Quote Originally Posted by Spreadinglove21 View Post
Today on her Twitter feed she posted that she enjoys handwashing her dishes as washing dishes gets her in a meditative frame of mind.
This is odd/timely that literally, I was just just reflecting on how relaxing and meditative it is as I was handwashing my dishes. It's a task that I've recently done more off in the recent months, and I actually don't dread it.

Now to the "F" word...I have always loved and admired Diana Ross and count myself as an avid fan. I am pretty disappointed that she used the word which is becoming more and more a socially accepted term in a public forum. It's my opinion that using it demonstrates lack of class and is just an attempt to dodge other words one can use to get their point across that they are serious and 'hardcore' in what they are saying. Using the phrase, WTF, and describing an action or a thing with the adjective/adverb "f***ing" irks me and tends me diminish my regard of the user. But, again, that's the prudish me. Diana, I thought you had much too much class to stoop to that word in a public forum. I will now stumble off my soapbox and probably say the "f" word doing so; however, only my cats will be able to hear it.