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    If the GOP really wanted to get intel out to the insurrectionists, they should have hired cats, because the cats could go anywhere unnoticed. Not Tuxedo, though, he votes Blue.
    At a time when the GOP wants to punish drag queens, or people who say ‘Gay,’ President Biden reiterated that he believes no one should face discrimination because of who they are or whom they love and so this week, to mark Pride Month, he signed an Executive Order Advancing Equality for LGBTQI+ Individuals that:

    Addresses discriminatory legislative attacks against LGBTQI+ children and families, directing key agencies to protect families and children
    Prevent so-called “conversion therapy” with a historic initiative to protect children from the harmful practice
    Safeguards health care, and programs designed to prevent LGBTQI+ youth suicide
    Supports LGBTQI+ children and families by launching a new initiative to protect foster youth, prevent homelessness, and improve access to federal programs
    That’s my president, working for equality rather than trying to criminalize your sexual orientation or gender identity.
    Last year a woman sued GEICO for catching HPV while having sex in a car insured by GEICO. The woman says she had unprotected sex with her then-boyfriend and contracted HPV and sued GEICO for $1 million in monetary damages. They declined, and the case was sent to arbitration.
    Cut to this year and the Court of Appeals for the Western District of Missouri has ordered GEICO to pay the woman M.O. $5.2 million in damages because she was injured in a car they insured.
    And not a word about the woman choosing to have unprotected sex. No responsibility.
    One of my favorite parts of the January 6 hearings is the testimony from several witnesses who say that on Election Night Rudy Giuliani showed up at the White House rather intoxicated.
    The blowback from that story has led to the creation of a new adjective, giuliani’d, as in:

    “I went out last night and got so giuliani’d that I had unprotected sex in a GEICO-insured car and may have caught HPV.”
    I like it.
    For years, Georgia GOP senate candidate Herschel Walker has expressed an enormous pride and love for his adult son, while taking a stand against fatherless households and deadbeat dads—specifically in the Black community—but now we know that Walker, who has apparently never met the truth, has a second son, who has apparently been estranged from his biological father since his birth a decade ago.
    Walker was hit with a paternity suit, in which he admitted being the father, pays child support, and sends Christmas & birthday gifts, but does not see this son.
    That’s all.
    The new story all over the web is the ALLEGATIONS that Congressperson Lauren Boebert was an "unlicensed paid escort" who had "two abortions" and was convinced to run for office by Ted Cruz who may or may not have been a client, and then married a man who ALLEGEDLY whipped out his penis to underage girls at a bowling alley.
    She really is the ideal representative of the Republican party.
    PS Of note is that Ted Cruz, who never shuts up about anything—and always tries to insinuate himself into any trending topic—has not even remarked on reports that he hired Lauren Boebert and she may have aborted his baby.
    Uh huh.

  5. #1305
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    Some wise words for Trump and his Trumpers.

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    Trump Ridicules “Human Conveyor Belt” Mike Pence

    June 17, 2022 Trump Corruption, Trump Lies

    “Mike Pence had a chance to be great. He had a chance to be frankly historic.
    “But just like Bill Barr and the rest of these weak people, Mike, and I say it sadly ‘cause I like him, but Mike did not have the courage to act.
    “The election was perfect. And the Democrats are sitting back, saying ‘No way,we’re going to impeach this guy.’ But Mike was afraid of whatever he was afraid of.
    “But, as you heard a year and a half ago, Mike Pence had absolutely no choice but to be a human conveyor belt – he was a human conveyor belt – even if the votes were fraudulent.
    “They said he had to send the votes – couldn’t do anything.” – The world’s most famous liar, this afternoon at the Faith & Freedom convention in Nashville.

  9. #1309
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    I saw this in the NYT this morning, call it a little treatise on election denying Republicans. This group will never believe the truth. Ever. They are becoming modern day Confederates who will never believe the war is over, that Lee actually surrendered, or that Trump is a malignant force out to destroy Democracy. I do not doubt for a second that they are decedents of that group of Americans who stayed loyal to the crown during the Revolutionary War. These are people who need an authoritarian leader, that one thing Democracy will never provide. Their souls vibrated with the need to say "Shut up! We're in charge." The sad truth is that when they do manage to get themselves in power, they cater only to their own wishes, leaving everybody else to just rot. They are a very selfish group of people. The reality we need to face is that when they lose, they need to be punished, which creates a problem. After the Civil War, Confederate leaders were just allowed to go home. No punishment was levied against them. That was a big mistake. They didn't learn. Ford pardoned Nixon because... well, maybe he thought it was the civilized thing to do, or maybe he thought it would keep the country unified. Big Mistake. He should have served jail time. That pardon sent a message: you can pretty much get away with anything if you're president. And not only presidents. Oliver North, a Republican, was found guilty of going through Iran, our enemy, to weaponize the Contra rebels in Central America, and when George H. Bush, a Republican, was elected president he pardoned North. Holy Shit Bangs! We have been sending the wrong messages for decades, which is why we have to deal with the Trump Shit Show. How do we stop this? End it forever? Simply lock that asshole up. Lock up Scott Perry, and Eastman, and Navarro. The punishment needs to begin now, otherwise they will continue to do it over, and over, and over again.

  10. #1310
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    Saturday, 18 June 2

    Saturday, 18 June 2022

    Last edited by lakeside; 06-18-2022 at 09:06 AM.

  11. #1311
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  14. #1314
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    I saw that Dan Crenshaw, a Republican from Texas who nearly physically attacked extremist MAGAs. They called him names, one of them shouting he 'needed to be hung.' This is the base the GOP is so desperate to hold on to. How desperate? Adam Kintzinger has pointed out that so far Kevin McCarthy has said nothing. Don't expect him to, at least until maybe later this afternoon or tomorrow, if he says anything at all. Maybe he'll just run away from the reporters, like he's done before. This party is so terrified of alienating one MAGA hate monger, they will tolerate any evil.

    In another example, Shannon Boon, from Fox News, asked Mike Lee if the GOP might be out of step with the constitution regarding gun legislation. Of course, fearful of alienating even a single one of those MAGA gun owners, he obfuscated. You could say he did a little Texas Two Step in his response, saying there wasn't really a bill and that you can't ascertain anything without a bill. You know what I'm talking about. He spit out the same horse shit Republicans always spit out because they're terrified of alienating even one vote of their gun loving base. The idea that they might gain more voters than they lose by voting for gun control isn't even something they can see in their rear-view mirror.

  15. #1315
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    Oh Herschel, It's best You Don't Speak

    Last week talked about Georgia GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker’s campaign to make men more accountable as father’s and criticizing Black men who walk away from their families.
    It all became even more interesting when we found out that Walker is one of those fathers who had a child with a woman and then left the family.
    Now, Walker has admitted Herschel had a son he’d never mentioned, but denied he was trying to keep his secret son a secret. Herschel Walker takes care of his children even the son he’s never seen and he was furious that he was portrayed as a deadbeat dad.
    And then came word that Herschel Walker has yet another son, a thirteen-year-old, with a different woman who had to sue deadbeat dad Herschel Walker for support.
    And then there was a third child, a daughter born while Walker was in college.
    Gosh, Herschel, I can see why you don’t want to debate anyone. So many lies and so many children to keep secret. In fact, Christian Walker, the son Herschel admits to, recently went on a video rant about deadbeat dads, specifically Nick Cannon saying those men were “everything wrong” with America and adding:

    “Get home and raise your kids! And take care of the women you’re knocking up! Can you control your thing for three seconds??”
    I guess Christian didn’t know about his secret siblings at the time and didn’t know his own Daddy couldn’t control his “thing.”
    Seriously Georgia? Haven’t you been embarrassed enough by “Gazpacho-police-Peach-Tree-Dish-Fragrantly-Denied” Marjorie Traitor Greene? Do you really need Walker, the GOP poster boy for saying one thing, preaching one thing, and then doing exactly the opposite?

  16. #1316
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    Texas Takes A Giant Step Backwards

    The Texas GOP held their convention HateFest over the weekend and became the first state GOP group to deny Log Cabin Republicans, an organization of gay conservatives, a booth because, well, they’re gay y’all. And while the decision was a close 4-3 vote by the Texas State Republican Executive Committee, it was still a vote to Don’t Say Gay.
    The Log Cabin Republicans [LCR] said the Texas convention should have allowed them to host a booth in the name of “inclusion.” Inclusion? The GOP? Well, the LCR says the proof that the GOP is more inclusive is the fact that a Mexican-American conservative Mayra Flores won a special election to take the state’s 34th congressional district.
    “Texas Republicans just saw on Tuesday night what happens when the party includes new faces and voices – a Democrat-held seat was flipped for the first time in nearly a hundred years by a conservative Mexican woman. It’s clear that inclusion wins, which makes the Texas Republican Party leadership decision to exclude the Texas Log Cabin Republicans from their convention not just narrow-minded, but politically short-sighted.”
    Let’s be clear, one Mexican-American winning her election does not make the party inclusive when they want troops at the border to keep immigrants, like Mayra Flores’ ancestors, out of the country.
    And here are more examples, via the Texas GOP’s own 1972 2022 platform, that illustrates their inclusivity:

    Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice.
    President Joe Biden “was not legitimately elected.”
    Texas GOP Senator John Cornyn was rebuked for merely taking part in bipartisan gun talks.
    Texas schoolchildren should “learn about the humanity of the preborn child” including teaching that life begins at fertilization.
    Gender identity disorder is “a mental health condition” requiring official documents to adhere to “biological gender,” and allowing civil penalties and monetary compensation to “de-transitioners” who have received gender-affirming surgery, which the Texas GOP calls a form of medical malpractice.
    Remove the Legislature’s power “to regulate the wearing of arms, with a view to prevent crime.”
    That’s Texas, where they have just seen schoolchildren slaughtered by a gun nut, where they spent part of the winter without heat or electricity because of the incompetence of the GOP, and that’s the Texas GOP.
    Inclusive they are not.

  17. #1317
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    Mehmet Oz, the quack “doctor” and GOP nominee for the Senate from Pennsylvania spent his entire primary run boasting about Thing 45’s endorsement of him.
    But my oh my how things have changed with the January 6th Hearings. Oz and his team are quietly shifting his campaign message away from Thing 45, and his banners now say, “Thank you, Pennsylvania” and no longer feature any phots of Oz and Thing.
    Pandering fuck.

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  19. #1319
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    For today's edition of the Jan. 6 hearings: It was quite interesting, mostly focused on the Department of Justice and how 45 tried to bend it to his will in order to steal the election. What I want to know is what these men who were being bombarded by POTUS's internet-searched theories on how exactly the election was stolen, were saying in the privacy of their own conversations with each other? When exactly did they begin calling him insane? Far before the theory where an Italian satellite had changed Trump votes to Biden votes, I would imagine. I would give a lot of money to have been a fly on the wall in some of those rooms. I'm willing to bet that there were cusses that even I could not have imagined. And now did they prevent themselves from laughing out loud at some of the conspiracy theories he truly, honestly wanted them to investigate?
    I have no idea.

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  21. #1321
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    Beg pardon?!??

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  22. #1322
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    Jerrod Carmichael, out comedian, on Dave Chappelle’s nonstop attacks on the transgender community as “jokes”:

    “Look, I get it. Everybody’s got to create a bogeyman to sell tickets. But it’s not true. Who’s getting canceled for what they’ve said? What does that mean, that people are mad on Twitter? Everybody’s fine. These grown men are fine. I think, a lot of times, people who offer nothing truthful or meaningful about themselves then complain about society at large and create this boogeyman. It’s like, listen, that’s the most urgent thing in your life? God bless you. I’m tired of hearing it. Chappelle, do you know what comes up when you Google your name, bro? That’s the legacy? Your legacy is a bunch of opinions on trans shit? It’s an odd hill to die on. And it’s like, hey, bro. Who the fuck are you? Who do you fuck? What do you like to do? Childish jokes aside, who the fuck are you? It’s just kind of played. But he’s choosing to die on the hill. So, all right, let him.”
    Chappelle has drawn controversy for his anti-transgender comments and continues to make anti-trans jokes. During a Netflix is a Joke event Chappelle was tackled onstage by a young man who said he was “triggered” by Chappelle’s routine. After being attacked, Chappelle declared that the assailant was a trans man.
    That was a lie. Chappelle has made a career of bashing our trans brothers and sisters and complains about being cancelled and yet he’s made millions with his “humor.”
    I’ll stand with Jerrod.
    Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General, speaking for all Republicans about mass shootings:

    “If I lost one of my children I’d be pretty devastated, especially in a way that is so senseless and seemingly has no purpose. I would just have to say, if I had the opportunity to talk to the people I’d have to say, look, there’s always a plan. I believe God always has a plan. Life is short no matter what it is. And certainly, we’re not going to make sense of, you know, a young child being shot and killed way before their life expectancy.”
    So, God wanted your kid’s body obliterated with bullets while at school because “there’s a plan”? Howsabout God’s plan—and yes, I am being facetious about “god”—to make you asshats wake up and do something about guns in this country before more innocent children are slaughtered.
    Maybe your God is trying to get your attention but you’re making too much money from the NRA to take Her call.
    Amy Kremer, chair of Women for America First and organizer of Thing 45’s Insurrection, has changed her mind:

    “[Thing 45] is disconnected from the base. It’s time for those of us in the movement to get back to basics, back to our first principles. We were here long before [Thing 45] came along, and we’re going to be here long afterward.”
    Nice, Amy, but you goose-stepped along with the traitor before during and after January 6, so excuse me if I don’t find you traitor adjacent.
    Kellyanne Conway, the Cryptkeeper for Thing 45, smacking down Jared Kushner in her new book:

    “There was no subject he considered beyond his expertise. Criminal justice reform. Middle East peace. The southern and northern borders. Veterans and opioids. Big Tech and small business. If Martian attacks had come across the radar, he would have happily added them to his ever-bulging portfolio. He’d have made sure you knew he’d exiled the Martians to Uranus and insisted he did not care who got credit for it. He misread the Constitution in one crucial respect, thinking that all power not given to the federal government was reserved to him.
    Kellyanne sounds a little miffed that Jared had more sway with the bloated traitor than she did.
    Kellyanne can, as always, fuck off.

  23. #1323
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    Fuck them all

    Fuck Clarence Thomas.
    Fuck Samuel Alito.
    Fuck Neal Gorsuch.
    Fuck Brett Kavanaugh.
    And finally, fuck Amy Comey Barrett.
    May they all live long lives - long enough to see the damage that they did to this country undone. Long enough to be held up as the worst justices to ever sit on SCOTUS. And long enough to know that they're there to fully experience that legacy.
    We must not give up the fight to elect candidates to the Presidency, Congress, and state legislatures who will remedy this. We must insist that SCOTUS Nominees understand the law and will not push us back in time.
    Packing the court will not help. Just as a pendulum swings in one direction, it swings in the opposite direction. Nine jurists who understand that they must detach themselves and make rulings based on a number of things, just not their Catholic view of the world.
    Don't give in to anger. Anger never solves anything. And anger will not undo this mess created today that will reverberate for years to come. Complacency got us here. Throw that cloak off your shoulders.
    Work hard so that this November, and every November afterward this doesn't happen again.

  24. #1324
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post
    Looks like somebody's already used all of that toilet paper.

  25. #1325
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    My Two Cents: SCOTUS' Attack On Women

    Sometimes I am too optimistic, too sure that people will do the right thing. I felt that when the SCOTUS leak regarding Roe v Wade surfaced last month; I was certain it wouldn’t happen; I was sure our highest court wouldn’t overturn a law that had been on the books for over fifty years. I never thought women would be less free to make their own choices in 2022 than there were in 1973.
    And yet here we are, because of Mitch McConnell and his refusal to grant Merrick Garland a confirmation hearing, and because the GOP, under McConnell, rushed through three justices’ confirmations—two of whom are completely unqualified to be on the highest court … two of whom lied to Congress during their confirmation when they said Roe was settled law, and then turned on it the first chance they got.
    Let that sink in: two Supreme Court Justices got their positions by lying to Congress and to We The People. In America.
    And it appears there is no penalty for Supreme Court justices who perjure themselves at their Senate confirmation hearing.
    But it isn’t just Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barret to blame, it’s all those voters who stayed home in 2016 because maybe they didn’t care so much for Hillary, but still thought she’d win. How’d that work out for you? If you didn’t learn in 2016, learn it now: voting matters. Voting matters in every single goddamned election you have the right in which to participate. I cannot stress it enough:
    A nationwide ban on abortion is on the ballot this November and y’all better cast a GODDAMNED MOTHERFUCKING vote.
    You see, overturning Roe v Wade and outlawing abortions will never make them go away, it will only make them more dangerous, especially for the poor and marginalized. Women will die because of this unconscionable decision.
    And please do not think this is the last attack on freedoms by this radical court. Sure, Alito and Kavanaugh both said not to worry about ‘other’ rulings, that they were only attacking women … this time. But Clarence Thomas said in his opinion on the ruling that maybe they’ll come for birth control, for same-sex relationships, for marriage equality.
    Of note, however, in the hypocritical asshatted backwards mind of Clarence Thomas, is the fact that his own marriage is not protected under the same Constitution he says doesn’t protect a woman’s right to choose, or a same-sex couple to marry,, because interracial marriage wasn’t allowed when that document was written; in fact, people of color were not even considered fully human, so I hope Clarence doesn’t think his marriage is safe, though maybe all of this is his chickenshit chance to dump his insurrectionist traitorous wife.
    We must stop this court. We have to vote out every hypocritical Republican who hailed this decision as a win, who believe that forcing women to give birth in a country with no universal healthcare, no universal childcare, no paid family & medical leave and one of the highest rates of maternal mortality among rich nations is the right thing to do.
    This isn't about "life." It's about control. If it was about life, we would have had the strictest gun laws ever after Sandy Hook, but the GOP doesn’t care about children outside the womb, they only care about exerting power over women.
    Young girls, raped by their fathers or brothers or uncles, will be forced to carry that fetus io term.
    Women who are raped will have zero say in their own lives and will be forced to give birth to their rapist’s child, after which the GOP will instantly cease to care for that child.
    If you’re against abortion, don’t get one, but don’t inflict your opinion on anyone else, because that’s denying them their freedom.
    If you’re against contraception, don’t take any, but don’t tell anyone else what they can do with their bodies.
    If you’re against same-sex relationships, don’t have one, but don’t tell other people who they can love.
    If you’re against same-sex marriage, don’t marry someone of same gender and do not come for mine.
    I don’t impose my opinions on you, religious or spiritual or otherwise, you should do the same for the rest of us because that’s freedom, and what you’re doing is religious tyranny.
    In America. In 2022.

  26. #1326
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    After the leak, no one should have thought there those conservative judges were going to change their mind. This decision further divides the country. Remember, conservatives desperately need to say "shut up! we're in charge!" no matter how small their minority. This is their way of saying "fuck you, America."

    While the anger is directed towards every one of the judges who side with the majority, Clarence Thomas stands above the rest in his demonstration of hatred. He provided a laundry list of opinions he wanted overturned: LGBQT and contraceptive rights. Robert Reich, among many others, noted Thomas did not mention Virginia vs Loving, another ruling that set a precedent: interracial marriage. Being married to a white woman, this exemplifies how 74-year-old is on a personal vendetta. He is going to make the Centrists and Liberals who objected to his nomination pay dearly. This man epitomizes Conservative hatred.

    As more proof, Thomas believes the court should reexamine Griswold vs Connecticut, the ruling which permitted married couples access to birth control. After 2 marriages, the first to a black woman, he only has one child, so either his little swimmers are weak, or he hasn't been having intercourse, however there is also a very good possibility his spouse has been using birth control. This has nothing to do with his believing in the sanctity of the sacred sperm impregnating the holy egg. Remember how he was conveniently hospitalized when his wife's intimate involvement in the Trump coup was going to be released? He was terrified of being questioned, so he ran away and hid. This man is a gutless sack of shit pushing his bitter anger onto America.

    Yesterday, while the Republican party was dancing in the street, there were those who were not cheering. Even the Orange Anus, Donald Trump, was voice reservations about the decision, rather it was the closeness to the mid-terms he was muttering about. Because Republicans are so bound up in their own selfish wants and desires, they never take a second to consider other opinions, how women might vote this November. While there may be many women who are stridently anti-abortion, there are many, many more who were glad that option was available. There are also many, many women who see this decision as taking away their rights to equality, suddenly they are now more inferior and no longer have the right to decide on how to handle a pregnancy. They are being forced into a role of submission. This is not going to sit well with them.

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    And yes, I saw that today they busted out the first bricks of the edifice of the division of church and state by saying that some shithead Christian high school coach can pray on the football field after a game and invite others to join him. While he's on coach time. While he's being paid.
    Anyone who believes that their god gives a flying fuck about whether or not their football team wins or loses is, in my opinion, an ignorant, superstitious ass [[to say the least) but that has no bearing on this supreme court who should have thrown the case out to begin with. And let's not even mention the fact that Jesus himself told people not to pray in public. But these people haven't actually read a Bible, have they?

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    Really Herschel Walker? Really?

    Goddess, I just adore Herschel Walker. He’s the gift that keeps on giving, every single time he opens his illiterate lying Republican yap.
    The other day Herschel went after Stacey Abrams, the Democratic candidate for governor … what was he thinking! … because she had said:

    “I am tired of hearing about [Georgia] being the best state in the country to do business when we are the worst state in the country to live.”
    Abrams was specifically talking about Georgia’s problems with mental health treatment, maternal mortality, incarceration rates and wages, but Herschel heard none of that and decided to release a statement:

    “If you don’t believe in the country, leave and go somewhere else. If it’s the worst state, why are you here? Why don’t you leave—go to another? There’s, what, 51 more other states that you can go to?”
    I guess when Stacey was listing the ills of Georgia she might have mentioned education because the guy running for Senate doesn’t know how many states there are in America.
    And then there was the following week, when Herschel was talking about Jesus, and found a way to compare himself to Jesus because they both … wait for it … it’s epic … suffer from multiple personality disorder:

    “I tell them all the time. I say, dude, I tell them. Do our lord Jesus Christ have a mental illness because he said he’s the father, the son and the Holy Spirit? To me, those are three different personalities. So we’re not so much different than he is.”
    Walker, in his 2008 memoir, Breaking Free, said he suffers from multiple personality disorder.
    So vote for him Georgia, because if he wins, you’ll get a lying hypocritical pig as Senator, and all those other personalities he has to offer.
    Like Jesus. Really.

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    Tuesday, June 28, 2022

    Meme Dump

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    Leo Herrera, Mexican writer and LGBTQ+ activist, on ‘Don’t say Gay’:

    “’Don’t Say Gay’ gives me church giggles. They’re still trying to get rid of us? When will they understand our Queerness floats to the top like cream and explodes when it’s buried? They can draft their bills, ban our books and social media, wipe the cream pie off Anita Bryant’s face, clear their priest's Grindr history but it’s too late. Queerness can’t be contained because it is the container. The hinges on Pandora’s box and the rub marks on Aladdin’s lamp. The sea glass their child already picked up, while they shielded their eyes from our sun and turned their back on our ocean. Volatile, elemental, sacred, everywhere, sacred. Always.”

  35. #1335
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post

  36. #1336
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    Chatter on the intertubes has me up in arms - on all sides I might add. Mind you, I don't know a lot of pro-lifers, or they have the common decency not to say anything to, or around, me. I stopped self-inflicing wounds by really not looking much at things like Faeebook.

    But butthole politicians are having the nerve to use my phone number to text me: Nancy Fucking Pelosi texting me for $$$ to fight this.

    Sorry you stupid twat, that fight is O-V-E-R. And guess what, it's over for my life time. It took 50 years to overturn Roe v Wade. Do the math on these asshole judges sitting on that bench and anything that comes before them in their lifetime term. Oh - and 2024? Welcome to another republican president who will appoint more republican judges.

    Seriously Nancy - what the fuck are you going to do with the $20 you're asking from me? Building a time machine, are we?

    This was my response to "her":

    I knew it was a bot, and I knew no one was actually reading it. But for a nanosecond, it made me feel better.

    I also got one from Ohio's wanna be a senator, pretty much asking for the same thing, but to defeat his wanna be rival. I feel forced to vote for Tim Ryan in the fall, but honestly, he I believe he will be Joe Manchin II. His current ads tout how often he agreed with BLOTUS. I get he's trying to sway fringe righters, but he's alienating me.................big time. One of his sayings is roughly, "I don't represent ANY party". Clearly. So - then why should I give you my money?

    Of course, the second sting is from Clarence Fucking Thomas' written decision show way above. He's coming for contraception and same-sex marriage.

    I am fighting making this post about the potential dissolution of my marriage. Don't get me started on a threat to a woman's right to contraception and the pro-life shit. I get they don't see the irony in it, but it is a fucking dangerous irony.

    What they do get is that while saying no to abortion is not saying yes to the child.......after it's born. There will be no affordable housing for the working class [[or impoverished) who are forced to have children.No one in this congress is increasing funding for WIC or food or heat for the families of these kids. Schools will not be funded for sex education and contraception [[see C. Thomas reference two paragraphs above.

    There will be no one picking these kids out for adoption or fostering - which are roughly 100,000 a year for adoption [[and that's just US kids, not foreign ones) and the 424,000-672,000 children in the foster care system - depending on the year.

    The social services are not the GOP strong suit.

    The church is loving this though. An endless supply of pre-teen hole for all the priests!

    When I say it's too late for Roe v Wade - and it is - it doesn't mean people should stop fighting this. All of it. Each of these things will get peeled away. In theory this could really jack up the mid-terms, but those are months away and we have a strong history of short term memory issues.

    But we are going to have to fight for gay marriage [[again), voting rights and no doubt civil rights. More than half the justices lied when they said "Roe is settled law". Maybe a few follow-up questions would have been prudent.

    So there is no reason to believe other laws in the books are not about to targeted.

    Welcome to the new reality.

  37. #1337
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post

  38. #1338
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    Rudy Giuliani says the ALLEGED assault he suffered during a campaign appearance on behalf of his son at a Staten Island ShopRite should result in the ALLEGED assailant being prosecuted:

    “This has to stop!”
    The former Mayor of New York insisted that he “could have been killed” by the slap on the back had he fallen, and says his shoulder is still hurt and that he had trouble sleeping Sunday night as a result.
    Perhaps some alcohol, Rudy? You’re going to need it because that ShopRite worker, Daniel Gill, walked free from court after his charges were downgraded.
    If you’ve seen the video you’ll understand why Rudy Karen Giuliani’s assault was seen as more of a slap on the back.

    It was barely twenty years ago, after 9/11 that Giuliani was dubbed America’s Mayor and now he’s become Thing 45’s Whipping Boy and America’s Drunk Uncle.

  39. #1339
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post
    Rudy Giuliani says the ALLEGED assault he suffered during a campaign appearance on behalf of his son at a Staten Island ShopRite should result in the ALLEGED assailant being prosecuted:
    “This has to stop!”
    The former Mayor of New York insisted that he “could have been killed” by the slap on the back had he fallen, and says his shoulder is still hurt and that he had trouble sleeping Sunday night as a result.
    Perhaps some alcohol, Rudy? You’re going to need it because that ShopRite worker, Daniel Gill, walked free from court after his charges were downgraded.
    If you’ve seen the video you’ll understand why Rudy Karen Giuliani’s assault was seen as more of a slap on the back.

    It was barely twenty years ago, after 9/11 that Giuliani was dubbed America’s Mayor and now he’s become Thing 45’s Whipping Boy and America’s Drunk Uncle.
    And now, New York's current mayor [Adams] is calling for a probe to prosecute his simple bitch-ass for filing a false report. I'm here for it, honey. Break all their political backs, I say.

  40. #1340
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    Andrew McCarthy, former Assistant US Attorney and current Fox News legal analyst, on Thing 45 and January 6:
    “[Thing 45] was clearly aware just moments before he took the podium that you had a mob of heavily armed people. The critical thing he says is ‘they’re not here to hurt me,’ which implies that in his mind, he knows they’re here to hurt someone. And the second thing he says, which I don’t think has gotten enough attention, ‘they can come in, they can hear me, and then they can march to the Capitol.’ So he’s very aware that you have a mob that’s armed to the teeth that he is planning to encourage to march on the Capitol. And then as the testimony ensues, we find out that he not only intended them to do that, he wanted to participate, he actually wanted to lead them down there. That knowledge opens up the possibility that you could prosecute for aiding and abetting the intimidation of federal officials, which is a pretty serious crime.”
    I’ve always said what will seal Thing 45’s fate is his own mouth and this is laid out perfectly.
    He knew; he aided; he directed.
    Good on a conservative pundit on a conservative channel for saying so, though, I know, the rabid MAGAts won’t hear it.
    Yesli Vega, Virginia Republican US House nominee, asked if she’s heard that it’s “harder for women to get pregnant from rape”:
    “Maybe because there’s so much going on in the body. I don’t know. I haven’t, you know, seen any studies. But if I’m processing what you’re saying, it wouldn’t surprise me. Because it’s not something that’s happening organically. You’re forcing it. The individual, the male, is doing it as quickly. And so I can see why there is truth to that. It’s unfortunate.”
    Yes, a woman, thinks any other woman’s body will reject a pregnancy outright if it results from rape.
    Clearly this woman’s body rejected her brain eons ago.
    Willie Carver Jr., Kentucky’s 2022 Teacher of the Year, who is gay, is leaving teaching because of the anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment AKA ‘Don’t Say Gay’:
    “This was not an easy decision; I have cried quite a few times trying to make it over the past few months. But, ultimately, I have always wanted to be in the place where I can most make a difference in the lives of the next generation. I believe that UK [in student support services] is where I can do this. I also increasingly find that, as a queer person in K-12 education, I have been unable to do that work without facing discrimination, heartache, and being a part of systems that cause harm, though I am immensely proud of my brilliant, hardworking, and fierce colleagues who have and continue to change that system in defense of students. I also know that I symbolize potential for some students. I symbolize potential for students who come from poverty, for Appalachian students, and for LGBTQ students [but] of late, I feel beaten down. I’ve withstood it, but it’s hard to find peace or happiness when you’re under attack.”
    This is what the GOP is doing, taking dedicated teachers and running them out of schools simply because they’re LGBTQ+. And teaching these next generations that being LGBTQ+ is a terrible thing; the GOP spreading hate and intolerance and self-loathing.
    How lovely.
    Chelsea Handler, on Kevin McCarthy calling himself and the GOP pro-life:
    “By the way, Kevin McCarthy, since you mentioned it, let’s talk about what it means to be pro-life. Universal healthcare, that’s pro-life. Restricting guns, that’s also pro-life. Fighting climate change, , that’s also pro-life. Listening to doctors during a pandemic, also pro-life. Not forcing women to give birth like livestock: pro-life. But your party opposes all those things. Calling Republicans pro-life is like calling OJ Simpson pro-wife.”
    Simple and direct, with a stab of truth-filled sarcasm at the end.

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    Put a fork in Trump....he's done. Not as convinced as the article....but there's always hope.
    Put a Fork in Donald Trump—the Ex-President Is Done [[msn.com)

  43. #1343
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    You hear that? It’s the sound of dominoes falling. Conservatives have finally achieved their fantasy of overturning Roe v. Wade. If you think they are now going to settle down with their guns and their hypocrisy, you are fooling no one but yourself.

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  46. #1346
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    Another example of the New Normal is Darren Bailey, a Trump backed candidate for Governor in Illinois. In the first video message he released after the shoot, Bailey said that we need to pray for the victims, and the police, and then basically 'move on.' He's another one Conservative asshole who has yet to realize all of their prayers have remained unanswered. Nope, not a one. God has evidently turned a deaf ear towards those prayers. Anyway, someone must have told Bailey he sounded like a stupid sack of shit, so he released another video in which he said he didn't mean to sound like a crass, failed human being. You're too late, Darren. People already know you accept these shootings as the New Normal, and people just need to move on when they happen.

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    Tuesday, July 05, 2022

    Meme Dump

  48. #1348
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    Of course, I feel bad for Highland Park folks and their dead. But the guy is white and Republican. Kyle Rittenhouse killed folks - he's white and a BLOTUS supporter and he's walking free.
    I mean, they took him alive, so you know he was white.
    Allegedly, I hear [[since I don't really read the news anymore - in detail), the TERRORIST was dressed as a woman to avoid detection. So you just know there is going to be a bunch of transphobia and drag queen comments coming.
    Fuck them all. Fuck every single Republican fuck face who votes party line for fear of being Liz Cheney.
    Right and Wrong no longer apply. Those words mean nothing anymore. Absolutely nothing. Of course, that is all they were: words. The depths of depravity that politicians and lobbyists [[and voters) will go to is just inhumane.
    I don't think there is a better word for it.

  49. #1349
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    I’m not saying this happened because he was drunk, or because he was from Texas, but a drunk Texan? That’s a different story.
    Jayland Walker was a 25-year-old Black man who ALLEGEDLY committed a traffic violation. He attempted to flee the traffic stop and was shot sixty times.
    Bobby Crimo is a 22-year-old White who ALLEGEDLY shot 37 people, killing seven of them. He attempted to flee a traffic stop and was safely, politely taken into custody.
    Sounds about white.
    The Fulton County special grand jury investigating criminal interference in Georgia’s 2020 elections has subpoenaed Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Chesebro and Jenna Ellis, all of whom advised Thing 45 on ways of overturning the 2020 election.
    Best of all, included in that list is South Carolina’s own, Miss Lindsey Graham, who is hard at work picking out her subpoena wardrobe.

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