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  1. #1151
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    If your own grandfather started rambling to a roomful of strangers about how he's not into golden showers, at the very least you would quietly confiscate his car keys." ~ Jeff Tiedrich
    From Mediaite:
    The National Republican Senatorial Committee held a retreat in Palm Springs, Florida on Thursday where Donald Trump apparently tried again to put an old rumor to rest.
    “It was all phony shit, ok,” Trump said, calling the investigation of his potential ties to Russia “phony stuff.”
    At one point, apropos of nothing, Trump recalled the unproven rumor against him stating that he likes being peed on for sexual pleasure. The claim appeared in the infamous Steele dossier.
    “I’m not into golden showers,” he told the crowd. “You know the great thing, our great First Lady — ‘That one,’ she said, ‘I don’t believe that one.’”

  2. #1152
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  3. #1153
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    And what about that Cracker Jack Crazy state of Texas, home of the Texas Taliban? Well, they're not really Muslim so we can't say they are completely Taliban, they're Crazy Christians with a 2 term Governor who believes the only way to stay in power is to out crazy the craziest. Only 40% of the population is white, yet white Cracker Jack Crazy Republicans have redrawn the maps to attempt to gerrymander themselves into power for another 10 years. The state removed an LGBTQ page meant to help and provide answers to youth because an anti-LGBTQ loon started shrieking his loon tunes about its evil. The Southlake School District, a site for home grown Texan white supremacy, has stated that there needs to be a balance to books talking about the holocaust... that's right school library's need to offer opposing views regarding that Nazi horror. I do not doubt for a second that the state will become a magnet for hate groups, since that appears to be the only way they can grow their MAGA base.

  4. #1154
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    I'm not surprised. Texas buys so many textbooks, suppliers pander to them for content that they accept. A few years ago, history textbooks across the nation removed Cesar Chavez and other historical figures from editions that went throughout the US because Texas' education secretary complained about them overrepresenting minorities and including people like Chavez who stuck his finger in their eye. They're not alone. Textbooks throughout the deep south refer to American slaves as "workers from Africa" so as not to offend white people. SMH. Everybody should be offended by it. I guess they believe if you don't call it "shit", then it doesn't stink.

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  10. #1160
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    Make that 2024!

  11. #1161
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    And, of course, Loser #45 has sued to keep the National Archives from releasing documents relating to January 6 because... well, he probably doesn't want Americans knowing how much he was cheering on the rioters and insurrectionists. The funding for this lawsuit is not coming from his own pockets, however, nope. This thing's being paid for by MAGA money; all those dollars mini-losers sent his super-pac to 'stop the steal.' That money can be used for just about anything he wants, and right now he's desperately trying to keep those explosive documents out the hands of the House investigating committee.

  12. #1162
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  13. #1163
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  18. #1168
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  19. #1169
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    Tuxedo just wants Travis Tritt to hear two words: Eric Clapton. He also opposed mandates until he realized he wouldn’t be making as much money by cancelling shows.
    Take a seat [[Travis) Karen.
    Last edited by lakeside; 10-21-2021 at 12:00 PM.

  20. #1170
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    The GOP said Bill Clinton would make the country socialist during his eight years in office? The GOP said Obama would do the same during his eight years as president? The GOP said the same about Biden.
    Anyone on the right care to explain why, after 16+ years America is not a socialist country despite all their fearmongering?
    Oh yeah, lies.
    Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, an Army reservist charged in the January 6 insurrection, has been demoted and discharged from the reserves.
    One look at that face should have been clue enough.

    Facebook is planning to change its company name next week to reflect its focus on building the metaverse.
    I suggest LieBook …MisinformationBook … FuckMarkZuckerbergBook.
    At a retreat for the National Republican Senatorial Committee last week, Thing 45 railed about the witch hunt and, even though no one asked, made sure to tell the crowd he is not into golden showers:

    “It was all phony shit, ok. I’m not into golden showers. You know the great thing, our great First Lady — ‘That one,’ she said, ‘I don’t believe that one.’”
    She doesn’t believe that one.
    ESPN college football and basketball reporter Allison Williams is leaving the network over parent company Disney’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
    Good. Bye.
    Daniel Rodriguez, the Thing 45 loon who stormed the Capitol on January 6 and was arrested for electroshocking D.C. Metropolitan Police Officer Mike Fanone a month after he was identified spilled his guts to the FBI after his arrest, repeatedly crying as he told special agents he was a “fucking piece of shit.”
    He got one thing right.
    Assistant Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, the first out trans Senate-confirmed official in US history, was sworn in as Four-Star Admiral in the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps., becoming the first out trans four-star officer in US history.
    This additional honorific makes her not only the highest ranking official in the US Public Health Service, but it also makes her the first woman to get four-stars in the service.
    The march goes on …

  21. #1171
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    Tucker Carlson, Fox News liar, saying that having the vaccine kills people:
    “Like almost everyone his age, Colin Powell was fully vaccinated against COVID. And yet according to his family and doctors, Colin Powell died of COVID. Of course, that fact does not make his death any less sad nor is it unusual. Many thousands of vaccinated Americans have died of COVID. Former CDC Director Robert Redfield announced just today that about 40% of all recent COVID deaths in the state of Maryland, for example, are among those who’ve had both shots. So, what does that tell you, exactly? Well, it tells you, you’ve been lied to. Vaccines may be highly useful for some people, but across a population, they do not solve COVID. That’s not speculation, it is an observable fact. People who’ve been fully vaccinated can still get the virus, they can still transmit the virus to others, and they can still die from COVID. Colin Powell is hardly the only example of that.”
    First off, I don’t see Tucker, er, Fucker running for the hills even though he had the vaccine, mandated by his employer, so it sounds like another lie.
    To be fair, Colin Powell was vaxxed, but he was eighty-five and suffered from Multiple myeloma cancers and Parkinson’s.
    Sarah Hyland, actress who has a chronic condition called kidney dysplasia—she has had kidney transplants in 2012 and 2017—on the vaccine and vaccine mandates:
    “[Getting vaccinated] means the world to me. I’m alive today because of science. With the medical field and where medicine is right now, it’s just lifesaving. Because I’ve gotten my booster shot, I feel even more comfortable than I did after receiving my two doses. To those that are on the fence, you can do as much research on Google as you want, but it’s science and they’re true medical professionals making these vaccines. If someone like me with such a compromised immune system is not only eligible to get it, and very much willing to do so, it’s safe for you out there. It can only protect you.”
    Good on her for speaking out. We need more people to realize that the vaccine might save their life, but also the lives of those around them.
    Bill Cassidy, GOP Senator from Louisiana, on saying aging leaders of all three branches of government should take cognition tests:
    “It’s usually noticeable. So anybody in a position of responsibility who may potentially be on that slope, that is of concern. And I’m saying this as a doctor. I’m told that there have been senators in the past who, at the end of their Senate terms were senile. I’m told that was true of senators of both parties.”
    And there have been presidents in your own party who have been demented due to STDs and yet you never suggested this before.
    Go have a chat with Miss Lindsey about the Brazilian fashionistas flooding our borders and tell him to take a test.
    Pete Buttigieg, Transportation Secretary, on the right’s outrage, and homophobia, over him taking paternity leave after he and Chasten had twins:
    “Look, paid family leave is important. It’s important as a matter of family values. It’s important to our economy. And one more thing that I think is maybe underappreciated. When somebody welcomes a new child into their family and goes on leave to take care of that child, that’s not a vacation. It’s work. It’s joyful, wonderful, fulfilling work, but it is work. And it’s time that our nation join pretty much every other country in the world and recognize that.”
    And it isn’t lost on anyone with active brain cells, that the people attacking Pete are from the so-called Family Values party.
    Only, not for same-sex families, I guess.

  22. #1172
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    Bannon Caught Fleeing U.S. Disguised as Man Who Recently Took Shower

    OCTOBER 22, 2021
    Satire from The New Yorker, by Andy Borowitz:
    WASHINGTON [[The Borowitz Report)—Steve Bannon was caught attempting to flee the United States disguised as a man who had recently taken a shower, T.S.A. officials have confirmed.
    A T.S.A. agent at Reagan National Airport, Harland Dorrinson, explained how Bannon’s talent as a master of disguise nearly enabled him to board a plane to Moscow.
    “He showered, shaved, and even combed his hair,” Dorrinson said. “He was totally unrecognizable.”
    Bannon’s plan crumbled, however, during a routine pat down. “That’s when we noticed that his pants had a large mustard stain,” the T.S.A. agent said. “They evidently had not been laundered in months. One of my colleagues shouted, ‘It’s Bannon! Stop him!’ ”
    Taken into custody, the former White House adviser seemed bitter about his foiled escape attempt. “I took a shower for no fucking reason,” he said.

  23. #1173
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    I saw that the Cowboys for Trump are pissed at him. Actually, pissed might be just a tad to mild. I like the bit where the founder, Couy Griffin, [[and this is me paraphrasing) claims they shouted 'lock her up' for for years, and Loser #45 said he was going to do just that... and not only didn't Loser #45 follow through with his promise, he's letting his supporters be the ones who get locked up. That's right. Trump the Liar wants absolutely nothing to do with those people who showed up in Washington on January 6 to stand by him. In his mind, they got caught so they're the losers. You'd have thought they'd have realized by now he wasn't sent to give them what they want, he's here to destroy them.
    Last edited by lakeside; 10-25-2021 at 09:31 AM.

  24. #1174
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  29. #1179
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    Donald Trump Jr. Is Hawking Shockingly Tacky ‘Alec Baldwin Kills People’ T-Shirts


    The Trump son also posted a photoshopped pic of Baldwin wearing one of the Ts, three days after the accidental and fatal shooting of Halyna Hutchins.
    Jamie Ross

    News Correspondent

    Updated Oct. 25, 2021 9:47AM ET / Published Oct. 25, 2021 8:51AM ET

    Donald Trump Jr

    [COLOR=rgba[[2, 20, 31, 0.85)]It’s only been three days since Alec Baldwin accidentally shot and killed 42-year-old cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, but the Trump family has never been known to hang around when there’s a tawdry buck to make.

    [COLOR=rgba[[2, 20, 31, 0.85)]The oldest Trump son, Donald Jr., is hawking $27.99 T-shirts on his official site with the mocking slogan: “Guns don’t kill people, Alec Baldwin kills people.” On his Instagram stories, the Trump son also posted a photoshopped pic of the actor wearing one of the Ts.[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgba[[2, 20, 31, 0.85)]It’s the latest and possibly most egregious example of Trumpworld’s celebration of Thursday’s fatal accident on the set of Rust. The alt-right has reveled in the shooting due to Baldwin’s previous mockery of ex-President Donald Trump and his advocacy for tighter controls on firearms.[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=rgba[[2, 20, 31, 0.85)]J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy and a Republican Senate candidate in Ohio, used Hutchins’ death to suck up to Trump. Hours after news of the shooting broke, Vance tweeted at Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: “Dear @jack let Trump back on. We need Alec Baldwin tweets.” Candace Owens said the shooting was “poetic justice” for Baldwin’s Trump mockery.[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=rgba[[2, 20, 31, 0.85)]Donald Trump Jr. seemed to anticipate the completely justified criticism coming his way over his tacky merchandise sale, writing in a later Instagram post: “Screw all the sanctimony I’m seeing out there. If the shoe was on the other foot Alex Baldwin would literally be the first person pissing on everybody’s grave trying to make a point. Fuck him!”[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgba[[2, 20, 31, 0.85)]While Trump may be finding the fatal accident funny, Baldwin has said his “heart is broken” over Hutchins’ death, which, according to legal papers, happened after the actor was handed a gun that he was told was unloaded. Hutchins’ father said over the weekend that he doesn’t blame Baldwin for her death, but the movie’s firearms team.[/COLOR]


  30. #1180
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  31. #1181
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    And what about that Rolling Stone article in which several loud mouthed Republicans were said to have been helping the insurrectionists plan January 6? Marjorie Tayler [[the loser's wench), Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, to name a few? I believe there were 6 names spit out, so they will hence forward be known as the Gang of 6 who planned for the 6th. Truthfully, this would not surprise me in the least. These 6 are virulently hateful of everyone who doesn't kiss the ass of Loser #45. In case you didn't know, these people are the faces of evil.

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    Archbishop Claims Vax Is Designed To “Contact-Trace” Humans With “Quantum Link Of Pulsed Frequencies”

    October 28, 2021 Christianists, Crackpots

    Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigaṇ writes to US bishops:
    The presence of graphene in the doses that have been administered, reported by numerous laboratories that have analyzed its content, suggests that the forced use of so-called vaccines – together with the systematic boycott of existing treatments of proven effectiveness – serves the purpose of contact-tracing all vaccinated human beings throughout the world, who will be or already are connected to the Internet of Things by means of a quantum link of pulsed microwave frequencies of 2.4 GHz or higher from cell towers and satellites.
    As proof that this information is not the fruit of the fantasies of some conspiracy theorist, you should know that the European Union has chosen two projects dedicated to technological innovation as the winners of a competition: “The Human Brain” and “Graphene.” These two projects will receive one billion euro each in funding over the next ten years.
    I realize that it may be extremely unpopular to take a position against the so-called vaccines, but as Shepherds of the flock of the Lord we have the duty to denounce the horrible crime that is being carried out, whose goal is to create billions of chronically ill people and to exterminate millions and millions of people, based on the infernal ideology of the “Great Reset” formulated by the President of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, and endorsed by institutions and organizations around the world.
    The above-cited “graphene” conspiracy has also been promoted on a Liberty Counsel podcast.
    Vigano last appeared on JMG when he accused the Vatican of being in the clutches of a “gay lobby” that seeks to create a “global dictatorship” within the church.
    Vigano, you may recall, was shitcanned as Vatican envoy to the United States in 2016 after he sprung anti-gay Kentucky clerk Kim Davis on Pope Francis for a photo op during a visit to Washington DC.
    Vigano and the Liberty Counsel, who helped engineer the stunt, laughably claimed that the Pope had requested an audience with Davis.
    Vigano’s Wikipedia entry goes on for several thousand words about his long history of batshittery.

  45. #1195
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    One of the things the changing climate will effect will be religion, and in a very major way. Believers will need to blame someone and so they'll look to those groups they've always blamed and claim it's a lack of family values without a single glance at just how selfish and self-centered they, themselves have become. They have become ludicrously absurd.
    I find it interesting that the Q horseshit is effecting a certain mythology almost worldwide. I see this as a sign that they are growing desperate for a sign legitimizing their beliefs. On the funny side of their decent into lunacy, I saw this meme. How appropriate.

    Finally, Biden went to Rome and the Pope came out to greet him. I'm sure Loser #45 is not taking this well. Remember, he too desperately wanted to meet the Pope, and what we got were pictures of the Head of the Catholic Church lecturing him. Big difference. And you can bet this meeting is pissing off ultra Conservative American Catholics as well, like that Bubio Rubio.

  46. #1196
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    Adam Kinzinger announced his retirement yesterday. Many are saying this is happening because of Trump. More than likely the real reason is that there has been redistricting in Illinois and his new district encompasses many Democratic voters and... he's a Republican. I was wondering if this was going to happen when I saw the map changes a few weeks back. This is a shame since he's one of the few Centrist Republicans who hasn't sold his soul to the spawn of Satan, Donald Trump.
    And, speaking of souls, I do feel sorry for those people down in North Carolina having to deal with their Lt Governor Mark Robinson, a man so filled with hatred he seems bloated. Oh, wait, I must apologize, he's not bloated, he's just fat. Oh, wait, that's rude, he's extremely corpulent and has no shame. And this Cracker Jack Crazy is filled with hatred. He wants a Christian Authoritarian government, and there's no doubt that if you don't fit into what he wants, he will make you pay. My money says he hates those idol worshipping Catholics. I'm not going to bring up Muslims, or Hindi's or Mormons since history has already shown us what Zealots do those people they call heathens.

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