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    Trump is reading my memoir, Kushner claims of famously book-shy boss

    AUGUST 25, 2022
    From The Guardian:
    Donald Trump was notoriously averse to reading his briefing papers as president but according to Jared Kushner he has started reading Breaking History, his son-in-law and former adviser’s 500-page White House memoir.
    Speaking to the Fox News host Brian Kilmeade on Wednesday, Kushner said: “When I gave it to him, he said, ‘Look, this is a very important book. I’m glad somebody wrote a book that’s really going to talk about what actually happened in the room.’ And he says, ‘I’m going to read it.’
    “So he started reading and he’s given me some compliments on it so far. And again, I hope he’s proud of it. I don’t know if he’ll like anything [in it].”
    Critics have not liked much in Kushner’s book. For the Guardian, Lloyd Green called it “a mixture of news and cringe” which “selectively parcels out dirt”. In the New York Times, Dwight Garner called the book “earnest and soulless”, saying “Kushner looks like a mannequin, and he writes like one”.
    “Kushner’s fealty to Trump remains absolute. Reading this book reminded me of watching a cat lick a dog’s eye goo,” Garner wrote.
    Kushner has said he “read that review and … thought it was hysterical” and wanted “to hang it on my wall”. He also said sales had increased since the Times piece. The book does not appear on the Times bestseller list.
    Married to Trump’s oldest daughter, Ivanka, Kushner was a senior adviser through a presidency that ended in a deadly attack on Congress as Trump attempted to stay in power.
    Kushner said: “Sometimes he listened. Sometimes he didn’t but we had a lot of fun. [Ed.–Well, that’s all that’s important, isn’t it?]
    Whether Trump will finish Kushner’s book remains to be seen. The former president has never been known to be much of a reader – although his first wife, Ivana Trump, did say he kept a volume of Hitler’s speeches by his bed.

  3. #1453
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    Caitlyn Jenner, who believes “biological boys who are trans” should be banned from participating in sports as their gender identity, now says there’s one exception to that rule:

    “I’ve been very consistent with how I’ve tried to approach this, transgender athletes. It really depends on the sport. Every sport is different. Obviously, we saw with Lia Thomas [University of Pennsylvania swimmer], she had gone through male puberty, bigger cardiovascular system, it just wasn’t fair. Golf is a totally different game. It is a game of touch and feel. It is about your ability around the green, to get the ball out of the bunker. [Golfer Hailey Davidson’]s playing within the rules.”
    There’s another difference between swimming and golf: Jenner participates in women’s golf tournaments herself, and if she kept her stance on banning trans women from sports then she would find herself banned. Caitlyn Jenner is a self-loathing hypocrite; banning trans women is fine for any sport in which Jenner chooses not to participate, but she’ll find any exception to the rule for the games she plays.
    She can kindly fuck all the way off.
    Jared Kushner, proving he’s as delusional as his father-in-law:

    “For the last year, the one thing I’ve tried to put a priority on since leaving the White House is to getting some exercise in. My generation is, hopefully with the advances in science, the first generation that’s going to live forever or the last generation that’s going to die. So we need to keep ourselves in pretty good shape.”
    Oh, I do think Kushner will be around forever, because he’s clearly a mannequin, and plastic can last for eons.
    Mike Turner, GOP congressman and Thing 45 whipping boy, on those classified documents stolen from the White House and taken to Mar-a-Lago:

    “Certainly we all know that every former president has access to their documents. That’s how they write their memoirs. They don’t have, you know, great recall of everything that occurred in their administration. And we don’t know that they were classified. We know according to the FBI documents that they were identified as marked classified.”
    They may have “access” to them, but they cannot take them with them when they are run out of office., No other president has done this, but the GOP thinks it’s okay because when their Traitorous Hair Furor does it.
    Liz Cheney, on Kevin McCarthy:

    “My views about Kevin McCarthy are very clear. The Speaker of the House is the second in line for the presidency. It requires somebody who understands and recognizes their duty, their oath, their obligation and he’s been completely unfaithful to the Constitution and demonstrated a total lack of understanding of the significance and the importance of the role of Speaker, so I don’t believe he should be Speaker of the House. And I think that’s been very clear.”
    Snap. Even losing her election, Liz Cheney will still take on the goose-steppers in the GOP.

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    I wish we could post tweets here. But here's a link:

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  12. #1462
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    Tuesday, August 30, 2022

    Meme Dump

    Yes, I know this is Photoshopped, but it doesn't make me love it any less.

  13. #1463
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    And yesterday was remarkable for several reasons. First off, Mary Peltola defeated that loudmouth Sarah Palin to become Alaska's first female Native American, and first Democrat to come to Washington. Of course, some Republicans are crying foul because Alaska uses a weighted election. It works this way: when you vote, you select your first choice as well as your second choice. If no candidate gets 50%, the second-choice votes for candidate who gets the least number of votes get divvied up. This put Mary over the top. This means more voters had her as their 2nd choice rather than Palin.

    2nd on the list of remarkable things is that both Arizona and Pennsylvania are now listed as leaning Democrat during the midterms. This is great news not only for the Senate races, but for the House races as well. All we have to do is keep the momentum going.

    And finally. The Orange Anus, Donald J. Trump, blurted out something on his Truth Social account which many see as an admission of guilt. Paraphrasing him, he said that the FBI took all of those Confidential, Secret, and Top-Secret files from a well-organized carton and scattered them across the floor. Of course, we all know that Trump would never organize anything, he'd leave that job to an underling. Most important is his statement that they were in cartons, meaning he knew they were there. Damn! That old man ain't too smart, is he?

  14. #1464
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  16. #1466
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    Herschel Walker, GOP candidate for senator from Georgia and the gift that keeps on giving, apparently referring to Raphael Warnock … or not:
    “I’ve always been very transparent. I’ve been very transparent. And I will be a champion for mental health because I’ve helped so many people that had a mental health problem. I think a lot of families have a lot of struggles with mental health, and I will be a champion for that. And they can continue to bring all this, what they want to do against me, because people know what I stand for, Herschel Walker is still standing. My bike is not bent so anyone can ride my bike like he’s going to have Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden riding his bike because he’s going to be voting for whatever they say.”
    Wait. So he’s transparent and has helped people with mental illnesses and will continue to do that, and he stands because he’s still standing, except he’s on a bike that isn’t bent.
    Seriously Georgia?
    Andrew Napolitano, former Fox News host, says Thing 45 will be indicted soon:
    “Even a cursory review of the redacted version of the affidavit submitted in support of the government’s application for a search warrant at the home of [Thing 45] reveals that he will soon be indicted by a federal grand jury for three crimes: Removing and concealing national defense information [NDI], giving NDI to those not legally entitled to possess it, and obstruction of justice by failing to return NDI to those who are legally entitled to retrieve it. In a monumental irony, both Julian Assange … and Edward Snowden … stand charged with the very same crimes that are likely to be brought against [Thing 45]. On both Mr. Assange and Mr. Snowden, [Thing 45] argued that they should be executed. Fortunately for all three, these statutes do not provide for capital punishment.”
    It does not look good for the former Racist-Rapist-Traitor-Grifter-Afduleter-Syphilitic-Asshat-in-Chief.
    And I am here for that.

    Lindsey Graham, South Carolina GOP Senator , "confirmed bachelor, former Junior Miss" and Thing 45 ass-kisser, threatening violence if Thing 45 is prosecuted:
    “If there’s a prosecution of [Thing 45] for mishandling classified information, after the Clinton debacle … there’ll be riots in the streets. Most Republicans, including me, believes when it comes to Trump, there is no law. It’s all about getting him.”
    Oh ma’am, why keep talking, because he will be indicted for some of his crimes, though not all, and if the state of Georgia finds you complicit in election interference, maybe you and Thing 45 can share a cell. Think of it: showers together, meals together, bedtime together, and no Melanie to get in the way.
    You’ll finally be Missus Thing 45.
    Tucker Carlson, on global warming:
    “The Europeans have discovered that the real threat to human civilization is not global warming, it never was global warming. The real threat to people is global cooling, otherwise known as winter. Far more people freeze to death every year than die of heat. In 2019, for example, four times as many people died of cold as of heat. That’s according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. So when temperatures in Europe begin to drop a few months from now, this is a huge problem and that will be obvious to everyone. It’s not global warming, it’s global cooling. That’s what’s going to kill your grandmother.”
    The stupid, it burns. I cannot figure out if Fucker Carlson is really this stupid, or if he thinks his audience is so stupid it will buy the ‘no such thing as global warming because it’s cold in Europe’ line of BS.
    Either way, Fucker Carlson is a useless lump of flesh.
    Ted Cruz, speaking on his podcast about student loan debt forgiveness:
    “If you are that slacker barista who wasted seven years in college studying completely useless things, now has loans, and can’t get a job, Joe Biden just gave you twenty grand. Like, holy cow, that twenty grand, you know, maybe you weren’t gonna vote in November and suddenly, you just got twenty grand. And you know, if you can get off the bong for a minute and head down to the voting station, or just send in your mail-in ballot that the Democrats have helpfully sent you, it could drive up turnout, particularly among young people.”
    Funny, I guess Ted Cruz, the self-entitled Cancun-going, airport whining, Lauren Boebert pimping asshat thinks the only people with student loans are slackers. I guess all the teachers and nurses and doctors and lawyers still paying off their bills might wanna reconsider supporting the GOP since that party holds them in such disregard.
    Last edited by lakeside; 09-02-2022 at 10:23 AM.

  17. #1467
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    Herschel Walker played football when the helmets were soft. #themoreyouknow

  18. #1468
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    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Herschel Walker played football when the helmets were soft. #themoreyouknow
    Real soft! LOL!

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    Miss LesleyBelle Graham

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    Of course, Trump was in Wilkes-Barre, PA last evening. I feel really sorry for those who had to listen to him simply to report his insanity. People are questioning whether he was on drugs, or if this is a more apparent onset of dementia. The truth is neither, he's has just finally decided to give into his inner insanity. Reading some of his comments this morning, I realized how he was rapidly filling in every nook and cranny of the fascist mold he so desperately wants to fill. The most obvious subtitle for his speech can only be "In praise of dictators." Putin's great. Xi, from China, is a king. I don't think he mentioned Kim Dumb Shit or the Saudis, but then I might have missed a name or two. If you're wondering where the contents are to those 43 empty folders, look no farther than the subjects of his praises. You see in Trump's mind, he, and Putin, and Xi, are all on the same level, and so he would have no problems sharing secrets with his friends.

    Finally, as expected, he did bring up Hillary Clinton and her emails, and right on cue the crowd began chanting "lock her up," at which point on Twitter someone commented that he had the awareness of a doorknob. He is single-handedly destroying the Republican Party.

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  34. #1484
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    Of course, there was so much negative Trump shit floating to the surface yesterday, starting in the afternoon with Billy Barr's attack on Ailleen Cannon's decision to permit a Special Master to review the documents taken by the FBI. Seriously flawed, I believe is what he called it. Now, I don't really care for Billy that much, and I'm wondering if his sudden change of heart regarding Trump might be the fact that he's suddenly realized that saving his own skin has become more important than saving Trump's/

    That shit was still getting a lot of attention when all of a sudden, the Washington Post dropped a bombshell. One of the documents confiscated had to do with a specific country's nuclear capabilities. Yep, the Washington Post just blew the lid off the cesspool. Many sharp minds are suspecting that country might just be Israel, since the Saudi's did pay Jared Kushner that $2 billion for consultation services.

    Now even more sharper minds are looking at judge Cannon's decision and muttering about favoritism.

    And then later last evening news broke that Steve Bannon's going to be indicted and will be turning himself in on Thursday: stealing money from MGAGs for that fake save the wall fund. This most likely means more jail time on top of the time he'll spend in jail for not responding to the January 6 subpoena. You just can make this amount of stupid up, can you.

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    Name:  94DCB667-3042-4E5C-9F45-A3D344809A7F.jpg
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    Bam, motherfuckers.

  36. #1486
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    Not like TFG, is he?

  37. #1487
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    Steve the scumbag Bannon, is turning himself into authorities today. It's my understanding that he's a little concerned about this indictment. If found guilty, this one would bring him real jail time and possibly ruination. Now, doesn't that make you feel good, the idea of Steve Bannon being ruined? Let's be honest here, he's too old, and fat, and scabby to be very popular in prison. Besides, I don't doubt that most inmates will see through his bullshit.

    And Mitch McConnell was giving some sort of Republican presser yesterday and for the most part those journalists asking questions were playing softball, but then... a reporter asked him about the top-secret documents Trump had a Mar a Lago. Suddenly the presser ends, though not before Mitch informs the reporters that this investigation is all anybody has been talking about for the past month. The words are barely out of his mouth, before he and the other Republicans make a quick exit. Heading into the midterms, the Republicans have lost control of the conversation. Here's a vid from Forbes. The question is towards the end. I found it amusing that he didn't even say 'good afternoon.' They all just turn and high tail it out of the room. It's almost as though a picture of Steve Bannon naked flashed in front of their eyes.

  39. #1489
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    Dennis Prager, conservative radio talk show host, pulling a Thing 45 and saying some slaveowners were nice:

    “One of the confusing things about life is how many nice people help destroy societies. This is not meant at all facetiously. It is meant literally. We think that people who do bad things, either think they’re doing bad and so they’re truly evil or they will be obviously bad in interpersonal relations, but it doesn’t work that way. Nice people can support vicious things. The human being is a macro and a micro being among the many, many differences within each of us. There were undoubtedly many nice slaveholders in the South. This is not meant facetiously again, it’s meant literally. If you had been invited to one of their homes, you would have been treated beautifully, but they supported a vicious system. The left is a vicious system. It’s not slavery. Although the end result of all leftism is the enslavement of populations, not as in transatlantic slave trade or chattel slavery, but in the diminution of human rights and liberties, which is a form of enslavement.”
    I thought we learned several years ago that racists and Nazis and Klan members and white supremacists are not nice, never nice; this totally smacks of Thing 45’s epic failure after the Charlottesville riots.
    Let me make this queer: anyone who bought a human being and forced them into manual labor for their entire lives, including subjugating their wives and children., who kept human beings in chains and enslaved, sleeping on the floors of ramshackle slave houses, raping them, beating them, murdering them, is not a nice person.
    Never a nice person.
    Bill Barr, former Thing 45 Attorney General, on his former boss’ request for a Special Master:

    “As more information comes out, the actions of the department look more understandable. It seems to me they were driven by concern about highly sensitive information being strewn all over a country club, and it was taking them almost two years to get it back. It appears that there’s been a lot of jerking around of the government. I’m not sure the department could have gotten it back without taking action. I think it’s a crock of shit. I don’t think a special master is called for.”
    Yeah, I know, Billy Barr is trying to save his image. He never will in my book, but I love the fact that every time he speaks Thing 45 tries to act like he never liked Barr or really worked with him, or possibly never even knew him.

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    Sometime, either before or after Bannon was indicted, he evidently said that "I have never laundered anything." Looking at his pictures on the Internet, many find his comment not too surprising.

    Oh, and speaking of Stevies, Steven Miller has been subpoenaed. I believe he has already sat with the January 6 committee at least once, now, however; he'll have the chance to use the 5th amendment. In fact, it seems as though both Stevies have had a very bad week.

    And both the DOJ and Trump's turned in their lists of Special Masters. One of the items Trump's team wants is for the Special Master to look at every single document. This is how you define the intention to delay. Trump believes that the Republicans will take back the house in November. They won't. He thinks that's going to save his ass. It won't. What will be interesting is this will help define how deep the collusion runs between Judge Cannon and Trump.

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    Everybody is waiting for Trump to be indicted. What I've heard is that it will happen after the election, at least as far as the DOJ's investigation is concerned. Georgia is another story. For that case Trump did manage to hire a highfalutin' attorney by the name of Drew Finding. Expensive. I hope Drew understands he's never going to be paid for his services. Mr. Finding also usually defends rappers, though I'm wondering if his style will help him keep Trump from taking the wrap for election interference. I'm suspecting Trump pretty much screwed himself when he made that call to Ken Rathensburger. In fact, Georgia may be responsible for several indictments, including one nicely wrapped for Lindsey Graham. No matter how desperately Lindsey tries to get an NDA from the Georgia Attorney General, it ain't going to happen. He's going to end up being screwed, too, by Donald Trump. Of course, maybe that's what he's always dreamed of.
    Last edited by lakeside; 09-11-2022 at 01:04 PM.

  48. #1498
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    I did read something hilarious about Mar-a-Lago, which Michael Cohen pronounces as Mar-a-Lardo because it more appropriately describes the physicality of the bulbous orange guy.
    What I read was that because it’s become clear that serving as one of No. 45’s attorneys is a risky job, the joke among lawyers is that MAGA stands for "making attorneys get attorneys".

  49. #1499
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    For those who didn't know, Trump quietly arrived at Dulles airport in Washington DC early last evening. The Twitterverse exploded with speculation. I had no idea so many people who hated him, tracked his every movement. This was after approximately 20 hours of being silent on Truth Social, his chat site which will soon be going into bankruptcy. There were pictures; I'm not posting any. But I can tell you, his hair was not sprayed down, he was wearing white shoes, either sneakers or golf shoes, and had a gray coat draped over his shoulders. Oh, and the small jet he arrived in was a rental. As I said, speculation was all over the map. There is a feeling in the air that something is going on. It could be a routine trip to Walter Reed, or something more important. We shall have to wait and see.

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