Uuggghhh... As if the season hasn't been long enough already. Atlanta AND Miami are playing at 4:25 PM. Decisions will need to be made. Looking forward to what's next. Miami is probably going to trade Tua [which I oppose because he had a good season in crappy circumstances] and rumors have it that Atlanta's already made the decision to keep Matty Ice for another year. If that's true, I'm fine with it because he always plays his best in the second year of a new coordinator and sadly, there has been many.

I think Atlanta can easily win the South next season as Tompa Boo will be declining thanks to its newest player [Father Time, undefeated world champion] making things difficult for them. Miami can win the AFC East just by sticking with Tua and putting a good team around him. My guess for his landing spot will be New Orleans, where Sean Payton will repurpose him into Drew Brees 2.0. Miami is the stupidest most ig'nant team and never learns from past mistakes.