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    It was a year ago—goddess how time flies when racists and their store-bought wives are gone—that Malaria unveiled her raping of the White House Rose Garden:

    There were ALLEGEDLY technical reasons why the Rose Garden had to be dug up … replacing cables …better drainage, but Melania remade the garden in Thing 45 style … lifeless and all-white. No color; no more rose bushes from First Ladies; no more Jackie Kennedy’s crab-apple trees.
    Well, historian Michael Beschloss pointed out that this month is the one-year anniversary of Melanie’s unwanted unveiling, and Melanie, in a secure room somewhere in a Mar-a-Lago basement, came for him … as “The Office of Melanie _____” Tweeted out:
    “[Michael Beschloss] has proven his ignorance by showing a picture of the Rose Garden in its infancy. The Rose Garden is graced with a healthy & colorful blossoming of roses. His misleading information is dishonorable & he should never be trusted as a professional historian.”
    I’m not sure what Melanoma was trying to prove with this Tweet but she’s clearly incensed that her raping of the gardens is still an issue. And someone who’s had more plastic surgery than most is a little too thin-skinned.
    I really don’t care [how upset she is] do U?
    PS I recently saw a Tweet that said:
    “Why does Melania always look like she’s trying to spot a lighthouse in a deep fog?”

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    Laura Ingraham Solves Unemployment

    Yes, I know, it’s Fox News, and it’s Laura Ingraham, of the GOP-Is-It-A-Nazi-Salute Ingraham, one of the most hate-filled human beings on the plants. But recently she was discussing unemployment, and people on unemployment and what could be done to move those people back to work and, well, it went like this:

    “What if we just cut off the unemployment? Hunger is a pretty powerful thing. I don’t mean physical hunger, because people who truly are in need, need help, but [not] people who can work but refuse to work.”
    Jon Taffer:

    “I have friends in the military who trains military dogs Laura, and they only feed a military dog at night, because a hungry dog is an obedient dog. Well, if we are not causing people to be hungry to work, then we are providing them with all the meals they need sitting at home.”
    Yes, they think the way to move people off the unemployment rolls is to starve them.
    In America, we will see to it that you starve if you don’t need to be on unemployment. But then who gets to decide who needs unemployment? The Eva Brauns Laura Ingraham of the world? The self-entitled rich bitches who look down upon those people on unemployment and suggest we deny them food?
    Or we let Jon Taffer, who I have never heard of but a quick Google search describes him as a “television personality” who thinks we should treat the unemployed like dogs until they learn to be obedient.
    There are only so many ways to tell these two morally bankrupt, uncaring, rightwingnuts off, but the best and easiest is:

    Fuck you.

  12. #962
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    More People Sick With "Something" Asking For Your Prayers and Your Coins

    North Carolina GOP Representative Keith Kidwell has filed lawsuits, joined ReOpen NC rallies, refused to wear a mask, spoken out against requiring vaccines and filed legislation to strip the governor of his ability to declare a state of emergency during the pandemic.
    Now Kidwell is hospitalized, as his wife, with COVID-19.
    The Beaufort County Republican Party has asked people to gather outside the Beaufort County Hospital to pray for the Kidwells, the hospital workers and other patients.
    Pray that if the recover from this they actually start listening to medical professionals and scientists and not Fox News, or QAnon or some GOP Representative who doesn’t have the good sense God gave a goat.
    But wait, there’s more … there’s the Comager family, who opted to take a vacation to Puerto Vallarta during a pandemic. And when they tried to leave Mexico, the father and two children tested positive for COVID-19 before boarding their flight home. And, since air passengers traveling to the US must have a negative COVID test to board a plane, the three family members could not come home.
    Until Yolanda Comager discovered they did not need a negative test to travel by land, so she booked her husband and children on a bus to El Paso. She then rented a car and drove to Texas to pick up her family and discovered her husband had gotten worse before reaching El Paso.
    The husband was taken off the bus and put on a ventilator in a Chihuahua hospital. Yolanda told the press that their insurance was not accepted in Mexico and so the family wants to GoFundMe their hospital bills.
    Yolanda, who says she had COVID in the past, has tested positive for the virus again, and says her husband has finally been transferred to a New Orleans hospital where he remains intubated.
    Sounds like a lovely vacation for a family of fools.
    Typical behavior for anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers. Rage against the virus until you get sick and nearly die and then beg for money to pay for your hospital bills. If only they hadn’t decided to get away to Mexico for a vacation, they might have had the money.

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  16. #966
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    LOL! You made my day, Jerry!

  17. #967
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  18. #968
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post
    LOL! You made my day, Jerry!
    When I saw it, I {virtually} ran to post it. I should put it on a t-shirt.

  19. #969
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    When I saw it, I {virtually} ran to post it. I should put it on a t-shirt.
    I'd be first in line to buy THAT T-shirt, Jerry!

  20. #970
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    It’s been said that QAnon nutbag Lauren Boebert gave tours to insurrectionists in the days leading up to the Capital Riots. I don’t know about that—though I wouldn’t be surprised if it was proven true—but I do know that Boebert, in the wake of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan, Tweeted out the following, before deleting it:

    “The Taliban are the only people building back better.”
    This from an elected official in America. Seriously, Colorado, this s the rabid traitor you elected?
    Down in Florida, the Hillsborough County School Board will hold an Emergency School Board Meeting to discuss the best way to mitigate against the spread of the Delta Variant.
    Too late, I think, since some 5,599 students and 316 employees in the district are now in isolation or quarantine.
    DeathSantis is murdering Florida’s children and no one seems to care.

  21. #971
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    Kevin Cramer, GOP Senator from North Dakota, on not releasing the name of the police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt the day she stormed the Capitol:
    “The person that shot her is a police officer shooting a criminal not complying with officers telling her, ‘Stop. Don’t come through that window. We have guns drawn. Don’t do it.’ They’re protecting people, and the officer was found to be innocent of any wrongdoing. So then what would be the purpose of releasing that officer’s name? What do you need to know the officer’s name for? I’m the one who personally does not think there is a right to know the name of every police officer who shoots a criminal or perpetrator, unless of course, there are charges brought or an indictment brought, or something like that. I’ll look into it to see what the law says about the release of the name. I’m just grateful for this person, quite honestly.”
    What’s this? A GOP Senator thanking a police officer for trying to protect the Capitol? Careful, Kev, the loons in your party may come for you for having common sense and seeing a terrorist as a terrorist.
    But after a quick Google search, you find that Kevin is a Big Lie spreading Thing 45 loving goosestepping moron.
    Mary Trump, the niece of Thing 45, taking on former View co-host, Meghan McCain, for her rudeness and cowardice when McCain slammed her during an appearance on the program:
    “I think she’s just really kind and wanted to help me sell more books … No, that’s not it. I think she’s a coward. And she’s afraid of people who are not only willing but able to call her out. It was the first time in an interview somebody had been rude to me, and I pushed back. And that’s great for me, that really helps me be sharper. And it was also sort of a confidence booster because I realized that I can do that. I can deal with stuff like that. I literally can’t remember the last time somebody was that disrespectful to me. I’ve done nothing to her [but] I’m pretty sure she probably remembers our first meeting.”
    Trump was referring to her July 23, 2020 appearance on The View to discuss her book, Too Much And Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, and McCain told her: “I don’t like books like this, I don’t like family tell-all books, especially when it comes to families with fame and power because they’re told from one side and often the subjects are villainized to the point that I don’t actually end up believing the stuff written… At the end of the day, you get a really good paycheck out of it.”
    During her second appearance on the show, McCain opted out of being part of the interview team, even though show producers had said she would d participate. But Meghan McCain is a coward with the most closed mind of anyone I’ve ever seen. Rigid, self-righteous, entitled and, oh yeah, John McCain is her daddy.
    Mark Robinson, North Carolina GQP Lt. Governor, acting the COVIDIOT:
    “Anybody that takes this vaccine needs to be voted out of office. It’s not your job to convince anybody to take that vaccine. That’s not your job. Your job is to make sure it’s available to anybody who wants it. That’s your job. And you should give them good, solid, scientific information about that vaccine and about the virus so that they can make an informed decision for themselves. I don’t care whether it’s Governor Cooper. I don’t care whether it’s Joe Biden. Nobody should be telling anybody that they should have to take this vaccine.”
    Let the people die!!
    Sound advice, asshat.
    Jesse Watters, Fox News dingbat who makes Jeanine Pirro sound sane, on Climate Change:
    “Do you really think the Chinese and these Middle Eastern oil kingdoms are gonna listen to John Kerry and stop fossil fuels? Come on, man. He’s just in it for the luxury travel. If you want to stop climate change, you don’t fight climate change. If it’s getting warmer, you adapt to it. Let’s just say, the sea levels rise a couple inches over the next century. It’s a great civilization we have here. I think we can adapt to that. The Netherlands – 25% below sea level – they’re like a powerhouse in Europe. They didn’t just destroy their economy to fight the rise of the sea levels right there, they built reservoirs and kind of adjusted around the coastline and they’re fine. They didn’t have to break the bank to do it.”
    Seriously, even Laura Ingraham and Fucker Carlson are looking at this tool and wondering.
    There is no need to destroy the economy while we combat climate change and try to make this country and the world greener.
    Note to Jesse: when sea levels rise, and I’m floating on a door in the ocean and you wanna climb aboard to save yourself? Don’t ask.
    Dan Patrick, GOP Lt. Governor of Texas, blaming Democrats and Black Americans for this newest outbreak:
    “The COVID is spreading, particularly—most of the numbers are with the unvaccinated. And the Democrats like to blame Republicans for that. Well, the biggest group in most states are African Americans who have not been vaccinated. Last time I checked, more than 90% of them vote for Democrats in their major cities and major counties.”
    Actually, you pandering fuck, look at a map of the country and you will see the states with the highest rates of new infections are GOP-lead states where fuckmonkeys like white men like Greg “COVID” Abbott and Ron DeathSantis and Henry McMasters, are telling people NOT to wear masks and protect themselves.
    So, Danny, take your racist partisan bullshit and go sit in a corner.

  22. #972
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    Gregg Abbott, the Republican anti-face mask governor of Texas, has tested positive for Covid.

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    Presley Stutts was a member of the Tea Party and helped found MySCGOP, a conservative organization intended as an alternative to the S.C. Republican Party.
    He was a fervent supporter of President Donald J. Trump and posted photos on Facebook of himself with the former president.
    After Stutts tested positive for COVID and was hospitalized, he continued to post Facebook messages reaffirming his belief that masks and vaccines should not be mandated by the government.

  25. #975
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    The McCarthy's Take A Stand

    Gosh I love starting the week off with a smile, and a big dose of Pride.
    In Oregon last week, the Newberg School Board voted to ban any “political” speech from their schools because their messages can be divisive; the board was mostly talking about LGBTQ+ Pride flags and Black Lives Matter signs because, the board claims, and wait for it, it’s stubbing, Pride support and BLM support make white and straight students feel excluded.
    Actually, Pride and BLM support only makes bigots and racists feel excluded, and Erin McCarthy and her husband, Jaybill, who live in Newberg and own land on a hill about a half mile from Newberg High School, banded together with other residents to make a giant Pride flag on the hillside.
    Jaybill McCarthy says the idea that you cannot have a Pride flag or a Black Lives Matter sign would “erase a bunch of people.” And so he and his wife shared their idea on social media and got responses from hundreds of people in town who either donated money for materials and helped build and erect the flag.
    Erin McCarthy says:

    “We wanted maximum visibility. The result is pretty amazing, we love it. It’s not expressing a Democratic idea or Republican idea or conservative or liberal. It’s human beings. It’s recognition that people exist.”
    While the school board voted in favor of the policy to make white and straight students feel better at school, Tai Harden-Moore, a Black mother explained that her son faces discrimination in school where he is often called a N****r while other parents supported the ban saying that the Pride flag is for “deviants.” But Erin McCarthy says her message with the giant flag is:

    “You are not alone. Even though this is difficult, there are people who are there for you.”
    The McCarthy’s even painted the word “LOVE” in rainbow colors on their barn.
    For the record, Pride does not exclude; it seeks to make LGBTQ+ youth feel included. And a Black Lives Matter sign is just that; it doesn’t say Only Black Lives Matter; it isn’t anti-white. It just means that for a very long time Black lives did not matter and it’s time we recognize that and learn from it.
    And while I’m on the soapbox, neither idea is a political idea; they are social ideals of treating everyone equally, and anyone who tries to make them a partisan movement and works to ban the signs are on the side of history where not all men, and women, and LGBTQ+ Americans and Black Americans, are equal.
    And that’s just plain wrong.

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    Oh, the ...

    Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post has spent most of the pandemic peddling the anti-masking conspiracy theories, has informed employees that they are now required to wear a mask while at the office.
    Florida’s GQP Governor, Ron DeathSantis, has been pushing Regeneron as a COVID cure but has grown very angry at the media for reminding people that an investor in the company that makes Regeneron has donated millions … millions … of dollars to his campaign.
    And then we have former Texas Governor Rick Perry, who, out of the blue, decided to hold a press conference about the pandemic, brought in reporters, set it all up like a real press conference, but instead used the time to say push an air purification system made by a company he owns is good in the fight against the virus.
    They don’t want you wearing masks unless you work for them.
    They want you to take the drug they’re pushing from the company paying them.
    They want you to purify the air you breath because it fights COVID and then try and sell you a purification system.

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    Down here in South Carolina, where It’s Not The Heat, It’s The Stupidity, some parents in Greenville County attended a school board meeting to discuss COVID. Some want masks; some don’t. Even though right now 910 students are quarantining, 245 are isolating, and 407 are waiting for test results.
    But the icing on the cake was a woman who stood up before the board and claimed that she had … dear goddess you cannot make this shiz up … uncovered a plot by the CDC to shut down schools and turn them into Nazi-style concentration camps, where children will be taken away from their parents, and couples separated from each other.
    Again, the biggest virus in this country is Ignorance and the only vaccine is education and active brain cells.
    Erik Prince, the American defense contractor who, let’s be queer, makes his coins off of war, is offering people seats on a chartered plane out of Kabul.
    For $6,500 per person. He can literally fuck himself into oblivion.
    Following his wingnut tour of the Midwest with fellow Congressional lunatic, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz got married on Catalina Island off the coast of California. And for a guy who craves the spotlight, the event was decidedly understated. The bride's brother, Palmer, and his partner, Nicole, and Nestor Galban, Gaetz’s adopted “son,” represented the family.

    Note to Gaetz: a wife cannot testify against their husband about anything that happens after the marriage, but she can be compelled to testify about your sex trafficking life before saying ‘I do.’

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    The Herman Cain Starter Pack:

  37. #987
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    Ron DeSantis, Florida’s dumb as dirt governor, blasting President Joe Biden for failing to “end COVID,” and taking credit for his state’s “great success”:
    “You know, he said he was going to end COVID. He hasn’t done that. We are the first state to start the treatment centers for monoclonal antibodies. We’re having great success with that. That should have been a bigger plan, a bigger part of this whole response throughout the country from the beginning. At the end of the day, he is trying to find a way to distract from the failures of his presidency.”
    Great success … coffins are being stacked up in mortuaries because of a backlog in burying the dead.
    Yesterday Florida reported 21,765 more COVID-19 cases and 901 deaths. Yes, they’re back to dying by the 1,000s in Florida thanks to Ron DeSantis, who is a lying piece of …
    Kayleigh McEnany, Bullshit Barbie for the last administration, doing what she does best … lying:
    “Look, when [Thing #45] was president, you didn’t see crisis after crisis. You just didn’t see it. I shudder to think about what COVID would have been like under Joe Biden. We’ve seen Afghanistan blow up. Crime in the streets. You named it all. What would COVID have been like? Because I was in the White House when it was pretty scary times. We weren’t sure if we’d have enough ventilators. But we were able to produce it with the private sector. I watched [Thing #45] oversee a vaccine in record time, produce four working therapeutics. Do you think Joe Biden could have done any of that? The answer is absolutely not.”
    Um, honey, you brainless, illiterate lying tool … under your president we were to drink bleach or take hydroxychloroquine or shine a flashlight up our asses while more than half a million of us died and your boss told us it was no big deal and would end when the weather got warmer.
    Take a seat, Karen.
    Maria Bartiromo, taking Thing #45 lapdog Kevin McCarthy to task for not perpetuating the Big Lie:
    “I’ve got to tell you there are viewers of this program who have lost faith in the Republican Party leadership, lost faith in Mitch McConnell and in you because we do not know if you have your arms around free and fair elections. How come there’s no discussion about all of the states that are changing their voting laws right now? How come there’s no discussion about the audit going on in Arizona right now? What are you going to do? Can you prove to the American people that you are in control here and able to ensure that we will have free and fair elections in 2022 and 2024?”
    Honey, it’s been proven over sixty-some-odd times that the election was free and fair. You need to take a seat.
    Rachel Campos-Duffy, Fox News hack blaming … wait for it … Jill Biden for the Afghanistan crisis:
    “When you look at what’s hurting America, when you look at this lack of leadership, and you wonder who are the people responsible for putting someone this incompetent and frankly this, you know, mentally frail in this position? And yes, of course, the media and many people are saying Susan Rice and Obama and maybe Valerie Jarrett. I’m sorry, as a political spouse, I can’t help but look at Jill Biden. No one knew better his state of mind than Dr. Jill Biden. And if you ask me, the most patriotic thing Jill Biden could have done was tell her husband. To love her husband and not let him run in this mental state that he’s in. I think she failed the country as well.”
    Campos–Duffy is married to Sean Duffy, a former Thing #45 lapdog, and a former reality show star so I think her thoughts on any wife of a politician is skewed and screwed.
    Also, how pathetic to continue this 'Joe has dementia filth'. Where did this bitch get her medical degree and when did she ever examine Biden?
    Lying feckless …
    Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee GQP asshat, spewing lunacy because …well, it’s what she does:
    “When you talk about country music, and I know the left is all out now and trying to change country music and make it woke. When I’m talking to my friends who are musicians, I say, ‘If we have a socialistic government—if we have Marxism—you are going to be the first ones who will be cut off because the state would have to approve your music.’ Taylor Swift came after me in my 2018 campaign. But Taylor Swift would be the first victim of that because when you look at Marxist socialistic societies, they do not allow women to dress or sing or be on stage or to entertain or the type music she would have. They don’t allow protection of private intellectual property rights.”
    Seriously. This is what this dim bulb is talking about? And Tennessee can’t do better than this?

  38. #988
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    Life comes at you, Ass.

    And it's not just an American phenomenon:

    Seriously, maybe the mass extinction has begun. It's probably the first time ever that it was the choice of one of the species.

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    Last edited by lakeside; 08-30-2021 at 10:27 AM.

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  48. #998
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    An 'AMEN' to that!

  49. #999
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post
    An 'AMEN' to that!
    Amen! It would be less problematic for me if they wouldn't take up beds that others could use. Those "Arnie is on oxygen and in need of prayer right now. Please visit our GoFundMe site for details" posts were almost funny for awhile. Now, they're just annoying.

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