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  1. #1501
    Back on 9/11 the Twitterverse was in full speculation mode; Trump had suddenly, and without notice, arrived at Dulles airport in a rented jet. People wondered if he was ill, or if he had arrived to give some secret Grand Jury testimony, or if he was going to be indicted and had flown to Washington to avoid a perp walk similar to the one Steve Bannon had taken. No One Knew! The secrecy began to unravel yesterday afternoon at his golf club.

    He, and eight of his co-conspirators had a golf outing... when no one played golf. Devin Nunes was there, so was Kevin McCarthy, and Eric, and Newt Gingerich [[you can see him in the top photo). The reason for such a clandestine outing is to keep people from knowing it's taking place. Obviously, the secrecy bit failed entirely. There are quite a number of videos of them driving around in their carts and standing, talking in the rain. Ooops! And at first people wondered why. Then the news began breaking. So, why did Trump suddenly fly into Dulles? Over the past week, the DOJ has issued over 40 subpoenas, and confiscated 2 cell phones from his close allies. This is an 'oh! shit!' meeting. They need to get their stories straight. This is the gang that couldn't shoot straight, try to make sure they can corroborate their stories in secret. The bottom picture has been dubbed Da Vinci's Last Subpeona.

  2. #1502

  3. #1503
    Lindsey Graham began explaining his federal abortion ban legislation by saying:
    “I picked 15 weeks…”
    Watching a man say “I picked” as it relates to legislation controlling women’s reproductive rights was about the most on-brand Republican move I’ve seen.
    Vote, folks.
    Last edited by lakeside; 09-13-2022 at 06:43 PM.

  4. #1504
    I don't know how many people know that a magistrate released more redacted information regarding Trump's stealing documents. For someone who supposedly didn't like to read, he apparently made notes on some of the documents which have been recovered, or at least on the top of the folders. What he wrote has not been revealed, but I suspect it's rather damning.
    Lyndsey Graham announced that if the Republicans retook the House and Senate, they would work to create a national ban on abortion. This was after Republicans said decisions on abortions should be left to the states. This is, perhaps, an effort by the party to get evangelicals out to vote. This does not appear to be a win, win situation for them.
    And Mike Lyndell, the moronic pillow guy, had his phone confiscated by the FBI while he was buying dinner at an Arby's. They had a warrant, so they didn't just snatch it from him. When Laura Ingraham noted that it seemed as though everyone who had contact with Trump was having their phone confiscated, I had to laugh. I'm sure panic among MAGA Republicans is spreading faster than a California wildfire.

  5. #1505

  6. #1506
    And I think if they nabbed #AuntLindsey to get her phone, it’ll clearly happen at the Dairy Queen. Just sayin’.
    After railing against President Biden for the high gas prices earlier this summer, Fox “Business” anchor Charles Payne actually praised Big Oil experiencing record profits:

    "You know what I say? Great, fantastic, I love it!"
    But when he was asked if that means gas prices could come down, he replied:

    "I’m confused about that."
    Seriously. Dumb.

  7. #1507
    Y’all heard that the My Pillow Guy, Mike Lindell, was stopped by the FBI at a Hardee’s drive-thru, and had his phone confiscated. But, while that is good news, the hilarious part is that Lindell wants everyone to believe that he does all of the business for his multi-million-dollar corporation over his cell phone.
    Gosh, he really is that dumb.

  8. #1508

  9. #1509
    Mike Lindell, on hiring Alan Dershowitz to sue the FBI for seizing his phone:

    “What can we do with the seizure of my phone and this FBI corruption? We are suing—you’re hearing it here first, everybody—we’re suing the United States government and the FBI. My First, Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights were broken. We’re not going to put up with this. We’re not going to be the Gestapo like in Nazi Germany. Take a phone away of a private citizen, their company phone! And their hearing aids, everything else. Everything I had was in that phone. All these businesses. MyPillow, MyStore, FrankSpeech, passwords to be able to do money wires that I can’t do right now. Those aren’t in any cloud!”
    Well then, Mike, it appears you are about the dumbest human on the plant which may be why, with all the lawsuits you’ve filed since November 2020, that you haven’t won one.
    Kari Lake, the GQP candidate for Arizona governor, calling MAGAts the equivalent of Jesus:

    “You can call us whatever you want, Joe. You can call us extremists. You can call us domestic terrorists. You know who else was called a lot of names, his whole life? Jesus. He never stopped. They called him names right up until his death. So why should we care what Joe Biden thinks of us?”
    Kari, you dimwit, what he should have called you is a pandering lying QAnon-marching fascist loon, cuz that’s what'cha'are, Blanch, that’s what'cha’are.
    If Jesus exists, he’s rolling his eyes at you because you are the last kind of person with whom he would align himself.

  10. #1510
    Don Bolduc, the GOP Senate nominee in New Hampshire, flip-flopping on the Big lie as soon as he won his primary because, well, pandering:

    “I’ve done a lot of research on [the Big Lie], and I’ve spent the past couple weeks talking to Granite Staters all over the state from every party, and I have come to the conclusion—and I want to be definitive on this—the election was not stolen.”
    He used the Big Lie to win a primary, and then when he realized it may not help him in November he suddenly realized that he’d been thinking about changing his stance for over a year.
    Herschel Walker, on … um, er … oh, who the hell knows what he’s talking about anymore:

    “Well, you know, you’ve gotta pay tribute to the 9/11 victims, you know? But also, you saw America come together. You saw America come together because this country was, you know, it was on a war with a country that didn’t believe in us. And right now we have leaders in Washington like Joe Biden doing venomous speeches that doesn’t believe in American people. He’s trying to separate us. I’m running against Senator Warnock who’s another one that says white people gotta apologize for whiteness. America gotta apologize for it whiteness. You’re trying to separate people because you’re looking for a vote. That’s why I’ve been encouraging people, getting out and campaigning, letting people know that we’re not racist bad people, that right now, we’ve got to come together. In the bible it says a house divided cannot stand. And that seems to be what Raphael Warnock and Joe Biden want to do is separate the people.”
    Man his thought process is like a Rorschach test. I can’t … it doesn’t … please, Georgia, don’t allow this to be your Senator.
    Dave Rubin, American conservative political commentator and homosexual, perpetuating that rightwingnut lie about indoctrinating children:

    “How can we put a stop to this kind of insanity? Should the parental rights in education bill in Florida be adopted into other states or is that still not enough? Look, that’s a start. That is a start but it is not enough. So, first off, of course, every state should model the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, which has nothing to do with being gay. It’s simply that you do not want six-year-olds being taught anything about sexuality or gender by state educators, and especially if they can keep that information private from the parents. Just imagine, I mean, I’ve thought about this — so now Justin’s six years old, he’s in first grade, imagine if I found out that, actually, for three months there was a teacher talking to him about gender or sexuality. Maybe calling him Justine instead of Justin, and I didn’t know about that. I might kill that person. That’s where we’re at, right? So, unless you don’t want these people to be killed—and I mean this somewhat flippantly—like, they want to abuse children. They want to abuse children.”
    First off, to suggest that Don’t Say Gay has nothing to do with being gay is the height of stupidity. Try it this way, Dave, if I start a Don’t Say Christian bill will you agree it has nothing to do with being Christian, or does your own self-loathing not see the issue?
    Secondly, please find me an example, I’ll wait for just one example of a teacher, anywhere in this country, talking to six-year-olds about gender or sexuality. It doesn’t happen, it’s just another fearmongering tactic from the party that trades in fear and hate.
    Lastly, to suggest murdering, even flippantly, someone is moronic, as we know when you blasted Senator Mazie Hirono for saying that fighting the pro-life movement "is literally a call to arms in our country,” and yet you replied that it sounded “like she’s literally calling for violence. Alas, she has Democrat Privilege so mainstream media won’t care…”
    You’re a pandering, ,lying, fearmongering hypocrite Dave. That’s all.

  11. #1511
    Of course, Ronnie DeSantis was trafficking in humans yesterday because he's a smart ass. He sent them to Martha's Vinyard. Ronnie is trying to make points with the MAGA base. He was rewarded by seeing them shriek with joy. They saw this as an attack on the liberals, especially those who live on Martha's Vinyard, like Alan Dershowitz. Remember Al? He's the screaming liberal who defended Trump during his 2nd impeachment. And Al's not alone. What those foolish MAGA brains fail to understand that Martha's Vinyard represents wealth more so than it does Liberalism. But then Ronnie's more interested in making points with the MAGA base rather than making points with wealthy, conservative donors.

    And Trump's personal judge Cannon appointed a Special Master. By now, most Americans with a brain understand she's been bought and paid for by Trump. While certain % of Republicans are happy with her decisions, many also realize she's doing more to damage their midterm chances.

  12. #1512

  13. #1513

  14. #1514
    Lucky Stars

    I'll be honest, I don't know if I'm happier than the My Pillow guy got his phone taken away........or that he got it taken away at Hardee's [[should there really be an apostrophe there?).


    Mostly the latter.

    If he's such a proponent of g-d, why did g-d make him deaf. Allegedly he needs the phone to work his hearing aids?

    So, we all know that January 6th was in 2021, right? WHY THE FUCK would you keep your phone for 19 months knowing from the get go you were singled out the same day as possibly taking part in that little coup?

    I mean, that thing would have been at the bottom of the Potomac if it were me....and the next day. After I ran over it with my car...........eight times.

    But the wheels of justice move slow here. I'm sure if no one came for it in the first few weeks......then months............then year........you figure, no one is coming for it.

    ....and then there you are, ordering your Large Angus Burger, and the FBI takes away your phone before you can use GooglePay to purchase for your food.

    For the record, I've never been to a Hardee's. I had to look up their menu to know that a Large Angus [[yes, there' a 'g' in there) Burger is one of their items. For full disclosure, I did go into a Carl's Jr in Boise once, to take a dump.........which is what I'm guessing the Pillow Guy did at the counter. I at least I had the decency to use their restroom.

    Oh - to tie that all together, Carl's Jr. and Hardee's are really the same thing, just different names, same company.

    In other good news: Ken Starr is dead.

  15. #1515

  16. #1516

  17. #1517

  18. #1518

  19. #1519

  20. #1520

  21. #1521
    And, evidently, Trump had a rally in Ohio yesterday? I understand he called for the death penalty for human traffickers, you know, like Ronnie DeSantis? Notice the subtle dig at Ronnie? He's terrified Ronnie's going to become more popular. Ronnie's soon going to be fighting back. Just wait for it, dueling fascists, each trying to be more extreme than the other. This is how you destroy a political party, from within.

  22. #1522

  23. #1523

  24. #1524
    This Storm *Is* Coming

    SEPTEMBER 19, 2022
    Nice democracy you got there…
    From The Bulwark, by Charlie Sykes:
    Periodically over the last six years, we’ve been told that we worry too much about the dangers posed by the former president. The worthies of anti-anti-Trumpism, who populate the media formerly known as conservative, caution against being too alarmed by Trump’s “personality,” or his “mean tweets.”
    To take him too seriously, they insist, is evidence of TDS, or Trump Derangement Syndrome.
    Days after the election the Wapo quoted the new maxim of the Smart Kids in The Room: “What is the downside for humoring him for this little bit of time… he’ll tweet some more about how the election was stolen, and then he’ll leave.
    As my colleague Tim Miller wrote, the argument from unnamed [[but ubiquitous) Senior Republican Officials “was premised on the [[wildly off-base) presupposition that the former guy was just gonna stomp his feet and smear his ketchup on the wall and then move on from the whole coup thing after a few weeks of sucking on his Bedminster-branded pacifier.”
    The corollary to the denialism was the insistence, it can’t get any worse, can it? “Whatever damage he was going to do,” Ben Shapiro explained in October 2020, “he’s already done, and it’s not going to help if I don’t vote for him this time.”
    As I wrote back in July 2021:
    By then, of course, we had already seen more than enough to get a good idea of who and what Trump was, and what he was capable of doing. Shapiro had seemed to understand Trump’s character even before he was elected in 2016. Since then, however, he had watched the lies, corruption, bigotry, and mendacity of Trump’s presidency, and decided — “let’s have four more years of that.”
    What more damage could he possibly do with a second term? Shapiro asked. Hadn’t we seen the worst?
    What could possibly go wrong?
    Of course, that was before the Big Lie.
    Before Trump’s attempt to overturn the election. Before he delayed the transition. Before he demanded that his vice president nullify electoral votes.
    Before military leaders feared he might stage a coup.
    “Whatever damage he was going to do, he’s already done,” Shapiro argued.
    Since then, he incited the January 6 Insurrection.
    Since then, Trump praised the rioters as “patriots” and “peaceful people.” Since then, he made delegitimizing the election a litmus test for the GOP.

    I regret to tell you that the worst is yet to come.
    ICYMI over the weekend, the former president went full, wooly Q.
    The “just mean tweets” crowd might be tempted to dismiss this “re-truthing” image as mere Trumpian lulz trolling. But it was just the beginning.

  25. #1525

  26. #1526

  27. #1527
    Julie Green is a prophet. God told her that King Charles murdered the Queen for the crown. Of course, she also claims that President Biden is dead and that Barak Obama is running the country through a Joe Biden body double. She could easily be dismissed as a religious nut wad except...

    She is a spiritual advisor to Doug Mastriano, the Republican gubernatorial candidate who participated in the January 6th debacle. He also uses a white supremacist online group to attract followers. He vows to deregister every voter in Pennsylvania and make us all re-register to vote. He also says that he can decertify the votes from anywhere if he believes that there is any irregularity.

    He is losing in the polls, but I still have a question. How can he only be losing by 10.4 points?

  28. #1528

  29. #1529

  30. #1530

  31. #1531

  32. #1532
    Whammy Kiss

    It wasn't a good day for BLOTUS & Co - and for that I am happy.

    I've said it before though: if you're gonna hit the king; you'd better kill the king.

    Clearly, he is not royalty except for the joker or flush king. And he's not all that funny. Fuck knows I haven't been laughing since 2015's announcement of running for office.

    With the NY charges, it's not "staggering" fraud charges [[well it kind of is) and its potential $250MM fine, it is the additional penalty of being "permanently barred from serving as officers or directors in any New York company".


    I mean, I think the Feckless Cunt relocated to America's Wang anyway, no doubt to practice her short game on mommy's grave. That, and anyone she knew in NY pretends like she doesn't exist.

    Jr is too coked up to even know where he is; and their brother is too stupid to know where he is.

    But for the double whammy: the courts gave access to the Mar-a-Lago files back to the DOJ.

    While I haven't really read a lot of any of this - I'm sure / guessing the words "witch hunt" were used. I'm tired of the laws only applying to others or that "news" outlets don't point that out during interviews. They're so afraid that family won't talk to them at all, they avoid actual news.

    Still, state charges aren't open for pardon, so..............ha. And I'm thinking a felony leaves someone out of 2024. Well, that and sweet sweet death.

    Listen.......a boy can dream!

  33. #1533

  34. #1534
    Now, isn't it nice to know there are certain things we can all rely upon? I mean, nothing changes about them. They are constant. They stay the course. Nothing will ever alter their heading. Ever. Take, for example, the investigations into Donald Trump. No matter how greatly the evidence proves guilt, no matter how many people flip and testify against him, these investigations will always be witch hunts. Knowing this, I did a little investigating on my own. Did you know that not all witches wear pointy hats? Or that their evilness is long-lived? Or that witches are gender based? The male witch is called a warlock. This immediately proves him wrong. These investigators are not looking for some scaggy, old bitch who flies around on a broom. No, if Trump is correct, this is a warlock hunt. Well, I hate to admit it but he's correct. As proof, I offer up this old lithograph as proof.

    Anyway, I don't know about you, but I'm finding this week to be more than a little titillating in regard to the Donald. Joy of joy, things have been going terribly for him. Thanks to the lawsuit filed by the Attorney General of New York, people suspect he's not really a billionaire. And all those times he took the 5th? In a civil trial, which this is, they can be used against him. This means that the 440 times he refused to testify on the grounds it might incriminate him, he was really telling the courts, "yeah, I'm guilty as hell."

    And, of course, the 11th District told Trump's pocket judge Aileen Cannon that she has her head up her ass. Contrary to what his cult wants to believe, you can not declassify documents simply by thinking they are declassified. I suspect an indictment for treason from the DOJ will be forthcoming.

    The fact that he keeps shrieking witch hunt proves beyond a doubt that witches really do exist.

  35. #1535
    James Lankford, Oklahoma GOP Senator, spouting nonsense:

    “And… that’s not some radical principle, just for people to be faithful and for God to bless them. I mean, it’s just the most basic principle of all. As funny as it sounds, we’ve experienced a big drought in Oklahoma. The week after—the week after—we passed this law to be able to protect the lives of children, we had the most overwhelming rainstorm that came across the state, and it was such an interesting conversation among people in the church, like, “Did that just happen? Did that just occur?”
    I guess Lankford thinks 'God' sent the rains to thank Oklahoma for banning abortion, but then why flood the state and leave so many homeless? What was 'God' saying there?
    Adam Kinzinger, Illinois GOP Congressman, on what the GOP might do if they take the House in November and are led by the ‘crazies’:

    “Back before we had all the crazies here—just some crazies—you know, every vote we took, we had to somehow defund ObamaCare. You’ll remember, right when we took over it was we need to do the omnibus bill, but we’re not going to vote for it because it doesn’t defund ObamaCare. That’s going to look like child’s play in terms of what Marjorie Taylor Greene is going to demand of Kevin McCarthy. They’re going to demand an impeachment vote on President Biden every week.”
    And imagine a Congress getting absolutely nothing done because they want to impeach the president as payback because they supported a racist rapist traitor for the last six-plus years.
    Herschel Walker, GOP candidate for Senator from Georgia, speaking the truth for a change:

    “I’m a country boy. I’m not that smart. [Warnock]’s a preacher. He is smart and wears these nice suits. So, he is going to show up and embarrass me at the debate Oct. 14th and I’m just waiting to show up and I will do my best. He has made every excuse not to show up. I begged him until I chased him down and then he decided he was going to show up Oct. 14. I didn’t agree to do his debate because it wasn’t fair. A fair debate is doing it in front of the voters, and I’ve agreed.”
    I literally, again, have no idea what he’s trying to say, but then he warned me that he’s dumb.
    Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Los Angeles Lakers legend, on Anthony Edwards, Minnesota Timberwolves guard, anti-LGBTQ+ comments:

    “Another athlete, another anti-gay slur. Last year, Kevin Durant was fined $50,000 fine for using “offensive and derogatory language on social media” after texting messages that included threatening language and anti-gay and misogynistic slurs. He also apologized. It would be easy to dismiss Edwards’ immaturity—he’s only 21—if not for the fact that we’ve seen so many cases of famous athletes and owners in the news spouting racism, misogyny, and anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments. This damages sports in general and their teams specifically, and revives the old stereotype of the dumb, bullying jock. But more important, it perpetuates prejudice against a group and that prejudice often leads to restricting rights and to violence. I don’t think an apology—however heartfelt—is enough. Edwards needs to repair the damage with some voluntary community service with LGBTQ+ organizations, particularly youth groups, to show his support. If he can’t do that much to undo the harm he’s caused, then his apology is meaningless.”
    Edwards apologized for homophobic comments he made during an Instagram story, which had been posted over the weekend, where he used homophobic slurs to describe a group of shirtless men.
    And Abdul-Jabbar is right because the apology, without any effort to show change, to prove Edwards has changed, is just more words that he may not mean either.

  36. #1536
    "Diaper Don" is trending on Twitter. He's clearly wearing *something* in this photo:

  37. #1537

  38. #1538

  39. #1539

  40. #1540

  41. #1541

  42. #1542

  43. #1543

  44. #1544

  45. #1545

  46. #1546

  47. #1547
    Pete Buttigieg is simple, straightforward, common sense, with no hype, no bull shiz, no inflammatory speech. This man needs to be President one day soon.
    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has endorsed a bipartisan electoral count reform bill, giving the legislation a key boost over a similar bill the House passed. Both bills would prevent future fascist narcissistic presidents from trying to overturn election results through Congress.
    The Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act would amend the Electoral Count Act of 1887 and reaffirm that the vice president has only a ministerial role at the joint session of Congress to count electoral votes, as well as raise the threshold necessary for members of Congress to object to a state’s electors.
    Nice to see the GOP line up behind this since, you know, January 6 was a GOP thang, and one sure fire reason to stand behind this is that insurrectionist and Big Liar Ted Cruz is against it..
    Marjorie Taylor Greene is not getting at least one vote that we know of … because her husband of twenty-seven years, Perry Greene, has filed for divorce. Marge Greene, adulterer, is famous for saying:

    “Marriage is a wonderful thing and I’m a firm believer in it. Our society is formed by a husband and wife creating a family to nurture and protect. Together, Perry and I formed our family and raised three great kids. He gave me the best job title you can ever earn: Mom.”
    Now he’s calling you Ex-. And before anyone thinks I’m being mean, remember Marjorie Taylor Greene attacks other people's marriages, like mine, calling hers the model.
    And yet her husband calls the marriage "Irretrievably broken." Sorry. Not Sorry.

  48. #1548
    I Didn't Say It

    Martha MacCallum, Fox anchor, proving yet again that Fox “News” people have no idea what they’re talking about:

    “You saw what happened in Cuba, I mean, the entire island is completely out of power. And it gives you—you know, you feel terrible for people in Puerto Rico who were just hit, in Cuba who were just hit. Thank God we have better infrastructure in our country. We’ve put a lot of investment into making sure that we’re ready for these things. But it’s an act of nature, and you never know exactly what to expect.”
    Yes, Martha MacCallum, an ALLEGEDLY educated woman, doesn’t realize Puerto Rico is a US Territory … possibly because the people there are Brown and speak a foreign language.
    Tucker Carlson, proving that President Biden was right about the GOP, MAGAts and conservative “news” outlets:

    “American families are facing the very same onslaught from the very same poisonous ideologies. The difference is that in this country it’s rarely acknowledged, except on the fringes. [Giorgia] Meloni is not on the fringes. She’s the new Prime Minister of Italy—she will be—and she’s saying it out loud. Contrast that to what’s happening in the United States. House Republicans just spelled out what they’re running on. It’s a document called ‘The Commitment to America’. It’s fine, probably not much in it you disagree with it ... There’s not a single word in that document about the attacks on the American family that you see every day. That’s at the center of most people’s concerns. How are my kids? Will they have a life that resembles mine? That was called the American Dream. Does it still exist? Will they be able to afford to live the way they grew up? Will they have the opportunities that we had? No. People are upset about that. Why wouldn’t they be? But nobody says it and that’s odd because we know, and now it’s been proven, that when politicians are brave enough to tell the truth about what’s actually happening, they tend to be rewarded for it. Once again, here is the incoming Prime Minister of Italy. As you watch this, ask yourself if you would vote for a candidate like this if you had the chance in our country.”
    Fascist; the woman is part of the neo-fascist movement and here’s Fucker Carlson saying that should happen here because clearly he forgot what happened the last time Italy elected a fascist.
    I’ll say it again: what President Biden said about many in the GOP, the MAGAts, and conservative news sites was spot on and Fucker Carlson just admitted it.
    Chris Christie, pretending to offer advice to Thing 45 yet hoping it won’t be heeded and he can make another failed run at the White House:

    “The more you absolutely antagonize with nonsense arguments on television that your lawyers won’t make in court—because they’re afraid they’ll be sanctioned if they do because they have no evidence—you’re pushing yourself closer to a self-inflicted indictment. I think these are all self-inflicted wounds by [Thing 45]. You know, one of the things that I always say to clients are, you know, don’t out loud fight with the Department of Justice. Like, you know, we’ll fight in court and do the things we need to do.”
    Thing 45 thinks he’s untouchable and so he will say and do whatever he wants because he’s a narcissistic, syphilitic braindead racist rapist traitor. And Christie hopes he will because maybe it'll give him a shot at the White House.
    John Fetterman, on what the right focuses on when it comes to him … hint: it’s stupid:

    “Earlier this month, Fox News host Tucker Carlson went on a nearly 20-minute-long rant about me. The whole thing was as unhinged as you’d expect, but one line that stood out was about my tattoos. ‘All your stupid little fake tattoos,’ he said, calling them a ‘costume.’ So let’s talk about the tattoos that Carlson seems to be so interested in. I have nine dates tattooed on my right forearm. Each one is a day on which someone died violently in Braddock, Pennsylvania, while I was mayor. Gun violence and violent crime might be a joke to someone like Carlson, but they are very real to people in towns like Braddock. That’s why I have these tattoos. They are not some ‘costume.’”
    Tucker doesn’t get it because it his pasty, flabby Swanson TV dinner mashed potato body won’t accept tattoos. Oh, and cuz he’s an idiot who now wants to make people with tattoos unfit for office.
    Adam Schiff, on Thing 45’s assertion that he could declassify documents with his syphilitic brain:

    “That’s not how it works. Those comments don’t demonstrate much intelligence of any kind. If you could simply declassify by thinking about it, then frankly, if that’s his view, he’s even more dangerous than we may have thought. He could simply spout off on anything he read in a presidential daily brief or anything that he was briefed on by the CIA director to a visiting Russian delegation or any other delegation and simply say, ‘Well, I thought about it and therefore, when the words came out of my mouth, they were declassified.’ No, people work hard to get that information. People put their lives at risk to get that information. That information protects American lives. And for him to treat it so cavalierly shows both what a continuing danger the man is, but also how very little regard he has for anything but himself.”
    He does it because he’s a traitor who was way out of his depth in the White House and will do and say whatever he thinks even when it’s clear he’s an uneducated, ill-informed twazzock.

  49. #1549
    Ronald DeSantis, Climate Change Denier and Disaster Relief Refuser, May Finally Face Reality

    SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 |
    Sadly for Floridians, it’s too late—if it even really happens.
    From Esquire, by Charles P. Pierce:
    Seems like the good times, back when the sun was shining and folks were laughing about some plane rides to Massachusetts, are all in the wind now.
    Things were a bit different back in July. From Orlando Weekly:
    Continuing to target what he calls “woke” corporations, Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to prohibit state investments that use “environmental, social and governance” ratings, which can include taking into account impacts of climate change.
    DeSantis plans to have the State Board of Administration, which oversees investments, direct pension-fund managers against “using political factors when investing the state’s money.” So-called ESG policies have drawn criticism from Republicans across the country. “We want them [[fund managers) to invest the state’s money for the best interests of the beneficiaries of those funds, which is, again, the people that are retired cops and teachers and other public employees,” DeSantis said Wednesday during an appearance at Harpoon Harry’s Crab House in Tampa.
    Things were a bit different last year. From the Orlando Sentinel:
    As reported by Laura Cassels in the Florida Phoenix, DeSantis — while speaking in Pinellas County on Dec. 7 — referred to climate change as “left-wing stuff” and neglected to even use the word, “climate change.” He said, “What I’ve found is, people when they start talking about things like global warming, they typically use that as a pretext to do a bunch of left-wing things that they would want to do anyways. We are not doing any left-wing stuff.”
    That’s not “left-wing stuff” in the streets of Tampa, and Naples, and what used to be the streets on Sanibel Island. It’s the damn Gulf of Mexico. For a tinhorn politician with lofty plans for the future, DeSantis has been handed some actual governor-ing to do, now and for at least the next year, right up into the festivities in Iowa and New Hampshire. He has to admit by deed, if not by word, that he needs help from the big, bad Washington government headed by President Joe “Open Borders” Biden. He has to answer questions about why, when he was merely a Tea Party nuisance in Congress, he voted against similar relief for the victims of Superstorm Sandy. He has to confront the fact that it cost the state $12 million for his little stunt with the asylum seekers, which is $12 million it doesn’t have now to help the citizens on his state’s west coast.

    Yes, Pinocchio, you’re a real boy now. Your state has been dealt a historic blow, intensified by natural phenomena that your political base doesn’t believe exists. They’re watching in Des Moines and in Nashua, certainly. But they’re struggling to survive in Tampa and Naples. Where’s your head going to be? Where’s your heart?

  50. #1550


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