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  1. #1051
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    Another Deadly Milestone

    This week we hit that mark … Covid-19 is now officially the deadliest outbreak in recent American history, surpassing the US fatalities from the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. You know, when we had no vaccines and access to health care was far worse than today.

    Now over eighteen months into this thing deaths due to Covid in America alone crossed the 675,000 mark on Monday and are rising at an average of more than 1,900 fatalities each and every day, due to the fast-spreading Delta Variant.
    The 1918 flu—which came in three waves, from the spring of 1918, the fall of 1918, and the winter and spring of 1919—killed an estimated 675,000 Americans in total, so now a 100 years later with modern technologies and treatments and new science available, we are still watching Americans die.
    But by all means, please tell me masks don’t work and vaccines don’t work, because these new deaths and new cases fall squarely at the feet of those who don’t mask up and didn’t get the prick because … because.
    Let’s compare that flu in 1918 and 1919, and COVID in 2020 and 2021:
    In 1918 the US population was an estimated 103 million people; in 2020 the population was roughly 330 million. That means the 1918 flu killed about 1 in every 150 Americans, while COVID has taken the lives of 1 in 500.
    Sure, there were fewer people in this country in 1918, so the percentages of those who died then are greater than today but think about healthcare and vaccines and treatments that we have today that were mere dreams to medical professionals a century ago. Unlike today, there was no vaccine for the 1918 flu; unlike today there was no CDC or national public health department; there were no antibiotics, intensive care units, ventilators or IV fluids.
    And yet now more of us are dying than died then … some 2,000 a day.
    The greatest country on Earth with the most stupid people who are more concerned with vacations and bars and football games than they are with helping save their fellow men and women.
    And children.

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    On the same day, Rudy Giuliani showed up drunk at a party to…celebrate?…9-11:

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  7. #1057
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    Children of the Damned

  8. #1058
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  9. #1059
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post
    I'm stealing this.

  10. #1060
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I'm stealing this.
    With my blessings!

  11. #1061
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  12. #1062
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    Tuxedo has decided that, from now on, Michael Flynn will be known as General Disinformation.
    Missouri’s chief disciplinary counsel, citing Mark and Patricia McCloskey’s guilty pleas to misdemeanors for waving at Black Lives Matter protesters in St. Louis last year, is asking the state Supreme Court to suspend Boozy and Clod’s law licenses.
    We’re watching Impeachment: American Crime Story, about the blowjob heard ‘round the world, and it appears that Paula Jones—who says Bill Clinton exposed himself to her in the early 90s—is very unhappy with Annaleigh Ashford’s portrayal of her in the show, calling it cartoonish, insulting, inaccurate, and deeply offensive. But she also has words for Monica Lewinsky, who is credited as a producer—Ryan Murphy didn’t feel right making the show without Lewinsky’s involvement—and says:

    “I find it funny that Monica can have a relationship in the Oval Office, under the Oval desk, yet … people want to hear her story. It makes no sense to me. I have always been shunned and made fun of.”
    Paula, honey, Bill showed you his dick once, but he stuck his dick into Monica over the course of many months; you are just an asterisk, okay?
    Sidenote: I will say again that Monica Lewinsky is not a victim of sexual harassment. It takes two to tango, and from the show, which again Monica is a co-producer, the first time she meets Clinton she tells him she has a crush on him. On another occasion, she pulls her jacket up to show him the straps of her pink lacy thong. Plus, even more importantly, he wasn’t just her boss, he was the president, and she knew he was a married man and still she went for it.
    Both Bill and Monica are to blame. The victim is Hillary Clinton.
    This past at the Emmys RuPaul’s Drag Race won the award for outstanding competition program again, making RuPaul the most decorated Black artist in Emmy Awards history.
    Shantay, Ru slayed.
    Just a reminder that the vaccinated Fox News hacks like Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and the rest of the trash continue to bash the vaccine and claim that mandates are tyranny, but they are ALL vaccinated because their employer has mandated that they take the vaccine or not come to work.
    Hypocrites. Lying, twisted hypocrites.
    Another hypocrite is one Eric Clapton who wrote an anti-vaxxing song and said he would not play in any venue that requires proof of vaccine or proof of a negative COVID test.
    Last week Clapton performed in New Orleans at a venue that requires both of those things.
    Fuck off.
    Remember that press conference on the steps of the Supreme Court last year with “doctors” touting hydroxychloroquine, and receiving praise from the Former Guy?
    Well, Florida’s new Surgeon General, appointed by Ron DeathSantis, is Dr. Joseph Ladapo, who was one of those speakers.
    Asking for a country: can someone please ask Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin exactly what “bipartisanship” they’re salvaging by protecting the filibuster?
    Mitch McConnell has just said he’d let the government default on loans which could cost six million American jobs and wipe out $15 trillion in household wealth.
    There is no bipartisanship on the other side, there is just the need to destroy this country and then blame Biden for it.

  13. #1063
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    Bipartisanship, my eye. It's simple: Sinema is beholden to fat-cat donors and Manchin is prisoner of...West Virginians. [I wanted to be more colorful in the second case, but I'm gonna be nice.] The most useless senators this side of McConnell and Cruz.

  14. #1064
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    QAnon Hate Pastor: I’ve Seen Sick Videos Proving That Hillary Clinton Is “High Priestess In The Satanic Church”

    September 23, 2021 Christianists, Hate Groups

    “Did you know some of the most well-known corrupted evil politicians you’ve heard of are full-blown devil worshipers? I seen videos that will make you sick. You ever notice when people say stuff like this, they don’t get sued? Because they don’t want discovery.
    “When I tell you that Hillary Clinton is a high priestess in the Satanic church, I wish to God she’d sue me over it. I’ve seen the video footage. That woman worships the devil 1000%. People like, ‘You better pray for her.’ She has been given over to a reprobate mind.
    “I’m telling you, Satanism has infiltrated politics in America. You know where all this pedophilia, this sex trafficking comes from? They gotta have a supply and demand. And there’s a big demand and they’re lacking supply now.
    “So you know what you do? You open the borders. They ain’t foolin’ me, church. They ain’t foolin’ me.” – Hate pastor Greg Locke, who will appear this weekend at a conference with Mike Huckabee, Rep. Madison Cawthorn and other local Republicans.

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  18. #1068
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    Mary Trump, on who is the dumbest member of that family:
    “Donnie [Junior] is a deeply unintelligent person. I’ve been asked this, who’s the stupidest one, and it’s him. He has no core. He has no ideology. [He can] out-racism anybody, he’ll out-misogyny anybody, he’ll shoot as many innocent animals as possible to get whatever passes for affection in my family.”
    Sad. Though I still think Eric is the Dumb one, while Junior is the drug addicted unhinged one and Ivanka is the daughter wife.
    Steve Bannon, on his webcast lying about the Big Lie:
    “Rudy Giuliani is a man of the highest moral character. But you know what? He doesn’t back down from a fight. He’s going to take it on, right? Everything they say about him is a lie and eventually it’s proven true. You’re gonna start seeing this in Arizona tomorrow. The decertification process starts tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen. Should have started back in January. It’s starting tomorrow. And I don’t care if MSNBC—you know, Rachel Maddow is punching out. She wants out of here. She’d gone in April. She’s quitting. OK, you know why she’s quitting? She understands exactly what they did.”
    Um, Steve, you tool. Rachel Maddow just extended her contract with MSNBC and got a huge payday, so you might wanna rethink that falsehood.
    And don’t get me started on Boozy Rudy’s “moral character" when you look like his drinking buddy.
    Mike Lindell, MyPillow Nutjob, on the “new” reinstatement day for Thing 45:
    “Originally I had hoped for August and September. I asked all the lawyers just yesterday. We are taking this case to the Supreme Court before Thanksgiving. Now maybe Fox will report that today. You heard it here first because our case is ready. We are bringing it to the Supreme Court before Thanksgiving. This evidence is 100% non-subjective evidence. The Supreme Court, they’re going to vote 9-nothing to take it in. We will have this before the Supreme Court before Thanksgiving. That’s my promise to the people of this country. We’re all in this together. We worked very hard on this.”
    Hey Mikey, take one of your pillows and press it over your face.
    Eric _____, the Dumb One, crying to Fox Business about all the subpoenas his crime family is getting:
    “The problem with the Democrats is they dig so deep that they always find themselves. And the reason I’m frustrated about this is every single day since my father ran for president, my father and our entire family and our company has been under investigation. Every single day … we get subpoena after subpoena after subpoena. But, I mean, they weaponized the entire system in this country. They’ve weaponized the DOJ. They’ve weaponized our military. They weaponized the educational system in this country. They’ve weaponized the medical system in this country. The Democrats weaponize absolutely everything they can to use again their political opponents.”
    The Democrats weaponized the DOJ? Oh Eric, if you don’t wanna be called the Dumb One you should really stop speaking.
    PS Attorney Marc Mukasey, one of the lawyers representing the Dumb One’s in New York Attorney General Letitia James’s fraud investigation into the “Family Business: has withdrawn from representing Eric.
    Uh oh.
    Tate Reeves, Mississippi GQP governor, criticizing President Biden’s vaccine mandates as an “attack” on “hard-working Americans”:
    “The question here is not about what we do in Mississippi, it’s about what this president is trying to impose on the American worker. The reality is this is an attack by the president on hard-working Americans and hard-working Mississippians who he wants to choose between getting a jab in their arm and their ability to feed their families.”
    Huh, so a vaccine which could save these workers lives is a bad thing but letting them go unvaxxed and perhaps die is good for the worker.
    Tate, you’re giving Eric a run for the tile of The Dumb One.

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  34. #1084
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    Only in AmeriKKKa:

  35. #1085
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    Stop scrolling this instant and watch this. SNL has cast this guy for their upcoming season. The word salad, the nuances [verbal and non-], the fecklessness, the utter idiocy—-I guarantee you’ve NEVER heard a Spanky impression this perfect. Remember the name James Austin Johnson:

  36. #1086
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  37. #1087
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    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Stop scrolling this instant and watch this. SNL has cast this guy for their upcoming season. The word salad, the nuances [verbal and non-], the fecklessness, the utter idiocy—-I guarantee you’ve NEVER heard a Spanky impression this perfect. Remember the name James Austin Johnson:

    Oh, my goodness. That was spot on PERFECT!!

    Thanks for sharing.

  38. #1088
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Oh, my goodness. That was spot on PERFECT!!

    Thanks for sharing.
    You got it! My sisters were spooked.

  39. #1089
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    I cosign with this opinion 100%:

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  47. #1097
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    Meanwhile, in Floriduh:

  48. #1098
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    And kinda on that same topic … if you’re a doctor or a nurse who refuses to get the vaccine then should be a fucking nurse or doctor.
    Pope Frankie has announced that all visitors to the Vatican have to be vaccinated, so are Catholics gonna have to stop claiming a faith-based exemption?
    I mean, that fits with the typical hypocritical Catholic ideology.
    Remember when Thing 45 was in office and he was taken to Walter Reed Medical Center in the middle of the night and the White House refused to comment?
    It was because he was having an "emergency" colonoscopy—and by the way, who has an emergency colonoscopy—and didn’t want people making fun of his ass on TV.
    I think he was trying to remove Lindsey Graham from his ass.
    Hello America …meet a prominent member of the GOP: Louisiana Senator John Kennedy, who announced his run for re-election next year by saying he would rather drink weed killer than let his constituents down.
    So, that wacky GOP, and their friends and allies spent months, and some $6 million, on an audit of the 2020 election to prove that Thing 45 won the state of Arizona and yet all they proved is that Biden got an additional 360 votes.
    Nicely done, Arizona.
    While the Pope wants to make sure the unvaccinated don’t come near him, he also wants to make sure that Archbishop Rainer Maria Woelki, who hid a report about priests raping children, can take a “spiritual time-out” from his duties.
    Yes, a spiritual time out for aiding and abetting child rapists?
    Fuck them all.

  49. #1099
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Meanwhile, in Floriduh:

  50. #1100
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    I Didn't Say It

    Sean Hannity, Fox “News”, promoting partisanship because fucking the Democrats is more important to him than fixing this country:
    “The Democrats own the House and the Senate and the White House. No Republican should be a part—they’re not going to let you in on the negotiations. This is a partisan spending bill, the likes of which this country has never seen. You cannot call yourself a conservative or even a Republican and work in conjunction with the Democrats and support this bill or raising the debt ceiling, which allows them to spend the money that they want to allocate in this bill.”
    So, he wants one way or no way. How does that benefit We The People? Raising the debt ceiling is relevant to paying PAST bills—those from Thing 45—not future bills—under President Biden—so the Republicans are refusing to pay the bills they are responsible for creating.
    Typical GOP hypocrisy.
    PS Mitch McConnell has voted to raise the debt ceiling thirty-two times, but now suddenly he doesn’t think it’s a good idea.
    Fucking traitorous hypocrite.
    Mario Murillo, megachurch “pastor” calling God a murderer, and earning a wild ovation from his “Christian” followers:
    “Somebody help me! It’s coming! The judgment of those who would destroy America is coming! Shout! Shout! Shout! America, God is looking at you right now. And I’m telling you, your atheism isn’t gonna stick. Your wokeism isn’t gonna stick. Your Satanism isn’t gonna stick. Your communism isn’t gonna stick. Because there is a God that answers by fire. I’m gonna try it again and see what’s happened. God is saying, it’s our turn now!”
    Yes, he’s suggesting to his shrieking minions, that God will kill atheist and communists and woke people.
    I don’t think Mario Murillo would know God if She stood right in front of him and tried slapping some sense into him.
    Liz Cheney, GOP Congressperson from Wyoming, saying she was wrong for opposing same-sex marriage in 2013:
    “I was wrong. I love my sister very much. I love her family very much, and I was wrong. It’s a very personal issue and very personal for my family. I believe that my dad was right and my sister and I have had that conversation.”
    Of note, however, is that Liz Cheney voted against the Equality Act this year so she’s not a true LGBTQ+ ally.
    Mary Cheney, posting to Facebook about her sister’s change of art:
    “I love my sister very much and am so proud of her. It took a ton of courage to admit that she was wrong back in 2013 when she opposed marriage equality. That is something few politicians would ever do. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the strength of character she continues to show on a daily basis … and as her sister—I have one more thing that I just have to say: I told you so.”
    I don’t think it took a ton of courage. It took eight years. It took the Supreme Court. Liz Cheney has just accepted the truth after eight years.
    Doug Ducey, Arizona GOP governor, on that idiotic audit:
    “When it comes to the audit, like the three audits that preceded it, it’s now over. The outcome stands and the 2020 election in Arizona is over.”
    Typical Republican, saying what most of America already knows after his party spent months and millions trying to rewrite history with a Big Lie.
    Tammy Bruce, Fox News hack, playing the climate change denying card:
    “Look, leftism infects every single institution it infiltrates. Nothing is too sacred for the left to use to advance its agenda. Even as Americans face the devastation of Hurricane Ida, the Democrats didn’t see the need for empathy, but they did see an opportunity for political grifting by blaming it on climate change and using it to ask for more infrastructure money.”
    I guess a hurricane that devastated both Louisiana, in the southern US, and New Jersey, in the northeast, doesn’t prove climate change to this tool?
    And, when these climate catastrophes occur roads, bridges, tunnels, power grids, homes and businesses are destroyed, we don’t need better stronger infrastructure?
    Let the levees break, Tammy, is that your plan?
    Take a seat; your special brand of stupid is unnecessary.


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