Sometime, either before or after Bannon was indicted, he evidently said that "I have never laundered anything." Looking at his pictures on the Internet, many find his comment not too surprising.

Oh, and speaking of Stevies, Steven Miller has been subpoenaed. I believe he has already sat with the January 6 committee at least once, now, however; he'll have the chance to use the 5th amendment. In fact, it seems as though both Stevies have had a very bad week.

And both the DOJ and Trump's turned in their lists of Special Masters. One of the items Trump's team wants is for the Special Master to look at every single document. This is how you define the intention to delay. Trump believes that the Republicans will take back the house in November. They won't. He thinks that's going to save his ass. It won't. What will be interesting is this will help define how deep the collusion runs between Judge Cannon and Trump.