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  1. #1
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    How Come .... [[?) SDF Members !!!!

    I've notice some months ago,how the forum has changed. At one time, this forum use to be very fun to talk about about and,share music etc;. It looks as though quite a few posts only get "lurkers" ,with very few responses. What's going on ? You mean to tell me that we have a bunch on nosey individuals that would rather lurk,than to actually say something ? C'MON, the numbers don't lie ! [[Cat got your tongue ? )

    I've stopped posting my show info,because very few people really bothered to check out the link anyway. It looks a though if I post a link, everyone will look,but have little or nothing to say.

    I know I'm not the only one that feels this way,but I'm not afraid to speak my mind !

    If you're not afraid to speak on this, please do so ....

    [[let's see how far this goes .... LOL SMH !!!!)

    If I'm wrong,then I stand corrected ! Thank you

  2. #2
    I've noticed that as well GT!

  3. #3
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    and did you notice MadLad that 30 people lurked,and you're the only person that replied back?

    I've rest my case. Thanks !

  4. #4
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    Thanks for speaking your mind, my friend. I wouldn't have it any other way, it's one of the foundations of this forum. I've noticed a lot of personal sniping and have read that some lurkers are apparently intimidated by such an illustrious bunch of mega minds . I know that feeling well .I lurked for some time many years ago when I first came here, because the folks who reside here were so passionate and profoundly knowledgeable about the subject matter. Then I had to jump in when they started talking about The Temptations and I 've been here ever since.

    I think that I read somewhere "here" that lurkers make up a significant amount of traffic. There are a few things that I would consider irregular on this site but nothing earth shaking and the only reason I voice that opinion is because I've been around for a while. I think that we have lost a lot of folks who used to be here posting, but continue to lurk for whatever reason and thats their inherent right or privilege.

    True I don't sense the same feeling of camaraderie that I used to, but things change and I believe the make up of the forum is no exception. Thank God newer members have more to choose from than the flame throwing Supreme/DR/MW threads although I find them to be hysterically funny. Guess even I lurk a bit lol.......but to address your point this may just be a lull before the storm. I certainly hope so. But as other folks have noted here and there, I really miss the old forum colors and layout, for some reason it seemed to pull you in and not want to let you go, same as it ever was ?......no......but good just the same.

    I also miss the corny "Getting to Know You/Roll Call Threads" and now I see where new members are welcomed on the main page lower level, almost by accident, when back in the day we were jumping on the welcome wagon whenever we spotted a new member posting. Now threads began and end and we never even know who we are talking to [[to some degree) or why they are even posting, dam we used to have great manners...lol.....same as it ever was ?....no...but still a worthwhile trip to the web.

  5. #5
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    You bring back warm memories of the old days when, yes, we seemed to go out of our way to welcome a newcomer. I suppose one of the drawbacks of a successful forum is,simply, the large number of people participating makes it difficult to do just that. On any given day I'm approving several applicants for membership. Things are just a little more busy than the old days.

    As far as flamers, I do try and deal with them when problems arise and because our membership has become a little more vast, I'm less inclined to try and make peace like I might have back then. Now I simply delete what I perceive to be offensive, be it a thread or a person. Still, I do realize a certain something has been lost that was pretty good a few years back.

  6. #6
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    Its like you said Ralph....its good to be "King"...lol.......

  7. #7
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    I've noticed it, but in a different way. SDF has changed a lot over the years. A lot of the older posts were devoted to SITSOM [[quiz....what is SITSOM? Anyone remember? How 'bout you newer members?), and early Motown. As our knoledge base grew, the board has become more serious and technical in tone and that has left me a little out in left field. I'll admit, I do much more lurking than posting now a days, if only because most of the questions I would ask would sound like a 4th grader in a college level course. I guess maybe I wish we'd go back to the days when we discussed Johnny Bristol's role in "Some Day We'll Be Together", but am forced to admit that the forum has gone beyond that stage.

    An in a way, GT is right. I don't think anyone would even attempt to start an AARRUUGGHH... thread now a days, and I'd almost be afraid that a "Blue Eyed Soul" thread would be greeted with a hearty "Doug, you jerk". The place isn't as much "fun". Maybe the new format, deviding up the catagories has something to do with that, but there doesn't seem to be as much fun and outright tomfoolery as there used to be.

    On the other hand......four fingers and a thumb.....I don't worry too much about it. There have been times that posting has slowed down, only to pick up again. Things go in cycles, and given that that the forum has been around for 10 years, I guess I can accept any changes that have occured over the years. Regardless of my gripes, it's still a great place to hang out.
    Last edited by Doug-Morgan; 10-03-2011 at 09:44 PM.

  8. #8
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    Diversity has a way of doing this to a forum. Not everyone has the same mindset as when it was a small, out of the way place.

    For me, i'll not post for two or three days because when I look around here, all I see are a bunch of Diana Ross/Supremes/Mary Wilson/whatever related threads. Then, half of those degenerate into bitch-slapping. It is the main reason I left the first time.

  9. #9
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    I too have noticed the feeling of a certain[anger?]in some places where back in the day we seemed a much more happy bunch,this is still the best music site by light years but some unhappy campers have wandered in.

  10. #10
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    Jai, we all know why you're happy........

  11. #11
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    134 views,9 replies ? [[and thank all 9 of you,that replied back)

  12. #12
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    Do you think this forum software has anything to do with it? I'm guessing that a lot of old-timers just can't get used to it, and the new features. I mean, we even have a convenient way to quote people, but some are probably used to copy+paste.

    The one complaint I have is that the administrator won't give us more color scheme options. I'm really starting to hate this bright red. And he still hasn't enabled avatars.

  13. #13
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    "I've stopped posting my show info,because very few people really bothered to check out the link anyway"

    Well , sometimes I can't get a good link up , depends on which comp I'm on . But believe me ,I still enjoy your postings and playlists. Sometimes I don't respond ,but that don't mean I'm not paying attention or getting something out of what you contribute. For what it is worth being I only know of you from this forum ,I had a lot of respect and admiration for your posts and I'm just letting you know that up front. Truth is I'm a pecker in regards to typing ,though I may have a lot I wan't to say ,it's a trip to type thoughts out. Reminds me of college ,you know.

  14. #14
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    Is there any way you can be of help in getting Man Of Music back on.
    He seems to be having trouble getting it together.
    He kept things going on the Philly sceen.
    If you want to, reply to me in my private messages.
    Then maybe I can help him get it done, plus keep him cool, thanks.

  15. #15
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    Have him contact me at ralpht@soulfuldetroit.com.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post

    The one complaint I have is that the administrator won't give us more color scheme options. I'm really starting to hate this bright red. And he still hasn't enabled avatars.
    Soulster...if you go to the very bottom of you screen there is a drop down menu where you can select "default style" or an "sdf orange" or "sdf red" or "sdf red2". The default style is relatively peaceful shades of slate blue on white. Don't know about avatars, I notice Robb_K has his picture up but nobody else seems to have an avatar.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Thank you so much, will do.
    Also, a job well done on the smooth cd.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the compliment. It means a lot coming from you.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalisa View Post
    Soulster...if you go to the very bottom of you screen there is a drop down menu where you can select "default style" or an "sdf orange" or "sdf red" or "sdf red2". The default style is relatively peaceful shades of slate blue on white. Don't know about avatars, I notice Robb_K has his picture up but nobody else seems to have an avatar.
    Yeah, I know about those colors. But, when they switched to this software, many of us complained about the colors, and how we liked darker colors. Also, Robb_K is uniquely able to post an avatar but not by the proper means. There are switches the administrator can enable for these options.

  20. #20
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    Sorry to be so late. This is the first time I saw this. I agree with you whole heartedly. It's not the same. What happened? Who's to say? And Douglas, I DO remember SITSOM.......watch it ever so often. R&B everyone knows why you're always left of center [[go back to the shed & make more hooch). Where's Juice? Where's Dyva? Oldies comes occasionally [[hi Oldies). Some of us [[like Des & MsM) are still around but sometimes the Forum can be bankrupt. These are my thoughts. Anyone else?

  21. #21
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    I got bored with the relentless Supremes arguments. I don't even feel like you can have an interesting discussion about, say, how smoking damaged both Mary and Diana's voices, without people behaving as though you have personally insulted them. There's good obsessed and bad obsessed. I just find the Motown story fascinating but have zero emotion invested in it, however.

    Also--some of us lean to the right and I get tired of people branding people like me racist, when I'm not.

  22. #22
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    By the way, I just finished Darlene Love's memoirs and that book is the most FASCINATING autobio I've read since "Dreamgirl." I was not expecting it to be as great as it turned out to be.

  23. #23
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    Wow...and I walked away from Darlene Love's book feeling that she was such a whiner. She blamed everybody for her troubles, I don't recall her accepting responsibility for anything

  24. #24
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    Really? I did sort of feel like she blamed a lot of things on everyone but her--but I put that aside and found her insights into people like Tom Jones, Phil Spector, Elvis, Dionne Warwick and others fascinating. I find most auto-bios really white-washed and boring, but Darlene pulls no punches. I didn't really care if she was whining as long as it was interesting. I also read "Lick Me" by Cherry Vanilla and although it started out interesting, I found the incessant drugs and sex really boring after a while. I really had no idea how promiscuous a lot of people were in the 60's and 70's. I'm a person who became sexually active in the era of AID's so for me, promiscuity was never an option. Even experimenting a little was highly risky. I sort of get annoyed when 60's people fail to grasp how later generations have paid the price for their "if it feels good, do it" mentality. They seem oblivious to it.

  25. #25
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    I am now starting "Confessions of a Prairie Bitch" by Nellie Olson of "Little House" and it is HILARIOUS. I love her attitude

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    Sorry to be so late. This is the first time I saw this. I agree with you whole heartedly. It's not the same. What happened? Who's to say? And Douglas, I DO remember SITSOM.......watch it ever so often. R&B everyone knows why you're always left of center [[go back to the shed & make more hooch). Where's Juice? Where's Dyva? Oldies comes occasionally [[hi Oldies). Some of us [[like Des & MsM) are still around but sometimes the Forum can be bankrupt. These are my thoughts. Anyone else?
    Yea, where are these 'old-timers'? I sure miss the good old days. Does anyone remember these names from the past and where are they now?
    DVD Mike
    Livonia Ken
    Also, wonder if any of the early posters are not longer with us?

  27. #27
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    I'm sure the forum has better moments at various times, but "Bankrupt" may be a little extreme. I think it really boils down to population, Moe. SD has a vast membership that goes beyond anything I would ever have imagined a few short years ago. It is now a different animal. It is an adapting process, I suppose. Take from the forum that which interests you and don't worry about the rest.

    I'm totally with you on the Supremes hassles. I've never quite understood the dynamics that come into play, but I know the threads generally lead to some sort of headache for me. I've actually toyed with the idea of banning any threads related to the Supremes, but can you imagine how that one would fly? So, what I'm left with is some sort of on-going problem that seems to bring out the worst in some of the membership. As I've recently stated, I'm taking quicker action deleting membership of what I perceive to be trouble makers. It is all I can do.

  28. #28
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    You have listed a few of my favorite past forum members. Members come and members go, for a variety of reasons. Many I miss and hope will return at some future date. It has happened with others in the past.

  29. #29
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    I relayed you message to M.O.M.
    He will be getting in touch.
    From all the entertainers in Philly
    We thank you for your help.

  30. #30
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    Not a problem, Ceaser. I'll get him straightened away.

  31. #31
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    Again Ralph,
    Thank you , thank you, thank you.

  32. #32
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    Take from the forum that which interests you and don't worry about the rest.
    Amen and pass the corn bread!

    and for old time sakes ...
    nuff said....LOL

    [[apologies in advance Ralph)

    Seriously though, I understand where GeeTee is coming from...in some ways, it's like the old saying, what you don't know won't hurt you and back in the day we didn't know how many people were lurking...now it's all out there for everyone to see and it can be a little disconcerting but hey....life goes on.

    I do miss the colors though, it gave it a more homie feel to me and I think what annoys me the most are the people that couldn't keep their names....I want my Jai back......LOL...

    ...and Kdub will always be Kdub to me...shrugs

    Ralph, Des and I had a discussion a while back about how cool it would be to have an amnesty day....a 24 hour deal where some of the old members could come back to speak their mind....not like the "street" thread...something more civilized.

    It would probably be a pain in the neck for you the moderator to figure out the logistics of such a thing but I think it's worth looking in to. We lost a lot of knowledgeable members for reasons that none of us [[or most of us) don't even care about after all this time. I think it would be nice to have a reunion....just a thought
    Last edited by ms_m; 10-07-2011 at 01:38 AM.

  33. #33
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    I don't hold grudges and am always open to anyone that would like to re-join the forum. I think more than enough time has gone by, for all of us that were involved at that time, to let bygones be bygones. Besides, who wouldn't miss Paulie 3 Shoes?

  34. #34
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    I'll even extend an olive branch to those I have issues with, but it has to be a two-way street.

  35. #35
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    It wouldn't work any other way, Soul.

  36. #36
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    Enough said..........

  37. #37
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    Soulster said

    Diversity has a way of doing this to a forum. Not everyone has the same mindset as when it was a small, out of the way place.
    Ms M said:

    ...and Kdub will always be Kdub to me...shrugs

    @Soulster, I never thought of SDF as a small or out of the way place. The diversity of opinions and depth of knowledge of the posters is what lead me here and dictated that I stay.....it was a new but familiar world that opened up to me and my interests.

    @Ms. M . I'll always be Kdub no matter what the heading or avatar says..........I'll admit it gets confusing sometimes but what the hell.......

    @ Ralph, I think that Moe is on point although she has acquiesced to your wishes and said Enuff said, that's not good enough. We'd had trolls, freeks, geeks and malcontents since the beginning and weathered them all. Moreover even before the "Threads that lead to the Fall of The House of Usher" we were an intelligent bunch that were prone to serious discussions about what we loved the best, the music of Motown. It appears to me that more time is spent on this forum playa hating on Diana and Mary than anything else. But thats cool because as "the rap artist "Juvenile" once said " I can leave that alone and let that go ".

    This place in cyber space called SDF is our playground. I have made some friends for life at this place. This place is special. I was a regular contributor to another forum, that unbeknown to you at the time I had a major difference of opinion with the owner moderator. But rather than front on him or write bad things I just stopped participating. I was off line for over a year and one day 1Wicked sent me an e mail and said Kdub, you need to take a look at this place on the "net" called "Soulful Detroit", they are doing and saying a lot of things that I think you'll enjoy. He was right... and I'll always owe him one for pointing me in the this direction. Ralph I've set across a dinner table with you and you know that I am a serious man. But I ask you to take a moment and reflect upon what my humble associates are saying. We love this place, our place, and we have no other person to carry the weight but you. So just take a moment and reflect, we are here for you and because of you, this place is extremely important, don't let this get away from you or us, it's that important. Oh yeah, Ralphie boy..before you ask me what the hell are you talking about ? I'll tell you, don't damper our passion for the best site on the web. Plus look at it this way, If I was "Juicifus" or "Barely Saine"you would probably have to read 200 more words.....


  38. #38
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    You are not only a serious man, but a thoughtful one also. I appreciate your concern for the well being of SD. You have been around here for a long time. I'm just saying that I would let old hostility go if there was a one time member that would like to re-join us in the spirit we all want SD to embrace.

  39. #39
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    I understood that my friend, quite clearly.......Moe was coming from a different place...as was I....and so was GT.......we have no arguments, we don't want to fight, this is our playground.......Warriors come out and play......

  40. #40
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    Warriors come out and play
    you rang?


    The more I think about this, as much as I love the music, it's the nuts and bolts industry talk I miss the most. I learned a lot from that and I've used quite a bit of that info to do my own thing. We had a lot of heavy weights around here.

    The one thing in life that is constant is change but sometimes not all change is good. I realize most forums go through different stages at different times but logging on to SDF is often like walking through the house you grew up in ...but with different owners. The memories are still there but the feeling just isn't right.

    Maybe the season has passed and we should keep stepping but Ralph, an honest outreach from you to some of the old crew could go a long way. I mean let's be real... whatever the reason, [[right, wrong or somewhere in between) as moderator, it was you that zapped them....... and understand, I'm not questioning your decision at the time just keeping it real so it seems to me, that would mean you have to make the first step.....I'm just sayin'

    Ok that's my 2cents....I've got work to do.

  41. #41
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    The more I think about this, as much as I love the music, it's the nuts and bolts industry talk I miss the most. I learned a lot from that and I've used quite a bit of that info to do my own thing. We had a lot of heavy weights around here.

    Me too, good point......

    The one thing in life that is constant is change but sometimes not all change is good. I realize most forums go through different stages at different times but logging on to SDF is often like walking through the house you grew up in ...but with different owners. The memories are still there but the feeling just isn't right.
    Dam, I wish I had wrote that................

  42. #42
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    Believe it or not I have been in touch with some previous members. This is something I have thought about for some time now and am more than ready to make peace. I would love for David to return and produce those excellent webisodes he was responsible for. Way back, I made him the offer. Maybe enough time has passed that he would consider the offer.

  43. #43
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    Ralph--I'd hate to be a moderator on a Supremes forum. I'd probably end up banning everyone. I wonder if Beatles forums get this bad?

  44. #44
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    The whole Supremes thing is a mystery to me Bob.

  45. #45
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    Ralph--I'd hate to be a moderator on a Supremes forum. I'd probably end up banning everyone.

  46. #46
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    Speaking of the Juice...Anyone hear from him lately?

  47. #47
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    Ralph--I can totally understand someone saying they think, say, Jean Terrell is a better singer than, say, Diana Ross--but what I don't get is the emotional over-involvement. I've seen people issue death threats over a group that's been history for decades! I will never understand that--but it makes rational discussion impossible.

  48. #48
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    this place is still the best

    Sad that alot of our musicians are singing and playing in another world.

    Something I have just started doing is

    going to youtube
    and some people ther have created threads like

    Tribute to Patsy Cline
    whoch plays video after video.

    I don't care what the video is
    I put it in the background
    and I go do other work.

    This site has the best information on
    our classic Soul RnB Good singing from all eras.

    Our oldies station in Boston now plays 60's 70's 80's

    80's are not oldies to me.

    I am still learning all about 50's,
    for instance Five Keys etc
    because growing up 77 cents was alot of money
    to spend on a 45.

    I was fortunate that a record store owner let me
    sit with a pile of demos and by ear play them and buy them for 5 cents.

    It helped me to collect these

    The Ivories for example

    Paul Robeson and Ella Fitz



  49. #49
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    Juice is fine and busy as hell, when was he not ?

  50. #50
    Join Date
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    Gee nothing ever stays the same.
    Our world is ever changing, and when things change, they change into something else.
    I remember the old sdf 2002-then 2004 when it changed, interesting discussions and quit information. Funky people as well. Some older members are already in heaven, but hopefully they lurk into the current sdf sometimes.
    I don't post that much, yet my literacy has seen many great, good, very funny, very sad,
    and classy stories here on sdf. The knowledge of the core group and non core group is
    outstanding, or amazing, simply breathtaking. The sdf habitat has always been a great place, still is, and it will be in the future.


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Ralph Terrana

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