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  1. #1351
    Liz Cheney, saying the Justice Department should not avoid prosecuting Thing 45 in relation to the Insurrection he started:

    “I think it’s a much graver constitutional threat if a president can engage in these kinds of activities, and the majority of the president’s party looks away; or we as a country decide we’re not actually going to take our constitutional obligations seriously. I think that’s a much, a much more serious threat. I really believe we have to make these decisions, as difficult as it is, apart from politics. We really have to think about these from the perspective of: What does it mean for the country?”
    That’s what’s called putting your country over your party, though too many in the GOP thinks it best to hitch their wagons to a racist rapist traitor because they’re scared on him.
    Laura Ingraham, the Eva Braun of Fox News, on the cause of that mass shooting in Illinois:

    “Indications are that Robert Crimo was a regular pot user. Now, one look at him and to the untrained eye he looks like a complete psychotic, if you’ve ever seen anyone looking like him. What can regular pot use trigger in young men in particular? Psychosis and other violent personality changes. These are the eyes of some of the mass killers who have reportedly been regular pot users. Look at them. Those in politics and in the media who devote their time and energy to fear mongering on fake issues while covering up the truth about the growing scourge of violent psychosis in our young people, they have to be called out. They have to be defeated.”
    I’m not a fan of pot, but from what I understand, it kinda makes you lazy and lethargic and hungry, not a person who has daddy cosign so he can buy a slew of assault weapons and climb onto a rooftop.
    Again, Laura Ingraham is a pandering, fearmongering, asshat.
    Fred Upton, Michigan’s GOP Representative, on those cowards who stood with Thing 45:

    “What disappoints me the most is that here we are a year and a half later [and] we’re now just getting other Republicans within the former administration to tell what they thought, what they saw happen. Where were they a year and a half ago when then of us voted our conscience and decided to cast the vote that we did? They should have helped us, in my view, back in January when we cast that vote. None of the ten of us regretted our vote that we cast. None of us would have changed our vote that we cast.”
    Upton’s “ten of us” refers to the ten GOP House members who voted for Thing 45’s second impeachment. In April, Upton announced that he will not seek reelection.
    Why not stay and fight for the GOP, Upton, rather than turn tail and run? Seems the party is made up of all kinds of cowards.
    Tucker Carlson, the Little Prince of TV dinners of Fox News, on the cause of that mass shooting in Illinois:

    “So, why didn’t anyone raise an alarm? Well, maybe because he didn’t stand out. Maybe because there are a lot of young men in America who suddenly look and act a lot like this guy. And of course, they’re angry. They know that their lives will not be better than their parents.’ They’ll be worse. That’s all but guaranteed. They know that. They’re not that stupid. And yet the authorities in their lives—mostly women—never stop lecturing them about their so-called privilege. ‘You’re male, you’re privileged!’ “Imagine that. Try to imagine an unhealthier, unhappier life than that. So, a lot of young men in America are going nuts. Are you surprised?”
    And that’s another reason we can let women have autonomy over the bodies and their healthcare choices, because they’re raising murderers.
    It’s women!!!! It’s women!!!
    Geoff Duncan, Georgia’s Republican Lt. Governor, on getting death threats after speaking out about Thing 45:

    “There was an interesting timeline that started to happen, a pattern is a better way to put it. So I would go on TV, I would speak the truth and within minutes [Thing 45] would send a tweet out that would say something derogatory or inflammatory. And within minutes after that, me or my wife would start to get threats which would show up on our phone. I mean bloodcurdling threats from the most awful sounding individuals. And deep meaning, that they know things about you and your family. They intentionally were trying scare us and intimidate us.”
    This isn’t a president, or even a human being, it’s a child throwing a tantrum and rallying his little band of red hat wearing traitors and bullies to come after you.
    Best way to end them? Never let Thing 45 near public office again.
    Greg Gutfeld, the tiny angry little man on Fox News, on the cause of that mass shooting in Illinois:

    “Just look at people shooting for the sake of shooting. It’s always influenced by the previous attack. So if you thought that you could decrease these attacks by 30%, 40%, 50% why wouldn’t you do it? Why wouldn’t you do it? The media could do that. We could just report the facts, be one and done and leave, instead of giving just nonstop coverage. The media, remember, they can decide not to cover something. Hunter’s laptop: they were easy with that. Border chaos: they don’t cover that. The riots after George Floyd, mostly peaceful: they didn’t cover that. Look at the Akron shooting. They said that they covered the 60 shots from the police but not the fact that the guy shot first. So they know how to not cover things. So it’s time that we look at this stuff and decide enough is enough. If we, the press, can decrease these shootings by 30%, why the hell don’t we?”
    Maybe you should suggest that to your bosses, Tiny, and take the first step. I mean, if these other quotes are any indication, your own network went on a rampage talking about the story endlessly. Clean your own house, little man, before coming for any others.
    Oh, and if Americans stopped watching the liars and racists and loons and angry little men on Fox News, it will stop.
    Let’s try that.

  2. #1352
    Sunday, July 10, 2022

    The Funny Papers

  3. #1353

  4. #1354
    Really, Arizona? Really?
    Arizona Republican Repugnant Representative Debbie Lesko wants y’all to know that she’d do anything to protect her grandchildren, including shooting all five of them.
    In early June, as the House debated measures that would become the most significant gun legislation in decades, Lesko took to the microphone to deliver her impassioned argument against red flag laws:

    “I have five grandchildren. I would do anything—anything—to protect my five grandchildren. Including, as a last resort, shooting them, if I had to, to protect the lives of my grandchildren.”
    Careful kids, Grandma’s got a gun and will shoot you dead to, um, keep you safe?
    Seriously, Cast a GODDAMNED Blue Vote!

    Really, Michigan? Really?
    Before becoming the Thing 45-backed GOP nominee for Michigan Secretary of State, Kristina Karamo said that abortion is “child sacrifice” and a “satanic practice”:

    “Abortion is really nothing new. The child sacrifice is a very satanic practice, and that’s precisely what abortion is. And we need to see it as such.”
    Karamo went on to say that demonic possession is real and can be transmitted through “intimate relationships.” She also appeared at several QAnon events and declared that Beyonce, Cardi B, and Ariana Grande are pagan witches and “tools of Lucifer.” She also believes that yoga is a “demonic practice” and that its poses are meant to summon Satan.
    And she’s running for public office.
    Seriously, Cast a GODDAMNED Blue Vote!

  5. #1355
    "Trump Dump" is trending on Twitter right now.

  6. #1356

  7. #1357
    Baby on Board

    You know, the story has legs, but I'm all about the woman using the HOV lane in Texas, with just her and her baby bump.

    Had she done it prior to the Roe v Wade reversal, and being from Texas, we all would have called her "Karen". But her stance that in the post Row world, her fetus is a person and should be treated as such.

    It's a fucking game changer, actually. Especially if many pregnant women take that strategy. .....and even take it further.

    Every pregnant person / couple should fuck with the IRS and start filing their unborn as dependents.

    Every immigrant mother who is carrying cannot be deported, as it is a life and on U.S. soil, well.......you can't deport a U.S. citizen.......or citizen to be.

    Flood the courts with these types of cases. Is the U.S. government really going to say, these are not children or lives because they're not yet expelled from a vaginal canal? SCOTUS has said otherwise. Every state who has since passed a 'heart-beat' bill says otherwise.

    I say flood these fuckers with chaos.

    Also chaos? Fuck with Brett Kavanaugh's dinner at Morton's. And yeah, I"m ok with fucking with Morton's too. Their bullshit about 'he has a right to eat without being disturbed'. Fuck. You. 157 million women might disagree. Well, you know, 120, since you gotta figure 37 mill are dried up fucking twats who vote GOP, and yet refuse one welfare dime to any of those mothers [[and were ok with separating them from their children).

    SCOTUS already ruled that is ok to protest outside a physician's office or house who performs abortions. Again are you really going to have the government say it's illegal to do the same to a justice?

    I mean.......except Congress already helped that along giving them protection when SCOTUS' widdle feweenings got hurt when the decision was leaked a few months back.

    It seems that whole Goose / Gander things only applies when it doesn't affect them.

    And since this SCOTUS is SO interested in the Second amendment, maybe they should look at the First too:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    I believe they used that to allow people protest Planned Parenthood and its employees. No?

    I kid, of course. The Constitution is meaningless except for the Second amendment for any GOP'er. If they could, they'd wipe their ass with the rest of it. Metaphorically, they already have.

    Listen, I'm not out-living the overturn of Roe v Wade, but I'm ok with fucking up city, state and federal government agencies until I take the big dirt nap.

  8. #1358

  9. #1359

  10. #1360
    And, of course, yesterday we had the January 6 committee reveal. So many good things. Ivanka danka perjuring herself was a tiny slice of delight. Texts from Brad Pascale saying, "we lost a woman," and "it's the rhetoric," were nice shiny bobbles. Trump sitting with the doors of the Oval Office open on the evening of January 5th so he could hear what he must have thought was his personal army? That was a gem. I had to laugh at Sidney Powell sucking down a Dr. Pepper, I wonder if she thought she'd get product placement revenue.

    The 'unhinged' meeting of December 18. That that three people knew how to get into the White House to meet with Trump without going through official checkpoints in my mind indicates this was an inside job. The Orange Anus was evidently expecting them.

    I liked the tale of the rewriting of the speech, how words kept being taken out by his speech writers and how Trump kept adding them back in. We even got to see Steve Miller, doing his best Igor impression, confirming they had been taken out of the speech. I laughed at that. Trump the loser has never stayed on point. He has always ad-libbed. His ego requires him to throw red meat to the angry mob.

    And of course, the piece de resistance of the broadcast was that tiny bit of info that Trump tried to call a heretofore unnamed witness. Woah. Bad shit. Witness tampering. The DOJ is involved. I'm more interested in the identity of this unnamed witness. Hhhmmm.

    Finally, I hate to disappoint many of you, but Trump will never see the inside of a jail cell. For him, that would be the ultimate loss. The instant an indictment is issue, he will run like Hell. Sitting through a trial is something his ego will never permit to happen. I'm betting he already has a plane fueled and ready to go waiting for him on the tarmac.

  11. #1361

    Gotta love those Republican Bible Bangers!

    Jerry Falwell’s Pool Boy To Appear In Hulu Documentary

    July 13, 2022 Christianists, Scandal

    The Miami New Times reports:
    In August of 2020, a Miami Beach pool boy’s account of his seven-year sexual relationship with evangelical leader Jerry Falwell, Jr., and Falwell’s wife Becki, was shared in a bombshell Reuters report. The story rocked the religious right. Falwell resigned as president of the conservative Liberty University hours after the article appeared online, and a years-long battle ensued between the erstwhile pool boy and the Falwells.
    But while the Falwells have shared their side of the story, Giancarlo Granda, the Fontainebleau Miami Beach hotel pool boy, has yet to have his moment. Granda will be at the center of an upcoming Hulu documentary co-produced by Miami natives Billy Corben and Alfred Spellman through their film production company Rakontur, alongside Oscar winner Adam McKay.

  12. #1362

  13. #1363
    Vote As Though Your Life Depended On It, Because Some Lives Do

    If you’re one of those people who doesn’t vote, thinks it doesn’t matter, feels like your vote doesn’t count, think about the disaster of 2016, and think about these things, and then Cast a Goddamned Vote:
    Republicans in Congress are lining up behind legislation that would roll back protections for transgender Americans. The GOP has introduced a bill to block federal funding to colleges that allows transgender women to participate in sports with cisgender women, while a second bill would block funding to schools that disobey state laws regarding “materials harmful to minors,” mimicking state laws that have been used to remove books discussing history around race and LGBTQ themes; it’s a national Don’t Say Gay bill.
    And though the bills have no chance of becoming law this year, since Democrats narrowly control both Houses of Congress, they signal the GOP’s efforts to demonize and criminalize our trans brothers and sisters. And Republicans would be in a position to advance those bills next year if they win control of the House or the Senate in the midterm elections, so now is the time to fight, by your vote, for our community because if the GOP wins this battle, the war against all LGBTQ+ Americans will be on.
    And while the GOP seeks to discriminate trans Americans it also seeks to protect white supremacist Americans and Nazis in both our police force and military.

    Last week the House approved an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to compel government officials to prepare a report on combating white supremacists and neo-Nazi activity in the police and military.
    The amendment Passed despite every single Republican voting against it. The GOP is coming for trans people but not Nazis and white supremacists?

    Also last week, when Democrats in the House of Representatives, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, passed two bills to protect women’s access to abortion and reproductive healthcare services, every single ‘No’ vote except one came from a Republican.
    The second bill, the Right To Travel For Abortion Services, protecting the right to travel across state lines to obtain healthcare, including abortion, passed 223-205, with all 205 “No” votes coming from the GOP.
    While both bills face extreme odds in the Senate, where Republicans have dubbed it “Abortion Tourism,” it does tell Americans where the GOP stands, and how far the GOP will go to make access to abortion completely illegal in the entire country.

    And then we have Senate Democrats working on legislation to make contraception rights, same-sex marriage and parenting, and interracial marriage, the law of the land, but all but one of the Senate Republicans have refused to say they would vote for them.

    Let all of this sink in: trans Americans are under attack, but Nazis are given a pass. Abortion rights, and the right of women to make their own choices about their own bodies, might become a criminal offense in America; contraception could become illegal; your same-sex marriage, my same-sex marriage, might be nullified; and interracial marriages, even Clarence and Ginni—which perhaps is Clarence’s plan all along—might be outlawed.
    If you think your vote doesn’t count, or you think we don’t need your help defeating these racist, transphobic, homophobic, anti-women Republicans, then you aren’t thinking.
    November is coming, CAST A GODDAMNED VOTE, or wait for the GOP to come after you, because they will.

  14. #1364

  15. #1365

  16. #1366

  17. #1367

  18. #1368

  19. #1369
    In Georgia, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney has ordered Senator Lindsey Graham to testify in front of a special grand jury looking into possible election tampering by Thing 45.
    Graham tried to sue his way out of it, but the judge said, ‘No, ma’am.’ He will be asked about the two phone calls he made in November 2020 to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger try and change the results in Georgia.
    Lordy, her undergarments will be shvitzing.

  20. #1370

  21. #1371
    I Didn't Say It

    Adam Kinzinger, Illinois GOP Congressman who is not a goose-stepping party over country loon, on Thing 45’s activities during the insurrection:

    “I can’t necessarily say that the motives behind every piece of information we know we’ll be able to explain. But this is going to open people’s eyes in a big way. The reality is—I will give you this preview—the president didn’t do very much but gleefully watch television during this time frame … But I could only imagine, as — I mean, I knew what I felt like as a U.S. Congressman. If I was a president, sworn to defend the Constitution—that includes the legislative branch—watching this on television, I know I would have been going ballistic to try to save the Capitol. He did quite the opposite … And if the American people watch this, particularly—I say this to my fellow Republicans—watch this with an open mind. And is this the kind of strong leader you really think you deserve?”
    Kinzinger makes it clear that the Committee knows what Thing 45 was up to while the Capitol was under attack; he was watching TV, watching his supporters, whom he had riled up, engaged in an act of domestic terrorism.
    This is a violation of his oath of office and could lead to criminal charges against the former traitor for refusing to act while people were dying at the Capitol.
    Yes. Please.
    Malaria*, former First Lady Third wife, saying she was “fulfilling” her official duties on January 6, 2021, and knew nothing of a riot:

    “As with all First Ladies who preceded me, it was my obligation to record the contents of the White House’s historic rooms, including taking archival photographs of all the renovations. Several months in advance, I organized a qualified team of photographers, archivists, and designers to work with me in the White House to ensure perfect execution. As required, we scheduled January 6, 2021, to complete the work on behalf of our Nation.”
    Fuck you, you illiterate co-conspirator. You must be the only person in the entire world who had no idea there was an attack on the US Capitol, even though was happening just down the street.
    And I guess the only TV in the White House was the one the traitor watched, and no one had a phone the entire day.
    Once again, Malaria, fuck all the way off.
    *Thanks to Unknown, who commented earlier week to say they call Melania “Malaria.”
    Jon Stewart, accepting the March Twain prize earlier this year:

    “It’s just a reminder to people that democracy is under threat. Authoritarians are a threat to comedy, to music, to thought, to poetry. It’s not the fragility of the audiences … it’s the fragility of the leaders. And the way to guard against it isn’t to change how audiences think, it’s to change how leaders lead.”
    If we allow these kinds of authoritarians into office one day soon they will have come for all of us because they want an America that is all white, all straight, all Christian.
    Adam Ebbin, Democratic Virginia State Senator, taking GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin to task for saying that same-sex marriage was legally protected in his state:

    “It is clear there is a bull's eye on the LGBTQ community so, it was disappointing to hear Youngkin, when pressed on whether he intended to protect marriage equality, erroneously reply, ‘In Virginia, we actually do protect same-sex marriage ... That’s the law.' Let's set the record straight. Since the passage of the infamous 2006 Marshall-Newman Amendment; Virginia’s Constitution has explicitly banned same-sex marriage ... until it was repealed in 2020. But our Constitution remains preeminent, meaning the thing protecting marriage equality in Virginia is the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. As the new Supreme Court has lurched to the extreme, Justice Clarence Thomas, in a concurring opinion overturning the right to bodily autonomy protected by Roe v. Wade, outlined the rights he believes should be toppled next — stating all rights born from the right to privacy are ‘erroneously decided’ and ‘errors’ to be ‘corrected.’ These rights include same-sex relationships, the right to birth control and the right, decided in Obergefell, to same-sex marriage.”
    Youngkin is lying, as he has done ever since he began running for office and continued to do once elected.
    Do not believe him, West Virginia.
    Cindy McCain, saying today's GOP would be unrecognizable to her late husband, John:

    "I don't believe my husband would recognize it, but I do know one thing: he'd be fighting like the dickens to able to pull it back together and bring it back to what it was during previous Republican administrations and previous administrations as well. I'm still a Republican. I believe in the party and I believe in what we stand for. But right now we've lost our way."
    I don’t think the GOP lost their way, I think they were led astray by a con artist and racist and rapist who bullied them into becoming his minions.
    I will also say that Republicans like the McCain's could have, and should have, spoken up very loudly, and very often, about the direction the GOP was headed, and could have saved this country a lot of pain.

  22. #1372

  23. #1373
    Paul Rudnick has a field day with Miss Lindsey and Hot Guy ...

  24. #1374

  25. #1375
    The devil went down to Georgia, he was lookin’ for a soul to steal
    he was in a bind ’cause he was way behind
    and he was willin’ to make a deal”
    No disrespect to the lyrics of this popular hit by Charlie Daniels, but the devil the American people experienced as their President for four years from 2016 – 2020 did indeed go down to make a deal in Georgia for the 11,780 votes he believed he needed to turn that state’s results away from Joe Biden – to allow Trump to overturn the will of the voters in Georgia and retain the oval office he couldn’t afford to lose. The devil couldn’t close that deal in Georgia or any other state because of duly elected officials who refused to tilt democracy over a cliff from which search and rescue would have been a monumental task, because 61 of 62 courts laughed his cases to delay the election results out of their courtrooms.
    The devil grew desperate, and the results of his desperation were on full display to the world in the brutal attack on the US Capitol during the insurrection on January 06, 2021, the day the electoral ballots were brought to Congress for certification.
    ‘Cause Hell’s broke loose in Georgia, and the devil deals the cards
    And if you win, you get this shiny fiddle made of gold
    But if you lose, the devil gets your soul
    Much has been said about restoring the soul of America, but the devil continues to play his trump cards of disillusion, deception and division from his shiny Florida fiddle made of fool’s gold.
    The 01/06 Committee has been a reminder for all people of good will that the devil is alive and if democracy loses, the devil will get our soul.

  26. #1376
    What Trump Did During Those 187 Minutes

    JULY 23, 2022
    From The Bulwark, by Amanda Carpenter:
    Let’s put the idea to rest that Trump “did nothing” during the 187 minutes the attack on the U.S. Capitol was underway. Thanks to the Jan. 6th Committee’s Thursday hearing, we have a very good idea of exactly what Trump did.
    Briefly, here it is:

    So now everyone can be clear on what Trump did during those 187 minutes. He watched TV, he lobbied senators to delay the vote count, he put a target on Pence’s back, ignored pleas for help, sat around while other leaders organized plans, and then blew the rioters a kiss on their way out the door.
    Trump chose not to secure the peace. He, alone, chose violence. He was derelict. That’s pathetic, but it sure ain’t “nothing.”

  27. #1377
    I remember when he was a big shot athlete and all the ‘Bo knows’ commercials, but this is better than any ad or athletic accomplishment.
    It has been revealed that former sports superstar Bo Jackson helped pay for the funerals of the 19 children and two teachers killed in the Uvalde school massacre in May. Jackson, whose rare success in both the NFL and Major League Baseball made him one of the greatest athletes of all time, said he felt compelled to support the victims' families after the loss of so many children:
    "I don't know if it's because I'm getting old, [but] it's just not right for parents to bury their kids. It's just not right. I know every family there probably works their butts off just to do what they do. ... The last thing they needed was to shell out thousands of dollars for something that never should have happened."
    Jackson felt a personal connection to Uvalde after it became a regular stop for him, for a bite to eat or the grab groceries, before driving further west to visit a friend's ranch.
    It was that familiarity with Uvalde, and the people he'd met on those stops, that touched him deeply after hearing the news of the shooting, and three days after the attack, Jackson and a friend went to Uvalde, briefly met with Governor Greg Abbott and presented a check for $170,000 with an offer to pay for all funeral expenses. Jackson declined to name the friend who went with him and also contributed to the donation.
    "Uvalde is a town that sticks in your mind. Just the name. I don't know a soul there. It just touched me."
    Jackson said he followed news coverage of the funerals, but he declined to say if he has been in direct contact with any of the families.
    "I don't want to turn this into anything [but] what it is. I was just trying [with the donation] to put a little sunshine in someone's cloud, a very dark cloud. [Still] the last thing you want to hear is there's an active shooter in your child's school. It's happening everywhere now. It's the children. ... It's the children. ... It's the children. If it doesn't bother you, something's wrong with you."
    Bo knows compassion.
    Of note: Greg Abbott didn’t attend a single funeral.

  28. #1378

  29. #1379
    Ethan Schmidt: Ass-Clown, Douchebag, Fuckmonkey

    Ethan Schmidt, a loser with a phone, who was last seen inside a Target store threatening to “hunt” down LGBTQ+ allies, took his asshattery to a pet store over the weekend and pitched a hissy over a Rainbow flag.
    Schmidt filmed his encounter—because he apparently has nothing better to do—in which he asks an employee about that flag decal displayed near a register:

    “I’m just curious–what is that flag right there?”
    And the cashier politely responds:

    “I think it’s a pride flag.”
    “Can you take it down please, right now?”
    “For what purpose?”
    “Because it offends me, greatly.”
    The cashier instantly calls for a manager because they clearly have a Douchebag In The Store Protocol, while this ass-clown calls the flag “satanic” and claims it promotes “child sexualization.” When the manager arrives, the waste of breath then claims the flag stands for “pedophilia” and demands:

    “Respect your customers. That’s the rainbow Satan. The real rainbow’s from God, man.”
    As the manager realizes you cannot fix stupid, another store employee shows up to deal with shit, er, Schmidt:

    “All right, you gotta go bud. Come on. We don’t need it here. We’re gonna have the pride flag up. We have it all over our store.”
    Then the fuckmonkey asks the employee he supports “the sexualization of kids” and the employee tells him he will not engage and threatens to call the police. And that’s when this nutbag fires his last salvo at the store:

    “Shame on Petco.”
    And the employee smiles:

    “This is PetSmart.”
    And Ethan slithered away, taking his hate and the tiny video the employee tells the mouth-breathing mania camera with him.
    I’m off to PetSmart to buy some LGBTQ+-friendly stuff for our pets!

  30. #1380
    There was some sort of Cracker Jack Crazy event down in Florida this past weekend which took the GOP up to a new level of Crazy. If you were hungry for extremist rhetoric, the speakers served up a cornucopia of fascism and hate. An example: paraphrasing Matt Gaetz: the only women pushing for abortion rights are fat, and ugly, and will never get pregnant and so will never need one. The crowd cheered at his repugnancy. Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed we are a Christian Nationalist nation, [[or maybe it was Nationalist Christian, not that it matters), and she, too was cheered. Outside the venue, there was at least one Nazi flag, and Confederate flags and Ronnie DeSantis said nothing, though there are a lot of comments on social media how, when he was speaking, he kept shifting his stance from one foot to the other. Maybe we should all begin calling him Shifty DeSantis.

    Anyway, the fact that by way of their extremist rhetoric these speakers might in fact be encouraging violence is disturbing. Don't for a second think they care about this, they don't. America isn't being wowed by them, rather America is stepping back in disgust. These Crazies do not care. They don't understand that whatever happens will be on them, and history will not be kind to them.

  31. #1381

  32. #1382

  33. #1383
    .....and I am one of them.

    But to be fair [[to me!), I didn't want him to run in the first place, thought the DNC did another shady work-around to give us the candidate THEY wanted, not the voters - and we were stuck with him in "now I fucking HAVE to vote for him" scenario.

    That's twice in a row, DNC !!!

    But let's face it, no matter who the GOP picks, Biden will not, and cannot, win in 2024. Your first 18 months as president gives you the most clout. He got zilch in that time frame. He won't get a do-over because the GOP picks Rick DeSantis. Read the headline again.

    We have a president who has gotten almost nothing done. We are divided and Pappy Joe is not a uniter. I'm not sure there is one, but wearing dark aviators only get you so far.

    All that said, I don't know how the DNC pulls this off. Pappy Joe is gonna have to say he only wanted one term, but then the party is going to have to kick Kamala to the curb too. Sorry folks, she's tainted goods with this administration and she's shown zero leadership too. I still see more of Mike Pence on a daily basis than I see of the sitting VP.

    I don't know who can step up at this point and win. There is no one left from the old guard that the DNC and claim won the primaries and nomination. Bernie is too old. AOC is too volatile for the party.

    All will be for naught if the GOP wins back the House and / or Senate. Technically we have those now and look where we are? JFC, I guess it's a good thing Merrick Garland didn't get the SCOTUS seat. He is a toothless watchdog as AG, sitting on his hands instead of really going after the insurrectionists or the BLOTUS family. I get it would be viewed as 'revenge' but t.s.. Laws were clearly broken. DO SOMETHING. ANYTHING.

    Actually, that can be Pappy Joe's autobiography title. I'll even give it to him. Just get the fuck out of the White House.

  34. #1384
    If you care about children’s lives at all, this should make you run to the polls and vote for pro-gun control candidates.
    Thing 45 says he has a plan to deal with the homeless: open up large parcels of inexpensive land in the outer reaches of the city and put them in high quality tents.
    Concentration camps.
    Glenn Thompson, a Republican lawmaker from Pennsylvania joined the majority of his GOP colleagues in voting against a House bill that would codify federal protections for same-sex marriage.
    Three days later he attended his gay son’s wedding and released a statement saying he and his wife “were thrilled to attend and celebrate their son’s marriage.”
    You know, before it became illegal since that’s what Daddy wants.

  35. #1385
    Since he's an idiot, GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz decided to steal a stance on pro-choice activists from Herschel Walker’s lump of fluff son at a rally over the weekend:

    "Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb … They're like five-two, 350 pounds and they're like, 'give me my abortions or I'll get up and march and protest.'”
    I know, pig. The next week he was confronted by a reporter who asked if he was worried that his comments might offend anyone, and this tool replied:

    “Be offended.”
    I don’t think Matt Gaetz knows the power of women because most of the women he deals with are underage girls he meets as a sex trafficker.
    PS While the House overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan bill to support human trafficking victims by a vote of 401-20, Matt Gaetz, currently under federal investigation for the alleged sex trafficking of a 17-year-old girl, was a ‘No’.

  36. #1386
    Oops, it appears Little Madison Cawthorn has no money to repay the supporters who donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to his reelection efforts even though he is required by law to refund the donations.
    The campaign claims the money has already been spent … on trips to Chick-Fil-A, Papa’s Beer, high-end cigar shops, vacations in Florida and hundreds of thousands of dollars in consulting and fundraising fees Cawthorn paid to his friend and campaign manager, Blake Harp.
    No mention of the money Madison spent on women’s lingerie he likes to wear on his cruise vacations.

  37. #1387

  38. #1388
    Pete Buttigieg, US transportation secretary, asking Republicans to support a law protecting same-sex marriage, and taking on anti-LGBTQ+, perhaps ALLEGEDLY gay himself, Marco Rubio:

    “If he’s got time to fight against Disney, I don’t know why he wouldn’t have time to help safeguard marriages like mine. This is really, really important to a lot of people. It’s certainly important to me. I started my day, as I try to do on weekends, to get Chasten a little bit of a break and do breakfast with both of our twins. And listen, this no small thing as every parent of small kids knows. It was one of those days where the tray table wasn’t quite fitting into the highchair and I’m trying to make sure that they’re busy enough with their little cereal puffs to give me enough time to chop up the banana and get the formula ready. And … that half-hour of my morning had me thinking about how much I depend on and count on my spouse every day. And our marriage deserves to be treated equally. I don’t know why this will be hard for a senator or a congressman. I don’t understand how such a majority of House Republicans voted no on our marriage as recently as Tuesday, hours after I was talking about transportation policy, having what I thought were perfectly normal conversations with many of them on that subject, only for them to go around the corner and say that my marriage doesn’t deserve to continue. If they don’t want to spend a lot of time on this, they can vote yes and move on. And that would be really reassuring for a lot of families around America, including mine.”
    What you get from Pete, what you always get from Pete, is a good, honest, common-sense answer.
    I love that about him.
    Hershel Walker, GOP illiterate tool running for Senate in Georgia, on why he won’t debate Raphael Warnock:

    “Well, first of all, Senator Warnock has nothing else to talk about. He don’t want talk about the high gas prices, he don’t want to talk about high groceries. I’ve told him many times I’m ready debate him any time, any day. All he doin’ is talking. I just want to make it for the fans, not about a political party or some media, and all they are doing is talking. I want to make it a fair and equal debate for the people. I’m willing to cross the aisle and talk to him about who’s going to host this debate, not do it on his terms, but do it on the terms that the people can see the contrast between he and I, where I don’t want men in womens’ sports. I’m not gonna have that. I don’t wanna see high gas prices. I wanna see the crime stop. Those are things he voted for which he don’t want to admit, so he needs to answer to that because the Georgia people are talking. They want him to answer questions, not just hearing him to continue to talk to the media.”
    Herschel Walker, graduate of the Sarah Palin School of Word Salad Ignorance.
    The only debate Walker wants to have is one that looks like Clint Eastwood’s old man chat with an empty chair; Google it.
    Joe Rogan, podcaster and “comedian,” taking on the GOP’s assaults on civil liberties, notably same-sex marriage:

    "It's not just abortion rights, now they're going after gay marriage too, which is so strange to me, that people like Marco Rubio was saying that it was like a silly thing to argue about, to be concerned about … Gay marriage is not silly. It's marriage. It's marriage for people that are homosexual and for them it's important. They want to affirm their love and their relationship, and the fact that they're going after that now almost makes me feel like they want us to fight. They want to divide us in the best way they can and this is the best way for them to keep pulling off all the bullshit they're doing behind the scenes is to get us to fight over things like gay marriage … It's so homophobic because you're saying there's something wrong with being homosexual. By saying you are opposed to gay marriage, you're saying you're opposed to gay people. Because if gay people are in love with each other and they want to have a celebration and they want to be legally bonded and connected—and there's all sorts of benefits to that in terms of financial benefits, taxes—but not only that. If your loved one is in the hospital, you have access to them. And you're the only one who has access to them cause you're their spouse. You're the one who has power of attorney if they're incapacitated. There's a lot to affirming that relationship and the fact that they're going after that now, like, that's the kinda shit that keeps me from becoming a Republican."
    Wow, Joe Rogan actually sounding slightly sane for a change, though I take issue with the phrase ‘gay marriage.’ I don’t have a gay marriage; I have a marriage.
    Liz Cheney, GOP Representative and Chair of the J6 Committee, on her role in the hearings and her reelection bid in Wyoming:

    “I am working hard here in Wyoming to earn every vote, but I will also say this: I’m not going to lie. I’m not going to say things that aren’t true about the election. My opponents are doing that, certainly, simply for the purpose of getting elected. If I have to choose between maintaining a seat in the House of Representatives or protecting the constitutional republic and ensuring the American people know the truth about [Thing 45], I’m going to choose the Constitution and the truth every single day. I’m fighting hard, no matter what happens on August 16th, I’m going to wake up on August 17th and continue to fight hard to ensure [Thing 45] is never anywhere close to the Oval Office ever again.”
    Again, I don’t like Liz Cheney’s politics, but I love Liz Cheney’s determination to stand up for this country when so many in her party goose-step behind a racist, rapist, homophobic, traitorous prick because they’re scared of losing their cushy jobs.
    I will always stand with Liz on that point.

  39. #1389
    I have to go on record, save some fat-assed golf shots, nekkid balloons and one golden calf/idol thingy, in the four years that BLOTUS ran this country into the ground, I don't think I ever posted a picture of him. That was 100% on principal.

    It simultaneously pains me to do it now / and yet I feel the need that it must be done. Hopefully, other than his Lenin-like embalmed corpse for display, this will be the one and only time.

    1. Matt "yeah, he's probably a self-loathing faggot" Drudge had to finally semi-concede that something might be rotten in Denmark. And he put it front and center of his website yesterday.

    2. With. That. Pic.

    Well kids, now you know why BLOTUS wears so much make-up and bronzer. He looks like your great aunt Matilda 38 years after a horrific face peel gone bad.

    I'll give it to Homo-Drudge, image-wise, he did not try to sugarcoat the situation BLOTUS might be in.

    That motherfucker Hannity is seemingly doubling down. His claims - almost 100 times between his tv and radio shows - that BLOTUS really was there to save the day and was calling in 10,000 National Guard troops. ............except that the DOD says that never happened. There was no such order from el Grande Cheeto.

    Hannity should be somewhat worried, no? Alleged calls and texts between he and BLOTUS on January 6th. Cahoots you say? Maybe not you - but I do.

    For what little I can stomach to read [[not Drudge, never him), things look bad for BLOTUS & Co. But we thought that with Mueller - and nothing. We thought that with two impeachments - and nothing.

    I shan't be holding my breath.

    Oh - and for you IT folks: all this bullshit about you can't really delete everything and there is always a way to recover thing? Talk to me about why any NSA person can't retrieve texts for a 48 hour period? The media's glossing over this is just astonishing. Because, that, I believe, will be the magic bullet to all of this.

  40. #1390

  41. #1391

  42. #1392
    Republicans Fist Bump Over Screwing Veterans Out Of Healthcare

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Democrats, comedian and activist Jon Stewart, a great many Americans, and me, all over Twitter, railed against a group of Senate Republicans who voted against legislation to help veterans suffering from ailments related to toxic burn pits.
    The PACT Act, which the House passed earlier this month, would enable additional healthcare coverage for more than three million veterans who were exposed to toxic burn pits and Vietnam-era veterans exposed to the deadly herbicide Agent Orange. The House passed the PACT Act by a 342-88 vote about a month after the Senate passed the bill by a vote of 84-14. But this week the Senate had to retake the bill up because the House passed some minor changes in its version, and that’s when Republicans held out their middle finger to our vets..
    We send these men and women off to wear to fight and when they come home, we, well, the GOP mostly, turn our back on them, as Jon Stewart pointed out:

    "So ain't this a bitch? America's heroes, who fought our wars, outside sweating their asses off, with oxygen battling all kinds of ailments, while these motherf**kers sit in the air conditioning walled off from any of it? They don't have to hear it. They don't have to see it. They don't have to understand that these are human beings. Did you get it yet? [If] this is America First, then America is f**ked. … I'm used to lies. I'm used to hypocrisy. I'm used to their cowardice. I'm not used to the cruelty, the casual cruelty ... a bill they had fought for, for more than a decade."
    Stewart lays a great deal of blame at, who else but Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell who, he says, lied to veterans by saying "we'll get it done" and then voting against the bill. He also criticized Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey, a Republican retiring at the end of his term:

    "Pat Toomey didn't lose his job. He's walking away. God knows what kind of pot of gold he's stepping into to lobby this government to shit on more people. I'm used to all of it, but I'm not used to the cruelty. Senator Toomey is not going to hear that because he won't sit down with [Veterans] because he is a f**king coward. You hear me? None of them will hear it. And none of them will care. What just makes the gut punch that much more devastating is that these people all came down here so that they could finally tell the men and”—Stewart started to tear up—"Their constituents are dying. And they're gonna get it done after recess? You don't … tell their cancer to take a recess, tell their cancer to stay home and go visit their families."
    Stewart apologized for his foul language, but then outlined what the senators were voting against, with a veteran saying the bill "gives them health care, gives them benefits, lets them live from become an addict, keeps veterans from committing suicide."
    It’s that simple.
    Pat Toomey declined to comment on Stewart's earlier criticism, saying:

    "That's not worth responding to."
    Veterans’ healthcare being denied is not worth responding to, because Toomey is leaving his cushy job and literally does not give a fuck; this whole ‘No’ vote was a slap to veterans because the GOP did not want to give Biden, via the Democrats, a win, as you could see when Republicans stood in the Senate chamber and fist-bumped denying healthcare to our veterans; they cheered.

    It’s clear, as I Tweeted out over the weekend, remembering the GOIP cheering the end of Roe v Wade, the GOP refusing to acknowledge the heroic efforts by DC and Capitol Police on 1/6, and many in the GOP vowing to end marriage equality:

    They spit in the faces of heroes and women and the LGBTQ+ community, and children being slaughtered in schools. What will it take for some of you to see that the GOP doesn’t represent We The People, doesn’t stand for this country?
    They represent only their own interests, their own bank accounts, and their own party,
    November is coming … CAST A GODDAMNED VOTE.
    PS In addition to voting against veterans, women and the LGBTQ+ community, they also voted against codifying same-sex marriage, and interracial marriage, into law, voted against contraception, and voted against sending out Amber Alerts when there's an active shooter.

  43. #1393
    The latest Trump grift? Burying Ivana at their golf club.

    From The Washington Post, by Dana Milbank:
    In his forced [[and, he hopes, temporary) retirement, defeated former president Donald Trump has come up with a new undertaking. He’s undertaking.
    Technically, his Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., is now acting as a “cemetery company.” [[Suggested slogan: “People are dying to get into Bedminster!”) And he has already landed his first occupant: He just buried his late ex-wife, Ivana Trump, right near the first tee.
    Photos published by the New York Post on Sunday show a lone grave at the edge of a field with some yellowed grass around it, a clump of white flowers on the freshly turned earth and a flat stone marker with a less-than-effusive epitaph: “IVANA TRUMP, February 20, 1949 – July 14, 2022.” She died last month of an apparent fall.
    The former president has shown little interest in conventional post-presidency pursuits, such as building a presidential library; he’s not much for reading, and he’s trying to hide his presidential papers, not display them. But why would he bury himself in, of all things, the interment trade?
    Simple: He has seemingly turned his late ex-wife [[and his oldest kids have turned their late mother) into a tax dodge. Dartmouth professor Brooke Harrington, a specialist in tax optimization, checked the New Jersey tax code and reported that operating a cemetery at the Trump National offers “a trifecta of tax avoidance. Property, income & sales tax, all eliminated.” She tweeted that it “looks like one corpse will suffice to make at least 3 forms of tax vanish.”
    This digs up an old issue for Trump. David A. Fahrenthold reported for The Post in 2017 that local officials had approved two burial grounds at Trump’s New Jersey club: the 10-plot one near the first hole where Ivana now rests and a 284-plot parcel for anybody who wants to buy “eternal membership in Trump’s club.” The proposals had gone through various iterations — up to 1,000 graves for the public one, and, for the private one [[which a Trump representative said would entomb “only the good Trumps,” including Trump himself), stone obelisks 19 feet high, along with a combined mausoleum and chapel that would double as a wedding venue.

    It wasn’t clear then how much a cemetery tax break on part of the property would help Trump because he had already avoided taxes by getting local authorities to declare the larger, wooded site a farm — on grounds that some trees there were turned into mulch.
    But in his post-presidency, Trump has exhumed all manner of grift techniques. The Post reports that he used the presidential seal, apparently illegally, during last week’s Saudi-sponsored golf tournament at the Bedminster course. Trump has also milked his supporters for $121 million in campaign cash but, Republican operative Karl Rove complains, has not been using much of it to help GOP candidates.
    Trump never loved cemeteries. As president, he famously skipped a visit to a U.S. military cemetery in France when it was raining [[he blamed the Secret Service), then skipped a Veterans Day visit to Arlington National Cemetery because he was “busy.” But now there’s money to be made [[or, at least, taxes not to be paid) in the burial business.
    So, while the Trump family burial plot is waiting for other prospective occupants to qualify for residency [[the former president has wavered on his initial commitment to make Bedminster — his “favorite property” — his final resting place), perhaps Trump can come up with some mixed-use schemes for the site.
    Its proximity to the first tee makes it an obvious spot for a practice green for putting and chipping. Or how about a cemetery-themed mini-golf course, in which paying customers putt their way over, around and through garish headstones and monuments?
    Alternatively, the high-vacancy Trump cemetery could be used as a remembrance for those who are technically living but have had their careers and reputations buried by Trump. Michael Cohen? Michael Flynn? Mike Pence? House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy has been so undone by his desperate fealty to Trump that he now says he has been talking late at night to paintings hanging in his office.
    Institutions buried by Trump could also get space in this Trump National Memorial Park. The FBI. The judiciary. The Republican Party. Free elections. Equal justice. The truth. And, in the center with an eternal flame, would be a simple stone marker as spare and unsentimental as Ivana’s:

  44. #1394

  45. #1395
    And speaking of Bloodminster, Ivana Trump, the first ex-missus Thing 45, was buried at the Thing 45 National Golf Club where Thing 45 himself plans to be buried one day, though there’s no word on Melanie’s final resting place.
    And he buried the ex-wife there because New Jersey land used for cemetery purposes comes with a significant tax break, so Ivana’s corpse was used to make coins for her ex.
    Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, a Republican, signed legislation to further protect access to reproductive health care services in the state following the SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v. Wade.
    The legislation codifies several measures that were first included in an Executive Order issued by Baker last month, and also adopts several new or expanded measures to protect access to reproductive health services in the Commonwealth.
    From a Republican.
    I don’t know about you, but this looks to me like someone in the crowd is throwing hamburgers and Thing 45 thinks it feeding time.

  46. #1396
    Jon Stewart, comedian, former “Daily Show” host and activist, taking on Ted Cruz for voting No on the PACT bill, and the subsequent passing of the bill:

    "I'm used to lies. I'm used to hypocrisy. I'm used to their cowardice. I'm not used to the cruelty [for a bill] … they had fought for, for more than a decade. The bill that Ted Cruz voted yes on had the exact same funding provisions as the bill he voted no on. It’s the exact same bill. None of this makes any sense. That is just a word salad that he's spewing into his coffee cup on his way to God knows where. All cowards. All of them … I’m not sure I’ve ever seen this situation where people who have already given so much had to fight so hard to get so little. I hope we learned a lesson.”
    The bill finally passed this week though these eleven Republicans voted ‘No’: Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, Mike Crapo, James Lankford, Mike Lee, Cynthia Lumis, James Risch, Richard Shelby, Pat Toomey, Tommy Turberville, Thom Tillis.
    Note that Rafael Cruz voted ‘Yes’ this time though not one thing changed about the bill after he voted ‘No’ and then fist-bumped his fellow ReTHUGlicans.
    Whoopi Goldberg, on the passing of pioneering actor Nichelle Nichols who inspired her to appear in ‘Star Trek’:

    “Nichelle Nichols was a trailblazer, a heroine, and an extraordinary woman—somebody who inspired millions and millions of people, but who inspired me because I explained when I went to get my gig at ‘Star Trek’ that Nichelle was the first Black person I’d ever seen who made it to the future. She was head of communications. And this show and this woman was the one beacon that said, ‘Yes, we’ll be there.’ And it just made me feel like that was an amazing thing. She helped propel other women to go into space. She was extraordinary and I was lucky enough to spend time with her over the years. She was my friend. She’ll be missed.”
    As in many cases, people of color stand on the shoulders of those who came before them, and help the next generation step up. Nichelle did that for Whoopi, and Whoopi paid it forward.
    Rest in Power.
    Joe Scarborough, MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe,’ on that stunning rejection by Kansas voters of an amendment that would have allowed state legislators to ban abortion:

    “I think it’s an example a lot of people who identified themselves as pro-life looking at what happened since Roe was overturned. Looking at the extremism, looking at the 10-year-old girl being chased from the state, looking at the Texas attorney general fighting for the right to let mothers die on the operating table, to tear away the protections that the federal government is trying to put in place to protect moms to have a choice whether they die on an operating table or not. You look at all of the extremities, and now again in another Republican state legislature trying to give the right to members of a rapist’s family to sue a rape victim for $20,000 unless she has a forced pregnancy. This is a rapist’s bill of rights that Republicans are passing, a rapists’ bill of rights for forced childbirth on children.”
    The vote made Kansas one of the only red states where abortion remains legal after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. And it might just be the first because SCOTUS and the GOP’s rapidly increasing radicalism—Don’t Say Gay, don’t honor police officers, vote against healthcare for vets, ban books, attack drag queens—has pissed off a lot of people on both sides.
    Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader, walking back his expectations about how many Senate seats are likely to flip in the midterm election:

    “I think it’s going to be very tight. We have a 50-50 nation. And I think when this Senate race smoke clears, we’re likely to have a very, very close Senate still, with us up slightly or the Democrats up slightly.”
    I think Mitch maybe trying to play both sides. We do not have a 50-50 nation; there are more democrats than Republican and when we vote, we win. And the four years terrorist reign of Thing 45, coupled with this radical SCOTUS, and the GOP’s culture wars on everything that isn’t white and Christian and straight, has angered Democrats and Independents and women and the LGBTQ+ community.

  47. #1397
    Mr. Jones

    First off, I'm calling 'bullshit' on the headlines that are being made yesterday regarding the "accidentally" part. Bull. Shit.
    Alex Jones' lawyers had to know they were representing massive pond scum. Perhaps - just perhaps - they didn't know it at first, but at some point you have to realize the money you might be getting from him might take down your firm and your reputation for good.
    Hell, even Jones' company - that was taking in $800,000 a day {allegedly} filed for bankruptcy five days ago. There is no way in hell he was going to pay the Sandy Hook parents a dime, and I'm guessing his current lawyers are figuring they're getting as much as those parents
    So, they pulled the trigger Or 'send' icon in Outlook along with two years worth of cellphone information.
    Damning evidence all.
    His claims if not having / using email were hard to defend when they had emails from him. His claims of searching his cellphone / texts regarding Sandy Hook came up with diddly squat [[is that one word?). Lies. All lies. His claims of Sandy Hook never happening went up in smoke too. Of course, now he's saying it 100% happened,
    I'm not sure which lie is worse. The one to propagate a conspiracy theory [[and to what end?) or the lie to say he knows it happened when he either didn't [[he did!) or that he was making it all up for his own gain.
    I love the defense lawyer's question to him: "You know what perjury is, right?". I keep seeing that in articles, but I never hear what the response was,
    The defense also presented evidence that Jones is indeed not bankrupt.
    Best yet on this defense lawyer? He's going to share his newfound evidence with the January 6th committee. Allegedly Jones was in cahoots with helping that planning or executing, or something. You gotta believe with two years worth of data - which now can probably be a premise for a warrant for additional cell data [[I mean, unless the Secret Service has it) .
    I hope the Sandy Hook parents pick that man clean. I hope Jan 6th lands him in jail.

  48. #1398

  49. #1399
    One woman's opinion of Dr. Oz. Notice the finger. He's sort of falling down in the polls.

    Of course, the Senate voted yesterday on the Inflation Reduction Act. Filibuster proof. Republicans are pissed because the Democrats are doing something that doesn't include tax breaks to corporations and to the wealthy. They're terrified. The Roe v Wade decision put them on a very slippery slope. They're losing traction everywhere. Can't maintain their balance and keep falling down. A little over a week after Kansans voted against a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion, the Indiana legislator approved an extremely stringent anti-abortion bill because... These men are running down a hardwood staircase in their stocking feet.

    And I saw that the alumni of Rhodes College in Tennessee have have sent a signed petition to college leadership asking that Amy Cony Boney's name be stricken from the Honor Roll. This is because Amy's "adherence to an originalist interpretive methodology of constitutional textual analysis appears to be at odds with the statements she made" during her Senate confirmation. In other words, she lied. She is one of the reasons the reputation of the Supreme Court has fallen so low in the court of public opinion,

  50. #1400
    And yesterday was a good day for Democracy. Major legislation was passed. The Republicans hate it. This bristles them down to the core of their gill slits, not that Republicans actually have gill slits... but then they just might. Isn't this what happens when a species gives up mouth breathing for bottom feeding?

    Of course, the Republicans voted down a cap on insulin. They blamed it on a technicality. The cap couldn't be included with the regular package and so, rather than do something good for diabetic Americans, they offered them as a sacrifice to big Pharma. They prefer to have people suffer than give the Democrats anything that might be considered a win.

    And finally... A Cracker Jack Crazy church in Dallas is in some serious legal trouble by not only performing an unauthorized performance of Hamilton, but they're also under fire making other changes in the script. For example, Hamilton is 'saved' and becomes a Christian before his death. They also did a number of other changes to the script making the show anti-LGBTQ. They also added a sermon at the end. Oh, and not surprisingly, most of the cast is white.


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