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  1. #1

    Diana and her movies

    What do you think Diana should have done post Wiz to rebound her movie career?

    i know she had her heart set on doing the Josephine Baker movie but frankly i don't know if that would have been all that successful. probably would have been a perfectly fine movie but not a blockbuster and probably not enough to reconfirm with Hollywood her bankability as a star.

    Bodyguard might have worked. i could see the general public being much more interested in that story. even when i try to envision it being slightly different than the Whitney version we eventually got.

  2. #2
    sorry - after opening this thread i thought about broadening the topic to be all Hollywood.

    like could Diana have been Dominique Deveraux on Dynasty? or a recurring role in another hot show?

    Maybe Dallas or Falcon Crest would respond by hiring Diana for THEIR shows lol

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    sorry - after opening this thread i thought about broadening the topic to be all Hollywood.

    like could Diana have been Dominique Deveraux on Dynasty? or a recurring role in another hot show?

    Maybe Dallas or Falcon Crest would respond by hiring Diana for THEIR shows lol
    There were tabloid stories that Diana was being courted by CBS to appear on DALLAS as a potential threat to J.R.

    This might have been a good opportunity to appeal to a new audience while not having to be stuck on a film location for a couple of months.

    In recent years, I vaguely recall Eddie Murphy saying that he wanted Diana and Billy Dee to be his parents in COMING TO AMERICA. As it was, James Earl Jones ended up playing his father. If Diana had played his mom, they could have been reunited professionally for the first time since TARZAN.

  4. #4
    Maybe Diana could have played Tracee's mom on GIRLFRIENDS. On one episode, there were rumors that she actually appeared uncredited during a church scene.

  5. #5
    or what if Diana was the Good Witch in the live TV version of The Wiz a few years ago?

  6. #6
    wonder if she was ever considered for anything in The Color Purple?

    the thing with many of the mega movies of the 80s is that they were strong ensemble concepts. you could maybe have done Beaches with Diana being the Bette role. Or if she would have bene willing to take supporting roles - Ghostbusters, A Fish Called Wanda, A Room with a View, Places in the heart, Broadcast news. etc.

  7. #7
    Could Diana have played the Vanity role in "The Last Dragon"? She was gone from Motown by then.....

  8. #8
    Other than "Lady", Diana's track record on film is lukewarm, at best. Even "Lady", with all of its accolades, was not a blockbuster, making only a few more million than its cost. Hardly a success by today's standards.

    Maybe she might have had more success on the small screen, but would have never been able to committee, or commute, when raising her kids.

  9. #9
    Miss Ross is a superstar, she doesn't do ensemble.

    Wasn't there chatter at one point of her starring in an American adaptation of the early 80s French film "Diva"?

  10. #10
    She certainly could have done a tv few guest spots over the years. In "Girlfriends" and in "Blackish" for sure. Could she have had a role in "The Cosby Show"? "Gimme a Break"?

  11. #11
    I think she has a flair for comedy, so would love to have seen her in the Main Event, a film originally intended for her.
    After the camp nonsense of Mahogany, she really needed a vehicle to highlight her acting chops. Instead we got The Wiz.
    Her next film after The Wiz was going to be Tough Customers, co-starring Gene Hackman. Apparently it contained an excellent script, but sadly no studio was interested in backing it after her previous box office disaster. It’s a massive shame as it sounded just the kind of project she needed to cement her acting credentials.


  12. #12
    Diana was an extremely talented actress. She was amazing in Lady. Her choices of Mahogany was not the best follow up and The Wiz is popular now but at the time was seen as a major misstep. Her role in Double Platinum was fluff just like Mahogany and Out of Darkness was a return to form in serious acting. It has been said many roles were pondered and I think the Baker project would have had scrutiny since she played another legend once before. I had read she wouldn't do ensemble pieces, only starring roles and that she wasn't fond of acting as much as singing. Besides, at the time, The Wiz sealed her fate for any major acting role. Too bad.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    I think she has a flair for comedy, so would love to have seen her in the Main Event, a film originally intended for her.
    After the camp nonsense of Mahogany, she really needed a vehicle to highlight her acting chops. Instead we got The Wiz.
    Her next film after The Wiz was going to be Tough Customers, co-starring Gene Hackman. Apparently it contained an excellent script, but sadly no studio was interested in backing it after her previous box office disaster. It’s a massive shame as it sounded just the kind of project she needed to cement her acting credentials.

    There was also a crime thriller project entitled The Lady in the 450SL [IIRC] in development for her around the time of Tough Customers. Likewise, I recall a project entitled Silence that would have cast her opposite Jack Lemmon as a deaf-mute prostitute [something that would have never even been entertained under Gordy's aegis]. And there was Hot Snow, a biopic of jazz trumpeter/vocalist Valaida Snow, which was in development by Ross' production company and TNT. And those are just some from the '80s onward; countless Ross film projects were bandied about in the '70s [such as Darker than Amber [in which Janet MacLachlan was eventually cast], Peter Pan, and a remake of A Couple of Swells​.]

  14. #14
    remember Diana didn't choose Mahogany. Berry did. and it would be interesting to speculate what it could have been like with Tony Richardson as the director. Sure it was probably never going to be a Citizen Kane but it could have been a much stronger vehicle.

    the 80s was a tough period though. it was filled with Horror/Slasher films [[definite no), Teen flicks both raunchy and serious [[again, no), major ensemble projects [[potentially yes but supposedly no according to her demands). A lot of the black movies at this time were either foul-mouthed cops like Beverly Hills Cop, racial flips like Trading Places, or hardcore dramas like Lean on Me and Do the right thing.

    something like Ghost or Sister Act wouldn't have worked since 1) it's an ensemble and 2) playing more of a "stereotypical" fast-talking, crass black woman.

    then there were the historical movies and shows - Roots, North and South, Glory. nope

  15. #15
    When she was promoting WORKIN' OVERTIME, Diana mentioned that she would like to star in adventure films. I thought that was an interesting idea but alas, nothing came of it.

  16. #16
    I think Diana would have great cast as the mom in Spike Lee's Crooklyn...something with a bit of soul to it.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    remember Diana didn't choose Mahogany. Berry did. and it would be interesting to speculate what it could have been like with Tony Richardson as the director. Sure it was probably never going to be a Citizen Kane but it could have been a much stronger vehicle.

    the 80s was a tough period though. it was filled with Horror/Slasher films [[definite no), Teen flicks both raunchy and serious [[again, no), major ensemble projects [[potentially yes but supposedly no according to her demands).
    I have always thought a major opportunity was missed by not casting the lovely Tracy Chambers as the deranged psychopath in place of Sean McAvoy. Anthony Perkins was ok, but Diana would have been far more convincing.
    The face she pulls in the car crash scene where she tells Sean to “Take the friggin picture” is rather scarily not easily forgotten.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    I have always thought a major opportunity was missed by not casting the lovely Tracy Chambers as the deranged psychopath in place of Sean McAvoy. Anthony Perkins was ok, but Diana would have been far more convincing.
    The face she pulls in the car crash scene where she tells Sean to “Take the friggin picture” is rather scarily not easily forgotten.
    You mean this face?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    You mean this face?

    The very one sans lol. I use to wake up screaming in the night.

  20. #20
    Was it Diana's choice in Mahogany to name her aunt Florence, in honor of Miss Ballard?

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by mowsville View Post
    I think Diana would have great cast as the mom in Spike Lee's Crooklyn...something with a bit of soul to it.
    An excellent idea. One of my favorite movies.

  22. #22
    There was a project on the table in the 90s for Diana and Blair Underwood in a May/December romance movie. I kept waiting for information about it but...crickets. I think that might have been an interesting one.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    What do you think Diana should have done post Wiz to rebound her movie career?

    i know she had her heart set on doing the Josephine Baker movie but frankly i don't know if that would have been all that successful. probably would have been a perfectly fine movie but not a blockbuster and probably not enough to reconfirm with Hollywood her bankability as a star.

    Bodyguard might have worked. i could see the general public being much more interested in that story. even when i try to envision it being slightly different than the Whitney version we eventually got.

    I think the story of Josephine Baker could’ve made an incredible film, it just depends on the strength of the screenplay. Audiences can get drawn into anything if it’s well written and executed. Lady sings the blues was a hit when most people that went to it didn’t even know who Billie Holiday was. Look at Yentl, who would’ve thought a movie about a Jewish girl trying to pass herself off as a Jewish boy so she could study the Talmud would be a hit movie? Wow, I wasn’t able to sit through it, and we left rather early into it because we were snickering and we didn’t want to ruin it for anybody, but my point is that it found an audience with a subject matter that absolutely would find very little interest outside the Jewish community . I think Josephine Baker‘s life story has so much interest in it and so many elements to it, that it would be difficult not to have a compelling screenplay unless you tried to work her whole life into two hours which is so often a mistake. I think it could’ve worked . Certainly bodyguard could’ve worked at maybe giving her better music to sing than that which showed up on the ross 78 album.

    much has been said about her being washed up in movies after the disaster of the wiz, but it’s not true. She was being pinched for things right along and working very closely with Barry Diller @Paramount on her own project. When she finally gave up her demands and looked for a good script, Jack Nicholson told her about witches of Eastwick and they were quite interested. I have a friend that worked on it and he told me they held the part that went to Michelle Pfeiffer for as long as they could, while she either decided if she was going to reproduce , or get a positive test back. She decided on getting pregnant and had to say no. At the time Cher was not linked to the deal, but was very interested. If not for the RossNess monster, it could easily have been Cher Ross Sarandon. My guess is that she is happy with her choice, but it would’ve been nice. With Evan following so closely behind, the feasibility of her doing a movie for years was nil.

    I think that if Berry Gordy had left her alone after lady sings the blues, she might’ve been able to have quite a significant movie career, his Avoricious narcissism made it impossible for her to have built Lady sings the blues into something huge.

  24. #24
    I think Diana and Cher in a movie together would have been great. Gordy's campaign for the Oscar may have made some Hollywood types wary, though. His need for complete control didn't seem to work as well in Hollywood as it did at Motown. Since Diana adores her children, I think her choice for family has satisfied her far more than any movie would.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by reese View Post
    Maybe Diana could have played Tracee's mom on GIRLFRIENDS. On one episode, there were rumors that she actually appeared uncredited during a church scene.
    I remember that particular scene. There's a woman sitting in the congregation who was dressed a little more flashier than the other congregants. She was wearing a big, wide brimmed hat, yet her face is never seen. I recall it was speculated that was Diana's GIRLFRIENDS appearance. This character in the congregation, as I recall, didn't do anything special or really drew attention to herself other than wearing that big hat.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by jobucats View Post
    I remember that particular scene. There's a woman sitting in the congregation who was dressed a little more flashier than the other congregants. She was wearing a big, wide brimmed hat, yet her face is never seen. I recall it was speculated that was Diana's GIRLFRIENDS appearance. This character in the congregation, as I recall, didn't do anything special or really drew attention to herself other than wearing that big hat.
    That's the one. Whoever it was wearing a hat similar to that worn by Diana at Richard Pryor's funeral but her face was obscured.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by jim aka jtigre99 View Post
    I think her choice for family has satisfied her far more than any movie would.
    Do you think Diana’s family life might have suffered greatly had she made a couple more movies?. Actors with young family generally seem to manage quite well, unless perhaps that love runs a little less deep.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    I think the story of Josephine Baker could’ve made an incredible film, it just depends on the strength of the screenplay. Audiences can get drawn into anything if it’s well written and executed. Lady sings the blues was a hit when most people that went to it didn’t even know who Billie Holiday was. Look at Yentl, who would’ve thought a movie about a Jewish girl trying to pass herself off as a Jewish boy so she could study the Talmud would be a hit movie? Wow, I wasn’t able to sit through it, and we left rather early into it because we were snickering and we didn’t want to ruin it for anybody, but my point is that it found an audience with a subject matter that absolutely would find very little interest outside the Jewish community . I think Josephine Baker‘s life story has so much interest in it and so many elements to it, that it would be difficult not to have a compelling screenplay unless you tried to work her whole life into two hours which is so often a mistake. I think it could’ve worked . Certainly bodyguard could’ve worked at maybe giving her better music to sing than that which showed up on the ross 78 album.

    much has been said about her being washed up in movies after the disaster of the wiz, but it’s not true. She was being pinched for things right along and working very closely with Barry Diller @Paramount on her own project. When she finally gave up her demands and looked for a good script, Jack Nicholson told her about witches of Eastwick and they were quite interested. I have a friend that worked on it and he told me they held the part that went to Michelle Pfeiffer for as long as they could, while she either decided if she was going to reproduce , or get a positive test back. She decided on getting pregnant and had to say no. At the time Cher was not linked to the deal, but was very interested. If not for the RossNess monster, it could easily have been Cher Ross Sarandon. My guess is that she is happy with her choice, but it would’ve been nice. With Evan following so closely behind, the feasibility of her doing a movie for years was nil.

    I think that if Berry Gordy had left her alone after lady sings the blues, she might’ve been able to have quite a significant movie career, his Avoricious narcissism made it impossible for her to have built Lady sings the blues into something huge.
    Was Streisand ever more feminine then when starring in Yentl lol. Her female speaking voice shot up an octave when attempting to portray a studious young man. Great music, but a lousy film.
    In Call Her M’s Ross, it’s mentioned Diana’s film career was over managed, and that she was quite unaware of the roles that were being offered to her after the success of Lady.

  29. #29
    This is my favorite subject! Diana Ross and the film career that could have been. I'm a bit glad that Diana did not do Witches of Eastwick. At least not the Michelle Pfeiffer role. Though it is a film, it means something a bit different to have the Black one with the 6 kids [[7 by the end of the film). I'm wondering how different the script Diana got was. Film scripts change a great deal before we see them. Actors get things taken out once they are in negotiations. I'd be really surprised if Michelle did the exact same role Diana would have done. Not in 1987. Now, the Cher role would've been awesome. Either Cher's or Susan's role. Susan Sarandon said a few years ago Cher was so standoffish towards she and Michelle that they did not really interact with her during filming.

    I wish she could have gotten the Josephine Baker film made.

    "Do you think Diana’s family life might have suffered greatly had she made a couple more movies?"

    Absolutely not. She did an interview in Sweden where she admitted that she leaves her children a lot and she does not feel guilty about it because she had a gift and she felt like she wasn't really damaging them because they did not grow up with the added pressure of being "Diana Ross' Children." They were able to forge their own paths because of her absence. I just think she had such a focus on the Josephine Baker film that she couldn't see anything else. It pains me that she's only done 3 theatrical films.

    All that being said, Producer Allen Carr [[Grease, Grease 2, almost had Diana in SILENCE,etc) said this about the Josephine Baker film with Diana

    "Star demands have also led to the postponement of “The Josephine Baker Story.” “We're tossing that around with Diana Ross right now,” Mr. Carr says. “But the demands of her agents are enormous. What with the sets, the clothes, et cetera, the cost could escalate to $35 million before the lunch check arrives. Maybe we will do it with Donna Summer, who at the moment is more popular on records and concerts. And that's the bottom line: Do I do for $5 million with Donna, or invest $25 million recreating a Casino de Paris for Diana, and wind up with a ‘Doctor Dolittle’ or ‘Star’ on my hands?”

    Allen Carr also said Silence would've been the biggest comeback since Gloria Swanson in Sunset BLVD. "It is a picture that could get us all Academy Awards. It will be a real challenge for Diana. She won't have a word of dialogue-all the emotion has to come from her eyes." Adrian Lyne [[director of Fatal Attraction) was supposed to direct.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by JLoveLamar View Post
    This is my favorite subject! Diana Ross and the film career that could have been. I'm a bit glad that Diana did not do Witches of Eastwick. At least not the Michelle Pfeiffer role. Though it is a film, it means something a bit different to have the Black one with the 6 kids [[7 by the end of the film). I'm wondering how different the script Diana got was. Film scripts change a great deal before we see them. Actors get things taken out once they are in negotiations. I'd be really surprised if Michelle did the exact same role Diana would have done. Not in 1987. Now, the Cher role would've been awesome. Either Cher's or Susan's role. Susan Sarandon said a few years ago Cher was so standoffish towards she and Michelle that they did not really interact with her during filming.

    I wish she could have gotten the Josephine Baker film made.

    "Do you think Diana’s family life might have suffered greatly had she made a couple more movies?"

    Absolutely not. She did an interview in Sweden where she admitted that she leaves her children a lot and she does not feel guilty about it because she had a gift and she felt like she wasn't really damaging them because they did not grow up with the added pressure of being "Diana Ross' Children." They were able to forge their own paths because of her absence. I just think she had such a focus on the Josephine Baker film that she couldn't see anything else. It pains me that she's only done 3 theatrical films.

    All that being said, Producer Allen Carr [[Grease, Grease 2, almost had Diana in SILENCE,etc) said this about the Josephine Baker film with Diana

    "Star demands have also led to the postponement of “The Josephine Baker Story.” “We're tossing that around with Diana Ross right now,” Mr. Carr says. “But the demands of her agents are enormous. What with the sets, the clothes, et cetera, the cost could escalate to $35 million before the lunch check arrives. Maybe we will do it with Donna Summer, who at the moment is more popular on records and concerts. And that's the bottom line: Do I do for $5 million with Donna, or invest $25 million recreating a Casino de Paris for Diana, and wind up with a ‘Doctor Dolittle’ or ‘Star’ on my hands?”

    Allen Carr also said Silence would've been the biggest comeback since Gloria Swanson in Sunset BLVD. "It is a picture that could get us all Academy Awards. It will be a real challenge for Diana. She won't have a word of dialogue-all the emotion has to come from her eyes." Adrian Lyne [[director of Fatal Attraction) was supposed to direct.
    Interesting info. Isn’t one particular film producer quoted as saying “Diana wants it all so is getting nothing”?.

  31. #31
    ^Yup! It said, "another producer said" which probably means it's him, and since he was still in talks with her he did not want to rock her boat. I did not know he also wanted to do Josephine with her

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by JLoveLamar View Post
    ^Yup! It said, "another producer said" which probably means it's him, and since he was still in talks with her he did not want to rock her boat. I did not know he also wanted to do Josephine with her
    It seems for the most part Diana lost heart in making films after negotiations for “Naked At The Feast” hit the dust. It makes one ponder whether she lost other potential film roles such as “Diva”, in much the same way.
    I wonder had she still been at Motown when negotiations for the Josephine film were taking place the project might have reached fruition?.
    It’s certainly relevant that after leaving the company, she never again starred in another major motion picture.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    It seems for the most part Diana lost heart in making films after negotiations for “Naked At The Feast” hit the dust. It makes one ponder whether she lost other potential film roles such as “Diva”, in much the same way.
    I wonder had she still been at Motown when negotiations for the Josephine film were taking place the project might have reached fruition?.
    It’s certainly relevant that after leaving the company, she never again starred in another major motion picture.
    In an 80s interview, Diana said that Josephine Baker offered to sell her life story to Berry for Diana to star in. But Josephine wanted $1 million and Berry didn't want to pay that.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by reese View Post
    In an 80s interview, Diana said that Josephine Baker offered to sell her life story to Berry for Diana to star in. But Josephine wanted $1 million and Berry didn't want to pay that.
    I had forgot about that one. Perhaps had she been with the company during 81 when at the peak of her career things might have proved a little different. Who knows for sure?.

  35. #35
    Josephine was a homophobe. Would Diana have risked 97.4% of her fan base for a movie?

  36. #36
    Sesame Lady was another film Motown announced as in the works for Diana. It was going to pair her with Billy Dee Williams again with Williams playing an economics professor and Diana as a bail bondswoman.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    Josephine was a homophobe. Would Diana have risked 97.4% of her fan base for a movie?
    ETA: Josephine herself was queer, having had relationships with men as well as affairs with women such as Clara Smith, Bricktop, Frida Kahlo, and Colette. [Although, granted, that’s never prevented someone from being homophobic.] She also referred to the transgender performer Coccinelle as her "daughter." At the same time, she did banish her son from her household for coming out as gay. So the truth is somewhat more nuanced.

    Last edited by sansradio; 07-15-2022 at 12:19 PM.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    It seems for the most part Diana lost heart in making films after negotiations for “Naked At The Feast” hit the dust. It makes one ponder whether she lost other potential film roles such as “Diva”, in much the same way.
    I wonder had she still been at Motown when negotiations for the Josephine film were taking place the project might have reached fruition?.
    It’s certainly relevant that after leaving the company, she never again starred in another major motion picture.
    my guess too is that she made a ton of money with her jump to RCA. she had been working so hard since she was a teenager. and now that she was approaching 40, things start to change. she was obviously less interested in records, sort of just coasting through it. and i think you're right - with the JB project fell through, she seemed to be less concerned with finding other properties

    also she was a single mother, her girls were becoming teenagers and jr high age [[yikes!! lol) her mother died. it just might be that her priorities shifted

    Also all women aged 40+ struggle with Hollywood. there's huge ageism at play there. plus in diana's case there's racism too.

    probably the best time for her to find another movie would have been immediately after The Wiz. bounce back with a strong property. but her recording career was sort of in the dumps so instead she bounced back with The Boss. then she was trying to figure out how to either totally revamp her motown contract or move on. so she didn't have time for a movie. then she had to deliver the first album for RCA. and suddenly it's 1982 and it's been 5 years since her last movie, which was a bomb and 8 years since the movie before it [[which was critically panned)

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    Josephine was a homophobe. Would Diana have risked 97.4% of her fan base for a movie?
    The answer is obviously Yes!. Diana tried for years to get the project off the ground and has often spoken of it with deep regret.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    The answer is obviously Yes!. Diana tried for years to get the project off the ground and has often spoken of it with deep regret.
    Yet she never succeeded. So it's a moot point.

  41. #41
    Why didn't she explore the project in France? Shouldn't that have been where a JB movie would've been more readily embraced?

  42. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post
    Yet she never succeeded. So it's a moot point.
    To you perhaps. I personally think it speaks volumes and is open to debate.

  43. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    Why didn't she explore the project in France? Shouldn't that have been where a JB movie would've been more readily embraced?
    I believe she moved to France for about a year. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.

  44. #44
    I'll take this back . I'm sure she was a grand entertainer who lived a very rich life. .
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 07-15-2022 at 03:20 PM.

  45. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    Maybe I'm missing something, but what's the big draw about Josephine Baker other than she draped herself in bananas and paraded around in front a bunch of rich French people?

    I'm sure I have it wrong and someone will be quick to set me straight ... maybe she also perfected the French roast or something ...
    She always insisted on organic bananas, being the first performer ever to eat their own stage costume.

  46. #46
    oh my !!

    hee haw!

  47. #47
    did Lady Gaga eat her meat costume I wonder??

  48. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    I believe she moved to France for about a year. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
    She did! She moved to France to research her life. She even financed two scripts. So sad she could not get the proper financing for it. I sure wish she could have done Diva, also.

  49. #49
    I may the only one here who just can't picture Diana pulling off portraying Josephine Baker the way she did Billie Holiday. I don't think the magic of her Lady Sings The Blues performance could have been recaptured for a second time playing another legend.

    When exactly did the idea of Diana playing Josephine come about? Mary was doing Josephine in the Supremes dream sequence in 1975 and we know Diana saw that - did that spark the idea? She then went on to impersonated her in her 1977 TV special and then as early as 1981 began discussing doing a film about her. This continued for the next 10 years where things lingered in development hell. At one point she mentioned having a script and director in place with production soon to begin but then that fell apart. I think after this point she should have moved on. But then in 1991 she was still talking about it for TNT but by then frankly I think Diana was too old to play a Josephine Baker of the 1920s and 1930s that most people tend to think of. Being hung up on the Josephine Baker story for so many years hindered other great film opportunities in the 80s.

    Someone mentioned Diana doing television spots in the 80s. Dallas and Dynasty were ratings gold in the 80s, gathering tens of millions each week. After the failure of The Wiz, perhaps doing several guest spots on these shows could have rejuvenated interest in her doing more films.
    Last edited by bradsupremes; 07-16-2022 at 12:42 AM.

  50. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    I may the only one here who just can't picture Diana pulling off portraying Josephine Baker the way she did Billie Holiday. I don't think the magic of her Lady Sings The Blues performance could have been recaptured for a second time playing another legend.

    When exactly did the idea of Diana playing Josephine come about? Mary was doing Josephine in the Supremes dream sequence in 1975 and we know Diana saw that - did that spark the idea? She then went on to impersonated her in her 1977 TV special and then as early as 1981 began discussing doing a film about her. This continued for the next 10 years where things lingered in development hell. At one point she mentioned having a script and director in place with production soon to begin but then that fell apart. I think after this point she should have moved on. But then in 1991 she was still talking about it for TNT but by then frankly I think Diana was too old to play a Josephine Baker of the 1920s and 1930s that most people tend to think of. Being hung up on the Josephine Baker story for so many years hindered other great film opportunities in the 80s.

    Someone mentioned Diana doing television spots in the 80s. Dallas and Dynasty were ratings gold in the 80s, gathering tens of millions each week. After the failure of The Wiz, perhaps doing several guest spots on these shows could have rejuvenated interest in her doing more films.
    Was her inability to move on from Josephine centred around ego, where any film had to be entirely centred and focussed on and around her.
    I’m kind of pleased she never did Dallas, [[sounds like an old porn film) wanting only to see her back on the big screen where she belonged.
    ”Everything's As If We Never Said Goodbye”.


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