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Results 901 to 950 of 2894
  1. #901
    Thank you for all the anti chump cartoons. Great work.

  2. #902
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Thank you for all the anti chump cartoons. Great work.
    Thank you, Ralph. I appreciate the support. Hope you get some chuckles...which we could all use these days!

  3. #903

  4. #904

  5. #905
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    5 stars and 2 thumbs up on this one, Jerry!

  6. #906

  7. #907

  8. #908

  9. #909
    Mitch McConnell, urging people—well, to be fair, mostly Republicans—to get vaccinated:
    “It never occurred to me after three highly effective vaccines were developed in under a year that we’d have difficulty getting Americans to take the shots, but that’s obviously where we are. These shots need to get in everybody’s arm as rapidly as possible or we’re going to be back in a situation in the fall that we don’t yearn for that we went through last year. I don’t know how I could be any more clear than I have been. I’ve been saying the same thing about vaccinations all along the way. Others can say whatever they choose to say, but this is something I think I’m a good example of, something I know the answer to. It is not at all unclear that the way to avoid getting back in the hospital is to get vaccinated. I want to encourage everybody to do that and to ignore all of these other voices that are giving demonstrably bad advice.”
    Um, Bitch, er, Mitch? I don’t recall you standing side-by-side with the current president urging people to get vaccinated. I don’t recall you pushing it at all until you realized that with this Delta Variant only the unvaccinated seem to be dying, which means your constituents. And only then, when you realized your supporters might die, have you spoken up, so you can take your earnest little statement and shove it up your ass because you are part of the problem.
    Sean Hannity, Fox News, urging his audience to get the COVID vaccine:
    “Please take COVID seriously, I can’t say it enough. Enough people have died. We don’t need any more deaths. Research like crazy, talk to your doctor, your doctors, medical professionals you trust based on your unique medical history, your current medical condition, and you and your doctor make a very important decision for your own safety. Take it seriously. I believe in science, I believe in the science of vaccination.”
    Hannity downplayed the deadliness of the virus for a year but now that it’s his audience most likely to become infected and die, he’s also suddenly speaking out. Pandering hack; meanwhile, also at Fox …
    Brian Kilmeade, Fox News, not really pushing for people to be vaccinated, but flip-flopping on listening to a president dispense healthcare advice:
    “Now that vaccines are open to everyone and information expertise are everywhere, why does it matter how many COVID cases we have in this country? Now that we all have a choice in how to handle our personal health including vaccines, distancing, masks, why do we need the president of the United States and Facebook to shut us down and shut down our lives once again? And for those of you who think it’s just a California problem, you are wrong. It’s now a Las Vegas problem, and soon every liberal city will soon follow suit. We have seen this movie. But let’s get this straight. 97 percent of COVID hospitalizations are unvaccinated people who, by the way, made their own choice not to be vaccinated. And if you need a reason to get vaccinated, I guess you just got one. But, since when do we count on the president of the United States for healthcare advice? Let me answer that, we do not, but that isn’t stopping him from offering up his unsolicited unscientific input.”
    People still aren’t getting the vaccine or masking or socially distancing, and so they and now dying.
    It’s funny that Kilmeade pushed all of Thing 45’s cures last year, the bleach and hydroxychloroquine and anything else, when 600,000+ people were dying, but he doesn’t push a vaccine because … Democrat.
    Mitt Romney, a Republican urging Americans to get vaccinated and calling the rising politicization of vaccines within his party “moronic”:
    “It’s grossly misfortunate and a huge human cost to have made vaccination political. After all, [Thing 45] and his supporters take credit for developing the vaccine, why the heck won’t they take advantage of taking the vaccine they received plaudits for having developed?”
    Short answer: ignorance. Fed by the GQP and Fox News. Yes, MAGAts get their medical advice from people like Fucker Carlson and Steve Scalise.
    Madison Cawthorn, poster boy for the modern-day Hitler youth, also at CPAC, lying about Democrats going door-to-door to push people to get vaccinated:
    “They’re starting to talk about going door-to-door to take the vaccines to the people. Think about the mechanisms they would have to build to be able to actually execute that massive of a thing. And then think about what else those mechanisms could be used for. They could then go door-to-door take your guns. They could go door-to-door to take your bibles.”
    He really has a pretty little mouth that would be better put to use with a dick in it.

  10. #910

  11. #911

  12. #912
    Quote Originally Posted by lakeside View Post
    Linda Zuern lived in Bourne, Massachusetts. She was 70.
    A MedFlight had to transport Zuern to a Boston hospital in early June. She fell into a coma and was placed on a ventilator until she died. She hadn’t gotten vaccinated against the virus, her friends said, because she was a moron.
    Zuern opposed local vaccinations efforts, both as a member of the county government council, the Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates, and as a volunteer with a local conservative group called United Cape Patriots.
    Last December, while serving her third term on the Assembly, she pushed for local doctors to use hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients. Shitbag Trump had also promoted the same anti-malaria medication for that very purpose.
    Last week, Zuern was one of four people who protested in Provincetown against the state’s VaxBus program. The bus is a mobile vaccination unit to help inoculate rural residents who might lack access to nearby health clinics.
    On her social media, Zuern shared posts claiming that COVID-19 was a man-made virus used by “globalists” to push the “UN Agenda 2030” for a one-world government. She also shared posts pushing the QAnon conspiracy theory and repeating the claim that voter fraud “stole” the 2020 election from Trump.
    Fuck you, Linda Zuern.

  13. #913

  14. #914
    This Bitch: Kim Reynolds

    Iowa’s GQP, QAnon, wingnut, Big Lie supporting asshatted governor, Kim Reynolds says that the problem with rising COVID-19 cases in the United States is unvaccinated immigrants entering the country via the southern border:

    “Part of the problem is the southern border is open and we’ve got 88 countries that are coming across the border and they don’t have vaccines so none of them are vaccinated and they’re getting dispersed throughout the country.”
    Before you go off on another of your unhinged, ill-informed, asshatted infranatant rants, Kimmy, take a look at your own state which has less than half of its citizens are fully vaccinated.
    Clean your own backyard before you start throwing your anti-immigrant mud.

  15. #915
    This Bitch: Wendy Rogers

    Fresh off of calling for overturning the election and basking in the glow of Thing 45's resulting praise, Arizona state GQP Senator Wendy Rogers has sounded the alarm to white supremacists by Tweeting:

    “We are being replaced and invaded.”
    This was in response to a news story about 730,000 migrants who have been caught at the border in Texas this fiscal year. But Roger’s rhetoric echoes the racist ‘great replacement’ myth, which holds that white people are being systematically replaced by non-white immigrants. That myth has been the motive in multiple mass murders in recent years.
    But, you know, as long as they’re murdering all the right, er, non-white, people.
    After some backlash, Rogers went back to Twitter to explain she merely meant:

    "We Americans who love this country are being replaced by people who do not love this country."
    Right, Karen; but then howsabout this Tweet:
    Let’s break this down:

    Indian people are from India; in America we call native peoples Native Americans,
    Redneck is as offensive as “coloreds”.
    Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben are racist icons.
    Lee and Sherman were traitors to this country.
    Wendy Rogers is a lunatic who will do anything and say anything to get noticed.
    Rogers spent ten years trying to convince voters to send her to Congress, going so far as to baselessly accuse a Republican rival of having ties to a sex-trafficking ring in 2018. When that didn’t work, she moved from Tempe to a travel trailer in Flagstaff in 2020, to launch a bid for the Legislature.
    She spent more than a million dollars, running a slash-and-burn campaign against then-Senator Sylvia Allen—saying that one of the most conservative members of the Legislature was “not conservative enough”.
    Rogers touts her membership in the Oath Keepers, the far-right militia group that figured prominently in the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol—which she blames on antifa; she believes the 2020 presidential election was rigged, and is prone to retweeting the moronic rantings of QAnon nutbag Marjorie Taylor Green.
    Arizona? Really? This Bitch?

  16. #916

  17. #917

  18. #918

  19. #919
    Matt Gaetz’s future sister-in-law, Roxanne Luckey, has had enough of Gaetz, and took to TikTok to post three videos slamming him as “weird and creepy” and “a literal pedophile.”
    Thanksgiving is gonna be mighty uncomfortable this year, what with Gatez in prison and all.
    Fingers crossed.
    Racist, repugnant, illiterate, entirely dumb-fucked Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green called a private business’s decision to not admit unvaccinated patrons “segregation” in a Tweet that included a screenshot of a door sign that read:

    The restaurant owners decided that after a few positive COVID cases last week, the rule was necessary. Greene commented:

    “This is called segregation. Will you be testing everyone at the door for the flu, strep throat, stomach bugs, colds, meningitis, aids, venereal diseases, Hep A, Hep C, staff infections, athletes foot, pink eye, croup, bronchitis, ringworm, scabies, or any other contagions?”
    First off, it’s staph infection, you dumb bitch; and I wish Congress would test for ignorance and racism and then drum all of you out of DC.
    On the flip side, the owner of Basilico’s Pasta e Vino in Huntington Beach, California posted a sign on his restaurant door that reads:

    “Notice: Proof of being unvaccinated required. We have zero tolerance for treasonous, anti-American stupidity. Thank you for pondering.”
    I wonder if COVID-19 is on the menu or is just the Daily Special.
    Fox News has condemned an incident during which Dan Bailey confronted Tucker Carlson at a Montana fly-fishing store over the weekend and told the fucker he was the “worst human being known to man.”

    “Ambushing Tucker Carlson while he is in a store with his family is totally inexcusable. No public figure should be accosted regardless of their political persuasion or beliefs simply due to the intolerance of another point of view.”
    Sorry, Fox, it’s called Free Speech. Now, fuck off.*
    *Also Free Speech.

  20. #920
    Mo Brooks, a representative from Alabama, went to that loving rally on Jan. 6 and spoke to the crowd, telling them to “kick ass”, which according to Brooks was all part of the messages of love that were in the air that day. Except. . .

    Mo Brooks is being sued by Congressman Eric Swalwell for that speech, which incited the crowd to riot at the Capitol to deprive Swalwell of his constitutional rights [[Swalwell was there to certify the electoral victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris). Brooks has claimed that his speech was part of his job as a Congressman and that the Department of Justice should defend him against Swalwell. This week the Deprtment of Justice said that inciting insurrection was not part of Brooks’ job and that it will not defend Brooks in that suit. So Brooks is on the hook for mucho legal bills. Maybe he can get his “billionaire” buddy Trump to pitch in a few dubloons.
    And this guy just won’t go away:

    Lindell has become particularly incensed these past few weeks that the Fox network wasn’t planning to cover his upcoming “cyber symposium,” which he’s long hyped would finally unveil incontrovertible evidence proving that Trump won the election. He’s even gone so far as to say recently that the data he would unveil about voting machine fraud would be so compelling that the Supreme Court would reinstate Trump on August 3 with a unanimous ruling.
    So on Thursday night Lindell said that he is pulling his commercials from the network because they won’t run a commercial pushing baseless claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
    P.S. 38% of Tucker Carlson’s ad revenue comes from Lindell.

  21. #921

  22. #922

  23. #923

  24. #924
    Aaron Reitz, Texas' deputy attorney general, has apologized for Tweeting that Simone Biles was a "national embarrassment" when she withdrew from the team gymnastics final. Reitz Tweeted a video of gymnast Kerri Strug, who competed with an injured ankle to help Team USA win gold in 1996, saying:

    "Contrast this with our selfish, childish national embarrassment, Simone Biles."
    Biles, who is from Houston, has mostly received overwhelming support after she pulled out of the team final and then decided not to compete in the women's individual all-around gymnastics final in an effort to focus on her mental health. And in fact, Kerri Strug Tweeted to Biles:

    "Sending love to you @Simone_Biles -Team UNITED States of America."
    And after, and only after, Aaron Reitz’s ignorant Tweet sparked outrage, and after, and only after he eventually deleted it, did he apologize:

    "My personal social media comments do not represent Attorney General Paxton or the office of the attorney general. In a moment of frustration and disappointment, I opined on subjects for which I am not adequately versed. That was an error. I can't imagine what Simone Biles has gone through. Simone Biles is a true patriot and one of the greatest gymnasts of all time. I apologize to her and wish her well."
    And you, Aaron Reitz, are a Bitch.
    Next up, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, er, DeathSantis, who was not in Florida but in Utah speaking to the American Legislative Exchange Council[ALEC] a rightwingnut group that writes “model legislation” for Republican reps to introduce in their home states, much like the vile anti-LGBTQ+ legislation they’d like to see passed, on the very day that the state he governs saw Florida’s daily COVID-19 count soar to more than 16,000 new cases and hospital beds are once again filling up.
    Even more telling of why Ron DeSantis is one of These Bitches is that he spoke to ALEC and mocked the CDC and proclaimed his continued resistance to mandates and lockdowns.
    He did, however, state that this Delta Variant surge is just a “seasonal” thing, much like his idol, Thing 45 said … before 600,000+ Americans died.
    And you, too, Ron DeathSantis, are a Bitch.
    Lastly, we have John Bennett, the chairman of the Oklahoma Republican Party, who posted this on that group’s Facebook page:

    “Private companies requiring employees to get the vaccine are just as bad as the Nazis forcing Jews to sew the yellow Star of David onto their clothes.”
    Yes, he’s actually taking a page from the Marjorie Taylor Greene Book of Lies and Lunacy. And when many in his own party rebuked him for this lunacy, Stark doubled down:

    “The Star of David—when they put that on the Jews, they weren’t sending them directly to the gas chambers. They weren’t sending them directly to the [incinerator]. This was leading up to that.”
    And that is why John Bennett is a Bitch.

  25. #925

  26. #926

  27. #927

  28. #928

  29. #929

    Greg Locke’s church is in Tennessee. What this dick actually said was: “If they go through round two and you start showing up with all these masks and all this nonsense, I will ask you to leave. I’m not playing these Democrat games up in this church.”
    I’m OK with Republicans in Tennessee not wearing masks, especially with the Delta variant making the rounds. I am really, really OK with every Republican in America catching the Delta Covid. But what he said there, about “Democrat games”, that sounds like political speech to me, which means that his “church” is a political operation. It’s time to tax the son of a bitch.
    Now let’s hear from the geniuses in Louisiana:

    This guy is Scott Roe from Baton Rouge. Here’s what he said:
    “Here I am recovering, getting out of here finally tomorrow. Am I going to get a vaccine? No,” he said, as he lay in a bed getting supplemental oxygen at Our Lady of the Lake Medical Center in Baton Rouge.
    The father and small-business owner recently caught COVID-19 and developed pneumonia, but he said he still would not have gotten vaccinated if that meant he could have prevented the infection.
    “I would have gone through this, yes sir,” Roe, who said he’s a Republican, told CBS News’ David Begnaud. “Don’t shove it down my throat. That’s what local, state, federal administration is trying to do – shove it down your throat.”
    When Begnaud asked what was being shoved, Roe said, “Their agenda is to get you vaccinated.”
    *Sigh* Is it me, or are there a lot more assholes than there used to be?

    I’m sure this Louisiana mother didn’t raise her son to be an asshole, but he became one anyway:
    Oh shit, there’s more from Tennessee:

    A conservative radio host in Tennessee who urged listeners not to get vaccinated against Covid-19 has changed track and called on listeners to get the shot, after contracting the virus and ending up in hospital in “very serious condition”.
    In December, Valentine wrote on his blog that former president Donald Trump should get more credit for supporting the swift development of Covid-19 vaccines, but also wrote that “the vaccine isn’t for everyone”.
    He added: “If I decide not to get vaccinated, I’m not putting anyone else’s life in danger except perhaps people who have made the same decision. With this thing being 95% effective, there’s really no way I’m going to infect someone who’s had the shot. That’s if I even get the virus.”
    He claimed that he was“not an anti-vaxxer. I’m just using common sense. What are my odds of getting Covid? They’re pretty low. What are my odds of dying from Covid if I do get it? Probably way less than 1%. I’m doing what everyone should do and that’s my own personal health risk assessment.
    “If you’re not at high risk of dying from Covid then you’re probably safer not getting it. That evokes shrieks of horror from many, but it’s true. I’m weighing the known versus the unknown.”
    On Thursday, July 29, Valentine was put on a ventilator.
    Boo fucking Hoo.
    I don’t even know what to say about this [[below):

    Texas, you get the last word:

    Wait. We’ve been at this Covid thing for a year. And he’s just NOW understanding that it’s real?Do you have to be stupid to be a pastor, or is that a requirement only in the South?

  30. #930

  31. #931
    I Didn't Say It

    Phil Murphy, New Jersey’s Democratic governor, lashed out at a group of protesters objecting to mandatory vaccinations:
    “These folks back there have lost their minds—you’ve lost your minds. You are the ultimate knuckleheads. And because of what you are saying and standing for, people are losing their life. You have to know that. Look in the mirror! Look in the mirror!”
    He also called them the “ultimate knuckleheads” which is the polite way of saying they are dumb AF.
    Now, listen to this “knucklehead” …
    Ron DeSantis, Flori-Duh governor, having a hissy fit at a press conference because this darn Delta variant is ruining his campaign for president:
    “We obviously have some people that are not vaccinated that have been admitted to hospitals. Are you going to sit there, are you going to sit there, and are you going to sit there and criticize, or we going to try to treat and try to help the folks? You know, I’m just sick of the judgment, the judgmental stuff on some of this stuff, nobody’s trying to get ill here, okay? There’s people that were hermits for a year and a half that wore six masks and did that and still contracted it. Let’s not indulge these things that somehow it’s their fault.”
    Um, Ron? Asshat? What are you gonna do to help, rather than head out to Utah and Texas and campaign there?
    We know that no one is trying to get sick, but you sure aren’t doing anything to help.
    The upside? DeathSantis’ poll numbers are falling faster than a lap dancer’s G-string during Fleet Week.
    Rudy Giuliani, going all Nixon on us, saying he is not a crook:’
    “I committed no crime, and if you think I committed a crime, you’re probably really stupid, because you don’t know who I am. Is the guy who put the mafia in jail, terrorists in jail, Ed Koch’s commissioners in jail, and the worst people on Wall Street — I’m not going to file [[a form)? I mean, that’s just crazy. I am more than willing to go to jail if they want to put me in jail. And if they do, they’re going to suffer the consequences in heaven. I’m not, I didn’t do anything wrong.”
    I’m guessing that while those who think he’s a criminal and a traitor might suffer the consequences in Heaven, Rudy will be sweating black hair dye by the gallons on a much lower floor.
    Maria Bartiromo, Fox Business host, saying the Delta Variant is a Democrat plot to win the mid-terms:
    “It’s all quite convenient with a year to go before the midterm elections. It doesn’t appear the Democrats can win on policy so what are we going to do? Have a lockdown in the summer of 2022 so that we ensure mail-in ballots are flowing from empty parking lots and dead people?”
    So this dim bulb is predicting a lockdown for next Summer?
    Take a seat, Karen; the Democrats are the ones getting vaccinated and wearing masks and taking precautions while you and your ilk, spread anti-vax lies even though you took the vaccine.
    Tom Cotton, Arkansas GQP senator, bashing Fauci and the CDC and saying we need to trust politicians:
    “Let me say, nobody elected the CDC. Nobody elected Tony Fauci to make these decisions. Advisers advise, elected officials decide. And the American people elected Joe Biden and the members of Congress and our governors and state legislatures to make these decisions for us. If you just turn these decisions over to a bunch of public health bureaucrats, of course the only thing they’re gonna consider is what they think is in the best interest of public health.”
    I wonder if Cotton realizes that he has now admitted that Biden won the election. He was so caught up in saying we need to trust the likes of Tom Cotton over science and scientists, that he put his loafer in his piehole.
    Ben Carson, at CPAC, saying welfare is worse for the Black community than slavery:
    “When you look at what the Black community has been through, go all the way back to slavery. It was the family, the strong family units and the faith in God that got people through that, that got people through Jim Crow, through severe segregation, through all the difficulties. But what really had a negative impact was when the government came along said, ‘There, there, you poor little thing, I’m going to take care of all your needs’ and started implementing policies that were destructive to the family formation. Those are the things that have hurt the Black communities the most.”
    I’ll remind you again: Carson is a brain surgeon.
    And yet he’s brain dead. Slavery was good for families, you know, until the Master sold your mother and your sister, or worse, raped them; or when he murdered your father or sold him off.

  32. #932

  33. #933
    Name:  60A28783-0FAE-4184-A8C4-F3F67C2FCC1E.jpg
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  34. #934
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    How much clearer do some folks need things to be?
    I mean REALLY????.....

  35. #935

  36. #936
    Name:  69E5A0D5-E673-4D0B-A8A2-F92824E7485A.jpg
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  37. #937

  38. #938

    It’s good to know that, after 17 months of a pandemic, that in Alabama they seem to be catching on:

    Tennessee, not so much. This guy is at it agin:

    [[I encourage you to watch the video. I can’t believe that this guy is a pastor and gets people to go to a church to listen to him but yeah, they do, and I hope they all listen Real Good. Keep them masks off, y’all! We’re thinning the herd!)
    This guy:

    Tennessee state GOP Rep. David Byrd is urging people to take COVID-19 seriously and get vaccinated after his eight-month struggle with the coronavirus, in which he was hospitalized and put on a ventilator for 55 days.
    Here’s the story: In June of 2020, Byrd voted for a resolution that accused the media of sensationalizing the COVID-19 pandemic. Then, last November, he attended a retreat for Republican politicians where they hung out together at barbecues and took several boat tours – everybody was unmasked, of course.
    Then, the day before Thanksgiving, about a week after that Republican germ fest, Byrd was diagnosed with COVID-19 and admitted to the hospital on December 5. He says, “I got sicker and sicker, and more and more anxious,” he said. “Every breath was pure agony.”
    When his lungs got better, his liver started to fail, and he developed jaundice, again putting him at risk of death, he said. Overall, he spent eight months in the hospital and a rehabilitation facility, he added.
    “Up until that point in my life, I’ve been pretty healthy and active.”[[ACTIVE and HEALTHY? Look at his photo. He’s obese and he looks as if just sitting up makes him sweaty and flushed)
    “Foolishly, I believed this virus only seriously affected people who are at high risk. “
    Byrd said he hoped that sharing his experience would show that the virus is “an enemy that knows no skin color, economic status or political affiliation.”
    I’m wondering what took him 8 months to come out and try to convince people that COVID is real. Was he afraid that he wouldn’t bet invited to this year’s Republican clam bake if he “came out” as a believer?
    And here’s a big Yay for Texas:

    This headline doesn’t spell it out, but H. Scott Apley died of Covid. One down, so many more to go.

  39. #939

  40. #940
    Fucker Carlson’s trip to Hungary ended on Friday when he took to the lying hypocritical airwaves of Fox News with an unhinged rant begging America to adopt stringent immigration laws similar to that of Viktor Orbán’s “illiberal democracy.” Be more like Hungary, he begged, describing immigrants to this as “chaos and filth and crime growing all around us.”
    Funny little Fucker, because we’re ALL immigrants to this country unless we are descendants of Native Peoples, and think about all the “good” that the white people have done for Native Peoples.
    Stole their land.
    Forced them onto reservations.
    Moved them forcibly.
    Murdered them.
    Treated them as second-class citizens.
    Appropriated their culture.
    We were welcomed by Native People until we showed our true colors. And why, after showing the world how we treat Native People, would anyone want to come here.

  41. #941

  42. #942

  43. #943

  44. #944

  45. #945
    Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor of California, on anti-maskers:
    “Screw your freedom, because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities. We cannot just say, ‘I have the right to do X, Y and Z.’ When you affect other people, that is when it gets serious. You cannot say, ‘No one is going to tell me that I’m going to stop here, that I have to stop at this traffic light here. I’m going to go right through it.’ Then you kill someone else, and then it is your doing.”
    I like the anger and the outrage but the MAGAts don’t seem to get the idea, even when their own family members are dropping like flies.
    Lamar Jackson, Baltimore Ravens quarterback, says he was infected twice with COVID-19 in the last eight months but remains noncommittal on getting the vaccine:
    “I just got off the COVID list. I got to talk to my team about this and see how they feel about it. Keep learning as much as I can about it. We’ll go from there.”
    I learned that 600,000+ Americans have died from this, but apparently that’s not enough information for Jackson. I hope his team kicks him to the curb so he doesn’t infect them since he’s such an easy target for the virus.
    PS Judging by that photo, the first step is teaching Lamar how to wear a mask.
    Johnny Weir, Olympic figure skater, out gay man and fabulous human, coming for one of Thing 45’s “lawyers, Jenna Ellis, who said this about Johnny’s clothing:Bring back the days when boys cared about growing up to be actual men’:
    “The man I’ve grown into is a human that embraces the strength of the man & woman who raised me to be myself. If you feel squashed by the boot of someone else’s beliefs, remember you are free to live your life the way YOU believe. Also, religion isn’t an excuse for hate.”
    Methinks Jenna’s just a jealous angry wreck and needs to vent on something since her whole Big Lie lawsuit, and her large posterior, were kicked to the curb by the courts.
    Jenna, honey, on your best day you will never be as fabulous as Johnny on his worst day.

  46. #946
    While this makes me smile, it also proves that MAGAts don’t pay attention, don’t think, don’t read.
    During Thing 45’s losing presidential bid, his campaign tried to pull a fast one on their less than educated minions by opting online donors into automatic recurring contributions. And, since his MAGAt minions did not see the box to opt out of the weekly money grabs, they unwittingly kept on giving; so much so that Thing 45 and the GOP have been ordered to return $12.8 million—or 20% of all they raised—to his donors.
    Grifters gonna grift and MAGAts are gonna get taken.
    Rudy Giuliani has admitted to DOJ investigators that he was lying when he announced in the lead up to the 2016 presidential election he’d heard “rumors” about the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails from “active” FBI agents. Rudy now admits he “had not been in contact with any active FBI agents in October 2016.”
    He lied. Surprise!
    PS Rudy Giuliani has joined Cameo, an online service that allows users to purchase customized videos from participating “celebrities.”
    Somebody needs coins.

  47. #947
    What is serpent DNA?


    Serpent DNA is likely to be a reference to the "lizard people" conspiracy theory associated with QAnon. It falsely purports that reptilian aliens secretly run the world and have taken over important positions in government, banking and Hollywood. The conspiracy theory contends that powerful people worldwide are actually human-lizard hybrids.

  48. #948
    Who knew that Norman Rockwell was still with us?

  49. #949

  50. #950


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