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  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro2015 View Post
    I don't agree that Diana's above any criticism for us, hardcore fans.

    We know she's human and made mistakes as any normal person does. But we love her with all her complexities.

    I don't think she had a healthy relationship with power and I do think Diana herself recognizes that. She was over-the-top with some demands and ways of being. But I also think she now understands why she acted the way she did.

    Let's not forget Diana paid a dear price for her choices, good and bad. She paid her dues. She had extreme highs and extreme lows. Many people with questionable intentions made huge money exploring her life story, her temper and her mistakes. She even fell from grace for a brief period of time, and put herself back together with her head held up. And I'm certain that it was a time when she questioned what really mattered in life, career and relationships. I so admire her for putting herself back together after everything she went through.

    So let's now celebrate this goddess, this survivor, this great superstar, this great pioneer, this amazingly beautiful woman and this great mother too. She is one in a million.
    Well stated!

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by SatansBlues View Post
    I think your comparison between Donald Trump and Diana Ross is disgusting and way off base. I think her most ardent fans defend her because she has been under such constant attack from her haters. Like what was the point of even starting this particular thread? It was just to stir up her base. But the fact of the matter is if you interviewed enough people you could find negative or nasty comments have been said about EVERY celebrity and not just Diana Ross. I'm sure if you interviewed enough folks in the NY/NJ/CT area you could find someone with a gripe about Jon Bon Jovi. But I guess it's more fun to take cheap shots at DR. I noticed in the telling of his story that Jon Bon Jovi never offered up an apology for entering a recording studio with a "Do Not Enter" sign on the door. I'm sure he would feel a certain way if someone had done that to him when he was recording.
    This isn't about Diana Ross being human. Yes, every celebrity has horrible stories circulating about them. Guess what? So do the rest of us. Good grief, are there a few people [[and I do mean only a few) who could tell you a story or two about me that left a bad taste in their mouth. Shit, you might be able to find one or two right here in the forum. [[Just one or two, of course.) The issue is finding bad behavior okay, and that's what you and others in this thread have done.

    My comparison between Trump and Ross was less about them and more about the people who believe whatever they do is fine and justifiable. Obviously Diana Ross isn't...well I won't go into what I think Trump is and the effect he has had on society in order to keep the political discussion at bay. But the two people at their core are incomparable. Diana's effect on the world has been largely positive, and I'll let that sit where it is.

    But the spirit behind applauding bad behavior because of the person involved is exactly what we see with the current state of the country. Look at the Ahmaud Arbery case and how he's been vilified by a certain group of people because "what did he expect going for somebody's gun", when those same people would have called what happened "murder" had the races of the people involved been different. Right isn't right anymore, neither is wrong. It's all arbitrary depending on the cast of characters. That's fucked up.

    Mary Wilson has been raked over the coals in this forum for writing two books in which she made certain allegations [[er recollections) regarding Diana that didn't always paint her in the best light. I don't recall Mary calling Diana out of her name in either book. But Diana can call some "kid" a moron and cuss him out for calling her "Diana" and opening a door he shouldn't have? That was an irrational reaction and every comment in this thread should have said "Diana was wrong. That was fucked up." Case closed.

    Like I said, this thread is disgusting.

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro2015 View Post
    I don't think she had a healthy relationship with power and I do think Diana herself recognizes that. She was over-the-top with some demands and ways of being.
    Is that a euphemism for being unkind to people?. Many folks have had incredibly hard lives or experienced tremendous set backs and difficulties. It’s never an excuse for bad behaviour and never should be. I remain a fan.....but.

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Guy View Post
    I dont assume that Jon Bon Jovi was some innocent babe-in-the-woods. He is a white guy from New Jersey. I don't put much stock in his choosing to characterize his behavior as innocuous and Ross' as outrageous and rude. Most of us can discern when we are being mistreated or disrespected. Allow Miss Ross the grace to determine the tone of her own emotional reaction to the world she lives in.

    I was in her presence once when she was on her cellphone seemingly reading someone for filth and I thought "wow, she's just as bad as they say." At the end of her conversatiom, she said "OK, Baby, I'll talk to you soon. I love you, Rhonda!" She was talking to her daughter blowing off steam about something that wasn't going right -- as all human beings are wont to do [and I was invading her privacy].

    If in that moment she thought Jon Bon Jovi was a moron, I'll trust her judgment over his version of the story -- one calculated to depict her in an unflattering light.
    He walked into a room that maybe he shouldn't have and called her by her first name, something he definitely shouldn't have done. Sorry, but neither of those things deserved what he claims her response was.

    I'd like to see a show of hands of all those who believe she would have responded the same exact way had it been Frank Sinatra or somebody like that [[assuming they didn't know each other. Did Diana and Frank know each other?). If the story played out like Jon said it did, it was a clear case of "I'm somebody, you're nobody and I'm going to make sure you understand that before I'm through".

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Spreadinglove21 View Post
    From that perspective, Miss Ross was too nice by just cussing him out. If there was a hot pot of coffee brewing in the studio she should have then thrown the contents of the coffee pot in Bon Jovi's face. Then ordered her security detail to take him outside and give him a beating until he passed out, then they should have put his unconscious body in the trunk of a car and dumped his body in the Meadowlands and let him take care of himself once he returns to consciousness. That's the least one should expect for not respecting Diana Ross.

    Likewise for the kids Ollie saw Diana Ross verbally abusing. After cussing them out she should have spanked them or beat them over the head with a rock until they were covered in blood. Miss Ross must be respected at all times.

    And if anyone who disrespects and feels the wrath of Miss Ross dies in the process, so be it. I'm sure the courts will let her off on account of self defense and justifiable homicide. Miss Ross must be respected at all times and woe to anyone who doesn't meet her standard for respect.
    No doubt in my mind there are some who read this and, even recognizing your sarcasm, still thought to themselves "Yes, that's exactly what should have happened."

    We're doomed.

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro2015 View Post

    So let's now celebrate this goddess, this survivor, this great superstar, this great pioneer, this amazingly beautiful woman and this great mother too. She is one in a million.
    Definitely agree.

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    I'd like to see a show of hands of all those who believe she would have responded the same exact way had it been Frank Sinatra or somebody like that [[assuming they didn't know each other. Did Diana and Frank know each other?). If the story played out like Jon said it did, it was a clear case of "I'm somebody, you're nobody and I'm going to make sure you understand that before I'm through".
    The pertinent question is whether Jon Bon Jovi would have referred to Frank Sinatra as "Frank" or "Mr. Sinatra."

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Guy View Post
    The pertinent question is whether Jon Bon Jovi would have referred to Frank Sinatra as "Frank" or "Mr. Sinatra."
    Excellent point!

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    This isn't about Diana Ross being human. Yes, every celebrity has horrible stories circulating about them. Guess what? So do the rest of us. Good grief, are there a few people [[and I do mean only a few) who could tell you a story or two about me that left a bad taste in their mouth. Shit, you might be able to find one or two right here in the forum. [[Just one or two, of course.) The issue is finding bad behavior okay, and that's what you and others in this thread have done.

    My comparison between Trump and Ross was less about them and more about the people who believe whatever they do is fine and justifiable. Obviously Diana Ross isn't...well I won't go into what I think Trump is and the effect he has had on society in order to keep the political discussion at bay. But the two people at their core are incomparable. Diana's effect on the world has been largely positive, and I'll let that sit where it is.

    But the spirit behind applauding bad behavior because of the person involved is exactly what we see with the current state of the country. Look at the Ahmaud Arbery case and how he's been vilified by a certain group of people because "what did he expect going for somebody's gun", when those same people would have called what happened "murder" had the races of the people involved been different. Right isn't right anymore, neither is wrong. It's all arbitrary depending on the cast of characters. That's fucked up.

    Mary Wilson has been raked over the coals in this forum for writing two books in which she made certain allegations [[er recollections) regarding Diana that didn't always paint her in the best light. I don't recall Mary calling Diana out of her name in either book. But Diana can call some "kid" a moron and cuss him out for calling her "Diana" and opening a door he shouldn't have? That was an irrational reaction and every comment in this thread should have said "Diana was wrong. That was fucked up." Case closed.

    Like I said, this thread is disgusting.
    I find it interesting that folks are ready to condemn Diana Ross based on the story of just ONE person. We do not know what Diana's side of the story is. But by all means condemn Diana based on a ONE sided story. For all we know this was the second or third time JBJ had walked into the studio and interrupted the recording session. But he would never tell that part of the story would he?
    And would he have just walked into a recording session if Frank Sinatra or Paul McCartney was inside recording? Something tells me he wouldn't have.

  10. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Guy View Post
    The pertinent question is whether Jon Bon Jovi would have referred to Frank Sinatra as "Frank" or "Mr. Sinatra."
    I heard after this incident, he refused to deliver a package to Cher.

  11. #61
    If this were an isolated incident then I'd say yeah let's see what the other side of the story was. But we've heard so many stories like this regarding Diana's behavior. I try to stay out of threads like this but some of these responses are making me cringe. Take away her star status and I bet none of you would let anyone speak to you that way. I sure as hell wouldn't.

  12. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Guy View Post
    I dont assume that Jon Bon Jovi was some innocent babe-in-the-woods. He is a white guy from New Jersey. I don't put much stock in his choosing to characterize his behavior as innocuous and Ross' as outrageous and rude. Most of us can discern when we are being mistreated or disrespected. Allow Miss Ross the grace to determine the tone of her own emotional reaction to the world she lives in.

    I was in her presence once when she was on her cellphone seemingly reading someone for filth and I thought "wow, she's just as bad as they say." At the end of her conversatiom, she said "OK, Baby, I'll talk to you soon. I love you, Rhonda!" She was talking to her daughter blowing off steam about something that wasn't going right -- as all human beings are wont to do [and I was invading her privacy].

    If in that moment she thought Jon Bon Jovi was a moron, I'll trust her judgment over his version of the story -- one calculated to depict her in an unflattering light.
    should certain conclusions be drawn about you because of the color of your skin and where you are from? Not a very ‘woke’ attitude there my friend.
    your story is an interesting one but not sure how to apply it here ? Except that she certainly appears to be repeatedly moody.
    And finally , it’s not that Diana thought
    him a moron, it’s that she called him one.

  13. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Spreadinglove21 View Post
    From that perspective, Miss Ross was too nice by just cussing him out. If there was a hot pot of coffee brewing in the studio she should have then thrown the contents of the coffee pot in Bon Jovi's face. Then ordered her security detail to take him outside and give him a beating until he passed out, then they should have put his unconscious body in the trunk of a car and dumped his body in the Meadowlands and let him take care of himself once he returns to consciousness. That's the least one should expect for not respecting Diana Ross.

    Likewise for the kids Ollie saw Diana Ross verbally abusing. After cussing them out she should have spanked them or beat them over the head with a rock until they were covered in blood. Miss Ross must be respected at all times.

    And if anyone who disrespects and feels the wrath of Miss Ross dies in the process, so be it. I'm sure the courts will let her off on account of self defense and justifiable homicide. Miss Ross must be respected at all times and woe to anyone who doesn't meet her standard for respect.
    oh my !

    except she didn’t have security. Apparently all she had shielding her from this pimply faced errand boy was a keep out sign she had scrawled and taped to the door.
    Well , hopefully it read,
    “Do Not Enter
    Thank you!”

  14. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Guy View Post
    The pertinent question is whether Jon Bon Jovi would have referred to Frank Sinatra as "Frank" or "Mr. Sinatra."
    I'll actually allow that question. But it doesn't erase the validity of my point which is that Diana probably would not have treated Frank the same way if he had called her by her first name when they aren't familiar with one another.

  15. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by SatansBlues View Post
    I find it interesting that folks are ready to condemn Diana Ross based on the story of just ONE person. We do not know what Diana's side of the story is. But by all means condemn Diana based on a ONE sided story. For all we know this was the second or third time JBJ had walked into the studio and interrupted the recording session. But he would never tell that part of the story would he?
    And would he have just walked into a recording session if Frank Sinatra or Paul McCartney was inside recording? Something tells me he wouldn't have.
    I'm condemning Diana Ross' behavior based on the story Jon Bon Jovi tells, a story that suggests Diana has a pattern of bad behavior when coupled with the countless other stories told by others about her. I am not suggesting she be dragged out and strung up for it.

    Earlier in the thread Reese relates his own experience as an intern which might explain why Jon, or any other intern, may have decided to interrupt the session. I'm guessing Jon Bon Jovi isn't the first or last intern/lackey/errand boy who made a mistake. The question is should they all be subjected to name calling or is it just the ones who do it in a Diana Ross story?

    Enquiring minds want to know.

  16. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by floyjoy678 View Post
    If this were an isolated incident then I'd say yeah let's see what the other side of the story was. But we've heard so many stories like this regarding Diana's behavior. I try to stay out of threads like this but some of these responses are making me cringe. Take away her star status and I bet none of you would let anyone speak to you that way. I sure as hell wouldn't.
    No they wouldn't. They also wouldn't like it if it were their son or daughter or mother or father or sister or brother on the receiving end of Diana's "wrath". Or maybe they would. That's the interesting thing about the current climate of right and wrong being arbitrary. Even one's own loved ones aren't immune when they're on the opposite side of the deity.

  17. #67
    For me, this thread has run it's course. I am disappointed in a lot of the responses here, but it's like that sometimes. I like to think of us as a forum family of sorts. Sometimes I have to put my foot up y'all's asses, and sometimes y'all have to get me together too. And then we move on to different topics and find our common ground again.

    I'll see y'all in another thread. [[But reserve the right to respond to any future replies here.)

  18. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    I'm condemning Diana Ross' behavior based on the story Jon Bon Jovi tells, a story that suggests Diana has a pattern of bad behavior when coupled with the countless other stories told by others about her. I am not suggesting she be dragged out and strung up for it.

    Earlier in the thread Reese relates his own experience as an intern which might explain why Jon, or any other intern, may have decided to interrupt the session. I'm guessing Jon Bon Jovi isn't the first or last intern/lackey/errand boy who made a mistake. The question is should they all be subjected to name calling or is it just the ones who do it in a Diana Ross story?

    Enquiring minds want to know.
    I just find it interesting that we get these "stories" about Diana Ross all the time. But never about any other artist. I just find it curious.

  19. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by SatansBlues View Post
    I just find it interesting that we get these "stories" about Diana Ross all the time. But never about any other artist. I just find it curious.
    A quick Google search about celebrity horror stories would put to rest your assertion that Diana Ross is the only celebrity who has them publicly aired. That Diana Ross horror stories account for more of those types of stories in a Diana Ross and the Supremes forum should surprise no one.

    I'm more curious about the idea that all of these different people woke up one day and decided to make Diana Ross a punching bag, dragging her name through the mud, bearing false witness. She couldn't possibly have done any of the things she's been accused of, right?

  20. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    . She couldn't possibly have done any of the things she's been accused of, right?
    Lets hope not. In the words of a song from the new album, “The Answers Always Love.”
    Having said that, i seem to remember an incident where Diana attacked members of the paparazzi with her spiked heels and smashed a camera. One of them was left bleeding, and the incident made headlines the next day.
    But NO, I'm not even going there. Christmas is looming and our thoughts should be turned to more wholesome topics. I’m just going to sit back and enjoy the new album.

  21. #71
    Oh brother. I'd hardly call this topic traumatizing, except maybe for RanRan who's maybe due for one of his periodic emotional health breaks due to such trying discussions about.......Diana Ross!! ...for heaven's sakes. lol!

    Posters are entitled to have their opinions without RanRan insisting over and over again that because they don't see things his way , they and their views are disgusting.

    That these two didn't make up, Jon and Diana, I find suspicious.
    I think there're some flaws to the story:

    In 2000 Jon Bon Jovi recounted to UKs "Mail On Sunday" his first meeting with Miss Ross when he was errand boy at Power Station studios in the early 80s his duties included making coffee,sweeping the floors and fetching snacks for clientele

    Reading about him again .....wikipedia ..... Bon Jovi began working at The Power Station in 1977. Chic was one of the first big acts to score by using these studios. They eventually brought in Diana Ross there to do their big album with her. That would be 1979, not later, although Diana did record again there. But Bon Jovi is saying this is when he first encountered her.....so had to be 1979. And by first, it suggests that it wasn't the last, likely one of many .....so while it doesn't make for a good story, its likely the two patched things up .....both owed the other an apology, maybe a card, some candy, or homemade perfume ... the interviewer didn't press for more details.

    So, Jon has been working there since 1977, that makes him two years into his handling the routines of the place. As the guy delivering things regularly , perhaps it was common practice that he was the exception to the do not enter rule....he's delivering stuff , he has to enter. He must be delivering things worthy of the process, pertinent to the recording he's "intruding".
    It's more intrusive to knock, than slip in.

    OR , perhaps the DO NOT ENTER, THANK YOU sign was a first for him, that wasn't a common practice, and it caught him off, being used to entering all the time. He assumed the sign didn't apply to him.

    There's no way someone working in the studio for two years this way just barges in to critical recording sessions in the middle of say, Meco playing the trombone solo for I'M COMING OUT, and yells "hey, Meco here's your Trombone case ! I'll leave it over here by the control board." lol!.
    Also Chic has been recording there this whole time ....Bon Jovi knows these guys. He's comfortable around them.

    And I'm sure this sophisticated studio had at a very minimum a red light outside the studio indicating when a session was in progress. There could also have been windows and Jon looked in and saw her just sitting there. She was likely alone or else she cussed him out amongst others, people he worked around daily, which would have made it all the more uncool.

    Wouldn't the doors have locks?? And if they didn't, or they didn't use them, maybe its because people go in and out the doors all the time [quietly].....especially people delivering stuff.
    Jon is in-house, he's part of the system, not just any outside delivery guy who doesn't know the ropes. I doubt an outside delivery person would be able to get that far into the interior of the place, only the routine delivery person would. Point being he was in his element, knows the ropes. Somebody must have told him to take the package to her,[she's waiting for it?], he likely wasn't sitting around bored with nothing better to do and decided on a whim, "I know , I'll take this package to Diana, .... Miss Ross ."

    All speculation , and if someone has as likely a scenario, go for it. What didn't happen [since he encounters her again] Jon Bon Jovi wasn't fired over it, .....so what he did wasn't viewed as egregious as Diana Ross made it out to be.

    I have one other thought, an ironic one, and am surprised no ones brought it up .... next time.

    since the album was released in May of 1980, its possible the entire thing was recorded in 1980. That only means Jon had worked the ins-and-outs of the place even longer.
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 11-11-2021 at 03:00 AM.

  22. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    He walked into a room that maybe he shouldn't have and called her by her first name, something he definitely shouldn't have done. Sorry, but neither of those things deserved what he claims her response was.

    I'd like to see a show of hands of all those who believe she would have responded the same exact way had it been Frank Sinatra or somebody like that [[assuming they didn't know each other. Did Diana and Frank know each other?). If the story played out like Jon said it did, it was a clear case of "I'm somebody, you're nobody and I'm going to make sure you understand that before I'm through".
    brilliant! I hadn’t thought about it that way, but, I think you’ve nailed it. She has mentioned many times that she felt her older sister was approved of better or liked better or whatever you wanna call it. True or not, that may very well have played into the behavior we are now discussing. Later She was a victim of emotional abuse and dealt with it as best she could, although clearly not well. That interview in 1966 where she describes dreams of being torn apart by cats and never being able to relax shows how she coped. The stress must have been intolerable and I think lashing out released some steam. It’s never excusable, but there’s always reasons why some play “I’m better than you.”

    My sister is exactly the same way, only worse, as she’s not added happiness to the world. She’s treated horribly by her husband and takes it out on the rest of us.

    And I agree with those who discuss her quick temper, as her band members have mentioned stories of lightning fast outbursts and recoveries as if they never happened [[also lots of warm, fuzzy stuff.) Used to be I could get stories from employees at Caesars Palace or other venues. Imperious pretty much sums up the gist of them, but in the last 20 years or so, much the opposite. Maybe she’s mellowed or, looked back and not liked what she saw.

    ‘’anyway, no, I don’t think she’d have called Sinatra a moron.Lol.

  23. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    brilliant! I hadn’t thought about it that way, but, I think you’ve nailed it. She has mentioned many times that she felt her older sister was approved of better or liked better or whatever you wanna call it. True or not, that may very well have played into the behavior we are now discussing. Later She was a victim of emotional abuse and dealt with it as best she could, although clearly not well. That interview in 1966 where she describes dreams of being torn apart by cats and never being able to relax shows how she coped. The stress must have been intolerable and I think lashing out released some steam. It’s never excusable, but there’s always reasons why some play “I’m better than you.”

    My sister is exactly the same way, only worse, as she’s not added happiness to the world. She’s treated horribly by her husband and takes it out on the rest of us.

    And I agree with those who discuss her quick temper, as her band members have mentioned stories of lightning fast outbursts and recoveries as if they never happened [[also lots of warm, fuzzy stuff.) Used to be I could get stories from employees at Caesars Palace or other venues. Imperious pretty much sums up the gist of them, but in the last 20 years or so, much the opposite. Maybe she’s mellowed or, looked back and not liked what she saw.

    ‘’anyway, no, I don’t think she’d have called Sinatra a moron.Lol.
    The flip side of the coin is do you think JBJ would have walked into a recording studio if Frank Sinatra was recording inside and called him Frank? Something tells me he wouldn't have done that to Frank Sinatra.

  24. #74
    I ageee and relate. I am pretty much the same, when I am under a lot of stress I burst out, yell at those around me and just act like a total bitch. I am proud of it? No! Neither do I think it is ok.
    Diana must have been under an awful lot of stress. She has FIVE kids and is a house hold name star. But her behaviour was sometimes way off, no matter what reason. I love her, feel for her and only want the best for her, but let’s just say being rude is not a good way of solving stress and personal issues.

  25. #75
    I always take these stories with a grain of salt. Not to discount Jon's experience, but events always have a way of becoming more dramatic over time. I just wonder what benefit there was in the year 2000 to tell a seemingly 20 year old story. Was he jumping on the RTL train?

  26. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by SatansBlues View Post
    The flip side of the coin is do you think JBJ would have walked into a recording studio if Frank Sinatra was recording inside and called him Frank? Something tells me he wouldn't have done that to Frank Sinatra.

    very good point…..I can see where folks might think of Miss Ross as more approachable in a casual manner - until this happens!

  27. #77
    Someone asked earlier in the thread if Diana knew Sinatra - she did. Ross & Andy Warhol once attended a Sinatra concert and in Warhol's diaries Diana made a joke to him backstage after the concert that they were surrounded by men from the mafia..Diana with her fingers pushed her nose to one side to indicate the mafia..

    On march 18th 1984 Sinatra headlined a charity concert at Radio City Music hall Diana also performed along with Luciano Pavarotti & Monserrat Caballe.

    Name:  frank diana.jpg
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  28. #78
    Yes, as mentioned by nomis, Frank Sinatra and Diana Ross were acquainted. On March 1 8, 1984, they joined forces with Luciano Pavarotti and Montserrat Caballe at Radio City Music Hall in a benefit concert for the centennial of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. They raised $3.5 million. This may have been the night when Mr. Sinatra raised Ms. Ross’ temperature, too, saying on stage that, with her long, narrow dress tapering down from her high, wide hairdo, she somewhat resembled a chocolate ice cream cone. The line was not well-received by many in the audience.


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