    “Senator Tuberville’s comments are flat out racist, ignorant and utterly sickening. His words promote a centuries-old lie about Black people that throughout history has resulted in the most dangerous policies and violent attacks on our community. We’ve seen this before from the far-right, and we’ve seen what they can do when they take power. Next time the Senator wants to talk about crime, he should talk about [Thing 45’s] hate-fueled rally on January 6, 2021, and the attacks that followed. Perhaps the real criminals are in his orbit.”
    I know it’s been growing a long time, and I know it was exacerbated by America’s overwhelming support of our first Black president, but Thing 45 has made hate, and racism, and homophobia, acceptable in this country and anyone disgusted by it, who continues to vote for the GOP, is also to blame.
    Do not elect hate.

  23. #1573

  24. #1574

  25. #1575
    If you can carry a toy badge, you can carry a fucking condom.

  26. #1576

  27. #1577

  28. #1578

  29. #1579
    Vote. Vote Blue. Here's One Reason Why.

    I know not everyone lives in Georgia but telling you about the lunacy that is Herschel Walker doesn’t apply to just Georgians, it applies to us all because it shows the hypocrisy of the GOP when it comes to their candidates; they literally don’t care if the candidate is ill-equipped … Marjorie Taylor Green … uneducated … Lauren Boebert … or a combination of both … Herschel Walker … as long as the GOP can put butts in seats in Congress and take control. So, let’s take a look at the GOP poster boy for Senate:
    Herschel Walker has criticized absentee fathers.
    Fact: Walker had refused to publicly acknowledge three of his children but has since said he has “four children. Three sons and a daughter. They’re not ‘undisclosed’—they’re my kids. I support them all and love them all.”
    Herschel Walker paid for a woman to have an abortion in 2009 and urged her to end a second pregnancy in 2011; She declined.
    Fact: Walker’s responses have been incoherent:
    “The first I knew about any of this was when some reporter asked me about an abortion. And I’m like, ‘No, that’s a lie.’ And when I was asked if I paid for an abortion, and I said, ‘No.’ I did not pay for an abortion. I’m not saying she did or didn’t have [an abortion]. I’m saying I don’t know anything about that. I don’t know.”
    Now he admits that he knows the woman, had a relationship with the woman, but never asked her to have an abortion, paid for the abortion, or asked her to have a second abortion. The woman is the mother of one of Walker’s formerly “undisclosed” children.
    Fact: The GOP and Christian groups are standing behind Walker, refusing to even acknowledge the evidence, clearly showing that neither group is Pro-life, they are simple pro-GOP, no matter what.
    Herschel Walker’s campaign claimed he had a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and graduated in the top 1% of his class from the University of Georgia.
    Fact: Walker never got a bachelor’s in criminal justice, even though he said it, and wrote about in his book. Walker now says never graduated, but also claims he never claimed to have graduated from the University of Georgia.
    Herschel Walker claimed to have extensive experience in law enforcement, working as a police officer with the Cobb County Police Department in 2017 and training with the FBI in 2019.
    Fact: The Cobb County Police Department has no records of Walker working for them. His campaign now says he was an “honorary deputy” for Cobb County and taught a “women’s self-defense training” at the FBI. Of note, teaching a class and being an “honorary deputy” aren’t the same as being a police officer or an FBI agent.
    Fact: At a debate last week, Raphael Warnock criticized Walker for his claims of working in law enforcement, at which point Walker pulled out a fake police badge and held it up on stage.
    Herschel Walker claimed to have founded Patriot Support, a nonprofit veterans’ charity, which treats thousands “of soldiers a year.”
    Fact: Patriot Support is a for-profit program run by Universal Health Services. Walker never founded the group, but was a paid spokesperson for the company, earning $331,000 last year.
    Fact: After that lie was exposed, Walker issued another false claim, saying he started Ascend Health’s Freedom Care program, a veterans’ program similar to Patriot Support. Again, Walker never founded the group, but was just a paid spokesperson, which we know because Freedom Care was developed by Ascend Health in 2006, a year before Walker claimed to have created it.”
    Herschel Walker claimed to have donated about 15% of the profits from his businesses to charity.
    Fact: When The New York Times reached out to these charities “one declined to comment and the other three said they had no record or recollection of any gifts from the [Walker’s] company in the last decade.” Walker’s campaign issued a short statement: “Herschel Walker has given millions of dollars to charities.” The statement did not address the Times’ claim or why the charities said they had no record of gifts from Walker’s company.
    Herschel Walker claimed to have owned the largest upholstery business in the country.
    Fact: Walker does not now and has never owned any sort of upholstery business.
    Herschel Walker claimed to be Native American on his mother’s side, stating that his grandmother was a “full-blooded Cherokee.”
    Fact: His own mother was unable to confirm these claims in an interview but remember how the Right went after Elizabeth Warren when she claimed to be Native American?
    Herschel Walker, whose campaign is endorsed by Thing 45, supports The Big Lie, even saying he’s unsure if Biden had been lawfully elected.
    Fact: Multiple lawsuits in Georgia and elsewhere alleging election fraud have been filed and dismissed. And it is in Georgia that Thing 45 faces his biggest legal challenge in the form of the investigation into his [recorded] attempt to make state election officials find him 11,780 votes.
    Herschel Walker, during that debate with Raphael Warnock, was asked if the federal government should step in to make sure everyone has access to health care:
    Fact: Walker said“Well, right now, people have coverage for health care. It’s according to what type of coverage do you want. Because if you have an able-bodied job, you’re going to have health care, but everyone else—have health care is the type of health care you’re going to get. And I think that is the problem.”
    Fact: Walker claimed Raphael Warnock wants people to “depend on the government … and get on the health care he’s got.” Raphael Warnock, as a US Senator, is on a government health care plan, like Walker will be, if elected.
    Again, Herschel Walker is running for Senate in Georgia, and while we don’t all live in Georgia, why should this matter? It matters because this is a man who lies, almost constantly and pathologically, and the GOP and so-called Christians continue to support him because they don’t care that he lies, even about abortion, if they can get one more Senate seat.
    For the GOP it isn’t about honesty and integrity and democracy, it’s about control and power, and we’ve seen in the last couple of months, with SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade, how the GOP relishes power. You may not think Walker’s election, or the election of any Republican natters to you, but let me remind you: they have come for women and are now setting their eyes on the LGBTQ+ community. What makes you think they won’t come for you?

  30. #1580

    GOP Rep Caught On Video: I’ll “Knife” The Biden Admin

    October 19, 2022 Republicans, Trump cultists

    The American Independent reports:
    On Saturday, Rep. David Schweikert [[R-AZ) was caught on video boasting that his caucus plans to spend the next year “knifing” President Joe Biden’s administration and impeaching top officials. Schweikert, who faces a tough reelection race for his seat in Arizona’s 6th Congressional District in November against Democratic nominee Jevin Hodge, also said House Republicans would work to “break up” the FBI if they took back control of Congress.
    In 2019, Schweikert voted against impeaching Trump on charges of attempting to pressure Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his family. Schweikert in 2020 was reprimanded and fined by the House Committee on Ethics after he admitted to 11 violations in 2020, including that he had illegally pressured his House office staff to work on his campaign.
    Read the full article. The person speaking to Schweikert in the video below is posing as a right wing activist. In 2021, Schweikert did not vote against accepting the electoral votes from his home state of Arizona, but he did vote against accepting the votes from Pennsylvania.

    GOP congressman: Elect us and we’ll spend next 240 days ‘knifing the Biden administration’

  31. #1581

  32. #1582
    This is Tuxedo's new 'Get Out and Vote' ad campaign. It's a little graphic for some, but it gets the point across quite nicely. CAST A GODDAMNED VOTE!!
    MacKenzie Scott, the ex-Missus Jeff Bezos, is at it again … she donated $84.5 million to the Girl Scouts—the largest-ever single donation in the organization’s history—to go toward creating “more equitable membership opportunities” in underserved areas; expanding programs on career readiness, mental health and exploring STEM fields; bolstering research, staff and volunteer training; and upgrading Girl Scout facilities to be more accessible and resilient to climate change.
    She has donated more than $3.8 billion to 465 non-profit organizations since her divorce from money-grubbing scum Bezos and still has $17 billion more to give to fulfill her pledge to give roughly half of her income to charity.
    Good on her.
    After Herschel Walker and many in the GOP and the rightwingnut news organizations claim Walker had a decisive victory over Senator Raphael Warnock , Herschel skipped their second debate forcing Warnock to debate an empty lectern … which is really just a repeat of the first debate.
    I totally called this … Pete Buttigieg—whose only political experience before his 2020 presidential bid was serving as mayor of South Bend, Indiana—has become the most requested surrogate on the campaign trail for Democratic candidates in the midterms, even over Kamala Harris.
    Both Buttigieg and Harris are expected to run to succeed Biden—whether in 2024 0r 2028—but for Democrats looking ahead, the party’s preference for Buttigieg on the trail may be an early indicator of the future direction of the party overall.
    In the penalty trial of Nikolas Cruz, who murdered 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, the jury has sentenced hm to life without parole.
    Some people, like Florida’s Fascist Governor Ron DeathSantis, were outraged that Cruz wasn’t sentenced to death; I was not. I am not now, nor have I ever been a proponent of the death penalty. It is not a deterrent to crime, and the convict can spend years in appeals, wasting millions in taxpayer money, trying to overturn the verdict. I could explain why I feel this way, but I’m going to let Dennis Shepard, father of Matthew, explain why he preferred life without parole for Matthew’s murderer, Aaron McKinney:

    “You won’t be a symbol. No years of publicity, no chance of commutation, no nothing—just a miserable future and a miserable end. It works for me….Mr. McKinney, I give you life in the memory of one who no longer lives. May you have a long life, and may you thank Matthew every day for it.”
    Let Cruz go to sleep every night and wake up every day for the rest of his miserable life knowing exactly why he’s there and never getting out.
    Texas’ Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar has certified that the 50 migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard by Ron DeSantis were victims of a crime taking a key step in qualifying them for a special visa they would not have otherwise been eligible for:

    “Based upon the claims of migrants being transported from Bexar County under false pretenses, we are investigating this case as possible Unlawful Restraint.”
    Publicity stunt backfired, eh Ron?

  33. #1583
    Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe host, taking on Steve Scalise as an outright liar saying Nancy Pelosi didn’t do enough to protect the capital on January 6 when he was in the room with her:

    “You know, I’m just a dumb country lawyer, but they asked the question after Steve Scalise had known the answer. So he said, ‘That’s a great question, why won’t they answer whether Nancy Pelosi called the National [Guard]. This is so terrible and they won’t answer.’ He was in the room; he was in the room where it happened … I’m serious about this, I couldn’t imagine in a million years holding a press conference as a member of Congress … being that cynical, lying through my teeth on an issue—on any issue, but especially an issue of this importance. And even if for some reason I had fallen off a scooter the day before and I was dizzy, there would have literally been 12 people on my staff grabbing me saying, ‘You can’t do that, go back into your office, you need to tell them you’re not going to do this.' I don’t understand. All the barriers that were up when you and I were there, all the rules that were in place, just rules of common decency, not going out and lying through your teeth, my God, on issues this important.”
    Steve Scalise has no balls and no spine; he will simply tow the party line always and look like a fool and liar while he does it.
    Marjorie Taylor Greene—or as Uptonking calls her, Empty G—claimed during a recent debate that she’s a victim of the January 6 attack:

    “You cannot accuse me of insurrection. I was a victim of the January 6 riot just as much as any other member of Congress. That was the third day I had on the job. I had nothing to do with what happened there that day, and I will not have you accuse me of that.”
    And yet she asked Thing 45 for a pardon on her third day in office. Why, Marge? Greene, a conspiracy theorist who has spoken at white nationalist event’s, has sympathized with the rioters, calling them “political prisoners,” and visited some in what she called the “patriots wing” of the District of Columbia Jail.
    Doesn’t sound like a victim, sounds like a traitorous insurrectionist bitch.
    Sean Hannity, telling Senate nominee Don Bolduc, and others in the GOP, to refuse to answer the abortion question:

    “As a US Senator, based on the Dobbs decision, you will have no say on [abortion] at all whatsoever. But they’ve tried to drag you, you know, into that discussion. Your personal beliefs are your personal beliefs, but it’s going to be the people of every state that will decide through their locally elected representatives, the state representatives, not through you. I think the media needs this answer going forward: ‘I’ve answered that question a thousand times. That’s a decision that will be decided by the state. Next question, please.’ And move on. Because that’s what the media does. They do the bidding for the Democrats and they ask their questions.”
    Wrong again, Sean. The Senate works for We The People, and we have a right to know where they stand on every issue, and if they choose not to answer then vote them out of office.
    See, Sean, you moron, if Biden tries to codify a woman’s right to choose into law, then Senators like Don Bolduc, will have to vote on it and we have the right to know where they stand.

  34. #1584

  35. #1585
    Vote. Vote Blue. Here's A Slew Of Reasons Why

    Mike Lee, Utah GOP Senator, says he’d heard “rumors circulating in the days and weeks leading up to January 6 .. suggesting that some states would be shifting out their slates of electors” and says he decided to open and count the electoral votes and make phone calls to investigate the truthfulness of those rumors.
    What Mike Lee doesn’t say is that he sent multiple text messages to Thing 45 offering to help overturn the result of the election. That isn’t searching for the truth, that’s being a traitor, and that’s the GOP.
    Lauren Boebert, the GOP Representative, criminal and ALLEGED former escort, believes women are a “lesser vessel” when compared to men:
    “We are created equal, we’re not the same. Women are the lesser vessel and we need masculinity in our lives to balance that, that so-called weakness. Just us being more frail and needing that strength in our lives.”
    I guess Lauren’s GED didn’t explain what equal means, but this is the GOP where women cannot make their own healthcare choices and one woman in Congress thinks y’all are less than, and that’s the GOP.
    Lindsey Graham, South Carolina’s GOP Senator, has asked the Supreme Court to block a subpoena from the special grand jury investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia, arguing that his efforts after the 2020 election were legislative activities protected by the Speech and Debate Clause of the US Constitution.
    But ask yourself this, if it was all protected by Free Speech, why not testify? Is it because he’s maybe wrong and lying and that’s the GOP?
    Greg Abbott, GOP Governor of Texas, was aware of the flight of migrants from San Antonio to Martha’s Vineyard though he denied any involvement. And yet text messages released by Abbott’s office in response to a public information request show otherwise.
    That can be called kidnapping, and that’s the GOP.
    Ron DeSantis, Florida’s Fascist Governor, also faces multiple lawsuits, and it seems he expected as much—which means he knew what he was doing was wrong—because the “nonrecurring sum of $1,500,000 from the General Revenue Fund is appropriated to the Department of State for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, for litigation.”
    For litigation against what, Ronnie? Human trafficking. That’s the GOP.
    Kari Lake, Arizona’s QAnon candidate for governor, did not answer—when asked multiple times—if she will accept the results of her state’s 2022 gubernatorial election if she loses.
    She did say she’ll accept the results if she wins, but not if she loses and that’s what the GOP does
    Mehmet Oz is a lying quack doctor who has paid millions in fines for lying about products he was paid to hawk on his TV show, but this is a new low …
    At a campaign event in Philadelphia a Black woman broke down in tears describing the fatal shootings of her brother and nephew, and was comforted by Oz. Once the encounter was featured in local and national news reports, journalists discovered that the distraught woman, Sheila Armstrong, is a paid member of the Oz campaign staff.
    He's always lied, and he’s still lying, and that’s what the GOP does.
    Steve Scalise, GOP congressman, claims Nancy Pelosi didn't do enough to secure the building while under siege. But the funny thing about lying, pandering Steve Scalise is that video footage shows him in the room when Pelosi was calling the National Guard; not only in the room, but mere feet away from Pelosi. But still he lied because that’s what the GOP does.
    Herschel Walker, the dumb as a rock GOP candidate for a Senate seat in Georgia as a Republican mocked transgender people who serve in the military:
    “Hey, just think about it: Pronoun? In our military? How do you identify? In our military? These are war times. What happened to push-ups? Sit-ups? Because I can tell you right now, China, Iran, and Russia are not talking about pronouns.”
    First off, how does he get from pronouns to pushups, and why oh why would he compare us to three countries with poor records on human rights, especially when it comes to LGBTQ+ people?
    This is what the GOP wants the people of Georgia to elect so that they can gain a seat in the Senate, caring not at all that he’s an idiot, because that’s what the GOP does.
    SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade while the GOP cheered, and now we see a result: at least two children who were victims of incest have been denied abortions in Florida since the state instituted its 15-week ban. The GOP-controlled state legislature allowed exceptions to the 15-week ban in order to save the mother’s life, prevent serious injury, or if the fetus has a fatal abnormality.
    Not for rape or incest, which means rapists and child molesters have more rights than their victims, and that’s what the GOP does.
    Marjorie Taylor Greene tried to make a show of herself standing up for Confederate soldiers and “our nation’s history”—the wrong side of history—but failed as she always does. She visited the Wilder Brigade Monument in Georgia to claim that the memorial recognizes “Confederate soldiers” but apparently is as dumb as Lauren Boebert because what she believed was a Confederate monument actually pays tribute to Union troops that battled the Confederates there and won.
    She is utterly clueless and doesn’t care, but that’s what the GOP does.
    Now, if Greene’s ignorance doesn’t scare you, maybe this will: a New York Times reporter confirmed rumors that if Thing 45 gets the GOP nomination in 2024 he will consider his fellow serial adulterer, liar and cheater, Marjorie Taylor Greene as his running mate.
    A heartbeat away from the presidency …

  36. #1586

  37. #1587

  38. #1588
    The Awesome Futility of Interviewing Donald Trump

    OCTOBER 25, 2022
    From Politico, by Jack Shafer:
    If you agree to an interview with Bob Woodward — as Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and nearly every Washington notable has — you enter the session knowing he will command the court like a champion pickleball player.
    He will be prepared. He will be patient. He will let you have your say: “Show up and shut up,” he calls the technique. He’ll also extend the match long enough to provide the illusion that you might be winning it, only to lull you into candor. You can always avoid him if you think the interview will damage you, but even so, there will be a good chance that he’ll cold call you on your doorstop at 8:17 in the evening. And you should know that he will interview you and interview you and re-interview you until he’s collected all 11 points it takes to beat you.
    The most recent object of the Woodward method is former President Donald Trump, who participated in 20 interviews with the reporter in 2020. Those chats, supplemented with analysis and context by Woodward, will be published as an audio book this week, and have been excerpted in the Monday edition of the Washington Post. What the Woodward sessions with Trump prove — as if it needed proving — is that interviewing Trump is and has always been a futile gesture. It’s not that no news comes out of a Trump interview. He can always be relied on to say something that will set the chyrons at all three cable news networks pulsing. But in most cases, this one included, the interview is a hot diaper mess that mainly illustrates Trump’s narcissism and willful ignorance. He doesn’t really know anything, which is forgivable. But he also doesn’t want to know anything, which isn’t.
    Woodward’s frustration becomes palpable in the excerpt. “He is staggeringly incautious and repetitive,” Woodward writes, “as if saying something often and loud enough will make it true.” Trump made himself amply available, Woodward writes, so much so that the interviewer kept tape recorders in multiple locations inside his house because he could expect the president to call at any time. Trump vowed to answer questions on any topic, Woodward notes. But giving Woodward a first-class ticket on the access journalism express doesn’t really reveal much new about Trump because we’ve heard so much of it before.
    He avoids giving straight answers to straight questions: Woodward asks if the president of the United States should be asking foreign leaders to investigate his political opponents. Trump: “No. No. No. I want them to investigate corruption,” a complete nonresponse to Woodward’s attempt to get him to justify his impeachment-inducing phone call to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

    He appears detached from his government’s Covid response: Woodward interviews officials who tell him Trump is not listening to his top medical advisers such as Anthony Fauci and Robert Redfield. Although he provides no Trump quotation that supports this assessment, Woodward writes, “It was clear that Trump never communicated the magnitude of the [Covid] threat to the American people. It amounted to a large-scale deception and coverup.”
    He ignores questions and freestyles some brazen lies: When Woodward asks what his Covid plan is in late July 2020, Trump claims that the virus is “flaring up all over the world” but “we have it under control,” which wasn’t the case. Woodward presses Trump for details on the Covid plan only to be told, “Bob, you’ll see the plan over the next four weeks.” Writes Woodward of Trump’s ineptitude, “I wondered how you execute a plan that doesn’t exist.”
    He turns questions into platforms for bragging and personalization: “I think we’re doing a very good job,” Trump says of his Covid response. “We’ve done better than any — other than with the press. Other than with the press, I’ve done a great job.” On his relationship with Kim Jong Un, “I get a sense he likes me. I think he likes me.”
    He feels, as ever, put upon: “I have opposition like nobody has. … I was unlucky with the virus. …”
    He wallows in non sequiturs: Woodward asks if buddying up to Kim Jong Un was strategically designed and Trump answers, “No. No. It was designed for whatever reason, it was designed. Who knows? Instinctively. Let’s talk instinct.”
    The crowning lesson of the Trump era, one that Woodward appears to have gleaned from his reporting, is that only one subject fully engages Trump’s interest, and that is Trump. Having Woodward approach him to serve as his Boswell apparently caused Trump’s ego to go def con 3. Elsewhere on the tapes, Trump refers to Woodward as “a great historian” and “the great Bob Woodward.” Trump appears to have understood from the beginning that the service of his ego might backfire, yet he would still take the risk. In the 14th interview session, Trump says to Woodward, “You’re probably going to screw me. Because, you know, that’s the way it goes. Look, [George W.] Bush sat with you for hours and you screwed him. But the difference was, I ain’t no Bush.”

    Trump’s reaction to the audiobook news has been to threaten Woodward with a lawsuit, his go-to move whenever the news cycle displeases him. “We’ve already hired the lawyers,” Trump told a radio show host last week. The grounds for Trump’s suit reflect his feeling that the tapes are “his,” because they were granted for print journalism purposes [[Woodward’s Trump book, Rage), not audio ones. The legal logic here parallels his belief that the government documents he allegedly pilfered and stored in Mar-a-Lago are his because he says they are.
    Trump interviews have been and will always be futile exercises in attempting to nail a blob of mercury because that’s the way he flows. He’s a double-talk artist who uses words as protective coloration because, as a flighty and fidgety guy, he resists the compunction to be consistent. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t stop trying to get him on the record. It also doesn’t mean we should let him say whatever he wants without challenging him. But if Doorstop Bob Woodward can’t wring a coherent interrogation out of somebody after 20 interviews of 600 questions, nobody can. Interview him all you want, just don’t expect anything but puzzlement and frustration in return.

  39. #1589
    Adidas cut ties; Anna Wintour, too; his ex-wife has denounced him; his divorce lawyers have quit over it; Gap, CAA and Balenciaga have severed ties with him. But Republicans stay silent.
    Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, two right-wingnut conspiracy theorists who placed thousands of robocalls lying to minority and Democratic voters in Cleveland in the months before the November 2020 election pleaded guilty to a felony charge and face up to one year in prison.
    They still face similar felony charges in Michigan and, in a separate action, the FCC has recommended a $5.1 million fine for the robocalls.
    Sorry not sorry.

  40. #1590
    Masculine icon and tough guy Ted ‘Rafael’ Cruz hid in a supply closet during the January 6, 2021 riots on the U.S. Capitol that he helped spur on by catering to Thing 45 and The Big Lie.
    After the 2020 election, Cruz repeated the numerous unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud, supported a lawsuit to void absentee ballots and approved of an attempt to stop four states—Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin—from using the election’s results to appoint electors. These two efforts failed.
    And during the riot he ran and hid while the people he egged on attacked the building and this country.
    Fucking traitorous hypocrite bitch.

  41. #1591
    Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation, calling out Republicans for never proposing solutions to the problems they complain about:

    “Many congressional Republicans take stances that seem to be more about the problem than about the solution. Even the things that they talk about the most often; immigration, inflation, I mean of all the things that congressional Republicans have proposed, policy wise, can anybody name the top five things that they’ve suggested to fight inflation? Can anyone name three? How about one? They voted No on the inflation reduction act that was about lowering prices for Americans, and I would have loved nothing more than to have a debate between the Democratic Inflation Reduction Act and the Republican Inflation Reduction Act on [floor of the House] and Senate and argued over which one was better, but there was only one and it was ours, and luckily it passed.”
    First, Pete is the Poster Hottie for common sense talk, and we need more of this.
    Second, I love me some Twitter and every day I see Republicans whining about the border and inflation and the ALLEGED climate change hoax and yet they offer not one solution.
    They do, however, rally to keep drag queens out of libraries, people from saying ‘Gay,’ and teachers from teaching children actual US history.
    Lindsey Graham, South Carolina’s GOP Senator and current reigning Miss Hissy Fit 2022, says the GOP cannot be racist because it nominated Herschel Walker for Senate:

    "They're beating all our guys up. But what is it about this guy? He changes the entire narrative of the left. We're a party of racists, Sean. Me and you are racist. The Republican Party is racist. Well what happens when the Republican Party elects and nominates Herschel Walker, an African-American, Black, Heisman Trophy winner, right, Olympian," Graham asked Fox News host Sean Hannity and his audience. "It destroys the whole narrative. [Michigan Republican House candidate] John James. [South Carolina Junior Senator] Tim Scott. Herschel Walker. Everybody in San Francisco is gonna jump off a bridge [if Walker is elected].”
    My first thought is that Miss Lindsey could only come up with four People of Color in his two, two of whom aren’t holding public office right now, and how that smacks of that old, ‘I can’t be a racist, I have Black friends.’
    Ma’am, all due respect, your party has a race problem.
    Liz Cheney, responding to Mitch McTurtle after he criticized her for speaking out against Thing 45:

    “Obviously, the idea that we could simply ignore [Thing 45] and the threat would go away is clearly wrong, and I think that, you know, Leader McConnell and Leader McCarthy obviously have taken slightly different approaches to [Thing 45]. Leader McCarthy is embracing him. Leader McConnell has thought we can ignore him and go forward as a party without him continuing to have power and authority. That’s clearly not the case, and my view from the beginning has been, you know, we have to, as a party, reject insurrection; we have to reject what he stands for. I don’t think this is an issue about which you can make a political calculation. I think it matters too much.”
    I need Liz to take McTurtle to the shed for a whipping.
    Ralph Norman, South Carolina GOP Representative, on who is running the country … because Joe Biden isn’t … and what he’ll do about it:

    “We’ll subpoena as many people as we can. We gonna hopefully have consequences starting with Mayorkas, Wray with the FBI. I mean, a whole host of things. The whole administration is a rogue administration and I guess we all know Joe Biden is not running this country. There is a cabal of unelected elitists who are running this country. Probably Barack Obama is involved. Probably Eric Holder and—but who knows? We know it’s not Biden.”
    Odd that
    Norman mentions just two people who are part of some cabal running this country and both are People of Color, which goes against what Miss Hissy Fit just spewed.
    Ralph Norman also “joked” that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was so old, she was “groped by Abraham Lincoln;" he produced a loaded handgun and set it on the table during a meeting with gun control activists Moms Demand Action; he voted against certifying the 2020 election, against gold medals for Capitol Police officers, and against the creation of the Juneteenth holiday.
    Best of all, Crazy Ralph was among the GOP representatives who sued Pelosi over the House face mask mandate; the very next day he became sick with … something.
    Michael Elizabeth Pence, joining Ted ‘Rafael’ Cruz as being the last Republican to ever be considered presidential material:

    “The radical left believes that the freedom of religion is the freedom from religion. But it’s nothing the American founders ever thought of—or generations of Americans fought to defend. You know, I said today here in Houston that the source of our nation’s greatness has always been our faith in God, our freedom, and our vast natural resources. And the good news is, that after four years of the Trump-Pence administration, I’m confident that we have a pro-religious freedom majority on the Supreme Court of the United States. And I’m confident that come Election Day, November the 8th, you’re gonna see that freedom majority around the country turn out and vote pro-freedom majorities in the House, and in the Senate, and in statehouses around the country.”
    Oh Mike, you delusional fuck. We are a land of many faiths and no faiths and that’s what we were built upon and, yes, it is what our men and women in the military has fought for.
    The sad thing is that your God, the white blue-eyed icon in the sky, is looking down at you and hearing what you say and She is not amused.
    Even that fly on your head knows you’re wrong.
    Pete Buttigieg, again … sue me, thinks it’s a positive thing that GOP opponents to the infrastructure bill, are first in line when the funding comes to the communities they serve:

    “It is striking that people went to the floor of the House or Senate and said, ‘No, this infrastructure funding should not happen’ and then they can’t wait to be there when that funding is coming to their district. But there’s nothing better than seeing a skeptic become a convert. I call it the sincerest form of flattery if someone was against your policy and then when it’s actually benefitting people who live in their communities they can’t hug you close enough. And I’ll say this, I mean politics aside, the people who live in those communities shouldn’t be punished because their senator or their house member said no to this funding. We’re gonna serve everybody equally. I’d like to think that’s how we think about things.”
    This again goes back to the GOP whining, and then holding out their hands for the cash and trying to take credit for things like infrastructure.
    They lie, nearly every time their lips move.

  42. #1592

  43. #1593

  44. #1594

    OCTOBER 29, 2022
    From The Hill:
    Former President Trump has remained silent on the recent attack of Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi [[D-Calif.), even as fellow members of the Republican Party have condemned the assault.
    Trump posted frequently on his own social media platform Truth Social over the past 24 hours, but did not acknowledge Friday’s attack that sent Paul Pelosi to the hospital.
    A man broke into the couple’s home in San Francisco early Friday morning, apparently looking for the Speaker, who was in Washington, D.C., at the time. The intruder then assaulted Paul Pelosi with a hammer.
    A spokesperson for the Speaker, Drew Hammill, said that her husband was admitted to Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. He underwent surgery for a skull fracture and injuries to his right arm and hands from the assault. Hammill added that he is expected to make a full recovery.
    On Friday, Trump posted on Truth Social about his endorsements and upcoming rallies for the midterm elections, Brazil’s elections, the Mar-a-Lago case over classified documents and the death of singer Jerry Lee Lewis. However, he never mentioned the attack on Paul Pelosi.
    Other leading Republicans voiced their concern for Paul Pelosi and condemned the violence and intrusion.
    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell [[R-Ky.) said he was “horrified and disgusted” by the news, while former Vice President Mike Pence called it an “outrage.”
    House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy [[R-Calif.) has yet to publicly condemn the event, but a spokesperson said in a statement to The Hill on Friday that he had reached out to the Speaker to “check in on Paul” and is praying for his recovery.
    The Hill has reached out to Trump for comment.

  45. #1595

  46. #1596

  47. #1597
    Vote. Vote Blue. Here's Another Slew Of Reasons Why

    Happy Halloween! And I'm here to offer the biggest frights of them all: the Midterms. We are just a week away from the election, and I will remind you again of what horrors the GOP will do if we allow them to take power …
    Rick Scott, Florida Senator, and Medicare fraudster, claims … wait for it … that Democrats “cut Medicare” by allowing the agency to negotiate for lower drug prices, while Scott proposes allowing Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid to sunset every five years, requiring Congress to reauthorize them; or not if the GOP is in power.
    That’s right; if the GOP gets in power again Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid will disappear.

    Henry McMaster McDisaster, South Carolina Republican Governor, is running for a second term and wants to end same-sex marriage in the state if SCOTUS chooses to overturn its 2015 ruling that found a constitutional right for same-sex couples to marry:

    “Well, gay marriage is, is, it is in our Constitution, it is not allowed under state law. It is not allowed. I would follow state law whatever the state law is, but I’m, maybe I’m old fashioned, but I think in marriage ought to be between a man and a woman. Just like I think that boys ought to play in boys’ sports and girls ought to play in girls’ sports.”
    McDisaster wants to end equality for LGBTQ+ citizens, and it won’t end with marriage; he, and his GOP masters, will overturn every single equality law in this state.

    Doug Mastriano, a Pennsylvania GOP state senator running for governor, has centered his campaign to an extraordinary degree on Jhis Democratic opponent, Attorney General Josh Shapiro's Jewish faith.
    Mastriano, who promotes Christian power and disdains the separation of church and state, has repeatedly attacked Shapiro for attending and sending his children to what Mastriano calls a “privileged, exclusive, elite” school. It is a Jewish day school, where students are given both secular and religious instruction, but Mastriano’s language portrays it as an elitist … read: woke, liberal … school. And now Mastriano’s wife, Eva Braun, er, Rebecca, says:

    “I’m just going to say, as a family, we so much love Israel. In fact, I’m going to say we probably love Israel more than a lot of Jews do … And the reason why I say that is because I’ve given and we’ve given for, I would say, at least ten years to outreach to Israel and Jerusalem. We have, I have visited Israel, we saved for five years. We’re just an average family. We’re not wealthy, wealthy people.”
    Am I the only one who thinks that sounds anti-Semitic? She loves Israel more than Jews?

    Don Bolduc, GOP New Hampshire Senate nominee, has once again trotted out the ludicrous lie that kids are dressing as furries in schools:
    "We have furries and fuzzies in classrooms. They lick themselves … When they don’t like something, they hiss … And get this, get this. They’re putting litter boxes, right? … [They] let children lick themselves and then touch everything. And they’re starting to lick each other.”
    Every school district in New Hampshire has denounced this lie, and there is not one single photo of a furry, photo of a furry using a litter box in a school bathroom, or even photos on litter boxes at all; this is fearmongering at its most ignorant.

    Ron DeSantis, Florida Governor, and Fascist, and his administration have steered millions of dollars in state business to two outside law firms with ties to him, including his old employer, according to records reviewed by The Daily Beast.
    Republican election law powerhouse Holtzman Vogel PLLC has received more than $4 million in contracts over the last year, mostly tied to voting rights cases, and yet in years before DeSantis took office there were no contracts listed in the Florida Accountability Contract Tracking System for Holtzman Vogel.
    Holland & Knight had only $2,750 in contracts with the state of Florida, but in 2018, the firm developed “a new revenue stream” to defend “state agencies and DeSantis in lawsuits, sometimes involving controversial legislation” and have been given nearly $3 million between 2018 and 2020.

    Ron Johnson, tinfoil hat wearing QAnon lapdog and Wisconsin Senator, recommends early voting only if you have a Republican county clerk running the elections, casting doubt on Milwaukee County’s Democratic clerk.
    Johnson failed to mention his involvement with the plot to deliver a fake list of electors to then-Vice President Mike Pence on January 6, 2021.

    Tudor Dixon, Michigan gubernatorial nominee, says Democrats have been plotting to overthrow this country for decades because they lost the Civil War and they want they slaves back.

    “Do you think that the Democrats are over losing to the north? Democrat leaders, meanwhile, they sat back in their designer suits, eating their fillet with their nice béarnaise sauce while they watched the country rip itself apart because they were getting it all back, the slaves again. This time they’d be people of all colors—poor and broken—looking to them and begging for help. And they will gladly own you. Next they’ll take your guns, your speech and your God.”
    Amazing that this is her platform and no one in the GOP has spoken out against it. But what do you expect from a party that pouts up a Baby Killer in Georgia.

    Ronna McDaniel, GOP National Committee Chairwoman, mocked the speaking abilities of Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate who is recovering from a stroke, and President Biden, who grew up with a stutter.

    “I think all the candidates got together and said, ‘Which one of us has to campaign with Biden?’ [Fetterman] drew the short straw. So Biden said, ‘Between the two of us, we may be able to finish a full sentence.’”
    That’s the GOP, making fun of people’s speech issues. Imagine her saying that to a child who stutters, or an older American who suffered a stroke.

    Paul Gosar, the right-wing white supremacist and Arizona GOP Representative, who is loathed by his own siblings for his reprehensible actions, is seen on video expressing his approval for two people pretending to be migrant hunters who told him they shoot migrants who cross over to their family farm in Yuma:

    “Say a prayer because this country needs you. There’s a bunch of people that are ready to go into action.”
    Gosar approves of murdering immigrants.
    Wake up, people, and tell all your friends, and your co-workers and neighbors who have yet to vote that the GOP will end choice for women, end contraception for women’ they will end Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security for all of us; end same sex marriage; end LGBTQ+ equality; they will put in office people who believe in furries, who believe Democrats want to go back to slavery, who are anti-Semitic, who believe in murdering migrants; who laugh at disability and health conditions; who get into office and then begin awarding huge sums of money to former employers; who think only the GOP should handle elections.
    If you don’t vote, that’s what America will look like and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself. We blew it in 2016 when we thought Hillary might win and so we stayed home cuz we didn’t much care for her and look what happened. But in 2020 we came out strong and send Thing 45 scurrying to Mar-a-Lago and took the House and Senate. We need to keep that momentum going, we need to make sure America doesn’t become a cesspool of fascists and dictators and racists in power,

  48. #1598

  49. #1599

  50. #1600


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