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  1. #1

    Flo Ballard "Daughter" Running for President After DNA Matches Ulysses Grant



    Variety Chenevert aka Nichole Renee Ballard and aka as stage name FLOBABY 1217 as a Dubstep Artist DNA Ancestry matches The United States of America 18th President Ulysses S. Grant.

    Ulysses S. Grant The United States 18th president created the Justice System and the Justice System was created to protect African-Americans and Jews. He also abolished the KKK the Klu Klux Klan.

    Nichole Renee Ballard aka Variety Chenevert said she was elated to find out to be related to Ulysses S. Grant the 18th president of the United States of America she said especially with him creating the Justice System to protect African-Americans and not kill them. She said she doesn’t think the police departments in the United States understand the assignment since the 1800’s. We need to do just what my Great Great Uncle said PROTECT African-Americans in The United States of America. I would love to become president to enforce what my Great Great Uncle Ulysses S. Grant intended and he had great intentions for Jews and African-Americans and the KKK should remain abolished and deceased Forever!

    Now I know it’s in my blood to become president of The United States of America. However, I want to see many African-Americans return to Africa because that’s the beginning of us no matter what. We are Africans from Nigeria and other countries before anything else and we are 🚫 NOT! niggers or niggas the proper word is NAGA and it needs to be used and replaced with the proper spelling and meaning which is King and Queen. Now Niger is a place in Nigeria which is a village area and that’s one “G” not two get it right! You dig?

    Variety Chenevert and her children and other relatives are still eligible to receive a Lifetime of Secret Service protection.

  2. #2
    I’ve had my laugh for the day

  3. #3
    Well Ulysees Grant was the last president to own slaves. So there's that. And some will argue that the modern day policing is based on slave era Slave Patrol.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post


    Variety Chenevert aka Nichole Renee Ballard and aka as stage name FLOBABY 1217 as a Dubstep Artist DNA Ancestry matches The United States of America 18th President Ulysses S. Grant.

    Ulysses S. Grant The United States 18th president created the Justice System and the Justice System was created to protect African-Americans and Jews. He also abolished the KKK the Klu Klux Klan.

    Nichole Renee Ballard aka Variety Chenevert said she was elated to find out to be related to Ulysses S. Grant the 18th president of the United States of America she said especially with him creating the Justice System to protect African-Americans and not kill them. She said she doesn’t think the police departments in the United States understand the assignment since the 1800’s. We need to do just what my Great Great Uncle said PROTECT African-Americans in The United States of America. I would love to become president to enforce what my Great Great Uncle Ulysses S. Grant intended and he had great intentions for Jews and African-Americans and the KKK should remain abolished and deceased Forever!

    Now I know it’s in my blood to become president of The United States of America. However, I want to see many African-Americans return to Africa because that’s the beginning of us no matter what. We are Africans from Nigeria and other countries before anything else and we are  NOT! niggers or niggas the proper word is NAGA and it needs to be used and replaced with the proper spelling and meaning which is King and Queen. Now Niger is a place in Nigeria which is a village area and that’s one “G” not two get it right! You dig?

    Variety Chenevert and her children and other relatives are still eligible to receive a Lifetime of Secret Service protection.
    Bless her heart. LOL

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by marybrewster View Post


    Variety Chenevert aka Nichole Renee Ballard and aka as stage name FLOBABY 1217 as a Dubstep Artist DNA Ancestry matches The United States of America 18th President Ulysses S. Grant.

    Ulysses S. Grant The United States 18th president created the Justice System and the Justice System was created to protect African-Americans and Jews. He also abolished the KKK the Klu Klux Klan.

    Nichole Renee Ballard aka Variety Chenevert said she was elated to find out to be related to Ulysses S. Grant the 18th president of the United States of America she said especially with him creating the Justice System to protect African-Americans and not kill them. She said she doesn’t think the police departments in the United States understand the assignment since the 1800’s. We need to do just what my Great Great Uncle said PROTECT African-Americans in The United States of America. I would love to become president to enforce what my Great Great Uncle Ulysses S. Grant intended and he had great intentions for Jews and African-Americans and the KKK should remain abolished and deceased Forever!

    Now I know it’s in my blood to become president of The United States of America. However, I want to see many African-Americans return to Africa because that’s the beginning of us no matter what. We are Africans from Nigeria and other countries before anything else and we are  NOT! niggers or niggas the proper word is NAGA and it needs to be used and replaced with the proper spelling and meaning which is King and Queen. Now Niger is a place in Nigeria which is a village area and that’s one “G” not two get it right! You dig?

    Variety Chenevert and her children and other relatives are still eligible to receive a Lifetime of Secret Service protection.
    It is so hard these days to tell satire from reality. People are F*&^ing nuts. And then they get an online platform to share their nuts.

    Sigh...the end is near.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by thanxal View Post
    It is so hard these days to tell satire from reality. People are F*&^ing nuts. And then they get an online platform to share their nuts.

    Sigh...the end is near.
    In this case, it's not satire, since there has been some unwanted communication from her, received by the Ballard family. For this reason, perhaps it's best we do not continue to give our attention to this individual, as she is clearly not well.
    Last edited by carlo; 01-12-2022 at 11:18 AM.

  7. #7
    Niger is a river, a small village in Nigeria and an independent country of Africa, with as capitol: Niamey.

    I know Ms. Ross is her godmother and played a role in paying for education...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by carlo View Post
    In this case, it's not satire, since there has been some unwanted communication from her, received by the Ballard family. For this reason, perhaps it's best we do not continue to give our attention to this individual, as she is clearly not well.
    Yeah, I know, but it certainly reads like some extremely stupid satire.

  9. #9
    Holy beejaysus the worms come out of the sewer when it comes to Florence Ballard.

  10. #10
    If it really was her, I’d donate to her to run as a Republican and I would vote for her in the primary.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    If it really was her, I’d donate to her to run as a Republican and I would vote for her in the primary.
    A lot of people thought the same of Donald Trump and look what happened there.

    This woman needs intensive mental health care.

  12. #12
    Does she have a drinking problem too?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Twilight Zone

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Spreadinglove21 View Post
    A lot of people thought the same of Donald Trump and look what happened there.

    This woman needs intensive mental health care.
    Donald Trump is the biggest piece of garbage on the planet. A lying mysoginistic and racist POS who should burn in the hottest part of hell.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Donald Trump is the biggest piece of garbage on the planet. A lying mysoginistic and racist POS who should burn in the hottest part of hell.

  16. #16
    I don't understand why she's still being allowed to do this mess, claiming to be someone she isn't. Nicole briefly addressed the subject in her interview and said something about possibly taking action at some point, but it looks like either she hasn't done that or it didn't work. Something is seriously wrong with this woman.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    I don't understand why she's still being allowed to do this mess, claiming to be someone she isn't. Nicole briefly addressed the subject in her interview and said something about possibly taking action at some point, but it looks like either she hasn't done that or it didn't work. Something is seriously wrong with this woman.
    I was waiting for you... this thread is Ran-bait.
    A couple of things could be keeping the family from suing...
    1. expense of a lawsuit vs. any hope for compensation from said lawsuit [[E.g. if they won, would they get anything from her?).
    2. there may not be grounds if they can't show monetary damage or copyright infringement [[the latter they don't have anyway).
    3. the lawsuit might give the nutcase more publicity than if they remain quiet.

    Or any combination of these plus more I probably haven't thought of.

    The real question, in my mind, is "what about Chantal?". Where is she? In which grocery store parking lot do I have to go to see her perform?

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by thanxal View Post
    I was waiting for you... this thread is Ran-bait.
    A couple of things could be keeping the family from suing...
    1. expense of a lawsuit vs. any hope for compensation from said lawsuit [[E.g. if they won, would they get anything from her?).
    2. there may not be grounds if they can't show monetary damage or copyright infringement [[the latter they don't have anyway).
    3. the lawsuit might give the nutcase more publicity than if they remain quiet.

    Or any combination of these plus more I probably haven't thought of.
    Isn't every Flo thread Ran-bait? [[I've gotten wise to the ones with the really ridiculous thread titles and don't even bother clicking to even read what is sure to be entertaining responses.)

    You offer pretty good scenarios for why no action has been taken. It just sucks that this ill woman's delusions are mixed in with the real Nicole. I'm not even sure all of the responses in this thread realize this woman is not Florence's daughter.

    Quote Originally Posted by thanxal View Post
    The real question, in my mind, is "what about Chantal?". Where is she? In which grocery store parking lot do I have to go to see her perform?
    Oh, she'll pop up at a Nichole Renee Ballard aka Variety Chenevert sponsored event near you real soon.

  19. #19
    I think a few people responding in this thread think this poor delusional woman is actually Flo's daughter. She's not. She's been on the internet for a number of years making that claim. The fact she carries on like this means she's not getting steady care and medication for her problem.

  20. #20
    i talked to this nut on facebook lol.

    but in all seriousness she's a stalker and idolized flo [[as well as others like diana and mj) to the point where she wants become a Ballard-Chapman.

    She wants to live the PAIN of FLO SUFFER IN HER FOOTSTEPS. If you're christian variety suffer in the footsteps of Jesus please and get help.

    You know way too much about flo.

    Reggie Harding may haunt you.
    Last edited by IMissFlo93; 01-15-2022 at 11:03 AM.

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