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  1. #1401
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    No One Despises MAGA Voters More Than MAGA Elites

    AUGUST 8, 2022
    From The Bulwark, by Jonathan V. Last:
    ABP: Always. Be. Projecting.

    We talk a lot about how projection is the sincerest form of Trumpism:

    Anyway, now we can add a line to our listicle, courtesy of the Salt Lake Tribune:
    Lions Not Sheep is a Utah-based clothing companylaunched in 2016 that makes stridently pro-America, pro-gun, pro-Trump shirts, hats and apparel. . . .
    Every order comes with a free copy of the U.S. Constitution because they love America. So much so, in fact, that they had made a big deal about all their clothing being manufactured right here in the U.S. of A.
    That is, they used to.
    Last week,the owner of “Lions Not Sheep” agreed to pay a $211,335 fine to the Federal Trade Commissionafter the agency accused the company of cutting the labels that said “Made in China” or other countries out of their clothes and stamping them “Made in USA”.
    You can’t make this shirt up. They called the forking company Lions Not Lambs and their entire business plan assumed that their customers would be mindless sheep.
    Anyway, I get the sense that a large part of the MAGA mindset for Ordinary Folks is that they see it as a way of saying FU to people they believe look down on them.
    But I promise you that no one looks down on the great unwashed as cynically and disdainfully as their betters in the MAGA movement do.

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    Of course, everybody is chattering about the 'Raid on Mar a Lago." Be honest, doesn't that sound like the title of a bad B movie? Something that might star an aging, overweight actor who managed to get a starring role in a moving all the critics panned? The search warrant was obtained because in all likelihood a crime has been committed. His fan club is fuming. These people, who had no problem dragging a wagon carrying a jailcell with Hillary Clinton inside around an arena at one of his rallies, all the while shouting, "lock her up!" are upset. Boo Hoo. Of course, those not wringing their brokenhearted hands are wondering what documents the moral degenerate stole. Classified information. Something he thought he could sell, no doubt, either to the Saudis or his blow bro Vlad Putin. And people are seriously wondering if Trump will be indicted before the midterms. That would be a rather bold move.

    And, finally, there are primaries today in several states, one of them being Wisconsin. Ronnie Johnson? One of the senators from Wisconsin? He's in a bit of a snit. You see Ronnie made some statements about Social Security, about changing it in order to slowly get rid of it. For those who don't know, Republicans hate Social Security. To them it represents Socialism. Anyway, Ronnie thought he was being bold when in reality he was being brash, but then Ronnie's never been a smart guy.

  4. #1404
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    TFG is comparing his current predicament to Watergate. The idiot doesn't realize he's Nixon in that comparison.

  5. #1405
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    TFG is comparing his current predicament to Watergate. The idiot doesn't realize he's Nixon in that comparison.


  6. #1406
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    The chickens have come home to roost.

  7. #1407
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    Somebody sent it to me on Twitter and I had to share here and elsewhere.

  8. #1408
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    Dystopian nightmare! FBI obtains warrant, conducts search!

    AUGUST 9, 2022
    Satire from The Washington Post, by Alexandra Petri:
    This is the kind of thing that could only happen in countries run by “tin-pot dictators” conservatives fumed on Twitter upon seeing that the FBI had searched former president Donald Trump’s Florida home. “If this is what they’re able to do to the former president of the United States, think about what they could do to you,” Lara Trump warned on Fox News.
    It’s true! If this is what investigators will do to the former president of the United States — follow all the steps to obtain a warrant from a judge to search his home for documents that they [[and the judge) believed probable cause suggested were there, then leave without arresting anybody — imagine what they will do to you! You might also have to deal with a search warrant from a judge! You, too, might receive due process when suspected of committing a crime!
    Imagine! The next time it appears that you have run afoul of the Presidential Records Act by taking classified documents home, the FBI will obtain a warrant from a judge to come to your combined residence and country club to search your safe — with cooperation from the Secret Service! There are millions of Americans out there right now reasonably saying to themselves, “All this time I have been storing classified materials pertaining to the office of the president, some too classified even to be described [[which sounds like a koan), as I thought was my right as an average citizen. And now, I see what kind of hell scape I am living in! One where the former president is subject to laws, just as I, an average citizen, am subject to laws!”
    It is a well-known fact that federal law enforcement exists solely to make miserable the lives of civil rights leaders, to bury in a deep hole all allegations against Brett M. Kavanaugh and to investigate Hillary Clinton, root of all evil. What it is not for is this. Next, you are going to tell me that if somebody tries to keep themselves in power by force, they ought to face consequences for it!
    Well may the Republican congressional minority rend its garments and wail. Well may House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy threaten retribution. What are we coming to, when law enforcement agencies enforce the law against the president? Against average citizens, sure. Against troublemakers, an ill-defined category that I refer you to Trump speeches to better understand — naturally! But against our god-king? Our cherished former president?

    A state governed by laws is no state for me. I wanted a state where some people are above the law and some people are below the law. I wanted one where Trump specifically was above the law and also got to use the apparatus of the state to harass his political opponents. That is apolitical and just. This is — just awful!
    “No former president is safe,” tweeted Matt Gaetz, [[R-Fla.) Too true! Too true! John Adams sitting there on his trove of documents. Benjamin Harrison, inciting all those insurrections. William Henry Harrison, being there! Any one of us could become a former president, if we play our cards wrong, and we must first ask ourselves: If the most powerful are not above the law, who can be? Is anyone? Shouldn’t someone be?

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    And of course I believe him because he’s never once lied to anyone, anywhere, ever, right? Right?
    Rudy Giuliani doesn’t want to appear before a judge in that Georgia case of election interference and now says he cannot fly because of doctor’s orders, so Fulton County Deputy District Attorney Will Wooten called his bluff, and said:

    “We expect to see your client before the grand jury … here in Atlanta. We will provide alternate transportation including bus or train if your client maintains that he is unable to fly.”
    Rudy on a bus!!! I’m dying! Cuz there's no Bar Car!
    Minor league pitcher Solomon Bates has come out as gay, making him the second minor league baseball player to publicly come out, after David Denson did so in 2015.

    “I haven’t been out as my complete self because I’ve been hiding myself. I’m a masculine man who loves the sport of baseball, and now I want to open up doors for gay athletes like me.”
    Bates has been out to his teammates since 2019, but Welcome Out Solomon, and please accept as our gift the Official Coming out Toaster Oven and a copy of The Gay Agenda.
    Welcome out.
    The white man—I won’t say his name—who murdered Ahmaud Arbery after chasing him down the street because he was running says he fears he will be killed by fellow inmates if he's sent to a state prison to serve a life sentence for murder.
    Maybe you should have thought about that before you grabbed a couple of friends and some shotguns and went out to kill someone.
    Remember when Donald J. Traitor said, “only the mob pleads the Fifth”? Well, that’s exactly what he did when questioned by the New York state attorney general yesterday … cuz he’s a criminal.

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    It's fun to watch the chickens come home to roost. However, truth be known ... I don't have much faith that anything of substance will come from any of it ─ the hearings, the raid insofar as bringing him to justice. I think it's all water off a duck's back and he will go on doing what he and his colleagues do until they destroy us all.

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  13. #1413
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post

    It's fun to watch the chickens come home to roost. However, truth be known ... I don't have much faith that anything of substance will come from any of it ─ the hearings, the raid insofar as bringing him to justice. I think it's all water off a duck's back and he will go on doing what he and his colleagues do until they destroy us all.
    From your lips to God's ears. The most frightening thing about our current predicament is that we can all see bad people literally tearing our country down and the gatekeepers seemingly have much less urgency or conviction about preventing it from happening. It's almost as if they don't believe they'll go that far even though we all watched as they stole a ladder, drove to the scene of the Doomsday Clock, shot several security guards, climbed up and changed the time to 11:59. What the hell is going on?

  14. #1414
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    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
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    Let's hope, sans!

  15. #1415
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    Lindsey Graham, South Carolina GQP Senator and former Junior Miss, on same-sex marriage:

    “I think states should decide the issue of marriage and states should decide the issue of abortion. I have respect for South Carolina. South Carolina voters here I trust to define marriage and to deal with the issue of abortion. Not nine people on the court. That’s my view.”
    Graham said he believes the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision to legalize same-sex marriage would not be overturned, but that doing so “would be up to the court.”
    Yes, the lifelong “confirmed” bachelor is anti-marriage equality probably because there isn’t a gay man alive who’d put a ring on it for Miss Lindsey. And that poor dear frets so much about always being a bridesmaid and never a bride, that she forgot that South Carolina legalized same-sex marriages in November 2014, before SCOTUS did in June of 2015, so we were ahead of national curve you pandering queen.
    Come for my marriage, ma’am, and see how that works for you.

  16. #1416
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    Glenn Youngkin, Virginia’s GQP Governor, on outing children to their parents:

    “With regards to informing parents with most important decisions about their children, I think everybody knows where I stand, parents matter. Parents should be at the forefront of all of these discussions. And I firmly believe that teachers and schools have an obligation to make sure that parents are well informed about what’s happening in their kids’ lives. And one of the things we learned last year during the campaign is that parents were tired of being pushed to the background in their child’s education.”
    He says parents matter, but those LGBTQ+ kids who might be kicked out their homes, or worse, when outed to their parents, he doesn’t give a flying fuck about.
    And this isn’t about education, it’s about shoving young LGBTQ+ Americans back into a closet to make these fucking Republicans feel better.

  17. #1417
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    Beto O’Rourke, former Texas Representative and candidate for governor, taking on a heckler at a rally who laughed as he described the gun used to murder 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde:

    “It may be funny to you, motherfucker, but it’s not funny to me, OK?”
    O’Rourke rightfully fired back at the laugher, who was standing among a small group of supporters of GOP asshatted Governor Greg “I don’t care about dead kids” Abbott.
    Dan Patrick, Texas GQP Lieutenant Governor, saying the US Constitution was literally written by God:

    “We’re a nation founded upon not the words of our founders, but the words of God because he wrote the Constitution. We were a Christian state and lost that for many years.”
    No, asshat, we were never a Christian nation and Texas was never a Christian state, which is what we have Freedom OF Religion, and Freedom From Religion.
    God wrote the Constitution? I haven’t heard such ridiculous ignorance in a looooong time.

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    Happy Saturday, y'all. I raise my martini glass to the image of the Orange One in an Orange Jumpsuit.

  19. #1419
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    Drain the Swamp!

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    It's still too early for me to unpack all that has gone on with that twat-bag, between Mar-a-Lago and taking the Fifth.

    If this were written for a television streaming service - with no changes, except for names and a gender here and there - no one in their right mind would think it was anything abut hyper-fiction.

    That's right. Not even real fiction. But storytelling on steroids.

    It is all so incredibly fucked up beyond belief that I cannot wrangle my thoughts to put anything down coherently.

    Maybe I never will be able to, but it definitely will not be today.

    If the events of the last few days just keep him from being able to run in 2024, I'd like to say that would be enough for me.

    It's a whopper of a lie I'm telling myself, but to mix my metaphors: I'll burn that bridge when I get to it.

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  29. #1429
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    An Amen to that!

  30. #1430
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    A Laugh Out Loud Review of Jared Kushner’s Book

    From The New York Times, by Dwight Garner:
    A White House Memoir
    By Jared Kushner
    492 pages. Broadside Books. $35.

    The United States Secret Service isn’t known for its sense of humor, but when it gave Jared Kushner the code name “mechanic,” was someone betting that he’d call his memoir “Breaking History”?
    It’s a title that, in its thoroughgoing lack of self-awareness, matches this book’s contents. Kushner writes as if he believes foreign dignitaries [[and less-than dignitaries) prized him in the White House because he was the fresh ideas guy, the starting point guard, the dimpled go-getter.
    He betrays little cognizance that he was in demand because, as a landslide of other reporting has demonstrated, he was in over his head, unable to curb his avarice, a cocky young real estate heir who happened to unwrap a lot of Big Macs beside his father-in-law, the erratic and misinformed and similarly mercenary leader of the free world. Jared was a soft touch.
    “Breaking History” is an earnest and soulless — Kushner looks like a mannequin, and he writes like one — and peculiarly selective appraisal of Donald J. Trump’s term in office. Kushner almost entirely ignores the chaos, the alienation of allies, the breaking of laws and norms, the flirtations with dictators, the comprehensive loss of America’s moral leadership, and so on, ad infinitum, to speak about his boyish tinkering [[the “mechanic”) with issues he was interested in.
    This book is like a tour of a once majestic 18th-century wooden house, now burned to its foundations, that focuses solely on, and rejoices in, what’s left amid the ashes: the two singed bathtubs, the gravel driveway and the mailbox. Kushner’s fealty to Trump remains absolute. Reading this book reminded me of watching a cat lick a dog’s eye goo.
    The tone is college admissions essay. Typical sentence: “In an environment of maximum pressure, I learned to ignore the noise and distractions and instead to push for results that would improve lives.”

    Every political cliché gets a fresh shampooing. “Even in a starkly divided country, there are always opportunities to build bridges,” Kushner writes. And, quoting the former White House deputy chief of staff Chris Liddell: “Every day here is sand through an hourglass, and we have to make it count.” So true, for these are the days of our lives.
    Kushner, poignantly, repeatedly beats his own drum. He recalls every drop of praise he’s ever received; he brings these home and he leaves them on the doorstep. You turn the pages and find, almost at random, colleagues, some of them famous, trying to be kind, uttering things like:
    It’s really not fair how the press is beating you up. You made a very positive contribution
    I don’t know how you do this every day on so many topics. That was really hard! You deserve an award for all you’ve done.
    I’ve said before, and I’ll say again. This agreement would not have happened if it wasn’t for Jared.
    Jared did an amazing job working with Bob Lighthizer on the incredible USMCA trade deal we signed yesterday.
    Jared’s a genius. People complain about nepotism — I’m the one who got the steal here.
    I’ve been in Washington a long time, and I must say, Jared is one of the best lobbyists I’ve ever seen.
    A therapist might call these cries for help.
    “Breaking History” opens with the story of Kushner’s father, the real estate tycoon Charles Kushner, who was imprisoned after hiring a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, having the encounter filmed and sending the tape to his sister. He was a good man who did a bad thing, Jared says, and Chris Christie, while serving as the United States attorney for New Jersey, was cruel to prosecute him so mercilessly.

    There is a flashback to Kushner’s grandparents, Holocaust survivors who settled in New Jersey and did well. There’s a page or two about Kushner’s time at Harvard. He omits the fact that he was admitted after his father pledged $2.5 million to the college.
    If Kushner can recall a professor or a book that influenced him while in Cambridge, he doesn’t say. Instead, he recalls doing his first real estate deals while there. He moved to New York, and bought and ruined a great newspaper [[The New York Observer) by dumbing it down and feting his friends in its pages.
    His wooing of Ivanka Trump included a good deal of jet-setting. Kushner briefly broke up with her, he writes, because she wasn’t Jewish. [[She would later convert.) Wendi Murdoch, Rupert’s wife, reunited them on Rupert’s yacht. Kushner describes the power scene:
    On that Sunday, we were having lunch at Bono’s house in the town of Eze on the French Riviera, when Rupert stepped out to take a call. He came back and whispered in my ear, “They blinked, they agreed to our terms, we have The Wall Street Journal.” After lunch, Billy Joel, who had also been with us on the boat, played the piano while Bono sang with the Irish singer-songwriter Bob Geldof.
    With or without you, Bono.
    Once in the White House, Kushner became Little Jack Horner, placing a thumb in everyone else’s pie, and he wonders why he was disliked. He read Sun Tzu and imagined he was becoming a warrior. It was because he had Trump’s ear, however, that he won nearly every time he locked antlers with a rival. Corey Lewandowski — out. Steve Bannon — out.
    Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who begged Kushner to stop meddling internationally — out. [[Kushner cites Tillerson’s “reclusive approach” to foreign policy.) By the end, Tillerson was like a dead animal someone needed to pull a tarpaulin over.
    Kushner was pleased that the other adults in the room, including the White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, the White House counsel Don McGahn and the later chief of staff John Kelly, left or were ejected because they tried, patriotically, to exclude him from meetings he shouldn’t have been in. The fact that he was initially denied security clearance, he writes, was much ado about nothing.

    The bulk of “Breaking History” — at nearly 500 pages, it’s a slog — goes deeply into the weeds [[Kushner, in his acknowledgments, credits a ghostwriter, the speechwriter Brittany Baldwin) on the issues he cared most about, including prison reform, the Covid response and the Middle East, where he had a win with the Abraham Accords.
    This book ends with Kushner suggesting he was unaware of the events of Jan. 6 until late in the day. He mostly sidesteps talking about spurious claims of election fraud. He seems to have no beliefs beyond carefully managed appearances and the art of the deal. He wants to stay on top of things, this manager, but doesn’t want to get to the bottom of anything.
    You finish “Breaking History” wondering: Who is this book for? There’s not enough red meat for the MAGA crowd, and Kushner has never appealed to them anyway. Political wonks will be interested — maybe, to a limited degree — but this material is more thoroughly and reliably covered elsewhere. He’s a pair of dimples without a demographic.
    What a queasy-making book to have in your hands. Once someone has happily worked alongside one of the most flagrant and systematic and powerful liars in this country’s history, how can anyone be expected to believe a word they say?
    It makes a kind of sense that Kushner is likely to remain exiled in Florida. “The whole peninsula of Florida was weighted down with regret,” as Cynthia Ozick put it in “The Shawl.” “Everyone had left behind a real life.”

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    Seriously, this is what passes for a rally in the GOP? Not a mention of what you want to for Arizona, just talk of Big Dicks. Well, to be fair, DeSantis and Thing 45 are two of the biggest dicks in politics these days.
    Thomas Kennedy, a Miami man paid to fly a banner reading “ha ha ha” over former Mar-a-Lago as Thing 45 supporters stood outside the gates to protest the recent FBI. He says it was the best $`1800 he ever spent.
    That’s all.
    In a new video, Dr. Oz, AKA Doctah Quackers, is walking through the produce section of Redner’s grocery store—he seemed lost and called the store Wegner’s, a cross between Wegman’s and Redner’s—because his wife wanted him to bring something home for crudité and he blames Joe Biden for the high cost of veggies.
    John Fetterman Tweeted out that in Pennsylvania, people call what Oz was buying a “veggie platter,” and you can get the whole thing for $7 … and then Fetterman proceeded to rake $500,000 in campaign donations.
    It’s the new Crudité Effect for entitled one-percenters like Mehmet Marie Antoinette Oz.
    Last week GOP lawmakers stripped a $35 price cap on the cost of insulin from the legislative package Democrats were moving through Congress. Republicans left the portion that applies to Medicare patients untouched but stripped the insulin cap for other patients.
    Keep in mind, they voted against lowering the cost of insulin, they cheered the end of Roe v Wade, they suggest that marriage equality be overturned, they refused to honor the DC Metropolitan Police and the Capitol Police who protected them during the January 6 riots, they voted against healthcare for veterans, and are now anti-FBI because of the raid.

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    Donald Trump’s classified ad: LEGAL HELP WANTED!!!

    Satire from The Washington Post, by Alexandra Petri:
    “Former president Donald Trump and close aides have spent the eight days since the FBI searched his Florida home rushing to assemble a team of respected defense lawyers. But the answer they keep hearing is ‘no.’”
    The Washington Post, Aug. 16
    Must be: experienced lawyer!! Can say if things are legal or, if not, how to make them legal! Knows all the laws but isn’t TOO attached to them! If client has exciting new idea that might or might not be in keeping with law, lawyer should at least be OPEN to it and not come across all judgmental!
    Must be willing to think outside the box. Should at least be familiar-ish with the laws that are laws FOR NOW but might get repealed soon [[Rand Paul is working on it as hard as he can, but he can only do so much).
    In-Court Appearance: Looks like a lawyer! Ideally sort of Sam Waterston [[young, mid-2000s is best!) but anyone from main “Law & Order” cast is okay. SVU may be okay, we can discuss!
    Compensation: Doesn’t like money too much! Is motivated to do great work for reasons other than money or being paid promptly! Ideally not obsessed with financial compensation and can find other rewards in the work itself. We will pay you in LOTS and lots of exposure! Ideal position for someone who wants to be on the national stage and is not obsessed with billing hours.
    Enjoys seeing FLORIDA. Loves to be around BRASS. Hypothetically can look at a document and explain if it is supposed to be a SECRET or not.
    Client: flawless, a god. Will NOT listen to advice! Will use own judgment regardless of what you suggest!!
    Required Experience:

    Nice to have: previous dealings with a federal criminal probe!
    Other acceptable forms of experience: being on TV on a panel and yelling; being on TV on a panel and maintaining a judicious silence; being on FOX NEWS!!! [[OAN acceptable but not preferred); being in real estate; appearing on TV in a commercial with at least a couple of cool sound effects like a gavel going SLAM or a cash register going CHA-CHING; appearing on a big billboard in a good location; having passed the bar; having passed *a* bar; owns several of those big leather-bound books with all the laws in them; has a desk blotter; has lots of fancy pens; has a business card that says LAWYER on it; has business card that on further inspection says LAVVYER on it; once met Mike Lindell; active member in good standing of r/legaladvice or has friend with an account who can ask questions for you.
    Ideal candidate is open to having free ketchup shared with them sometimes at a very fast speed! Is open to being given free plates sometimes very fast! Is open to sharing steering wheel with a former government official! [[Good reflexes required if not open to sharing.)
    No-No’s [[do not apply if any of these apply to you!!!): if you would describe yourself as a “real big stickler for upholding law” or “gets mad if client ignores legal advice” or “not at least a nine [[if female)”; if you say stuff like “instead of repealing all the laws and inciting the public against the people whose job it is to enforce them, maybe you could simply try obeying the laws” [[not necessary at this time); or if you’re Rudy Giuliani again.

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    Steve Schmidt, public affairs strategist, letting the MAGAts and Proud Boys and Oathkeepers and the other crazies know where we stand:
    “I am not afraid of any of these people. I will not be afraid of these people. The whole fetid lot of liars, weirdoes, loons, militias, religious nuts, fascists and conspiracy theorists, all of them need to understand something. The rest of us are holding the line and we aren’t taking one more fucking step backwards to accommodate their insanity. Not one. The exhausted majority is what I’m a part of. It’s got Republicans, Democrats, independents, new voters and new citizens. It’s made up of people of all faiths, creeds, religions and no religion at all. It is common sense based and we are sick of the bull shit and will not allow a belligerent minority to hijack our country, our families, our kids, our faiths, our communities, our unity, our liberty, our bodies and our future. Never.”
    Always keep in mind that no matter how loud the MAGAts are, there are fewer of them than there are Democrats and Independents and Republicans who were never for Thing 45 or have since become anti-Thing.
    They’re loud, they’re obnoxious, they’re racist, dumb, and slightly insane, but they aren’t the majority.
    Eric _____, on Fox News, lying:
    “Last night, I had an argument between two people in a restaurant who were trying to buy Lara and I dinner to apologize for what the United States government has done to our family. I mean, you wouldn’t believe the energy out there. I’ve been through all of these firestorms over the year. I’ve never seen America more mad than it is right now. People get this for what it is, Sean. You know, they’ve removed the wool from people’s eyes and people know exactly what’s going on. They’re targeting [Thing 45], they’re targeting his family, they’re targeting everybody around him.”
    Yeah, that totally happened.
    Let’s be clear, Eric is the one who stole money from a children’s charities.
    Let’s be clear, if someone offered to buy Eric and Lara, his keeper, a dinner, they would take a photo together and display it all over social media, but, like his father, he thinks we’re dumb enough to believe anything he says because, in fact, he is that stupid.

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    Marjorie Taylor Greene, giving Lauren Boebert a run for her money as the dumbest member of Congress, on solar and wind energy:
    “Thank god for air conditioning. Let’s talk about refrigerators. I personally like my refrigerator. I know you all like yours. What about washing machines and dryers? Lord please God don’t make me scrub clothes in a bucket and have to hang them out on a line when we switch over to wind turbines and solar panels. I’m gonna be really pissed off about that. I mean, how absurd is this? I like the lights on. I wanna stay up later at night. I don’t wanna have to go to bed when the sun sets. It’s so silly! I mean, all of this is insane.”
    For the love of the goddess Georgia, I know you’re a Red State, but do you have to be stupid state as well?
    Sean Hannity, once again kissing the ring of the former Traitor In Chief:
    “What do you think the next thing that happens here is, do you think that they would try and indict the former president in the hopes of convicting him and having him in jail at the time of the next election to prevent him from running? Because a conviction by the way, constitutionally, would not prevent him from running for office. You know, this code that is being cited by Marc Elias and all these other people negates the very enumerated qualifications in the Constitution, and the specific requirements for somebody not to be eligible to run, and that would be impeachment and conviction. It doesn’t mention anything about being, you know, maybe not following every single dotted i and crossed t in the Presidential Records Act of the National Archives Act.”
    I guess if that happens, and Thing 45 is reelected he won’t live at the White House but the Big House?
    Yeah, that’s a good look Sean.

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    And things have been quiet on the political scene. Sort of. That ass wipe Mitch McConnell did fart out something on how it looked as though the Republicans were not going to retake the Senate. He's blaming it on unqualified candidates, you know, the ones Trump endorsed. As for retiring, it seems as though that comment he'd made about not wanting to be Minority Leader was [[no surprise here) a lie.

    Oh, and there is the possibility of a redacted section of the affidavit used for the search of Mar a Lago might be released. Republicans want this. They believe it will strengthen their hand. Of course, they never thought the DOJ would release a list of the contents recovered. I'm betting something will dribble out possibly by the end of next week, or the beginning of the following week and once again they will be running around doing damage control.

    And things have been quiet on the political scene. Sort of. That ass wipe Mitch McConnell did fart out something on how it looked as though the Republicans were not going to retake the Senate. He's blaming it on unqualified candidates, you know, the ones Trump endorsed. As for retiring, it seems as though that comment he'd made about not wanting to be Minority Leader was [[no surprise here) a lie.

    Oh, and there is the possibility of a redacted section of the affidavit used for the search of Mar a Lago might be released. Republicans want this. They believe it will strengthen their hand. Of course, they never thought the DOJ would release a list of the contents recovered. I'm betting something will dribble out possibly by the end of next week, or the beginning of the following week and once again they will be running around doing damage control.

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    And finally, can we talk about Republican financing? Everyone was stunned when the RRSC began pulling funds from Senate candidates. Now we know they burned through... oh, let's just say $140 million to be kind. They're accounting looks sketchy. Some of them are eyeing Rick Scott, whose Health Care group was found guilty of Medicare fraud and fined millions. Now, heading into the midterms, the Republicans are finding themselves desperate for cash and the only ones they can turn to are their MAGA base. That's right, the same ones they've been bleeding dry for almost 6 years. Unfortunately for the GOP, they're in competition for those $$$ with Trump. Every other day he seems to be starting a new "Save My Ass" fund, and that's who the MAGA $$ are flowing to. He's helping to kill their party.

    Oh, and he's evidently going to be in Wilkes-Barre on September 3 to help Mastriano and Oz. Wouldn't it be nice if he was indicted by then?

  40. #1440
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post
    That's right, the same ones they've been bleeding dry for almost 6 years. Unfortunately for the GOP, they're in competition for those $$$ with Trump. Every other day he seems to be starting a new "Save My Ass" fund, and that's who the MAGA $$ are flowing to. He's helping to kill their party.
    To be fair, they're not the smartest people in the world. Unfortunately, fortune favors the bold and they're bold enough to hate others more than they love themselves.

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    Spending time on Tik Tok last night I ran across "Michael Cohen Reacts".
    You remember Cohen don’t you … one of the many who lost their careers as a result of their involvement in No. 45’s shenanigans.
    Well, it seems that prison time served as an awakening to having been used and tossed aside. So now he’s out for revenge by spilling the tea and reacting to current shenanigans ─ the Hearings, the raid and it’s all so hilarious.

    His latest reaction is about No. 45’s desperate search for the mole — who the informant in his close circle is that told where to look for specific documents. Cohen is certain it’s Jarod.
    Wow. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the head if it turns out to be.

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    Georgia GOP Senate nominee Herschel Walker is criticizing the sweeping climate, health-care and deficit-reduction bill signed by President Biden claiming it includes wasteful spending to combat global warming and asking:

    “Don’t we have enough trees around here?”
    Herschel says Georgia’s “good air decides to float over” to China, replacing China’s “bad air,” which goes back to Georgia, where “we got to clean that back up.”
    Oh, Georgia, this and Marjorie Taylor Greene? You really wanna be that state?
    A few weeks after putting on an unauthorized production of Hamilton and lacing it with homophobic teachings, Pastor Roman Gutierrez of the nondenominational church The Door McAllen in Texas has apologized:

    “We acknowledge there are lawful avenues to obtain a license to stage properties which we did not pursue. And it is never permissible to alter an artistic work such as Hamilton without legal permission.”
    Liars and plagiarists. The church has also been ordered to pay damages to Hamilton‘s creators who will be donating the money to a local LGBTQ+ organization.
    God is looking at you, Pastor Gutierrez and She is not happy.


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