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Thread: Yo... Moe

  1. #4851
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    I think we can all admit that the first week of the NFL season was anything but boring!!
    R&B, your Commanders pull oone out, Jerry the Falcons don't but the Dolphins did. And what can I say about the Steelers game........except it's not looking good for TJ Watt & Najee Harris?

    And Ms M, your boy Dak needs surgery?

    I think yesterday showed the importance of a good kicker/special teams

  2. #4852
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    Moe, did Cam Hayward return? Losing him and Watt would be a crushing blow for your boys. I got a lot of Falcons fans upset with me for explaining that there's no shame in losing at the end of the game to an experienced team that many expect to win the division. Especially since we have seven starters who weren't even on the team last season. Sometimes, it takes a while for teams to develop chemistry, but yesterday was encouraging in spite of the loss.

    Dolphins fans are once again split over Tua. He threw for 270 yards and a touchdown, but they're griping over what he didn't do. Wash, rinse, then repeat. Forget the fact that he's 4-0 against New England and 22-13 for his career when we have a losing record so far this century. Give the kid time to either sink or swim.

  3. #4853
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    Jerry, Cam did return to the game. From what I'm hearing Watt is seeking a second opinion [maybe even a third] on his injury. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't his brother
    [JJ]have a torn pec also? Najee Harris had XRays but no damage. Maybe an injury to Levi Wallace, too? I'm not sure on this one. I'm encouraged about the defense; don't you think the new defensive coordinator [Austin] AND Brian Flores have really helped them?
    Offense.........meh. But...Mitch T was NOT sacked & when it counted the pass to Friedmuth was the one that put them where Boswell needed it to be to kick the winning score. Boz's brother said on Twitter today that he "likes the drama."

    I am happy to see the Dolphins did beat the Patriots [you know how I feel about that!!]

    And so I'll be in the stands Sunday when we do take on the Patriots. I didn't receive any email from my friend in Boston over the loss. Of course not!! He only emails me when they win. I hope we beat their asses soundly!!!!!!

    One thing, though: all of the season ticket holders received a free subscription to NFL+.
    I didn't have the game here in Tennessee [long story] so my first impression of NFL+ is consistently inconsistent. I had issues with audio, the picture would go more than once.
    They need to get the bugs out of it.

  4. #4854
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    I'm pretty much forced to bootleg games from out of the area. Shhh...

  5. #4855
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    In Columbus...do you usually get Browns or Bengals games on network? I doubt if you get Steelers games.

  6. #4856
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    We normally get Browns games until they're eliminated from the playoffs. Then, it's generally a mix of Bengals or Steelers games. If Cincinnati is eliminated [as they normally are before the Browns], we get Steelers games. If I had to guess, Cleveland is the most popular NFL team here, followed by Pittsburgh and then, Cincinnati. There've been a few odd years when we had the Steelers radio network broadcasting games locally. It's how I became familiar with Myron Cope.

    On Sunday, we got Pittsburgh vs Cincinnati, which I'm sure angered a lot of Browns fans.

  7. #4857
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    Even a blind dog fines a bone sometimes, commanders got lucky, wentz tried to give it away, detroit is better than the last team, if he throws interceptions sunday, we lose..nuff said!

  8. #4858
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    I want to know if either of you saw the image of the new Browns "mascot" in the center of their stadium? What's up with that?

    Saw Tomlin's press conference. LOTS of questions about Watt. Tomlin says [[in his usual glib) "he's being evaluated but he's not playing Sunday." No kidding Coach T. And when asked about Najee's injury & whether he'll play Tomlin sayd: "ah, it's good to be young."
    Everyone else is "bumps & bruises."

    And what about Prescott? Did Jerry Jones say he'd be back in 4 weeks? What's he on?

  9. #4859
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    Word is that Watt's injury is to the bicep but not the tendon. That means he probably won't need surgery and can be evaluated to return in six weeks. He'll probably go on IR and off the roster for four weeks, but if he heals well, he can come back by the second half of the season.

  10. #4860
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    I loved Watt's tweet [The Terminator: "I'll be back"].
    Steelers signed a linebacker to the practice squad but I don't know anything about them.

    The Chiefs looked pretty good Sunday!

  11. #4861
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    Yeah, losing Tyreek Hill allows Mahomes to pass it around to a lot of different targets. By the way, what's up with most of the country being forced to watch the Steelers vs Pats on Sunday? Nobody wants to see that crap. Y'all are in the red. Miami vs Baltimore is purple.

  12. #4862
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    I think ever since Jesse James [our TE back then], caught the ball & really scored that TC that was called out by the refs there has been unrest.
    But any given Sunday.......

  13. #4863
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    Don't get me going... I'm still angry over a play when the Dolphins and Steelers played more than a decade ago. Big Ben dove to try to score at the end of the game and fumbled into the end zone. The Dolphins recovered to seemingly win the game. The refs reviewed and even though it looked like the ball came out before he got to the line, they gave him the touchdown and the Steelers got the walk off win. To this day, that play ticks me off. It was not only a poor call, it was awful logic. [You'll have to click to watch it on YouTube because the NFL blocks game footage on message boards].

  14. #4864
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    Wow. What a Sunday. Steelers drop to the Pats, Falcons couldn't come back against the Rams after spotting them 25 points, Commanders fell to what looks like a dangerous Lions team.

    I couldn't watch any of the early games, but I was able to see the last quarter of the Dolphins game and if you thought the fanbase's issues with Tua were interesting, it's gone from warm to blazing hot. He had a mediocre first half but threw for nearly 200 yards and four TDs in the fourth quarter. His trolls went from laughing at him in the first three quarters to sputtering and trying to figure out how to kick dirt on him at the end of the game. It's kind of hard to diss 469 yards and six touchdowns.

    But they're doing it nonetheless.

  15. #4865
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    Hey jerry, i told you those clowns would lose, i have zero confidence in the comediens-opps-commanders, offense ain't bad but with little defense we ain't gonna win much, and the eagles coming up...oh well!!!

  16. #4866
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    Steelers need a new Offensive Coordinator ASAP. Just watch the game. Third & 8, you only go for a short pass [for 2 yds]? That & too many other things. I have played back drives over & over. The O Line didn't do to badly. But, take a look a Najee Harris. The line opens the holes, Najee doesn't go through the holes. Could it hurt to give Pickett a chance? And Tomlin, I love you, but your jibberjab during the post game conference sucked. On & on.....

    Now, I also saw everyone in our division lost. Browns up then blow it. Typical. Well, this Thursday it's Steelers/Browns in Cleveland. I'm hoping the feed in Amazon Prime will be better this week.

    And through all of that rauma yesterday I get a message from Ms M:
    "How Bout My Boyz?" I have to see why she's not here.

  17. #4867
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    This Thursday will be the first time in my life that I'm rooting for Pittsburgh to defeat the Browns.

  18. #4868
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    Matt Canada [Steelers OC] had a press conference today. Nauseating. Mitch T tells press that Canada won't "let him call too many audibles." Canada better stay close to home at night. NOT a favorite right now in the "Burgh.

  19. #4869
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    I'm not surprised. I'm not sure which coaching tree spawned Canada, but I know that Kyle Shanahan and his disciples don't want their QBs calling audibles because they'll have different plays run out of the same look. For example, if they run a set with two receivers, two tight ends, and a running back in the first quarter, it might wind up being a successful rush attempt. They might run it again a couple of times over the course of the game. Of course, the defensive coordinator will adjust when he sees it again. Then, in the fourth quarter, in need of a big play, they'll show the look, observe the adjustment, and then split a tight end or running back out wide for a pass. It throws the defense off when time is critical.

    When Matt LaFleur went to Green Bay, Aaron Rodgers complained about it, but LaFleur insisted on taking audibles out of wide usage. He was afraid Rodgers would switch to a better play early in the game and successful or not, it would eliminate it from being used later. It's not failing to trust the QB, it's a matter of the offensive coordinator playing the long game.

  20. #4870
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    I understand what you're saying Jerry, but do you give the QB a bit more leeway? Do you start working on Najee, who didn't use the holes the OLine gave him. Got Kevin Dotson's message loud & clear last night on Twitter.

  21. #4871
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    I'm wondering if Najee's problem isn't the "15 pounds of muscle" he added in the brief offseason. I can imagine it slowing him down.

    And, regarding audibles, I have a theory that the play that cost the Falcons a win in the Super Bowl was one of those where Kyle Shanahan used a similar look but ran a different play. Everybody thought Atlanta was going to [smartly] run the ball, but Kyle got greedy. In my theory, New England stole the signal to the field, knew it was going to be a pass, which caught us off guard when they improbably blitzed on the play. Sometimes, I guess you can get too smart for your own good.

  22. #4872
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    Excellent point, Jerry. Who better to steal, cheat or inflate than Bill Bellicheat.

    I don't think it's Najee's 15 lbs. I think he's not looking for the holes & instead just trying to run over players.

  23. #4873
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    Question: Does Dotson run an outside zone scheme? Because that works best with quick backs who possess great vision. LeVeon Bell was probably the best OZ running back in that I've seen. DeVonta Freeman was really good too. They were able to run laterally, see the hole and make quick cuts. If I had to bet, I'd guess you're running an outside zone and Najee isn't cut out for it. He might be better at traditional blocking, where the line tries to move forward in order to open holes. Guess I'll find out when I watch y'all tonight.

  24. #4874
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    Tell me what you think after the game. I'll bet your brother isn't a happy camper.

  25. #4875
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    He and I have a bowling date tomorrow afternoon. I'll find out then. As I said, tonight's the first time in my life that I'm rooting for Pittsburgh over the Browns. If Cleveland wins, he's probably going to have a hissy fit for the next nine days.

  26. #4876
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    Oh God, Oh God........I can't shake my head any more than I have!!!

    And, Ms M texts me: "where's your defense?" I told her: "it's in TJ Watt's pocket on injured reserve with him."

  27. #4877
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    Defense didn't cost you that game. Cleveland made adjustments after half and the Steelers didn't. I kept thinking they were going to get into a rhythm and they never did. At one point, y'all had the ball and I'm thinking this was going to be where you started figuring it out. Then, I looked at the clock and there was 8:47 left in the game. Everything you said about Canada is right. He sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks. And my question about outside zone was answered: You run a traditional blocking scheme. There's no reason why Cleveland should have been able to stop it with four DL and a linebacker. Just painful to watch.

    My brother is mad because he said that every drive this season starts with a run up the middle. Everybody sees it and everybody stops it, putting you at a down-and-distance disadvantage from the beginning. He said the first play - just once, mind you - needs to be over the top to keep the defense honest, but I told him that from what I see, they're not loading the box to stop Harris. They're just doing it. I really hope that gets better or Tomlin's looking at his first losing season and about to be on the hot seat.

  28. #4878
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    There really has no contribution from the Tight Ends [Friermuth, Gentry, Connor Heyward] other than really to block. Yes, Trubisky did throw to Friermuth before, but it's rare.
    I was optomistic in the 2nd quarter but then.....gone, lost in translation.

    Your brother is correct. I was sitting there at the Pats game & said to my husband: "up the middle....always first." Have to say Ben didn't do that. If reflects on Canada.

    What do you think? Is it really time for Pickett?

  29. #4879
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    Personally, I saw a sharp version of Trubisky. It wasn't the execution that was the problem, it was the play calls. If it were up to me, I'd keep Trubisky at QB but give him the responsibility of changing plays. They could give him just one or two options, but I think with his experience and his current level of performance, this is a perfect situation where you want your QB to audible.

    I really don't think the kid will change anything other than give the coaches some breathing room. If they switched, the pressure would be more on gaining experience than winning. I'd leave Trubisky under center.

  30. #4880
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    I agree........keep Trubisky & throw out Canada. Simple, end of statement.

  31. #4881
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    I still like trubisky, sunday's game with the eagles should be high scoring with us coming out on the short end...eagles 35- commanders 28!!!

  32. #4882
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    The Iggles are looking tough right now. I have Carson Wentz backing up Justin Herbert on my fantasy football team and might have to start him. He's been playing well so far and Herbert is injured and might not play. I hope he blows up and has a good game.

  33. #4883
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    Either of you see any article about the increasing support among NFL owners to make Snyder sell the Commanders?

  34. #4884
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    I didn't see it. I've heard they're reticent to do it because he knows where too many bodies are buried and made it known he'll expose them if they try to make him sell. That's why they commissioned a million dollar investigation but insisted that the final report be given orally. They didn't want to chance a paper document being leaked, so there's no record of findings, which is just nuts. But when you have a franchise owner who's living offshore in an attempt to avoid a Congressional subpoena, that reflects on the whole gaggle of billionaire trolls who comprise the NFL ownership.

  35. #4885
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    What a football day so far!!!!!! The Colts beat the Chiefs, your Dolphins Jerry beat the Bills. My fave so far? The Ravens beat the Patriots with Lamarr Jackson having 4 TD's!!
    Now I can give some crap to our friend in Boston, who thinks the Pats all walk on water & doesn't hesitate to tell me every time they win [[especially 1 second after they beat the Steelers).

  36. #4886
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    And Brady loses to the Packers! I think that leave Miami & Philly the only undefeated teams if I'm not mistaken.

    Ms M, your Boyz play tomorrow.

  37. #4887
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    Dolphins definitely bent to the Bills without breaking. Bills didn't play well in the heat and were cramping and passing out on the field. They had beat us the last 7 times we played, so the victory was huge. Now, we play Cincinnati on Thursday night with the chance to exit our murderers row stretch of games 4-0. I'll definitely take that.

    And the Falcons beat Seattle. Geno Smith looked sharp, but the Falcons defense stepped up and played well in the fourth quarter. For a team with the worst roster in the league, we're a couple of plays shy of being 3-0 and that ain't bad. Especially when two of the teams we played well were the Stains and the Rams. Definite signs of life there. If Mariota doesn't make horribly-timed mistakes in every game, we're undefeated. But he does, so...

  38. #4888
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    I watched that Packers/Buck game. Brady is getting slower & slower [physically] when he drops back. Besides being 45 I think his personal life is affecting his play. And the "new" Tom Brady rule: after destroying 2 Surface Pros I guess you can get fined....wonder if that applies to Buffalo's OC in the booth

  39. #4889
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    Ok Ralph, Finally figured it all out. I'm in.
    Hey everyone.
    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!

  40. #4890
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    Don't even know where to start. Ok yeah I do. To my dear beloved Jai....the Commodores, Commandoes, hogs, dogs, whatever they are can't even find an identity much less the end zone.

    Congrats on the Falcon's win Jerry Oz but to be honest, I was more impressed with Matty Ice pulling it out of the fire for the Colts.

    Can't say if Howdie Doodie or Cooper Rush will show up tonight but I'll be in the house to comment either way.

    ...and Moe, you already know how I feel about Trubisky...just give him and the team some time to get through the growing pains.

  41. #4891
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    Glad you made it in time, Ms M!!! We missed you!!
    Hope your Boyz come to play. And I don't care if it's Howdie Doodie or Clarabell.

  42. #4892
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    Just now saw your email, MsM. Good to see you back in the house.

  43. #4893
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    Thanks Moe and Ralph. Good to be back. I've had my share of ups and downs but who hasn't?

    I hope we come to play too. Lol. See ya shortly.

  44. #4894
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    You and your dramatic entrances... Just in time for the G-Men to jump all over dem Boyz tonight. Welcome back!

  45. #4895
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    You and your dramatic entrances... Just in time for the G-Men to jump all over dem Boyz tonight. Welcome back!
    ...and you wouldn't have it any other way. LOL
    Thanks Jerry Oz but save the eyerolls for when my Boyz kicks defeat in the butt tonight....[[pray and cross fingers)

  46. #4896
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    oops forgot about the issues with the thingamajig

  47. #4897
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    So do you know the point spread?

  48. #4898
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    Don't pay attention to them Moe, I'm a win or we get our butts kick kinda fan...LOL

  49. #4899
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    Kindred spirit....the same for the Steelers.

  50. #4900
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    Time to shake the dirty martini...I'll be back!!!!!!!

    Oh yeah, for those they may not know, I'm a die hard Boyz fan forever and always. Get pissed get over it but let's have some fun!!!!!


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